Ange Postecoglou CLAIMS He Is Excited About CRACKING Draw In The Europa League Facing RANGERS! 🎙️⚪

hi Andre right good thanks Michael um could just get the team news ahead of the game against Newcastle please um so uh where we at uh the main ones I guess uh Dom sanki um close but I think we'll we in the side of C he won't play on the weekend with the international week we kind of um made decision to to wait till after that uh Benton cor is all good um he's trained uh well gone through all the protocols and uh most importantly he feels really good training wise and uh the other one this week was rich he pulled up saw I think there's a there's an injury there muscle injury which just getting more information but he'll be out as well um I think that's it okay mix bag then yeah um obviously deadline day um done some really good business Dominic sanki Archie gray Wilson few others Lucas from January is that it now do you think in terms of incomings yeah I think so I don't think unless something surprising uh jumps out us uh the last 11 hours uh or whatever it is um but now I think that's it for us just seen the Europa League draw some cracking ties Rangers I bet you can't wa for that one got yeah yeah no um no exciting uh good to be a part of it and uh yeah some some good games and yeah sure I'll get a warm re reception that I rocks they'll be looking forward to seeing the yeah this how still at hand um in terms of that though the squad obviously there were some injuries last season with no Europe if there are no incomings today though are you are you happy coverwise the odd injury here and there are you overall happy with the strength of the squad and the size yeah look we you know look if if nothing else happens I mean there still couple probably uh will be moving out but if if nothing else happens then um I think it's been another positive window for us I think as I said uh all long you want to go into every window and sort of come out the other side of it uh you know in a in a stronger sense I certainly feel that um you know I think the players who bought in already making a short-term impact but even for the longer term I think uh um you know going to be really good contributors for us um certainly I think we've got a better sort of well-rounded Squad to deal with um Europe and the extra games and and you know whatever injuries we have and um so yes I think it's been a a real positive window if that is it you always you always said you can't do everything in one window this is what this will be like your third transfer window looking back from the squad you inherited a lot of big names have gone out as well maybe not sort of spit in your system overall happy overall as I said I'm you I'm very happy I think we've done we've done a hell of a lot of work in the last uh you know 12 months three Windows as you said um no doubt the squads changed I think the demographic graic of the squad's changed um the suitability to the kind of football I want to play is is is certainly we're much better equipped for that um there's growth in the team absolutely um so yeah look I think you know we needed to do some fairly major work 12 months ago and I think in the 12 months since I think we've gone a long way to to kind of getting the team to where we want to um but there's still more work to be done I've said that before it was never going to happen uh quickly I don't think it should happen quickly I think when it does happen quickly it's uh you you're more forward to getting it wrong um so I think we're in a good place and firstly happy belated birthday thank you I'm glad you remembered I totally dismiss it too late mate forget it go on it's too late sorry Michael um it's someone else's birthday it's 's birthday today and he said that um last week he trained like a child who's been told off and of course he went on to score his first Spurs goal last weekend I just wonder how is he trained this week and and in terms of that goal what do you want to see more from him in games is it controlling the passage of play in Midfield or is it goals and assists yeah know look I mean I and I don't want to be too sort of flipping about it because it at the same time you know we've said all along this is about um you know trying to guide B so that he becomes you know the the best version of himself both on and off the field and um you know there's no doubting his qualities as a player I think you know from the moment I've arrived you know every time he's being fit I think he's played so that's how highly I rate him but at the same time we feel there's you know there's areas of his game that he can improve just around sort of you know a word he a lot his discipline in terms of his positioning in terms of you know the way he plays the game but a lot of that is again you know there's a correlation to to off field as well and I think you know he's been really you know focused and and in you know since since the incident and he understands I think him not playing that first game sort of really hurt him um as it should um I think you you can find players but when they don't play I think they feel it more and um you know he doesn't want to be in that position again and he knows that you know not just for himself but for the whole group you know he you know we need him to be at his best so that he can contribute to the team and he'll only do that if he if he continues to show the same focus and and when he has and what have you made um to the start to the season of James Madison because we've seen such a positive start similar to to last season yeah he's been good mats um really good uh you know he's I think I said last week when M matters is physically in a good place knock on wood and he really is he's you know his training's excellent it's consistent um we know he's he's such a you know creative force in this league he's done it for many years so um great to have him back up and running and uh yeah I think he's been excellent the first two games and you know I can see in him that he he he really want he wants to take his game you know up another level and um you hopefully he can and in terms of Newcastle on Sunday they've obviously got a really good recent record against Spurs um the game in Australia I know it was a friendly but it was much closer so what can you take away from those games last season going into Sunday's match yeah a bit of a contrast I thought you know obviously here at home we we did really well against them but um fair to say up there we we we didn't um but it was a good good learning sort of curve for us um that game because we started the game okay but then you know we we conceded and we kind of lost you know probably for the first time all year our composure in a game and you know we allowed them to score quickly and you know what it's like up there the the crowd created a brilliant atmosphere for their team and we just didn't handle it at all well um it was a good sort of learning curve for a lot of our players who you know was their first sort of exposure to to a game like that to an atmosphere like that so you know obviously we want to learned from that um but it's still a tough game I think anytime you go up you know playing against Newcastle on their home ground it's it's it's a tough game um you know they've got some outstanding players in their team they're well coached and it's going to be a great challenge for us hi and can I reiterate happy 58th birthday for this week that's some people forgot yeah well it's my 59 say you're being even kinder to okay fine there we go um Europa League draw part from Rangers which obviously a lot of people will look at there's there's some really excellent ties but also it gives you a block of of eight games and last season because Spurs went in Europe and went out League Cup early I think boning is a fair word to use the lack of games actually your team had you had to get your team to play how you want and and mix players around yeah no absolutely I I think I I said on a number of occasions I mean I think people you know were kind of trying to sort of steam me towards the fact that less games means we're sort of fresher for for you know the league which in in some respects that works but it doesn't work when you like us we had a lot of injuries and we were putting in players who hadn't had a lot of football because we just didn't have the volume of games whereas now you know it allows you now with the fixturing to get into a rhythm of knowing we got two games a week pretty much right through till the end of January for the most part um players within the whole Squad will get utilized so if we do have injuries we're not throwing on somebody who hasn't played for six or seven weeks um and like I said allows you to get into into a rhythm so um yeah it means less training time but you hopefully we've had a good training block um you know leading up to this uh sort of international window that sets us up for the rest of the year so look I i' much prefer having a you know a program like we have now from now till sort of the the end of January than sort of what we faced last year so you're a fan of the new format as well oh it's interesting yeah I think um yeah it'll be an interesting concept you know couple of extra games um the league format you know I think it's different Dynamics sometimes you know in the group stages when it was um you know maybe after three games the whole thing was done and dusted but I think it'll be alive a lot more now um right until probably the eighth game because teams are fighting for positions so I think they'll probably be less dead rubbers in in European football which I don't think is a bad thing so yeah um happy to see how it works this stand AG players St at clubs for a long time is relatively unheralded Ben Davis has been here 10 years Sonny has been here nine played over 400 games in all competitions what do those sort of players give to you as a manager in terms of when you're coming in and you're wanting to change as you have yeah like I said it's it's it's it's it's a bit of a rare particularly you know at Big clubs um where you know players stay for that sort of length of time um but yeah credit to the both those guys that you know they've they've stayed at at this club and played under numerous you know top managers and they've all sort of rated them you know very highly to keep them at the club and um look they're both great guys I think um they understand what the football club is about it's great when you've got you know 18 year olds walking into a dressing room and you know probably you know two of the first people who will go and greet them sunny and Ben and I'm quite comfortable in them being their first point of contact because they're they're outstanding people start apart from being a fantastic footballers so yeah I think it's it's great and it's it's only right that you know they um you know they get heralded in terms of their not just longevity but the the kind of service they provided finally the important deadline day is tomorrow are you ready to get your Oasis tickets are he a big Oasis fan yeah now I'll be queueing up mate night just no great band great music um yeah not of my radar at the moment thanks yeah yeah s h no wonder W okay there you go George Angelo um I just wondered in terms of outgoings if you can just give us an update on Theo and regular on please and whether you think they'll be staying or possibly in next week's another transfer window yeah yeah so I'm not really sure fair to say I think uh both players exploring options and I don't get too involved in that part of it that's you know between sort of the player players representatives in the club um but um as you said there's there's today but there's other windows open as well so um yeah we'll see what sort of um activity there there is but yeah both are exploring options yeah um in terms of the transfer window as a whole when you joined totenham I know you just mentioned major work did you know how much work you was nearly because you've had such a huge number of players coming and out and why is it so important to just get players out as as well as get new ones in what does that do for you as a manager if you could just explain your thinking on the window as a whole over the threee yeah look I I mean you never really know until you're right into it I guess because you kind of can never assess players until you you've worked with them and it's fair to say there been you know I mean it was a fair departure from sort of the why the club you know was playing its football to sort of the way I wanted to play um good bad or otherwise was just different so when it's different and I think there was you know it was a team that I think was naturally coming to the end of a cycle anyway a team that you know had almost had great success in terms of um that era of players so it was kind of coming so it was a combination of I guess me coming in with a different approach and also the end of a cycle so I knew there'd be some you yeah to put it in gardening terms mate there was no wasn't about pruning you know it was a bit more than that so um and not that I'm a gardener I got no idea what I just said it's right um but so we had to do some major work and I've said before part of that process is that you you need to get players out just to create the space for others to come in so sometimes it's not even a judgment on the the player as as such you say you know what you could keep that player around but that means I can't bring somebody else in you know so you're kind of always looking at yeah contracts is an obvious one you know who's coming to the end of a contract or in the last two years of a contract cuz they they're kind of more likely to be able to move rather than others so all those kind of things so there's a lot of things that you you kind of put out you know as a framework of how much you can change a squad in sort of one two three four windows and I think we've just about gone to the maximum in terms of turnover without it affecting competitiveness because obviously you know we finished fifth last year which was a decent outcome for us in terms of where we were but you know you don't want to be doing this and finishing eighth or 10th or you know falling off sort of the top the top side of the the table so it's always a balancing act um but like I said I feel we've done the maximum we could without a disrupting that competitiveness um It's not finished by any stretch but um you know I'm happy that we've kind of stuck to the plan in terms of discipline of you just bringing players who we think can contribute shortterm long-term but also uh suitable to the football we want to play and and sort of not get too caught up and sort of bring in any rush to Fast Tracker process is it risky doing that in terms of I mean You' got no idea how they're going to jail so when you think about changing so many players does part of you think oh maybe we might have gone too far or you think you I know you're saying your word on but is there a risk yeah there is yeah but there's risk in everything you do there's no sort of sure path in any which way you go um all I got to rely on is kind of my knowledge and my history in the game that usually um you know wherever I've been uh and fair to say wherever I've been I've had to overhaul squads um there's a process that I kind of go through which for the most part works you know and that's what you what I've got to rely on in terms of that I'm not just just saying well let's just get rid of 10 players and bring in 10 players it's it's bit more sort of hopefully methodical than that so that we try and get as many right as we can cuz you're never going to get them all right you know I think that's the other fallacy about transfers people think oh you got to have a 100% heat rate that that's impossible because if you're bringing every player in and they're great there's only 11 positions in the team so there's always going to be guys who are going to miss out so if you got a really good transfer policy it probably means that's at about 70 or 80% because there's always going to be a 20 to 30% attrition rate just because you got everyone right you know so that's kind of the measurements I've always worked with and you know I think while there was risk I think you can mitigate that risk by sort of sticking to a process down to George U Jack please sorry Hi um do you feel like you've been backed this window yeah and in terms of the age profile that you were talking about was that that always the explicit plan from the start and how important do you think that is for the club yeah um well it's part was definitely part of my plan um because I think when you're trying to build or rebuild a team you've got to you know look all managers hopefully there for the long term but the reality is that you know you don't know how long you'll be there but I've always kind of trying to build teams that will last you know over a cycle which is you know 3 four 5 years so you need as just a a sort of natural um consequence of that you're looking at a younger demographic a team that will grow that will improve that will um you know adapt to the challenges ahead so um like I said when I got here it was a team that I you know even from a demographic point of view looked like it was at the end of a cycle a lot of players who kind of had had great careers were kind of either ready to move on or getting to the end of it so that combination with like I said a different approach um for me was is definitely part of it to go younger um before you got here Spurs didn't really have many young players in the team but now there's a lot of guys here aged between 18 and 23 how does that change the feel around the place and how does it change your job um doesn't really change my job but you know I guess young people bringing energy to it and um you know they they're excited to be here they're excited to be at this football club excited to be playing in the Premier League I guess and and excited by The Challenge ahead and I think it's a good enir they've they've come into because the senior players we do have are you know all guys who are still very very motivated and ambitious as well so um and I think you know it allows them to grow together you know they they they they're all kind of in that similar part of their careers which invariably you're going to have challenges individually and collectively and I think if they experience them together it allows them I think to overcome those um you know in a better way do you think it's easier to teach your style of football to a younger player than to a 30-year-old no it depends it just depends on the player you know it depends on the mindset of the player um you know I think Sunny is as much a a willing learner as Archie gray you know I think it just becomes down to the individual um I think it is sometimes easier with younger players because obviously they're a little bit more open to to maybe doing things a different way but I think in the current climate of you know where the world's at with young people you're still you know it's not like me I just tell them what to do and they do it I think those days are long gone they're still needs to be a narrative of why we're doing what we're doing and young players now want to be coached they definitely want the information they they want to know why they you know I'm asking them to do certain things but again I enjoy that aspect of it okay finish this section with Ali please and um just want to ask you about the center back's Department looking from the outside obviously last season davson Sanchez moved on and you left with three natural center backs and then others that could kind of fill in kind of feels like maybe rad drish has has swapped in terms of numbers with Eric Dyer and maybe you're in a similar position in terms of three natural center backs is that something there was any temptation to maybe add another natural Center no and I don't think we're in the same position I think Ru is a different proposition for us and um and certainly with um you know Archie coming back coming into the group and and Jen probably not being in the plans initially but now in I think we're in a much different position than we were last year we got Ben Davies as well obviously we can play at Center back or or at left back so um but again I mean that's that's the discipline of it you know yeah we can go out and sign another Center back but if the right player is not there I'm not going to do it that's as simple as that I'm not I'm not I never have I never will um for me it's about getting the right people into and uh you know there wasn't an opportunity for us to bring in someone who I thought was going to add to our group so we don't do it um we got Ashley Phillips we got young Luca risovich available again next year I'm two young center backs I don't want to block their pathway by doing something now that you know um might look from the outside like you know we've we've got another player but if that player is not going to be suitable to what we're doing not going to fit in why would I bring them in potentially block um you know the the path for somebody else and uh rich charison just want to ask you how frustrating is it probably for him as well as yourself that he's just never really got a rhythm as a Spur play yeah that's that's that's a challenge I guess and it's something we got to look at again um he's been in that cycle for quite a while even predating me I guess and and um you know we put a lot of thought we took it really sort of conservatively with him um you know this time you know didn't play in any of the preseason games he's really only played 20 minutes of sort of first team football um but again you know obviously he's had a setback so it's something we just going to again go sort of back with Richie and and sort of work through the steps now of getting him back up and running um because you know when he's fit um he's such a handful even last week that 20 minutes he played you can see um you know the the kind of you know the options he gives us in that position but um you know it's it's like I said frustrating probably for him uh as much as anyone else but frustrating for us too but you know it's a reason we we kind of bought Dom in the but obviously he picked up an injury in the first couple of games but um again you know it's it's something we'll work with Richie with apologies for a bit of a hypothetical but if LEL and regon don't get moves is that a situation where you just kind of have to integrate them back into your squad has it become a little bit of a problem for you no it's it's no they don't have to get integrated back to the squad I mean it's their decisions I mean you know I kind of it's pretty clear where they sit in terms of where we are as a squad and where we are as a team um but you know but I've never been one of the forc people out they they've got decisions about their own careers and what they want to do and um you know if they're still here they're still here we'll work around that um scenario but it certainly won't affect the why we working the first time on am on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport

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