Recap: Iowa vs Iowa St

all right here we go this is Hawk talk on Melrose don't know how this episode will go but we are here today day after the II State game losing 20-9 I'm still wouldn't use the word shocked but just still annoyed by how everything turned out yesterday give credit to Iowa State for battling back right their backs were against the wall especially in that first half we we had them rattled we had Rocko rattled and credited them to come into the second half and um really not give up and just kind of keep because they knew what ia's Tendencies are like especially towards the back end of the game when we're up and they just kept kind of clawing clawing clawing and um they won the game but I'm just annoyed by how that game turned out because we had every opportunity um and I think even Iowa State fans would agree like we had every opportunity to just close that game up uh whether it was in the first half um where you go into half up only 133 to zero where it really felt like man we should be up by more than that but then even in the second half we had opportunities to kind of close the game out and we just let Iowa State hang in there and man I love Kirk but that is his one downfall is it seems like we do this all the time and sometimes it ends up not costing us but then other times and especially as of late it just seems like it it's it's been costing us games where you know know just lay the hammer down what are we doing but um yeah it's just a very painful game a sucky game it's a game that you we we like I said we had no business losing but once again gotta give credit I would say too yeah uh good morning Colin um and and to everyone out there welcome to the hawk talk on Melrose therapy session as uh as that might be more what this is today between me and you as opposed to maybe some of the X's and O's and stuff like that that maybe we get into I I agree with you man I think you you kind of hit the nail on the head like the overarching theme is just you play this style and and I said it after the game it's like nine times out of 10 you know maybe in the past it works under Kirk fence it's just it's really hard to continue to to really get to where you want to go and win these big games playing this way and and I said it you play with fire you're going to get burned and I I we really I feel like we did that in the second half of last last night's game and I just it man I I agree with you I'm sick to my stomach like you said give credit to Iowa State because they had to come back and battle from being down and they sure as hell did that but I will say like we hurt ourselves like we Iowa beat Iowa in this game and I I don't not to take any credit away from Iowa State but it's like you blew that game in historic fashion like I think I saw like we hadn't lost a a double digit lead or 13-point lead going in the second half since 2014 against Nebraska I mean it's been a long time and so this was the definition of blowing the game and it's hard to it's hard to stomach it because you just you know you had it and you it shouldn't have really even really been close and and lose on a game-winning field goal 54 yard or give credit to that freshman man that's a hell kick yeah wow and it just crushed us all as Iowa fans in that Stadium well we talked about after the game I mean you have NFL kickers that I feel like Miss 50 plus yard a decent amount let alone uh kicker in kinck yeah it's it's a tough and and you saw earlier in the game he missed one right now he had the wind with him because it was coming out of the north but still that's a tough freaking kick but um the way that game started man it was as perfect as you could maybe ride up because even though we didn't score on that first drive number one I obviously wanted to defer um but we obviously lost the coin toss and I felt kind of like oh boy probably going to get a three and out well no we actually something we've talked about for a long time like sustaining drives I think we got like three first downs on that first drive that was huge even though we didn't score you just kind of go down the field and you end up setting up shop at the one yard line for I would say great punt by reaken and from the get-go we made Rocco like I said look very rattled that first half half um and then you get the ball back and then Caleb Johnson didn't even have a guy touch him the hole was so big and you're up seven to zero and just that entire first half where we had countless opportunities those two it's it's GNA haunt me forever those two drives where we had the ball at the one yard line and at the three yard line and why we didn't just go with Caleb Johnson at least one of those drives where all three Downs just hand the ball off to Caleb Johnson good things are going to happen because he's on fire this game and what do we do we elect to pass four out of the six times and we can get into Kade mcam but that's just not good coaching there and so far like this year like I've been decently pleased with Tim Lester and I'm not trying to already like on him but that was that was a bad like we you stop being cute there we're at the one yard line Caleb Johnson's just been a freak this game just give the ball to him um because at worst one of those drives we should have scored we should have had at least 10 points out of those two drives if not 14 and we should have went in the half um up 17 to zero at least or if not 21 to zero and we just credit goes Iowa State again but man you got to score at least one of those times at least one and I'm just and I'm just giving them one but if not both I mean honestly in all reality both times because if you're within the three yard line you have to score um I think someone made a good point too it's like in in that situation where we've our defense was playing so good you know one of those drives is a four down territory even maybe you know right instead of kicking a field goal is a four down territory because if you don't make it you have to have Iowa State start like the two yard line well we already seen what happened at the beginning of the game when they started at the one or two yard line right so I guess you could you could make the case there too but regardless so that is just not good enough and you go into half even though we're up 13 to zero it just felt kind of like man Iowa State's loving this because they played an awful first half I mean that was an awful first half get they're only down 13 to zero backs up against the wall they have no pressure right now I mean they're you know going in this game everyone kind of thought they were going to lose and then the first half was the way it is I think everybody just kind of counted them out they loved where they were at and I think the play that changed the entire game you go into the second half and Hu huge three and out by Iowa's defense because usually that first drive you you make your you know your adjustments at halftime and most times like offenses kind of put together something no we get a three and out huge not only that but their punter absolutely shanked it we get the ball at the 40 yard line at their own 40 yard line and even if we just kick a field goal on that drive make it 16 to zero if not I mean if we score yeah it's it's over at that point but even if you kick a field goal huge run the ball right but what do we do we act cute and Kade MC threw an awful pass I don't mind the play call because in hindsight like if it would have worked we would have loved it right um but horrible throw by Cade and interception and that gave Iowa State a breath of Hope like oh my gosh this is exactly what we needed we just needed that one play and what do they do they go right down the field after that it was like because our defense just got a three and out okay they're on on the sideline oh nope helmet's back on kage just threw an interception on the first play of the second half and it just gave Iowa state that like okay we're fine and you take that away man like our defense was playing so good before that it just gave Iowa state that hope and it almost felt like when that happened and I think even Kobe looked at me he's like Iowa State's gonna score in this drive because usually this is what happens like that fluke Drive where they turn you know we we do something stupid we're going to let them go right down the field and sure enough they did they went right down the field and that play right there like if we score on that drive you don't do anything stupid even if you had to punt the ball again like let's say we go three and out but you have to punt the ball and they have to start at like the 10 or five yard line again that was a huge play 100% that's the play that changed everything you mean that's literally what sparked their offense um and there's a lot to unpack there I mean yeah like you said you've got the opp opportunities inside the Red Zone from the one and the three inexcusable to throw the ball that many times if you're Iowa like Tim Lester I love you but that's inexcusable Caleb Johnson has been gashing has been you saw how many times even the the ability to to get more yards than he should have right when he was stuffed but he was churning his legs and getting five to seven yards that is what you need at the goal line I I that's hard to stomach that's hard to stomach those those play calls because also like Kade was struggling through the air I know he started off really good but that second half he was struggling into and like I know like I don't know just his his he was off yesterday he was not good and to throw that many times down there when it's already condensed when it's already going to be tougher to throw the ball down there didn't make sense to me and we it's not like Caleb Johnson wasn't going off like you said he was a East yesterday and to to to throw the ball that many times and and to like not have him in there and running with Kamari after Caleb had been so hot early like that was questionable in my opinion I I don't know what we're doing like I don't I don't get it and and that's super frustrating and then yes Kade mcir cannnot throw the ball it's not that he just turned it over it's he was rolling to his right and was was so off platform and CR threw across his body back left I don't I don't know what we're doing like I don't know and and what was weird is because I was sitting there it really didn't when he was rolling right it really didn't look like any of the routes were like Crossing to the right as well it looked like a lot of the routes were to the left which confused me number one why like there's nothing you know in flow to where he's going and the fact that he actually still threw the ball when he shouldn't have is concerning because you've been here now so long you're experienced you can't like at the end of the day you just can't turn the ball over you want to play conservative you want to play the style of football yet we had two turnovers yet we're and I know some people are not like making it that big of a deal but I actually think going for two when you're trying to play conservative when you're trying to to play not to lose and then you go for two and the play call itself is horrible you don't get it we're trying to chase points when it's like dude just take the extra point like it all so confusing to me I guess I know I'm rambling here um it's just confusing you you play not to lose you play conservative but then you go for two you you you to me you can't have it both ways here and that backfired completely yeah yeah two-point conversion like looking back on it I mean obviously now yes it's it's easy to say like man why do we go for two um but if we would have converted um it would have made Iowa State okay you have to score two touchdowns so it just I don't know it's it's so hard to really say one way or the other but at the end of the day like if you would have told me before the game hey by the way Caleb Johnson 187 yards rushing I don't say okay do we win this game I say how much do we win this game by if if your stud running back is rushing for 187 yards I that's what I ask you because that was the the game plan going in and that's really where I felt confident especially after watching North Dakota or yeah North Dakota gash Iowa State last week in the running and then seeing us being able to run the football against Illinois State I really felt like okay if we can just run the football good even if it's kind of a low-scoring game kind of a boring game I think we walk out of kinnick with the dub and with 187 yards like we have no business losing that game but it really comes down to once again Kade mcir just I don't know man I I'm starting to lose a lot patience with him um I gave him the benefit of the doubt you know going into the year although there were times during you know camp where you know we were kind of talking we were hearing you know about he was struggling a little bit solivan looked better and to me I was like I just let the best person play but I'm starting to wonder if if Kate's just I don't know man I just don't know if he's the guy I think he's quote unquote I hate saying this but it almost seems like he's just kind of washed from his back to backs he's an ending injuries he has a noodle arm he can't throw the ball very hard or long I mean you saw that on that hail Mar he couldn't even get to the end zone and he has no running ability now yes he can maneuver a little bit if he really has to take off and run he can but there's no threat like you don't have to gain like you really don't have the game plan for him running and actually a couple times yesterday there was times where I felt like he was better off to run and he chose not to and he tried to throw it and so he just 99 yards like are you kidding me just not good and and watching the replay today or I watched the highlights he had multiple times he had like um Reese vandery on a wide openen throw um late in the game it was an RPO and he just threw a bad ball to him um and then the one I don't think is being talked about that one to Caleb Brown Caleb Brown had his guy beat if he throws Caleb Brown in strike that is a touchdown that is literally a touchdown if not it's a long play and we're setting up top for at least a field goal but he underthrew him of course because once again I just think Cade's arm is not very good he has like a noodle arm um and he under threw him it should have been intercepted honestly but yeah you saw Caleb Brown visually upset after that play because he knew like he had his guy beat he throws the ball better there that is a touchdown game over because at that point I think it was 19 to 14 late in the game you score there it's 26 to it's over the game's over with so it really it comes down to that it comes down to once again the play calling obviously inside the five yard line it comes down to Kirk frence not managing the game well I still don't understand the delay of game at the end of the game where I understand some people well it's five yards no I don't care especially with a freshman punter those five yards are vital and what's 1 second going to do call timeout with one second left on the on the play clock what is that going to do that one second instead we choose a delay of game and five yards is a lot of yards like I'm sorry it just is with Iowa State not having a lot any timeouts either yes five yards matters exactly and so those five yards I mean instead of them starting at the 20 yard line they start at the maybe the 15 yard line and I know it doesn't work that way you know where it's like okay if you go up five yards you're going to automatically punt you know I I get that you know he could have had a bad punt on that but I'm just saying um on average though you're going to probably set them up at like the 15 yard line where you're punting at and that's huge with that like you said with 34 seconds left zero timeouts those five yards can come back and really help you it doesn't seem like it will but it it can and I really do not understand that and so I bring that up because it just seems like there's been there were just so many things in that game where it's like man like we were just so dumb in these areas and that area and Kade and I and it's kind of like all wrapped up into one and it's like yeah I mean no wonder we lost 20 to 19 when we had no business losing that game yeah it's a lot it's you it's weird because you you don't come out of the game too often where it's like you question almost like everything right and like this game yeah from from coaching decisions from from Cade to to questioning like yeah the that the execution was awful the coaching I feel like he that Kirk got out coached I really feel like that especially the second half yeah I a lot of questions a lot of questions again and I thought a lot of it was answered after game one and and you know I know it's Illinois state but I really felt like you know we showed some really good things I thought it carried over to the second half I thought or the first half of the of the game the second game here against Iowa State I thought Kade looked good early we were running the ball but but not executing in the red zone is going to kill you um leaving points on the board there is always going to kill you and then just I don't know what happened in the second half dude I think he had somebody was it didn't your brother say it was like three completions to two interceptions and two interceptions in the second half that is say what you want about Kade but that's not good inexcusable like you're a division one quarterback inexcusable yeah you you have to be better better than that I thought Iowa state did a good job in the second half they they their game plan second half was they started moving their safeties up and their safeties are really good and we talked about that on last week's preview is their safeties are might be the best safety duo in the Big 12 but might be the best safety Duo that we face all year and they started bringing them up and they were just daring us to pass because they knew like they knew Kade he's not they had they had seen early what what we were doing and they're like okay we got to take we got to try to take the run away and just like like team let Kade try to beat you yep and they were confident that he wasn't going to and sure enough he didn't um another play too that just going kind of switching to the defense when we got up or when they scored to make it 13 to7 and I really loved how we that next drive because we didn't see this very often like last year for example where we responded back with another touchdown and it was cool to see us like you know yeah we just gave up a touchdown man like but then we go back on offense and we go down the field score touchdown it's 19 to7 we're feeling good again because it's like okay we let them get their touchdown you cannot give up a long ball where they that uh Jaylen noell or yeah where he scored that 75 yard touchdown or it might have been even longer than that but you cannot give that up in that situation even if you told me right now that they end up scoring on that drive but if they had to get it like in chunk plays like Bam Bam Bam like they had to go down the field like make them earn their touchdown take some time off I'm still mad about that but it's like okay whatever you cannot give up a play like that it's just it's inexcusable you can't let that happened and Iowa's defense Prides itself on those things not happening and that's what I was a little worried about going into this game we talked about last week was I was really worried about their receivers and I had a feeling that they were going to get they were going to connect on ball down the field My Hope was though is it wasn't going to be like a touchdown where like let's say they throw that ball down field we at least tackle them you know if it's a 50 yard pass or a 40 yard pass whatever kind Illinois State Game Y I had I knew it was gonna happen at least once yeah you cannot let that be that wide open for that touchdown where it's like that and they score already you just can't let that happen and um also another thing too with the Iowa State's offense I said going into the game we got to make them onedimensional we got to just at least take away their running ability we know what they're going to do passing the football Rocco is a good quarterback they have good wide receivers just at least take away their running game and it felt like we did but in all reality we Iowa state did as good of a job as they could probably do running the football they finished with 89 rushing yards which doesn't seem like a lot but that's just enough for them to be able to set up the passing game right we had to respect their run game just enough I mean they were getting when they were running the football three 4 yards at a time sometimes Sama finished with 58 yards doesn't seem like a lot but against Iowa's defense that is just enough 89 yards is too much I think I I really thought going in this game if we like absolutely shut down their rushing like keep them below 50 yards where every time they ran the football it was maybe one yard maybe no yards maybe blown up in the back field but they did just enough where they were getting three to four yards where we at least had to respect it enough and then that set up in the second half then being able to yeah pass the football and get guys wide open yeah you're right and they and credit to them they stuck with it just enough like you said they didn't abandon it completely where where Iowa could just you know Focus completely on the past they still had to respect Sama he was running hard I mean I know like you said he didn't he didn't have great a great stat line but he did just enough what they that they needed to do to to respect it and you know going back to that long ball man that that is something that I just did not Envision Phil Parker and that defense giving up in this game because I thought that was the one thing where if you don't let him beat you deep you make them earn everything like I said you give yourself a chance to win I don't know what happened on the play I I have to be honest I haven't gone back and watch it yet because I'm still just shocked at how it ended I'm sad I'm disgusted I don't want to watch it right now yeah so I I need time to to heal and to process everything but uh um I know I it sounds like Xavier got got you know completely fooled um he let it let him go by him and and he didn't play the rest of the second half after that I think no bill play yeah Coen played um I think he was kind of in the doghouse after that so I have to go back and watch what happened I know you know Jay Higgins you know taking some of the blow off of off of X there he was saying how he should have been the one to kind of jam him knock him off his route a little bit I think he was just being a a good team player right there I think Xavier kind of blew the coverage but um yeah and it and I I know again you put you put so much on this defense and that's what's hard is when what you do in the second half from our offense you're asking the defense to just be perfect and I've said this time and time again as good as I think they can be nobody's perfect right there's going to be a time or two that they that they mess up and they messed up at a big way and it and it it killed us um after they scored that I was like oh boy I am in yeah I actually and I'm not saying this I definitely am like I this could this is a 50-50 game now I mean this is gonna go either way I have no idea if we're gonna win this game um yeah just just lot of lot of lot of things that I I really didn't expect to see that did happen in this game and and it sucks because that's how you that's how you blow a game for sure yeah and I don't want to blame the defense too much because man like you look at the stats two for 14 on third Downs um Iowa say that I it took them forever to finally get a first down their first first down was because of R roughting the passer ball I mean we were playing so good even and even the second half it wasn't as good but once again you're gave up only 20 points um it's like man like well I'm looking at R Eric KH we outgained him by one first down 16 to 15 third down efficiency we were six of 17 they were two of 14 total plays we had three more total plays than them we had the same amount of punts they had more penalty Yards More penalties time of possession was about even you would say how the hell did we lose this game yeah especially when you look at the rushing yards I know the passing yards wasn't good but that's I was bread and butter setting up the running game right and so when you look at the rushing yards you just you think you automatically think yeah like especially at home you win that football game so yeah yeah 200 to 200 to 89 204 to 89 but that inter ception I don't count the last one a hill Mar uh that interception was so bad and then not executing in the Red Zone y also I talked about this on the LA on the reaction to last game I was so pumped to see us we only had one it was like one of my favorite statistics of the Illinois State game we only had one tackle for loss or on offense like we only you know this game it seemed like too many times it was like the old ways where we got blown up in the back field Iowa state had eight tackles for loss in this game that's that you just can't let that happen you cannot set up a second and 13 a second and 12 especially I counted three or four times in a row I'm not kidding I counted it in a row where on first down of when we when we got the ball the first play of the first the first down the first play of the drive we would go negative or zero yards yeah you just four a row just cannot let that happen that's when you're you're you're trying to play this game of like man you're you're being conservative you're being predictable and it's gonna bite you yep I think I think another thing too and credit goes I sayfe because he took they took them out of the game but not having one completion to luk cliche an NFL caliber tight end who's gonna be playing on Sundays that is inexcusable too because you go into this game and you hear about these injuries with Iowa State usually linebackers are on um tight ends I I thought luk Lea was gonna have a massive game right I thought we were going to use him um in the middle of the field stretch the defense a little bit seam routes things like that I I I was just I was envisioning a huge game for luk Lee in the tight ends and it honestly all the tight ends like they it was it was just a bad I don't understand what we were doing now like I said Iowa state had a good game plan they knew okay if we shut down their tight ends make the wide receivers who yes they're decent but Vander is also true freshman right Jacob Gil hasn't played that much football like make these young wide receivers kind of earn it and that's what they did but man like that's inexcusable you have to get your best receiver who is a tight end who is going to be playing on Sundays you got to get them the ball and having zero yards zero catches that's inexcusable 100% that's one of the things we talked about right after the game and there was a point in the game I I was sitting next to to Cody and I'm like because I had just thought of it I'm like have we gotten Luke Lea a catch in like was like I I don't think have we gotten any tight ends and like yeah I'm looking now we did one to one to arranga and one to artw worth for a total of 13 yards what are we doing that that is that's on Tim you gota if if if all else fails you find a way to scheme open your tight end your best players you you you figure it out I felt like we did that against in against Illinois state in the second half where we would motion Lee out get him on a one-on-one and get him a quick throw and he get like 10 yards and a first down right we we find ways you find ways to get your best players involved you find ways to get Kade in a rhythm I just felt like it was it was literally this game plan was run or punt like that's really what it was and yeah that's playing with fire right there two things on offense one last or one last thing but two things on it I felt like we didn't do enough like jet sweeps at all I thought like that could have been used a lot yesterday especially when Iowa state was selling out on the run when especially when Caleb Johnson was there when you're doing jet sweeps um keeping them at least respect the boundaries with like Caleb Brown I mean Caleb Brown's back for God's sake and he's one of your best Playmakers and and so that's my second thing is I really felt like going to this game we didn't have him last week so I would say doesn't have any film or anything on this but why not figure out ways to get Caleb Brown your best playmaker the ball even if it's like a wide receiver screen whether it's a short little route where hey he catches it he might get 10 yards out of it right yes um we didn't do any of that like it it it's I think we were gonna see that in this game we thought we were gonna see some of that right yeah I did I really did I thought we were gonna see more jet sweeps I I really thought we were gonna see because we didn't do it very much last week we started in the second half because I think we just kind of were forced to I don't think we were wanting to but thought this game man like that was going to be used a lot I thought we were going to you we're going to run a lot of jet sweeps um especially with the way Caleb or yeah Caleb Johnson was running down the field can you imagine just having that where you know we ever so often did a Jet Sweep to Caleb Brown Jacob Gil Ken Wan right yeah Terrell Washington you know your your fast playmakers that can get to the edge I know we did it one time I think in the red zone right we did it one time in the red zone to Jacob or was it I thought it was Jacob Gil but regardless maybe it was on a little push pass okay so then I think we did it twice then because I know Jacob Gil also had one as well so just not enough and like I said not getting Caleb Brown your best playmaker and I think Kobe said before the game that he got you know he has that that text with Chad latico that you know he'll text out to everybody and he said how he's like watch for Caleb Brown to I forgot what the words were but like he's gonna kind of be eased back into it don't don't expect much from him today like that's what kind of kby was saying I'm like like what like what the heck it's like what are we doing like like come on I hate that because you just mentioned he's one of the best players on the team he's one of the most explosive players that you have on offense and that's again where you scheme open your best players and to have him go oer as well you're you're telling me Caleb Brown and luk Lea didn't get a catch yeah I I I would say yeah that on paper I know again you look at the rushing you go how does Iowa lose that's maybe one of the reasons why right yeah so so as we sit here today and where we go from here man moving forward it and that's what it sucks because you know part of me it's like okay it's only week two let's get back like we still have a long season but this game and I said going into this game it's such a big game for Iowa because you can't really afford to lose this game um especially when you're when you're talking playoffs I know now that just sounds stupid but like I mean there was a reason why we were talking it though because of how experienced this team was the schedule right and you just can't afford to lose that home against Iowa State you just can't now the season isn't over I'm not saying that but it's like an uphill climb now and especially when you have Ohio State yeah lurking in the background here in about five or what four weeks where you just you know that's an automatic loss I hate saying that as a fan but that's an automatic loss like we're not winning that game in Columbus especially you know our defense will probably play pretty good but our offense will still struggle and we'll give up points and the next thing you know it it'll be 30 some or 40 some to seven and and it's just like damn we let that game get away from us so like I mean that's a loss right and so even at that like let's say okay let's say we win all the rest of the games but 10 and two that's a good season again but that's not getting you the playoffs that's not getting to what kind of what we were envisioning before the year where it's like man this team has what it takes did we think it was going to happen like for me I was very hesitant I said 11 and one but there was still a part of me that's like yeah I mean why why can't we with our defense with some of the the players on offense with the new offensive coordinator with the belief that hey the offense should be just slightly better we both said you know we we got a temper expectations and so far and we got we got not yell at but some people kind of came after us for saying that but we're we've kind of been right so far right the offense I mean you can see that it's better right it's better there there's areas and there's glimpses of progress being made but the over the overall the overall offense it it hasn't changed enough to get to where we we want to be no Kobe hey Co real quick Kobe Kobe said it perfectly after the game it just changes the com complexity of of the Season it changes your your outlook on maybe some of the goals that that some of us fans had for Iowa you know big picture like you said the playoffs it's that's looking tough right now um Y and then you know short term it really makes you wonder about some of these games on the schedule that you that you thought maybe differently going into the season yeah I do think Iowa and they're they're always so good at this like like bouncing back after you know a disappointing loss because of the leadership and some of the guys that are in the room yeah and that's one thing Kirk is really good at is getting the players to respond so I'm not worried about that I'm not worried that okay just because we lost yesterday that this season is completely like we're going to only go six and six now like that's not when I say that type of stuff that's not what I'm thinking I'm just saying like it just it just sucks knowing that like man like what are alltime goal was is honestly kind of out the door now it's not completely over yet but it just feels like it it kind of is and that's what is so unfortunate we can still have a good year I mean there's no question about that but it's really hard after you know a game like that yesterday with once again we just should not have lost that game we we just shouldn't have um and yeah if your offense is just a little bit better right where you can just kind of hammer them I mean that game could have been over a lot sooner right than it did but we let them just kind of stay in it that's never good that's never a good thing so well that will do it for this episode um I think we did a pretty good job of kind of hashing some things out it does feel good doing these episodes because there's so much that especially like the day after you know I'm driving home I have a long drive back home and you know you just you have all these things in your mind and you're just like man like and so it's good to like it's therapeutic for sure yeah it is it is it really is so um well that will do it for this episode we'll be back later this week going over um the Troy game this week gotta bounce back it it once again it's just it sucks there's still that just pain in my stomach but it is what it is I guess that's yep that's that's sports for you you're never G it's never going to be fun or easy all the time it's always especially with Iowa football they always seem to break your heart one way or the other but all right guys we'll have a good rest of your week and go Hawks

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Kirk Herbstreit breaks down the future of NIL and recruiting grey areas | The Pat McAfee show

Category: Sports

But this iowa hawkeye thing this feels like petty and dumb to do the kirk faren suspension for one game for something that happened like two years ago and one of the things that charlie baker told us in that speech that i loved that he was giving to us it was like he he basically was like we're done... Read more

Iowa Football: Kirk is back, press conference reaction, PFF numbers & a 4 * Wide Receiver commits thumbnail
Iowa Football: Kirk is back, press conference reaction, PFF numbers & a 4 * Wide Receiver commits

Category: Sports

Kirk fen fresh off his suspension back at iowa and with the press conference today we got a different side of kirk he was funny what does that mean for the game coming up saturday against iowa state plus the grades from pro football focus all today lock down hawkeyes you are locked on hawkeyes your... Read more

Iowa Football 2024: Best & Worst Case Scenarios Plus Season Prediction thumbnail
Iowa Football 2024: Best & Worst Case Scenarios Plus Season Prediction

Category: Sports

It's time to go on record i'll make my season prediction for the iowa hawkeye football team what it's going to look like what's the best case scenario what's the worst case scenario today lock down haw you are locked on hawkeyes your daily podcast on the iowa hawkeyes part of the locked on podcast network... Read more

Iowa Football Recruiting: Can Brevin Doll & Reece Vander Zee help this year? 2025 prospects thumbnail
Iowa Football Recruiting: Can Brevin Doll & Reece Vander Zee help this year? 2025 prospects

Category: Sports

Today time to lock talk a little football recruiting we got brian smith our recruiting analyst for lock on a breakdown of couple of the incoming guys can they help out in 2024 at the skill positions a look to 2025 in the future of iowa football all today locked on [music] hawkeyes you are locked on... Read more

Iowa vs Illinois State Game Preview | ANF PODCAST 28 thumbnail
Iowa vs Illinois State Game Preview | ANF PODCAST 28

Category: Sports

When brian would go into the offseason interviews with litico and he'd be like this game's not that hard is this field this long and this wide it's football it's actually not football it's there's chess to this and that's why these coordinators separate themselves so i think that's what i want to see... Read more

How will Iowa perform without Kirk Ferentz on the sideline? Illinois State preview thumbnail
How will Iowa perform without Kirk Ferentz on the sideline? Illinois State preview

Category: Sports

Intro iow new sports your all access pass guys this the hogs yeah i did think of one good thing about this at least i can blame if you know something happens saring just i don't know why they did that that that was stupid uh so maybe there's a positive here in this whole deal there's no snort but that's... Read more

2024 Season Preview - Iowa Hawkeyes Football | ANF PODCAST 27 thumbnail
2024 Season Preview - Iowa Hawkeyes Football | ANF PODCAST 27

Category: Sports

When they don't have their qb who's going to just be the best terrell pryor braxton miller the best athlete in the field best player on the field you crack that door a little bit wider for iowa welcome back to the anf podcast we cover iowa sports today's episode we're doing a season preview of the 2024... Read more

Hawkeye Sports quick hits on football schedule, Sandfort's return, Fitz retires & more thumbnail
Hawkeye Sports quick hits on football schedule, Sandfort's return, Fitz retires & more

Category: Sports

We have a new start time for iowa football the ucla matchup has been announced we got a ton to get into we got basketball we got baseball we got football and it's all hawkeyes and we got it for you today all locked on hawkeyes you are locked on hawkeyes your daily podcast on the iowa hawkeyes part of... Read more

Iowa vs. Purdue PICK + SCORE PREDICTION | PICK 'EM: Week 6 college football picks thumbnail
Iowa vs. Purdue PICK + SCORE PREDICTION | PICK 'EM: Week 6 college football picks

Category: Sports

Intro week six of college football iowa playing host of purdue in a homecoming date on saturday afternoon inside kenck stadium before we get to my score prediction my pick for the iowa hawkeyes and the purdue boiler makers we look at the rest of the docket for college football week six we start with... Read more

Iowa vs. Purdue PICK + SCORE PREDICTION | PICK 'EM: Week 10 college football picks thumbnail
Iowa vs. Purdue PICK + SCORE PREDICTION | PICK 'EM: Week 10 college football picks

Category: Sports

Week 10 of college football is here the end is in sight enjoy it while we have it let's get started first of all in the big 12 conference tcu playing host to texas tech the horned frogs look to be the only big 12 team with a chance to represent their conference in a college football playoff they need... Read more

Iowa vs. Minnesota PICK + SCORE PREDICTION | PICK 'EM: Week 12 college football picks thumbnail
Iowa vs. Minnesota PICK + SCORE PREDICTION | PICK 'EM: Week 12 college football picks

Category: Sports

Week 12 of college football and yes the big ten west is very much up for grabs can you believe it and you look back a few weeks ago and the hawkeyes were completely down and out at least according to a lot of people some may accuse me of kind of writing them off i don't think i ever did that certainly... Read more

UNREAL: Nearly unnoticed BLUNDER sums up Iowa Football's MISMANAGED loss vs. Iowa State for Cy-Hawk thumbnail
UNREAL: Nearly unnoticed BLUNDER sums up Iowa Football's MISMANAGED loss vs. Iowa State for Cy-Hawk

Category: Sports

[music] the timeouts that kirk took at the end of the first half in when i was on offense when hay large got that uh the fullback sl tight end carry on the third and short and he got the first down there were two timeouts that iowa took on uh right after that play and then after the second down run... Read more