The story NEVER Told About Lucifer's Fall 'The Guardian Cherub

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:28:13 Category: Education

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imagine a being of light so powerful that its presence eclipsed the Sky Stars a being created with the Divine Purpose of protecting the very Throne of God whose Beauty was unparalleled throughout the cosmos now picture this same being once radiant and Majestic transforming into the arch enemy of the Creator the Prince of Darkness the Relentless adversary of humanity how did this happen What Cosmic events led to the fall of the most beautiful and Brilliant of angels Lucifer today dear viewers we will embark on a journey through the sacred pages of the scriptures to uncover the untold story of Lucifer's fall the guardian cherub our journey begins in the early days of creation before Earth's formation and Humanity's emergence to truly grasp the magnitude of Lucifer's fall we must first understand who he was before this cataclysmic event The Book of Ezekiel offers us a fascinating and detailed view of Lucifer in his original state before sin marred his perfection in Ezekiel 28:12 to15 we read you were the model of perfection full of wisdom and perfect Beauty you were in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone of adorned you Carnelian topaz and Diamond barrel onx and Jasper Sapphire turquoise and emerald your settings and mountings were made of gold on the day you were created they were prepared you were anointed as a guardian cherub for so I ordained you you were on the holy Mount of God you walked among the fiery Stones you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you this description reveals a beauty and Perfection beyond our Earthly understanding Lucifer was not just another Angel he held a position of great Prestige and importance in the celestial hierarchy the text describes Lucifer as the epitome of perfection a being who reflected God's glory incomparably the detail of the nine precious stones adorning him Carnelian topaz Diamond barel Onyx Jasper Sapphire turquoise and emerald each with its unique meaning and Beauty emphasizes Lucifer's original magnificence each precious stone represented aspects of divine glory and his golden adornments symbolized his elevated position and closeness to God the description shows that Lucifer adorned with these precious stones was a true Masterpiece of divine creation he was created as a guardian cherub indicating a sacred task of protecting the Throne of God a position of honor and Trust on the holy Mount of God he walked Among The Shining Stones absorbing and reflecting Divine Light this proximity to God gave him a deep understanding of divine Mysteries and Superior knowledge of creation Lucifer's Perfection was not limited to his external appearance but also extended to his wisdom he was described as possessing a profound understanding of divine Mysteries and intelligence that allowed him to comprehend and Marvel at God's creation the text emphasizes that Lucifer was blameless in his ways indicating that his morality and behavior were perfectly aligned with Divine will understanding Lucifer's original condition is essential to grasping the magnitude of his fall an intriguing question arises what could lead such a perfect being to rebel against God the answer lies in the concept of Free Will Lucifer could make free choices despite being created perfect reflecting God's desire for his creatures to love and serve him willingly the prophet Isaiah provides insights into what was happening in Lucifer's heart in Isaiah 14:12 to14 we read how you have fallen from heaven Morning Star son of the Dawn you have been cast down to the Earth who once laid the Nations low you said in your heart I will Ascend to the heavens I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit enthroned on the Mount of assembly on the utmost Heights of Mount Zion I will Ascend above the tops of the clouds I will make myself like the most high this passage reveals an internal process of Pride and ambition Lucifer began to desire not only to reflect God's glory but to be like God himself once perfectly aligned with Divine will his heart started to seek greatness and Independence this Pride grew over time fueled by his Beauty and position Lucifer came to see himself not just as a reflection of God's glory but as someone deserving greater recognition and Power Lucifer's transformation was not immediate but gradual beginning with a seemingly harmless thought and growing into a full Rebellion his pride increased and his wisdom once used to glorify God became an instrument of self-exaltation Lucifer began to believe that he deserved an even higher position disregarding his dependence on the Creator Lucifer's Rebellion had serious consequences revelation 124 reads his tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the Earth this passage generally indicates Lucifer's influence over other Angels who aligned with him in his Rebellion the expulsion of Lucifer from Heaven is described in Luke 10:18 I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven this vivid imagery shows the speed and intensity of the expulsion the being who once walked Among The Shining stones on the holy Mount was now excluded from the divine presence his Beauty and light were replaced by darkness and spiritual corruption Lucifer meaning bearer of light was no longer fitting he became known by other names Satan the adversary the devil the accuser the tempter the father of Lies each of these titles reflects an aspect of his new career corupted nature and his role as an opponent of God and Humanity Lucifer's fall not only transformed him but also fundamentally altered the structure of the created Universe what was once a realm of Perfect Harmony and obedience to God now included an element of rebellion and evil the conflict between light and darkness good and evil which permeates human history originated from this Cosmic event the creation once declared very good by God now contained the seeds of disorder and Chaos Lucifer's desire to rise above the stars of God and be an object of worship illustrates how even a perfect being can be corrupted when pride and self-exaltation replace humility and gratitude towards the Creator Lucifer's Declaration of I will be like the most high marks the peak of his internal Rebellion revealing not only a desire for equality with God but an aspiration to usurp the Creator's position it is crucial to recognize that Lucifer did not deny the existence of God but sought to attain Divine Supremacy for himself this distorted belief and the desire to equal the Creator are fundamental aspects of the nature of sin in his arrogance Lucifer believed he could achieve the position of God ignoring his dependence on the creat for his existence Lucifer's rebellion was not confined to thoughts alone it manifested in concrete actions in Revelation 12:4 we read that his tail swept a third of the stars from the sky and cast them to the Earth this passage indicates Lucifer's power of persuasion and the extent of the celestial conflict a third of the Angels aligned with him in his revolt against the Creator the scriptures describe the fall of Lucifer and his followers dramatically in Luke 10:18 Jesus declares I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven this Vivid description demonstrates the speed and intensity of the expulsion the fall was not a gradual decline but a sudden and definitive removal the being who once walked Among The Shining Stones was banished from the divine presence Lucifer's transformation had profound repercussions throughout creation once characterized by Harmony and obedience to God the universe now reflected the introduction of evil and Rebellion the conflict between light and darkness good and evil originated from this Cosmic event fundamentally altering the course of history and Creation in summary Lucifer's fall changed his nature and had a lasting and far-reaching on all operations what was once a perfect Celestial order now Bears The Mark of chaos and Rebellion a permanent reflection of the drama that began with an angel's Rebellion against the Creator the Eden depicted in the Bible as an idilic Paradise became the backdrop for the initial Act of human Rebellion orchestrated by Lucifer who had recently fallen in Genesis 3 we OB observe how Lucifer now in the guise of a serpent approached Eve with deceitful intent his suggestion that eating the forbidden fruit would make her and Adam like God knowing good and evil mirrored his Rebellion This Promise of increased wisdom and autonomy was rooted in Lucifer's desire to rival the most high by tempting Eve Lucifer was not only seeking Humanity's downfall but was also directly challenged ing God's Authority and his plan for creation his approach was subtle not through Force but through psychological manipulation planting seeds of doubt about God's intentions this event marks the beginning of an ongoing spiritual struggle with Lucifer now Satan persistently attempting to lead Humanity away from its creator before this pivotal event the concept of evil as an active Force did not exist Lucifer's Rebellion introduced the notion of moral choice in its deepest sense the conscious decision to reject goodness and embrace what opposes God's nature and will this Rebellion illustrates that evil is not an independent Force but a perversion of what was originally good Lucifer didn't create evil from scratch he corrupted what was inherently good his wisdom became deceit his Beauty became became vanity and his power became tyranny this understanding of evil is crucial for comprehending the nature of our struggles evil relies on good for its existence explaining why Satan is portrayed in the scriptures as an imitator and corruptor rather than a Creator this reality offers hope indicating that evil by its nature is limited and ultimately destined for defeat the question AR Rises as to why an all- knowing and all powerful God would allow such Rebellion this question touches on one of theology's great Mysteries the problem of evil although the answer is not fully understandable it relates to free will God In His Infinite Wisdom created beings with the genuine capacity to choose including the possibility of rejecting his love and Authority without this Freedom love and work ship would be mere programming lacking True Value Lucifer's fall serves as a testament to the consequences of rejecting Divine goodness and Authority demonstrating that even the highest beings are not immune to the effects of their choices the story of Lucifer's fall does not conclude with his expulsion from Heaven the scriptures depict him as continuing to play an active role in The Cosmic drama of redemption for instance in the The Book of Job Satan appears before God to challenge job's integrity and is granted permission to test him this scene reveals that despite his fall Satan still has some access to the divine presence though now as an accuser his role is to test and refine the faith of God's servants in the New Testament Satan's temptation of Jesus in the desert mirrors the original Temptation in Eden reflecting his unche desire to usurp God's position Jesus resistance affirms his divinity and is a model for resisting temptation pride is often identified in the scriptures as the root of all sin and Lucifer's story exemplifies this his pride led him to seek a position equal to or above God disregarding his nature as a created being this self-exaltation represents the essence of sin placing oneself above the Creator pride is portrayed as more dangerous than other visible sins Proverbs 16:18 States Pride goes Before Destruction a hay spirit before a fall Lucifer's Pride LED not only to his fall but also introduced Rebellion into the universe with consequences for all creation this lesson about pride is relevant to us because we are are often tempted to rely on our wisdom and abilities rather than God Lucifer's transformation from Guardian cherub to Satan also provides insight into spiritual corruption observing how his original qualities were perverted after his fall is instructive his wisdom once used to understand and glorify God became manipulative his Beauty turned into vanity and his power into opposition to Divine plans this transformation teaches us that sin can corrupt even the most noble gifts this is reflected in human history where great talents when misused can lead to destruction Lucifer's story serves as a warning to align our gifts and talents with Divine Purpose additionally Lucifer's Fall highlights that spiritual corruption begins internally with thoughts and desires before manifesting in s the biblical text emphasizes that Rebellion started in Lucifer's heart with thoughts of self-exaltation this underscores the importance of guarding our hearts and Minds as spiritual battles often occur there as Jesus taught out of the heart come evil thoughts Matthew 15:19 the story of Lucifer also shows that even Celestial beings with free will can choose to reject God's will Revelation 12:4 mentions that a third of the Heavenly hosts followed Lucifer's Rebellion indicating his persuasive power and the nature of angelic free will this serves as a reminder that humans and angels can make choices contrary to God's will the cosmic implications of Lucifer's fall extend to the present day scriptures speak of principalities and powers of Darkness suggesting a demonic hierarchy reflecting the original Angelic order these Fallen beings led by Satan actively oppose God's purposes understanding this spiritual reality helps contextualize personal and Global conflicts as Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12 our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms thus Lucifer's fall initiated an ongoing Cosmic Conflict by examining Satan's tactics we can recognize patterns in his Temptations for instance his offer to Eve in Eden promising Godlike knowledge parallels his temptation of Jesus with worldly power in exchange for worship understanding these tactics equips us to resist Temptation Lucifer's fall also teaches about the deceptive nature of sin what began as a seemingly minor thought of self-exaltation led to significant consequences this highlights the importance of vigilance against small sins that can lead to Greater corruption James warns each person is tempted when they are dragged Away by their own evil desire and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death James 1:14-15 Lucifer's progression into sin is a caution about nurturing contrary thoughts and desires the story of Lucifer's fall is not just a historical account but a call to vigilance and submission to God his expulsion demonstrates that there is a point Beyond which rebellion becomes irreversible this principle is reflected in other scriptural events such as the flood the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and prophetic warnings about the final judgment while God is loving and merciful he is also just and will not tolerate evil indefinitely the balance between mercy and Justice is Central to the biblical narrative culminating in Christ's cross where Justice and mercy converge Satan's ultimate Destiny in the Lake of Fire as prophesied in Revelation 20 underscores the consequences of rebellion against God this reality prompts reflection on our own choices and their Eternal implications as Peter advises be alert and of sober mind your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour 1 Peter 58 the story of Lucifer thus serves as both a historical account and a continuous call to faithfulness after Humanity's fall through Adam and Eve God immediately introduced his plan for redemption in Genesis 3:15 known as the Proto evangelium I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your Offspring and hers he will crush your head and you will strike his heel this prophecy foreshadows Christ's victory over Satan unlike humans who have the chance for repentance and Redemption Fallen Angels do not have this opportunity Hebrews 2:16 notes for surely it is not Angels he helps but Abraham's descendants this distinction emphasizes Humanity's unique role in God's plan and the seriousness of Lucifer's Choice the story of redemption thus addresses human sin and the cosmic Rebellion initiated by Lucifer God's Plan of Salvation redeems humanity and reaffirms his sovereignty over all creation including the spiritual Realms created to reflect and Proclaim God's glory Lucifer perverted his purpose by seeking worship for himself this inversion of worship from the Creator to the creature is Central to the concept of idolatry Satan's temptation of Jesus in the desert offering all the kingdoms of the World in exchange for worship Matthew 4:9 reveals Satan's original ambition Jesus response Worship the Lord your God and serve him only Matthew 4:10 not only refute Satan's offer but also reaffirms the correct order of worship this connection between Lucifer's fall and true worship has profound implications for our spiritual lives it reminds us that worship is not merely a religious activity but the fundamental orientation of Our Lives anything we place in the place of God whether power wealth status or even our abilities is a reflection of Lucifer's error as Paul warns in Romans 125 the essence of sin is to worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator the story of Lucifer serves as a constant reminder of the importance of keeping God at the center of our lives and directing all worship exclusively to Him scripture often portrays the Christian Life as a spiritual battle against powers and authorities led by Satan Ephesians 6:12 this conflict is not a struggle between equals but a persistent Rebellion against God's sovereignty understanding the origin of this conflict in Lucifer's fall helps contextualize many of our struggles the tactics of deception and accusation attributed to Satan who is called the father of Lies John 8:44 and the accuser of the Brethren Revelation 1210 are extensions of his original Rebellion his strategy continues to be to distort the truth about God and so doubts about his goodness and Authority just as he did in Eden however the biblical narrative clarifies that this conflict has a predetermined end Christ's victory over Satan prophesied in Genesis 3:15 and accomplished on the cross and through the resurrection will be fully realized at the final judgment as Paul declares in Romans 16:20 the God of Peace will soon Crush Satan under your feet this certainty of God's final victory over evil rooted in the defeat already accomplished by Christ offers hope and courage to Believers amid the spiritual battles they face the process leading to Lucifer's Rebellion starting with thoughts of Pride and self-exaltation and culminating in open Rebellion is a model for understanding how sin develops in our lives James describes a similar process in his epistle each one is tempted by his own evil desire being dragged away and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death James 1:14-15 the progression of sin in Lucifer's life warns us of the dangers of entertaining thoughts and desires contrary to God's will furthermore Lucifer's Fall highlights the deceptive nature of sin what began as a seemingly innocuous thought of self-exaltation led to catastrophic consequences for him and all creation this reminds us of the importance of vigilance against small sins and compromises that can lead to Greater corruption as Jesus warned whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much and whoever is dishonest in very little is also dishonest in much Luke 16:10 the story of Lucifer thus serves as a powerful reminder of the need to guard our hearts and Minds recognizing that spiritual battles are often fought there finally The Narrative of Lucifer's fall leads us to reflect on scriptures central theme God's sovereignty and Glory despite Lucifer's rebellion and the chaos it introduced into creation God's Eternal plan was not thwarted on the contrary through redemption in Christ God demonstrates his wisdom power and love in ways that might not have been possible without the existence of evil as Paul declares in Ephesians 3:10-11 his intent was that now through the church the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the Heavenly Realms according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our lord the story of Lucifer seen in the broader context of God's Redemptive plan reveals that even the greatest Rebellion against God ultimately serves to manifest his glory this does not diminish the seriousness of sin or its tragic consequences but assures us that God remains Sovereign over all creation including the forces of evil as job acknowledged in his suffering I know that you can do all things no purpose of yours can be thwarted job 422 thus Lucifer's fall far from being just a cosmic tragedy becomes part of the grand Narrative of redemption in which God demonstrates his glory Justice and love in ways that transcend our understanding this perspective offers hope and confidence as we navigate the challenges of our spiritual journey knowing that The God Who triumphed over Lucifer's Rebellion is the same God who works in and through us for his eternal glory we have reached the end of our video and I hope you like it if you're looking for inspiration knowledge and spiritual connection don't let this opportunity pass you by subscribe to our Channel now leave your like and comment to strengthen our community and if you want to help us continue sharing religious stories that touch hearts become a channel member together we can make a difference and strengthen our spiritual journey we're counting on you we've left the link in the description of this video so you can become a member today continue watching videos about the history of the Bible I will leave two recommendations here on the screen God bless you we will get to the next video

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