9 NEW Release Horror Movies To Stream RIGHT NOW! | Ep.24 | #screambox #shudder #fandango #vod

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:18:13 Category: Film & Animation

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Intro hey guys what's up it's your boy tafa 365 horror and this is a horror movie Discovery Channel I am just here to put as many horror movies on your watch list as possible and in today's video we are going to be looking at nine brand new releases for you guys to watch and stream today so let's get into it right now now we are going to get into the video but before we do I've got to remind you guys to please like And subscribe if you like this content also this video is best watched with a movie tracker I like to use letterboxed it's just the easiest way to keep track of the movies that you've seen and want to see and lastly these are just a preview these are not reviews and recommendations if you did want to see some reviews and recommendations then I suggest you watch my monthly watch list series am I you should watch series this is just a little something for the die hards like me that are always looking for something new to watch and with that let's get right into the new movies it's sad to say guys but you know we are coming to the end of Summers as we're getting to the beginning of September where I'm at I definitely feel a chill in the air but on the bright side that means that I'm seeing some Spirit of Halloweens pop up I'm definitely feeling a little bit more of that spooky season spirit and we can tell because we have got a ton of movies to cover today now Hell Hole the first movie we're going to take a look at this week is a straight horror called hellhole and it's available on [Laughter] shudder hellhole hails from the filmm family behind hellbender and centers on an American Le fracking crew that uncovers a living French soldier Frozen in time from a Napoleonic campaign whose body hosts a parasitic monster it is directed by John Adams and Toby poser okay after watching the trailer for hellhole this looks like a little bit of a lowbudget gory body horror film now I do like the premise because I do love the whole infest the host Vibe and this movie looks like it definitely delivers well on that front now throughout the trailer I saw tons of body horror which led to a ton of gory moments so we just know that this one's going to deliver now my main concern in this one is in part the acting which at least looked passable but I also was concerned with some of the glimpses that we got of the creature because some of the effects in Gore it just looked questionable now this movie doesn't exactly strike me as a scarefest but something that I may throw on if I wanted some gore and Chuckles hellhole will definitely be getting a lower spot on my watch list before we grab some samples we just found this guy in a [ __ ] ditch in the ground I saw something coming out from his nose The Death That Awaits next we're going to take a look at a horror Thriller called the death that awaits and this one is available on Fandango home and VOD [Music] digital a Drifter searching for answers to a mystery from her past takes on a job looking after a sick teen who is undergoing a mysterious transformation her family will do anything to stop it is directed by Richard J Lee okay after watching the trailer for The Death that awaits this looks like a mid-tier thriller horror nothing from what I saw particularly stuck out to me in this one it also didn't really strike me as a movie that's going to have that many creeps or scares I didn't mind the premise but at least from the acting and the production this one looks like it has a decent budget the scare moments that we did see were kind of meh and unfortunately a lot of the injuries were met as well now all in all this movie doesn't look terrible but it's nothing that really particularly struck me either the death that awaits would probably get a lower tier spot on my watch list Cassie I hope you didn't have too much trouble finding the place I know the ad said it was secluded but wow this is my daughter Nina this is Cassie phoh you're older than I expected Longlegs next we're going to take a look at a crime horror Thriller called long legs and this one's available on VOD digital I'll be waiting in pursuit of a serial killer an FBI agent uncovers a series of occult clues that she must solve to end his terrifying Killing Spree it is directed by OSG good Perkins okay so after watching the trailer for longlegs I've got to give a full caveat that I have seen this movie with that in mind after watching the trailer I did find that it did a good job of embodying the dark tone of this crime Thriller now even though this film is a bit of a slower burn I thought it did an excellent job of keeping me engaged with great detective skills and great crime solving that really just led to meaningful Revelations now I do wish we got to see a little bit more of Nicholas Cage but from what we do see he just seems to be creepy and slimy and a great presence on screen my only qualm is although the story was really good I found some of the ending and just some of the character motivations a little bit muddled all in all if you're in the mood for a slower burn and not exactly looking for higher obtain scares like in a movie like Evil Dead rise then I think long legs definitely deserves a spot on your watch list is it scary being a lady FBI agent yeah take a nice long look Peta was left with the bodies sign with one word next we're we're going to take a Hostile Dimensions look at a horror sci-fi called hostile dimensions and this one's available on VOD digital right two documentary filmmakers travel through alternate Dimensions to uncover the truth about a graffiti artist who has vanished it is directed by Graham Hughes okay after watching the trailer for hostile Dimensions I have to admit I'm kind of intrigued by this sci-fi horror the first element that stuck out to me was the which I really liked the idea of having access to a dimensional door that just takes you to a different dimension every time you step through it is both cool and terrifying now I really liked how each of the dimensions had its own look and properties and I really think that if they can just execute these Dimensions so that they look and feel realistic it really could be something good the next thing that stuck out to me in this one is that it's going to be a found footage which is a genre I always just want to love if they really are successful in executing the found footage part of this I feel like we could really feel like we're getting a firsthand view of these New Dimensions plus I'm really intrigued with the fact that it's a Sci-Fi and found footage mashup which really is a unicorn and with a premise that isn't played out in the hor world now one of the dangers of this film is that I did think that some of the dimensions did look hokey and I get it because it's such an ambitious project on a found footage budget I'm just hoping that they can execute it in a way that even if some of the elements do look hokey it's something that I can look past hostile Dimensions will be a solid mid-tier film on my watch list there was ancient civilizations which figured out a way to reach other ples of existence through these doors a cult thinks they need to sacrifice people to the other dimensions in order to keep our world stable next we're goingon to look at a Deadly Dealings Drama Fantasy horror called deadly dealings and this movie is available on VOD digital your life will be yours as You' always wanted to me Mary misses her brother her life has been full of regret since that fatal night Milo her roommate offers the chance to speak to her brother again with a spirit board reluctantly she accepts what Sinister entity has been Unleashed it is directed by Adam Freeman and Roman joser okay unfortunately after watching the trailer for deadly dealings this one really did look mid to lower tier to me now I wasn't exactly thrilled with the acting and even the setup for the story it just seemed a little bit hokey to me now I got to be honest that after watching the trailer I kind of had to check the release date because I just wanted to see if I had made an error because the movie really has kind of an older look and feel to it but maybe that's intended now as I was trying to research the release date I did read one of the descriptions for the film that said that this is a blood soaked queer horror so that could be intriguing or enticing to someone who likes those kind of themes me myself unless I hear some really good things about this one I may have to skip it on my watch [Music] list now remember I'm the medium and only I can talk to the spirits but you must be respectful and you must be thankful of the ancestors of our past and the creatures and monsters in between is there anyone here with us [Music] today next we're going to take a look at The Exorcism Of St. Patrick a straight horror movie called The Exorcism of St Patrick and it's available on VOD digital do you do exorcisms uh well no not technically a pastor takes a gay teen to a cabin to perform conversion therapy when he goes too far bullying the kid into suicide the ghost of his victim returns to plague the pastor and Avenge the deaths of so many other ghosts like him it is directed by Quinn Armstrong okay now after watching the trailer for The Exorcism of St Patrick this really did strike me as a lower budget slasher film for sure now really I wasn't really thrilled with the acting or cinematography on this one but at least the trailer showed a little bit of life with some pretty brutal bloody moments and personally I just find that that's always good for a slasher also I find the actor that's getting the exorcism like the uh the Disturbed kid that the pastor is talking to he does a good job definitely of seeming kind of introverted and Disturbed other than maybe a really good amount of Gore nothing really stuck out to me with this one and it's probably going to get a little bit of a lower spot on my watch list are you happy no your parents love you so much they just want you to be happy and love in this world is precious next we're going to Bed Of Nails take a look at another straight horror film called bed of nails and it's available on VOD digital [Music] goth kids cut through rural Florida when they're confronted by four rednecks after accidentally killing one of the kids the Rednecks kill the remaining two kids but one of the kids returns from the grave to enact a brutal Revenge it is directed by Michael mot wow this week is good because we've got a lot of movies but we've definitely hit a little bit of a rough patch in the video after watching the trailer for bed of nails this movie Just is nothing really to write home about the acting and the effects in the trailer were just kind of me and some of the scare moments just felt very set up now one of the taglines that they ran in the trailer was never mess with a goth girl and I mean she is running around in kind of a school girl skirt outfit so if that's your thing that could be a point that intrigues you but even in her costume like just the contacts and the makeup looks a little hokey uh you see some demonic symbols that are supposed to be like scratchy but they just look very badly drawn on and to be completely honest I'm just not sure that a hot goth girl is going to be enough now on the bright side and I'm sure this is just me oding on copium sometimes when these lower budget movies just the way they were kind of portraying some of the violent moments we could get some brutal practical effects if they really decide to lean into it unfortunately unless I hear something good from you guys about this one I may have to skit bed of nails on my watch list next we're going to take a look at another straight horror movie called the funeral and this one's available on screen box simal drives a hearse for a living he's entrusted with secretly carrying a body of a young girl at the request of her family one night he hears strange groans from the back of the truck even The Funeral though the girl hasn't got a pulse it is directed by oron bam okay after watching the trailer for the funeral I'm glad that we're back in kind of a good Realm with this dark Bleak zombie vampire flick now I really like the overall dark tone in this one and just some of the situations and sound effects we seen definitely were mildly unsettling the premise sounds decent and I'm definitely intrigued to see what this girl is or what's going on I think that I'll be giving the funeral a regular spot on my watch list [Music] lastly we're going to take a look at a horror thriller movie called schitter and this one's available on VOD digital Lucas and matthus 8-year-old sons of lumberjacks in the Vos guest Forest are the best of friends one day while driving his car Lucas's father Schlitter: Evil In The Woods fatally collides with matthus who is cycling down the mountain sitting in the back of the car Lucas watches helplessly as his father throws his friend's lifeless body into the Ravine one look is all it takes for him to realize that he'll have to keep silent about this terrible accident forever it is directed by Pierre musette okay after watching the trailer for schitter it's good to end on a high note with this gory brutal slasher now the fact that this was a French t TV movie is crazy because we really see some good gory stuff in this one but then again if you've seen other French extreme movies maybe that says it all now it almost hasn't I Know What You Did Last Summer Vibe but even the accident in the trailer that we see it's just raw and visceral like you see the father as he's driving down the kind of the mountain and you just get this close-up Vision as he comes into contact with the kid like through the front windshield and the way the kid just jarringly flies back it really is crazy to see like to be honest it was actually kind of jarring but it was just the beginning as there was tons more Gore to follow that I also like the fact that it looked like it had a brutal and interesting kill variety although this movie doesn't have the most original premise I really did love what I was seeing as far as slashers go schitter looks like a brutal fun ride and it's definitely going to be getting a medium to higher spot on my watch list [Music] [Music] to well guys that's going to do it for another episode of brand new movies to watch and stream I hope you like this video and if you found some good movies for your watch list please leave a like And subscribe now if I had to make a couple picks this week the first one would definitely itely be long legs and if you haven't seen that movie I definitely think it deserves a higher spot on your watch list now when it comes to the movies I haven't seen the Outro first movie I'm going to pick is hostile dimensions and to be honest I'm kind of weary about this movie because again some of the stuff looks pretty hokey and with the ambitiousness of the project I could just see a lot of the effects Pick 1 being very subpar but I did like some of the weird things I was seeing I like the different dimensions they were showing one dimension where whales were flying Pick 2 through the sky and that didn't look too bad but some of the creatures in the other dimensions didn't look as good so even though this is one of my picks I'm fully understanding of the fact that I could get burnt by this one and my second pick this week is definitely going to be the French TV movie which is crazy schitter this one just looks brutal and gory and I love the kill variety I love those type of kills where it'll cut to a scene and all of a sudden a kid's tied to a sled with a spike coming closer as he's you know that kind of stuff it just looks like a fun slasher really brutal in glory and it's Pick 3 going to be my second pick of the week well guys if you made it to this part of the video I want to thank you so much and I really do appreciate you guys for sticking around I've got to get out of here I have got a ton of movies to watch I hope you guys have been well and taking care of yourselves and I will see you guys in the next one peace you've got this in your flat right now unfortunately Peace Jesus [Music]

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