WAS HE WRONG?? Tyreek Hill Bodycam ARREST Footage (REACTION)

don't confuse silence for work ethic I'm a boss making decisions my first fetish the verse cherish is perfect that's a reverse blemish I dropped it connected the block learn Tetris this is thecast bulog and shout out to the Y what's good everybody it's your boy ARP and we back with the is true podcast I hope that y'all appreciating the pace you know what I'm saying I'm trying to stay on all these topics um as busy as as life could get for all of us you know I'm here I'm here I'm here I know y'all could catch me five o'clock in the morning y'all could catch me it's what lunchtime right now I gotta get some more evening and some more night lives in I gotta make a make a habit of trying to sneak those in as well for the subscribers that are on at night but um yeah turn your notifications on Subs subscribe to the channel y'all like comment and share the video for your boy man you know let's keep this thing moving all right we got an interesting one right here um if you follow the NFL and you probably don't even have to follow the NFL to have heard about this one uh it's being debated right now that the best player in the league is Tyreek Hill right him Patrick momes uh that was just big news and and big Sports Talk that was going on in any event Tyreek Hill you know for those that don't really watch uh the NFL or follow the NFL too closely he's one of the best players out there um he is uh his nickname is the cheetah considered one of the if not the current fastest wide receiver in the league um and the man pussing work okay and anytime we get some of these big artists these big movie stars these big entertainers these big um sports figures that end up in news headlines you know whether it be controversial whether it be um them getting in trouble with law you know it tends to go you know worldwide news uh media headlines uh CNN headlines and rightfully so and the reason why I felt like this video right here was important is because um first of all as a black man we we have a a a kind of um a reflex response to um overaggressive police obviously police brutality um excessive force you know we come up knowing knowing about that get being taught about that experiencing that um when you get to the whole movements that we've seen that have gone you know National and worldwide news black lives matter and you know we have some of these these murders I'm going to take it there you know and call some of these situations where we've watched on film Police Murder black men and and you know it's it's An Occurrence that that is is a nightmare to us and it's disgusting behavior from law enforcement at times but we owe ourselves the responsibility to not only stay aware of police Behavior but as well as how to conduct ourselves when we're confronted by authorities this video right here I already glanced through some of the most controversial pieces and I might say some things that might piss some of y'all off but I feel like it's my responsibility to say them and as well I'm also going to call out the wrongs on both sides so I hope y'all don't get mad but y'all realize that this is the Saria true channel right and we're gonna talk about it let me get this volume up for y'all there we go all right big screen now I don't hear any volume yet now if y'all peep the video let me go back let me go back a little small step this is the first thing that I'm noticing here so police officer on the left starts to put his helmet on as if he's getting ready to you know take off and we don't see Tyreek Hills car come pass yet so what are they gearing up for like how did they know that he was going to be passing by and speeding so we're not going to be naive we're not going to say like oh this is some big elaborate setup to catch an NFL star and you know this big public moment or catch somebody with money or or these fancy cars the police officers were hating you know there's all types of reasons why this could be happening right happens with motorcycles a lot actually I think it happens with motorcycles the most you'll see scenarios where these motorcycles and they'll Breeze down these highways doing like a buck 20 a buck 40 a buck 50 and it's even a a a higher liability of chasing motorcycles due to the two wheel nature of somebody freaking out and having having an possibly killing themselves but I'm not trying to say that that's why cops won't give Chase right away right these motorcycles sometimes be the hardest thing is to keep up with or the chase after and what they'll do is they'll radio ahead right they'll radio like let's say you know 10 15 20 30 miles ahead you got a red sports bike that's coming he passed up he passed me up you know at Exit XYZ and um he was doing about 150 keep a heads up so then exits down miles miles down the interstate or the highway way police can start the gear up and get ready okay I'm pretty sure he's going to be speeding when he passes me too we're gonna catch him down here that could be a case here that could be a case here another scenario could be you know you got these very fast cars and motorcycles sometimes you can hear like you have a trained ear to these things as police officers to hear a speeding vehicle quite a ways down the road you know like you could just hear it whether it's the engine sound or the speed and and for whatever reason I don't want to just jump out the window and clim conspiracy theory of saying why does it look like they gearing up before Tyreek Hill even passes but we want to offer up that reminder as well as that happens you can get calls ahead from speeding V Vehicles so he's coming he's coming everybody else is about speed limited looks like because they look like they all doing the same boom there goes on the left that was Tyreek Hills black sports beautiful luxury car I don't know what it was McLaren something but yeah you saw him Breeze by here they go giv and Chase ready to pull him [Music] over now where is my sound here I know we got some sound going we need that sound hold on one second yall let me go back and make sure that we got sound you gota go before okay we do got sound I just want to go for it real quick I got y'all okay cool all right let's go back a second am forward all right so he catches up to him Tyreek pulls over like he's supposed to do but he wants him to pull up a little bit more sometimes when you pull over in a certain spot they want to be in a more off the side or get on the shoulder type of spot all right so nothing nothing crazy here pretty routine he says pull up a little bit more for him okay no big deal y we got him here 6 speaking early of a loud car right you hear that thing rumbling man that's a beautiful car I ain't gonna lie to [Music] you hey don't knock on my window like all right let's let's stop let's stop let's stop this is important y'all this is very important so the very first interaction was pull up further right before they he was able to get off his bike and walk up to Tyreek Hill's window the next interaction he walks up Tyreek Hill's windows are still up okay they're still up and the guy knocks on the window boom boom Tyreek Hill lows the window a little bit and the first thing he says to the police officer hey don't knock on my window like that man that's the very first interaction as far as the cop going up to the call why don't you have your seat Bel on don't knock on my window why don't you have your seat Bel on knock my window like that like what don't knock on my window like why you have it up don't knock on my window all right so now he's continuing they're both continuing the don't knock on my window like that don't knock on why don't you have your seat Bel on so he's now he's seeing the second thing and Tyreek Hill continues don't knock so now Tyreek Hill is kind of like asserting himself a little bit more as just as much as Dan and Authority I'm not answering your questions I'm telling you what to do police officer or not I'm telling you what to do and let's be let's be real it's an aggressive tone it's an aggressive tone and I could wait to the end but I might as well just go there now people this is why this video was important to me not just oh some celebrity NFL football starred and got arrested and let's watch the footage together you know what's real important to me he's already breaking certain rules of safety and survival as a black man as a driver as a public figure he's breaking a lot of rules let's just go to safety let's not care about the fact that it's Tyreek Hill let's talk about as if it's anybody in the chat let's talk about if it's me let's talk about if it's you let's talk about if it's your little son your little daughter that just got their license and they just started to drive what I was taught taught growing up in New York driving nice cars you get pulled up because I had tinted windows too you get pulled over the first thing you do is you put your windows down why is that especially if you have tent the reason why is because these police officers I know where stand off is the police that's that's our culture that's how we come up we grow up being taught [ __ ] the police [ __ ] them pigs and all that I pay your taxes and all that type of [ __ ] we don't [ __ ] with the police that's part of our culture that's how we are raised right but when you get past a certain level of ignorance and you get to a certain level of maturity right and and realizing my job is to get home my job is to stay safe my job is to survive my job is to protect my life you got to realize like these cops their job is to is to uphold the law right whether they're the [ __ ] type of cop the the the Bad Apple out of the bunch or whether they are pristine great police officers because there's good and there's bad cops out of there I met both you know what I'm saying I met cops that hold me down and be like man I caught you speeding I'm gonna give you a tailgate and ticket gone and get out of here and I'm like damn man I appreciate that and I and I encountered other ones that were straight [ __ ] right but in these scenarios the reason why they say put your windows down especially if they're tinted is because these police be scared because they don't know who they W walking up on they don't know if that's Tyreek Hill they don't know if that's a drug dealer they don't know if that's a convicted felon they don't know look at the training day um opening scene right I'll use movies but art imitates life you see when they're sitting down at eating breakfast and he explains the story to Denzel and he's like yeah and I pull him over I turn boom boom boom boom turns out was on his way to commit a murder and danzel was like oh look at that good job right point being you don't know who you're pulling over especially in state you got Florida and and and and Texas and Atlanta and Virginia certain these southern states that are carry states you don't even need a license to have a gun in your car and all that type of stuff you don't know if the person's having a b you don't know who you're pulling over so these cops be on edge I'm not trying to justify it because technically if you took the job you accepted the responsibility and you're supposed supposed to be trained you're supposed to be patient you're supposed to be able to handle these situations even if you're dealing with somebody in a car that's disgruntled irate rude agitated all of that you're supposed to be as the trained police officer you're supposed to be trained to be able to deal with that but these are still human beings and they don't know who they walking up on so people in the chat teach your kids teach each other they get pulled over by the police put your [ __ ] windows down because when they can't see inside they scared especially if they just see a a little small piece of you through the through the tent moving around they don't know if you're reaching for a gun they don't know if you're trying to hide something real quick they don't [ __ ] know it's not worth it I'm not trying to say that we're wrong for trying to keep our window up a I'm not trying to say that but if the mission is to get home safe and to make this cop feel like he don't need to draw his gun on me then we got to swallow our ego and our pride y'all we got to change the way that we C up I come up being I have I have a joint on my record for for disobeying a police officer because I came up like that thinking that like who you think you all of that and then I get older and I realize like that's not the mission that's not the mission I don't know how old Tyreek Hill is he damn sure ain't my age I'm an old [ __ ] man so Tyreek Hill hasn't gotten to a place of maturity or learning despite his his his success where I don't need to interact with police like this that's not the mission right or wrong that's not the mission put my windows down put my windows down and then if I handle my license and registration insurance or whatever the case may be right you don't in his face put the window back up if he's still standing there the only time that for me I've ever put my windows back up if I had the cops behind me is if it was like winter something like that I didn't gave him my license my registration insurance and he walked back to the car I see him in the rear view get in his car he starts to run my license run my information and I put my window back up but the whole time while they sitting in that car what do we do we looking in the rearview we waiting until he's done the moment I see him get out his car and start to walk back up to my car with my ticket or whatever it's going to be I put my windows back down front and Rears if you got a four door that's the mission the mission is not to be arrogant and to say I didn't do nothing wrong you we may not have done nothing wrong but we still do live here in America and this is how it's set up there's a lot of these third world countries that we could move to and say I don't want to deal with these type of police or nothing like but we have we we can't take the bad with the good and the good without the bad that's how it goes he got this multi multi multi-million de Tyreek Hill he could enjoy the fruits of his lab labor and his talent and his success but he happens to also Liv in lands that have laws right or wrong even if he was doing 30 miles per hour and got pulled over inaccurately the mission is get this Cop Out My Face I didn't want to rant that long for that PE but that kills me y'all like when we be seeing these people on Instagram and whatnot and they want to play with the cops they want to roll the window down like this just to just to be tough just to now it's one thing if you really are in fear your life and you're invoking your rights right but if the mission is I don't fear for my life I'm not scared of this cop right now I didn't really do nothing wrong and if I was speeding okay let me get my ticket I'm gonna get up out of here boom here you go officer show him a little courtesy I'm not trying to say they knees kneecaps or nothing give them a little courtesy give them a little respect hopefully they give you some respect back if they don't give you no respect in return then I would shut up then now I'm not even I'm not giving you no courtesy I'm just gonna shut up yeah here you go thank you one word answer is nope yep here you go that's it that's the mission no why you have it up I have to knock to let you know I'm here that way can lower and talk to you let get my ticket bro so I can go I'm going to be late G you got do even the way talking to him just give my ticket bro so before I be late gang like like we I know us as people and how we talk but we spoken on this channel before about different environments we all do it those of y'all that have nine of fives and walk into a corporate America office you don't walk into your office talking to your peers and your managers the same way you when you out of work and you sitting in the living room playing Spades with your family and your friends we don't you don't talk the same you don't talk the same when you walk into a room of business where you're about to sign a contract you don't talk the same if you walk into a room with your grandparents or your parents you don't talk the same right why you talking to this cop like like like like he like that's the thing that that be kicking cops ass too they be like yo listen I know a r nobody Li likes us whether I'm an [ __ ] myself or not right but you want to degrade me like like I might really feel that way but I don't got time to play those games that you like yo I pay my taxes pay your bills I make triple this car c with you making a year I don't need to degrade you that's not the mission for me I don't give a [ __ ] about you I want this to be the first of the last time I we ever see each other in life right just give me what I I need to go ganger like don't be acting Larger than Life like a little courtesy sometimes goes a long way and once again I know that there's [ __ ] cops out there I didn't dealt with them but I dealt with the cool ones too hey man you know why I pulled you over real true story not a big story just a true story you know I pulled you over yes off I know you pull me over why did I pull you over I think I was over the speed limit all right stay right there goes back five 10 minutes comes back with a tailgate and Joint now I don't think this is points this ain't gonna be points on your license boom boom you take care of that you're good thank you I appreciate your honesty do me a favor man slow down for the rest of your ride man I don't need you getting hurt or you hurt hurting somebody else you're right Officer I appreciate that I pull the [ __ ] off I it I had another situation over with the disobeying joint where similar to Tyreek man younger me didn't want to put my windows down now not because I was playing like him but because I was in New York and I didn't want to get it matter of fact reverse my bad I screwed it up I didn't want to put my windows up yes that was a story I don't want to put my I was driving through Stapleton projects leaving my father's crib was in an S-Class uh Mercedes four door big body joint right I watch in my rearview the cops pass me and bus a U-turn behind me and pull me over I put soon as I watched them in my rearview pull a U-turn I put all my windows down because I knew I wasn't speeding I knew all my paperwork was good I knew that the only thing that they was gonna have me on was tinted windows and in New York boy oh boy they don't be playing with the [ __ ] tinted windows it's not the South they don't be playing with tinted windows in New York it's like you feel like you got a gun on your hip when you driving in a car that got tinted Windows you like like I'm so illegal right now they kill you over [ __ ] tinted windows in New York I put all my windows down and he had the little [ __ ] [ __ ] ass meter in his hand which is really a ploy because they can give you a ticket for any entt on a car but they do that to make sure that you don't fight it so they test it and say oh yeah it's 5% they that's a little Ploy right so he's got the little thing in his hand he's asking me he's like yo put your windows up I want to test them and I said why do I have to put them up he said because I asked you to I said they were down when you pulled me over he said you're not going to put them up I said they were down when you pulled me over I was being combative my voice was probably way like more elevated than this or whatever but I wasn't complying he said all right wait right there he went in the back of his car and we stood there for about 30 [ __ ] minutes I forgot I had somewhere to be too for like 30 minutes he kept me there when he finally got out the car he had like four different tickets one was disobeying a police officers and all types of BS that he gave me when I finally got into um stand in front of the judge and the judge said why didn't you put the windows your windows up when when a police off officer asked you I said I didn't know that I had to they were already down judge threw it out for me so I got some leniency there you know what I'm saying but I didn't even have to make it to a judge we got to take a day off of work and get down there and stay for the judge and figure out am I gonna get my license suspended or or some community service or BS because I didn't want to put my windows up and just take a tent ticket I wanted to be combative so he sat me there and he gave me four or five different tickets instead you want to be a little [ __ ] all right all right Mr Young Mercedes I got you that's that's what the attitude that I gave him so I've seen it both I've seen it both man I'm not naive man and the way Tyreek is is talking to this dude he's [ __ ] on him he's [ __ ] on him keep it down window back up again keep your window down you see all that right there that's crazy to me that that's what I'm scared of because I know how fearful fearful the cops are right there where the cop knocks on the window and says keep your window down and Tyreek Hill is not putting it back down and he's all in there grabbing the seat and moving around and all that I'm scared they drawing at that point because these cops that they can't even fully see inside now I already told you I want the window down you already playing me like a sucker you talking to me like some chump you put the window back up now I gotta watch your little white te inside if he wasn't wearing a white T I probably wouldn't even see that moving White Moving and jumping around and all you're making me comfortable too at bare minimum I'm taxing you up with these tickets it's just all unwarranted it's not needed and I'm not trying to say that the end result of this makes Tyreek Hill fully in the wrong and we're GNA get there but this process right here is something that I felt was important for us to share with each other and say we can't teach each other to act like this with with authorities I don't give two shits about these cops that want to pull us over when we feel like we're not doing nothing neither now if you speeding I feel a little different about that these days right I used to speed as a kid and as a teenager and in my young early 20s and all that catch me doing a 100 110 120 thinking I got somewhere to be first time I really started stop slowing down is because I got in trouble I got some tickets and the way to keep my license get points off of it I had to go to offensive uh driving course and they did this mathematical equation on the board that shows you the difference between if you like driving 60 70 80 90 miles per hour and how much time you actually save going from like this point and this amount of mileage to this point and it just it wasn't worth it and I finally started to slow down then I had another you know Gap in life where I just told myself like I'm over it like there's a million ways to die do I really want to be like oh I killed myself because I was doing a buck 10 trying to get to Atlantic City no I you rarely catch me going more than 80 miles per hour these days so as far as people that speed I have a different feeling towards them now at this point in my life I don't [ __ ] with people at speed when I be on the highway doing my little 80 and somebody pass me I'm like you gonna kill somebody you're gonna hurt somebody and that's what happens too they don't just [ __ ] themselves up they [ __ ] up the person that was only doing 40 m 50 miles per hour too possibly kill him or some [ __ ] so I don't [ __ ] with that you know I mean but okay cool give me my speeding ticket but all of this [ __ ] is just escalation and extra it's not worth it hey ask keep your window down keep your window down I'm going to get you out of the car as a matter of fact get out of the car get out of the car break that fre window get out of the car out get out of the car right now we're not playing this game get out get out get out get out get out damn what he said damned I'm getting arrested all right so the piece of this that I guess I could try to get more on Tyreek Hill's side of it is by the time you open that door and you're looking at Tyreek Hill you show me the difference between you feeling like it's Tyreek Hill a threat versus you're in payback mode and you're expressing your own personal frustration that's what I don't [ __ ] with the police officers in this situation about cuz as we said when we first started the stream you're supposed to be trained to deal with all different types of people you're supposed to be the most calm person on the scene when everybody else is yelling and scream you ever see those videos where like somebody standing in the cop's face like what [ __ ] like like do something get out of here suck my dick whatever and the cop is just sitting like okay matter of fact moo had a simmer situation right shout out to Moo right the police were there and moo was he was up he was turned up how about you fight me and blah blah and C just standing there right that's what I expect from law enforcement I expect them to be the calmist in the situation because that's the part of the job that you're you're here to Serve and Protect no I understand there's other times we got to uphold the law and it requires maybe some force and some aggression but you're supposed to be the most under control so as much as I just killed Tyreek hill now I want to say this part right here because the seconds matter and sometimes even a split seconds you want to know know why I need to blame a police officer at times for not applying the seconds or even a split seconds because you carry a gun to use deadly force if need be so that one second that Split Second of not making the right decision the police officer could could take somebody's life and we've seen that happen a million times that split that one that's what that's what I don't like about this point in the video right here Tyreek killed that toughness left him but time I'm break this we're not I'm done now now I give up now get out right by the time you open that door and you see that them seconds processing he's not a threat oh now you want to comply damn my bad I'm getting out okay you need to calm this down a little bit too you could still you want to detain him still you still want to put him on the ground you still want to handcuff him you still feel like he need you need to settle him down too because maybe he can get out of control cool but I could see and I could hear in the police officer movements and what they're saying at this point how forceful it is that I guess that their argument can be at this point we don't want to take any risk that would be their argument but there's another argument that could be had like yo this looks like a Revenge moment this looks like a Revenge moment it looks like you're frustrated by Tyreek Hill not want to roll down his window and that's why you went to this piece right here it's like all right let me let me show you my turn so you know I I could I could give a piece back to Tyreek Hill you know sorry it's true but we're not going to do the symptoms we're going to do the root cause right I'm getting arrested Drew I'm getting up God damn when we tell you to do something you do it you understand you understand not you want hey um AEL Ray salute to you man I appreciate this comment I'm glancing a couple here you said say or do what you want just don't touch me you know what that goes for that goes for everybody law enforcement like that's the attitude right there we got to be careful of got to be careful of that as and that's why I'm speaking the way that I'm speaking because I'm like yo we gotta we gotta calm our kids down because I gave stories of when I was there too we gotta calm our kids down and explain I don't want you to sacrifice your pride I don't want you to sacrifice your your principles as a man I don't want you to be anybody's sucker in the world I don't care whether it's a Civ or cop I don't want you to have to be anybody's sucker but I want you to understand the mission when it comes to dealing with police and what could be something as simple as a speeding ticket stop right I want us to understand the mission if we can think bigger and say the mission is to get this cop the hell away from me get him back in his car and me get in my car and go wherever the hell I was on my way to going we don't get here we don't get shot hopefully hopefully we don't get pulled out the car hopefully we don't get abused they still might [ __ ] us over right I'm being real they still might but like to say or do what you want just don't touch me right how about this if you don't want anybody to ever put their hands on you cop or anybody then there's ways to maneuver that right like let's say you don't never want somebody to you in the face in the middle of a boxing ring never step in the ring I don't want to box I'm not gloving up right you could avoid confrontations that avoids physicality right you cannot argue with police that might you know spare you from having to get pulled out of your car so what's the mission don't go to jail don't get killed don't miss out on where I'm headed right now don't get somebody put their hands on me then we got to maneuver we got to navigate this [ __ ] cuz this is where we liveing this is what it is out there see we can continue to be ignorant and say I don't give a [ __ ] I'm going to do what I'm going to do and you got to adapt to me there's a lot of people sitting in jail and sitting in a grave for thinking that the world's going to adapt to them at some point we got to realize like it's not about my pride or my ego even always my principles as a man because I can find a way to keep all three of those things intact but just be smart enough to navigate nav navigate I don't feel like I'm putting down my pride my ego or have to get touched if that cop walks up on my car I already got my windows down and I say how you doing you know I pulled you over no I don't I pulled you over for speeding okay you got license registration Insurance yep give them to me I got them in the glove box can I reach for it yeah go grab it okay there you go stay right here okay he walks back to his car if he wants to give me a ticket gives me a ticket comes back yeah this is what ticket you show up here you pay it you want to contest appreciate it we just saw that video with L baby right Lil Baby got pulled over um he was trying to ask the cop to speed up because he didn't like sitting there with his window down as a celebrity whatever area he was in he didn't want to be seen I guess probably somewhere in Atlanta like man I'm trying to be on the low you got me out here in this super expensive car my windows down and all that like getting the ticket man I got I need to give more but the way that little baby was talking to the cop he was never disrespectful he was courteous he never demean the police officer he didn't make the the piece the police officer feel like a piece of [ __ ] or feel like he was lesser because I just pulled over this $500,000 truck little baby didn't do none of that Li baby stuck to the mission you think Li baby [ __ ] with police no he stuck to the mission and what he do he got a little ticket got stuff back he even told the K I appreciate it appreciate it and his little foreign accent appreciate it and he pulled off the mission is bigger especially if we got kids at home the mission is bigger homie so I respect what you're saying and I'm move with with the same rules don't touch me but you got to navigate this this [ __ ] man you gotta navigate it we tell you you're little [ __ ] confused I'm too late all right take do what you got to do we are we will good good bro it is good hey hey don't worry about i h up the pH stop cry nothing TN I ain't do nothing twin so there's more of it you know his man hops out and he ends up getting into it with the police too um I do appreciate that um I want my people to protect me record help me out but not at the expense where it's both of us like let's let's let's figure out how you can help me and we can get the win instead of the two losses now you know what I'm saying yeah record it keep it distance if the if the cops is acting our rate like I don't be doing that neither you know what I'm saying like I've been there when I was young I had that mentality when I was young cop hey move back move back what you mean this public property I could stand here like we all I felt that way when I was younger too you know what I'm saying I got older man it's just a different Mission it's a different Mission don't make you a sucker man you you don't even have to sometimes be get get to the point where somebody might try to treat you like a sucker if you move a certain way and now we both get to pull off with our pride and ego intact you know what I'm saying so this this video right here like I said I don't like that a police officer is supposed to be trained to be the calest in these situations I don't like the fact that the police officer is supposed to be trained to identify threats and levels of I guess aggression and force required within seconds because that's why they put that gun on their hip right I think that he miscalculated that a little bit when he pulled Tyreek Hill out I do admit that and I also think that he had a little bit of personal payback mode and frustration that he was expressing that's not professional to me so I think the police officers is wrong with that but you don't get there unless Tyreek Hill treated him like that you don't get there unless Tyreek Hill is make doing them steps where he's trying to be combative and not following protocol of not putting these cops in danger of making them uncomfortable but not only am I going to let you pull up on me with my windows up but even while you're standing in here I'm going to put him back up and when you're asking to put him down I'm still going to keep that's like three wrongs I told y'all man no cop could pull me over and my windows are still up I ride with tents all the time no cop is ever gonna pull me over and my windows is down because my mission is they gonna [ __ ] around and think that I'm hiding something so let me put my windows down because these [ __ ] be scary a lot of cops be scary you got scary police you got you got trigger itchy itchy finger police you got police that are interacting with people where there's a cultural difference and divide they don't understand the person fully that they dealing with you got all this stuff I could possibly cancel all that out just by put my window down nobody wants to trade spots nobody wants to say yo you know what I'd rather get thrown on the ground get arrested and taken to jail you know what I'm saying and have to having to you know get do this whole speech on the podium after my game you know I'd rather do that instead of just take my speed and ticket nobody would trade that nobody and that's the last thing I'm going to say before I close out Tyreek Hill young man successful man we all got his back you know we all praise him and we love his talents and and we love the entertainment that he's brought to the NFL that's the last thing I'm gonna say about Tyreek Hill that we got to teach our our our people and our kids to do better Tyreek Hill he he makes it to his game he scores a touchdown and his touchdown celebration is with his hands behind his back as if he's handcuffed and then his teammate as if he's holding his hand walking him handcuffed I think that's that's that's for lack of better words that's a disgrace to our people I thought I was getting out of here no I'm not done I think that's a disgrace to our people we glamorize and and and glorify getting arrested too much there's too many of us in there right so here you are NFL Superstar you got possibly millions of people watching you on TV you score a touchdown and what do you do you do a celebration dance to glorify or to joke on or to rag on getting arrested this is why these kids be out here thinking that it's cool this is why they be thinking like you get nine lives like a cat like oh I'm gonna be a Marty like oh I catch shoot this person whatever put this strikes on my jacket you're going to go to jail you're going to throw your life away or you're going to get yourself killed sooner or later but we glamorize so much I know we it's a deeper topic if I went into the music and all that type of stuff I get it but some of us in this world are able to separate our entertainment from our real life my entertainment is my music and my movies right Tyreek Hill you're neither one you're a football player you're a football player I'm able to look at these rapping and say oh he don't mean that he's Rapp he's just trying to make a club I'm able to separate my music well even if it's a drill rapper that's really about that that doesn't mean that he influence infuences me Tyreek Hill you're known for for for scoring touchdowns and being a one of the best wide receivers of all time and and and breaking records that's what you're known that's what these kids look up to you for that's what they look in you that's what they tune in the TV to watch you for and collect your jerseys and want your autograph for and all that type of stuff getting up there in the back of the end zone and doing a celebration dance about you getting arrested is a disgrace to our people that's what we going to show the world and then you got these kids probably thinking that it's fun somewhere in this world there's a kid that's playing hand touch football or something like that this weekend gonna catch a touchdown and he's gonna he's gonna do the same thing Tyreek Hill just did he gonna emulate him it's no different than these kids they they want to be Jordan they want to jump up and and pose like him in the air stick their tongue out while they in the air and all that [ __ ] these kids emulate these people because they're that they're Heroes to to these kids that's a horrible celebration and I'm pretty sure Tyreek Hiller he feels very Justified on standing his ground as far as what them cops did but if he ever was going to apologize for something it would be that that touchdown dance and you don't even got to apologize hey kids all y'all kids that want my autographing look up to me I want y'all to know that that that touchdown celebration I did that ain't it that ain't it I was joking but that was a bad joke I apologize for that that's crazy man that's crazy that's we can't we can't am we got a we we got a teach Y is better than that like I said there's already enough of us in there so to glamorize it and show these kids that it's something funny and cool now that was poor taste Tyreek other than that it is what it is man sorry it's true [Music]

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