Flavor Flav! From Public Enemy to King Swiftie | Politickin'

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 00:55:55 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] man what's happing man you got marshan Beast mod Lynch Doug Hendrickson and Gavin Nome and you're listening to politic the be on to [Music] be hey Doug come on man we're we're 80s and 90s kids did it get bigger than Public Enemy never got bigger than that I grew up on hip hop and and we got a member of hip-hop royalty Rock and Roll Hall of Fame one of the best icons of all time [Music] play Hey man talk to him tell him about it what's happing man man loving you bro word up missing you man how you doing Champion what's up G what's going on Champion yeah man [ __ ] trying to be like you when I get older you understand me hey hey come on man listen I'm trying to be like you when I get up man listen man I know you done seen them bite your style man they got the uh what is it the 20 the 20 V1 where they bring in the uh the the the the the the the the 20 uh the 20 women and they they they all holl at the one I say man damn that's the same I said man flave did that [ __ ] like 30 years ago God damn yo and everybody still talking about that [ __ ] like I still like I did it last month man man that [ __ ] it seemed like that [ __ ] just happened yesterday hey hey well flave flave this is Doug we want to welcome myself and the governor be mode to politic hey you are a hip hop royalty okay one of the best bands of all time Public Enemy uh a reality TV icon you are a Olympic Guru you're a girl Dad you're a Taylor Swift fan we love you man you you're we appreciate you being on the show and we can't thank you enough for joining us man thank you man thank you and thank you for having me man and one of the thing he couldn't one of the things he couldn't say and you a real man you understand yeah I handle that one man none that we have editing capacity we could still edit by the way you're back back from Paris or what you're still hanging out next to pools huh he no I'm at the crib right now man I keep a pool at the crib you know what I'm saying it's hot out here man so you know you got to always got to always keep a pull at the crib man you know what I mean yeah how was it so how was the Olympics how was how was the Women's Water Polo and how the hell did you get involved with water polo well well well well it all started it all started with with the captain Maggie stepin you know what I'm saying she put out a story you know what I'm saying and my manager turned me on to the story you know what I'm saying and um you know she said Fay what you think about this I said you know what I said let me step up to the plate man you know what I'm saying and let me see if I can help these girls out you know what I'm saying let me tell you something man when the girls ain't out there competing well I mean when the girls ain't out there competing they're home you know what I'm saying working two and three jobs you know what I'm saying living active lives you know what I'm saying you don't make money in the Olympics you know what I'm saying so so when they out there competing is taking them away from the you know from the jobs and all of that stuff you know what I'm saying so I said let me see if I can help give these girls a boost you know what I'm saying they got three backto back gold medals right now which is amazing and no other t water polo team has achieved that right now so I said let me see if I could push them into getting that fourth gold medal you know what I'm saying so so that was my purpose man of stepping in man and sponsoring the water polo team you know what I'm saying and that's why I was out there in Paris man I mean you know anytime that I ever seen the Olympics it was always on television well well well flave who would have thought back in the 90s you and Snoop would be the the two faces the Olympics man who would have thought that hey I know one thing I never would have thought that right I mean you know like I was saying you know being at the you know anytime I ever seen Olympics was always on television so for me to be there in the actual moment oh my God it was so amazing man it was yeah yeah the experience was amazing man you know what was it what was it what was it about the experience that surprised you I mean what it was just what just it was the sense of patriotism teams I mean Just Energy what what what was it well well energy wise man mainly energy wise you know what I'm saying because it to me it was like a dream come true man it's like wow I'm finally here and I'm finally getting to really experience and see this in real life with my own eyes and and being in that moment you know what I'm saying I mean I ain't going to lie man the Super Bowl it's exciting going to the Super Bowl but this was a little bit more exciting straight up yeah straight up straight up no chasing man you know what I'm saying was see since you put it like that I'mma gonna have have me a straight lce no chase you understand me hey my God you know what I'm saying get it in get in hey man you got you got to man but damn that's big and you know what man I wish I could have been there CU man it look like y'all [ __ ] out there just having straight fun though the whole time every time you you popped up it looked like [ __ ] was just enjoying itself to the you to the fullest though I was I was Maran you know and I have my family out there my girlfriend and the kids you know what I'm saying I mean you know we had a good time man I wanted them to get to share this experience with me for the first time ever what was the what was the best venue out there what besides the water pole and all that I mean track and field obviously I mean women's beach volleyball looked like incredible venue what was the what was the best venue you here you go dou I mean well for me for me you know what I'm saying um besides the track and field you know I went I got to go to the women's rugby game and I watch them when they bronze you know what I'm saying and then right after the game then the whole team came up to the suite to come me f you know what I'm saying and one of the girls one of the girls the one that um that scored that last touchdown the Speedster I forgot her name he let me try on her gold medal you know what I'm saying you is that is that one you got around your neck right now oh no man this right here is rocking Stones man you know me yeah man you know I'm talking about man talk that [ __ ] you know say you know you know how I get down you know what I'm saying but but but also but also um also um another exciting moment for me Maran I got to go over to the gymnastics spot and I got to see Simone biles win her gold medal you know what I'm saying and see look as he was walking to go get the medal I yelled out real loud I said she looked up at me and and she waved yeah straight up I love celebrities having you know crushes on other celebrities like that I appreciate let me take let me let me take you way back and get your opinion we we talk all about time about a life in different twists and turns and whatnot in regards of which way you could go I know back in your day you you dropped out of high school right and you and and and you you ran into some trouble a little bit with the law and and all of a sudden then you went to culinary school I believe right and and then you met you met Chuck D and then from meeting Chuck D everything kind of went on to Public Enemy Fame and whatnot so isn't it crazy looking back in those days that you know one wrong turn or if you didn't get in trouble and you didn't go to colonary school you may never met Chuck you may never be where at today so isn't it crazy looking back those 40 50 years go and thinking my God like look what happened to my life on on a couple of these turns I took hey well let me tell you like this man you know every day is going to always be a Life Learning lesson man you know what I'm saying and the past is responsible for our future you know what I'm saying in the whole nine and I thank God that he let me get through a lot of the things in my past so that way I can have this bright future right now that I got you know what I'm saying and and the only thing right now that we got to look forward to is everything that's in front of us you know what I'm saying everything that's in back of us hey we can't look forward to that because it's a back of us you know what I'm saying so I just thank God for the blessings man that he gave me from then all the way up until right now as I'm on the phone with you guys hell yeah that's and what is it about I mean you've always had this connection I mean by definition with time is I mean was that I mean in that you know yesterday's dead last you know whatever happened you know that's that that's that that's the end this notion you know we we've got a limited amount of time but it's not that we have a limited amount of time it's that we waste so much of it uh but you you obviously symbolically and substantively uh you've always had that relationship or at least that deeper understanding where the hell did that come from well honestly it came from God to me you know what I'm saying you know when I started wearing this clo you know what I'm saying a lot of people was asking me the reason why so I made up my own significance you know what I'm saying and time is the most important element that we have in our life we can't afford to waste none of it and as the minute hand goes around we have to use each second to our best value you know time brought us in and yes time is going to take us out and I always be saying I'm clocking I'm clocking that means I'm paying attention so you can't get fast on me cuz I know what time it [Music] is you know you do yours with the ice and some more [ __ ] I had no idea but I went ahead and I put that [ __ ] clock right there that infinite that time if you can see it right there that's that infinite time like you I mean I I I I I thought about it from a situation where you I mean life goes uh uh uh uh uh time you know what life stops you know I mean day at the end of the day all our life it stopped but time that [ __ ] continues and this is a continu continuous clock that I got here on my neck to remind me of that so while I'm here you feel me though I try to maximize you know I mean every minute to every second to every hour that I have to the maximum uh capacity that I have in it and I try to L that [ __ ] to the fullest and I ain't know you know I mean it's crazy that you know you right here in front of me even though you feel me though man spook I appreciate you uh spook for you I mean the introduction and putting me you know I mean in contact with you but now that I think about it and I see the the the the the the resemblance and the [ __ ] say the the the brave link the brain wave links and you I mean how on that same type of time though like man a [ __ ] really appreciate you for that big dog thank you man thank you man hey and speaking of spook I just had spook with me day before yesterday today man you already know man spoke keep it lit man I man shout out spoke man for putting the cut shout out to my boy jayen re number 30 30 number 30 keep it dirty my dude man straight up man play since maran's my my son I call him my son hey baby boy he's a he's a little younger and me and Gavin but take me back to those those hay days flave I mean I never forget I was 1988 I'm working security at Shoreline and you're there with with Public Enemy and it was it was fight the power stuff going on and I got to admit I took my I was wearing security jacket a yellow jacket I took that [ __ ] thing off and said I'm taking this thing off because I I loved your music love what you guys are all about but I said I didn't put this thing away and enjoy the crowd that was the first time Doug was fired the first time yeah I I I quit but take me back to those hey days man at hip hop back in the day man how how what's your thought going back to there and and that had to be incredible well well well well well let me tell you like this man you know what I'm saying um you know it all started man really you know when we first started out you know what I'm saying as mobile as mobile disc jockeys you know what I'm saying myself my partner Chuck D Hank shley Keith sharley you know what I'm saying you know um we we we we all started out as mobile disc jockeys and the name of our group was called Spectrum City you know what I'm saying and then ended up doing radio we ended up doing radio over at a deli University because my boy Chuck D and also my boy Bill Stephanie was going to a deli around the time you know what I'm saying so so they ended up getting me a radio show you know what I'm saying they ended up getting me a radio show on WBA 90.3 FM from a deli and also you you know we used to have the mix hour one half up there and and all the CBS man used to come by our show man LL you had run and them coming by this by by the show the be you had that [ __ ] lit then also back in the days you know the Fat Boys we gave them one of they first interview radio interviews too when they first came out you know what I mean so check this out let me tell you all the story I gotta tell y'all a story CU y'all want me to take you back there so I'm gon take you back there please please so one day I go up to the studio 510 South Franklin that's where our studio was right so as I'm getting ready to walk into the studio I heard I'm like what the hell is Chuck doing in here man you know what I'm saying I walked in the studio back in the days we had the cassette tapes y remember the cassette tapes right hell yeah so my boy Chuck D had the cassette tape coming out the deck going around a microphone stand back into the cassette deck ladies and gentlemen I gotta tell y'all right now that was called the first Loop so anyway so I told him this story I told him this story about when I was on my way up to the studio you know I ran to this guy named Ron dwy from the play hard crew he's like yo man what's up with your boy Chuck D I want to battle him man I'm like well Chuck don't battle we don't but you know we can set you up for a battle but he said yo your boy Chuck man he swear he nice I said yo man my boy don't swear he nice my boy knows he's nice you know so Chuck Chuck said yo yo put put that story right here on the beginning of this tape right now so then that's when I said yo Chuck Bust the Move man I was on my way up here to the studio you know what I'm saying and this brother stopped me and asked me yo what's up with your boy Chuck E D he swear he nice I said yo he don't swear he nice he these night you know what I'm saying so Chuck I got a feeling you turning into a Public Enemy now remember that line you was kicking to me on the way out to LA laon Queen in the car on our way to the shop right now kick the base for them brothers and let them know what goes on the Chuck D says what goes on well I'm all in put it up on the board another rapper shot down from the mouth that Ro one two three down count the read out to my lyrics oh yes no doubt hey yo we made that tape for our radio show right for B so the tape got the tape got kind of hot and popular you know what I'm saying so one night DMC and J Master J comes up to the radio station looking for Chuck so I ended up taking them over to the studio to talk to Chuck and they wanted to talk to Chuck about taking Public Enemy Number One and putting it on death gy records so at that time def JM records still wasn't doing all that great because they had just started you know what I'm saying so Chuck is like nah I'm just having fun doing radio right now man I don't want to do do no records this and that that and this then the next year we went down to Def Jam records and uh Russell Russell and Russell and Rick rubben right Russell and Rick Rubin we went to sign and all they wanted was Chuck they didn't want me you know what I'm saying so Chuck was like hey yo check this out if he's not part of this it ain't going to work the only way this is working right now is with him you know what I'm saying it's and that so it was Chuck D that forced me down death Jam's throat you know what I'm saying and when he did that I ain't gonna lie but it's one of the best things that could ever happen for Death Jam Public Enemy was born 19 1986 that's when I was born so you know I mean it something great had to Destin about that [ __ ] so that great moment that you just you know I mean painted the picture for everybody to see that's when a [ __ ] Beast mod was born you understand me I was just getting out of high school with Doug Jesus just got out of high school hell is that damn my boy you know I mean you I mean you you OG my boy that's what they call that yeah that was 19 that was n that was 1986 man we put that record out man you know what I'm saying and then when I came out with that phrase yeah boy hey man just check this out that phrase right there made flavor flave the most sampled voice in the history of Music nobody else's voice has been sampled more than mine nobody's you know what I'm saying in the whole nobody G being ripped look the whole what's that the reality TV show being [ __ ] modeled after you as well so [ __ ] oh yeah yeah I said the tone I man you had hood on that [ __ ] boy I damn I kind of set the tone on that you know you for sure did you know I mean but let me tell you this Maran that yeah boy you know where I really got that [ __ ] from man I got it from LJ is that right back in the days right you know there was a group called The afos you know what I'm saying it was in my 911 as a joke video too so me and LL was in the back of the limo one day going to the afro um video shoot and and all the time L was saying yeah boy yeah boy so what I did was I took the year I made it longer and I took the boy and I made it longer and that's how we came out with Yeah Boy And you know when that [ __ ] first hit was for me was when I watched [ __ ] New Jack City wow n n welcome to the spotlight yeah you know I'm talking about man that [ __ ] wasn't stable man I'm telling you man you got my family going crazy my uncle at my Uncle Lee man every time that [ __ ] hit me with that whenever he call my phone yeah boy say get your [ __ ] ass [ __ ] that what's happening you feel me man so flave who are your Inspirations growing up as far as music in terms of that that genre because obviously everybody was starting out at the same time who' you who' you who' you aspire to be who' you love back then I mean well you know we we you know we had all of our musical INSP Inspirations man you know what I'm saying the Gap B and you know uh RI James you know what I'm saying um you know the old back in the days old you know this um Diana Ross and The Supremes Four Tops Marvin Gay you know what I'm saying James Brown you know what I'm saying that also you know I grew up listening also to a lot of like rock [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I grew up listening to rock music you know what I'm saying back in the days groups like Rare Earth you know what I'm saying um kit career Return to Forever you know Mand drill Le Zeppelin black dog come on now come on now let's go so a lot of these was my musical Inspirations man Herby Hancock you know Dizzy Gillespie also one of my good one of my good friends God bless him who I miss so much today my boy Miles Davis on amen amen he was a good friend of mine too and me and Miles Davis we narrated the first movie that I ever was in my life which was listen up the lives of Quincy Jones me and Miles Davis narrated that movie you know what I'm saying word up on the strength hey flave when are we doing the uh when are we doing the Taylor Swift collaboration I know you're a big Swift fan yeah hey hey hey not only am I a big Swifty but I have a new name I have a new name my new name now is King Swifty get it right King Swifty King King Swifty flavor flavors king of all the swifties I'm king of all the swifties man you know you gotta get uh Taylor Swift they hit him with a Yeah Boy heyo I went up to Taylor Swift and the Grammys I said he tell her do you know all because now I've been supporting you real hard do you know your fan base call me King Swifty she said I know yeah you know what say I about King Swift 50 you understand what I'm talking about yeah I went seen her show in Hamburg too man she blew that [ __ ] out the water man and she gave me a shout out from the stage you know what I mean I love Taylor Swift man you know her lyrics man you know what I'm saying is real she she writes about a lot of the things that she that she's been through you know what I'm saying in the whole nine and and she keeps it real you know with a fan base so that's why I support her big time speaking of keeping it real I mean obviously your music aside from the music itself the movement that was so much part of the m music the authenticity behind it and calling things calling balls and Strikes on racial justice social justice I mean was that intentional or is that just a byproduct of of just your you're just being freely expressive or were you guys trying to really set a tone and tenor to to for social change well see one thing that we always was about you know I'm saying with our music we write about a lot of the problems that was going on in the neighborhood but then within the same record we try to come up with the solution to the problems you know what I'm saying and um you know there was a lot going on that we wanted the whole world to know about I I say Public Enemy was the CNN of the streets you know that's what I call us the CNN of the streets you know what I'm saying and we put out a lot of social awareness you know out there you know what I'm saying my partner Chuck D let me tell you something man the reason why I back him is because all all of the records that we ever put out nobody could ever prove nobody ever proved Chuck wrong you know what I'm saying and one thing that I can say about my partner Chuck D who's a very very smart crazy smart individual man before he writes the record he does his research first then he writes about it then we put it out so that's why nobody can prove him wrong so hey you only GNA stand by what's right you know what I'm saying but just to let y'all know even if my partner Chuck D was wrong anywhere I would still stand by him anyway I love but you think the music I mean the music today I mean it's interesting you you prescribe not just the problem identify problem and I love the CNN of the streets man that's a great way to describe it but this idea of of then focusing on the solution and focusing on on on some positive change you is that still you think that's reflected today's music as much as it was back then in the because you know you know today is a lot different from today is a lot different from when we first started putting out records and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying in the whole n and you know back in the day when we was putting out our records they they had messages to them you know what I'm saying in the whole nine today you got a lot of people just making rap records and there's a lot good rap records going on out there right now you know what I'm saying but today today's records is mostly you know bragging and boasting and [ __ ] guns drugs sex you know what I'm saying gang gang violence and all of that that's what you know you know that that a lot of the records that are being made today rap records is is is about but the way that these people are writing their records is because this is the way that they're actually living in their neighborhoods you know what I'm saying but you do got a lot of people out there fak and talk about I I'll bust this and I'll shoot that never shot a [ __ ] gun up in their [ __ ] life but they ain't really with the [ __ ] man yeah you got a lot of [ __ ] fakes out there you know what I'm saying word up man hey hey real people do real things and real people recognize real people you know what I'm [Music] saying hey FL I got a question turn it up uh how many free flights in Southwest give you handed all the peanuts out man on the on the plane well I I I never had no free flights but um I did hand out a lot of peanuts well you got a you gave them you gave them a lot of exposure man so they should be giving you something we got to call Southwest hey hey hey hey check this out not only did I hand out the peanuts but also as we was Landing they gave me the mic and I was like all right y everybody on here on the plane how does it feel to be landing to the voice of yours truly Flavor Flav and the whole plane is like y as a frequent flyer that's the best FL trust me there Haven been that many good flights lately so I appreciate that K you ain't never Flo [ __ ] southwestwest is State airplane brother Batman I don't never think you ever flow Southwest a day in your life my boy lucky to get a status it's usually B or C you know what we got to do though we got to team you and Mar because if you remember fle back in in maron's rookie year he did the Applebees piece and and you're a rod Lobster Guy we got to somehow bring Red Lobster and Applebees back and hey we got to save the biscuits G we got to save the biscuits the cheddar biscuits hold on they biscuits they trying to take the cheddar biscuits away yeah yeah we gotta keep those around man yeah no they can't you can't do you can't take the cheddar biscuits away that's a staple in in the tell you you feel me that's right when when it come down to when it come down to Red Lobster man Red Lobster was always one of my favorite family restaurants to take my family to you know what I'm saying and also back in the days come on man when you was able to go to Red Lobster you was balling you was you mean you was getting a bag up out they ass you what I'm talking about what that's right you was that's a five star [ __ ] uh restaurant no flave remember it was it was Red Lobster it was Sizzler Sizzler and Red Lobster the both of them Red Lobster that's right that's rightler can't forget Sizzler's baby come on now oh now it's Apple be definitely can't forget about No SI oh man where are you where where are you spending most of your time in the desert right here where I live in Vegas I'm in Vegas Vegas in the desert look Gavin you always trying to find a [ __ ] whereabouts and [ __ ] I just trying to find General location I looking for the goddamn address in in the desert man it's hot in the desert man hey Fay what you think of the DNC last week do you watch any of it no I didn't get to see none of that are you by the way I mean what you talked about it's interesting and it's sort of extension of of Doug's question about a little bit of politics but with without talking about politics Doug Marshon and I've been talking a lot about what's going on um in inner city America not just in inner city because Marshon corrected me don't even like that phrase but what's going on in the streets and we talked about the 80s and 90s and you know we just obviously I think we're still sort of reconciling what the hell happened last three four years with not just covid but notably social justice which so many people forgotten what happened post George George Floyd and so much of our politics I think being shaped today by the reaction to that and perhaps now the counter reaction to that but what what's your sense of of how the hell we're doing I mean all the all the movement that was that was part of your music and that energy and the positivity in terms of just not do again diagnosing a problem but having a message I mean you what's your sense today uh of politics and relationship to the music you were you're being a little critical the music in the context of people sort of posing about that reality how you how you how you feeling that that reality is squaring with the music and what is your sense of how we're doing Broadley I mean well let me say this man because I've never been much of a politician and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and I never really cared too much about getting into the politics amen you know what I'm saying and see like like right now today when it come down to these Politics on both sides the Democrats and the Republicans everybody's right nobody's wrong you know what I'm saying and right now there's a big fight going on with the Democrats and the Republicans you know what I'm saying and you know what I stay out of it because to me everybody's wrong and ain't nobody right yet you know what I'm saying so that's why that's why I stay out of the politic thing man you know the way I see that [ __ ] is like all the the politicians they like they like middlemen and we all know when you start putting this [ __ ] into a term of a way that [ __ ] you I mean like us can understand that is like the middleman gonna make sure that they get fed you know I mean from both from both ends you feel what I'm saying they gonna make sure get from you know I mean over here and they going to make sure that they get paid from over there and at the end of the day they going to say the best [ __ ] that they need to say in order to make sure that they continue to get their bread so you know I mean flave I ain't gonna lie like you know I mean I was telling gav like man when you talk about the the Republican and Democrats like that [ __ ] ain't nothing but a [ __ ] gang though right then the politicians is the voice that they put out there you feel me though the to to speak their peace and then they ain't nothing but a [ __ ] middleman to the people and then on the other side the middleman to the government and at the end of the day you could never put you could never put too much on them because at the end of the day they gonna say what they need to say in order to appease that's right both parties because they gonna need you know I mean backing from both of them so when I was thinking about that [ __ ] and you put it [ __ ] into perspective like man well look man if you got a [ __ ] right now who going to go out and get you because I mean gav went to uh to the border and you know I mean we talking about the fitting all and [ __ ] and it was like how much is the fitting all you probably get a brick of fitting all for about 20 band or something and I'm like [ __ ] you put a middleman in that you know I mean a [ __ ] who got it and like tell somebody who you know I mean who want it like yeah you know I could probably get you a brick of fitting off for about uh you know I mean 20 right then like I got my people over here to get it you feel me oh then he gonna go get it but at the end of the day that [ __ ] gonna collect from the [ __ ] he's selling it to and he going collect from the [ __ ] who he going to put in contact for the [ __ ] to sell it for and then when you put the information in the hands of the politicians gav don't take this offensive don't get all offensive and [ __ ] you put it in perspective is like [ __ ] the the the the politicians got to make sure all right he going he GNA tell what he need to tell to the people in order to get what they need to get in order for the government to be able to sign on what they need to sign on I'm like damn you know what the mother [ __ ] play a middleman role so at the end of the day realistically in a sense Gavin exclude you out this conversation for a second we ain't even talking to you or about you right now but who the [ __ ] can you trust when you know I mean you know that an individual going to go ahead and capitalize on both ends why you not gonna make it sound good to this party over here on the right just the same way that you gonna make it sound good to the party on the left well that's why Mara and fle we got all we all got back being civil and being nice to everybody and living life and flave no one's live life like you or Marshawn and that's the beauty of it because um you know we all have qtr quality time remaining flave and and you've lived your life that way we know maran's lived his life that way so flave what what's what's next for you the next five years what what do you want to do what do you want to get into Doug I like the that seg way my boy you did a very good job right there man you know what I mean that's hey look that's why politics you feel me that that's a politician right there hey Doug as my first born you know what I'm talking about that was a good job that was that was a good segment uh good Segway son so fle what do we got what do we got next hey check this out check this out before I jump into that right I just wanted to just add on you know what I'm saying in the whole nine um you know me man I'm Onna I have a special goal in life that I'm trying to achieve you know what I'm saying and and what I what what I want to do is I want to take all all all Races of the world you know what I'm saying all Races of the world all nationalities and I want to try to combine them together as one you know I'm saying because this world is made up a whole bunch of different races you know I'm saying you got the black race you got the white race you got Italians you got Chinese you got Africans I mean you know now all of these races are people you know what I'm saying but at the end but at the end the day there's only one race that's the human race human [ __ ] race so so no matter what race we come from no matter what color we are no matter what part of the what country we come from no matter what language we speak but at the end of the day we all sisters and brothers man we we we must form a form a wall of unity you know what I'm saying You must stick together and Build That Wall of unity so nobody else could care it'll be so strong nobody else could tear it down so that's my mission right now you know what I'm saying I'm going tell you something man one thing that my partner chug de said when it comes down to the word peace I'd rather live in it than [ __ ] rest in it oh I like that I like that yeah I like what you're saying you know the Bible talks about we many parts one body and when one part suffers we all suffer Dr King talked about that right he said we're all bound together by a web of mutuality and we've forgotten that man and this sort of I mean Marshon talks about this gang culture but even in the prism of red versus blue and this sort of this this zero some BS so I I appreciate that Spirit uh and of course that's the spirit that that's defined your success your advocacy um in in the world that you're trying to build uh so what is I mean you know as Doug said segue what do you I mean you know Marsha made the point man you were way out front in the 80s and 90s you're crushing it uh now more recently in contemporary terms you keep Reinventing yourself obviously you were leading and cutting edge of reality TV marshan begins jealous as hell because you were sitting there one versus 20 so where you gonna be man I need hey man I need I need me a uh uh love of beast mode or something man no you can't that Flavor of Love I'm like God damn he he really brought him out like man hold on hey I need to you feel what I'm saying though you feel me like hey put me in the game coach let me shocking through a lot of all of that you know what I'm saying I made some some major accomplishments man through reality TV you know what I'm saying I made a lot of major accomplishments through this rap music thing man you know what I'm saying you know I'm in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame you know got the lifetime achievement from the gramys you know what I'm saying I got a nice little layout in africanamerican Smithsonian Institute down in DC congratulations know what I'm saying um I got stuff in the in the Grammy Museum in La you know saying in the whole n when it comes down to VH1 you know reality TV I still hold a record at VH1 I brought VH1 it's most viewers ever in its history 7.5 million viewers and no one else ever seen that you know they tried it with Brett Michaels they tried it with Ray J they tried it with New York but can't nobody break that record but FL you know what I'm saying so so me when it comes down to reality TV and all of that been there done that I'm I I know that I I set the tone for reality TV and all of that so so now being that I did drop out way back in the day and I never got my diploma I'm going back to high school and I'm going to get my diploma and I'm putting that on TV I'm putting that you know I'm putting that on TV you know what I'm saying I'm going back to high school put get my diploma put that on TV and then also um I'm focusing you know on on on on on put my residency together here in in Las Vegas you know what I'm saying I got a residency right now too that I'm gonna be working on you know what I'm saying and I want to put it together here in Las Vegas hey well look man you're not all I'mma say like this uh I think I seen it was it was it was two artists I think it was uh Coy Ray Coy L Ray and uh and quo they just went back and they went and got they uh they High School diplomas and I think one of them was 29 and and one of them was 24 so you I mean I don't think it matter about you I mean how old you are or you I mean what state of mind where you at in life but you want to go ahead and and put more accomplishments on your resume like man just keep adding them [ __ ] man keep them [ __ ] ping up keep doing [ __ ] that [ __ ] didn't think was possible for you man you feel me especially because you know we had a couple talks on here before where you know I mean [ __ ] told me uh before like you'll be dead during jail by the age of 18 and you feel me though uh every year that I've had after uh 18 it's almost been like an extra life like uh you know something that I have been able to uh you know celebrate considering that individuals really had this mindset on that's what my life was supposed to be so right you I mean as long as you keep on you I mean executing anything that you put to your you know I mean to your to to to your mind and [ __ ] and keep on elevating levels that you probably didn't even think because I mean who the [ __ ] would think about going back to you know I mean get they uh they High School uh diploma after they done just read down a resume that you just read down like it don't even make sense you feel me though to do that but the fact that you had an opportunity to do it and you GNA go and do it like that [ __ ] is huge that [ __ ] is big though yeah that's really cool FL I mean I can't definitely that you know and also also I'm doing this I'm doing this this High School show you know for for for for for two reasons number one you know to show a lot of people my age that it's never too late to go back and get your diploma but this is also to a me a message for the kids that's that's in school right now right now while you in school and you got that chance get that piece of paper man because you're going to have a hard time through life without it and not only that but you might not make it back like me to get it so so get it now while you're ahead you feel me so flavor you actually going back to your same high school and Walking The Halls and I'm I'm not going back to the same high school I think I think we're gonna end up shooting this show here in Vegas so we're trying to have find a school right now that's going to let me shoot in you know what I'm saying in the whole n but yeah it's definitely gonna go down how do how do you get back into a high school yeah that's what I'm saying like hold on you actually mean like going to class you know what I mean the whole backpack sitting in class taking the test listening to a [ __ ] teacher who you know you probably make mod in anyway Alla you feel me the whole [ __ ] yeah the whole [ __ ] nothing but the whole [ __ ] so help the whole [ __ ] Mar you got PE you got lunchtime the whole thing I might have to come do a popup in the classroom just to see what's happing so I [ __ ] around listen check this out believe me I'm gonna be having some celebrity yes coming by dropping it on me you know what I'm saying Mar John you know you definitely one of them hey if you get if you could jump in a space suit and go to the [ __ ] Moon I know you could come see your boy flave at high school hey man I'm telling you and you know what [ __ ] it I might just come in the [ __ ] space suit [ __ ] that'll be some game that'll be some G [ __ ] though hey Maran either you come in the space suit or you come rolling around in that big ass [ __ ] Tire Man yeah hey one of hey you know what man it don't matter what the [ __ ] I come in I'mma make sure I come correct though I'mma tell you that much man what come sit in class with you for a day I'm G tell you this this might be the day that you get suspended from class for being a Class Clown CU we gonna act the [ __ ] fooling that [ __ ] I want to come I want to come on a test day too to see if uh so I could take one of them tests to see if I'm smarter than a uh what they got that smarter than a fifth grader or something or or Dan qu you could spell potato flave is is the invite stand for me and the governor too flave hell yeah come on hey hey like Bob Barker said come on down come on down come on down and Gavin Nome come on down come attend a [ __ ] couple classes I get nervous in class I didn't do very well in high school lot of stress also on on the music tip you know what I'm saying I've been doing some recording and um you know me and my partner Chuck D we going to come come come with some Public Enemy music for y'all but also you know on a solo tip on a solo tip you know what I'm saying um like I said I've achieved a lot of accomplishments with this rap music thing you know what I'm saying so I'm about to do a musical crossover right now you know what I'm saying and I'm about to start doing some R&B records love it nice nice yeah yeah yeah I can hold a couple of notes I can hold a couple of notes you know so I think I could start me a whole brand new chapter there too you know what I'm saying I'm gonna reinvent myself there as [Music] well who are the folks out there that you admire most in that space who you listening to and you know who you who you inspired by right now oh man I'm inspired by a lot of these artists right now man with these amazing voices out there man so many I can't even really call names right now man you know but but yeah man man yo let me tell you something man Chris Brown is definitely killing the game number one you know what I'm saying my boy tank my boy tank Joe um oh he talk yeah yeah yeah yeah they fire Miguel Miguel okay yeah Miguel come on I mean the these are guys with with um W with with fly voices man you know what I'm saying in the whole nine and and and hey even Drake got a good voice and he's a rapper but he's got a nice singing voice though you know what I'm saying but yeah man I'm G start singing man I want to sing to my death now hold on man hold on CA you sung the National Anthem what what game was that you sung the National Anthem at oh that was at the Milwaukee Bucks you know I got I got a nephew in the league his name is is Maran boam you know what I'm saying he's number three on he's number three on Milwaukee Bucks you know what I'm saying so you know when I went out there to Milwaukee they they they they let me sing the national anthem there so I did it my way I my way yeah I know how to really sing it and be on note and everything and I know how to you know but I did it flavor flaves way you feel me and it took a little while getting through the song and all but that's what flave would do you know yeah that's what flade would do flade would make a statement I ain't gonna lie way I say that actal an G that [ __ ] made a [ __ ] statement everybody still talking about it today but I've been invited by the by the Lanta Hawks to come sing it there I've been invited by the New York Knicks to come sing it there and now um um um I've been invited to go to Go sing it out at um um um at K Caitlyn Clark what what's the team um Indiana F yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah invited to go out there and sing it there too you know what I'm saying so hey Fay be hey take me through being a girl dad I got two girls man I know you I know you're very uh uh very proud of that fact man take me through being a girl dad and how how how great that is well let me tell you like this man um a guy like me man I got four daughters I got I got four daughters man you know what I'm saying in the whole nine and you know I mean you know girls man they're very special man girls are very special you know what I'm saying and you always want to make them feel special you know what I'm saying and I I I enjoyed you know raising my daughters bringing them up and I understand their feelings you know I'm saying so me being a girl dad you know what I'm saying I know how other girls out there in the world feel too just like those women on the Water Polo team you know what I'm saying I mean they out there busting they ass working hard you know what I'm saying all they want to do is just be recognized for what they do you know what I'm saying in the whole night I'mma tell you something when it comes down to all of the sports that's being played in the Olympics water polo is the hardest sport it's the hardest sport because all you doing is treading water man you know what I'm saying in the whole night I jumped in the water with the girls and I tried it and I know what it takes man and and and they taught me a couple of things they taught me the egg beer thing to where I can float on top of the water with no hands they gave me the ball so I could try to score and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying your boy fle did good I scored two goals two goals you know I'm saying but at the end of the day though all of these girls all all the girls want to do is just be recognized you know what I'm saying for what they do you know what I'm saying so so that's why I understood that and that's why another reason why I jumped in there you know what I'm saying to help out well flave we need we need we need you Snoop and marshan in the 28 Olympics man we need you three to be the uh the torch bearers that Olympics in La hey guess what I got a feeling I might be one of them so oh look at that already yeah I'm for I put my bit in I put my bin in already I say I said I said if Snoop can carry the torch in Paris come on man flame can carry that bad boy in La hey Snoop did a fantastic job man even though they did pay him half a million a day they P half million a day got a nice pay day out beside the pay day though he did a good job and I know that man had a lot of [ __ ] fun man had a lot of fun out there yo mad Big Ups to Snoop M mad Big Ups to you snoop snoop delic That's my boy that's my guy I want one of them pin to he got his own Olympic pin man I want to try to get me one of them Olympic pins man shout out Snoop man straight up god well I have a feeling Doug we're gonna see the three of them we're gonna see Maran the trifecta the three of them down in La uh in 2020 look man you the governor man you need to make some [ __ ] happen I know I think I can help you with that pen as well F all right but yo I can see Mar John carrying the torch I see that he heyy yo Mar John if you if you carry the torch bro please pass it to your boy flave hey man you passed that [ __ ] the left hand sight keep that [ __ ] in rotation you understand me keeping in rotation well well flave we can't um we can't thank you enough for joining us bro we we've been massive fans of years I mean me personally since back when I saw you back in 1988 man and and like I said you're real as they come this is what the show is all about bringing people like you on here to talk about life and and everything in experiences and all that stuff man so uh you know you're the real deal bro we can't thank enough for join us man it's been a pleasure thank you man hey yo check this out I just want to add on to you know what I'm saying before we get off of here you know CU we was on that girl dad situation thing you know what I'm saying and like I said all the girls want to do is just be recognized for what they do so back in the day you know um [ __ ] Lee put out a movie called He Got Game and we did the soundtrack to it public G me we did soundtrack to that you know what I'm saying so now we working on this record we get ready to Lisa record it's called we taking He Got Game and we're turning it it into she got game nice nice love it y y'all get ready to get she got game probably next week breaking news breaking news bre news next week she got game by the way are your girls do they have game are they uh they following your footsteps yeah man hey hey my girls my girls are good parents man you know they being good Mothers man to their children and all that you know I mean oh I got three daughters that that have children and one don't you know my daughter designed she ain't playing that right now she's just you know what I'm saying my daughter designer she's just out here doing her thing I'm proud of her she's working she's got a good job man and got a a her own car her own place and you know I'm proud I'm very proud of her you know what I'm saying in the whole n but yeah my girls they doing all my girls are doing good man so they kind of following that footstep the dad's Footsteps in the good par parenting Direction and how's you how's how's being a grandpa is it is what they is it what they say it is better than being a parent it's it's fun being a grandfather man and not only that but I love hearing the word granddaddy because that's what my grandchildren call me like my grandchildren say hi granddaddy you know what I'm saying and a couple of them call me Grandpa you know what I'm saying I got 11 Grand children you know what I'm saying 11 of them yeah oh yeah you got a village yeah yeah I got a v hey hey check this out I I got my own football team man you know what I'm saying and some and some substitutes and some sub some substitutes it takes a village man it takes a village maybe maybe marshan you should be a substitute teacher uh when he's back in high school instead speaking of substitutes yeah hey you know what man we might be able to make some there's an episode I like this that would be dope that would be dope man I go to class one day and Mar Lynch happens to be my teacher what's up man let's get it he's teaching me a lot slave he's teaching us all a lot hey hey hey marn hey Mar hey G put the bed in for you just don't [ __ ] fail me hey look what we got straight A's no flag po look no flag po pass me like you pass the ball or like the ball pass you yeah like the ball pass you I'mma smooth hand that [ __ ] off smooth than a [ __ ] hey yo hey check this out and I'm a smooth make a touchdown with that bad boy I'm going schore you know what I'm saying hey hey we gonna keep this transition smoother than Skippy peanut butter baby you you feel what I'm talking about yes Lord I [ __ ] with it man hell yeah big dog man appreciate you coming on you feel me don't with him spin that ISM and some more [ __ ] man it's all but you know the love is bulletproof over here man a [ __ ] respect you to the to the most power of the most all the shits that they got the squared and the other little [ __ ] that they got that they put over the numbers the love is is is is is is infinite my guy thank you man you know and you know it's like that here for you too man always always been like that I'm hitting your ass up man we going where we going MOS we look hey it don't it don't matter it don't matter I thought it was a Red Lobster the last few yo yo yo if my boy [ __ ] with Red Lobster I'll take him to Red Lobster I [ __ ] with the cheddar biscuits he's moved up to MOS I love it I will get him the whole menu and some oh let's do it hey thank you guys for having me on thanks play this and honor man word up man on the strength man thank y'all for having me in the whole n bless with your lives your futures your goals your families make sure y watch my TV show when it come on and make sure yall listen to my record when we put it out she got game she got she got game FL let's go yeah boy she got it yeah boy [Music]

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