Jessy Potts Talks Love Life With Joey Essex, Bombshell DRAMA & Villa Disputes!

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:47:00 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] like a little man he's really getting on my welcome back to another episode of not my bag I'm Joe and I'm here to stay on my own but I'm not alone because I have Mrs Essex it's Jesse pots from love Island W great Applause from the crowd there great Applause how are you good how are you I'm good thank you babe I think you're one of the first to ask me back on here how I am so that lovely consider it have me what lovely girl TR how have things been for you recently wild they've been crazy obviously my whole world has been flipped upside down and set into a whirlwind but loving every second I can imagine I can imagine so how long's it been since you guys came out now is it like a couple weeks uh I think it's just over 3 weeks is it m so it's I feel like it's been a lifetime also at the same time I feel like I was in The Villa two days ago I was going to say you've done like this morning okay Magazine spread you've done the works how's things with um with joy you in Essex with him at the minute no I'm not living there I'm I live in my best friend so and I live in London as well so it's not too far to to get to each other so I I just spent the night at his last night um right so definitely just bouncing between mine and his and when we can but no definitely not moved in yet everyone keeps wondering when I'm moving but not yet well there was the big question on the show wasn't it um with his busy lifestyle how you're going to keep up have you been keeping up with his lifestyle been keeping up with the lifestyle I think like I said if you make time you can make it work and we have been obviously not with each other as much as maybe some of the other Islanders but that's to be expected because we both live in London we can visit each other them whenever want yeah he's probably like one of the busiest people I've met but he's still been making time so yeah it works I think also you got together at a little bit of a later Point than some of the other couples as well so like they've obviously had that more intense time a bit longer so I guess a lot of the couples have come out and are still having dates and do you know what I mean kind of starting things in the real world have you been on any dates since you've left we've been on a couple um I think it's hard to go on the dates when there's so much going on in all these events but we're definitely making time and we're talking about going to all these restaurants and stuff we got this massive bucket list of things we're trying to tell me a few please I need recommendations honestly he keeps trying to surprise me and I'm not a surprised person so he said to me last night he was like I want to take you here I want to take you here but I'm not going to tell you where they are because it's the surprise though I agree with that I agree really stresses me out there one place where you need to die like really like red carpet Vibes I was like really for dinner I'd be bloating and all sorts I saw you went to shees though yeah I've been to shees like six times and I've been out 3 weeks so it's it is an addiction I feel like jery loves shees he's there all the time yeah every day every picture I see he loves shees I love shees but the food is so amazing and so big I never get drunk in there cuz I've always SC in my face and I'm so obsessed with the strawberry daies but I don't think they get me that drunk yeah same so you need to have like 10 of them in like 10 minutes don't you yeah empty calories empty calories um I saw a video I think it was Matilda Harriet Grace and yourself like strutting down the street you look like a Go Gang are you guys like close what's the vibe there I felt like I was being kicked out with this side that so embarrassing a room so yeah cuz I think the way the shot was it was it like was a landscape thing wasn't it and then they pulled it in and it looked like you were being chucked out yeah know I literally straight after that video I was I'm not I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I'm going to the bush I literally took myself out of the equation I was not on the great though thank you it was really cute but um no I definitely needed to get out of that situation it was just walking into a bu and it's embarrassing yeah no I I feel you I feel like on a pavement in the UK I think four people are breast is too much yeah it was not it it was not it um and being you know dipping in and out of essics at the minute um there's obviously a lot of lingo you've got to get used to how many times have you heard the word r since honestly the amount of times had people saying to me you look R you look r i thanks G I didn't even know what it was before I had never heard the song and I went to my friend's birthday and they had a silent disco right and they ran off and put re on and I was like what is this I was like trying to turn it off and they were like no you have to stay on I was like I'm turning it off like this is sorry um and then it came on his room and everyone was singing to me I was like oh the way that resurged whilst he was in The Villa insane is absolutely Wild and the fact that you've got like Camila Cabo like recording to it and yeah it was absolutely everywhere and is still you know sustained since do you think he would do a live performance I hope so watch it might give me the a I was going to say I saw that clip of the club appearance it was like if I say secret you say honestly I it kills me but you know the man TI Tok sound saved I'm like when can I make him do re have you you a big Tik tocker at the minute I love Tik Tok i' always like used to make some funny ones just like messing around with my friends I want to get Joey involved but I think it might take quite a lot of persuading is he not a Tik tocker he's he wants to get into Tik Tok more but I'm not sure I can get him to do the ones that I want him to do cuz it's basically SL the Apple Dance we'll do the Apple dance together you imagine Joey trying to do that there's I Josh to do it like meim me and Josh when they were here and he just sat there and was like no no absolutely not yeah so much Jo thought well you know I tried why the CH if you don't ask you don't get exactly that and um like correct me if I'm wrong cuz I seen so many Tik toks um about everyone whilst the show was on but I saw one did you try on outfits of like what you would wear in the Villa like a year ago uh yeah so this I started my whole love Island process last year right okay so I bought the whole wardrobe flew out supposed to go in for cassa so I had everything and then um I was out there for a weeka met with the producers and the directors and everything and they decided that well they said that I'd be wasted as casassa right they went to fly me home so that I could be a bombshell okay there's no point being out there for cassa when no one's going in yeah so flew me home kept me on hold for like two weeks and then realized there wasn't enough time in the season and obviously when you're going in that late anyway I wasn't I wouldn't want to no it's it's I feel like it's just so hard it's like feeding someone to the Piranhas that I didn't want to be a c girl like I think as a c you have to graft and not that yeah yeah I was like not sure about this but I was oh why not it's the opportunity and it didn't end up happening so I was I've got all these outfits so then you did that video Tik Tok and then I forgot it was even there I went on it this year and I came out and I was like she manifested which obviously there was so much being like she manifested this journey yeah I'm a manifestor anyway so I back it but at the same time that was actually technically so I had your outfits for last year you've really had a journey as well but that's also a compliment to you that they thought no we're not going to like waste you with casassa because it is tough on the goals like even this year when I it was shorter this year as well wasn't it I think the girls were saying yeah yeah it was so short but it felt like a lifetime I know I can imagine and then yeah it's just a lot of Graf in and I yeah I know what you mean you kind of just want to feel like the people want you yeah and then even when you come back in I feel like some I've watched previous seasons and you're still kind of known as the cast of girls which I think this year we kind of everyone integrated really well yeah whereas I yeah I wasn't a massive f i was I'll get myself back in I was like that's fine yeah but yeah know I'm very glad that everything has for reason and well I didn't really obiously didn't expect to be single of the year on but we were again everything happens for a reason again and then yeah so came on this year and it worked out for the best so good things come to those who wa I love that um if it wasn't love Island would you have done any other show cuz I know love is blind and Married at First Sight run at the minute would you ever do something like that or have done something like that sorry no I haven't done anything like that but my dad always said to me when I was young cuz everyone kind of joked that I'd always go on a TV show my dad said if you're going to go on a TV show don't do l and oh then I was like he was like go on first dates so I was like oh yeah maybe first dat is cute and yeah but I don't think I could do love his blind or Married at First Sight like that seems so intense you have to get married on it don't you I think the Married at First Sight one is so intense because it's all of the fam's meeting at first as well so you've just got so many opinions and there's so many fights like I saw an article saying that um half of the cast have tried to leave halfway through this season of mar of First Sight like the film in anyway no way so yeah you I think you better doing yeah and also I would want to get would want to turn up in a wedding gown get to the end of the just not be attracted to them this lighting know not aren everything but at the same time I feel you have to be initially attractive and you you'd be able to read it on my face like I'm so facially expressive there's no hiding it yeah 100% so we'll speak about your entrance into the Villa this year um you must have like gone in knowing that what you were about to do was going to cause some waves how was the feeling like how did you feel going in well my dad said to me what you going to do when you're going in up so that's the attitude I went in with and you did and I did I died and I literally spoke to I just went in I was I'm going to speak to everyone and I kind of didn't get too close to the girls too quickly because I was like I don't want to get close to you and then not be able to take your M yeah so if I want him so I kind of took a step back um and yeah spoke to literally every single person in there was go it everyone jokes that I was just on a Madness because towards the end of the season they're like you're you walked in like cutesy little girl and then you were just speaking to everyone's men saying they were all surprising you and they're all flatting with you yeah and everyone was like all the girls are going crazy who were your top three before going in Joey was always number one yeah um I was up there MH and who else was on there Will I think will was on there yeah okay so those the three that I was probably spoke to the most when I first went in yeah were you surprised at Joey's reaction to you considering everything that had happened with him yes so my thing was before I went in I spoke to my friend and I was like I'm like I fancy Jo I'm not going to go straight for him because I think yeah everyone goes straight after him and I was that's that's not what's happening I'm not going to do that play into that um but then it came to like choosing someone for a date and I was like why not like yes if at this point I thought he was botted with Grace so I which it did seem like as well from watching it so exactly so I thought I'd choose him for a date and worst case scenario he turns around he like right I'm not interested but I'll be a wingman yeah and then best case scenario is his head turned and yeah as soon as he walked out he literally was yeah his head all over the place yeah I know how was the feeling of guy back in and then obviously the tension between yourself and Grace because obviously everything's sweet now but that first week must have been a lot yeah it was it was intense I never expected Grace to be my best friend first um but I didn't expect it to be as Frosty I thought you were going to fight at one point hly it was not great but I think it was just uncomfortable but this expected it to be a little bit more welcoming because obviously it happened with Samantha but I get it's situation time the bomb show I was supposed to go in there and speak to everyone yeah so I think I have watched it back and I'll have you yeah L didn't show me having any conversations with any girls for like 5 days isn't it yeah they it was hard because it you know it painted you out the edit as if you like weren't really a girl girl and you just went in there like so it was hard because like in terms of the uh conversations with the girls who did you kind of speak to at the start did you form any friendships like you know the first few days or was it literally just kind of like riding solo um I think it was difficult because I knew I had to like I said steal someone's man um so I didn't want to get too close myself at the same time it was yeah a little bit just bit awkward cuz I was moving mad and everyone didn't want to get get too close to me so Jess was actually one of the first people to like welcome me and all the girls were like lovely but at the same time they I think everyone was kind of bit on the back foot and yeah maybe not as welcoming as they were with other people but that's probably because I was moving the way I was moving so I mean I get it but at the same time yeah it was it's intense in there and it's so overwhelming like first few days like I everyone cries in there but it was just I walked in I was like wo I just don't feel like I can talk to any of the girls yeah um is so many heightened emotions exactly yeah and you had the uh the Terrace kiss yeah talk me through that well so Joey just invited me to the terce for a chat and I've seen the show we all know how the terorist works I mean I didn't expect it but at the same time I wasn't surprised and Grace was in the vicinity she was in the fire pit wasn't she so there was eyeline too we sat down and then we heard the girls walk to the fire pit and we lit cuz it is we were saying this yesterday with um Kieran and Nicole that it is so much smaller than you'd think it was and you can hear things like you can hear opposite sides of the village considering there was that basically next to us we we'll just move over to the other side and still have like w eyelines and we sat on the floor and R around little that was it definitely made it look way worse than it needed to be but at the same time I thought it was over between them at that point I'd chosen him they'd had a heated discussion yeah I thought that had ended it it must have been a weird one as well because as a viewer I feel like what happened was jery went in there it was more of a friendship thing with Sam then it was lust with Grace because obviously they had a previous connection outside but then actually with you it was like someone that he could see himself with in the future but I think naturally because is such a showman and really like knows how to play a TV show it just came across super messy but that must have been difficult for you cuz you've just gone in there and literally gone with your feelings and then really liked him but he had baggage in the villa which not many people have that much baggage had so much baggage throughout the whole thing it wasn't even just C every time the an came in it was an X do you know what I mean so that must have been challenging for you but um how was it it throughout then rebuilding a kind of relationship with Grace because you ended up being kind of quite good friends towards the end didn't you um I think if we hadn't had cassa Grace and I probably wouldn't have got as close as we did for me well for all the girls I think cassa cassa was for the girls this year like it we all got so close I think the girls really didn't perform as much as normal like we weren't being as messy as you'd normally expect no the CLE boys were the messiest you guys were really chill they were just going crazy enjoying each other's company so with Joey being removed from the situation we could actually get on and then by the time we went back we were friends and Joey she was like how has this happened you weren't talking before you left yeah did that make him feel a way or was he fine um I think it made probably made him feel a bit uncomfortable not because he like he him and grace are friend yeah it's just when we left we weren't talking and we came back and then we were friends and yeah he I think he was so so protective over what we have that he didn't want anything to get in the way of that or ruin that of course um like he say to me like you're not as like all over me when Grace is around I'm like I'm not going to be like I am still a girls girl I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable yeah of course um so it definitely made him think like what is the intentions I think that's why he was so like struggling so much to understand it yeah I mean he didn't see you reconnect to it must be again it must be quite weird to throw you off that you're coming back like hey are you we walking around we going to cover up now like what has happened in Castle yeah so I think he was probably worried that I was going to get rid of him yeah and then there was all of like there was that continual thing from then to the end of the series that uh gray still had feelings for him and all of that side of it and it was perpetuated by both some other Islanders then he would kind of make jokes for it how did you feel about that cuz you must have known there was nothing left there yeah I knew there was nothing there it was honestly so boring at this point to keep going around in circles because I know Joey kept bringing it up as well but then at the same time he got to a point where he wouldn't bring it up but he'd back himself if it came up right so then it was just continuous I was like guys can we just drop this narrative now it's boring Grace doesn't want to be with Joey Joey doesn't want to be with gra let's move on but no one would drop it no one would drop it there was a lot of things this series that no one would drop it was the MIM me and IO thing and it was that and it was every week and every single time every every challenge we were like this can't happen again and then around the circles and it still we still have more drama from it every single time it was drama every day the series it was it was manic it was honestly crazy in there the same time all besties so as soon as challenge came up it was like you've done this you've done this I said this to M me and Josh I feel like everyone waited it was like therapy to wait till the challenges to then really get out how they felt which is obviously we obviously it's we get told it's a public forum so every time that phrase is used over the vog it's right right public for that's crazy like your opinions like say what you want to say get it off your chest now but then you've got to go back and just sit there and say hey over it was like okay yeah that's we've just been arguing this entire game and then your besties again so it was weird but it was a great yeah great form of therapy yeah I was going to say Le you're getting it out um what would you say were the biggest hurdles that you faced in the Villa definitely having Joey's X in there and then another X and then another X so that was a big thing it was like come on now yeah um and then also probably the fact that oh I don't I think yeah definitely the fact that everyone kept using the whole X thing against us yeah um and then the fact that we weren't closed off so we were getting to know other people but we didn't want to be but because we hadn't officially said we were closed kind of had to have conversations and entertain it um and that definitely got used against us that obviously Joey getting to know Lola when there no interest there but at the same time i' said I was I wasn't closed off and he said it wasn't closed off so it kind of has to yeah you had to have the conversation so then after that conversation with Lola that definitely got used yeah so but like production wise I was really bad for like talking when I shouldn't be talking I saw this I saw you saying this on a CLI really bad so I but obviously there's only so many cameras in there so many people that can listen to conversations and film it and everything I like I'm going to have a conversation with Joey right now and they like sit back down not got anyone to have follow this conversation now I was like I want to speak to him now fine okay yeah it was definitely made it difficult in that sense but yeah I saw you said you were quite naughty cuz you'd always like Kiss when you weren't supposed to speak when you weren meant to if you always been like that at school and stuff like that yeah I was a sociable child what we called it like I just I yeah I'm not very good at following instructions parents evening she's a sociable one sociable one that's our Jesse she's sociable literally follows day um I've got a question which I really want to ask but I need to make sure I ask this properly did you feel the criticism of people saying that you would back Joey regardless of his actions did you think that was warranted because there was a lot of that online like she'll just back whatever he says but did you feel like that was fair no absolutely not I think in there I would back Joey in public and then pull him up in private I don't think if you're in a relationship you shouldn't ever embarrass the person you're with sure agree um so I wouldn't I'd only back him when I thought he I needed to he back himself he's very very much good ated so I don't think he needed me to back him most of the time but I would back him if I deemed it necessary and at the same time I think I was just translating for him half the time he is not very good at saying what he means I'd have to be like well he didn't mean that he meant this but obviously that comes across me backing it's hard isn't it cuz I think if you're saying that they're like well he's a grown man he can speak for himself but I do agree that sometimes In the Heat of the Moment In a stressful situation you're just going to say you know what you what you think he doesn't yeah he didn't think proba like speaks sometimes or he'd say it in a way that he didn't mean and I like understand if I understood what he meant then I'd try and articulate that better yeah at the same time I would never back him if I thought he was wrong I'd abely him it but not going to embarrass him in I think that's embarrassing for me if I go against him and we're arguing he's arguing with somebody yeah it's not how I'd go about it in the outside world it's not how I go about it I think a lot of couples do that as well though because you wouldn't want to embarrass your partner cuz like if you disagree with them then they really feel like oh like I've really messed up but I think there was a scene when you did pull him into the fire pit and it got really heated between you two cuz you did back him and then you were like you're wrong and then I remember he had like his head in his hands at yeah dramatic he loves it and he's like camera yeah like you watching me you also backed him um even when he wasn't there which was the comments about his intelligence in cassa and I thought that was quite really nice from you because it was very early on in your connection you'd obviously been through a lot and cassa was probably quite a test for you both and then for you to be like aie I don't agree with that it was quite nice for you to you know stand up that cuz blade came in and just went ham yeah he was just going at everyone wasn't he but that's I would have done that for anyone and at that point I was so convinced that Joey was off with somebody else anyway yeah so convinced I was going oh he's going he's probably in The Hiway or six of them at this point I was so convinced he'd be gone but I would have backed anyone if someone's coming at and obviously I know it was blade that said it but he's never met Joey so I He's only seen public perception the way I came in I went in and didn't slate anybody I didn't say oh well you're missing something here or you're you're a different person or this person is not good at you because I don't think if you can that's the only way you can pull someone you're doing it wrong yeah so I don't like the fact that he wasn't there to defend himself so I obviously defending him because he is a way smarter than everyone makes out and didn't like that he was going off his public perception never met him before so yeah come 100% back to him there yeah and I think um with the cassa thing I'm really surprised that you thought that because I when I was watching it I knew that he would stay loyal did you you're like the only one because I when I watched it I thought he's obviously been through a lot in there and he really liked you and I thought he's you've got to be some form of Nutter to have then gone oh hey Emma like I know you like let's do something so I fought 100% but the only thing that did make me laugh was how much he was a catalyst for all the other guys like the way he sat sha down and I thought this is so dangerous he like just do it enjoy yourself whatever we knew he'd be like that so when we went into it I was like right I'm going to get to know someone I'll bring someone back because Joey will and every and get saying to me you know he's gone already I was like yeah I know like the back of my mind I was like but will he be gone I actually think he really likes me but then obviously based on his history in there I had to protect myself getting to know people but I just didn't fancy anyone as much as I was going to say was there anyone at all that you kind of liked in Casa or not really I was obviously speaking to people but I just there was nothing it's hard because obviously Grace had that thing with mesiah and blade so you're like I'm not going to do it again mean so you're not going to do that and then I mean there was the other few didn't really have much air time at all to be fair so I didn't know how many chats they were having there was a PO bloke on there that didn't actually speak the whole time which is always he was trying to chat to me and I was oh okay fine yeah I think there was no there was nothing to be shown in my conversations it was like a slumber party with like Butlers in the bath basically it was wasn't it cuz you girls were just all together doing your own thing girls had a great time but wasn't necessarily inv involving the boys bless him yeah um also one thing I wanted to speak about was uh actually we'll go into the film festival and then into the talent show cuz I just am gagging to speak about talent show um in the um film Festival keep saying movie night but they changed it this year don't know why yeah the graph the graphies or the movie night the the movie night Film Festival okay how was that for you because everything always gets heated on those nights and there was a lot with Joey during that time as well yeah it was intense I we knew it was going to be like a intense one yeah I think his was the first clip and just showing me and him and and then kicked off a lot with him and Grace and they were both backing themselves obviously I think Joey got stick for telling Grace to shut up but obviously Grace was telling him to shut up as well so it was a lot and I think I saw when I came out I saw like fan edits of me pulling faces cuz I was looking at Jo like stop now cuz he'd literally look he' go to say something look at me and be like yeah like yeah stop yeah but it was in it was very intense and everyone's obviously encouraged to just say their opinions everyone was going at it with everyone and it was very intense and I was not nice to see Joey and Grace on the clips together as well yeah I could both sides isn't it cuz she's not enjoying it and you're not enjoying it and then um I I heard from other Islanders that night as well that like there's certain aru arguments that might have been not staged that's the wrong word kind of like pushed by the um encouraged yeah encouraged right word I was looking for and so it's hard because you're kind of beefing but you're beefing over something that probably wasn't that deep you know I mean everyone kind of way I see it in there is that you know if someone annoys you and it's like oh you're an idiot then it's not that deep you kind of have to stick with the initial emotion or else it doesn't make sense on TV because like why how how did they resolve that but it's just because you like give it up that's why you have the conversations and you say what you need to say and get it all out um so yeah it was definitely hard to watch that because obviously me and Grace were friends at this point I was going to say yeah solidly with Joey those who were never going to go back to each other but then watching them go back and then all the arguments that are happening based on stuff that's happened weeks ago everyone over it but at the same time was bringing all the emotion back up again so it was definitely yeah it was a lot you were finally like settled in with everything people like me back the ex's clips and stuff they show like me speaking to will and I was like me and um like really close now and now you're bringing that back up I was like so much I know I know but I mean you came back from that quite well and as you said if it's that seemed kind of like a challenge so you kind of leave that in in that moment although there were some massive arguments after that but you know so um the talent show the show I saw some viral clips of people reenacting your still moment the guy on the STS killed me know him Austin no way it's so funny I was crying the I went through my Tik Tok and it was like everyone had sent me that too much so so I really want to know I know you explained it on the show but just tell us again like how that became your hidden talent Well I this is so like this was like when I was like 15 right I used to be part of like the theater in like in Leicester so it was like the young company and just did it as like a like a hobby okay fine how old were you I think I was like 16 I'll give 16 okay um and it was that summer holidays and it was like do you want to perform in the Rugby World Cup Parade in Leicester so I was like yeah why not yeah let's go for it so I turned up and they were like right is he going to Lear stillw um so we got Tau to still walk by German circus professionals that they'd flown in from Germany and yeah still walked in the rugby World Cup Parade so it's the most random story ever and then it works did you say to the producers I need stilts like how did that no I didn't so I when I flew out there I was in holding for like two and a half weeks but when I flew out there I was supposed to go in within 24 hours okay so you have these forms to fill out based on like tell us about you your relationship history anything like how many people have you kissed to what skills have you got and I'm the least talented person not the love Island questionnaire I want to do one literally there's so many of them so I had to do in like 10 minutes when I was on the way to the villa okay um and it said like what's your special skill and your talent and I was like I'm so untalented it hurts like my talent is how untalented I am I'm so bad at everything I I don't still work when I was younger so I just still walking thinking they're not going to get me still and then it came to the talent show we got the text and I was like I'm not doing it I have no talent I can't sing I can't dance can't do any of this walked out to the commercial team and they obviously they have to have an idea of what's going on they give they don't can't do sometimes but so that they can put on a good show and they're like how you feeling I was like terrified just tell me what I'm doing after we heard you can still walk and I was like you've not got me Stills so that we have they found a random Geer in the middle of newor to borrow his Stills a bit dodgy they taped me into them I haven't doing this in like 10 years so I always had to practice in like the Terrace of the Hideway was walking around up and down the steps of the hot tub on my own and these still and they maybe walk across the gravel and walk up the steps and on TV that is crazy cuz you could have just Fallen like that there was no fat check either there was no health and safety they didn't say like how have you done this they just said here your Stills Go I was like I haven't done this in 10 years and you could have been the first person to get roasted alive on the fire pit by Falling on stills literally I was like speed walking throughout the whole thing the whole thing I like running so I was like I can't fall in the fire didn't you get Jerry up as well while she on the Stills I I had to um when we practice they were like bend down and act like you're kissing Joey I I knew I was if I'm going to do it I'm going to f it and I'll pull Joey I'll give him a little kiss and they were like health and safety you need to bend down that's the only health and safety check they were like right try and bend down so I was like squatting on these SS so it was yeah it there was no fact check can't believe they let me crazy I had this vision of you rocking up to the airport on your jet 2 flight with Stills you love Island some random Gees I was I can't believe them make and they were so dodgy they Lally taped me in that is so wild it was one of my personal favorites of all time on love like it because everyone does the typical things you know what I mean it was you and Reuben singing through me this year so I actually loved them um and then on to meeting the parents this was actually again one of my favorite meeting the parents because everyone comes in and kind of you know is very lovey doy and it's so nice to meet you and your parents came in and were like on smoke they said we're going to grill um obviously I thought it'd be a lot worse yeah they were it wasn't bad was it I did expect a lot worse yeah so how did you feel when that was was all happening and and kicking well I say kicking off but just that Stern talking to happening um I expected it so as we were waiting obviously we were the last family to come in and the whole time I was like oh my God like this obviously me and Joey had an argument the night before it was um we hadn't had a chance to probably sort that out a lot of people had arguments s before that didn't they T Shan as well drinks Dr what did you steal other peoples or did you find a stash no so the grafy they um they gave us normally one or two wines a night but was like like 3 4 hours they gave us three or four within like an hour yeah love that so yeah we had a little um argument the night before and I was sat there and everyone's like why is I nervous I was like my dad will not care he will if he has if he doesn't like you or if he has an opinion he will come in and say it my mom's the same but I didn't know my mom was coming in at this point cuz that was a complete surprise to my dad would dad will come in here and say whatever's on his mou I was terrified oh she didn't know about your M's my sister was going to fly back from Australia but she couldn't get back in time never do it and then when I saw her yeah it was really sweet and your mom was the one that really was the most Stern to be fair yeah so we came over and obviously sat with Joey and his family and I was waiting for this they said they liked him so okay that's good startu much I sat down the day beds and they were like don't like like internally screamed yeah don't know what I would have done at that point cuz what can you do I'm still in here yeah I to meet his family and you hate him that's really good loved him so we went over and mom told him off for being disrespectful or he could I think it was towards Grace wasn't it which I actually thought was really lovely of her to say because girl go it was giving girls goal and I thought that was really nice because Grace did have it hard at some points in there so that was really nice yeah she I think she just wanted to like let him know that she knows he's better than be bringing that up and there's no need um and Frankie said the same to Joey as well so it was yeah when she started saying there's just one thing for me I was oh my God she going to come out with her she can come out with anything yeah same as my mom yeah Le she do not care like say their opinion um so I was happy with how she said it and he took it on board and he said that he appreciated her opinion so he handled it well as well he could easily gone back and be like yeah what a sh um and then my dad Lally turned around to him and was like don't it up and then he went oh I wasn't supposed to swear it was like and Joe was like well I'm not going to it up and I was like oh bless him bondy and then your dad became the internet's D of this season of Love Island came out to articles I've seen I've seen a Tik Tok fan cam about your dad the other night how has that been it's insane I've had all even everyone on production kept saying to me you're dad I can imagine the girls in mior at that Villa who haven't seen another man in months are probably thinking would not St going on every time I spoke about my family afterwards Matilda like Matthew I was like yes D Matthew it was like I they oh is this the first time you've had this I was like no my friends have been saying it my whole life I came my friends were like they were trying to steal my man I was like they're not he's not your man but yeah it was funny and he loves it was to say enjoying the attention Silver Fox every time I put a story on like reply say like d your dad your dad oh my God he goes to the local pub and gets his photo taken he's loving it oh I'm loving that for him as well I know bless him and how was it um knowing with jer's sister and his Nan because they were so lovely to you and so welcoming and supportive I bet that felt really nice as well yeah I was terrified to meet them because Joe was like why would they hate you I I don't think they'll hate me as a person don't think I'm given them a reason to they'll like me as a person but you know you can like someone and not think they're right for the p and the situation was a bit a strange one isn't it because they obviously watching it they've seen him going through so much so yeah yeah I I didn't think I wouldn't want them to come in and say we like her but not sure she's it for you or we like you more with somebody else that would have been like awful yeah um so when they came in they said they really like me and that um his mom would really like me that was so sweet and his Nan as well yeah she's so cute honestly iconic have you met his dad yet no have you not no are you are you nervous I'm nervous we thought it would be the big da coming into the village so even Joe was like oh how did he be yeah he thought he might but he was really happy with his nun and sister coming in so yeah it was really sweet feel like everyone in Essex knows everyone cuz my dad knows Joey's dad cuz they all used to hang out when they were younger yeah I it's one of those places it's so one of those places so oh it's so cute yeah I can't wait to meet him but not yet okay not yet well let me know when you do you will do um the boys dates at the end of the series um they didn't do the big ones this year were you shocked by that um well I was a massive Speculator in there so we're all trying I heard about this as well you were like trying to decipher the Mysteries yeah literally and I've watched your story before so we get a text and be like Jesse what does this mean like we were trying like work it out we get to off all the time um so then we were trying it was getting closer and closer to the like I don't think we're doing these final dates and then they did the f I think obviously the budget got blown on fighting all the Islanders back out didn't it oh yeah yeah I yeah I thought about that I think that's why it was right not you literally going through the p&l of love being like yeah I think the budget went here it went to the Villa where they're being held I think when everyone's too happy people like stop watching him like everyone wants the drums I was going to say and I I always say this when it gets to the last week I do you know I do get my social life back a bit I do go out cuz I'm like they're not going to fall out whatever so I we did have drams quite close to the end so yeah I think they did they did it well to keep people engaged this year and your date was cute and the date was cute it did look like a gender reveal you had your gender reveal you had your teddy I had the teddy yeah which was really cute it was cute and I had the the oven pizza and the oven pizza I mean it was it was cute um how did you feel about the flowers for Mimi cuz I thought that was a really cute thing so cute we were sat on the day beds and we saw them go for CH oh I really hope this goes well cuz Joe really does value meet me as a friend yeah I like meet is one of my best friends in there like I got on so well with all the girls I was like this is causing tension for me with the girls even though we tried to not let it get between us and it was hard because she literally was like you're a for meimi to for meimi to blow even when she's like that I thought yeah she's pissed she's hit her yeah so if that was all him like I was they went out to do the final date things and he knew he need to do like a big jasher to prove that he didn't actually want to hurt her yeah so we all saw him bring the oh sweet yeah it was really cute I'm really and I think that proved to Mimi that he she was on his mind and that he did care yeah and so it's just like obviously it's a gesture isn't it so yeah I think it's hard as well in that situation with Joey because I think everyone knows that he's such a showman and he's so good at like what he does but then on the flip side I guess it's hard isn't it because on a low day in there you would take that more Percy than you would if you were just like I'm in love Island you know it is what it is and so I think just like by the end I guess there's so many factors like people missing home if you just seen your parents and then you miss them like yeah it's going to be heightened emotions but it all leveled out really nice towards the final and then I just found it hard after all of that to then when you guys got dumped because it all like kind of went into a really nice place then all of the Islanders came back in um and that's when it got really rough for you guys my mom um my mom says hi by the way and she says sorry she can't be here um and she said that she really didn't like that episode where you got chucked out because she felt like it was a big attack on you both and it's hard as I just said not to take it personally when you're kind of friends of a lot of these people then all of a sudden you've got this sea of the cast so one did that take a long time to film and two how was the whole experience yeah it did take a while obviously everything we did in there takes a long time especially when there's that many people in there we had to have like multiple breaks in between cuz it was so hot on that day as well we just stood there I wanted to ask this cuz Maya was under the tree and I thought it must have been hot because she was in the shade yeah hidden and we were like stood the yeah I thought that yeah it was so hot but it was yeah it was in it wasn't a nice way to leave I think everyone that had left it was kind well especially towards the end it was oh like at least leaving together it's really happy you I love you miss you whatever and then our one yes it was iconic but we knew we were straight as I can walk through here we go yeah um so we were mentally preparing but it wasn't a nice way to leave because obviously the question was who do you think is the least compatible yeah if you're fair enough if you do think we're the least compatible but I don't think it was that it was just like every vendor possible and obviously like Joey did piss a lot of people off in there I said that only final words I was like I wish you didn't piss everyone off because I could see it in your eyes you're like oh it's like everyone that wanted to get their you know last word in had that chance they had their karma and obviously you know you had both Sams MH obviously Sam number one at his journey cut short you had Sam number two that you know so I knew when I was watching it I thought this is going to be a rough one honestly I think the fact that we knew that it wasn't about compatibility we knew it was about a gge was because if we had given you a list of those people that were coming back in we could say they're going to V for they're going to because of these re we got we got a spot on yeah there were a couple surprises so like you go was random but everybody else we knew what was you guys's reason him was it just him and Joey and Lola oh okay I mean there was no interest there right whatever but yeah yeah it was definitely personal vendettas that's why I was like annoyed I was more frustrated CU I was this isn't about which is what it should have been about but at the same time it was an iconic moment to leave got pied in front of my Jama which was really fun and then obviously got to do afteron so it was fun but I just I think Joey got a lot of stick in that moment and I didn't like the fact that they were coming for him I think yeah it's it was hard because there was moments where some people's reasons were really valid and like look I stand by what Sam said because her journey was cut short with what happened and I think she would have loved to have you know gone back in but I think there were some people as you said where it was a bit like what yeah and then yeah it was just it was a hard it was a hard one to watch and then you obviously went out and then I think there was a few days wasn't there between that and the final um so coming back into the final together and seeing all the Islanders again was that okay was there any weird Vibes no I think um I don't say too much we basically went into a holding Villa before we went to the final so saw all them there and everyone kept coming up to me say I'm so sorry you seemed like such a nice person like had to do what we had to do in there obviously like is a TV show at the end of the day some people didn't vote for us even though like yeah it was a lot of people holding a grudge and like they could have been big bigger person but whatever yeah um but it wouldn't make sense to the public if a lot of people didn't vote for us so I we kind of just like whatever like we get it we know how this all works um but it was yeah a bit awkward we both walked in real life I was going to say because after that happening it's like having an argument with a friendship group and then you're having to like see them again and S them run out and then it's on telly and at that point we didn't know why if they'd hate us and obviously people hadn't even met me and so they didn't actually know our actually that's very fair so when I went back into it meeting them all we were both like oh my God this going to be so awkward but it wasn't too bad of fact it was a bit like hi hey Tik Tok how doing how you doing it was a bit like that but then I I'm a very easygo person and Joey knows how it all works as well so it's we got over it quite quickly but yeah it's never nice to leave in that way yeah and how was the um the Joey and sha situation resolved cuz that was quite tense when you got guys left yeah and the way that Joey explained it again it made it seem like we' chosen them to bring them down with us which wasn't the case what Joey meant was that we'd chosen them because they'd had we had to go off who'd had the most arguments and tiffs recently and that's that was there and obviously we couldn't vote for ourselves I also think that in that situation if you voted for Mimi and Josh I think it probably would have been the worst thing everyone literally came for us for saying oh well Joey's a game player because he's trying to make sha and Matilda have the more votes than them which wasn't the case Joey just meant that we we had the most tiffs they had the most tiffs so we intercept why people voted for us and the reason why we voted for them was because they had the most arguments so it wasn't he didn't explain it very well then yeah yeah and yes then as soon as we went to the final Joey and Sean had a little bit of a chat there and then they had a proper phone call about it after and Jo that's not what I meant I didn't obviously I think Joey was hurt by Sean saying well yeah as a game player they such a strong I know they were like brothers like he Shan was like his um like prod little yeah it was like that was it um see I'm glad they sorted it out anyway they are really close still what day is it to say Friday we saw them on Wednesday a few days ago and there's no bad between them and yeah definitely I think it just miscommunication with that yeah I mean always always in the Villa it seems like that's the that's the running theme and is there anyone that you've stayed particularly close with since leaving like you and Joey have you seen many people um I think we've seen them a lot of events obviously speak to a lot of people um like over message and stuff we do now have a girls group chat and there a big boy like chat with all the boys because Hugo is organizing this event in ither and then the girls were organizing a big meet up blind me yeah it's it's nice to like chat to everyone but I'm not wouldn't say there's anyone that I'm like specifically really close with since leaving um so yeah it's people drift and just doing your own thing everyone's so busy and probably not each other's priority at this point obiously it's family Anders and everything exactly and I feel like it's nice sometimes to come out and spend a bit more time like in real life away from everything because um yeah you can get caught up in things can't you you're doing all of these I know I've seen a lot of people events and it gets really like messy I don't know if you saw that I said it yesterday because it's killed me that there was like a sponsors party was that right with like eBay and everyone like a kind of reunion and then that's when di Ruby had that the the live and I keep seeing it and it's just so wild to me I said it feels like it wasn't real there's honestly there's so much drama outside we left the villa and then there's still so much drama even that and it's like is it because we all met amongst drama now that we just every time we see each other's drama now yeah i' I haven't had drama since high school I know some of it felt really like unnecessary yeah it's like we're still on the show was drama been going on recently like I'm like I'm not involved me out of this I I'm not on the TV show anymore yeah I don't blame you um well look thank you so much for coming on it was so lovely to like chat to you and spend time with you so I wish you guys all the best and hopefully I'll see you both again again hopefully I see you both a shees soon yeah absolutely for sure monk fish Kebab love it and guys if you're watching at home make sure to like comment and subscribe and if you're watching on Spotify make sure to rate US five stars that's the one and we will see you next time thank you so much

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