Trump Threatens to PULL OUT OF DEBATE with Harris, as Sentencing Date Looms | #ResistanceLive

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:29:16 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] little smooth jazz for your Monday morning good morning everybody Welcome to resistance live it's ECM it is the 26th of August 2024 and uh we're really in it now my friends like we're down to 71 days until the election itself it's very exciting I personally am really in it right now and focusing on doing the work but not to be missed is the fact that Donald Trump is in a fullon meltdown uh we have a lot to discuss on that front this morning particularly around the looming debate of September 10th breaking news on that this morning but first things first today for our visually challenged viewers I'm wearing a white sleeveless turtleneck sweater my hair is down I'm a pink skinned greeneyed dirty blond haired woman and I have a thin small set of gold gold hoop earrings in today I'm sitting in front of an oak chest and a stack of books in my office along with a plant uh and I'm coming to you as always from occupied Mohan and Muny lenpy land um okay so the breaking news this morning is that Donald Trump is freaking out about the debate um on Truth social this morning he posted that um he had been watching ABC News and had found the questioning to be just absolutely awful and why would he ever consent to be a part of a debate on ABC News when there's such terrible journalists blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay so I just have to point something out here it is very clear to me that he is very scared of the impact of this debate on his presidential campaign I also have to let you all know that there is news this morning around the fact that it is people on Trump's own team who are asking for a mute button during the debate meaning that the the candidates will be cut off if they run over the time limit or they say something that there that is out of line beyond the time limits that are guaranteed it's Trump's own people who want it and what that tells me is that there is very serious concern in the Trump campaign right now about the ability of their guy to hold it together for 90 minutes minutes now does this come as a shock to me or anybody else who's been paying attention probably not all right but I have to say that the sweat flop coming off of the Trump campaign now in the wake of the DNC and with the awareness of essentially what an extraordinary prosecutor KLA Harris has been and I mean that not just in her role as the Attorney General of the State of California or the Alam County district attorney or her role as you know a senator questioning people like Brett Kavanaugh but I also me it in terms of the case that she made to the American public last week on Thursday night because I had a moment in the middle of that speech where I was like this is a closing argument this is a closing argument on fire right this is someone who knows exactly how to handle herself in high stress situations where she has to talk on her feet and she's also going to be eminently well prepared because I can just tell you any trial lawyer worth their weight is super prepared for events like this when you know you're going into an oral argument in a very high stakes case which is essentially what a debate is you're going to know everything that you need to know about that backwards sideways inside out and upside down and she's going to be ready he on the other hand is not mentally capable of holding together a sentence without talking about things like Cheerios and dead birds from windmills all right so we we see the difference here of what we're up against and the fact that he is signaling that you know he's making excuses for reasons why he doesn't want to debate her in some sense is not shocking but the thing that I do want to point out right now is ALS also that we had a post over the weekend last night in particular from Donald Trump where literally I and I know we all remember the koffe moment I know we all remember the the like the fundamental hysteria and mockery which really was Gallows humor of living through that during the Trump Administration if you are on Twitter that is a night that I will never forget um because Twitter was like ripe on that with the humor but there was a a similar style of post last night on Truth social where Not only was it full of really nonsensical typos not the type of typos that Trump usually makes but typos that literally were like somebody's brain fritzed out in the middle of it and then the post was cut off before a sentence was complete and it was posted and left up um I and and you know someone posted this morning we've reached that is someone checking on him stage of the campaign and it feels that way um it feels as though you know as many of us who have had family members with dementia will recognize like at certain hours of the day he's really not all there and like not even capable of finishing a sentence and so I truly want people to understand that there are reasons for his campaign to be very worried about this at this point and also like none of this is bad for us right if he drops out of the debate that's good for us if he shows up at the debate losing loses his mind at the debate also good for us shows up at the debate with a mute button KL Harris is gonna get to speak her mind good for us shows up at the debate without a mute button he's going to be insane and everybody's going to know it and see it in real time because he's not going to be able to handle being challenged by a black woman vice president who is like now leading in all the polls so there's very little about this that's bad for us but what I will say is like it is very clear to me that Trump and his campaign are terrified about where they are right now um to the point where there were there was also some reporting this weekend about some things that are happening inside the campaign where they're essentially trying to get Trump to kind of like pull out of the Spiral and focus like that's ever been possible and also about the fact that he's refusing to take the advice of his senior campaign leaders to stop making personal attacks and to actually start focusing on the on policy like that's ever happened before either um but very clearly he is an uncontrollable rage filled brain addled candidate right now and like literally none of this is bad for us but I do want everybody to know that I think we're going to see I and I keep I have to keep saying this because I know everybody's like when is it going to stop when is it going to end well I just have to tell you he's only going to get worse between now and November Fifth and um the fact that we are now seeing post untruth social that literally make don't even attempt to make sense okay that literally cut off in the middle of sentences and have typo errors that are like not explicable clearly not strategic we're not talking about a random capitalized letter here okay that we have reached that stage of things is a sign of how bad things have gotten and it's going to get worse all right I also have to remind you all we talked a lot last week about the issue of narcissistic injury and narcissistic implosion um narcissistic collapse in other words which is the technical term for it and about the way in which we saw that on the night of KLA Harris's speech where he was posting every 30 to 45 seconds about her um you know the injury of that kind of experience on top of everything that he has experienced between the conviction and you know not getting to run against Joe Biden which clearly desperately wanted I mean I still am laughing about the fact that he posted where's hunter in the middle of KLA Harris's speech um we're going to see Ever more decompensation in public all right but this is the thing none of this is bad for us he's terrified it's obvious and we'll see what happens next speaking of which um I also want people to understand that in addition to the looming debate on September 10th we're still now facing down in the very near future the prospect of Donald Trump being sentenced to prison so I was asked about this this morning on the patreon feed I'm going to remind you all you can become paid subscribers over at resistance live for as little as five bucks a month it's less than 20 cents a broadcast to ask me questions for three hours before every live broadcast Monday through Friday and you also get a bonus broadcast on the weekend um somebody asked this morning about what what the sentencing what the nature of the sentencing is going to be like well we're still waiting on a ruling from Judge Mara related to presidential immunity and the convictions that is expected to drop on the 16th so just six days after the debate okay that's the current schedule the 18th is currently still the sentencing date and as Maran has said and you all know how I feel about Judge Maran inherently trustworthy very fair and unbiased judge has gone out of his way to make sure the guilty verdict could be preserved he has said if the 18th is still necessary which by the way I'm going to tell you I think it will be he Donald Trump will be sentenced on the 18th and we are waiting right now on briefs from Alvin Bragg's office and from the defense about the various senten recommendations for the 34 felonies for which Trump has been convicted I'm going to remind you all also that I would expect the defense to seek nothing more than probation or time served which is zero like Trump hasn't done a day in prison or um for on the other side I think we're going to see a recommendation of up to four years from Alvin Bragg's office now reminder each one of these 34 felony counts could carry four years of time but it's unlikely in this case where he's technically considered a first-time offender that we would see a recommendation for those sentences to not be served concurrently meaning like overlapping okay meaning like consecutively is when you serve them back to back concurrently is when you serve them all at the same time so I will I did some research those of you who are here during the trial know this I did a whole bunch bunch of research while we were live posting during the trial about whether or not quote unquote first-time offenders um have done time for convictions like this and they have um you in fact there are circumstances where people have done like nine months to four years and so that's the range in which I would expect a recommendation um I'll also just tell you though that I think the fact that there's no remorse shown that he has not accepted accountability he's not expressed any sorrow for what he's done he's attacked the judge he's attacked the judge's daughter he's attacked the courtroom staff he has continued to bad mouth Witnesses notwithstanding the gag order all of this is an indication that would that would recommend an upward deviation meaning like something that would recommend a higher sentence than a lower sentence if he came in and said I'm so sorry your honor I didn't intend to interfere in the election these fraudulent records were were created but I'm very very sorry nothing like it will ever happen again sorry I just I crack myself up sometimes with with the idea of something like that ever happening not gonna happen but if you did then there would be an argument for like a downward deviation right um that is not the situation that we're going to be in at all here okay so I want everybody to understand that we have his looming prison sense coming the recommendations will be public before too long and we'll have to see what happens but all of this is coming in the next three weeks debate ruling on presidential immunity Visa the prior convictions and then the sentencing okay and that's just for starters by the way on August 30th Jack Smith is gonna file his recommendation for a trial schedule in judge chuckin Court Judge chuckin courtroom in the January 6th case and I'm gonna mention one other thing reminder there was an I said talked about this yesterday on Progressive coffee hour for our patreon subscribers only I'm just going to Briefly summarize it here there was a leak in the New York Times last last late last week claiming that Jack Smith had decided not to do a quote unquote mini trial on the issue of immunity and the various conduct of Donald Trump related to January 6th in advance of the election you need to look deeply into articles like that when you see them because it it it was sourced to two people familiar with the matter Andrew Weissman along with myself have pointed out that that could have been a leak from Trump's team to try to influence public perception about what was likely going to happen here it could Al be something designed to influence uh Jack Smith's team itself we do not know who the people were who said that and until Jack Smith files his pre-trial scheduling recommendation we're not going to know what the plan is okay we could still have a mini trial between now and November 5th and if anything judge chuckin has indicated that she wants this to move very quickly I mean remind her originally she requested a scheduling recommendation from both sides within within a week of the case getting back on her desk from the Supreme Court so we'll see we'll have to see what happens okay but I just want everybody to understand there's a lot coming down the pike starting like the end of this week and none of it is going to be easy on Donald Trump So speaking of narcissistic injury and repeated blows of narcissistic injury there's gonna be an awful lot of that coming up in September so buckle up that's all I have to say about that um someone asked a question and I do want to make this really clear uh about whether or not this alleged January 6 6 Gala at the Bedminster Club Donald Trump's Bedminster golf club was real Donald Trump is going to be hosting a million dooll fundraiser in honor of people arrested prosecuted and incarcerated for their violence on January 6th at his Bedminster Golf Club the invitations are out it's real it's being reported in the New Jersey press here um again I find it as revolting and appalling as I know many of you do it is not fake he is actually doing this and you know people like Rudy Giuliani are going to be there and various other folks who have claimed that the January 6th defendants are hostages are going to be there okay it's really foul and I mean again one of like millions of examples right now of disqualifying conduct and choices that were it any other candidate would have ended all of this years ago right but here we are okay so I want everyone to understand again that there are going to be increasing moments of hor shock and revulsion out of Donald Trump and his people between now and November 5th and what is our job okay I'm gonna say it again here our job is to keep going anyway right do not get terrified do not shut down make sure you stay focused on the work of getting out the vote okay so speaking of that I want to mention a couple of things this morning in this regard um uh first things first there's very good news there was an announcement last night that KLA Harris and Tim Walls are going to be barnstorming Georgia this week I could not be happier about this one of the things that I'm Excuse me really excited about right now is the way in which we're seeing the numbers tick up in favor of Harris walls in very significant swing States and I've said many times on this broadcast over the last two weeks that if we win Georgia by like 100,000 votes this time instead of 11,000 votes like we did last time it's going to be much much more more difficult for Republican leaders in those states to like interfere in the election refuse to certify their results or for Trump and his people to claim somehow that the results are false all right I um this kind of focus on swing States is really what we need and I would expect I have no Insight Intel on this I'll just be honest but I would expect that we're going to see additional barnstorming campaigns in Michigan in Wisconsin in Nevada in places like that okay and so stay tuned for that because my expectation is that we're going to see a lot of focus in those places but I also just want to point out some other really good news to you guys because I know a lot of us have our eyes on Florida places like Florida and places like Texas okay there there are some very positive indications out of Florida right now and I know I've been telling you guys this a lot over the last couple of weeks as I hear things anecdotally I know organizers and pole workers in Florida I check in with them from time to time or they send me stuff and I will just tell you that voter registrations voter volunt ER efforts in Florida are through the roof right now since K Harris became the nominee and I don't know you guys I mean I've been saying it for a long time but I think Florida is in play and I think that um yeah chasing Oz is one example of this she's convinced she's an organizer in Florida Central Florida she's convinced Florida is flipping and I'm going to tell you the people that I am talking to down there who are doing similar work think think that there's a real shot that Florida is going to go Blue um I'm going to remind you also that there is a ballot initiative on the Florida ballot to S to sanctify the abortion rights of Florida residents and um I will tell you that everywhere that there's an abortion initiative on the ballot which by the way now includes like Missouri although the Supreme Court is interfering with it the Missouri Supreme Court is trying to interfere with it Nebraska Arizona right every place where there is an abortion initiative on the ballot turnout is going to be very different than it has historically been because many many more women are getting to the polls many many more new voters out of jenzie are getting to the poll on that issue alone all right so again South Dakota yes South Dakota now has a ballot initiative um so again reminder we have to remember that things that we may not have thought were possible six weeks ago are possible now and I'm gonna say the same for Texas because I'm gonna tell you what Colin aled is within like a hair's breath of being ahead of Ted Cruz and that campaign also now has the backing of folks like Olivia Giuliana who flew right from Chicago to an event in Texas to help mobilize on behalf of Colin all red there's a women for call and all red group that's up and running now and again remember when you get people invested in their own local and state representatives and Senators both at the both at the state level and at the national level you have an up and down the ballot effect right so I I am I'm gonna tell you I think things are looking up in a lot of places but we cannot get complacent and we've got to keep our feet on the gas okay so couple of thoughts on this I did want to mention here as I mentioned on Friday that we have this new program and we've already got dozens of people registered for this but I'm just going to throw the banner up on this really quick this new program called say it loud is a message to teach people how to message the current political stuff to your friends and neighbors it's like a political messaging course for everyday people and I really hope you will join us in it the link is down here and I will also post a link up here when I'm done um but I hope you'll consider joining us it's four weeks it ends on October 4th it starts the week after Labor Day and I am like stoked at this point um for class because it's really going to teach those of you who freeze or you don't know how to start a conversation about voting how to do it so that consider getting in on that because it will definitely help your mobilization and volunteer efforts um if you would care to and you know lots of you here have taken courses with me you know how good they are this will be no exception we always aim to overd deliver um okay so um let me just say uh one other thing though about this early voting okay so one of the things that's critically important right now for purposes of get out the vote is that you understand how early voting and vote by mail Works where you live all right so I had I you know you all know I recently relocated I went and did my own research on this this morning because I was curious okay so early voting openings here opens here the last week in October I can show up at my polling place and start voting like a week before the election I think it's even 10 days before the election I can start voting okay or I can vote up the good news about early voting and one of the reasons why it matters so much is that once your vote is counted you make life a lot easier for local mobilizers where you live because your name is off the roles they know that you voted they don't have to reach you the door knocking on your front door will stop the phone calls will stop they will know that you have voted but the other thing that's really important about this is that the more the more people early vote the sooner the election results will be final all right and I am anticipating that just as in the prior election in 20120 they're going to make all sorts of noise about how votes are still being counted the day after there's nothing unusual about that it's very very very normal but the earlier that we can vote in this election cycle the less ammunition we are going to give them that they something funky going on after November 5th because votes are still being counted all right so critically important to take advantage of early voting if you can also you need to understand how vote by mail Works where you live so unlike in California where I used to live where everybody just simply got their ballot you were registered to vote they mailed you a ballot that's how it works super easy here in New Jersey you have to request a mailin ballot and there's a deadline for it and you actually can't return your ballot to your polling place you have to return it only to a secure lock boox all right so you have to understand exactly where you live and what the rules and regulations are where you live when you're making your plan to vote and now is the time to start get preparing to start getting prepared for this because by the way if anybody that you know needs a like can't leave their house they're immune compromised by the way we're in the middle of a big Co surge more on that in a minute like you need to make sure that they're going to have a ballot where they live and they can mail their ballot in or they can drop it in a lock box okay very very critical that you understand how it works where you live because you're going to need to tell your friends and neighbors and everyone that you canvas about this so that they know how to have their vote counted all right so please do that work please do that work make sure you understand not just how to talk to people about why they need to vote and why it's so critical here which is one of the things that you can get from our program but also that you understand how to tell people how to vote all right because the polls can show us up by a huge amount like I said last week and I said yesterday to our Progressive coffee our patreon people like polls don't vote none of it matters until the votes are counted all right right but even if we look like we're up we've got to act like we're 10 points down and part of that means that every single person that we talk to has to know how to vote okay they have to know how to do it they have to know where to do it they have to know the mechanisms by which they can do it here in New Jersey you could vote three ways okay so again make sure that you are understanding how this works research it now have the information available to you in case somebody says like I don't even know where I'm going to vote or you can say to somebody you're going to vote by mail or you going to vote in person you g to vote early because you should really try to vote early avoid the lines it's great you can go vote 10 o'clock on a Tuesday right a week before election day get it out of the way right find ways to continue making it easy for the people that you talk to to understand how to make sure their vote is counted okay um uh couple quick updates on covid we are now in the middle of a massive covid surge I know it might not look like it because everybody's walking around without a mask and you know we just had the DNC where like literally I saw maybe a handful of people with masks on their face in that entire Arena by the way the co positives are rolling in not my favorite story okay I have to be honest about that um but covid booster shots for the new variants become available as early as Wednesday CVS is is I know this because I made appointments CVS is starting appointments for the new boosters on Wednesday I have an appointment with my kids Wednesday afternoon okay you should not neglect this booster this booster covers the current extremely contagious strains that right now are resulting in a million new covid infections a day I unfortunately heard from somebody an acquaintance like a friend of a friend over the weekend who just lost their brother to covid even though he was very vaccinated he had some pre-existing conditions but you know reminder this virus is still here and still running around like put your mask on in indoor environments if you're in a crowded space have a mask on your face put your mask on when you go shopping one in 34 Americans is currently contagious okay please make sure that you are doing the right thing here and yes also pay attention to Wastewater numbers it's a little bit better here in the Northeast than it is in the rest of the country but protect yourself get those booster shots don't neglect them get your flu shot also please all right very important right now especially if you're going to be out campusing and talking to people face to face you don't want to be infecting them with covid while you're trying to get them out to boat um okay last thing uh for this week um I want to remind you all that we are that we've we've got a really strange moment happening right now um with the in which we're watching right-wing figures who have historically endorsed Trump split okay we are seeing some instances now where people are kind of recognizing how insane he is and I'm not talking about the never trumpers and the former Republicans like Olivia Troy and Adam kingar and folks like that I'm talking more about figures who now like maybe worked in the Trump Administration and just now for the first time are like ye here's this horrible thing that we saw him do while we were there okay I just have to say this there are going to be people as this gets worse and worse who are going to want back to the fold and there's there was a big debate about this on threads this weekend amongst a number of high Lev commentators um that I participated in in part my my suspicion here is that people are going to start trying to save face and I want to remind you all and the other thing that's going to happen by the way which you all should be very prepared for is more subtle forms of undermining the Harris Wall's agenda right like oh they want to do all this stuff but how are they going to pay for it right they're going to pay for it by taxing the rich that's a given they're not going to raise taxes on anybody who makes more than 400 Grand a year don't worry about it okay I don't think most of us on this feed if you're lucky enough to have to worry about that good for you but I don't think I don't think most of us on this feed myself included have any concerns about that all right um the thing that I want you all to just be aware of here though is that there's going to be attempts to kind of like get back into the good graces of those in power please be deeply suspicious of it all right while I am all about like the big tent right and I was really grateful to see Republicans show up at the DNC and speak I'm not talking about the people who have been fighting the good fight for the last two or three years right I'm not talking about Adam kinar sitting on the January 6th committee since like a month or two after the Insurrection happened right I'm not talking about him I'm not talking about Olivia Troy or like you know the folks who have been running anti-trump ads all around the country for the last six years right I'm talking about people who now are like oh he's gonna lose I better try to find a way to like Salvage my reputation right like No Quarter for those people right we're not giving them the time of and you don't need to worry like again I have to remind you all the real focus in this election has to be turning out people who are undecided disenchanted disaffected voters people who aren't sure how they're going to vote okay and making sure that we know how to message things like project 2025 and Reproductive Rights messaging and making sure that we know how to message things about the border right how that we know how to message things about the economy in every conversation that we have because otherwise people are going to fall prey to this thing of like oh yeah sure she wants to do all this stuff but it's going to be so expensive and the national debt blah blah blah blah blah like you know we've got to know how to have those conversations face to face in person so that when we encounter them when your next door neighbor comes up to you and is like I'm not so sure about this KLA Harris person I heard X so that you know how to come back on that and so that they're not falling prey to like ex Republicans who are maybe like I was all in for Trump until I saw how insane he became and now I think that I'm still worried about Comm Harris you don't want that stuff getting any any hooks into people okay so again make sure that you learn if you don't know already how are you're going to message this in everyday conversations again I'll just mention here really quick I'll just put the banner up one more time this is our new course say loud a a political messaging class for everyday people all right you should get in on that if you have concerns about this if you freeze when you're talking to your neighbors or if somebody says something that you know is disinformation and you're not sure how to respond like we're going to teach you how to do that okay we're doing it now we're only going to run this course once because it matters so much for this election all right that's it for today folks I'm super glad to have all of you here um I'm going to be here regular time all week this week uh and I'm expecting that we're going to spend a lot of time this week um in the runup to the debate uh we're gonna have a lot of time this week to talk about what Harrison walls are doing and saying in their barnstorming across Georgia and uh also reminder that I am absolutely certain that we're going to see some really really strange stuff out of the Trump campaign this week um you know JD Vance is still JD vancing um and we'll take our humor where we can get it but in the interum I want to wish you all a really great week please don't forget to thumbs up this broadcast drop me a comment below and tell me what you're doing this week to get out the vote your comments by the way help to tell the YouTube algorithm that you're here they help to make sure this content gets to other people who need it all right and uh subscribe if you have not yet subscribed and please make sure that you consider supporting this broadcast if it is Meaningful to you obviously your patreon subscriptions are one way that you can do that you can also click join here on YouTube to become a YouTube channel member and uh you help to support this broadcast and my team and help me feed my kids and continue doing all this good work all right uh thank you all so much for being here I will catch you all here live tomorrow and enjoy your Monday all right bye

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