Morning Joe [9AM] 9/13/2024 | ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ†‚๐Ÿ…ฝ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ…ฒ BREAKING NEWS Today September 13, 2024

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:38:09 Category: News & Politics

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off Harris highlighted the flood of Republican endorsements that she has recently received over 200 people who worked for President George HW Bush President George W bush John McCain and Mitt Romney have endorsed me for president former Vice President Dick Cheney and congresswoman Liz Cheney are supporting me as well because as they said we we have a duty as Citizens to put country above partisanship and defend our constitution I'd say on that point I mean it's overwhelming uh samstein her crowds which is something Trump talked about he got so I mean he fell for it so it was painful to watch how quickly he fell for kamla Harris kind of making fun of his rallies in a very real and realistic way that talks about Hannibal Lecter and makes up crap and just throws it out there and really speaks about nothing but most importantly does not talk about you the American people and what he could do for the American people but even more so he was very rattled about crowd siiz saying that nobody comes to her rallies and so again if anyone wants to check I mean there 177,000 people at one rally alone yesterday and they were going wild but to a point she was is making about the 200 Republicans who are endorsing her I do think there's a decision to be made uh by former President George W bush and others that are very high level Republicans and if they truly believe that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy but if they also truly believe that there is a Republican party to be saved that there is a Republican party to be rebuilt that there is a Republican party that should be a part of this democracy that we live in isn't the only way to go at this point is to endorse Kamala Harris and let the Republican Party rebuild I mean very very good questions uh first on the rally size you know Trump will probably respond uh by alleging that this is all AI generated right and that this can't possibly be real uh secondarily uh on on the issue of Republicans supporting Harris first it was a little bit disorienting I got to be honest to see a massive Stadium filled with Democrats cheering the mention of Dick Cheney uh the 20 years ago that would have been unfathomable uh but we're in a very weird uh disorienting time and M I think you bring up the right question which is uh do certain Republicans who we presume or know uh don't like Donald Trump want him to fail do they feel a moral obligation uh to not just say they're not voting against against Trump but to make the affirmative case for voting for Harris now dick and L Cheney have done that uh Alberto Gonzalez yesterday did that the question on you know the mind of people like us at the bull workk is will people we presume George W bush uh cond arise will those people who we presumed do not support Trump will they come out and say in fact it's good for both the Republic and the Republican party uh to see Harris win good for the Republican Party that we need to have a serer version of the Republican party and the only way that that can happen is if we prove that Trump ISM finally and fully is a loser yeah I mean by the way Donald Trump's not a republican like if everybody just really looked at the reality of Donald Trump the person leading the Republican party right now is anything but a Republican and will throw away any issue if it doesn't serve him personally even abortion but he's already done so much damage on that that I'd like to point out Willie one thing about what Sam said about that crowd of Democrats supporting Kamala uh clapping about Dick Cheney I can tell you I know personally that there are some Republicans in those crowd Republican women especially are gathering together and going to kamla Harris rallies and as her campaign and kamla Harris will will tell you they are welcome to be there yeah Republicans for Harris is what the campaign called calls it and let's not forget that group of Nikki Haley voters that are potentially up for grabs who say they cannot abide Donald Trump and they need to be convinced that kamla Harris is the choice I will say sam and I are living in the same head space I watched that clip and I thought my God go back to 2004 and an arena full of Democrats cheering for Darth Vader himself Dick Cheney who was the arch villain uh of American politics according to Democrats it's an extraordinary time for sure so during that Arizona rally yesterday as we said Donald Trump continued to push that baseless claim that migrants from Haiti are eating pets in Springfield Ohio there's a place called Springfield Ohio that you've been reading about 20,000 illegal Haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of 58,000 people destroying their entire way of life this was a beautiful community and now it's uh horrible what's happened enrollment on the state's Medicaid and food assistance programs have soared motor vehicle accidents have Skyrocket recording of 911 calls even show residents are reporting that the migrants are walking off with the town's geese they take in the geese you know where the geese are in the park in the leg and even walking off with their pets my dog's been taken my dog's been stol this can only happen these people are the worst as the people of Arizona understand better than anyone else under Camala Harris our country is under a thing called Invasion did you ever hear the word Invasion just like a military it's like a military Invasion we are being conquered and we are being occupied by a foreign element officials in Springfield Ohio and the Republican governor of Ohio Mike dwine again say there is absolutely no evidence of Haitian immigrants not illegal immigrants Haitian immigrants abusing pets many of those migrants as I say are here legally under temporary protected status meanwhile the mayor of Springfield says the city received a bomb threat that used hateful language against the migrant and specifically the Haitian Community yesterday's threat led to the evacuation of City Hall two schools and the local Motor Vehicle Agency May Rob Hugh telling the Washington Post his City needs help and not the hate that's being spread by some political leaders so it's easy to laugh Michael steel at all of the dog and cat and geese eating that's coming out of the mouth of Donald Trump and all the memes that he's posting he's lean actually leaning into this he thinks he's got a winner here um but also it has real world implications for people in Springfield Ohio for Haitian immigrants who are here legally and for people of color across the country no it absolutely does there are there are some real ramifications here that extend uh well beyond um the jokes and and I think you know it's it's time we hold Donald Trump responsible for this uh he is he is being deliberate in what he's saying he's been told what the truth is not just by his campaign but by officials of both the city and the State uh and and that state official happens to be a fellow Republican so this is not some democrat trying to do politics um on the on the subject there if someone is harmed or injured and bomb threats are being called in um there are idiots who are following this man who will take action because they believe Donald Trump when you use terms like there is a military invasion by these individuals by these others you will have people who will respond to that and it rests on Donald Trump's lips and on his hands what happens and we just can't sugarcoat this yeah there's some great memes and jokes for sure but this very quickly turns the corner of becoming serious for the people who live in that community and for Haitians not just in that Community but in other communities around the country and and you know we just it just I don't know I get frustrated and yet at the same time confused by how something like this takes off the way it does and that people think so little of their fellow human beings to believe something as Insidious and stupid Lisa Ruben Lisa great to see you again you're calling this the most critical trial this election season doesn't invol Trump this one explain for us the lawsuit that's led to this trial and maybe why people should watch it on live stream yeah M people should watch this because even though Donald Trump is not involved it is all about him this is an effort by three members on this Georgia election board who are each appointed by different constituencies in Georgia to throw some of the rules and permit discretion in the certification process with respect to County election results and if those two rules that you just described are allowed to stand the fear is that certain counties in Georgia will not report their results by November 12th as many people including Secretary of State Brad raffensberger believe is absolutely mandatory under the statute and then thinking from there if they don't report their results from the 12th it may be an effort to also prevent the entire state of Georgia from reporting its results and thereby its slate of electors and I just want to clarify for you and some of our viewers what would happen in that instance we all know that there's a certain number of votes to win the electoral college but under a new 2022 statute passed by Congress if a state doesn't report its slate of electors then you essentially subtract that State's electoral votes from the total Georgia here has 16 electoral votes and so this may be an attempt to deprive one of the candidates of a victory here by taking Georgia's 16 votes off the table and skewing the results accordingly Lisa that's so well explained it's really important for people to understand because there is the rhetoric that comes from Donald Trump already laying the groundwork to question the outcome of the election in November should he lose but then there is the work being done down on the state level to actually carry that out in a way that would be different from 2020 in a way that they were unable to do then is there are there versions of what we're seeing in Georgia taking place across the country as well as some of those Republicans those mag Republicans look to kind of seed the ground to stall at the very least the results coming in well I would say yes and no Willie on one hand delayed certification in Georgia is the new fake elector we have yet to see efforts that sort of duplicate what exactly is going on in Georgia here but delayed certification is only one part of a two-part scheme the first part are these widespread challenges to voter registration roles to try and take out of the equation people who they think will vote for vice president Harris and that we're seeing in places all over the country from Michigan and Arizona to Ohio to Texas efforts to sort of change the composition of who's entitled to vote in the first place and then if at first you don't succeed you delay that certification Key part of it the book entitled something lost something gained Reflections on life love and Liberty goes on sale next Tuesday Clinton was reording the audio book when news broke that President Biden had dropped out of the race for the white house so she decided to record her first reaction to that Monumental shift in presidential Politics as an epilogue to the audio version Morning Joe has now an exclusive excerpt of that epilogue take a listen on July 21st 2024 when Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the residential race and endorsing kamla Harris the dream of seeing a woman in the Oval Office was suddenly back within reach it wouldn't be me but it could be Kamala history beckoned but a whole lot of bigotry fear and disinformation not to mention the Electoral College stood in the way could we do it could we finally shatter that highest hardest glass ceiling and prove that in America there is no limit to what is possible when Bill and I heard the news that Biden was withdrawing and endorsing kamla we drafted a joint statement saluting him and also endorsing her she is talented experienced and ready to be president so it was an easy decision after our statement went public kamla called us she was REM remarkably calm for someone who had just been thrown into the deep end of a bottomless pool she told us she wanted to earn the nomination I'm going to need your help she said we'll do whatever you need I told her bill and I were both ready to do everything we could to help get her elected history is full of cautionary tales but 2024 is not 2016 Trump's Victory then and the ugliness of his presidency woke up a lot of people there's less complacency now about the strength of our democracy and more consciousness of the threats posed by disinformation demagoguery and implicit bias some people have asked how I feel about the prospect of another woman poised to achieve the Breakthrough I didn't if I'm being honest in the Years After 16 I also wondered how I would feel if another woman ever took the torch that I had carried so far and ran on with it with some little voice deep down inside whisper that should have been me now I know the answer after I got off the phone with the vice president I looked at bill with a huge smile and said this is exciting I felt PR I felt possibility it was exhilarating when I imagine commala standing before the capital next January taking the oath of office as our first woman president my heart leaps after hard years of division it will prove that our best days are still ahead and that we are making progress on our long journey toward a more perfect union and it will make such a difference in the lives of hardworking people everywhere for now thinking about this momentous period I find myself turning back to where this book began as Joanie Mitchell sang All Those Years Ago something's lost but something's gained Democrats have lost our standard Bearer we will miss Joe Biden's steady leadership deep empathy and fighting Spirit he is is a wise and decent man who served our country well yet we have gained much too a new Champion an invigorated campaign and A Renewed sense of purpose you know uh we're going to hear from former secretary uh Clinton when she joins us next Thursday right here in Morning Joe and Willie you know you could see the joy the clintons had especially Hillary Clinton in the fact that kamla Harris had had the torch passed to her in how quickly they endorsed her the Obamas and others took a few days and set it up right not that they were thinking about it like whether or not but they prepared the clintons just came out as fast as they could tweet and one of the many reasons is Hillary Clinton is a huge part of why this moment is possible um and and secondly I think a lot of people uh felt a lot of buyers remorse uh when it comes to Trump um when you look at the things Hillary Clinton said during the debates during her speeches during in the runup to the election of of Donald Trump she was right on so many levels so there's a lot there and it all adds up to yes Joy this possibility that kamla Harris an African-American woman um can beat Donald Trump and become president of the United States yes secretary Clinton endorsed vice president Harris very quickly and in fact in these last couple of months has been an adviser to KLA Harris if you talk to people around the campaign there is no one else on this planet right now who can understand what kamla Harris is going through running against as a woman running against Donald Trump what is it like to run against him and she has been close counsel to her on that it's been widely reported and the campaign has said so as well privately that KLA Harris is really leaning on Hillary Clinton as she moves forward coming up how undecided voters are sign ring up this week's presidential debate Jeremy Peters joins us with his latest reporting in the New York Times joins us now it is good to have you on the show thank you for coming on so I I have a confession to make I have snuck into a movie a couple of times Tyson's Corner I can tell that about you I can tell you yeah oh yeah man with a dad in politics there's no way they were giving you money to go to the movie so I figured you were a sneaker I and I liked I kind of got a rush out of it yeah of course it's it's a low-level crime where you know nobody gets hurt I own a movie theater now I own the movie theater where we shout that movie it's called SM Castle Cinemas in Atlantic Highlands New Jersey and uh the m movie business film exhibition is SE in the toilet that I would welcome people to come and sneak around our five different screen pay for one movie jump from one to the next man just buy popcorn while you're there hey can I take a moment I know we're supposed to be promoting the movie but you did like phenomenally at the start like you sold me on my own movie and stuff so I just want to set that aside and take this opportunity you know 30 years in the business it's 30 years since clerks happened years ago right so I've I've had the thrill of watching like a piece of my trailer on TV I was raised by television so that still means something to me but I got to set that aside because my Uncle Wayne like texted me this morning to be like you've officially made it and I didn't know what he meant and said what's going on cuz he's on the East Coast I'm on the west coast right and he's like you're going to on Morning Joe he is a massive massive fan and it gave me a list of fan questions that I was like I don't think I could get to this many but he wanted me to plead on his behalf he says he's been watching forever and he thinks you and Joe should run uh together you know he's familiar with Joe's political BK but he thinks there's a future for the two of you I personally think I I watch in the mornings because I get up in the mornings watch all the political coverage and whatnot so I'm very familiar with Y all's working Willie what's up Willie I think you need to stay here we got enough people in politics stay right you have um R Rachel drch on the movie I I love her and she's she's a she actually interrupts the character in a movie by calling him your father wants to know if your movie is good or not I don't know because I've been on the phone with you the whole time listen I I love you but I got to go I love you too tiger happened to you Rachel dra plays uh my mom and uh not my mom back in the day before we had cell phones was an emergency breakthrough Queen who would just call you wherever you were and whoever was on that phone she'd make an emergency breakthrough uh and she did it to me once or twice while I was the movie theater as well if you were around in 1986 my Lord man it's it's a real flashback it's a payon to youth I I that movie theater where we shot it it was the movie theater I grew up going to with my friends uh as a kid the same movie theater that my father took me to when I was a kid oh it's incredibly meaningful but the thing is the place is old movie theater is like 100 years old same seats in theater 1 are the same seats I sat in when I watched like Friday the 13th Part Two so before we changed a thing I was like look we get a free period piece movie here like not quite merch and ivory but everything looks old in here because like nothing's been touched since the 60s so if we put a camera in just here and don't look at the outside world and dress everybody up you can get away with 1986 inside the theater and that's kind of the the birth of of the story where it came from I was like you know a lot of people felt you own a movie theater you made clerks why why don't you make ushers but I never worked at a movie theater and that would be like pretending to Stolen Valor so but I've been to a movie so Donnie deuts is with me for my 16th birthday I took my friends to Greece what year so if it if I'm that was 1978 oh man I am perfect for this movie I'm going to go back in time Kevin I'm a big fan I love your work I related to it because so much a part of my growing up I can remember moments you know the first time I kissed a girl was in a movie and I hope kids today go see it because they're missing a lot of that my girls I could count the times in my life they've gone to a movie I took them as little kids but as teenagers it wasn't part of the fabric and I it really hit a nerve with me oh that mean it's so incredibly meaningful yeah the thing is like we when I was growing gr up we used to have Community everywhere right um You would go to school you would go to church uh you would go to like uh Scouts you would do community is kind of dissipated and and now people are kids are mostly in their phones and whatnot last true community at least in my world is going to a movie theater where you're kind of mixed in with a bunch of people that you didn't intend to be in a room with but you're all there for a similar reason I mean I I grew up Catholic but my church has always been and my temple has always been the movie theater and and that's where I've learned more about myself than in a classroom than in a church or anything like that you know that screen is a big mirror we see ourselves reflected and learn things about ourselves while being entertained I mean let's not be high flutin about it movies are just something to distract you from the fact that one day you're going to die all right in in this new comedy 430 movie uh it's in theaters now director and writer Kevin Smith thank you I think the movie is amazing and thank you very much for being on the show today and I'm it's such a pleasure such an honor and I'm telling you right now my Uncle Wayne is 67.1 million people making it making it the most watched TV show in the United States since the Super Bowl that makes sense because the winner of the Super Bowl and the debate were both endorsed by Taylor Swift oh and there you go welcome to the fourth hour of more Morning Joe at 6:00 a.m. on the west coast 9:00 a.m. in the East following their contentious debate vice president kamla Harris and former president Donald Trump are back on the campaign Trail in Battleground states with less than eight weeks until election day Harris will be in Pennsylvania today while Trump spends the day in California NBC News senior Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett hake has the latest I ask you today North Carolina are you ready to make your voices [Music] heard overnight kamla Harris slamming Donald Trump in the Tar Hill State for his debate performance it was the same old show same old tired Playbook we've heard for years with no plan for how he would address the needs of the American people well folks look it's time to turn the page the vice president holding two post- debate rallies in in North Carolina a key Battleground state that she hopes to turn blue for the first time since 2008 Harris welcoming a rematch I believe we owe it to the voters to have another debate Donald Trump campaigning in Arizona Thursday defending his debate performance while attacking the administration over immigration people said that I was angry at the debate angry I was angry and yes I am angry and vowing not to return under the stage with the vice president despite previously agreeing to three debates this fall because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate Mr Trump also mocking the moderators and complaining of unfair treatment those two people should be fired the former president again pushing a false conspiracy theory that Haitian migrants in the town of Springfield Ohio are stealing pets for food they take in the geese you know where the geese are in the park in the leg and even walking off with their pets my dog's been taken my dog's been stol on Thursday Springfield was forced to close its Town Hall law when Washington is so polarized they know she wants to give assistance to firsttime home buyers but doubted that it was realistic and Jeremy I ask you is their answer Donald Trump because I guess I guess I I I see the questions I think there was only so much that she could do in that debate in order to be as effective as she was and and I agree there are a lot more questions of course I would love to ask kamla Harris about her leadership style and her plans and how she plans to execute but are those undecided voters saying I'm gonna stick with I'm gonna kind of lean Trump here because I want change I don't get it no I don't think that a lot of them are saying they're leaning Trump some of them certainly would but I think the r the bigger risk for her is that they're just going to stay home that they're not motivated inspired Enough by her because remember people don't really know her you know as as we've quoted many voters saying and and and many Democratic strategists uh saying she's famous as vice president of course she has very high name recognition but she's largely unknown as a candidate in a politician I mean she was elected to the United States Senate in 2018 she's hardly you know been on on the national stage for a long time and she has had let's not forget a really truncated campaign period to introduce herself to voters that's what the next eight weeks are all about and something Ma you point out is is very correct you can't do in two-minute answers in a debate so there's not going to be another debate it looks like um in a way I think that's almost good for her campaign because they can continue to introduce her to the voters who still need convincing on their own terms in these large rallies in these controlled settings I think she's going to eventually have to do some more interviews you know she's only done the one so far um and you know but there's eight weeks and that's an awful lot of time uh to convince people there's a sliver of people really that need convincing need motivating and that's not uh that's not undo Unthinkable um or undoable for her but this is still very close race and and despite the fact that Trump clearly lost the room uh on Yeah Tuesday night she still whether the question of whether or not she won in the minds of the people who are not really yet decided is is is an open one so what's actually uh interesting here is that with So Little Time Donnie your expertise is really um it's actually relevant to this conversation because it's going to be about branding really fast and furious and it's going to be about honest branding and I mean if I were the Harris campaign and I'm going to ask you if you agree with this or if you have a better idea I would be focused on the contrast hate retribution anti-democratic values racism and all the facts to back that up literally you could have a sub paragraph under each of those that went on for Pages because he served as president and he tried to do do a lot of things that were incredibly destructive and he was successful in many ways January 6th and he wants to Pardon them and then the contrast is okay you don't know me that well lawyer prosecutor Attorney General State of California Senator vice president these are the jobs kamla Harris held so doesn't that right there show a contrast that Brands them very differently yeah I I could couldn't agree with you more I I don't have anything much wiser to say other than I would put a banner on top of that it's all about contrast but start the contrast with yesterday and tomorrow hope versus despair sadness versus Joy um old news versus new news that's be the main contrast all those other talking points not talking points facts that you put in there go underneath it but it still starts with the candidate that owns change the candidate that owns hope wins I think it's very very hard for him to sell anything about change or anything about Hope because of who he is and what he stands for she on the other hand and what he should have done at the debate Trump is really attach her to Biden because then she can't own hope and change he didn't do that till his closing statement so your point about contrast contrast contrast absolutely but start it with hope versus despair started with tomorrow versus yesterday Molly your latest opinion piece for is entitled Trump's routine sexism came came back to bite him during the debate tell us about it yeah it was really interesting he tried to use her phrase so remember during the Mike Pence debate she said I'm speaking when Pence uh interrupted her which was sort of became a kind of Catchphrase a little bit iconic pretty big thing to come out of a vice presidential debate so Trump tried to do it to her but the problem for Trump was that uh women relate to and again I'm sorry guys but women relate to being interrupted and uh men don't necessarily do that so when he said that powerful guy who's been you know quite famous for many many years it didn't have the same resonance and he did that a bunch of times where he tried to flip the flip the script on her but in fact it helped her and she was able to flip the script on him I don't know how she did it live television as we all know here is very hard and e e e hello everyone welcome back to our course design let's continue with our uh course of uh animation and navigation between PES previous video we create navigation in this part of login and home screen today let's continue with this uh shop media so if any if click any collection you come here as you see then if you also any products like this I will go to this BR details and if you back here should come back good so this for notification also if you click all here here all the all set here if you click all notification should come here and if you should and ready come here of course good and then the profit part so about profile let's create the navigation between all this if click wh less should come wheless if my order come I think not secreted I should come here and here payment saying it's there and the F also it's there and also log out it's come here if click any button of logout should come to the splash screen it's there good so let's test the application now Bress screen here click here then then sign up and sign then sign in as you see shop here cck on shop here check out yes back to home save save address I want to click a product see the products the reviews Amazing the back and back and the home also home notification andreed on notification on notification profile amazing white list oh should create the back screen okay thank you for watching let's continue in next video so see you soon e e for

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