Mess Magnets | #MessTok

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 01:21:36 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: secret life of mormon wives
Intros hi I'm Sasha hi I'm Kristen and this is mess magnets we're back baby yes we made it better late than never but here we are and listen hello everyone wake up because we are on YouTube for this one boom baby we we did our faes we look presentable you're all welcome yeah it takes a lot normally okay this is the thing people whenever we do like a YouTube people love it they're like Yay YouTube we can talk about it in the comments we can have a conversation which is great we love that too but then the downside to that is like generally when we record mess magnets we're in what I like to call heg mode yes uh and that doesn't work with a video podcast so all of this to say and not you know not to get um many compliments that were pretty but it's more to say that if you're find if you're finding us on YouTube for the first time or maybe you only um you know listen to us when we're here on rob a podcast YouTube channel we are a weekly podcast and we are almost always on we talk about everything topical everything going on in the world and if you're confused about why something is trending you need to be checking out Rob as a website slms feed because that's where we're talking about it a lot of people were confused about ice spice I did the research y'all okay I I put the info together so that all us older Millennials and older older whatever can get can can get hip with these youth don't ever say that again don't Pur I knew it was um that was so horrible um I do want to say last time we we were pretty down we were like where's the reviews we asked for reviews and we did get a tweet from Wednesday all weekend who said oh dang I reviewed on podcast adct and you all didn't see it so they then sent a screenshot and said thank and it says listening to kirson and Sasha and or their fabulous guests is always a highlight of my week I'd be so out of the loop without them even when they discuss something I'm not initially that interested in they get me into it because I love their Dynamic so much I only wish I hadn't blocked out so much mess for my earlier years so I could submit an anonymous if I ever have therapy and bring these things back up I promise to send them in listen to this amazing pod now period okay so if we're meeting you for the first time welcome you are now a messenger in case you knew or didn't know I don't know but here we are and it's just it's a really fun time this is a Vibes only podcast don't take a serious un unless we tell you to okay we'll take us like a little serious but we'll also o tell you when not to yeah just like this is an unserious serious podcast maybe that's what we should say but we do a good amount of like research this isn't just like it here's what we're feeling we do research if we don't know something and we we like to get all the tea about everything so we talk about I don't know anything you can think of we're talking about it I just got asked um by AA to do some research on Sports so I ALS we have sports tea that ends up here just all right y'all the point is you should be checking out M magnets and now I'm done with my elevator pitch that was 3 minutes long and we're on it right now so you're here you made it yes so let's get started because I'm really excited to talk about this one I don't know if you are uh but it's fine okay we the Rob has a podcast YouTube no secret lives of Mormon wives Rob the podcast Facebook group has been buzzing with this show and we said just hold on cuz we're coming all right we're coming we're talking about it and of course our first mess is the Secret Lives of Mormon lives and okay yes I'm I'm going to like get into the spirit I'm going to talk about everything but first I just have one thing to say you have to say it yeah as I'm sorry these women are all horribly boring it's so Bor like I get all the stuff that's happening is like wild if you're like a Mormon in Utah so it's like okay I get it it's wild like for their lives but in general the gets boring the drama is silly there's no like there's just no reason for them to be so dramatic about every little thing and I and I watched all damn Eight Episodes I still can't tell half the women apart oh well that which one is Jen and like oh you do you know which one's Jen and which one's Demi that's crazy I can recognize which one is Jen wait am I Jen yeah I can tell who Jen ack is yes yes sorry I thought you were talking about the the the other two the thing is y'all okay I I don't think caren's wrong I personally just have a this is what I texted her too have like an unnatural like Fascination Allegiance as cat William said whatever you want to call it to these like fundamental Christian groups like I don't know how to explain it I find them very fascinating yeah but like they're not even doit didn't do nothing that's what I'm trying to tell you if you watch 19 kids en counting it was just them going grocery shopping but like at least that is like a genuine glimpse into something that's different these are like people are like oh we're supposed to do this this and this but actually sometimes we drink and also oh ketamine is totally fine apparently and we do laughing yeah and it's like so like who are you like you're just Hypocrites they're just like I saw a tweet that was like the main takeaway I have from The Secret Lives of Mormon wives is that Mormonism is a religion with really weird rules and all of your time is spent looking for even weirder loopholes to get around them and that's and that's what I took and I'm like it's fine I love it inject it into my veins I love trash reality TV I'm not even joking I don't care it's so silly I love low steak stuff but here's the thing I have so much to be angry about that I'm here on this pod that's what list there is a lot to be angry about and like I'm I'm getting full I watched all of it I'm in it too I just I needed to it like how I feel emotionally about it that's fair so let's let's talk through for all the people that are V confused about what's going on wait yes can I ask one question first actually so the the inciting incident of this series is that this tick tocker on mom talk named Taylor um exposed the quote soft swinging that was happening in mom talk which to me I would have thought like Mom talk would just mean any Tik Tok about being a mom but for these specific women it's like no it's about us being moms and that's it founded it yes like okay you're the first moms on Tik Tok cool whatever anyways so she exposed us like swinging and said that everyone was swinging with everyone blah blah blah so were these women all swinging like why are they acting like Taylor's the only one who was swinging I'm like so who are the swingers what is like what I don't understand we still don't know that's the tea so here's the thing they should have been like Taylor we make you the main person you got to name names or you got to tell something cuz I did a little bit of research into this because yes I also had the same question original mom talk and can I be honest we talked about The Swinging mess on one of the mess magnets I to this day thought it was M like Mormon m o n talk so I said why are they keep saying Mom Mom Mom it's obviously M talk no um I know I'm just saying this how like crazy old I am but anyway so the joke is I I did some research they were originally Taylor and two other women that were and their husbands that were part of mom talk and then almost ballooned into more people so I allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly I think that it is those three couples that were the soft that were the full art and so wait so and the other two couples are not involved in this show yes they're not that's why I believe it has to be them okay okay well whatever I I also am like if people want to make out with other people and are all F who cares no Taylor had sex with them well and also who can't if everyone's okay with it who cares well apparently that was against the rules guys so that's why cuz they were sof swinging not full swinging and Taylor gets drunk okay well I would I would believe that so basically this is yeah and that's how this happened Taylor was part of this thing the S swinging whatever you want to call it she divorces her husband or is going through a divorce and bless her heart Taylor is always in some mess so she exposes all of this mom to goes viral they now have Hulu show that is it that is the trajectory everyone and of course we're gonna be following eight women Taylor Paul Demi uh angerman uh Jen Affleck Yes you heard it right and she is a relation well her husband is a relationship her husband is a second cousin of Ben Affleck uh and Jen tried it okay and Jen was like I'm the real J Jenny From the Block shut up just shut up um and Jessie oh my God Jesse uh her last name starts with an n and I just I'm so sorry um it's okay I can't yeah Lila Taylor Macy Neely Michaela Matthews and Whitney love it okay and like let's breath be so clear need to be so clear there are are really two women on this show that have star power and it's Taylor Frankie Paul and Whitney lit I'm sorry to say and I believe that the only people that should have star power is Jesse and Demi well yes but unfortunately yes you're not wrong I just want to make that clear like when I say this is who has star power I am not saying this is who I like the best or who I'm for okay what the hell um I'm talking about who is actually like good TV correct and anyway so like I said uh Taylor just shared that the reason she gets divorced is right that she was she broke the rules of soft swinging agreement with the other couples and if you're wondering what soft swinging is just quickly uh Taylor says Tate her ex-husband and I open these doors let people in our lives and I don't know what you would call it like soft swinging where you don't fully switch and you don't go all the way okay so are they allowed to soak that's the thing I me thinks not well but if all the Mormons who are saving for marriage are allowed to soak and that's not against the and if you don't know what soaking is congratulations ma don't yeah no look at okay no we're talking about it right now so if you somehow have made it to this point you don't know what soaking is it's a like a Mormon practice that not like for part of the church but like that like Mormon kids will do yeah deal with it Sasha so the the Mormon kids will do so that they're not technically having sex but they want to have sex they'll do like you do like one penetration yes and then you get a friend to jump on the bed for any motion and what I found out is you pay per jump so you actually get paid to jump on the bed for your friends h no and here's the thing I just want to say one positive thing not positive one no sorry yeah one interesting um uh observation yes that's a lot of um stamina is that the right word to just stay there and not do anything I mean I'm sure like I listen for the flag for that that's crazy that's all well I mean I think for it to like just stay at full Mass is like it probably is like uncomfortable yeah that's my point like it's just fascinating that's all I know but I don't know neither of us have the equipment to really speak on it I don't want to know I don't want to hear anything don't tell us don't even think to talk about but there is um in the show jury duty which was where it was like all actors and then the one normal guy there is a quote like soaking scene where they they ask the guy like if he'll jump on the bed for them and he says no thank God imagine if he'd said yes and that scene is one of the funniest scenes of TV I've ever watched in my life God um but yes so the people that are cast on the show explicitly say we have never swung we don't engage in non- monogamy except Whitney's husband apparently and and you know we don't do it and they don't name drop the other members of The Swinging Group which is implied that they're not cast on the show which is why I really believe it was those other two yep I mean that theory makes sense I spent the whole time being like so who's the who are the swingers and so it makes a lot of sense that they are not featured on the on the screen um so the first episode of the show is like a year before the second episode cuz they really filmed a pilot and nobody wanted to pick it up which is fumble cuz look at how much money they made well I mean maybe they needed that extra time to get more drama to for it to happen I don't know but there's a few like big Bombshells that drop right to the beginning the first of course is so Whitney and her husband had moved to Hawaii and made it seem like they moved to Hawaii and it was like about The Swinging thing which is why I was so confused when they like were saying no we don't swing but they're they're just and then in the second episode they're like coming back from and Whitney is a grade a liar um gaslighter she's a professional victim yes that's the best way to everything she is struggling with not everything most of what she's struggling with she has been the the the the Flint that starts the fire she's messy she's messy but her like first big thing is we find out that they moved to Hawaii because her husband had been on Tinder because he is a porn addict now I just to me if someone say porn addict they're going to be on only fans or they're going to be on PornHub they're GNA be on other pornography websites if someone's on Tinder to me that would imply that they're more of a sex addict than a porn addict but again I'm not a psychologist I don't know these people I yeah I can't diagnose we're not diagnosing we're just giving our opinions all right that's it but no I just it's very Bizarro because y'all one they made a whole video they lied about it right that this never happened which is why I do believe every single one of these women is going to lie if it benefits them and their image so anything that they have said on the show take what a a um not a grain a a barrel yeah of salt because it for them to just be honest about their life challenge level impossible and of course she's like I lied about it because I was embarrassed but why was he on Tinder and why do why does he have 17 million different looks on the show is he in witness protection I I was watching a Tik Tok that was like here's the time line of like Whitney and Connor and it literally went through all the times her hair changes and his hair changes of like when he bleaches it when he had a mohawk when he shaved it off when it's dark so like he changes looks uh frequently and S do Whitney uh she had like three hairstyles in the first two episodes of the show um to be fair there was like a year apart but so like that's their big thing and I get like should we do we I don't even know how to best cover this but like her other big thing is she's really jealous at Taylor is like the face yes so it's really set up as like I feel at least the first episode which bleeds us into the rest is it's set up really as team Whitney or team Taylor because um is this in the first episode or yeah first episode where they all come together for a meeting at someone's house mind you they're all wearing this same they're all wearing black and um they all meet together to talk and Taylor's like oh y'all I have something to share Taylor's seeing a new man now I might be pregnant and well this is where Whitney just told them about the T Tinder thing and Taylor immediately is like also I may be pregnant and it's bad news because we think I miscarried or it's a topic yes and the thing is Oh I thought Taylor said it first and then Whitney start no it was after Whitney said it and then that's why Whitney's like what the heck like why can't I ever have a moment yeah and everyone immediately yeah forgets um what Whitney just said and they're like okay he was on Tinder because they're like did he do anything and and she goes no impossible but sure okay and this is where like I've seen a lot of theories too that like Winnie's husband may have been on a different dating app but there are like the reason why it came out is because there were screenshots of people posting that they saw him on Tinder specifically so okay so maybe it was Tinder yeah uh but it's wild because the other big issue and this comes up later uh in their like when they go on a little uh uh birthday getaway is that Whitney is so jealous of Taylor that Whitney posted a really I just want to call it gross I don't know how else it's one of the worst things I've ever seen in my entire life it is so horrifying um she posted a Tik Tok y'all and it her kid was is out of danger but he the baby was still in the hospital and the baby's like laying you know in a in a crit or whatever the glass incubator yeah incubator thank you um or something and she does a horror Tick Tock dance to share what's been going on and when I tell you Tik Tock dance it's one of them old school the Addison ra like and it's and like what the baby was in the hospital for RSV when they took the baby to the doctor the doctor was like uh this Baby's oxygen level is you need to go to the emergency room right now and then the baby was hospitalized and like uh RSV is like really serious for babies if anyone doesn't know and if you and hey if you don't know now you know it's fall it's starting to be rsb's and don't be kissing any baby heads and don't be kissing any baby's hands keep your face away from other people's babies uh because that shit's serious but she post it's like it's horrible she's doing like this like happy dance about like oh my baby has RSP and is in the hospital blah blah blah and her justification is like well they were out of danger and I just wanted to like cheer myself up no below the jail she should be below the jail like even if she wanted clout from that like that's the craziest thing to do to try and get clout I I don't understand it and I actually don't think she deserves forgiveness for that no I agree I just think it's so weird everything Taylor had said felt not everything sorry The Swinging thing was like adults right she just outed kind of what adults are doing this you're doing a dance while your baby lays there weirdo energy I'm sorry it's and and y'all just have to see the Tik Tok to understand the cringe level I and I'm not saying I'm an amazing dancer or anything but the folks that believe that they're good dancers because of these the white versions of these Tik Tock dances that have happened and I think what's crazy is isn't Whitney the one who was trained as a professional dancer before no I'm sure I'm not say which is why it's so crazy that the dance is so bad I again and this is definitely my like Boomer take like I just those dances don't they I just I find them cringe I don't care how hard you hit each thing it just it does it looks a mess to me to me and I understand why people like them I'm not like yucking anyone's yum it's just it looks cringe especially when your kids in the hospital it's just weirdo so that's like Whitney's whole thing there and yes so she's mad that Taylor got forgiveness easier than her as well which like Taylor I don't I don't understand why Taylor needs like quote forgiveness like I I guess part of like the Mormon thing of like Taylor not being quote unquote Mormon enough for the rest and she like she opened everyone up to scrutiny like oh Whitney were you swinging where where's this person swinging that so I think that's the is here um so that yeah that is um this issue then um take okay then end of episode one we we kind of learned that Taylor is dating this man named Dakota and they have a little on and off you know no like it's toxic that's the best way extremely toxic yes and then end of this episode is Taylor is arrested that night and she says at dinner I'm going to get get drunk and he's like well I am recovering so I'm not going to do this and he's just like she's great but I want to party and what is so fun about just by yourself drinking at home while maybe your kids are around I don't understand that part uh but either way you do you I don't every anyone can drink who cares but it's just it has escalated so then she gets arrested for domestic violence in presence of a child after a drunken argument with him yeah it's it's literally wild um the police were called because the neighbors heard smashing and she was like throwing chairs at Dakota chairs WWE style what the hell are you doing and like what was wild to me was that the show actually had the body camera footage of the officers that arrested her and so that's how the episode ends is she gets arrested and then it picks up like a year later she's in probation she like did a plea deal mhm and it hit one of those kids who had like a like a bump like a goose eggs side bump on their head like what are we doing here bro yeah just she should not be forgiven for 100% a 100% um and the other thing too is it's just like you have to remember that Taylor's like in her late 20s like she's a full adult she acts like she's like 20 correct because the other a lot of them are younger and we'll get into it about uh why they're so young why are they uh anyway I have many feelings about that but this is almost 30y old be so serious yeah it it like I do understand there is an element of like Arrested Development from having that specific upbringing as well but it's just like yeah sure it's like very jarring to see her acting like that I know that she's nearly yeah and then you have Leila right who is the youngest um and I'm just like dude she is fine and acts good she might be the most mature of them all mhm yeah um yeah it's just it's very bizar but here we are and anyway so let's yeah Whitney also has in addition to her husband her storyline cuz a lot of them fun fact even if um they are posting the TRD wife lifestyle uh not this group of women necessarily but in general right like this is becoming huge we talked about ballerina Farms um and they're all almost all of them are the bread winners yes of their house so they all are I saw a interview and it was literally like how many of you are the breadwinner with your influencer money and they all raised their hand and then it was like oh how do your husbands take it and they all like oh yeah our husbands are so good with it and it's like okay yeah mhm yep it's just it's very weird um it's just it's Bizarro um and to that to say Britney is like oh Whitney ends up speaking about hey I finally do get a lot of money I don't know if it's 20 ,000 maybe more whatever and all I need to do is promote a vibrator on an Instagram post yes and she's like I want to do it as like an empowering thing um which I think makes sense because their Community uh you know maybe ha doesn't necessarily talk about women's pleasure in that way is what she's at least saying and she talks to her mom about her mom and sister and they're both like well it's personal it should be between you and your partner um but you know you do you kind of whatever but here's the biggest bombshell that I feel like not enough people online are talking about and I'm pissed okay Leila who is 22 at the time of this episode has two kids by this time says oh that's interesting that y'all are talking about vibrators and sex toys because I've never had an orgasm her husband found dead well she is divorced so at least there's that yeah at Le at least there's that H but then she talks about how like she's even tried toys but she like is scared she scared to finish I'm like go for it let it happen so I just I need like a thumbs up or thumbs down from Leila like has it happened has it not because that now yeah that just broke me cuz I was like girl why are there people out in this world that have not felt this it's just it's terrible I if they want to feel it is what I mean yeah but who doesn't want I don't know hell I feel for her I really and Whitney does end up hosting it so she got them and she talks to her mom about it and her mom is like her mom seemed fine with it honestly like her mom was like maybe a little disapproving but I felt like she came across like a lot more sex positive than all the other younger women did so that's another Whitney piece of it then of course again one thing Whitney's gonna do is bring the drama because by this time like uh cson said there's a big jump between episode one and the rest Taylor is fully pregnant again like about to pop yes and they're all going uh you know they're all now away from Macy who uh who seems to be the most even killed who with everyone her husband seems fine great so they're all like chatting and you know Whitney and Taylor like finally start to have a heart tohe heart and Whitney just seems a little bit like you said professional W victim where she's like I don't know I'm just coming from here and you just don't you know you're not a good friend blah blah blah mind you Whitney is at this point like she has shown her two colors and I just I don't I don't care she's annoying it's Whitney will like Miss a major friendship Milestone event and then after was be like oh well I just like didn't think we were friends so I didn't think I had to say anything I didn't want to say anything like I felt good with it and it's like okay well then why are you popping back up right like if you're out you're out why are you still like appearing and then and she'll come for like random events that have no meaning and she just wants people and I I personally know people like this that she wants attention while saying she doesn't want attention you know those people that are like I hate drama and they be the number one people that are in drama the people that say they hate drama are the ones that are in drama the most uh I like to say like I don't like drama but I will get involved if I need to I I do like drama whatever I don't care I don't other people's drama I don't like my own drama that's fair oh my gosh yeah so that's how this really feels and then uh they all kind of gang up on her um specifically Jesse who drags her in front of everyone and it's like no you're like annoying you put you tell this person's info here or that person's info there and then you're like well if you said it to me I'm being a good friend and I'm just sharing that you call Taylor white trash no and she just she there's like no accountability it's like lights are on it's okay to call people white like no it's obviously not like a nice thing to say to someone but like all like that was a moment that was one and done and you're now bringing it up and making that person feel bad exactly everything about drives me crazy so it's just anyway professional victim and after that there's a few more things with Whitney but long story short she ends up leaving the group chat I wait but can we talk about the Fruity Pebbles oh yes oh my God sorry cuz how could we ignore the fruity PE soly K there's a story I don't even remember here's the other thing again as I said I cannot tell these women I do not know who which honestly if you can tell all the women of the secret Li lives of Mormon wives apart turn off your TV go outside and touch some grass like same plastic surgeon you literally cannot to them apart it's it's truly wild the show did make me want her extensins though um yes cuz they they look great they do their hair is those Mormon curls they really do they do the damn thing um anyway so yeah it's Demi her husband so Demi is having a wait and can we wait one second Demi who is married to someone that she knew that was having kids when she was 9 years old and Demi says it herself so that's why it's like girl I can't even hate on you and not only his name is Brett Brett was signed up by Demi to be on The Bachelorette and yes and want to know when when Demi was still with her husband and he had just gotten uh divorced from his second wife I believe I don't know if it was after the first or second want to know who Brett's second wife is who Angie H from who was a friend on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City see and this is the S like why isn't this in the show why is all about the bad drama like why is why isn't the interesting drama coming up this is so annoying to me okay so de sorry so I just needed to share that okay Valentine's party with all of her friends I love please invite me to all gallentine I love that so galentine's day is the day before Valentine's Day it's a day to spend with your fale friends uh if you watch parks and wck she always like gets waffle and celebrates galentine's day anyways so she having galentine's party which's also really funny cuz she had said it to start at 700 and everyone starts showing up and she's not ready yet CU she thought it was at 7:30 which like you're not going to be ready in advance of your own party that you're hosting and again her husband was doing all the prep a king he's like anyone want to help me with this sh cerie board cricket and no one said a thing so anyways they're having a Valentine's party with like gifts and stuff it's it's a classy event now Whitney and two of the other wives are getting ready together at Whitney's house before they go over and they are talking about how like Demi and her husband are like kind of wild and they do things that are so crazy and we find out that what they're talking about that's so crazy is literally her sitting on her husband's face which is like okay MH it's crazy to them they would never do that they' never do anything so crazy and they'd never tell anyone about it but the gag is allegedly allegedly when Samy and her husband did this sexual act uh it tasted like Fruity Pebbles I guess and the thing is y them and I understand right like this is something new for them this community maybe Isn't So up on game with things but it's it's what's One Step Above vanilla that's what that feels like and there's nothing wrong with vanilla either absolutely not will die on that Hill it's it's also just like okay that like this is such a thing where it's like okay yeah and you might tell your friends that and you'd have a little te he but Whitney decides you know what I actually want this to definitely make it on the show yes and so I am going to fill a box with Fruity Pebbles to give to her so that when she opens it it's like about that story which is really [ __ ] up honestly like from what like I know it's like oh it's the Fruity Pebbles whatever but I actually felt really bad for demi in this situation because I was like rude of what need to do if you know that your friend like doesn't want to talk about that and I guess demum and her husband had said that they wouldn't tell anyone about that so Dy messed up I want to make that clear but Whitney takes it to the the final nail in the coffin you know what I mean that's why people I think don't like Whitney cuz fine Demi messed up I think it's fair to say that but then why does she why does Whitney have to like Drive the point home and then Demi's like hey this is not cool I'm angry Whitney walks away Kirsten what the hell yeah well it was just a joke and so if you get mad at Winnie then you're really being rude to her yes okay whatever like it's shut up Whitney literally there's people dying Kim that's how I feel about Whitney uh anyway so that's a little bit about it and then so um after that we have then Whitney leaves a group chat which is so dramatic it's cuz she wants wants to be the leader of mom talk and nobody will let her be the quote leader and it's like I'm sorry why are you as adults requiring a leader of your friend group it's so weird it's so bizarre it's bizarre and then remember when um they go for some Sodas because I love it we we got to have our 44 oce Sodas because [ __ ] again this is according to the show can't have any caffeine but sodas are okay yeah well that's the thing like it's the rule is supposed to be you can't have caffeine right period but they're like we can't have coffee or tea but soda is fine and I always find this very confusing but obviously like people practice their religions at different levels all the time like every religion has people who are different levels of observant so I don't know why like it's not that surprising but I feel like even like the people in this group that talk about how they're like the most most Mormon and they practice it the most out of anyone are like I have a 4on soda three times a week because it's okay and I'm like is it is it okay I like I always a week I thought it was daily so at least three a day I don't know oh my God whose body could fit that much liquid and especially these women uh she would be dead it was just so funny and I again these side plots are well what makes the show cuz it doesn't mean anything but you're just like what what's going on it's that or it's also where they get laughing ass to have Botox and I'm like why is like the drug that kills the most brain cells like why are you so casually doing this oh my God it's just y'all it is unserious these people and I love it so anyway yeah so she leaves so after fruity pppo she leaves a group chat nobody moves everyone's like oh right and how they how they combat Whitney um because a lot of folks are like she's transactional in her relationships Whitney is very much like what can you do for me and then we'll go from there so everyone's just kind of irritated but then they say great now we're only going to put in this group chat events so if she doesn't make it or get invited that's on her is because she left said group chat so there's a few events after that Whitney obviously doesn't go to because you know allegedly producers I'm sure told her about it but still I find it so funny because she doesn't show up to her one friend Macy's a product launch and they all when the countdown happens or Macy's launching the site they do a this they use that countdown as a let's all unfollower and like is the only one that's nice to her or defends her ever and so like why are you not going to her event when she went to Lila's divorce party it's like what the hell is happen which also the divorce party was wild like good for you celebrate your divorce but like why are you framing it as a funeral like that's strange to me I think there's a way to funeral like yeah to say like oh my past is dead and then do like a outfit change in the middle of it that would been cute the thing is it's just a little bit boring but I understand that like they're Mormons so there's only so many things they can do maybe but but that outfit she got on I don't know where thear hiding I saw a lot of comments on the show where are their garments which forgot them she was upset when she forgot hers let's talk about Jen Affleck because I have many feelings can I K yes I have way more feelings about her husband Zach who is like a demon walking Among Us story line yes yes so here here's I have many questions for Jen J Affleck so Jen Affleck is so sweet I really enjoyed her I just thought she was like a nice cute person yes again bread winner of said family in my mind she's a single mom you can't tell me otherwise because she is pain for her husband to go to BYU which is a private school med school okay inition care of kids so this is no he was at BYU for his undergrad and then he was going to med school cuz they have the graduation party for his undergrad in this season undergrad that was his undergrad graduation and then at the end of this season they talk about how he got into med school in New York and how that would be like a conflict oh but he's older than oh he's like 27 no I don't know okay whatever weird you no I don't think you're wrong because I remember seeing a picture in my mind I don't know why I thought it was more than that anyway I don't care BYU is expensive as hell um even for undergrad and y'all why is Jen paying for um this mole rats um tuition you ask why is he as a man so blonde yeah uh so let's let's talk okay because in case you didn't know his dad is a surgeon okay and their wealth disparity gen shares is so high is that her mom is a cleaner at the uh hospital that his dad is a surgeon at and here's my issue with Jen that mool rat is you're paying for him to go to school why aren't you retiring your mom well she can't afford to retire her mom because her husband gambles away all their money Zach's parents gave them money to help pay for school and he gambled it away and she still with this loser and having kids with the girls you deserve better I get it she was raised in the Mormon culture but like my god um and it's just he is so terrible he U makes it to where certain people uh can't come to their baby blessing because they were sneaking alcohol not to be fair I like I I don't think it's cool for him to get to just like have the say on who gets to go to the baby buing or whatever however they weren't like sneaking alcohol like this a party at Zach and Jen's house where they are like they do not drink they they like they are more devout in that way and people are just like have a flask out and about saying yeah this is vodka time for a drink we should all take a shot and I think they were even trying to pressure Zach into drinking too so like I understand why he'd be uncomfortable with them after they were so disrespectful in their home and Jen was upset about it too mm yeah and and I don't disagree I I think it's messed up I just feel like the whole energy is messy around it that's all that's how I feel it's well yeah and they get like one of the big big moments for them is so everyone goes to Vegas at the end of the season yes um and it's this is when it all go to ilila it just happened to be Ila's birthday as well oh okay I didn't know if it was for the birthday or not so anyways they go to Vegas and so Taylor gets a drive to Vegas because she's so pregnant that she can't fly which I'm like girl why are you going to Vegas like now maybe is not the time mind you they're fighting on the way and yeah and she and so Dakota comes too because he's like well I don't want to not be in Vegas and she like has the baby right and they're literally like screaming at each other in the car on the way there Zach drove right it was Zach and and Jen that were D driving them and so Zach's also in Vegas and he's so excited to go to Vegas and Gamble and she's like yeah you have like a $2,500 allowance or whatever don't lose it all it's like uh maybe we stop enabling this uh but okay and they go to Chi andales while they are in Vegas which is like a VIP chip and yeah it's like a pretty normal like experience to to have in in Vegas and the VIP is when you go backstage and they like are rubbing oil on them or whatever I do think show isn't even that crazy I've been to it uh it's no Thunder from Down Under yeah Thunder from Down Under is like I would say the better show as a connoisseur um and so I do think like it did I here's the thing where we don't know if it's true or not because it seems like all the women were really surprised by going to the like backstage of Chip andales or to Chip and Dales at all but it's also like are they pretending to be surprised because they know they're on TV and they don't want to get you know like it's like we don't know what's true we don't know what surprise trip but we know when Jesse is like it's surprise but you know you're going to like it but maybe your husband might not mind you the two uh most problematic husbands are in Vegas with them and speciically um said like oh like you can't go to the strippers or like it's pretty hard to raise two babies alone if you go like she's been she's been raising and guess what she's been raising three babies you are one of theab why because she just gave you money mool rat to literally to throw away to literally throw away Garb be so for real the HSA of these people it's it knows no bals the uh the audacity of these anyway so they gotion and then Jen tells Zach and you're dumb yeah why would you tell but yeah I mean I guess that like he would find out at some point anyways but maybe she didn't have to tell him right then and there ask forgiveness not permission and so they get a big fight and he's like I'm done I'm done he's I guess texting her like horrendous things all night long she ultim TI to that have broken down the text message it's really ridiculous and so she leaves at 2 in the morning to go to him and so then she's like gone the whole next day and everyone's like uh is is Jen okay like is she good and then she gets back she like it's no it's so good we really needed that like we're on the same page now everything's fine and it's like her friends are now alarmed because they've seen the type of stuff that Zach is saying to her which is wild yep it just it's ridiculous he is I here's my theory he gambled away the money and needed to pick a fight with her so that she doesn't get mad at him for his actions it's like who gets mad first wins one also like if you're literally giving someone $2,500 to gamble with I also don't think it's super Justified to then get mad when they lost it because obviously they're gonna I agree I agree I think whatever money you set aside for gambling is free money that you're not going to get back like that that's that's how you have to look at it be impossible otherwise but it it's so funny because she just like goes at 2: in the morning first of all does she like over there at 2:00 a.m. that's crazy she must what are we doing guys I mean none of what they're doing is good God so she like goes to him obviously and you know he did not want to stay the night alone too I feel like that's another thing God so it's just it's ridiculous and um I also feel believe that she's so young right she's only 24 uh and they got married young that there's a weird power Dynamic there even though she's she has the money there's still a weird power dynamic between them which is why I think this causes a lot of all this drama yeah well and then it's also the thing where like there's the power Dynamic and then there's what's supposed to be the power Dynamic and then her being the bread winner doesn't align with the like goal of what their power Dynamic would be so it's just like weird and messy and I just wish the best for her and hope that honestly she leaves him because he's horrible uh but the show ends with her being like Oh yeah I'm like stepping away from Mom talk because Zach doesn't want me to be involved yep and they're going to move which is crazy okay how is she going to make money for him well they're moving to New York for him to go to med school so no way he's making that much again she was bringing in money and I'm just sad I'm just I'm really sad because her mom could have also used the money but no this gambling addict has to use the money and again I just feel like there's a way he could just be like I acknowledge that you're the bread winner but I'm the head of the household right because of our culture and that's how things should be but nope nope nope yeah he just like just dulu typ PR Max that's him and I just I can't he like really bothers me so much and to this she's like oh we've been in therapy nonstop since the show you lie you lie like a rug I I actually don't believe that he would go to therapy first and foremost maybe they'll go to therapy for her to be like I need to figure out how to not be a sinner because the other story line again if you're a real housewi of Atlanta fan you know the talls and the smalls here's the Saints and the Sinners so she is part of the Saints group and I feel that he's going to be like well you're straying away from the faith blah blah blah blah blah and she's like oh my marriage is great perfect embarrassing embarrassing yeah well and especially like even like the other girls were like well we know what she's going to say like this is what always happens so yep oo correct and then uh the last thing for Saints and Sinners is um Macy does this thing online called sinner Sunday where people send in confessions yes one of these confessions um was about Taylor's boyfriend Dakota who Macy already don't like and ity hates him and it makes me like Macy even more correct and Macy's like honest to his face like it's not this like weird um past aggressive to face thing that's Macy like these people are way too involved in each other's relationships for sure but Macy will say to his face like here's the things that you do that are similar to an I was in an abusive relationship and I'm not calling you abusive but here's all the things you do that are like similar it's like but if quack like a duck and walks like a duck I think it's a duck and so this is the other thing too where like Taylor talks very much about how when she first got together with Dakota he had like hooked up with someone and then had like met up with this other girl I think Jess right is her name and T it's all about if Taylor finds out that he hooked up with Jess he she will leave no problem no questions asked because he lied and she will leave like that it's over yes and I'm like o okay okay I we'll see and so this is where the confession comes in yes so the confession says I accidentally slept with Dakota accidentally uh before before maybe they're soaking uh before I and Taylor were together I only met Taylor once and I'm terrified to tell her but I know she was she has a right to no help and then this becomes like you know a whole thing for half the season finally Macy tells Taylor well and Macy's like I don't know if I should tell her I've been sitting on it for 2 months and now it's like I have to tell her before she has the baby it's like maybe you could have told her before she was literally eight and a half months correct and here's the thing I don't like Dakota and I don't but like I just feel like they're in a toxic relationship together so I don't know that it's fully fair to only drag him if that makes sense um that's why I'm not I don't have so much smoke for him because I don't like him as well think he's weird that whole uh I think Taylor's family is a little bit also a lot like pushing her to marry him when she's not sure about him first of all why are we having kids with people we don't want to marry what in the Cam Newton is going understand being like I'm not ready to be married but I am ready to tie myself to you forever with a baby that we then have to raise and it very much G is giving to me they were having problems and thought uh we have a baby and it will fix the problems which is never advisable mm get a kitten yep it just it's ridiculous I'm telling you um but yeah it's just I I'm I I feel a lot of feels about it and I just I feel sad for all the kids involved um when it with with all with a lot of these people but especially Taylor and Dakota because they they come off like I said whatever it may be for the show so I don't want to diagnose I just come off as a lot I mean it's extremely toxic to the point that they're like they're fighting all the time and like to the point where police have been called in the past and there's been a conviction right so like they I they I don't think they should be together and I also feel really bad for Taylor because her mom is so mean to her all the time and I'm like you realize that your child wouldn't end up this way if you had like done differently as well like I just think that when like someone's like mad at their kid for how their kid is acting they need to also take some accountability for how they raise their child correct correct H yeah that that's why it just feels like that whole situation is stressful um and no one is good like I can't the only person that I feel like I'm on the side of is that baby and all the kids in that situation everyone else all the adults and Taylor you know that Vortex fail all of you that's how I feel and again it's an edited show so you know take well I'm taking that with a grain of salt but from what we've seen this too much and we don't get anything right like we know that Macy tells her and that's the end of it except no at the very end Macy is calling this on the phone she calls Jess on the phone and she's like hey like Jess I need I like I want to know basically if this is you and then it cuts off so we don't actually know what Jess said and then I have seen a Tik Tok of someone being like my name's Jess I did date uh so and so I'll tell you everything so we'll see we'll see what happens yep and what's crazy about this is that girl also is kind of like she made a lot of um what's that girl the the name who allegedly cheated with I forget her name but anyway she's like come out and like made a few Tik toks right there was one that was like it's true you sent me that it's true it's very true everything you say so with like a voice over so yeah we'll listen we'll see what happens we'll we'll see what happens moving forward but Taylor has a kid with this guy like what he like move on like yeah we'll see it's just every my God I just I feel sad it's scary um yeah and then we the final Whitney moment is her parting words are good luck without me because she's leaving mom talk okay sure go bye I okay the one winning moment that I really liked during this season is while everyone's in Vegas and all the drama is happening and WN is somehow privy to all of this drama even though it is after she left the group chat so I don't know who told her whatever probably but when she is telling her husband about everything that's going on and about how like she initially had fomal about this trip but now she's so glad she didn't go and Connor's like why why are they about them going to Chip and Conor knows the drama that's what it is oh yes Conor tells her yes this is another thing I forgot about thank you what Connor again the biggest gossip you know is a man and Connor is instead of Drake Connor should be now the photo of that because he said well I heard from this husband that this is happening oh he he has the te Connor when can we get you on M magnet yeah and he had it was the accurate te to what as well he had the info okay thank you cuz I couldn't remember how how she found out but when they're talking and it's just like yeah I guess they're like really mad that they went to Chip andales and both whitnie and Conor kind of like um I don't understand why that's such a big deal and and then it's just like yeah I had F about this trip but I'm really glad I didn't go now it's like [ __ ] you weren't invited and I'm telling you everything about her is delusional and I think if she just like owned being the villain that would have been fine but the fact that she plays the victim is why I can't get on the dulu train if that makes exactly and listen if she's on season two and she finally is like owning up to being like an anti- mom talk or like against the others I I could root for her I I can root for a delusional villain but like tell us that you're the villain don't be like no but I'm baby they made me cry like enough I and with you okay and is there anything else that we missed from I feel like we hit all the highlights I'm sure yeah and I'm sure we missed up like apologies listen let's talk in the comments what what else have we missed what was your favorite parts of the show uh and we didn't talk about uh oh my God what is that P that girl's name not me forgetting which one um the one that has the unfortunate skin conditions like that's part of her um and I I can't even tell you which one Micha okay it is Michaela yes her name is Michaela um I believe and the only thing I want to say is like Michaela was 16 and her husband was 21 oh yeah okay no this is and she got pregnant as a teen and then got married it's like it's very sadm so that's the like we don't get a lot from Michaela um unfortunately but I just it's weird okay it's weird I don't like it it's making me uncomfy for what these like young women have to go through and and just the type of behavior that is super normalized in the community correct um so again it is what it is not here to judge it's just we're bringing you the facts it's just it's very unfortunate and yeah that like again there's more to her as a person I'm sure I just that's what we know from about her so yeah great I just you know Demi and Jess um Jesse let's let's get on M magnets and just talk let's talk about it let's talk about it let's have a conversation um okay I did also just want to like briefly touch on the VMAs because they did happen this week and I feel like you know as we get into award season we kind of have to talk about it a little bit um but I don't want to get too heavy into all of the lore because VMAs we did just talk about Mormon wives for an hour yes um but basically some of the big awards that went out we could just do a quick so Chapel rone won a Best New Artist which is very exciting um she also performed good luck babe live and people are calling it um rone of Arc because she was in chain mail and she like shot the arrow fire at the castle it was really cool um so congrats to her um so best video and song of the summer went to fortnite by Taylor Swift and I'm sorry in who's home like I guess the music the music video is fine if people want to be excited about the music video I mad at them who home was fortnite the song of the summer the song of the summer was espresso period oh yeah Lizzy I didn't even want it and it was there in who home was fortnite summer like I like tortured poets Department as an album there songs that I like it's fine but no like not song of the summer come on um Taylor Swift also won best artist whatever the one that I'm here's what I'm talked about the Michael jockson video Vanguard award for like this is like a Lifetime Achievement Award yes went to Katie Perry after Katy Perry went on that little tour talk talking about just do the dishes and HW two a Time I've like enough like that's I I think it's ridiculous that she won the video vard there's definitely people that would be more um you know deserving whatever her performance was like fine who cares um but here's okay this is the drama from the VMAs that made me laugh so hard so they had a literal like Taylor cam as if it's the NFL yes correct which yeah and and honestly enough like stop and that's I also saw some blind items that like that's why she kept like disappearing was cuz she didn't know that she was going to be on camera the whole night and she wanted to drink without being seen so she was like leaving to go drink out of sight um but so while Katy Perry was performing her medley there's footage of Jack antinoff who was sitting with Taylor so putting in like uh I don't know earplugs like noise cancelling earplug sometimes we don't really know um and people are like wow that's so shady that he would do that but no like it's actually if you're going to a concert you should put in earplugs to prot your hearing like it's that that's actually the correct thing to do still hear everyone you can still hear because concs are loud concerts are loud if it was like a little thing yeah that would be rude but it's like no concerts are literally loud he could hear calm down but what was funny is he did like a thread on Twitter of like apologizing which made me laugh did you see this Sasha no okay perfect I can't wait I'm going to read it to you so it's four tweets okay and the first one is I would like to tell you directly from me that I did in fact use earplugs the other night they were blue Heroes brand and I'm mortified to admit that I've been using them for a long time as well as buying them in bulk I would also like to be honest and get ahead of the fact that I do not only use them when in 100 plus um DB environments it is humil ating to admit that I use them on planes and every night while asleep there is nothing left to do but apologize and thank those who have covered this story because although it's an embarrassment to my family and I I do believe that this is very important and pressing issue that needed to be exposed I'm sorry to those I let down and today I will not be going to work and instead thinking about my earplug use and everyone has been affected by it the band and I have decided to keep all dates as scheduled you know what this is how you deal with it I love it laugh so hard stupid stupid why your STS writing a dissertation on how it's rude that Jack an off the headphon like ear plugs in he can hear it's fine agreed y'all come on get this is what I mean what I miss when VMA had ridiculous moments because this is what we're talking about it's and also like I think Katy Perry performing Roar in like 2013 one like like iconic VMA performance and it was I literally up against like the beron kit like it it's just so unserious now the VM used to matter mean something I watched Clips I didn't even watch the whole thing Meg killed it her um looks were so funny when she did a Britney with the snake and she couldn't she couldn't handle the snake oh I just love her so much so I thought that was funny um but yeah it's just Beyonce didn't win much or did did she win anything um Country Music Awards I am I can't even I see you you're trash okay um but yeah I just I miss when the VMAs used I feel like the VMAs was where like that Year's pop culture history would get like so you know stamped right like yeah like Christina agulara giving M&M's oh that was at the MTV Music Awards that was oh yeah that was that was that was vmm yeah yeah yeah VMAs are the MTV Music Awards sorry brain are you okay literally listen it's been a long week yeah brain far brain far but anyway yeah Christin agular right at the top of her an M&M's beef having to give him the the an award I wild were messy that's all I'll say they like Kanye stepping up while Taylor's accepting her award like there like the VMAs used to be that's I'm saying and like I remember watching that live and being like I wasn't even a Swifty then I was watching CU Panic at The nominated oh my God I can't believe Texas hold them lost song of the year sad yeah espresso got song of the year it should have gotten song of the summer and then like best song could have been I don't know anyways that's all about the VMAs and the Emmys are coming up this weekend so maybe there'll be some mess for next week yeah can't wait we will see are you ready for an anonymous s let's do it oh and for folks that don't know um every week yes when even if we're not on video like I said we're on audio we're still here yes we host listener submitted mess and it is so fun because you all submit your drama to us okay it's the best thing we love our Messengers and if you remember something make sure it's in the description just send us your mess it's magnets please so make your mess we always are looking for more but anyways without further Ado here's this week also sorry sorry before we go to Anonymous I'm so sorry I forgot Shannon sharp wild boy oh yeah I here's the thing my personal theory on that is that he actually was not um intending to go live but was maybe intending to take a video without um permission and accidentally went live instead of taking the video that's my theory um I actually have a more Sinister Theory because I listened to his podcast night cap um and he you know first his team was like oh we been hacked baby that was you that those grunts them grunts it was you so I like how do people grunt in an accent I don't know but he did it and anyway the thing is I don't know if you know but there were rumors which is this whole thing is gross I want to start with that but there were rumors about him being gay I guess and I and it felt like this was a on purpose to dispo the rumors because um on the podcast um I believe oao says this he's like um well I'm glad it was a Michelle and not a Michael so and they like immediately went live on purpose that night to talk about it again night cap is a thing that happens all the time I know all I'm saying is it's just there's weird homophobia slash him just being allegedly bad at um technology it's just it's very messy and we just need to be aware when celebrities you know do celebrity things and we just you know leave it as oh it's funny PR teams be working that's all yeah okay sorry I just we might or might not hear anything else about that yeah well they're doing a roast of Shannon sharp again how has that come up so yeah very interesting okay let's get anonymess into anonymous now um so our message messenger is a mom of three young kids and her husband is disabled so she has a lot of stress on her plate so feeling for a messenger here um and so since the start of this year she has started to going to the local karaoke bar that she used to go to in her early and mid 20s to blow off some steam and remember that she's an adult she can go solo she only go solo and she can't plan ahead as she can only go in the kids bedtime and her husband like feeling okay and her energy levels line up perly right so it's like when everything when the stars align she goes to the karaoke bar by herself yes the most recent time was about a month ago and she went on a Friday night after all the kids were asleep and she felt like she deserved to just go belt out a song or two to a dark room of strangers I love going to karaoke so I'm I love this for you messenger so our messenger walks into the the bar and chooses to sit at the corner of the bar because it's the quote safest place to sit as a solo woman who doesn't like really know how to interact with groups of people at the bar scene Fair our messenger orders to Shirley Temple to chill in her own bubble at the bar so she's sitting between two older guys um the guy to the left is about 25 plus years older than her and the guy to the right is about like 35 plus years older um the 25 plus year guy to the left introduces himself as John and asks like oh did you come in like a month ago and so I guess he remembers her from coming in alone and he says oh I'm a retired electrician or my messenger shares that she's a math teacher and she very quickly gets the vibe that he is interested romantically um because John's sharing about all the different schools he's worked in how teachers appreciated his work uh like brings up all these other like topics that you bring up when you're trying to like create a connection and there was but there was nothing like clearly flirtatious so she's like okay it's fine I can talk to him but like nothing inappropriate happening okay so John's name is called the sing a karaoke and he is singing the song shiver by Ed jiren our messenger cheers for him like she does for everyone else turns back to her drink yes and then at the precourse she hears him louder than before suddenly and he is now off the stage standing three inches away from our messenger and singing the following lyrics directly to her I want to be that guy I want to kiss your eyes I want to drink that smile I want to feel like I'm like my soul's on fire I want to stay up all day and all night yeah you got me singing like I literally you can't even leave you can't leave fight or maybe I'm freeze you're Frozen in that situation so by like the fifth word she like At first she was like kind of laughing uncomfortably and at this point she just like turns around and just sitting straight forward at the bar like in shock the female bartender is in front of her and like never really made direct eye contact you could see her like fully grimacing before she recovers her poker face and just looks yeah and so by the time that precur chorus part is over John finally got the message and like moved away and stopped singing directly to her but our messenger like could not stop just like staring at the TV and so she could not tell you where he even went to because she was like so shocked and like weird it out and so she's dreading the song ending because she doesn't want to sit next to him anymore so was so weird and uncomfortable oh my God why why yeah John get your life together literally John like enough uh thankfully the karaoke Gods smiled down on her as the next it was her time her song and so she's saying Love Me Dead by Ludo next okay yes yes and okay get it Queen and so by the time it was over she went back to her spot to be with her drink John made a comment or two about how other people's song Choices are interesting because you can get exposed to music you don't normally listening to and then thankfully the even older guy sitting to her right strikes up a conversation with her about his great grand kids shout out to that shout out to him um so she leaves the bar to go to her car and get her jacket um because she had one more song um but before she left she asked the bartender to watch her drink and she put it behind the bar with a napkin over it uh when she came back to the bar she just pulled out her phone to do whle and John left shortly afterwards so this was our messenger's most awkward night out that she's had since having kids but on the plus side she did an impromptu duet of Defying Gravity with a former coworker which was aome amazing love that the thing is is she's stronger than me mhm she's I would have literally ran away there's no way in hell and the thing is I the the drinks you know what I mean like I just I wouldn't trust that this man ain't doing something to my alcohol or not well it's surely Temple but to to my drink I don't I don't know yeah you you can't trust that person that's wild like this is God's strongest Soldier right here what the hell literally can you imagine like I can't even imagine like even if it was someone that I like really like liked and was interested in someone singing karaoke at me like that would make me deeply uncomfortable so I don't know how she made it through but good for her I think my husband maybe now right like but if we were first dating like I'm saying even if we were boyfriend girlfriend and he's singing like that to me I get so embarrassed I don't yeah I get very embarrassed in public so no don't do it to me yeah so that's it that is our anous M shout out to our messenger thank you for sharing if anyone else if this brought up memories of like an embarrassing story or an awkward moment or just any like baright drama please send it to us again tinyy magnets is the place to submit it we need mess we love mess it would be great um the other thing you can do if you like this episode is you can go to your podcast listener of of choice and leave us a five-star rating and review it really makes our day when we can see that people are enjoying the episodes and it helps new people to find the show so that we can keep making it and Rob doesn't cancel us uh we did get two five star reviews this this time um which they actually I think came in before we recorded last time but they didn't show up for me on Char because I I can't see American ones before anyways Huckleberry Paradise five stars and says I gave a five star review with five star emojis thank you and then shrinking violet gave five stars with the that says you make me laugh so hard five stars they say very enjoyable and funny I am not in your demographic I'm 65 but even though sometimes I don't know who you are talking about it just doesn't matter because your back and forth banter about them is hysterical guest hosts are great but cannot match the chemistry of you two together you bring out the fun side in each other keep it going thank you thank you shrinking violet 123 we appreciate it 65 is in our demographic you are a girly that's all that matters and anyone can be a girly okay it's not everyone is everyone is in our demographic as long you are interested in mess period that's all I'm saying that's our thing we love it so we are excited and with that thank you everyone for listening again tell us in the comments what is your favorite thing about Secret Lives a Mormon wives um sure we missed stuff but listen here we are all right we're trying to hit the highlights it's it's one podcast we can't hit every single thing that happened we just can't yeah and we hope you enjoyed leave us a like here as well and with that thank you everyone for listening Kristen where can the people find you yes so I mean the only other thing I've got going on this week the people will find both of us if you are a patron of Rob has a podcast Sasha and I will be guests on the slop this week talking about all of the silly leftover mess from Big Brother this week with Rob and Chappelle uh I think pretty low chances of that one getting released to the public because we don't know how to act uh but it's behind the pay wall as it should be and you are not going to want to miss that uh you can also follow me everywhere at Kirsten saidat including kirens saidat that's Instagram Tik Tok twitch all of it Cur said what Sasha what about you yes um and of course for me right here on the rob a podcast YouTube channel Chappelle and I are wrapping up our coverage of below deck Med honestly such a fun episode y'all need to check this last one out especially if you like toxic relationships uh because that's all we talk about I swear to God and um of course Mike Bloom and I are talking to your favorite reality TV stars about their favorite um scripted shows so this week we had Danny Butler from from The Amazing Race to talk about his TV journey and his um life and where does he go and here's the thing carsen he drops a bomb at the last minute that he watches Riverdale yeah and we were like what it's already hour and we're wrapping up what the hell um so we're excited we're gonna maybe bring him back to talk about all of this craziness uh so check out all of that on we know scripted TVs um podcast or YouTube feed U so check out TV for real and for everything else I'm doing just follow me on Twitter at funsize cor4 thank you everyone for listening bye

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RHAP's own Aysha Welch on being recognized already 🤫 #Survivor

Category: Entertainment

What the hell what are you doing there oh my god yeah you know one thing led to another you know decided to apply and here i am i'm asia welch and that's asia like the continent now that i'm 32 years old i'm at this point in my life where like i have everything in a really good place i get to have my... Read more

Claim to Fame Season 3, Part 1 - Is she a survivor?! thumbnail
Claim to Fame Season 3, Part 1 - Is she a survivor?!

Category: People & Blogs

[music] hi ry hi taylor welcome to much do about some [ __ ] where every week remy tries to talk me into watching garbage television by walking me through some amount of a garbage show what are we doing ry we're doing one of our favorites oh no p one of my personal favorites okay a show we've followed... Read more

Claim To Fame Season 3 Finale Recap thumbnail
Claim To Fame Season 3 Finale Recap

Category: Entertainment

Hey everybody what's going on rob cino back for the claim to fame finale season 3 what a wild ride this was there were thrills and spills and so much to talk about and let's bring in the world's greatest claim to fame expert jenny autumn jenny how are you oh my goodness i am reeling rob i you know what... Read more

Outlast Season 2 Premiere Recap | Nothing But Netflix thumbnail
Outlast Season 2 Premiere Recap | Nothing But Netflix

Category: Entertainment

Yes we are back and we are so back outlast chappelle season two this snu up on us finally um i don't know listen we talked about outlast season one and i think we were pleasantly surprised with what we got in front of us and so i'm very happy i don't even think i knew there was going to be out last... Read more

DWTS Alum Lindsay Arnold Defends Mormon Faith Amid Controversy on *The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives* thumbnail
DWTS Alum Lindsay Arnold Defends Mormon Faith Amid Controversy on *The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives*

Category: Entertainment

Tired of dealing with annoying flies fruit flies and gats in your home the zeo flying insect trap is your ultimate solution don't wait check out the link in the video description now to get your zeo flying insect trap on amazon and enjoy a bug free home today i'm excited to dive into the fascinating... Read more

Chestnut vs Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef | Nothing But Netflix thumbnail
Chestnut vs Kobayashi: Unfinished Beef | Nothing But Netflix

Category: Entertainment

Hey everybody what's going on rob cino back here nothing but netflix this week here to talk about the big netflix live event that everybody's been talking about it's unfinished beef not that other beef on netflix unfinished beef kobashi versus joey chestnut the battle of the titans and here to talk... Read more

Kate Gosselin's Lawyer Says She Never "Intentionally Harmed" Son Collin or Her Other Kids | E! News thumbnail
Kate Gosselin's Lawyer Says She Never "Intentionally Harmed" Son Collin or Her Other Kids | E! News

Category: Entertainment

Kate goin's lawyer speaks out days after her son colin accused her of tying him up in the basement as a child 20-year-old colin made accusations against his estranged mother kate in an interview with the us son published september 10th alleging she often kept him in a locked room in their basement while... Read more

Claim To Fame Season 3 Premiere Recap thumbnail
Claim To Fame Season 3 Premiere Recap

Category: Entertainment

[music] coming to you live from my apartment it's rob has a podcast and now here's the guy who's won several peabody awards i am rob sister nino everybody welcome back to rob podcast claim to fame season 3 we back here on hit or quit the show that made claim or to fame a hit two summers ago and we're... Read more

First Look at Survivor 47: Meet the Star-Studded New Cast! thumbnail
First Look at Survivor 47: Meet the Star-Studded New Cast!

Category: Entertainment

Google pixel 99 pro with magic editor now you can reimagine any photo go ahead the sky's the limit okay i guess not even the sky is the limit check out the link in the video description to buy your google pixel 9 pro with gemini on amazon today welcome back to the spoiler squad today we have some exciting... Read more

MomTok Breakdown with @ANNAREPORTSNEWS on TikTok thumbnail
MomTok Breakdown with @ANNAREPORTSNEWS on TikTok

Category: Comedy

[music] welcome to i heart radio so bad it's good today is a jam-packed show and we gotta get right into it because i something has been burning up the internet this last week and i'm scared it's gonna be gone within a blink just as the internet does with these stories but you guys know i've been uh... Read more

Jax Taylor Served Divorce Papers During Filming of 'The Valley' - Emotional Breakdown! thumbnail
Jax Taylor Served Divorce Papers During Filming of 'The Valley' - Emotional Breakdown!

Category: Entertainment

Hello taa viewers big news in the world of bravo as jax taylor has been served with divorce papers from britney cartright while filming the highly anticipated season 2 of the valley according to sources the 45-year-old reality star received the filing from his estranged wife 35 at their sports bar jax's... Read more

FULL EPISODE: The Real Housewives Of Orange County: Then And Now | RHOC | Bravo thumbnail
FULL EPISODE: The Real Housewives Of Orange County: Then And Now | RHOC | Bravo

Category: People & Blogs

Orange county, california. ♪ original california royalty ♪ cheers. a world-famous playground for the rich, and fabulous. ♪ i'm a princess, baby ♪ where the well-toned... you look hot! the well-to-do. we finished building this dream house. $55 million. ♪ original california royalty ♪ i can't... Read more