Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/23/24

hey folks Mark lvin here now before we dive in today's episode I want to talk about something truly valuable protecting your financial future with gold it's called diversification now for that I only trust Advantage gold they're the real deal with five-star service and a sterling reputation so give them a call today call Advantage gold at 800 900 8,000 tell them Mark Levin sent you trust me you'll thank yourself in the future now let's get to the show results May Vary consult where your financial professional he's here he's here now broadcasting From The Underground command post deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building we've once again made contact with our leader m l [Music] the [Music] [Music] hello America Mark lein here our number 877 381 3811 877 381 3811 well as you know Robert F Kennedy Jr has endorse Donald Trump particularly in the Battleground States uh can't hurt I think it can only help as a matter of fact and I'm glad he did it I don't agree with Robert F Kennedy Jr on all matters with the neocon talk and some of the food talk and so forth and so on but I do agree with them about the press and censorship I do agree with them on immigration I do agree with them about the Democrat Party and I do agree that we have to win this election we must win this election so if I agree with them 4050 60% of the time that's good enough for me because with Kamala Harris and the Marxist is islamists I disagree with them 120% of the time so I encourage my fellow conservatives constitutionalist Regan knites turn out in big numbers we can use all the help we can get and I'm glad that he's endorsing Trump again I don't agree with him on everything but so what I don't care this is too important I don't agree with uh with gabd on everything tulsy gabt you know there's this strain of isolationist sort of Quasi pro- Russia element within the Republican Party within the populist movement I get it you know what's interesting about Donald Trump he's not one of them he's not one of them he's not necessarily a hawk either he's a very common sensical guy peace through strength that's his belief and he takes each situation and he deals with it but he's not going to be Bush he's not going to be Romney so you don't have to worry about that either he loves the country he's got common sense and it's all very very important so it's a good day to have RFK Jr endorse Donald Trump it's a good day to take attention off of the Roman circus that took place in Chicago grotesque it'll never be forgotten with the islamists the anti-semites the abortion the abortion van and all the rest of it's so bizarre truly bizarre and there was something else that took place at that convention and nobody else has been talking about as best as I know I don't monitor everybody but and it's this as explained in Breitbart by elivia Rondo vice president Camala Harris bragged during her speech about her supposed passion for helping victims of sexual assault while speaking at the DNC ignoring her track record of failing to prosecute sexual abuse cases within the Catholic Church in San Francisco and even hiding Vital Records on abuses that had occurred when she was the district attorney for that City addressing the crowd to formally accept her party's presidential nomination last night Harris reflected on a quote pivotal moment unquote in her life that influenced her decision to become a prosecutor by bringing up the story of a peer who was victimized Harris said that when she was in high school she started to notice something about my best friend Wanda after Wanda supposedly confided in her that she was being abused by her stepfather Harris claimed that she immediately told her she had to come stay with us and she did she said this is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor protect people like Wanda because I believe everyone has a right to safety to dignity and to Justice no one should be made to fight alone we're still all in this together well first of all as you well know when it comes to the borders she certainly hasn't taken that position that last claim would be considered ironic to some members of victims groups who accused her prosecutorial office of brushing Survivor stories under the rug doring Harris's 13-year tenure as district attorney and then attorney general she failed to prosecute even one case of pre-sexual abuse even as at least 50 major cities brought charges against priests in the same period they're full of s said Joey piscatelli snap Northwest Regional director told Peter schwitzer a breart news senior contributor and author of profiles and Corruption abuse of power by America's progressive elite oh yes Joy piscatelli you can quote me on that he said they're not protecting the victims he said of Harris's office Rick Simons an attorney who represented victims of clergy sexual abuse in California said Harris's action of covering up documents on the cases shows a pattern in practice and policy of ignoring the right of children by one of the largest institutions of the city in the county of San Francisco and in the Bay Area later in her convention speech Harris claimed as a young courtroom prosecutor in Oakland California I stood up for women and children against predators who abuse them but Peter schwitzer revealed that in addition to campaign donations from multiple law firms defending San Francisco priests against crimes multiple board members of San Francisco Catholic Arch dasis related organizations are very leftwing Arch dasis and their family members donated more than $50,900 to Har his campaign Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic church or Catholic organizations but the money still came in large unprecedented sums said the investigative journalist finding how the rest of the media completely ignore this story schweer alleged that connections Harris had with powerful people within the arch dasis influenced her to bury the records with allegations against priests her office which strangely hide Vital Records on abuses that had occurred he added da Harris focuses her efforts on putting child molesters in prison her office insisted in an effort to refute those claims we're not interested in selling out our victims to look good in the paper I don't know what that means I don't know what that means but one of the gentlemen who has been leading the fight to expose her and who's a Democrat but a victim of Tri station for two long years when he was high school when he was in high school is Joey piscatelli and Joey piscatelli I believe for the first time on national TV will be on life liberty and Lin tomorrow night Saturday I hope you'll set your DVR I hope you listen to this man he has a lot of Courage he's a general contractor he's a Democrat but he's also very much involved with this organization that's about protecting protecting individuals who were molested children who were molested and he is nothing but contempt for her and for her lies and so I told you here on Blaze on Fox that I'm going to spend every show on my fox weekend shows both of them until the end end of this election exposing Kamala Harris because the media will not here's the underlying story from the Daily Mail Kamala Harris of a few years back kamla Harris buried investigation into Predator priest and did absolutely nothing after becoming San Francisco daa victims who W her case cases filed released see they wanted the files released because they were bringing civil cases the prior da had done an extensive investigation he was going to bring charges kamla Harris ran against the sitting da and defeated him and she dropped all the investigations she didn't bring a single case against a single priest who'd been molesting children not one this is a scandal as she goes around talking about her prosecutorial record and then very much like this guy walls who lies he's a psychopath so is she so is she I'll be right back Mr Producer Mark Lin the cracks in our economy are widening by the day we've got a labor market that's cooling faster than expected unemployment jumped to the highest since the end of 2021 the market could be in freef Fall any day as investors panic over a potential recession now some Bank stocks are getting hammered as fears of a downturn grow even the FED is talking about rate cuts to prop things up in uncertain Times Like These you need a solid plan for your wealth that's where gold comes in it's been the ultimate safe haven for as long as we've used money and when it comes to Gold I trust Advantage gold they're a top rated American Gold company and can help you protect your hard-earned money call Advantage gold now at 800 900 8,000 for a free gold investment kit and to see if you qualify for $1,000 in free silver don't wait call 800 98,000 today that's $ 800 98,000 tell the mark lvin sent you it's 800 900 8,000 performance may vary you should always consult your financial and tax professional [Music] well when the president calls you take a break Mr Producer um let me tell you if you knew him the way I knew him you'd be so excited you're excited anyway and I don't blame you but he's going to have a big event I think it's in Phoenix the next hour or two and uh those of you have access to a TV I don't know maybe we can take it on radio I don't know Mr BR we'll give it a shot right we'll look for it and if we can get it we'll grab it we can get it we'll grab it all right let me continue here Kamala Harris the great prosecutor looks out for little kids right this is from The Daily Mail a few years ago survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy claim kamla Harris did not do enough to prosecute their cases when she was San Francisco da as a matter of fact she didn't prosecute any of them one victim said Harris did absolutely nothing and that's the gentleman who will be on my program tomorrow night tomorrow night it is a Killer Pro my opening statement Mr Producer you know it's amazing I talk about democracy I had to tape the opening statement because I have to coordinate with the crew and the satellite and everything else but so I did but then we do the interviews and I talk about democracy I swear to God people are say well you and Robert Kennedy were on the same page I I did it this morning I didn't even know what Robert Kennedy was thing but I hope you'll watch this it's very very important and this guest is very important and on top of that we have nuke Gingrich and he's on fire fantastic Harris was district attorney shortly after the Boston Globe revealed sexual abuse by clergy in the Boston area sparking worldwide outrage the Harris campaign defended her record to the Daily Mail of course they do but they lie survivors of sexual abuse by the clergy claim Harris didn't do enough victim said compared to Terren H henan excuse me halahan who was Da before Harris defeated him in the 2003 election Harris did absolutely nothing so she defeats this da who was gathering in information who was investigating who was going to bring cases she defeats him and she kills the cases this is a scandal how's Jake Tapper going to defend this it went from Terren halahan going 100 Mil an hour Full Speed Ahead after the church to Camala Harris doing absolutely nothing and taking it backwards hundreds of mile an hour said Joe at piscatelli a sexual assault Survivor who won a court case against his Catholic High School he told The Intercept again he will be my guest tomorrow night as well as new Gingrich Camala Harris has been a staunch Advocate on behalf of sexual assault victims this is the campaign spewing the bull several other victims told the news website that the Harris office that her office refused to meet with them declined to release the files on the clergy abuse in other words undermine their civil actions Dominic deluche a California resident who was said he was raped by a local priest when he was 12 years old claimed Harris wouldn't meet with him or release the files I remember Camala Harris he he said she didn't want to have any meetings she wanted the public to think this is an issue that happened years ago that it doesn't happen anymore let's just move on the Harris campaign said the files weren't released because it would create a chilling effect on cases being reported and threaten the privacy of victims now as you'll hear from Joey piscatelli the names of the victims Mr Producer were redacted they were crossed out they were blocked it's a lie they wanted the files because she didn't bring the case within the statute of limitations purposely and then they said they wanted to bring the civil cases we needed the files and she ignored them she ignored them Deluga said he believed it was the power of the church in San Francisco that kept the files under lock and key mhm at a town hall with CNN in Iowa Harris said my career has been based on an understanding one that as a prosecutor my duty was to seek and make sure that the most vulnerable and voiceless Among Us are protected and that is why I personally prosecuted violent crime that includes rape child molestation and homicide but this isn't the first time the Harris DA's office came under question in 2004 shortly after she took over the DA's office she declined to pursue the death penalty for a gang member accused of shooting San Francisco police officer Isaac espanosa despite heavy political pressure from the police Union Harris had campaigned on the promise never to pursue the death penalty and stuck to that during the case the killer was sentenced to life in prison now the Wall Street Journal reported on the failure of Harrison's office to adopt a Brady policy early on which is a policy to where DA's office discloses past misconduct by law enforcement in order to help ensure defendants receive a fair Tri she was a mess a mess a disaster and you're going to hear from one of the victims who she blew off who she ignored you're going to hear from him tomorrow night on life liberty and Lin his own words again a Democrat but he's not very political to be perfectly honest with you and he's very softspoken and very articulate so I'll see you on life liberty and Levin tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. Eastern and I'll see you in a few minutes we'll be right back this is Mark Levin with an Urgent Message we are living in grave and dark Economic Times that are going to get worse we just saw an abismal jobs report while unemployment shot up to the highest level since the end of 2021 meanwhile the the stock market looks like a gamble many banks are getting crushed as recession fears Mount the S&P Banks index fell 2.4% in a single day that's a lot Regional Banks fell nearly 3% that's even more these are bad signs even the FED is talking about rate Cuts you need to protect your wealth that's where diversification and gold comes in it's been a Bedrock of wealth preservation for centuries and the best company I know of is Advantage gold their experts can help you protect your savings from economic chaos call now 800 900 8,000 for a free gold investment kit and see if you qualify for $11,000 in free silver that's 800 900 8,000 don't wait call now tell the Mark Levin sent you performance may vary you should always consult your financial and tax professional Mark Lavin tough as hell that's why I like Mark lvin and I'm not sure a lot of people like him he's tough as hell but I like them I love them call in Now 877 381 3811 ever hear of mosab Hassan YF mosab Hassan YF he's the son of one of the founders of Hamas now you're familiar now you remember we've played some of his audio on the program he's going to be a guest on Sunday's life liberty Lin along with our buddy Brent boosel so you're not going to want to miss that either he's unbelievable you know this guy sinir who in Gaza itself was the head Hamas genocidal mass murder Apparently one of the things that he is demanding for a ceasefire is that he not be killed that can go to Qatar did you know that Mr Producer and nyaho has said no we're killing you you led that brutal attack on our people and so now he is trying to negotiate for his life he doesn't mind anybody else dying he doesn't mind anybody else dying and going to heaven and meeting their virgins but you see the heads they're all cowards Islam Nazi who runs Iran's a coward these people are cowards their people are fodder that's how they view it they view their people as father just to remind you now Jake Tapper if we had a real median this country Jak Jake Tapper would be uh he'd be running the cafeteria at CNN uh because he's not a journalist he's a phony a fraud and a fake in fact they all are over there I can't think of a single journalist over there not one Dana Bash oh the new men the Democrat men less testosterone maybe that's the kind of man that she's dated and married in the past but that's just a freakish kind of stupid statement I mean how does it even come to your mind Dana bash's real name being Dana Schwarz by the way I don't know why she goes with bash well bash is her married name no she divorced that guy and she married another guy King matter of fact her colleague there it's all so incestuous so grotesque and she's there uh you know commment on the men at the Democrat convention so stupid is she we don't say men at the Democrat convention we say pronouns we don't distinguish People based on their genitalia do we we have a Supreme Court Justice who was nominated and confirmed who wouldn't Define a woman yet she's the first black woman on the Supreme Court and Camala Harris they tell us would be the first black woman as president of the United States but don't say woman unless you're unless you're what what a bunch of mental cases I'm just saying but Jake Tapper is a head case and there are so many in the American prda Al jazer media so many head cases he's definitely one of them he is that unrelenting constipated look on his face and he always sounds like he's got a uh you know cucumber stuck up as nostril Mr that's just my opinion one man's opinion here he is cut 25 yesterday on the constipated News Network go uh he's really tried lots of ways to attack her I I I've known uh vice president Harris for some time and I know criticisms of her that I think are fair ones that are not fair I've never ever heard her described as lazy that is of course a racist racist Trope about African-Americans and I'm wondering if what you thought of his use of that word you know I we we don't have time or or the need to get into the mud with Donald Trump okay so he calls her lazy therefore he's calling all African-Americans lazy because it's a racist trope I see they call him Hitler and musolini what kind of Trope is that kamla Harris so you can't call her lazy because of her race I'm just curious I don't understand this I'm learning things as I go along you know they're lazy white people there are lazy Hispanic people there are lazy Asian people they're lazy black people they're lazy Jews they're lazy Christians they're lazy Muslims they're lazy atheists People Are People regardless of their background their color anything else so he calls her lazy so automatically that triggers a racist Trope so these attacks on Clarence Thomas are they racist tropes too I'm just curious these attacks on Tim Scott are those racist tropes too are they these attacks on Netanyahu are those anti-semitic tropes are they see Jake Tapper has perfected the game of the radical left Democrat dressed up as a journalist once you throw the word racism out there it's overse oh wait I'm sorry my God I you see what I'm saying because in the end Jake Tapper is a radical Democrat in the end in the end he defends the Hamas statistics and uses them in the end he's a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party that's what he is he seemed to have a little too much testosterone in that exchange don't you think Mr produc I really think so so the other side Hitler molini he going to destroy this he's going to do that and on and on and on not racist tropes the dehumanization effort that goes on the man was almost assassinated and more assassination threats and he's the problem he's the problem of course and Jake tapper's there to report it all well Joe scarb Barrow is sort of now the Adam King Zinger of cable boy what a pathetic loser that guy is I'm glad he's with the Democrats aren't you Mr Producer another freak fraud and phony grifting grifting over there on the left but Joe scarbo actually defends Camala Harris's proposal handing out money ain't socialism he says so Joe Scaro thrown in with the Cs with the socialists with the marxists and the islamists man oh man of chevet I'll tell you what it's one thing not to like Trump it's another thing to take up the flag the sick perverse and the extremist cut two go and Eddie how right the senator is that often what's branded as far left and Progressive is right in the middle of where so many Americans are like for instance Tim Wales is being attacked as a communist as a socialist why hold on Joe Joey he said he's a socialist and he said socialism is nothing more than neighborliness didn't you hear him say that if Donald Trump had got to communist China 30 times You' be accusing him of selling out to X wals went to communist 20 30 communist China 30 times praise communist China they've praised him do you have a problem with that 2 and A5 million Wagers in concentration camps being raped tortured and murdered and he has nothing but positive things to say about that regime see what I mean Joe you're selling out your soul here go ahead hungry kids in Minnesota to have breakfast and lunch at school KLA Harris being called a communist that's nobody's even complaining about that no no why don't you go where you need to go Joe you believe with your own kids if they were children young that the state should have the final say on whether or not there is surgical or medical mutilation of their genitalia that even if you get a court order in another state that Minnesota is to ignore you agree with that man you're an extremist radical cook then bro you agree with abortion right up to the last minute no exceptions No Parental notification on teenagers the American people don't agree with that you see this is why they won't campaign on what they actually have done and what they actually believe and even scarbo in describing what they believe he won't go there he just mocks people who call them what they are marxists and socialists they're marxists and socialists so why not call them that they're not capitalists they're not constitutionalists go ahead a communist because she wants to make it easier for younger Americans to get that first house which they cannot get now they are shut out let let me help you out Joe giving every firsttime homeowner $25,000 where does that money come from you have to redistribute wealth you have to take it from people who don't have 25 ,000 it's taken from the middle class firsttime homeowners what about second time homeowners what about people don't want to own a home and they just rent you don't get it redistributing wealth it's more than redistribution of wealth you're taking money from many people who never went to college from many people are having difficulty making ends meet and you're giving it to people who are wealthier the market system is how you buy homes you stop spending stop the debt you start to begin to support constitutional government or you keep printing money you have massive interest rates you have inflation through the roof even if they lower interest rates you have the devaluation of the dollar you destroy the Home Market you destroy the food market you destroy the gasoline market and you you think oh there's no problem how do you fix inflation spend more money spend more money there's The Economist over there at MSNBC print more money spend more money more debt that's the problem you see America that's the problem as you tighten your belt as you have to make choices between what kind of food you can purchase you can't afford school supplies for your kids I've met these people and it's many of you and his answer is sure hand out $25,000 check what's next Joe is it okay to give free medical care to illegal aliens where's that coming from from Medicare for all Joe does that make sense to you too well you're all in bro and yes Bernie Sanders is a stalinist he went to a stalinist kots do your homework at least have your researchers do your homework and yes this is American Marxism it's not capitalism it's not a little bit of socialism it's both feed in I'll be right back love in the cracks in our economy are widening by the day we've got a labor market that's cooling faster than expected unemployment jumped to the highest since the end of 2021 the market could be in freefall any day as investors panic over a potential recession now some Bank stocks are getting hammered as fears of a downturn grow even the FED is talking about rate cuts to prop things up in uncertain Times Like These you need a solid plan for your wealth that's where gold comes in it's been the ultimate safe haven for as long as we've used money and when it comes to Gold I trust Advantage gold they're a toprated American Gold company and can help you protect your hard-earned money call Advantage gold now at 800 900 8,000 for a free gold investment kit and to see if you qualify for $11,000 in free silver don't wait call 800 98,000 today that's 800 98,000 tell them Mark lvin sent you it's 800 900 8,000 performance may vary you should always consult your financial and tax [Music] professional what's this all about just broke from writ Earth us appeals court scraps Biden tipped wage rules the US appeals court today struck down a rule adopted by President Joe Biden's Administration designed to raise pay for tipped workers three judge panel New Orleans based fifth Circuit Court of Appeals cited unanimously with two restaurant industry trade groups the RO required employers to pay tip workers the federal minimum wage of $7 a quar not the lower $23 minimum wage for tip workers for non-tip that it goes on and on and on look don't tax tips 70 to 75% of wages of most Waiters come from tips it's that simple it's that simple president Trump has a new ad out speaking of tips Mr Producer let's do cut three go don't let kamla Harris fool you Harris not only supports taxing service workers tips news reports confirm Biden and Harris have weaponized the IRS to confiscate your tip money Harris and Biden have literally unleashed the IRS to harass workers who receive tips and they just may be coming to your house next only President Trump has a plan that ends all taxes on service workers tips president Trump he's on your side I'm Donald J Trump and I approve this message Amen to that by the way yeah this the Liberals on TV are excited because Camala Harris said Israel has a right to defend itself the Israelis don't need kamla Harris or anybody else to tell them they have a right to defend themselves notice the language Donald Trump used the language they have a right to defeat Hamas is what Donald Trump says it's not a matter of a right to defend yourself what does that mean oh yes yes if they'll just do what we tell them to do Sease fire and she wants them to convey J in Samaria their industri their their ancestral Homeland Camala Harris doesn't support is well that's why she's meeting in secret with Jew haters who talk about the extermination of the Jews it's meeting in secret with them but you know what ladies and gentlemen as as a Jewish person these left-wing Democrat Jews some of them are just hopeless like left-wing Democrat Catholics with this abortion on demand and you can go down any faith or any genitalia whatever it is some people are Fanatics some people put party first my wife has told me this for a long time that is for these leftists it's the party not their faith not their family not the country that comes first just like good Communists good communist soldiers doesn't matter what she says about Israel they'll vote for her no matter what it just doesn't matter mental they're mental I shall return this segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by Pure Talk Pure Talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month go to Pur to find the plan that's right for you thank you again for listening and thank you so much for this sponsorship pure talk he's here he's here now broadcast casting from from the underground command post deep in the bowels of a hidden funker somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building we've once again made contact with our leader Mark Len hello America Mark lvin here our number 877 381 3811 877 381 3811 when President Trump speaks at this rally in Phoenix be accompanied by robertt F Kennedy Jr we will run that you know I I I watched like sports from time to time UFC I'm really obsessed with that football and baseball from time to time basketball all of it I'm no expert but I was fast I was watching the Yankees I think they were playing Detroit anyway doesn't matter this guy Aaron jut it I mean he's like a modernday Lou garri or Mickey Mantle or something like that this guy's unbelievable by the way he's massive he's 67 you know and everything else he's a nice guy he's well spoken but look at the size of him it's not just his hype but but the way this guy's built and he's got a beautiful swing and he's batting like 334 he's got 48 home runs maybe he got more home runs today this guy you guys in New York you're lucky to to have a guy like him I'm being perfectly honest how you Mets to him by the way there Mis not good but they're doing a little better than they were right yeah my Phillies they're still at number one I love that team too Orioles are doing great I mean I'm watching this more and more now Dodgers are doing very well all right ladies and gentlemen as I say when the president comes up to speak we will take that but in the meantime on CNBC this guy Joe kernin I know nothing of him I've never met him I've never spoke to him but I like him tries to do an interview he's respectful but when a politician keeps interrupting him a talking point the Socialist mumbo jumbo he tries to address it they talk over him he pushes back this is something that Joe scarbo could learn rather than throwing in with the marxists and the Socialists so let's check it out here it is and this is from CNBC today he's with Elizabeth waren dizzy Lizzy is in a tizzy cut one go you remember we all talked about egg prices you end up with something like this giant egg producer uh Cal M and Cal M raises the price of eggs their profit margins increase by 78% that's not just passing along long cause and that is a time that's your example on you finished first in any inter that already have price gouging can I tell you why that those are fallacious and misleading best and the craft your craft analogy is even why can't I tell you please let me tell you craft you say was 440 profit increase the example you used the prior quarter from the year before they had an a charge of $1.3 billion an accounting change which wiped out profits then they earned what they normally let me finish now they they F they earned let me finish look at the data come on we have economic study now after economic study the way go when there is more conentration 40 million eggs were destroyed because of conentration in an industry we have seen much greater increases in do you attribute the inflation that's what you think we need to do to solve they not random they are not random one-offs it is part of the problem when you've got companies that are gouging consumers on prices consumers need need to know they've got somebody on their side Senator trying to help we try the 36 where are you in the 36 37 states that currently have price Qui on that point going be able this is the way you never lose an argument because no one can ever say anything back to you Senator state law she's such an ass he's trying to explain explain that they had to take a mass have hit the year before he's also trying to explain that this this virus or this flu or whatever it is hit these chickens they had to destroy all these eggs and so that drove up the price and what she's trying to do because she's trying to smother his facts what she's trying to do is just say they're trying to rip you off and that's not true he's also trying to say he didn't get a word in edgewise is this is what you're blaming on food increase this is what you're BL blaming on food inflation and so you see this is the problem so the people Massachusetts hear this a-hole it's all they hear and then you have the leftwing report is I'm ass sure at the Boston Globe and so forth Just spewing all the stupidity and so you're left to believe that craft is just ripping off everybody because of the price of eggs when that's not the story she doesn't want the facts and this is natural for a Marxist facts don't matter and I thought he was pretty damn respectful don't you Mr buus I wouldn't have put up with it for long Trump in Las Vegas today was a great event you know he's doing great events he was on the border yesterday did a great event he's out there he's pressing the flesh he's explaining things to people you wanted him to be focus on issues he is focused like a laser on issues which of course Jake Tapper doesn't cover these issues are very confusing for Jake If there really is a left-wing Democrat who spews Hamas daa data cut five Mr Producer cut five go Camala Harris is now pretending to endorse my policy she's got a lot of other policies she should just she's no taxes on tips she's a she's a flip flopper you know the flip she's the greatest flip flopper in history she went from she went from communism to capitalism in about 2 weeks but in fact Camala cast the tiebreaking vote to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to go after your tip income they're going after it in a lot of ways so I don't know what they're doing now this has happened with a lot of Industries when we come out with something they immediately fall mhm cut eight go Camala also she also sponsored legislation to blow up the tip system entirely which would inflict Financial Calamity on food servers and bartenders in Las Vegas and all across America uh you know they have bills pending and things pending and resolutions pending and special orders pending uh where they going after your tips I don't know what they're going to do with that are they supposed to be dropping I assume they're going to be dropping all that stuff at least until after the election they'll bring it back after the election Cala supports a bill to eliminate the federal tip credit which would force restaurants to impose large service charges on diners meaning customers will not leave tips at all and uh you'll be stuck with a minimum wage or whatever you might be making this is something that they're forcing I will I will never let that happen under the Trump Administration you'll keep your tips and restaurant workers will keep all of your hard-earned money yeah you know I love the way she says uh he wants to raise taxes on the middle class she will cut taxes on the middle class there hasn't been a Democrat who has cut taxes on the middle class since John Kennedy period Biden didn't cut taxes on the middle class Obama didn't T cut taxes on the middle class Clinton didn't cut taxes on the middle class that's right Carter didn't cut taxes on the middle class LBJ didn't cut taxes on the middle class John Kennedy did he cut taxes across the board he was a capitalist Kennedy is the kind of democrat in terms of policies that a lot of Democrats used to identify with these Democrats today aren't the Democrats of the Kennedy era half a century ago these are Marxist islamists Talib Omar AOC Bernie Sanders that's who they are tampon Tim Waltz kamla Harris Joe Biden is Bernie Sanders dressed up as a mental patient what he is that's what he is and then finally he's right remember where Kamala Harris comes from San Francisco California she destroyed the legal system she destroyed the prosecutorial system she therefore destroyed businesses destroyed them with proposition 47 which she supported which gave hoodlums thugs thieves a green card a get out of jail card if they stole valuables at $950 or less so you can imagine 10 th 10 thugs going to a store they they still $9,500 worth of stuff each one's charged with a misdemeanor and they're out the back door that's what's going on she did that she did that she was a Soros prosecutor before there were Soros prosecutors and now she met with Alex Soros the other day met with Alex sorus what you know in secret met with the islamist that runs dear bornan Michigan in secret she will do to this country what they've done to California they'll do it to the voting system they'll do it to the Border they'll do it to the Energy System they'll do it to businesses they'll do it to law abiding Americans and you'll have nowhere to go no state to escape to cut seven go kamla wants to bring Skyhigh California Energy prices to the rest of the country and they have just destroyed destroyed California first time ever more people left California than came in they've never had that before because they have the best weather the most beautiful land everything is so good but they have a terrible Governor he doesn't know what the hell he's doing but he's got a great line of BU you know he's got a good line of stuff we're doing great in California you know you know the U holit and the trailers and stuff they go to Texas Florida other states right and uh they don't know what to do they only go one way they want to try and they want to try and get them they want to try and get them back they have a hard time bringing them back they don't know what to do but under the extremist Net Zero Energy policies the what you call them the extremist the radical people that're really hurting our country and ultimately destroying our country the en environmental extremists we call them Nevada electricity prices have already increased by 50% so it's 50% do you see them going up there I mean you're do you see that they've gone up by 50% over a very short period of time and all in leash American Energy and we'll cut your your prices in half we'll get your we'll be able to get your energy prices cut in half and that goes for the whole nation and he means it and he'll do it you see Joe Scarboro that's say create Prosperity you don't nationalize healthc care you don't nationalize the pharmaceutical companies by quote unquote snatching their patents you don't destroy the food supply chain by setting government Washington DC prices on food which would be a disaster all starve to death yes you don't destroy the family Union you don't make decisions that is the government about decisions that should be left to parents destroy the family unit yes it's called Marxism American Marxism we'll be right back Mark Lin I'm going to let you in on a little Wireless trick that can cut your cell phone bill in half every single month other major carriers want you to believe you need unlimited data so they can overcharge you here's the fact most of you are buying way more data than you'll ever need and you'll ever use pure talk my cell phone company only charges you for data you actually want listen to this for $25 a month you can get unlimited talk text and 5 gigs of data Plus mobile hotspot do you know what you can do with 5 gigs of data you can browse the internet for 135 hours stream 1,000 songs or watch 10 hours of video folks stop overpaying for wireless get 5G coverage with Pur talk go to Pur Lin that's Pur switching is painless it's easy there's no contract no activation fee you can even keep your phone and your number again that's Pur Lin Pur and you'll save an additional 50% off your first month on top of all the other savings when you sign up with pure talk you know folks what's amazing 4 days W of War coverage by the media of this Roman clown show in Chicago freak frauds and phonies what did you learn nothing nothing you didn't already know with dancers we had singers of course we had politicians we had the Obamas who drop in every four years we had Clinton who didn't look well Hillary who never looks well even when she is well and what did you learn you didn't learn a damn thing about kamla Harris 37 minute speech one of the shortest in the history of these conventions Robert Kennedy got it right in Phoenix today when he said the following at his press event many of you were working so you may not have heard this cad8 go they installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate my uncle and my father both relished debate they prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas they would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party Presidential nominee who like vice president Harris has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days this is profoundly undemocratic how are people to choose when they don't know whom they are choosing and how can this look to the rest of the world mhm I'm going to spend a lot of time on this I had have with you tyrants use the word democracy all the time as we've discussed they love that word because it's used as camouflage for what they do the people and democracy now I notice they're kind of switching out the word democracy slowly but surely for the word freedom freedom you won't be able to drive the car you want you won't be able to have the air conditioning unit you want you won't be able to have the washing machine the dishwasher the dryer you want you won't be able to have the lawnmower you want you won't be a the automobile you want single family home you want choices Freedom they nationalize healthc care one size fits all that'll be fun that's not freedom democra party doesn't believe in Freedom this Administration Harris Kamala Camala Harris Biden Joe Joe Biden has been the most anti-constitution and as Jonathan Turley has written in His Brilliant book the most anti-free speech First Amendment Administration in 250 years 250 years think it'll get better under Harris or Worse think it'll get better under wals or Worse wals was the most aggressively tyrannical Governor when it came to the pandemic the most aggressively tyrannical Governor he ordered the cops to watch your homes they were armed with literally paintball pistol and rifles there's video isn't there m you've seen it Mr Producer where they're shooting at people who are standing on their own doorway they shut down churches and synagogues and mosques too but the abortion clinics were open so were the ABC Stores I mean [Music] folks they try to say that what they've done is democratic when what they've done is autocratic they say they stand for Freedom when they stand for tyranny they say they stand for the rule of law when they object to the first 2 fourth fifth 6th 8th 10th 14th amendments I'll be right back I'm going to let you in on a little Wireless trick that can cut your cell phone bill in half every single month other major carriers want you to believe you need unlimited data so they can overcharge you here's the fact most of you are buying way more data than you'll ever need and you'll ever use Pure Talk my cell phone company only charges you for data you actually want listen to this for $25 a month you can get unlimited talk text and 5 gigs of data Plus mobile hotspot do you know what you can do with 5 gigs of data you can browse the internet for 135 hours stream 1,000 songs or watch 10 hours a video folks stop overpaying for wireless get 5G coverage with Pur talk go to Pur Lin that's Pur Lev iin switching is painless it's easy there's no contract no activation fee you can even keep your phone and your number again that's Pur Lin Pur Lev and you'll save an additional 50% off your first month on top of all the other savings when you sign up with pure talk first of all let me say this when American Marxism came out and I was on Fox and the radio and Blaze and everywhere else I said stop calling these people people progressives and socialists stop being afraid to call them what they are they are marxists and I'm proud to say we're now calling them marxists they're American marxists Communists if you prefer but Marxist is what I prefer we're going to go live to Phoenix Arizona this stadium is loaded to the nose bed sections here's president Trump you're getting out of the race show and if you don't do it the nice way we'll do it the tough Way Joe and he said okay and now I have a new opponent this never happened before we spent $100 million and a lot of time on defeating him and as soon as he was Ganzo it all started with the debate the debate all that time all that effort a friend of mine said you did a terrible job in the debate I said why do you say that everybody said I was brilliant they said oh you got him out of the race with that debate it's all right we have to do what we have to do right we have to do what we have to do and now we have somebody that in theory should be easier to beat in theory because she's a radical left Marxist and everybody knows it but we're welcoming the support from millions of disaffected Democrats Independents moderates oldfashioned liberals who still believe in things like like little things like borders I was there yesterday that's a scary place sir it's about time that you get out of the sun sir we're going to have to get you out of here sir let's get the hell out of here she was the borders are she presided over the worst Border in history not American history world history democracy Liberty and of course always the right of free speech we don't really have free speech right now the Press look at all of them look at all of them look look at that wow [Applause] man that's a lot of press this place is a fake news that's a hell of a lot of fake news John forever is the old Democratic party of FDR JFK and that's right even Bill Clinton kamla Harris's Democrat Party is the party of free health care for illegal aliens communist style price controls defund the police all her life she wants to defund the police a little while ago she changed didn't she huh Banning gas powerered cars and sex changes for minor children without parental without parental consent how about that one how would you like that without parental consent can you imagine your kid comes home without parental consent what happened to my baby what happened the true divide in American politics today is between these far-left fascists led by Harris and her group and you know who her group is and citizens of all political backgrounds who love our country share traditional American values the values that you have right here in this great state and look past our differences to unite around a thing called our Great American flag and we should and we should speak to we should speak to our great congressmen and Congress women they ought to make it illegal to burn the American flag if you burn the American flag you go to jail for one year one year that's all one year you burn the American flag because in Chicago at the Democrat deal they were burning flags all over the place you burn the American flag they say it's unconstitutional to do that I think it's constitutional you burn the American flag you go to jail for one year nobody's going to be burning the American flag anymore our opponents worship the Deep State we want to obliterate the Deep State slight difference our opponents thank you our opponents join with warmongers and neocons to wage endless Wars these wars that never end we don't even know who the hell the country is that we're fighting we believe that America is strongest when America is at peace we want peace through strength that's what we want like we had four years ago we didn't have any wars except we wiped out Isis very quickly it was supposed to take 5 years to beat Isis I did it in 3 weeks they support coercive covid vaccine mandates and want to fire you if you don't obey you get fired we oppose these mandates as a fundamental violation of our god-given rights we don't want the mandates we don't want the mandates they want to arrest their political opponents and silence those who disagree we reject censorship in all forms and we believe in Freedom open debate and fair equal and impartial justice under the Constitutional rule of law our opponents slander us as a threat to democracy Trump is a threat to democracy no they're a threat to democracy how many times have you heard you know it's a talking point for them right Deb it's a talking point Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and those guys say it too cuz they're the same thing they're like a part they're a subsidiary of the Democrat Party meanwhile they rig their primaries they force out Joe Biden they force him out of the party Joe Biden got 14 million votes in an unconstitutional coup and they appoint a nominee who never got a single vote and when she ran against this guy and I'm no fan he was the worst president in the history of our country he leted in millions and millions of people through her let in millions of people would destroy our country but we're going to get those people out the people that came in here from jails and prisons and mental [Music] institutions but they threw him out you know they ran against each other for the primary and she never even made it to the first state the great state of Iowa never made it and now she's the one running a little strange isn't it as you see that's really a threat to democracy if you get right down to it right in our Movement we know that democracy does not mean rule by the Democrat establishment it means rued by the American people tonight I'm very pleased to welcome a man who has been an incredible Champion for so many of these values that we all share and we've shared him for a long time I don't think too many of you people have heard of him he's very lowkey he's a very low-key person but he's highly respected he is a great person I've known him for so long for the past 16 months Robert F Kennedy Jr we're live at sin [Applause] Phoenix at their Stadium which is filled to the the nose bed seats president Trump and Robert Kennedy coming on the stage back to president Trump and Robert Kennedy and I don't think I've ever introduced anyone that got Applause like he just got I must tell you I don't think it's true I don't think I've ever introduced anybody I got Applause like that amazing it's [Applause] true amazing soon after I was I can't even believe I have to say this nearly assassinated in Pennsylvania last month Bobby called me to express his best wishes he knows firsthand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment when you stand up you bring on some trouble for yourself but you have to do what's right you have to do what's right for the country I I will tell you we are both in this to do what's right for the country that's one thing I can tell you he lost his father and uncle in service to our country and Bobby himself was sub subject to repeated threats to his safety during the course of his campaign while being denied protection by the Harris Biden Administration and this is a tribute in honor of Bobby I am announcing tonight that upon my election I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts and they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F [Music] Kennedy and they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month but I tell you I have never never had more people ask me please sir release the documents on the Kennedy assassination and we're going to do that and I also want to salute Bobby's Decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children nobody's done more millions and millions of Americans who want clean air clean water and a healthy Nation have concerns about toxins in our en environment and pesticides in our food that's why today I'm repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with Bobby to investigate what is causing the decades long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases including autoimmune disorders autism obesity infertility and many more we want every child in America to grow up and to live a long and healthy life so I just uh want to ask Bobby to speak for a little while I'll Stand aside I'm going to stand aside but I can only tell you I've known him a long time we've been a little bit on the opposite side of the equation but I will say this he is a brilliant I still think of him as young he's not that young I always call him young but he's not that young but he is a phenomenal person a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody can love the people of this country so Bobby please say a few words thank you very much it's a big moment folks big moment thank you thank you president [Applause] Trump thank you a few hours after his assassination attempt at Butler I got a call from a safe food Advocate named and Kelly means who's been fighting for many years to try to end the corruption at CDC and FDA and USDA and these institutions these regulatory agencies are actually run by the big food processing companies the big a in the chemical what we're going to do here America we're going to take a brief break Mr Producer keep the tape rolling we'll pick up where we've left off we'll be right back Markin I'm going to let you in on a little Wireless trick that can cut your cell phone bill in half every single month other major carriers want you to believe you need unlimited data so they can overcharge you here's the fact most of you are buying way more data than you'll ever need and you'll ever use pure talk my cell phone company only charges you for data you actually want listen to this for $25 a month you can get unlimited talk text and 5 gigs of data Plus mobile hotspot do you know what you can do with 5 gigs of data you can browse the internet for 135 hours stream 1,000 songs or watch 10 hours of video folks stop overpaying for wireless get 5G coverage with pure talk go to purt Lin that's Pur switching is painless it's easy there's no contract no activation fee you can even keep your phone and your number again that's Pur Lin Pur Lev and you'll save an additional 50% off your first month on top of all the other savings when you sign up with pure [Music] talk Trump and Robert Kennedy in Phoenix Robert Kennedy and endorsing president Trump if you ever think you'd hear those words Trump has United Regan knites Kennedy and everybody else we are live this is in Glendale Ariz wow that was something huh that was something fantastic guy you know he did well and the polls are good and all but you have to remember we have sort of like a two-party system it was designed that way and it's awfully tough and as well as he did he'd be at 10 and 15 and 16 points sometimes that's a lot that's a lot but if he were in a regular system like as a Democrat or perhaps as a republican but not against me of course but if he were in a regular system there are a lot of people that maybe liked him the best but they said we can't vote so with all of those votes he was getting here's a lot of votes that he could have gotten I think he's going to have a huge influence we're leading now but I think he's going to have a huge influence on this campaign actually much bigger than you'd see in the polls and those numbers are big to start off with but Bobby and I will fight together to defeat the corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to the people and to all who supported Bobby's campaign I very simply ask you join us in building this Coalition it's a beautiful Coalition in defense of Liberty and safety it's going to be an incredible Coalition and the relationship has been so good for so long I have no doubt it's going to work and work well but we have to win we have to take our country away from these people that are going to destroy our country we won't have a country left so thank you very much we need your vote as you all know this week the Democrats held their convention you probably saw it their party the media says the big message from their convention was that we need to turn the page from the failures of the last four years do you believe it they forgot they've run it for the last four years all right ladies and gentlemen we'll take a short break the power hour is next and as long as president Trump is up there we will listen to him I'll be right [Music] back he's here he's here now broadcasting From The Underground command post deep in the vows of a hidden funker somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building we've once again made contact with our leader M love you know America I got a stack of stuff here ready to roll but I have a feeling you want to hear president Trump now we can't do this all the time CU he didn't want him come just want the stations down the line to know that this is a very historic moment when Robert Kennedy has endorsed Donald Trump this is a I think it's a big Monumental event I think for the one year he had one person come in but they got him now we have 3 million people coming in through your border your border or through the whole thing it's ridiculous it's not Joe it's an honor and I'll tell you people didn't treat you right you are a legend and you did a job like nobody else that's Sheriff Joe true great going Joe and we love your wife he lost his wife a few years ago and she was a hell of a woman right Joe but she's looking down at you and she's proud of you she's saying you did did very well with this group of people but I've known you for a long time and there was nobody like him he understood the Border better than anybody and he ran it fairly he very fair but he ran it strong and they respected him they didn't even try so thank you very much Joe and your wife is she's proud of you she's proud of you very proud of you we're grateful to be joined tonight by the founder of Turning Point action a gentleman named name Charlie Kirk thank you Charlie Charlie's a great guy what a job he does I said Charlie do me a favor we got this thing won but do me a favor make sure they don't cheat the only way they can do anything is if they cheat like hell and we've been victims of that make sure they don't cheat Charlie we don't need the votes we just want to make sure that they don't cheat hello Sheriff how we doing how are you guys doing good thank you can tell the presid a damn good law enforcement official because we got the votes we got to make sure everything's on the up and up Charlie and his team of people I mean he's got hundreds of thousands of young people it's actually quite discriminatory Charlie have you ever been sued by old people for not accepting them he's got the youngest looking group of people and their Warriors they're unbelievable the job Charlie has done is incredible thank you Charlie thank you Charlie the job he's done is really incredible also with us is an incredible congresswoman who has decided to go on a certain board do you know what I'm talking about the most important board may be in the whole country and she's going to make sure everything's on the up and up Debbie leco Debbie thank you congresswoman thank you Debbie you make sure Debbie I think we're going to bow out Mr Producer monitor this um if the president swings back into some issue oriented discussions we'll go back to that um rather than the introductions but the main event that took place here about 20 minutes ago was he was joined on stage by Robert F Kennedy Jr it's historic Robert F Kennedy Jr fully endorsed president Trump they admit they don't agree on everything but they agree on enough and that's my attitude right now too America you know when we had to win World War II it's not an exact parallel but it's good enough we had to align ourselves with some individuals and that's the way it goes we must win this election and it's a good lesson for all of us we're not looking for Perfection we're not looking for 100% agreement we can deal with policy later that is I don't mean abandoning principles but we can duke it out on the fringes of the policies and the principles later if we lose there's no duking out anything the Democrat Party Schumer's already said it they intend to change our voting system they intend to change our constitutional system separation of powers they intend to pack the courts they intend to get rid of the filibuster rule so they can Ram through anything they want with a simple majority and we'll never be able to reverse it they intend to even open the borders further they intend to Grant by executive order Millions citizenship that is amnesty all of this is illegal all of it is unconstitutional they theend to take over our health care System she said it then destroy our oil companies and our gasoline companies that is pipelines fracking the whole thing well that is a disaster they'll turn us into California and worse they will not support our military they oppose our cops they support Soros prosecutors they object to school competition particularly for poor minority kids there'll be a sellout to the teachers unions which are radicalized there'll be a sellout to what our children read and study in our libraries it'll be a complete disaster women's sports will be destroyed forever the First Amendment will come under attack it's already under attack the Second Amendment for sure the fourth and fifth amendments that protect your individual rights they will be under attack as will the sixth amendment that is the season property and fines the eth excuse me the right to competent Council the eighth amendment that is the seizing of property that's right the wealth tax it'll call they'll call it a fine as well as the 10th Amendment federalism and of course the 14th amendment that goes hand inand with the Fifth Amendment due process rights equal protection rights they will use the 14th Amendment to ban people from running from Office who they don't like they will stack the Judiciary with these radical left-wing judges so there's nowhere to go they've got the plan they've got it all figured out those of you who support Israel Israel will be destroyed I I firmly believe this I firmly believe this I truly do our colleges and universities will be forever controlled by the Marxist islamists there'll be endless riding in the streets endless Crystal Knocks American history will be will be waved away from our children no Moorings anymore parental rights forget it the right to protest at abortion clinics already under attack you'll go to prison this country won't look like anything anything that you're used to your Lifestyles will change your livelihoods will change you think it's bad now you've not lived through a horrendous depression when there are no jobs when there are no there is no food on the shelves when your money is worthless and when that happens the government gets even stronger and when the constitutionals barriers destroyed the courts stuff with leftists you got a little little little taste of it a little bitter taste of it during the pandemic a little bit that was it and so yes I'm very happy that Robert Kennedy has endorsed Donald Trump and I hope more will come to the four there are people like kinginger and treney Comm stuck and ludic they're a disgrace they disgust me and we need all the help we can get they're people like chrisy sits on the sidelines Romy sits on the sidelines George W bush sits on the sidelines we every hand we can get but we'll do it without them because we must let's dip into the rally again Mr Producer live Crossing record president Trum triple and quadruple what the year before where I'd have like 150,000 and she'd have 22 million what she has done to this country nobody can tell you you know she destroyed San Francisco as the district attorney she destroyed California you know that as the this is a woman that's going to take she destroyed California she had a policy if you steal less than $950 you're allowed to keep it you can go we're not going to prosecute so criminals are walking into stores mean nasty guys rough guys and they take calculators and they calculate let's say I want to get up they walk out then they walk back in the whole thing this is who we're going to have running our country I don't think so and nobody lies like her she's a liar she makes up crap she's the one going to raise you know she said Donald Trump is going to ra you know why she said I was going to raise because I'm going to put tariffs on other countries coming into our countries and that has nothing to do with taxes to us that's a tax on another country and I did it with China and we had no inflation you know I had no inflation I took in hundreds of billions of dollars from China and not one other president took in 10 cents they were all oh China we're afraid of China we're afraid of China according to a new DHS report camela Harris also lost and this is impossible to believe listen to this 300 and 25,000 migrant children are gone they're missing she allowed them to be trafficked into our country many of these children are now in sex slavery or they're dead probably mostly dead they will never see their homes or their parents again they were swiped out of their home homes they were taken out of their homes 300 this is a government number 325,000 children sex slaves or they're dead many are dead Hamas has so little respect for kamalan Joe Biden crooked Joe Biden that the hostages that they're talking about all the time I believe they're largely gone I believe they're largely gone so sad when you look at what happened when you look at that attack on October 7th I believe they're gone and the reason they're not negotiating you know it says Hamas has decided not to negotiate because what they want back are the hostages and I think those hostages for the most part aren't around anymore and so they said oh boy we can't really negotiate because we don't have the hostages the hostages are largely gone how sad how terribly sad if they feared and respected Joe Biden and Cala they would never have killed those hostages they would have never attacked they would never have attacked when I was President Iran was broke Iran was broke I told China if you spend any money on buying oil from Iran you'll never do business in the United States again and we're going to put a 200% tariff on you and Iran was broke and they had no money for Hamas and they had no money for Hezbollah you can check your numbers look at it when they had no money he knows how to deal with China he knows how to deal with Iran and all the rest of them notice that none and when they asked Victor Orban the prime minister of Hungary very strong guy what is the reason that things are so bad now the Middle East is blowing up Russia's blowing up with Ukraine there's war starting all over the place looks like bad things could happen in Taiwan with China what's the and he says you got to get Donald Trump back as president you won't have any problems we're going to take a short break but we will be right back Mark Lin you want to hear how synop fanic the media are they actually want you to believe that at the Democrat convention which is basically a Marxist islamist po Hall a Roman circus that they're promoting patriotism and that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher's name have said more at the Democrat convention that at the Republican the media are so drunk by their own stupidity this guy John Carl he's his dumb as a door knob and then of course there's Stephanopoulos the head of the War Room that Abused Women on behalf of Bill Clinton listen to this go ahead quite a contrast from the way she ran for president the first time when she tried to get the nomination four years ago this is a a a KLA Harris that sounded a little bit more like Maggie Thatcher or or Ronald Reagan especially on National security than like Bernie Sanders St ladies and gentlemen Margaret Thatcher would despise kamla Harris Ronald Reagan would despise kamla Harris Nancy Reagan would despise kamla Harris so now they're projecting Reagan and Thatcher on the Kamala Harris and her radical agenda this is how perverse ABC news has got you know they're all horrific ABC News has gotten to be the worst so here's George Stephanopoulos Democrat go ahead mentioned that there's more talk about Ronald Reagan at the Democratic Convention than the Republican convention and the Democrats really making a play uh to claim patriotism oh yeah and how are they claiming patriotism by trashing the cops in the military I'm just curious what was patriotic what was patriotic nothing nothing and Reagan and Thatcher I knew Ronald Reagan and I knew Margaret Thatcher Georgie and Carl would that be John Carl Marx and no they wouldn't they wouldn't be happy with the Democrat Marxist islamist convention go ahead yeah I mean there's an opening there uh Donald Trump has has used words like American Carnage to talk about America uh has uh portrayed a more isolationist protectionist view that is at odds with what ra Ronald Reagan was all about so this was Comm that's strange that you would say that Ronald Reagan didn't go around causing Wars there was never a war with the USSR economically killed that country As Trump was economically killing Iran and Reagan did he went into Grenada Trump took out suani I mean I can go on and on about this folks they try and paint Trump as an isolationist even some isolationists try to paint him as an isolationist he never has been and he isn't an isolationist I'll be right back Mar then the thunder on the right call in Now 877 381 3811 I want to read something to you America Kamala Harris gives her speech Biden makes his statement about Israel about Jews you got that schmuck the governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro just horrible from the Jerusalem Post G calev the Biden Administration is restarting sanctions against Jews after an 80-year break the us-led world is reinstating an ancient European practice sanctions against Jews for centuries sanctions were a primary tool for European governments to manage their relationships with their Jewish populations the sanctions sometimes against a subset of Jews or even individual Jews were not only punitive but also served as signaling and deterrent mechanisms as European governments dealt with the complexities of the quote unquote Jewish question and it's broader implication at different times European sanctions targeted different aspects of Jeff's life sometimes sanctions were in the form of restrictions such as limits on where Jews could live how many children they were allowed to have which cities they were allowed to enter and What professions they were allowed to work in other times it was about taking decisive actions against Jews for example in the 17th century France issued sanctions against Jews through the office of Beggars and Jews there were too many beggars in the streets it was intolerable and so they targeted Jews most Jews weren't beggars in the most likelihood most Jews were themselves bothered by the presence of Beggars Jews and non-jews alike similarly in 17th century France most Jews did not interact with Beggars Beggars were were out of their Social Circles and did not dress or even look like them but it didn't matter Jews however were fully aware the office of Beggars and Jews was targeting Jews not Jewish Beggars not any Beggars similar realities exist today with the open end sanction regime instituted by the Biden Harris Administration against Israeli Jews at first American Jews felt reassured that the sanctions the first Western sanctions tailored to Jews since the Holocaust in the Third Reich were not directed at them but it's so-called violent settlers the administration along with the media has been instilling the Fable that there's large scale anti-arab Violence by Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria no doubt anti-arab violence and rhetoric is a serious issue there's growing anti-arab violence in France and throughout Europe as well as in the USC rights for example the shooting of three Arab students in Vermont and the stabbing of an Arab woman and her six-year-old child who died in the attack there's also anti-arab violence and rhetoric in Israel and Jude and Samaria since then the sanctions have expanded to include a broader group of Israeli Jews Israeli charity organizations Civic leaders protest organizations and even threats of sanctions against military units in Israel and the IDF and even Israeli elected officials through this a through his actions Biden provided a so-called kosher certificate for other countries to sanction the Jewish state and its residents a dream come true for Israel Bashers indeed the EU the UK Canada Australia New Zealand and Japan picked up the glove and jumped right in never before has there been such a broad Coalition supporting sanctions against Jews and keep in mind Jews in Israel it's not just Jews who are targeted by the renewal of this ancient European practice of sanctioning Jews the essence of the American Revolution is under attack the American Revolution was a rebellion against old European dogmas including the well- instilled European notion that when things are good you thank the Arch and when things are bad you blame the Jews America created a principle that went against the core of europeanism all men are created equal this included Jews therefore the American Revolution was a negation of the European use of sanctions against Jews America is an idea president by often States well the sanction regime against Jews is a negation of that idea Biden uses the Marchers in Charlottesville in 2015 to demonstrate a rebuke of the America idea yes and the way he lies about that in Trump today some Jews draw assurance that the sanctions are against Jews who don't look like them who don't dress like them attend the same cocktail parties so sit on the same boards as they do just like French Jews had nothing to do with the beggars in the 17th century France most American Jews do not interact with young Israeli protesters blocking roads to promote their cause whether the roads in Tel Aviv to support a deal with Hamas which demonstrators argue will lead to the hostages release and so forth and so on one prominent Jew even took to the CER floor to Parrot the accusation made by human in a book of Esther by hymon rather in the Book of Esther and the Nazis in Germany Jews are Pariah opposed by the rest of the world yet Senate Majority Leader CH Schumer made an odd caveat he said it is the Jewish state that is a pariah opposed by the rest of the world we good Jews here in America are just fine in an act of hypocrisy or Detachment he then took the podium of the Democratic National Convention and called to quote stand up the anti-Semitism which he himself is generating he himself is generating mhm American Jews need a wake a wakeup call the Biden Administration sanctions need not to be managed for the office of settlers in eastampton Jews for American Jews to understand what is happening here some Democrats downplay the sanctions as only till November reminiscent of US President Obama's message to then incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin via then president Dimitri medev in 2012 heard in an open mic after my election I have more flexibility so it goes on sanctions against Jews in Israel and now you have at least half a dozen other countries so-called democracies doing the same thing do they do that to any other country no I don't want to hear again how Biden Harris support Israel how they're not opposed to anti-Semitism why are they focusing exclusively on Jews in Israel how come not Palestinians Palestinians in Judea and Samaria Palestinians in parts of Jerusalem Palestinians in the Gaza Strip do they do that to Palestinians no they don't this is an anti-semitic Administration Harris is anti-Semitic I don't care about that slug that she's married to I could give a damn Josh Shiro is a complete sellout he could have given a Martin Luther King type speech at that convention but he didn't you go along to get along right Josh have we tried to get him on the show yet Mr Producer keep asking keep asking the governor to come on the show we'll be right back Mark folks I call this radio free America I've been doing this for a while but at no time in my career no time in my lifetime are the next 75 5 days more important 75 days especially after Labor Day weekend I commit to you to be behind this microphone we'll be off a little while around Labor Day after Labor Day weekend day in and day out every evening we'll do everything we can from Maine and Alaska to California and Washington State New York and Philadelphia LA and Phoenix every city every Community every state we are in and we are in them all nothing will stop us here our Affiliates I want to thank them for being loyal I want to thank Satellite XM Sirus XM we are always on YouTube our own channel and of course we have the mark Len app and the iHeart app and platforms Galore this election is crucial every day up to election day is crucial we must win Pennsylvania I'm a Philadelphian that's right I grew up it's where I went to school that's where I went to college that's where I went to law school that's where I was elected to the school board in cheltonham we will join our forces New York that's where my radio career began La where we've been the number one host in our time slot for years now city after City town after town we're going to make a difference this I promise you I just want you to know we're in this together I'm blessed with this platform I'm blessed with the ability to talk to you I'm blessed with our presence in city after City town after town state after State including the so-called Battleground States we will do this together and we will have Victory together we go to America every Friday in honor of you here we go [Music] Christ foresty [Music] [Music] his from SE to sh I see [Music] for p SE be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sh you know the Dems compare Kamala to Hillary they compare to how about we compare Cala to cala that's the problem isn't it ladies and gentlemen the week is officially over the week and begins right now don't forget tomorrow night 8:00 P p.m. Eastern life liberty and lvin don't forget Sunday night 8:00 P p.m. Eastern life liberty and Lin set your DVR as well I encourage you to do that folks all right we salute our Armed Forces police officers firefighters emergency Personnel our truckers our brothers and sisters in in Ukraine our brothers and sisters in Israel we have your back good night spritey and griffy and Pepsi good night Zelda and Smokey and Gigi good night Indie and patton good night Rory good night Barney and Marty we miss you deeply good night Dad good night Mom we're fighting like hell good night Leo and Joe and Bernard and Teddy and good night America God bless [Music]

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