Category: People & Blogs
Let w w he me he's me two thank you get this h h i watch dy down three brother hold on fck side here go go go great what's outside he what's going on run you there sry brother out there getting a lot of work in in the field but this ball was you know h hit hard but you figure maybe go over there and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
І пам'ятаємо про коovід-19 якесь він дивно з'явився дивно зник і ніби нічого не було та а новина в чому а в тому що препарат який для того щоб знову ж таки допомагать людям які страждають від ожиріння вгові називається виявляється з його допомогою можна на 33% зменшить шанси померти від коovід я в шоці... Read more
Category: Sports
And then on the pink on the back we got a tai simpson on the pink refractor first bowman it's out of alabama tai simpson it's pretty good one Read more
Category: Sports
Miami marlins first pitch coming your way [applause] next coming up on the first pitch and our pitcher tonight edward cabrera but chris he hasn't exactly been stellar here on his home now well i'll say this every player wants to perform well at their home ballpark in front of their fans in front of... Read more
Category: Sports
Taking on the miami marlins with my partner chris singleton i'm john chambi and sing you the big bat in the lineup so far this year cj abrams he leads the team and wins above replacement so most days you can expect him to be a big factor for these guys yeah bo he's definitely a huge piece of the puzzle... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
I need you to listen to me something really bad happened you remember louis folie from high school i went to his apartment but when i showed up louis no no get away from me what he was smiling at me ladies and gentlemen sky riley you were in the middle of a big world tour you okay i keep seeing this... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] people always ask for something new it's inevitable at 50 well it stops have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself younger more beautiful more [music] perfect one single injection unlocks your dna and will release another version of [music] yourself this is the [music] substance i'm... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Here after as well for giants postgame live it is out of here road trip continues in milwaukee hard to believe the giants and the brewers haven't played yet all season long the first meeting in 20124 between these two and the first game of a three-game series hi everybody dave fleming hunter pets great... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[applause] [music] [music] back in houston at minute made park for game two of a four game series between the kansas city royals and the houston astros thanks for joining us at the ballpark tonight along with rex hudler i'm jake eisenberg well last night's loss hinged on a very painful play for the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Was this charming family man hiding a deadly secret herb bow meister owned fox hollow farm in indiana to his neighbors he seemed like a successful family man but behind closed doors he was a serial killer in the 1990s herb lured young men to his estate where he murdered them and buried their remains... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
स्माइल 2 का ट्रेलर रिलीज हो चुका है और इस बार ये हमें और भी ज्यादा क्रीपी डिस्टर्बिग और हॉरर के साथ देखने को मिलेगी पर्सनली ट्रेलर के लास्ट मि में जमस के देखने को मिलता है व काफी मजेदार था इस बार हमें लीड में नाओमी स्काउट देखने को मिलेंगी स्माइल टू ऑफिशियल रिलीज होने वाली है अक्टूबर 18 में स्माइल पार्ट वन जितना इंटरेस्टिंग पिछले पार्ट में था उतना ही इंटरेस्टिंग हमें इस पार्ट में भी देखने को मिल रहा है आप सब कितने एक्साइटेड हैं स्माइल टू को थिएटर्स में देखने के लिए... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
One day you wake up and realize you're not sure who the good guys are anymore there a federal agent involved in a secret fbi program off the books what kind of bad stuff do you do breaking and entering physical [music] coercion you name it i've probably done it murder not on my menu grandpa gabe i've... Read more