Jones, Billings, Robinson on depth chart and getting reps | Chicago Bears

how's it going everybody two uh possessions two scoring drives what how would you kind of assess the uh first team offense against the Buffalo Bills yeah I mean uh first I would just say um thought we did a great job operating and having you know clean looks getting to the line and getting plays off um was just a really good job um felt really confident with everybody um I think we for myself to finish better down there in you know the low area uh low goal Zone trying to get uh touchdowns and not fill goals but um other than that I think uh everything looked really good operationally third and 12 um converting looked really good though what was on that the pass to DJ on third down what worked so well with the protection because Caleb go like you can just see how much time he had to go through this prush yeah I mean I think uh just starting with o line um we had a you know really good protection and that's what we're trying to do is block as long as possible and um I mean Caleb's just doing what he's been doing um he's looked incredibly confident and that's what we've been seeing at practice so he just stepped up made the throw and then we converted it and continued to go down and score a field goal but in terms of the protection looked good back on film and just stepped up made a good throw and um completed it so was back today PRI was with you in the game B was in before that what were the challenges for you when the guy next well the guy on the right side right guard changes so much I guess they really problem that I mean as a whole unit I it it does a like guess kind of affect us but not really I mean there's guys in and out um all the time you deal with injury um it just being able to adjust and being able to adjust what certain guy is in I'm sure um that it's a open line of communication with Darnell and stuff like that being over there on the right side and those right side players but we all adjust and just roll as you know roll As It Go whoever's in there we're going to get the best five rolling and we're going to get going he all the time how important the continuity chemistry on the offensive line is it is it really that important or can you adjust kind of to whatever's out there I mean I think you know we playing football at the highest level so I mean obviously it's super important obviously some of the best lines in football have played you know five six years all together in the same system and and that's kind of why they're the best but at the end of the day we all are the best players and then NFL and so it's it it matters but you still got to go in and operate when something does happen um there's so many injuries in this league and I just think being able to adjust is obviously a big thing too but like I said the continuity and um running with the same guy for the whole camp or two three years really does matter but at the same time we got to be able to adjust and play football so when you went back when you went back and watch the film on DeAndre Swift's big screen pass what what kind of stood out on that play um I just think it was just us executing I think we've been executing those screen passes in practice and that's kind of what we've been doing so I expected uh for us to have a big gain on that um play I think for myself just finished a little bit deeper in the pocket um just for Caleb to get that ball out but I mean you know he made a great play Swift made a great play and I think our o line did a great job um getting out in space and getting the right assignments and getting everything blocked up and ended up in an explosive play that Caleb was the same in the game situation that he is and practice did that surprise you were you expecting anything different than that uh to be honest no I just I've been seeing him make you know plays that are sporadic and just you know a little bit different than maybe other guys but yeah I mean he just did what he was he was going to do and I thought the whole time he was going to be like that he nice and Poise and just did his thing I mean he's Caleb so got seven drop backs but did you see a lot of the bull rush how do you think you've come along with that throughout Camp uh yeah I mean as camps progress I definitely think it's gotten a lot better for myself I'm starting to really see the numbers to me when I get back in my set and I really see those numbers and and starting to punch them and anchoring anchoring down on it a lot better so I'm starting to see it a lot quicker I still think there's just uh some improvement when they're attacking my you know inside shoulder but other than that um I'm definitely getting better each day up and down days on the offensive line the camp but when you guys got out there it looked like you were five guys that knew what you needed to do ready to go you guys operated really well is the defense that you're seeing here throwing things at you that were I I guess more difficult than maybe what you saw in the first preseason game so you're talking like our defense yeah your yeah they I mean you know um I think it's camp and um we're trying to you know it's good on good all through Camp so you know things are going to happen and things AR going to look pretty all the time in Camp and I just think when you get to a game situation too like it's it's different opponents they don't know you um and you know it it's just it's a a different feel for the game and you can you know it's a lot more crisp it's not as much going on everybody knows each other knows what what you're running have been we've been watching you know our D line for weeks on in so it's I think it's just a new field to look at the bills and uh you know come out there and have a you know different game plan in different situation against them I think that's all that is is there anything you can take away from last year's joint practice with Indie just a number of uncounted looks that you probably saw that you would anticipate you know going going on Thursday with Cincinnati yeah no I mean um yeah I just think being able to adjust on the Move um that's just what this league is uh you're going to get all types of different looks all you know UNS scouted looks whatever it is um I just think being able to adjust and that's I needed to do a better job at Indie um doing that last year and I think uh being more prepared understanding what a joint practice looks like and not being kind of thrown off that way is going to help me um in that situation so just being more prepared and understanding whatever is thrown at you just be able to adjust and uh you know go with the bullets clean as the operation looked in those two series that you guys got in Buffalo do you feel the off like the starters need to play some on Saturday would that be your preference I have no call on that I um I'm not going to get myself in trouble um I'm GNA leave that question alone but I I'm here to play I'm here whatever you know um coach e eflu is telling me to do that's what I'm going to do so I really have no say on that and um just kind of leave that as is what's it like going against Austin Booker when you been up against him yeah uh I actually um you know with his length uh he's kind of reminded me of tz's arms I'm on tz's arms and it's just just super long so you got to get your hands on him um but he's he's been he's been fairly impressive and uh I think uh you know him going against us he really uh showed out on um Saturday did a really good job too so um he he definitely gives some great looks and you know I'm just continuing to battle with them and get better each each and every day with regard to your progress what when you have so few you know live game speed reps how do you know what's real and and is there kind of an X Factor there that as far as your preparedness or progress whatever because you don't get to see that you're explain that a little bit when when you don't get live game reps you know snaps in preseason games or whatever how do you know that you're really making progress as opposed to going against like in practice or or vanilla de defense okay yeah um yeah I mean I just think every every rep is gold if it's walkthrough if it's not live if it is live I just think every rep is gold I mean no matter the outcome it just it's the repetition of doing it over and over again and um using that as a way to um try new techniques um just get different looks in different situations so any any rep that's not live or you know maybe we're not getting as many reps live or whatever it is I think it's just goal to get any type of rep in terms of you know practice or whatever it is going against the Bengals and Joint practices and all that so every rep counts it's just you know maybe it's a little bit different when it gets to the game and it's actually live but at the end of the day nothing really changes the quarterback becomes more live that's it thank you guys yall have a good one and Javon are physically he's 66 you aren't 66 talked about the the the challenges of you know maintaining the good pad level in terms of being low what do you see from him in that in that area area and how consistent has he been in terms of trying to maintain a good P each now I think he's working it in practice worked it in the game I think it's it it's hard for him to do that at 66 but it just he didn't have to be as low as I do he just needs to get a little lower and I think he'll get it he'll get it who said after the game with in relation to Austin Booker what he was impressed with is that he didn't determine his rush like ahead of time and where he needed to be what do you notice from either just like watching film on him after the fact or seeing it in that preseason game uh yeah I think that's that's what he does I think you know typically a rookie comes out here there got things in their head they're planning to do when they go out there for for book to go out there and just be free and just do what he wants to do not you know just what he wants to do within the framework of the defense I think that's huge for him we just got to be able to cover him whenever he makes his mind up on what he wants to do is that normal for a rookie from uh n usually usually the coach is coaching up out of him so I'm glad that you know he still maintains that good year last year you're in a new contract so again what are you doing in a camp like this to get better how important is that it's first in Camp I try to get back to where I was last year because I ran any snaps and then I take take notes from what I needed to improve on last year and I just work on that so right now I'm working on pass rush getting off the ball more consistency more consistency with that just you know crossing the line and things like that how much how much of it is just experience you know do you are the are the things you know now you didn't know then that that just help you oh yeah no that yeah now being you know this long in the league there a lot of just instinctive stuff now that I used to have to study now I just just comes right back soon as I get the the live snaps going it's right back in my head again who's left on the Bengals that you know Sam that's it Sam H that's it is there any is there any oh Joe Joe is Joe still there though too huh yeah Joe Mixon yeah is there no mix with the tchas oh Dam yeah just say yeah is there any out of motivation I mean even in practice playing a team that you that you used to play for uh motivation uh yeah I just you know I just I don't want to get pancake that's that's every practice so it don't matter who we're going against I just want to be a dominant one seen a couple of these joint practices some fights and Joint practices across the league does flu talk to you guys about just you know how to maintain like what he expects like composure wise yeah yeah you know we we have those rules you fight you're out things like that we just want to be professionals out there you don't want to hurt nobody take care of the other team's body and they'll take care of yours pretty much it Andrew we've talked a lot about the defense challenging Caleb Williams are there ways that he's challenging guys that has made Camp feel different or anything like that I mean throw the best ball he can he's GNA challenge the DBS he he can't challenge me pretty much that hard count but I mean for the defense yeah throw those good balls make good reads you know look off you know look off receivers I mean corners or whatever they do back there like I think that's how he can do it I think he is doing it I just don't know I'm not back there what was the excitement level that his debut went as well as it did was the excitement level for the team team oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was beautiful you know we we watch him do what he does at practice you know it just we want to see it in the game and the fact he came out there and he did what he did and stay composed with it that was that's all you can ask for him really we know the names you we know we know Zack what other guy defensive tackle rotation maybe it's catching your eye in training camp defensive tackle uh Zach Dex all of them really other than those guys yeah Sean they all are they all are I mean I've seen knockback and the Improvement they're getting they really are catching my eye because when they first got here it didn't look too good and now you know you see them out there getting knocked back getting sacks you know stopping the run it's it's all it's all positives for all those guys this defense finished strong last year but at the beginning it was kind of rough after after kind of a similar scenario with a lot of guys out in training camp uh do you get any indication I know it hasn't been that long any indication that you're in a better shape heading you know getting it to to to week one uh this year than last year uh you know we yeah I see it we we definitely are working on things and we we won't know until we get out there so the main thing we do is just hammer it Hammer like you know the Miss opportunities and and pass for us from last year we don't want that these first you know first couple we won't come out just going like we finished last year I think that's just the main thing for us how much of benefit is it to be playing the second year with the same linebackers behind you TJ was saying about the ability to read what you guys are doing up front and then making y'all right no matter what y'all do because of the chemistry y have each other I mean you want to keep them clean you want to get penetration to does that improve year two yeah CU I first got here you know you don't know are these guys gonna get these double teams off me are they gonna be in this Gap don't need to worry about the A and the B but you know with these guys from last year and the consistency they have it helps me out because like I know like okay once I beat this dude I can move on and go close the B Gap because he has a gap over here he's not he's not chasing this so it does help a lot I just do my job and everything works I don't have to worry about external factors and all that did you watch the first Hard Knocks episode no I didn't I my TV's broke man I ain't got no cable huh what you say so I was asking if you heard from fans or friends no nobody's talking to me about it yeah nobody interested I'm G watch it though huh I broke it broken too uh no I just just TV yeah I use my phone for that thank you it's kind of be gota be now or never in terms of the numbers game on the roster I mean being realistic yeah um you know I've been put in a position where in my head I feel like it's either I take the spot or you know it's football so it's business so I come in you know I came in trying to prove a point so what do you think you've proven so far I know you got the start of opposite demarcy other day yeah uh um hand on my business and practice you know um some people went down I made a few plays next you know I'm I'm up so I think my practice stuff can show for it and then I get in the game and get a have a huge stop on third down you know coach makes a call and the players make it come alive so on that third down play what how did that feel for you third and two shoot through the big gap and make that stop with no I felt amazing um you know I know I'm I'm able to do things on this football field with you know the body that I have to make plays and to do that um early in the game like that it felt amazing um coach made a call we ran it and it worked to Perfection so that's just how it goes what do you feel like you've grown the most since you got in here oh man um honestly just um it's offseason as offseason was needed um I praise and thank God for the ability the people that I've met um my team that I work with that I've worked with this offseason uh Mar Juan Edmond Abby Edmonds uh Sher Holland um they all here not here in in the building but here in Chicago that I've worked with I've gained I think 15 close to 15 pounds of muscle um came in to Camp around 273 with like 8% body fat so to be able to come in at at that that weight and it get stronger over the offseason it just helped me become a better football player overall so what what exactly were you doing this offseason to put on that muscle to get in better shape it was a it was a grind um Monday Tuesday uh Monday through honestly was Monday through Friday workouts um Monday Monday was upper body Tuesday was lower Thursday was upper Friday was lower Wednesday was like a rest day but it was more like recovery so I would going get a massage from my massage lady and then um on the weekend we did some more football stuff Wednesday was kind of football stuff as well towards once we got towards the end of or kind of towards the start of OTAs and camp and stuff like that so um and in terms of the weight gain a lot of protein a lot of carbs uh tried to stay low on the fat so what's part of decide to do that knowing that it is kind of now or never for you yeah for sure um I mean I know I wasn't I wasn't getting it done out the way I was and I knew I could put weight on and still be explosive and get faster at the same time so why not you know the more you can do are you a guy who struggles to put on that weight uh not really it got it got put on pretty honestly once I got the the right numbers to put that weight on it was it was fairly easy I just had to stick to it it sucked because you know you're trying to eat so much and you're not hungry at times but you got to do what you got to do and then then what ways can you feel that added strength on the football field in all honesty that play that I made on that third down was a huge Factor cuz I had a pulling tackle coming back to kick me out but I was able I was able to kind of hold my ground and still stand firm in my Gap and then make the play at the same time last year I don't know if I would have been able to do that personally I think I probably would have got kicked out how has the new kickoff Rule and I know HT has talked about different body types and using different guys that might not have been relevant on previous play how do you think that's helped you shoot hey it opens it up for bigger guys um I'm not I'm not the fastest so you know hit for a he likes to have speed guys you know on during the regular kickoff I mean he still likes speed guys now but um not having to run 40 yards before contact it it helps a lot so it's a very short quick game now to where I can I got I think I have enough wiggle room to head fake a guy and you know take him off their spot and get to the ball so or be powerful through them and make a play so it's actually solid I like it you you think a way that as a way onto this roster to like solidify your spot oh big time Big Time you make plays you make plays on St trust me they they gonna find a way last year you were the you were the Intriguing guy as a you know an athletic your background you know uh you know this year it's Austin Booker I'm curious what what what has it been like for you to see his kind of Ascension and the attention that he's gotten especially frankly knowing that reps could in a game premium once the season start n book book book is book is an excellent pass rusher phenomenal pass rusher and he's a phenomenal football player but he he's he specializes in pass rush and being able to watch him you know do his thing and I'm you know I learned from guys too so I'm watching him still taking stuff from him and stuff like that so it's football you know you GNA get in where you get in and that's just how it is you know I I understand there's a ro there's going to be a rotation and stuff like that I'm not really worried about who's going to be on the field and whatnot you know I'm just here to do a job play football appreciate it

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