Group Suing Governments RE: Vaccine Injuries

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 01:15:37 Category: News & Politics

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this is a relay project Real Talk starts right now here's Ryan [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jasperson the covid vaccine back in the headlines in Canada is an Alberta based Law Firm launching a class action targeting the provincial government the Alberta Government and the FEDS uh representing people who are claiming adverse side effects in fact vaccine injuries the numbers are impressive when you look at the number of vaccines delivered distributed uh the number of vaccines in Canada as of January of 2024 that's the last time that Health Canada put those numbers out more than 105 million vaccines delivered of those nearly 12,000 serious vaccine injuries and just a second we're going to talk to two lawyers who are representing those claiming those injuries find out what they're endeavoring to do and ultimately what this is all about want to learn more about this story of a class action that more and more people are starting to talk about could the Alberta Government could the feds actually be vulnerable on this one this will be an ongoing conversation we're kicking it off today plus you know we talk all the time about how it's never too late to learn as a matter of fact that's kind of the whole premise of this show we hope to learn something every single day on the back half of this episode the second half the back nine so to speak we're going to meet three people who are living that commitment to learning no matter what phase of life we're in a conversation presented by athabaska University that I guarantee will inspire you as many of us start thinking about that back to school routine hard to believe that the kids are going back just a day or two after we're talking about this right now where did the summer go this episode of real talk is presented by business career college and they have a specific call out right now for financial advisors for senior Finance professionals who are looking to learn more about digital assets and decentralized finance you know 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the government stopped updating these numbers uh on the 19th of January of this year on January 19th of 2024 there was regular post on reported side effects following covid-19 vaccinations in Canada if you're watching us on YouTube you can see the numbers here right now up to and including January 5th of this year 105 mil1 16456 doses administered that was up until the beginning of December of last year total Adverse Events following those immunizations following the shots just under 59,000 but here's the number that we're going to be talking about today it's 11,702 Adverse Events following immunization reports that were serious now it's just 0.1% of all doses administered but if it's you or a loved one that we're talking about then it's a big deal right we're checking in right now with two lawyers who have commenced a class action lawsuit for covid vaccine related harms they're targeting the provincial government here in Alberta and the federal government Jeff wrath and Eva chipuk making their real talk debuts thanks to both of you for making time for us Eva this all started with with you talking to one client in particular right Carrie uh a client of yours uh comes to you reporting a vaccine related injury and that's kind of what gets the ball rolling on this can you bring us up to speed yeah so I yeah thanks for having us Ryan and so the case started with Carrie Sakamoto a young mother um from Lethbridge Alberta mother of three 45 years old uh you know going about her day uh to-day activity during the covid period uh yeah there she is on the screen and uh is listening to the messaging from the government and the public health authori saying you know we need to protect Grandma we need to um everyone needs to get vaccinated so that we could get back to normal and she had taken her mother in uh into her house because she was on her own didn't want her on her own so um listening to the messaging she took first the astroica because that was available to her and then when it was the time to get her second vaccine uh she got a call to go in and she went and that one was no longer available and she had the fiser vaccine immediately after the fiser vaccine she had tremendous side effects um she was admitted into the hospital was there for 10 days unable to walk unable to talk unable to swallow um so really close to death and then made a wonderful comeback and has been dealing with these injuries since and the the point and the reason for these lawsuits is that a number of people have been harmed by these vaccines and they there's no redress there's no there's not even discussion about it they're being censored and and that's what we'd like to talk about why we've launched this lawsuit and the Bas for it there there's some interesting background to why we're all talking here uh we had Professor Timothy Coffield on the show a short time ago and we're talking about some vaccine related issues we had significant feedback to the show from from people from regular audience members um who told us that they felt as though their perspective was being discounted that they felt that they had experienced or in in their experience they did uh experience uh vaccine related harms and they felt like they were being scoffed at laughed off these are some of the things um some of the things that people were telling us and we want to have real conversations here we want to seek to understand where people are coming from Jeff how do you get from uh a specific situation like Eva was describing to us and then a class action sort of a big step forward start off with let's just start off with you know you're talking about Timothy Coffield having been on your show Timothy Coffield is the chief misinformation is for the government of Canada in Alberta on these issues so I was grateful that you put up on the screen that the government of Canada acknowledges that there's been over 11,000 serious Adverse Events related to the vaccines the number is actually exponentially higher because of the way that the government of Canada has made it virtually impossible to report vaccine injuries in our office alone we have three documented cases of myocarditis following the vaccine out of the 10 people in our office that got vaccinated so we had 30% myocarditis rate in our office I was contacted recently by a young girl that plays Collegiate hockey uh herself and the other young women on her Collegiate hockey team were forced to get vaccinated against their will so that they could attend University and that they could play Collegiate hockey and on her team there are now three young women who've been diagnosed with vaccine related myocarditis that is so severe that they are no longer able to play Collegiate Sports that's just the tip of the iceberg and what's really offensive about Timothy Coffield is he actually stated in advance of the uh injection of Truth Town Hall in Calgary that everybody was denigrating that quote unquote there's absolutely no evidence that these vaccines cause harm the government of Canada's own information says that over there's been over 11,000 that they acknowledge 11,000 serious injuries Timothy Coffield runs around pretending that no one has ever been harmed by these vaccines it's a dangerous lie and he needs to be called out for it so that's that's the start of it the second part and that's where our lawsuit goes is that there has been this campaign of misinformation and propaganda led by Teresa Tam Justin Trudeau and all of the chief medical officers of Health in Canada to basically bury and hide the harms of these vaccines so that people cannot give informed consent to getting the shots so as an example some of the data that's been hidden by the governments and has not been talked about by the governments let's just start with RSV and childhood shots fiser itself in its own data admits that the known side effect of these vaccines is that it makes people four times that's 400% more likely to contract RSB after these shots and of course there's a simple reason for that it's because these shots impair the immune system overall so what they're not telling people and what doctors are telling parents when their kids are getting vaccinated is oh by the way it's a known side effect of these shots that if your child gets this V you know this so-called vaccine or this you know this mRNA injection your child will be 400% more likely to contract an illness that's 600% more likely to kill him than Co kill him or her than Co the other um the other thing that the governments have been burying is fizer's own eua data on this is again specific reference to the childhood shots where fizer's own data indicated and this is like even before the shots were being rolled out from their from their uh original test program that children that um got the MRNA vaccines uh were like far far far more likely to end up in ICU with myocarditis than they were to contract covid or die from covid so fizer's numbers were you know notionally one child per million would die from covid because we all know co co really didn't kill children in a statistical sense one child per million would die from covid so that's 0.00001% if we like doing the 0 1% things would die from covid but 36 children per million would end up in ICU with myocarditis and that was admitted by um by fizer so we all know now of course fizer you know was grossly overstating the death numbers from covid for children and grossly understating the myocarditis numbers and anybody who knows anything about pediatric ICU you know if you put kids into the hospital and put them on ventilators in the ICU with myocarditis you know as many as 20 or 30% of them will die it's just a statistical fact so you know fizer's own data proved that the childhood vaccine was 10 times or you know 10 or 15 times more likely to kill children than covid but that information wasn't made public wasn't told to parents in advance of them uh having their children vaccinated and there's just been this massive coverup throughout where all we get from public health officials is the paring of slogans like safe and effective so you know that's what the lawsuit is all about is that people did not have the ability to make a full and informed choice because this Committee of Chief Public Health officers and you and I think they called it they had a little term for it it was like the vaccine hesitancy committee where they're figuring out how to quotee unquote fight vaccine hesitancy and what they were really doing was determining how it was that they were going to bury information that was relevant to people's informed choices with regard to either vaccinate themselves or their children from the public under all these slogans about safe and effective so that's really to me what the lawsuit's about okay I'll note obviously you're putting a lot of numbers in front of us you're citing a lot of Statistics that's the type of thing that that you'd be putting in front of the court and obviously those will be tried in court this is not a courtroom uh we're talking but all those all of those numbers are verifiable all those documents are fizer's own documents Ryan so don't don't just tell me that these are unproven numbers the things I'm telling you that are true and if anybody thinks that they're not they can fact check me in real time they can go to covid our website they can look at the documents sure and and and I'm not saying anything controversial I'm just saying you're putting a lot of Statistics in front of us and the court will be taking a look at those statistics I'm just most interested to know in how for example a 0.1% rate and like I said uh we're having this conversation because people in good faith that listen to this show feel like they're not being properly respected feel like they're not being listened to and I don't see any reason why this isn't something that we should talk about because there's nearly 12,000 documented cases of serious vaccine injuries right the question is whether or not this would be a successful class action and whether or not You' be able to prove some of the language in the claim I mean you're talking here right now about about the government the chief medical officer of Health the Prime Minister burying and hiding facts deceptive practices that's something you're going to have to prove to the court is is there precedent is there any precedent when it comes to a class action like this targeting different levels of government well there there's all kinds of presedent with regard to deceptive marketing practices sure but in this case you know the evidence the evidence is self-evident like it's we've all we've all lived it every week we were all told a new Lie by the government or government officials it's like get the shot it's going to stop the spread of covid well when they were saying that they knew that Co wasn't stopping the spread in July of 2021 even Public Health Canada was admitting that vaccinated people were still going to be spreading covid in July of 2020 that you know UC Davis Institute of biology issued a massive paper basically saying that anybody that got vaccinated was just as likely to spread CO as somebody or so-called vaccines because we don't say they're not vaccines they're injections um but UC Davis put out a massive study showing that anybody who got injected with these shots was just as likely to spread CO as somebody who wasn't but not withstanding the science not withstanding the fact that there's evidence that public health Canada knew that to be true they still brought in the vaccine mandates in the fall AHS threatening to fire doctors and nurses that didn't get vaccinated uh prime minister Trudeau uh trampling on the civil rights of Canadians from coast to coast to coast telling us that we couldn't get on airplanes couldn't get on trains couldn't get on fairies couldn't go to sporting events all those things if we didn't take a shot that was not capable of stopping the transmission of covid so that's you know that's a real issue and I think all of those things are eminently provable and it's eminently provable that the people in the government had access to this information didn't care about the information you know continued to do whatever it was that they did and that's the very definition of negligence so you know obviously from a legal perspective we think we have a very strong ground to stand on Evan do you want to add something yeah I just wanted to add to that is that we've never I in at least my history have seen the government undertake such a coercive and even incentivizing measures so they coerced their own citizens to take it by saying we're going to take away your CI civil liberties which they did they also incentivized these shots so there there should be a higher obligation on government officials when they're taking measures to that extent to coer and incentivize and Jeff went through the information that is required for informed Kent and whether or not the government met that standard is going to be a question for the court yeah so and and I mean I guess a lot of people will say you know I mean when when you talk to public health professionals when you talk to scientists virologists researchers they'll tell you that there's plenty of evidence that the vaccine did a hell of a lot to slow Co and to stop the spread obviously that this is something Jee you'll fight this in court you can litigate this will happen in front of a judge like that's I'm not the judge you can make your argument well we're having a conversation about ran so you know I know you got your talking points that you want to get out oh no Jeff I Jeff why do you you're coming across as very defensive like I invited you to come on the I want to hear your perspective I'm not the enemy you and I probably don't agree on Evan just give me a sec you and I probably don't agree on a lot but I'm happy to hear you out that's my style I want to hear you out I want to figure out what this is all about like when we're talking about serious vaccine injuries what sort of things are we talking about like ever are we talking about people that felt pressure to get the vaccine they couldn't fly or they couldn't open their restaurant or are we talking about people with like serious heart conditions now people that had Strokes like who's all who who's like who's going to be part of this class action what what what is as as an example and again let's go back to your 0.1% number the fact is in Canada that the way that the vaccine injury reporting system works in Canada is it's virtually impossible for doctors to report vaccine injuries there's documented cases of doctors literally having to spend dozens of hours trying to get the system to accept what appears to be a very straightforward vaccine injury most doctors don't even bother because of the amount of time and hassle it takes to file a vaccine injury report then on top of it there's the whole issue of all of the propaganda in and around the vaccines and vaccine delivery where you know doctors were being attacked and vilified by the college and having their licenses threatened for even suggesting that the vaccines could cause harm that's still ongoing so the the long and the short of it is that that 11,000 um person serious vacine injury number is literally just the tip of the iceberg so you know as an example one of the people in our office that contracted myocarditis immediately following the vaccine um still his even though he contracted the vasculitis and myocarditis within days of getting the shot having his heart rate pegged at over 105 for weeks on end having MRIs that demonstrate both vascular damage and heart damage um from something arising from the shot his cardiologist refuses to acknowledge that this is vaccine related so he's now having to go to you know other Specialists and whatever to get somebody to confirm a diagnosis of uh vaccine injury because because the medical profession as a whole you know from my perspective is complicit in what amounts to a massive coverup of vaccine injuries in this country and that 11,000 number is just the tip of the iceberg and again keep in mind you have guys like Tim callfield who come on your show and claim that there's no vaccine injuries so that's the problem and I just wanted to add to that Ryan and it goes to what you were saying is the the question and our lawsuit has nothing to do about the people that took the vaccine and had no issues a as I said earlier the government and public health authorities urged Us in the interest of Public Health to vac get vaccinated in order to save Grandma fine so that's what Society did but now there's individuals in society that have been harmed and those are the individuals that we're representing in Alberta at least and there shouldn't be disparagement amongst these people they shouldn't be ignored and that's why people are calling to your show show because people are being ignored they're being suppressed and that is entirely dishonest it's inhumane actually in society to treat people that way after Public Health authorities have been urging people to get vaccinated then you have to take the same ownership of harms caused by those injuries and we're not seeing that and that's what the part of the basis of the lawsuit is but generally I think you can understand why there's a little bit of frustration on this end is that these people are silenced and it shouldn't be you know just two lawyers even just trying to defend these people this is the government under took this and the government has neglected these people and whether that's correct I think we can all agree that that's not right and so we're trying to do something I I uh listen one thing that we can all agree on is that people that experience serious side effects to to a vaccine should be taken seriously re and and and receive the the proper care and and if the Court decides then compensation I'll be interested to see how this plays out are we talking about just just physical side effects are we talking about just physical injury are we talking about are there going to be people uh joining this class action you know claiming that you know for example and I know that this did happen to people but claiming that their business went bankrupt or they suffered Financial losses due to mandates like like what who who's all involved in this well that's that's a separate lawsuit Ryan we actually have a separate class action dealing specifically with business losses arising from and specifically in Alberta because our office was involved in the Ingram case as you may may not be aware of we're the only law firm in the country that succeeded in getting a court order saying that every single chief medical officer of Health order issued in the province was illegal specifically Ultra vires the public health act so we're taking forward a lawsuit on behalf of businesses in a separate class action saying that all of these businesses that were illegally shuttered by Jason Kenny and Dina Hinshaw are entitled to compensation on the theory that even if it was Bonafide like even if there's a Bonafide belief that these vaccines were for the good of society as a whole we're saying ethically morally and legally on what theory should a small segment of society be harmed economically for the alleged good of society as a whole without society as a whole compensating those people for the harm that they suffered on behalf of society as a whole but that's a that's a separate issue and that's a separate lawsuit and if people are interested in it the pleadings are wrath and business litigation or B Co business lawsuit you know what ever we could talk about that another time that's a that's a that's a subject that and of itself you got you got separate parallel class actions uh right now that that'll go before the courts Eva how how does some how does somebody like your client K Sakamoto how does she like where's the burden of proof here how does how does somebody prove uh that that that a a health condition or or or an incident relating to their personal health an injury let's call it is related to the vaccine do do you have an uphill climb there to prove that to the courts no because uh in K sakamoto's case the federal government has already acknowledged that this is a vaccine injury um from the covid vaccine so we don't have a burden of proof at all there um and like we we've been discussing the claim has to do with the misinformation and whether or not informed consent was vitiated because of the the public health authorities representations that this is safe and effective coercing individuals to taking it incentivizing them to take it so in in that instance no we don't have a high burden it's already been proven by the federal government okay and in car's case her husband and her you know didn't just blindly oh we need the shot give me the shot they they demanded of Public Health officials to provide them a written list of the side effects from the shot and the written list that was provided to them by AHS was redness and soreness at the injection site potentially you know runny nose and fever the day following the shot you know and you know a few other very very minor um uh allegations of potential side effects Carrie suffered neurological damage paralysis Bel you know a form of Bell's policy that affects the entire leftand side of her body uh short-term memor memor loss on and on and on of course none of those things were were listed as side effects and of course you know none of the side effects that we're talking about that were in the the fiser monographs and in the fiser eua documents including myocarditis vasculitis death from uh uh anaphylaxis all of those very very serious um side effects right um were never listed by ahs's possible side effects parents were never told that if they they gave their children the covid vaccine that their children statistically were more likely to be killed by the vaccine than the virus parents were not told that fizer's own data indic Ates that if they take the covid vaccine they're 400% more likely to contract RSV which is an illness 600% more likely to kill them so that and and the government knew all of this the government that approved this is the government of Canada that approved these vaccines had access to all of the fiser data and it's there in black and white but instead all we got was all you know all these Public Health officials standing up and parting slogans like safe and effective safe and effective or Deanie Henshaw going up in public and lying about children um having died from covid when she knew that they died of four stage cancer or congenital birth defects but she tried to terrorize parents into giving their children um uh childhood vaccines it was horrible what went on okay uh yeah I don't know about the 400% 600% again that'll go before the court let me ask you this in closing because I'm just curious I'm just I'm just Googling this right now on the Fly I I look for what what are the rates of adverse reactions to like a Ceda minant is something like Tylenol now you could probably effectively argue that we're talking apples and oranges and there's differences here but but referencing so here are some numbers uh based on Research uh common side effects serious side effects cardiovascular side effects uh related to something like a caminan like a Tylenol teoc cardia chest pain hypertension uh peripheral edema you know they say 1 to 10% would be a a common rate of of a of a cardiovascular side effect to something like acetaminophen that number would exceed uh a ious side effects statistically speaking to the covid vaccine as an example is this something a statistic like this that would work against your class action in court no because PE people take people take aam minin as a matter of choice and you don't have and first of all we don't know what what dosage is either I mean you know every you know it's you know you can die from an overdose of aspirin there's no doubt about it I mean you can you know you can ble all your organs can bleed out and all the rest of it you have to take an awful lot of it right so you know those side effects that they're talking about is that one tablet two tablets a 100 tablets you know we don't know from whatever it is that you pulled out I mean there's no doubt that any medicine taken at you know at a high dosage can be toxic right with regard to the VAC these so-called vaccines though the real issue is that all of these horrible side effects were well known in advance including you know um an exponentially increased miscarriage rate in pregnant women yet we have have you know Public Health officials telling pregnant women to run out and get the shot you know oh it's safe and effective safe and effective they don't tell these women that there's a 25% increased rate of miscarriage coming directly from fizer's own data you know heaven forbid that we tell anybody that there's anything harmful that arises from these shots it was just a one lie after another after another and we think it's irresponsible and we think there needs to be a reckoning you and and your colleague Jeff have have have cited several specific names here I'm curious to know is this class action targeting just Alberta's provincial government and the federal government or are you suing Dr Dena henot Jason Kenny Justin trudo Teresa Dr Teresa Tam who's we don't need to we sued the government of Canada RIT large we sued the Alberta Government r large and all of the people that you're referencing are all basically you know minions of the government of Canada and minions of the government of Alberta right but it's different if you sue a government versus suing somebody personally right well we're not suing them personally because let's face it one claim would bankrupt de Henshaw not withstanding that's why curious one successful claim might might one successful claim might yeah well we would we wouldn't be doing this if we if we didn't think we were gonna succeed ran and just we have a pretty good track record and and going Ryan to the stats you pulled up that is part of the point of this lawsuit is no drug particularly no vaccine is 100% safe and effective yet that's all we've been told and people will continue to propagate that misinformation those lies basically let's call it what it is and so there is a duty on people to represent clearly uh informed so that people can have make informed consent but no drug no vaccine is 100% safe and effective that's not the question but that's something we should be acknowledging the point of this lawsuit is to acknowledge the people that have been injured and what are we doing with those individuals okay people can and and you know and the other thing to keep in mind Ryan is that the number of serious injuries in our society arising from the vaccines is exponentially higher than the 11,000 you know number that you're that you're citing and the reason that the statistics are lower is because you know and we have evidence of it I mean we have doctors that we're going to that we're going to bring forward that'll testify as to how difficult if not impossible it is to have do you have vaccine injuries accepted um by the bureaucrats that literally sit as The Gatekeepers of the vaccine injury reporting system in this country um you know where uh you know clear um medically diagnosed vaccine injuries are refused to be into the reporting system because the bureaucrats have been artificially keeping the numbers low but even that 11,000 number should be shocking to people that's serious injuries like at one point they used to break it down and tell us how many people had died there's a government number floating around somewhere that they admitted to as many as eight or 900 vaccine related deaths so that was a year or two ago right my father was a senior Public Health official and he was involved in shutting down the swine flu vaccine in this country they shut it down after 50 deaths so why do we still have products on the market that they' where they've at least they've acknowledged 11,000 uh serious injuries and they've acknowledged um you know at one point and i' have to find the specific reference because they keep scrubbing the internet for this stuff but you know they acknowledged at least 800 deaths out of those 11,000 injuries directly related to the vaccines and these products are still on the market you know it's not good enough to say oh that's 0.1% then why don't you tell people when you're telling people to get the vaccines okay they're safe and effective except for the times it's going to kill you it's safe and effective except for the time you're going to have a serious paralytic disease and neurologic disorder it's safe and effective except for the fact that your children are going to be exponentially more likely to contract RSV and die from RSD it's safe and effective except um the fact that the vaccine is more likely to kill your children than Co that's what was missing from all of this messaging it is pure propaganda and it was an exercise in keeping the public from knowing how unsafe and ineffective these products really work uh we've been talking to Jeff wrath and Eva chipuk from wrath and Company they've launched a class action against the Alberta Government the federal government as well representing clients uh claiming serious vaccine injuries you can learn more about that class action at wrath and thanks for making time for us today you two thanks for having us Ryan it was really good of you to do this I appreciate it well listen I mean listen let me just say real quick okay like you know and and Jeff you you know uh you know you say to me you know Jess you you you know you got your talking points right uh I don't come into this with talking points you and I probably disagree on a ton uh but but I also always want to be the person that's going to hear out somebody with different opinions I want to respect other people's experiences and I want to make my decisions and form my opinions based on as much knowledge vetted credible knowledge as possible and a big part of that has to be having conversations like this and so we're not afraid of having conversations like this that's great we we should sit down and have a beer sometime I'll bring a stack of documents if put her too high I'll bring you all the receipts and you can read them yourself okay well my eyes might glaze over but uh but I appreciate the information is there is my point okay all right you two thanks I appreciate the conversation all right okay yeah you bet um Johnny you and I knew that this was going to be a fiery conversation and it was uh you know I I want to acknowledge and and and you know I'm I'm sort of like you know we're looking some information up on the flight obviously there's a lot of numbers flying around there um you know my personal position on this uh is is that uh uh Public Health officials those that developed the vaccine um I think uh achieved something remarkable in a short period of time do believe uh that the the science and evidence uh suggests and proves uh that the vaccine went a very long way we the spread of Co we're not just talking about North America but I also want to say like the spirit of coming into this conversation um obviously Jeff in particular has a lot of passion for sure uh I'm not surprised he's a lawyer um but but uh but but the last thing that I want to do is to Discount denigrate or ignore uh the 11,000 more Canadians that have experienced serious vaccine side effects and and I think that there were listen if you look at the numbers the the vast majority of people that took the vaccine um experienced no adverse side effects and were fine but that doesn't mean that that was the case for everybody and if it's you or your child or your mom or or whomever it is that did experience or is experiencing something serious oh for sure uh you know and and and you know there's there's a very good friend of this show I don't think that she would want us to talk about this publicly but let me just say there is a recurring guest on this show uh perceived to be a progressive uh and who I know is is um someone who has vaccinated herself we've talked about this yeah her brother-in-law died uh shortly after taking the vaccine their family is 100% I'm not speaking on behalf of their family but they are 100% convinced it was related to the vaccine that's one personal experience that that would be probably the only one the person in my Orbit somebody that I would know but that family obviously is going to approach a conversation like this very differently than somebody who got their shots got their boosters you know experienced good health and has now moved on with the rest of their life right so I agree with you and I know someone personally very close to me a woman who had adverse side effects and we're we're we're 99% sure it was from the vaccine as well but when you're talking about you know you know the government in bed with big Pharma in North America that's all fine and good but these numbers span GL we're talking you countries that hate America develop their own vacc either you know injunction with other companies some of them or whatever you know China India they all develop their own vaccines as well and these numbers uh line up globally as well so when you're talking about you know you know we were forced to take the vaccine well are you forced to wear a seat Bel there's adverse effects from wearing a seat Bel if you're overweight or underweight you could get a throat injury or a chest injury but you still got to wear a seat belt it's a law right ious to see and and when you're talking about global pandemic it's it's it's it's a completely different situation like people aren't this is you know sort of you whole the amount of research we have so huge you hope it's it's a it's a Once in a 100 Year type thing um but obvious for a lot of for a lot of people though this is you I mean for for most of us this was something that we weren't used to and there were Public Health measures that we weren't used to interesting that they're they're running parallel class actions one representing businesses one representing individuals I'm not a legal expert so I'd hesitate to offer my opinion but as a civilian uh my guess would be it be it' be a tougher road to hole for the businesses to claim financial compensation for shutdown or for limitations or what have you um than it would be for humans I I do want to note a couple of things that we were able to track down just this per the the National Library of Medicine out of the United States um they did a systematic review meta analysis of the risk of miscarriage following covid-19 vaccination uh I'm just citing this Source I'm not a scientist I'm not a researcher but per this you're not a scientist uh there's matter of fact I stayed out of Science in University on purpose but the per the the national uh Library of Medicine they say per study there's no evidence that covid-19 vaccines are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage if Jeff has different information or different facts he'll obviously present those to the courts and that can be litigated there um myard carditis is uh uh a condition a symptom that you'll see recurring in people's conversations related to the covid vaccine um this uh again uh people can find this information at ncbi uh it's site out of the states uh we're again referencing the National Institute of Health here um among the uh 531 million uh fiser vaccine doses administered in the EU um they did find uh or they have recorded just about 11 a half thousand cases of myocarditis or pericarditis uh due to the vaccine um that's approximately 0.002% or 22 cases per 1 million so I mean Jeff talks about his obviously an anecdote he talks about his Law Firm he says you know three out of the 10 of our partner or rather of our lawyers are experiencing that for 30% that's not a a number that holds across the population that would be an anecdote uh still I'm sure something you could probably argue to compel a court I wouldn't know that's not my line of work but uh those are just some a few numbers for you as always we encourage you um to fact check as much as you can this is a conversation that we were going to get started and that we'll we'll keep this conversation going because you know we're hearing about vaccine injuries we're hearing about long covid and we heard from you we addressed you uh those audience members that that sent emails to us that that sent DMS to us those of you that asked that your name not be used but you told us and some of you with a great degree of passion that you did feel ignored that you did feel like you were being dismissed that you felt like your side of the story wasn't being told and we appreciate you being in touch with the show talk Ryan jesperson dcom is where you can send us an email anytime relating to anything that you're hearing here on the show if you have a personal story relating to this or there's somebody that you think that we should consider interviewing we'd love to hear it in just a second we are changing gears entirely uh folks are heading back to school for the most part it's young people it'll be University students as well but there's no age on self- betterment there's no limitation to learning and we're going to celebrate a few people that are living that in real life that's coming up in just a quick second first we want to let you know that our friends at Freez and brothers have a couple of really cool things going on right now including a new app that allows you to order ahead that's right it's new app for online orders allows you to conveniently order frez and brothers party trays directly from their app and then you can pick them up in the Edmonton stores that's Rabbit Hill and Glenora Fort Saskatchewan or Stony plane you can easily install that app you'll find it online on Freez that's f r o if you're looking to get organized if you need absolutely need to declutter and if you're looking to add value to your home probably your biggest investment you're going to want to take a second to check out California page it's easy to sign up and schedule a free consultation to check in with their design team you can talk about the rooms you're looking to improve you can talk about your budget your timeline and then they're going to help you develop a plan custom designed to fit your space and your budget they've been doing it for years Nobody Does it Better than them again that's California is located out of proudly Edmonton their headquarters a beautiful spot in Calgary they're down in Lethbridge a shout out to our friends in Lethbridge and Kuby is in cam loops too that's how they're serving the West Coast Western Canada's busiest solar installer they're looking for electricians apprentices sales people office managers you name it Kuby is growing fast and they're looking for you to join that team if you want to be part of Canada's green energy movement check out the careers link at Kuby [Music] um and uh he says you need to give the good Dr Timothy Caulfield Prof it's rather it's Professor Timothy Caulfield but he says you need to give him a chance to rebut uh Randy says these these morons I don't I don't want to sling mud I I I do know this that that Coffield um and and and Professor caulfield's a good friend of mine um you know I believe him to be very credible and I think he does a great job obviously he's not everybody's cup of tea and that's fine um it's pretty obvious why somebody like Jeff wrath would would take issue with Tim Cofield you'd perceive him to be the enemy um but I know that Tim has been invited to to to participate in debates along these lines you know je will get along yeah I mean maybe we'll get the two of them in here to have a be very very passionate about you know what we do is we get them in here to have a beer together and then we live stream that for our patreon supporters how would that be so we get them a little liquored up first that that would go well that's right but uh if you want to check out our interview with with Professor Coffield that was just last week uh you can find it in our archives on YouTube and on the podcast but I wanted to give Randy a shout out in particular he's tuning in he's watching the show right now from gree so how cool is that so he's how many hours ahead of us and I and Randy I wanted to let you know I did see you in the live chat last week I didn't get a chance to address it before the show ended but I know that Randy was on the the Greek island of Corfu have you ever heard about Corfu gree yes I we were just I was just at a wedding and we were talking about their honeymoon and they're going to Greece and I was like this is the one place I haven't been that I want to go that Crystal Blue Water I mean those those you know they're kind of cliche but those those houses with the blue roofs and as a 19-year-old uh me and a buddy after completing our first year of college in England we traveled around Europe and one of those stops was in Corfu Greece and we stayed at a place called the Pink Palace and I don't even know if it still exists before is it actually pink well oh is it ever pink uh it's it is one of the most legendary places that I've look at this at this is not an advertisement this is just me Googling it it looks as though the Pink Palace is still open uh they describe it as a favorite destination uh for Backpackers and travelers a popular meeting place but I will never forget look at this place on we're showing this to our YouTube viewers it is p it is pig and uh we'll have to take a real talk we arrived we took a we took a ferry from bendy Italy uh it's right on the heel it's right on the heel of the boot and and you sail through the night on this Ferry they call sleazy brendy no offense brendy and uh and uh we didn't even have we were traveling super lean bootstrapped right and so we had we we didn't even buy the tickets that allowed us to go in the ferry we were just on the ferry so so we were outside on the deck for the overnight sailing yeah so we so I remember there's a some fellow traveler there's always the guy with the ukulele or the acoustic guitar right so we all had $3 bottles of wine and this guy's uh playing his guitar and everybody's just listening and drinking $3 wine sailing through the night or you know on this fery through the night and we arrive you know first thing in the morning to to the island of Corfu and I'll never forget it that the Pink Palace at least this is back in 1990 I'm like so old but this would have been in 1996 um ni they they would not give us the keys to our room until we did shots of uzo that that sounds European for anybody that doesn't know uzo it's like it's like sambuka B like the the heavy black they love their uzo at in Corfu and uh and so finally we bit the bullet and and put down the uzo and we got keys to our to our very own Pink Palace and Corfu long story to say shout out Randy says yeah it's still here I wonder if Randy's watching from the Pink Palace wouldn't that be cool uh but you digress yeah but I digress so cool to see people joining us yeah yeah yeah so cool to see people joining us uh including when they're out on the road and traveling around the world Randy and and others we sure appreciate that it's back to to school and kids a lot of students are going to be going back to school like right now families have the backpacks ready they got the lunchboxes ready but it's not just kids we want to celebrate lifelong Learners in this very special edition of the real talk round table and we are thrilled to have three people who are walking the walk all of them connected to Athabasca University uh Dr agnesa think or AA palis is an associate professor in open Digital and distance education at AU uh more than 25 years of experience uh as a face-to-face and online adult educator an instructional designer a programmer an academic uh combined with her passion for teaching and learning agus Focus to research on providing online and digital learning for the whole person uh she teaches in both au's master and doctor of education programs uh previously taught at the University of New Mexico uh in the USA May Doran had no undergrad degree or formal education when she went back to school at the age of 63 uh and entered Yorkville university's master of adult education program after earning her master she enrolled at aabas University to earn her PhD in the doctor of Education the distance education program earning that doctorate at 71 years young just a couple of years ago she's been honored with an academic Excellence award she's an adjunct professor of education at AU and she's joining us live from Victoria BC today and Samar G Dylan is a is a current student at the au's doctor of Education the distance education program born and raised in Punjab India she completed a Bachelor of Science in nursing before coming to Canada in 1997 while working full-time this is super cool as a registered nurse in BC uh samet returned to school for her master's of Nursing degree which she earned in 2007 she enrolled at AU just a few years ago now writing her dissertation with a goal of graduating in June of next year still working full-time as an education consultant with the BC College of nurses and midwives uh she's joining us from abbottford BC three incredible CVS thank you all for joining us today May why don't we start with you I love this 71 years young you graduate with your PhD was that a standing ovation at the at the ceremony or what take us into that experience well the ceremony was actually online it was a a convocation during uh the tail end of Co of course yeah so it was beautifully done by Au and um yeah I got to uh I got to brag a little well it's it's a remarkable story had you always like when you're in your your late 50s into your 60s was this always something in the back of your mind where you're going I just know I still have this box I want to tick I've still got this thing I want to do yes for sure sure for sure absolutely and uh you know life had to clear away uh all the obstacles so that I could actually find the time I was a a single mom and um business person and so on so uh uh circumstances just allowed that I could uh take this new route my my third career actually well absolutely fantastic oh I want to come back to you in just a second but Sam jet I love what you've been doing because you're you're you're pursuing this education Journey uh over the last 20 years or so while working full-time the entire time that's obviously goes without saying got to be a huge challenge how have you navigated that especially learning at such a high level um I would say um having a passion for something passion for learning um is an absolutely necessary ingredient of that Journey however also so having um a clear goal in mind and some really good supports um in place um to navigate through that Journey um I've absolutely enjoyed it um hasn't been without challenges but um again I want to say I've had some incredible supports in place that has made this that have made this journey very enjoyable for me oh I love that what a shout out to those that have surrounded you and and obviously it's maybe a little modesty there at play as well I'm sure that there's been a lot of long nights a lot of early mornings all part of that Journey there's no doubt about that AG this has been a big part of your career hasn't it like like you know we we talk about you know your your years of experience as a face to-face uh instructor and educator uh but an online adult educator as well is is this a newer Trend uh seeing people in in in in on their back nine of their life go back to school or have you seen this time and time again from people that just feel like there still is that passion for Learning and they've still got to get something done you know what people do have passion for learning if they have uh those supports that summer Jeet has mentioned right and those supports you know we learn informally all the time as an educator an long life student myself um or learner because very often it's informally everywhere I go I see people learning looking for new being curious uh searching for answers now atasa creates that space um offers those supports we are flexible enough for people to realize their dreams of learning that also is rewarded with a little bit more like better you know formalized Awards and recognition of the hard work as well as provides those you know um scaffolds and systems that give us offer us shortcuts and guide us through this um learning path let me just tell you very quickly I also am a graduate of Athabasca three times um and when it came to looking for a job when I had this doctor in front of my name I knew for sure that that was the institution I wanted to um offer my resources too um so why because once again for me that was that celebration of oh my God this space get gets it aab basa gets it when I started learning at Athabasca getting my masters there we were sending our materials back and forth through SN mail now you know we talking about artificial intelligence in our day-to-day conversations oh man have things ever changed right I mean like you just heard me going on and on about my traveling to Greece in 1996 like it was I you know I remember doing that with a big disman and a bunch of CDs and a huge travel guide and my backpack weigh a whole lot more we look at the evolution of online education wow Leaps and Bounds over the past 20 years or so may what was it like Mike when you I mean you didn't even have when when you at age 63 uh you enroll in a master's of adult education program but you don't have an undergrad degree at that point like this was your first day at postsecondary at age 63 were you feeling the same Jitters that that some kids might be feeling on their first day of school do was it a familiar feeling for you uh absolutely uh I mean it was online and and as AGA says you know it's an incredible opportunity that these kinds of degrees are available now for Us online I could not have done it otherwise there's no way I could have physically gone to a university um so yes the the Jitters were there and every single uh document or paper that I wrote was a brand new round of stress at the beginning I I didn't know that whether I could write or not academically uh or present and so on um but I was supported and scaffolded by um by the degree programs and um I just kept going you know and uh kept writing and uh I loved it so that also helped I don't feel like I've ever heard anybody use the phrase scaffolded and I love the picture that it presents like I love that the image that it builds in my brain of just this this support system around you while you construct something significant Something Something Beautiful uh that that that word it's it's it's really and by the way I'm going to steal that word and I'm going to start using that word for myself I hope you don't mind are did you find it's common in the world of um education academics that word because we want to scaffold our students we want them to to feel supported without you know coming from above but but coming from underneath a support yeah I love that did you feel like you or or even in in the bigger picture Maybe talk about people that you're working with students you work with present day did you feel like you were better positioned um to to embark on that postsecondary Journey at a at a later stage in your life like do you think that 19 or 20year old you may have approached those studies differently than 63y old you I have to say yes I really really do um you know my careers had given me confidence in myself that I did not have when I was 19 uh plus a um a whole world of experience of working with people so that that did give me a lot of confidence for sure um but I didn't know that I could write I did not know that I would be good at this I really didn't I I thought I would um you know launch into this and just see if I could survive and so um uh when you mentioned the community the culture um especially at Athabasca we had a doctoral cohort um that I'm still friends with now we still communicate we still talk and I I hear I feel sad when I hear people say that their their online experience was cold and isolated because uh uh it was exactly the opposite for me I I don't know how I would have made it my my husband passed away just before I applied to Athabasca to get into the doctoral program and I really didn't think I had a hope in you know to get into a doctoral program after only two years and a master's um but I had some alumni that were in a abasa that were like you're going to do this you're going to do it I'm going to call you back in two hours and you're going to have written your intent for research and you know they pushed me and I managed to get that application in by the end of January in uh 2018 and by some miracle I got into that program so I'm I'm a huge huge proponent of online cultures and online communities wow that that's an amazing endorsement summer G did you did you experience the same thing like you you've you you've your studies have have been in different context right like you were at uh the University of the Fraser Valley you've studied at UBC you're now studying through the distance learning program at aabas University what's that online experience been like for you learn you know checking in from from British Columbia as you continue your studies um thank you Ryan my journey with um as you mentioned it's been in different context so my baloria program was totally um totally face Toof face and then when I came to teach U at University of the Fraser Valley I was mainly teaching face Toof face it was my first encounter with online learning was at UBC um one of the courses in the Masters program was taught by I think I can say the name Marian Clawson uh Professor Marian Clawson in 2003 and that first encounter with online learning was so good I didn't feel isolated I felt so supported it made me fall in love with online learning and online teaching so I started to incorporate that in my teachings as well where possible and then when I was looking at uh doctoral degrees um atasa stood out to me again because it was a flexible program it was fully online um I often say I would wouldn't have enrolled in a doctoral program if it wasn't for fully online program and my experience was very similar to me I felt very supported by uh um the professors um they were more like colleagues Dr a is one of them and uh um and also it's a cohort-based program so you take courses with the same group of people I mean a couple of people vary sometimes people take time off U for personal reasons and that again is a beautiful flexibility built into the program so then they join a semester later or another two terms later so you have a couple of people that may be different but mostly you carry on and you build lifelong friendships um so I have thoroughly enjoyed that online um learning at atasa University um it's absolutely made it possible for me to be in this um doctoral program wow I love it a green tomato is one of is one of our uh uh commenters in our live chat today says I love C cting women achieving in academics through non-traditional paths um AA you got a big smile on your face when I read that uh how come I mean it might it might be obvious but let me ask you why because your face just like exploded into a smile when you heard that um okay I might surprise you with my answer though I was thinking okay powerful women yes um but as there is always a powerful woman uh supporting a powerful for men it also works the other way around and for sure in my case when I was done with my doctoral studies at aasa uh the first person I had to apologize to and uh thank um for his support was my dear husband what he had to put up with when I was working full-time and studying fulltime for four years for my doctoral course um yeah I should be sharing here online with everybody but he definitely deserved a t-shirt um doctoral program Survivor um I was about to put that t-shirt you know on him but it never worked out I'm still thinking to do that that many years later so yes support of your family understanding um it's it's understanding is a big piece of that but also I want to make a very quick comment about that experience that May talked about how you come into those studies with a lifetime experience of not only uh building your knowledge understanding qualifying to study what you stud but also understanding life and people and circumstances and the fluctuating circumstances of life and those experiences in our programs at aasa the life experiences are not only celebrated um recognized appreciated but they are built buil on so our programs are really um um yeah organized in such a way that our curriculum Builds on that experience of mature students well it's fascinating to see the the the trends around postsecondary and and how people are studying and where they're studying uh and when they're studying and uh we we just love the story of of people that that you know I mean I know may for you you're you know you're going to go well I only have 50 years left on this planet so I want to make the most of them right now you know but that's something that's absolutely inspiring to everybody and it's my hope that this conversation um gives somebody that final little nudge that they need somebody that has forever thought about going back to school and I mean we're we're here talking about you know masters of education doctor of Education that type of thing I mean I know there's NBA programs there's all kind I mean there there's a a ton there's dozens and dozens and dozens of different program and opportunities and and and I just hope that as we're spending a lot of time talking about back to school for for kids that are like aged 5 to 17 or 5 to 18 or University students as we perceive when we say University students most people probably think of 18 to 26 year olds or or whatever it is and I and I love this reminder uh that learning is a lifelong process a lifelong commitment um May you talked about that passion for learning that you felt and and I just just think it's a beautiful thing um and it's my hope that that the right person the person that needs to hear this hears this interview and feels compelled to do something to better themselves and who knows Also let's let's say it for what it is maybe create a whole new career opportunity for themselves as well you know there's that as well um maybe I'll ask the three of you we love doing this as we wrap up roundtables to to sort of give us a closing thought or maybe a call to action or something to encourage the audience that'll watch or listen to this and maybe apply to their own lives um Sumer G you want to go first sure so my final thoughts on um learning sort of later in um in life is um I want to relate back to Ryan what you were talking about traveling earlier um so if you sort of think about traveling earlier in life and later in life earlier in life when you're 19 or 20 okay you've got to figure out okay I can I afford this I have X amount of money okay let's pack our bags and leave and you go enjoy the experience when you are planning to do that at 45 50 40 years of age when you have um other responsibilities and liabilities in life um you know you have your children you have family um if that's your situation then you've got to think about so many many different factors um okay who's going to look after my children you know what's happening in other parts of my life so you have to prioritize and make sure you've got the right supports in place and as Dr AA mentioned earlier there's formal learning there's informal learning I think when you're going back to school later in life it's very important for people to have their priorities right and have their supports in place um because especially when you go back for formal learning it's a long journey um full of challenges and joys um so you've got to make sure that you've got all the right support in place um and also another thing I want to say about formal learning versus informal learning um they're both equally valuable and it just depends on the person's context uh no one should think that oh my gosh formal learning is the only way to go it should really be contextualized and I from my personal experience I don't think it's worth it just for the financial gain there's got to be a passion you've got to choose a topic um for your learning that's bigger than just the financial gains if the financial gains come with it that's excellent byproduct of it however um you've got to you know whether it's giving back to the field you're working in um for example my research is related to nursing and I my passion is about contributing positively to the nursing education World um so my research is related to supporting registered nurses with bsize online OnDemand programs um when they want to transition into part-time clinical nursing instructors for post secondary institutions um so you've got to have a goal in mind and rest is I highly encourage people to consider it it's a very um enjoyable cool thing to do H I love it like they say on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette you you got to be doing it for the right reasons right May what's your call to action what are your words of encouragement for us yeah just thinking about that I I think what I would say to to everyone who's uh looking at this show and listening is that if you have a slight intuition a slight a slight feeling that you might be able to do something there's something you might want to explore to and it might be a still small void uh to really just follow through on it see where it takes you see how far it will take you um because you know even there wasn't a paper that I wrote over those those years where I didn't have a whole team of internal naysayers show up in my being to tell me I couldn't do it and this wasn't going to be good enough and I'd never get it done on time and it it was always they were always showing up it wasn't as if they sort of disappeared heed after I started doing well they always showed up and so everyone will probably I'm guessing will have especially women you know a set of naysayers within them that say you can't do this or you can't do it well and just to to go past that and follow your intuition that you might have a feeling that you could do this and just take it as as far as it will take you I love it Dr AA last if I can if I can go first name basis over to you please go a it is yeah so I tell you something I'm just looking here at May and summer je right and uh you're lucky to meet two of the students that I um I have worked with and I work with so many of these brilliant fantastic students day in day out so when I think about why would I want to go back to school is to be with these people to to be learning with them and from them to it's natural to be curious obviously but to have that support that's not only um cognitive but it is uh also social emotional and uh and it's just fun and you're taking risks and you're making your mistakes and then you're getting out of trouble and then you're learning more and you grow and you grow together with other people and you are enjoying those moments that are fun and then you enjoying even more so those moments that come after you've been challenged and you actually have come through hell found yourself on the other side of it and you feeling like you've learned you've grown and you feel satisfaction and for that feeling of you know what overcoming challenges and coming out of it smarter and better and more mature just back to school I love it hey thank you to the three of you for making time for us today I've been like smiling the entire time and uh and I just think that these stories are remarkable I absolutely love them I guarantee you that somebody right now is is 58 years old walking their dog or 62 years old you know listening to this episode on a road trip or whatever the case may be well into their 70s going why don't I go get that MBA y I've always wanted it why don't I go get it and you've given them some compelling reasons to not just consider it but to take that next step and we applaud you for that we've been talking to Dr AGA pales Dr May Doran and Samar Jeet Dylan um all of them connected to aabas University and we're grateful to Au for uh providing the resources to present this conversation thank you to all three of you and best of luck as as your back to school commences here in just a short time you can learn more about the programs and courses that are available including online adult learning by visiting aabas we're proud to partner with au Canada's open University with worldclass Accredited Online degrees and courses designed as you've just heard so you can complete your education wherever and whenever it works for you learn more about the Au Advantage by visiting Athabasca this episode of real talk is also happening with the support of our friends at Complete Care restoration want to let you know coming up on Thursday's episode we got a couple of things we're talking about big changes with Alberta Health Services uh we're going to get to that and we're also going to sit down I mean not technically Johnny we'll do it remote because he's got he's got his do we need a stand up we need like a standup Pulpit for when we're going to get more serious but uh hey this is as serious as it gets Jasper's mayor uh his worship Richard Ireland's going to join us out of the gates tomorrow some folks some Jasper residents are back in town others are going to be heading back this weekend and uh of course for a lot of folks the return back home to Jasper isn't going to be for a while and that's why I'm talking to you about Complete Care restoration right now because they've got team members out there right now trained certified team members experts in restoring properties and rebuilding peace of mind they're in Jasper right now they're in Slave Lake they were in Fort McMurray they were in BC they've helped people in Southern Alberta with the floods they seen it all and they know what to do when disaster strikes you don't want to put this project in the hands of just anybody when you're restoring your property make sure heaven forbid if disaster strikes that you think of Complete Care restoration doca so as mentioned uh as we wrap this episode coming up on tomorrow you're not going to want to miss we only have 10 minutes with uh mayor Ireland because obviously his plate is absolutely loaded right now with and you know that the the Jasper's Council as well is working hard to get people back the services there the community there as this uh rebuild begins so as you tune in as you join us on that episode of real talk make sure you're going to join us off the top uh if you're streaming it live on the mixler app presented by California Closets or on YouTube and of course you can always catch it later on YouTube via our Channel thanks for subscribing or wherever you get your podcast we'll also be taking a look at the Daniel Smith and the ucp's restructuring of how Healthcare is delivered in Alberta they're tapping Covenant Health on the shoulder and threatening Alberta Health Services with losing facilities with losing hospitals if they can't improve that efficiency is it the right move or are all of these folks crying foul onto something plus our Friday Round Table this week we take a look at Innovation when it comes to the future of food should be absolutely fascinating we hope you join us [Applause] [Music] real talk is hosted by Ryan jerson executive producer Josh Dunford technical producer John Hicks

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Why a Moonshot Malaria Vaccine Is Next Big Challenge for Serum CEO Adar Poonawalla

Category: Science & Technology

We just recently launched our malaria vaccine, the second malaria vaccine in the world that's going out to the african countries this year. that took us 6 to 7 years to fund and develop through different stages. very similarly with the hpv vaccine, which is the cervical cancer vaccine for women. so... Read more

I Was on the Rachael Ray Show Today Discussing Health Myths! Let's Watch Together! thumbnail
I Was on the Rachael Ray Show Today Discussing Health Myths! Let's Watch Together!

Category: People & Blogs

Intro hey guys just trying to make sure everything is going live hey welcome i'm gonna go live on other platforms we're gonna watch my episode of rachel ray today so you're the first here uh youtube hello it's good to see you uh let's go live on tick tock and let us get um facebook gum i am so excited... Read more