Postgame locker room after Bears win vs. Titans | Chicago Bears

you felt the momentum Chang you have any idea was going to change that much really the game really turned on that man after that it was like we're down one touchdown now so um man just back in the game it was just exciting man like like I said I couldn't couldn't explain it man didn't feel like real life it was almost like it was too perfect like nobody tried to tackle me and that's why I'm like looking around like people around but um man it's just it was glad that we're going able to go out there and get a team win that was our our big emphasis a team win all three phases you guys felt you guys are block something saw May um just like man we're really confident in our wresters man and who we have on the interior and um amazing special team coordinator coach hot Tower so um he had a great scheme for us man and so it was just up to us to go out there and execute it and do exactly what we did in practice and um when it's your time to make that play expect it you know expect to make that play um and when a play is presented to you man just you know take advantage of it don't look back were you able to hear the crowd when that happened or did it was it was a blur at first cuz when I got to The End Zone it was just like did I really just you know did you just score um but I'm I'm sure everyone else heard it but I'm I'm just glad that you know I felt the energy though after that it was it was definitely crazy I'm glad I was able to do that at home too um it was just amazing so your second career touch second career feel when you get the end um you just like you got to think of your your celebration you know my guys kind of start crowding me man I was trying to do my dance and everything but it's just it's super fun man just go out there and do it with the guys so I'm just kidding but that kind of sparked that moment you feel it run through the entire team you realize we got it yeah I mean the defense gets Juiced up they're going back out there you know obviously they just had they just got a stop and boom now we're back out there and we just scored a touchdown you know so it's like momentum's going the crowd's rolling and it just gives you an extra boost energy man and um you just feed off it man it's it's you know so it's contagious so everyone out there man just guys makeing plays and we get a strip sack um pick six man so I mean what else could you ask for when you see um so I'm I'm I'm rushing on the edge um I actually heard it I didn't know who blocked it I heard it and I seen the ball like kind of bouncing around and his guys around and I just you know took off like instantaneous reaction and it was just crazy the ball just it's right there just you know picked it up and scoop and I'm just thinking take off a run full speed so um I get in in zone and it didn't really feel like real life for a second that's why I'm kind of like looking back like that I just you know did I just score but um it was it was a great feeling I was just glad to be able to do that um I wouldn't say l but we were it's almost like we're waiting for somebody to make that big play you know and um I was just thankful and blessed that I was able to be the one that make that spark play for the team that um you know helped switch switch the momentum so um after that defense got rolling crowd was back into the game and um we we didn't look back from there touchdowns of special teams and defense that won the game I know that there'll be weeks for the off carries what does it say about this team that you can find a way to win this game yeah I right you know the the the good teams will find ways to win um and that's something that we got to we got to build off of you know and um it's a new team it's a new year so so every everything you kind of that happens like this is something to build off of and um we have the guyss to do it we have the guys to to keep everything together um through the highs and the lows and we got to keep doing that for sure what's required when you're down points and you just need a steadiness to get through yeah I mean it's you know it's one of those things where you're never going to get it back in one play right so you got to just keep doing your job and um you know those things will those things will come but you know I think it's when when people start trying to do too much and all that is when those things don't happen so I think we just did a good job of you know doing what we're told you know what I'm saying being in our in our assignments and and those plays come yeah 15 tackles [Music] individually I mean that's you know you want to be around the ball as a linebacker um you know I think I'll I'll focus on more of the stuff I could have done better um but man like I said we're excited man it's a win is a win and um this team you know we needed that to start and uh we got to keep building off it no doubt TJ you said one couple more yeah TJ what's what's you're just kind of alluding to it but like what's the meaning of coming out week one it doesn't go kind of according to the ideal script but you guys find a way to win yeah it's football right it's it's National Football League right they got they got uh a good team over there and um you never know what's going to happen but I just I felt the way that we handled the adversity was was awesome right I think in the past it could have gone a different way and it didn't um we all we all stayed true to kind of what we were we were doing and um believed in one another and and and found a way to get it done how did the momentum shift with the p clock yeah I mean it's it's huge right and that's what special teams is you know that's what we need and um you know they work their butts off man so to see that kind of happen uh I think it was Hardy too a guy who's made so many plays in preseason and then you know JL scooping it up it's you're just excited man cuz um those plays are are so crucial man and and and all day they were just dominant they were absolutely dominant and they they helped change the game for sure we just responded we knew that wasn't that wasn't like us we had a few big explosive plays some runs that got away from us some miscommunication but overall we just kept pushing kept going we know we're a dominant defense and that's what we show What did the what was the responsibility guys felt obviously your rookie quarterback need some time to learn right what responsibility you guys feel kind of take over that we feel that regardless no matter who who the qub back we just put it on our shoulders go out there and just continue to perform we know it's going to be like that sometimes we got to step up for them and hopefully it doesn't have to be the other way around but we're anticipating at some point they're going to have to put us on our back as well and just continue to win find ways to win games you almost had one in the first half man what did it feel like how satisfying wasn't to secure the win the last one oh it was good I mean just for me I know I'm not going to get too many opportunities so everyone I get got to be got to be an interception so I mean I was just glad God gave me another opportunity to get one back and just capitalize close the game out um now we can go home Happy Smiles on her face pace for 17 17 what that' be Wicked I'll take it though Jaylen they have a scare like this though could have been a miserable locker room you pull it out why you say a scare well that you got to SC you know that they jumped out in front of you guys you pull it out I mean how much can you learn from the game like come out the win and you know the mistakes you fig figure that out I mean how much learning do you get from this I mean it's a lot but I mean at the end of the day anybody can win Any Given Sunday so I mean it's not I don't think it was a scare I mean just I mean they're a good team too they went out got some guys they revamp did some good things in the offseason as well so I mean it to me it was never just going to be comeing here and be easy win it's not like we just supposed to blow them out or nothing like that but we just going to continue to play our game um continue to go through adversity whatever it takes to win that's what we going to do what did this teach you about the momentum plays first block strip fumble then it's the pi six then it's your interception like those things come in in funches definitely I mean it's it's it's about momentum um at the end of the day I mean they they struck fast they got out to what was 173 at halftime so I mean they got their momentum early and then just for us just sticking to it come back and make our plays and we caught the momentum was able to make plays and just it just came out on our favor what are you thinking on the pick six with Tyreek what's going through your mind oh I was honestly I thought it was a a fumble so I was I mean I didn't know if it got out of bounds or not when I seen him catch it I'm like oh we going to the house so I mean I was I was happy I was a little tired so I was glad he he got the interception we were able to get a little break after that and go out again and get a stop were you surprised that LE flipped the ball like that yeah I thought it was going out of bounds so like kind of like when he flicked it I'm like okay Play N Play is not over so I mean he knew it when as soon as he hit the ground he looked and put his hands on his head so I was like sh he know he know he can't make plays like that but I mean just fortunate enough we were able to be on the right side of it what was Caleb like during all this I know this is the start that he probably wanted from the offensive perspective but how was he like his mentality um I mean it's hard to say I wasn't talking to him asking him about it but I mean of course everybody cuz I feel like was frustrated so I mean I wouldn't just say his attitude is bad or nothing like that just know it's not the expectation that they want um that we want as a team so just for them continue to push continue to get that Rhythm and they'll be really good for us what's it me there's something about coming out get that first one I mean it feels good to win every game I mean week won week 17 you want to try to get as many as you can um so I mean just for us be able to go out on top um go home be happy go on the victory Monday so just looking forward to it this it feels different watching film with a W then it does a loss J what did you see on that third play play play right before I thought it was going I thought it a screen of my guy so I kind of was on track for him and then I seen the other guy catch him so I was kind of off a little bit but I mean really just going out there playing reacting see him just going out there he wanted to but also rookie making his first start yeah he I mean like you said rookie out there making his first start uh I think he handled it well um that front seven was nothing to to joke about and uh he was out there doing the best he can and uh the line did what they did and everybody on offense was just trying to get something going and we going to get there and when we do we going to compliment the defense what was Caleb like in the hudding on the sidelines you guys were trying to figure things out he was himself uh he never got too high or too low about anything so that was good sawang backed on what oh when I got banged up uh landed on my side and it was like a little eight great cuz we got a w d a pinpoint what what was the main issue offensively way guys couldn't just kind of find the Rhythm pinpoint it really ain't you can't pinpoint one group or one person it's like we all got to be on the same page and when we are you can see we can move the ball and when we aren't just things get in law and you can't have that do you have to factor in the fact that Caleb Williams is seeing defense with bad intentions fourth straight quarters which he has not he has yet to see in his life I mean is that a factor uh it shouldn't be I know it's football so every defense is going to have bad intentions against us as a offense so that can't be the issue how' you like running the ball like you were following your BL real well you came to a halt oh yeah it it was fun I'm going to trust the tight ends uh think I put my hand on Cole and and made the DB look a little silly so that that was fun stunned when that ball came away uh honestly I was thinking sack you know uh the goal was to go out here and and hold him to a third U third and long get off the field get the ball back to Caleb when he pissed it up he made a mistake and we just capitalized off it you know I'm glad I gave this team the energy we need to finish the game when the ball was in the air your way what you thinking oh yeah crib go to the crib celebrate celebrate yourself celebrate with your teammates how do you explain how do you describe a win like this when the off score a touchdown still find way to get it done they are kick stand we they kick stand you know it's going to be game like this it's an NFL you know and anything happened at any moment so the fact that they still went out there with their head up and gave us the energy we went out there and did our job and team that despite the struggles we able to find a way to win this this one hell of a team a team full of dogs you know at some point it's going to be the offense helping us out you know so it is what it is uh we still got to win I'm happy for the guys but it's back to the drawing board Tuesday was a game of two what happen in the half time you came out you looked a lot better than you did the first I think we had to sit back and realize Who We Are stop playing for the hype stop playing for everything else around us and just realize that we put in work and we put in work just for a moment like this you know situational football situational things and we just came out there and dominated with the with the punt blck how did you feel momentum swing in that play momentum definitely swung um we knew we was going to block it all week just the way we just the way we pre for it just the way we knew it um you can ask some most of the guys we already knew we already knew what it was and just we just a't know who was going to do it why specifically did you think you you knew you were going to get a pump off just based off film and based off the the actions this p Hunter and the line and everything had over the last few years see our coaches go 10 15 years from now you feel me they go all the way back to find out what we need and just to show us to give us that is that we need Lis got away with flipping the ball away earlier in the game did you kind of know that looking at the film you might throw one up like that uh didn't I honestly didn't expect him we was just going we was just our main thing was get get him off the field get get the ball back to catb and let him do his thing and you know if he going to make dumb decisions like that we going to make him pay for it to have like you know no drop off you know from uh with being the number one defense last year and leading the league and takeaways obviously you know we had a lot of starters coming back you know we Kevin everybody else came back you know I'm saying so it was it was something where we had high expectations and is continue to grow to be the best uh defense in the nation you also blew up a play I think it was the second drive on a third down was it nice to have impact early and then late in a game that particularly rewarding for somebody who yeah I actually had a lot of work with uh Dez Walker you know and you know he basically he basically told me that to where you know start fast so getting able to to you know how the momentum you know getting getting getting Cho a bit early so we can get guys rolling and get myself rolling and uh just continue building off this on the on the pick six you had your hands on L what are you feeling take us through the play what are you feeling as you're taking him down and then kind of how much are you aware of what happens after that I don't know how your your your eyes were after that no man honestly you know I'm just trying to focus on one thing see a little see a lot so taking him down down and I look up and see the ball in Tyreek hands all I do is just can celebrate you know making sure no one you know we turn and run you know so block you he can get in there and just celebrate were you stunned that he threw it h were you stunned that he threw it that he tried to do that little backhanded pitch out there I mean I'm sure he regrets that now you know what I'm saying she just take the sack son what what allowed you to get free I mean it's just reacting you know I feel like uh there's been a lot of extra work of just being um more sound and reactive and obviously being healthy too man being able to have my bounce and have my feet underneath me it shows

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