Category: Entertainment
January 17th thank you so much two adorable adventures bundle my sims oh my god no don't drag me back into there oh don't drag me back into my sims oh no oh no i'm getting dragged back in oh no were these on wii yes it was on the we oh my god i'm going to get dragged back [music] in oh my lord wow you... Read more
Category: Gaming
This is just ungodly amount of discipline i'm a bird mother a bird weight loss nic aado avocado hat first i'mma bring up this okay stff that's been happening on twitter so right of the bat i'm going to say it he did not lose the weight in just few months he didn't it's been two years it's not just a... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] also auf geht's nach nürnberg max morlock stadion an morlock er wird heute im mittelpunkt des interesses stehen begeister un topscorer auch heute wieder wir werusen das sollten sie sich nicht ehen lassen bleiben sie dran ich begrüße sie hier im verregteten max morlock stadion liebe fußballfans... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Ey everyone! apple officially announced two days ago the event where it will present the new models of iphone 16, apple watch, airpods 4 it seems, and as a bonus we will have as usual the launch of a new ios, this time ios 18, as well as the new macos sequoia! the event will take place on september... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey what's up guys up here so today we're going to be checking in on the hooe boycott because genin impact recently announced a collaboration with another corporation that is facing a similar boycott now in case you didn't know the natland region of genjin impact was previewed back in july sparking... Read more
Category: Gaming
2人 とも い 今で 絶 し た ん です よ 神 完 ても彼 はすりせして度 だけ も てき た ねかしる [musik] 痕 が 消え た 以上 を 失っ た 影 の 国 は 再び 不 安定 な 状態 へ と 戻る でしょう この も時 に実 を て ず に消滅 する はず おらく 庭 以外 の も 同じ だ と 思い ますテいる そん の仕み考え たら分りる [gelächter] は急いで で 脱出 し た がさ そう です ね いえ それ に はび ませ ん ここ天天か な [musik] れ所 の奥され ます彼 よ 開 [musik] freiheiticht各所 [gelächter]... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Brian which one say which going to be a match to remember in terms of eight capcom fighting games are brawling their way onto nintendo switch col one collection here's the we just did they just announce one collection already capcom versus snk millennium fight 2000 pro capcom versus snk2 mark of the... Read more
Category: Gaming
[laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter] [music] [music] [laughter]... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] awesome i like this game already don't think that me letting you in here is an invitation for any funny stuff i mean you want to hear a j problem with funny stuff especially not if you really like the person but that isn't what i wanted to talk about today is as they say in spain my panos that's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey tú quién yo sí tú estás cansado de los grupos vtubers que prometen apoyo pero no lo dan cansado de no tener amigos o compañeros con los cuales colaborar nadie se ha preocupado tanto por mí estás cansado de estar solo triste y feo solo solín solito bueno aquí te podemos ayudar en todo menos en lo... Read more
Category: Gaming
Kind of jamming out to this music not going to lie while i was just uh here anyways next up is yu-gi-oh world championship 2007 another world championship game uh not no not 2010 2011 wait do i have it yeah okay here it is oh there was a 2008 i didn't see that all right so these games are usually pretty... Read more
Category: Gaming
Okay let's try something else other than sudoku today we try str for september 13 [music] 2024 hey okay uh today's team is boots and saddles i feel like there should be horse right it will be weird if there is no horse but other than that i really don't know about horse terms oh my um boots but there... Read more