Outlast Season 2 Premiere Recap | Nothing But Netflix

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:42:48 Category: Entertainment

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yes we are back and we are so back Outlast Chappelle season two this snu up on us finally um I don't know listen we talked about Outlast season one and I think we were pleasantly surprised with what we got in front of us and so I'm very happy I don't even think I knew there was going to be out last season too but now that we got it I'm so glad we talked about it or I watched it uh this morning we're going to talk about just the premiere so uh we cannot spoil that much for you and talk about a new cast of characters I feel like when did we talk about Outlast one um so I feel like it was the spring of last year I believe so around March I can tell you Survivor 44 was on I believe yeah it was March 12 I think is when we dropped the episode of nothing but Netflix for Outlast part one then we did a full series recap on march23 yeah 2023 yes and then on top of all of that we did a deep dive with one of The Stand Out characters Jill ashlock uh at the end of March so we really had a March dedicated to outlast last time yeah okay so Outlast is back season two they got some more people like and I feel like the first episode of the Outlast one I thought we lost like five people in the first episode you know I honestly don't remember it that well I I know that like we I think that the show really wanted us to understand that anybody can go at any time right because here our format is you have to make it to the end as part of a team but you can quit whenever you want all you got to do is shoot off that flare gun and so yeah I think you're right I think we lost a few people but this time around people know what they're getting themselves into it's like the second season of any of these competition reality shows the first year it's kind like a rough draft now we're in the thick of it they've seen it they know what to do I think people were like drinking the dirty water it was the whole thing in uh the first episode of maybe it was by the second episode there was a ton of people that were gone but here uh everybody gets through unscathed in episode number one and we'll talk about what we saw a very exciting Cliffhanger I was very tempted to just hit play go into the next one I knew we were recording today so I'm like all right no I can't do that to Chappelle I can't start the next episode yeah please don't because I only watched episode one because I know we're going to talk about the rest of the season but um I too wanted to kind of go on to the next thing because last season in season one we got Jill who was our standout because she was willing to do things that everybody else was not willing to do she got a edit that really portrayed her as a villain and show that okay maybe this woman is Cutthroat she's here to play the game and she doesn't care who she's going to to Stomp all over now after talking to Jill I do understand her strategy a lot more and I think that other people are going to look at the game she played in season one despite not being successful all the time uh and know that some things aren't off limits and you can try different things to further your cause here and we see that straight out of the gate with this one and uh some of our new standout characters okay so one week from now we are going to get back together and we're going to talk about the entire season of Outlast so there are six episodes in this first drop so we're just going to be here for this one and then try to come back after the last two drop and talk about the entire season so we're here at the beginning and then we'll come back next week and talk about the entire series if you want to get started so you can meet us at the Finish Line yes and this is the second time that I've got to talk about Alaskan Wilderness this summer uh the first time being that Josh and I talked about the hungry games yes Alaska's a big bear uh Challenge and now we get to talk about the people from Outlast who it's it's similar to The Hungry Games except it might be a little bit more Cutthroat yeah there's like some grizzly bear types some Grizzlies for sure don't know about any specifically I haven't asked how they identified yet but yeah sure yeah okay so Chappelle can you explain the rules of Outlast in a little bit more detail yeah I mean well that's the fun thing about Outlast is that seemingly there's not a lot of rules we're dropping 16 people out into the Wilderness we give them supplies and we say Hey you now just Outlast each other the only way you can win is by being a part of a team and you can quit whenever you're ready as long as you can shoot off one of those flare guns we'll come pick you up and so one thing we learned with Jill and uh her partner last season is that you know it could be a team of two but it can't be a team of one so as long as there's at least two people ready to compete you can go to the finish line and split the money with your entire team uh now does it benefit you to have a smaller team maybe but uh it just depends on how everybody's strategy PS out yeah and this show while there is no game proper like I guess the game is like really like a test of wheels and then there is a bit of like okay a final relay race at the end of this thing I don't know if relay race is like basically get to a certain point for all the teams that are remaining if they are are teams that are remaining so the there is no strategy uh in terms of like how do you eliminate people you just as the name states you have to outlast them and you have to just be there and by hooker by crook yeah it could happen um I think that we saw them say what you gotta out hunt outsmart and out strategize very different than the uh the the uh Mantra we normally live by in the Survivor world but outlasting is the goal and so uh like you said by hook or by crook you can get um you can try to play this the nice way and everybody be a little kumbai about their uh about their Camp life or you can get dirty and get Cutthroat and maybe try to sway the odds in your favor a little bit more honestly for this game to be as primitive as it is Rob I really like this show yeah this was exciting uh especially by the end uh it got real good because I think that we like the show goes to another level when people start Behaving Badly when people start uh being nice and start get being real you know like that's how it felt stop being polite for sure Noelle do you remember any of the shenanigans that happened in season one about last not really I think Jill gets uh off to a bad start because I think she uh she steals somebody's tarp or something like that it was something sleeping bag yeah it was something very small you know like in the moment I think we were all a gast because there were so many people like why would you do that oh my God these people are going to die out there it's just a sleeping bag like No One's Gonna Die because they don't have a sleeping bag so I think that you know was there Javier Javier was jaier and I believe there was there was a threat that they were going to burn the camp down while Javier was in there yeah they said it as a joke but you know again us viewers at home who had never seen the show before like what if she does it she's a murderer like they G to let her burn a camp down while this man is there so I think it was way more scandalous yeah it was way more scandalous to talk about those things and to uh assume someone would do those things in the game this time around we've seen what works we've seen what doesn't work and now I'm expecting everybody to come in and know that you know you could be a little underhanded in playing out last as long as you don't hurt nobody I think everything's on the table okay all right let's talk about some of the changes that we got here in outlast season 2 now I don't remember this from Outlast season one was there a draft last year Chappelle I believe so I think that they had to pick teams uh last time uh I don't know if they I I really I highly doubt they just divvied them up themselves I mean they could have from my very vague recollection I feel like that they just divided themselves into teams really does that sound right this time I mean this time they do have a draft and I think it makes it way more interesting alternative for sure right where people have to go in and sell their skill set and say well this is why you should pick me and I also think from a show standpoint it was a good way to learn who the people were very quickly you know like we got it's almost like we got a little blurb about each of them as they were being selected yeah so yeah we got to meet a bunch of people uh in the four different teams alpha bravo charlie delta um I guess let's talk about the the the four teams we have this time and then then some of the standouts from the cast um so we got the Alpha Team okay Zack Zach is the leader of the Alpha Team I I can bring these people up here on the video so you can uh see who we're talking about uh Zach was a former MMA fighter okay uh yes Zack is like I'm a leader and I'mma be a leader watch um I think he's actually even said that he has been to Alaska before so that's fun uh but you're right I did I just checked you're right they did divvy themselves up kind of like just like organically like oh you four come with me you three come with me it wasn't a draft per se I think I like this a little bit better still though yeah this was this was pretty good okay well you get to pick People based on their skills and not just eyeball them you know yeah all right so here's uh Zach and Zach is uh a hunter yes alleged Hunter fighter and a leader and Zach very quickly is letting us know that like he really doesn't have much strategy he just know he needs the guy from Idaho with him and so uh once he's able to accomplish that goal he doesn't really have a lot of plans okay on Zach's team I believe that uh does he go with the number one pick overall for uh bio bio Straight Out The Gate yeah and bio will be our standout in this episode for sure uh grizzled is a great way of describing him but also he's got some of that Cutthroat attitude that Jill had last season too uh because we will see he's the first person to do something underhanded in the game uh when he goes over and he confiscates a few items from the others uh Camp yes okay so it's so out of nowhere Chappelle uh so you know bio uh that he is like we're sort of like getting like from his perspective of like this guy Zach he says he's a hunter does he even know how to hunt I believe that bio is a Trapper right yeah oh big Trapper he says it several times over like I'm I'm big trapping bio I you know I was like okay I like this and bio even has some hunting skills too that we find out but yeah he he really wears being a Trapper as a a badge of honor and I appreciate that like like many of my favorite rappers yeah so here he is and he is uh this is bio um he is tired of not having food he says give me that bow and arrow I'm going out there he shoots a squirrel with a bow and arrow no small feet and it's like oh my God I'm like this is the guy this is the guy bio like winner edit he's got this but I think there's something to say about a social game in this game as well we saw that uh Jill was very similar last season she was taking the bull by its horns a lot of times but socially she didn't end up in a great spot and you know trying to do that final race that you talked about that hike for all those miles with a smaller team might be difficult because you need the support of other people and so I could see bio really isolating himself away from his teammates later on and ended up in a situation where he needs somebody who's willing to play along with him and I think he made plenty of enemies in this episode along yeah well okay so like I'm like okay bio is the guy Zach is an idiot he doesn't know what he's doing everybody needs to follow what bio is doing and Zach is like hey we share a beach with Delta camp and we should go visit them we should go say hi to them and bio's like you idiot you what are you what are you doing he's like well if they're good I want to have an alliance with them I want to have allies and like okay fine yeah bio doesn't need allies he says what do I need allies for when I can make enemies and so he immediately goes over and does uh like I said the most underhanded thing we see in the first episode so far okay so according to Zach they they go over to the next Camp there's two camps on one side of the river and they're like hey just want to say hi we live next door we're your neighbors we're just here like we brought you a squirrel's head yeah they came with a gift it's sometimes could be considered a threat oh I think every time I think if you wake up with a squirrel's head in your bed you have to assume that somebody's coming for you also they bring you like hey we got here are some mushrooms also that I do not think I would eat eat anything that the other teams brought me like I feel like this is like I need a food taster here see I hadn't even thought about that because I'm more like a Zach type I guess where I'm thinking you know we're just playing nice we brought you some food let's make an alliance but you're right and and honestly I shouldn't have put this past you anyway I've seen how you play Survivor people are some some people are a little bit more Cutthroat some people came out here to Camp some people came out here to win and a little dissenter ain't never you know I me and it's such a plausible deniability thing of like oh my God you got sick from the mushrooms oh my God like I didn't even know like that's so that's crazy he ate those same mushrooms in reality we ate the same ones we were fine we were fine must be the water you guess you might have came across something I mean it's a it's a good way to sabotage somebody for sure I wasn't thinking along those lines but I'm sure bio might have been yeah well okay now freaking bio he uh that they're in the middle of like having like a conversation and Delta team is like oh here let me show let's show you around and then he just he picks up their water cans M and then he's just like I'm leaving that's it yeah confiscating they're mine M my germs my germs no baxis and they're like wait what are you doing like he doesn't do this in secret they're talking in a circle and he just like walks through them like just kind of shopping like Sandra from Survivor Pearl Islands you know like oh okay well I guess I could take this and this they said where are you going with that are you just taking our stuff yeah yeah I am yeah do something about it now Chappelle are there rules do you think they didn't really outline this like the not that anybody should mess with bio but say like the entire Delta team was like let's get him like oh yeah they could a th% they they could they would be out of the game if they did that it would be against the rules for sure now I don't think I would be mad at them if they did it because at some point you got to be protect your stuff you know like what do you just like please don't take from me you know what I'm saying like what at some point it will get physical if I have to grab something from you and you're grabbing something from me and we're both pulling on the same thing yeah um it's not gonna be Amanda and Danielle D Lorenzo and yeah and then I'll tell the story later on like I snatched it from her hands you know and like yeah like yeah take that Amanda that's exactly how it could be and I think that um Productions like you can't touch anybody you know they're like the Lost prevention people at a store like you can make lot of noise you can call for the police and stuff like that but you're work you're a Walmart door greeter you know what I'm saying like don't get out of control could you wrestle the thing back from bio like is there any there is there no sort of like I think you have to be able to be allowed to grab it at least you know what I'm saying like you probably can't physically grab bio but if you could get a hand on that can and then it's just a tug of- War I think that's the way to go yeah he says what are you gonna do about it I got your stuff yeah byebye bio yeah and that's the cliffhanger that ultimately ends uh episode one and yeah I do not think we got these types of shenanigans this early out in outlast season one no no people again people were not having what Jill was putting down with her little Shenanigans here and there this was blatant you know this was walk over in your face take something from you and dare you to take it back from me a little bit of a bully by a little bit of a bully move but he was bold about it and I think that if you gonna be bold we can equally bold and now you might have just started something that you might not have wanted to start because it's all of us versus bio as far as I'm concerned I'm about to go get some allies well there's also Zach from the Alpha Team that's like I didn't know he was gonna do this like this is this is idiotic right so if Alpha Team gets up in the middle of the night packs up their stuff and leaves Bayou bio sitting there what is he to do he don't have a team at that point you know like I think there's something really to be said about uh you have to be a part of a team uh to win the game and it's not saying that you got to leave you can leave your team and your team can't leave you I think if they wanted to they could excommunicate you can you have more than four could say all of alpha say hey we are leaving we are going to Delta team we now have seven bio is all alone if he doesn't find a new team by the end of the day he's done I think that yeah I don't think you can have more than four because uh last time when we watched it um I think there was a moment where somebody was trying to get in and they basically said like you have a couple hours to get into a team or else and all the teams were full it wasn't that they didn't want them it was just like well I mean you can't fit so I think that yeah if the team decides to up and leave him and say you're not a part of this team anymore I don't really think there's much he can do right and then if he's out and Alpha Camp is open could people go and start Alpha Camp new or is that out no I think if he's out at Alpha C at that point I'm working all the angles on outl yeah we're trying to figure it out look again that's what we get in the the game early for we're second season we're starting to bring in all different uh combinations number one Outlast podcasters 100% like there's no way that anybody's covering this show as closely as we are and I think we're asking all the important questions I think that Alpha can kick him out but I don't think he can go and start a new Alpha I think that there can only be four tribes and um oh matter of fact they're probably could be more more than four tribes if bio is to leave uh he could go recruit some people and make a fifth tribe sure um it would probably be difficult because he doesn't seem that likable but there might be other people willing to play the game with him the way that he was willing to play if he's got some Dead Squirrels he'd be pretty likable Dead Squirrels and a fire because the Charlie tribe had uh Charlie Camp had no business like going what a day and a half Without fire at all they were struggling and so uh yeah at some point you got to take the help you can get let's talk about uh you brought up Charlie Camp uh let's talk about them uh they are the Charlie Camp is uh who's on Charlie so for Charlie we have Eric Brendan Joseph and Tina okay I like this group I like this group too I like Charlie but they got to get some fire like I mean they got it now I think we're up to like day six or seven in the show by the time we finish episode one but those first few days where they were struggling to get fir I was I had very low hopes for them I was like this is bad uh you have Eric who wants to be like an alpha type Tina who's his sidekick yeah there's Eric but this this tribe here already has some drama you know they're already we're starting to see that Eric and uh like Joseph and uh Brendan they're not seeing eye to eye and so I think there's gonna be a division in this tribe or Camp um Joseph and uh mountain man is that Brendon Bron okay uh they have a great friendship yeah very cool very cool to see them Bond like this the first time they're bonding they're getting along they know to follow the animals to go find the water they say that the water is two kilometers away yeah two kilometers away and four miles it takes them about four hours to find it so yeah but um when they found it I think they said that it would be an hour back and forth round trip so maybe like a mile or two yeah okay and they can go there and they find this little spring and they can bring back like one like coffee can of water well they had multiple cans but I think they had two yeah well when they got back they were like oh yeah um didn't we have another can with us a that crazy and they said yeah that's crazy but we ain't walking no more that was four hours worth of work I'm sorry we're good never mind uh and Eric is not okay with this he says so y'all just gonna leave the can and they say yeah I mean it'll be there tomorrow he said okay but tonight can we have the can well you can go get the can but I ain't going no more so they have some conflict very early on just because of the lack of this can I guess they can goonna steal one like bio did yeah bio has all the cans yeah he's got a bunch of cans now I mean he legit took two from their Camp they don't have any Camp anymore at at Alpha Charlie has one c one can because they left theirs at The Watering Hole mhm yeah um Eric is going to uh he was frustrated and wasn't gonna just like bite his tongue he gonna complain he gonna complain but I think the the thing I like about Outlast is that you don't have a lot of people who aren't very outspoken uh you know you have a few people who are saying like I don't want to be the leader I'm more like a sidekick or I want to lead from like the back but uh for the most part these people gonna speak up they're not going to let you talk crazy to them so while Eric is complaining Joseph and Bryan are both like we don't care you know um okay fine you want it go get it I we're not moving sorry I sad that you want that but you can't have everything you want you're not the leader of us you're not the boss of me uh so he's in a tough spot at least he has Tina as his backup yeah okay uh here's Tina another person that's here on uh Team Charlie Tina's a model she's here to show people that models can do Outlast yeah I'm excited to see her I mean she says she like she loves to full uh but she is a model and I think within one episode I don't think I'm too concerned about how Tina's going to do in the game she seems to be solid she is aligned with Eric and Eric's got some smoke on him right now okay let's talk about team Bravo okay okay not the people from Real Housewives no these are the Outdoorsman no the real Outdoorsman of Texas we got Drake and Drew from Texas Drake and Drew Bros yeah the Bros um they're both from Texas they they link up very quickly and say hey Texas Texas yeah we did it yes and so they're teamed up you have Sammy who's also there but then you have Emily who's a bit of an outlier she seems like yeah she's more of a cerebral type like kind of like the Emil that we know and so uh she's like hey I've studied this I've taken outdoor trips and this that and the other and um I don't mind the Wilderness part of this but navig getting these two Knuckleheads these Bros that might be a little difficult for Emily yeah she said she's not really loving hanging out with these Bros look i' I've been a bro sometimes I understand we we're in acquired taste when it happens I get it uh but yeah I like Emily a lot I'm hoping that she does well in the game I think it's GNA be tough because again there's some big personalities on her tribe or Camp keep saying tribe anyway there's a big personality on her team and yeah uh and I think that from for me watching her navigate that makes it very interesting because she uses her Knowledge and Skills you know that she's learned and she talks about even when they're making their shelter what they should do but it does seem like they're maybe talking over her a bit you know like she's throwing out ideas and they're not all being picked up yeah her superpower is that she can identify Regional plants that was a good little name drop that she did there when they ask her like Emily you know why should we Pi you she says I can identify the plants in the area and I think that makes her sound very important to so uh a team like this is because you you're about to be out in the wilderness you want to know what you can eat what uh you can't eat and so not knowing a bunch of plants is one thing but knowing about these specific plants I think that makes her a very valuable part of the team okay there's one other team that's out there and that is uh Team Delta and Team Delta Team Delta and this is uh my guy Julio you like Julio yeah so I do like Julio but Delta is obviously the love tribe here the love camp they're like all right we we don't have any real leaders here we're we're a group we're a family it's a committee and you know it's not I don't think it worked last time though I think that each time I think you need a leader I think you need somebody to step up and say I'm in charge and the one person who does want to step up and uh that they're in charge it's Briana it's Brie um she was in the military and she's like hey I heard she's a bow hunter yeah well she said that she like structure and she likes to bow hunt but although she used bow hunting as one of her biggest selling points uh we don't see a lot of successful bow hunting from uh Bri I kind of I'm kind of a big Brie fan uh because I think there's something hilarious about a character who's like no you all are all bad at this I'm good at this and then actually not producing that's kind of funny yeah she it's talking about how she's I am a bow hunter but doesn't know about uh hey does anybody know how to put the bow together does anybody know how to string the bow where does this thing go do that piece go over there yeah eventually they're stringing the bat and Bri is sitting down on the floor like man that's crazy it's crazy that y'all can do that stuff that's so cool I wish I could do that like didn't you say you were a bow hunter we assumed that all aspects of bow hunting came into play including loading the bow you know stringing the bat um but she thinks she could be the leader and I think that other people are picking up on it uh also on her team Megan says I see that she wants to be a leader I'm just not quite sure if uh that is the role for her on this uh Camp yeah Julio said like look I'm not a bow hunter but I'm also didn't advertise that I'm a bow hunter she she said I'm a bow hunter thus that's why she picked him I mean that's why he picked her so it made total sense for everybody to now look at her and say well here's your boat go do your thing and she doesn't seem like she was able to and it's not great it's not great because they got to eat they got to eat and we see that they will turn to other ways of finding food a lot of foraging going on eating random items out of the water and stuff that might not be the healthiest uh so it would be great if somebody was able to use the bow to go get them some meat yeah did not happen in episode number one uh Julio's tribe did get the start of the shelter going yeah uh this the shelter conversations were very fun to me because uh that's the one thing that you know we watch Survivor all the time and we see people come in they're like I don't know how to build a shelter these people all had a plan you know um we saw people like talking about leanos and T P's and um whatever they ended up picking and so they all they all are trying to make this happen so you can tell this is a different skill level than the you know random people who got off the couch that we're used to watching yeah Chappelle how would you Faire on Outlast not great not great um how many days could you do so my superpower is that I I'm hard to get rid of it takes a lot to make me quit if I've decided I want to do something I can be very very stubborn and so so they if if I want to do it I'm going to be in there come hella high water now would I be very helpful I think is the question and I'm like the guy who you tell me to grab something I picked it up if you tell me to lift it take it over there I did it I will I will run I will I will the runner all the time tell me you need something okay cool we're working on the fire I'm a team player but if you're like Chappelle what do you bring to the table I'm like enthusiasm you know I you know unbridled energy you know uh upbeat disposition you know like I think for me I'm not going to be on anybody's team too long because eventually they're gonna pass me the bow and I'm just be looking at them like what do you want me to do yeah but you need a Vibes guy there on these Outlast teams I think so I think like again I don't think anybody would want to get rid of me until they realize that I'm essentially just another person right like I'm not like I don't have a specialty at all you know boy Chappelle is eating a lot oh and I'm definitely going to eat a lot that's another thing is like when I find getting up for another helping of the squirrel yeah oh yeah 100% I'm I'm chasing the squirrel down every time cuz I can't eat the other stuff they were eating shellfish and sea slugs out the water I can't eat that I'm I have an allergy I thought somebody was going down from that I don't know if they're not you know they point out that there are toxins in the uh in the water that can make could be foreshadowing it could be foreshadowing I could I could definitely see that happening it would take an act of God to get me to eat something out of that water that was not named fish M like what if it was Bo I need to see it I need to see the fish um and I need to and I probably and that's the one thing I can do I like to fish I don't uh when I was growing up I used to fish all the time I to I'm a Texan so I I spent a lot of time outside uh at different points of my life I know how to fish uh and uh I'm pretty good with a knife as well uh but about that's about it you know and so when it gets cold I think that's where you got to look for me and be like all right where's Chappelle because he's about to dip well it get does get cold we saw some nights where you know again we don't know what time of year it is I feel like that as the season went along last year that it got colder like it's like they started in the summer and then as the show went on it was getting into like the fall yeah uh it was filmed in the fall of 2021 um and then released obviously uh you know the first one was yeah yeah the first one was and so I'm assuming this was filmed around the same time because they're going to want to give them enough time where it's warm enough where they can function and get camps and stuff set up and then you know let the cold set in uh you know to really separate the the true Outdoorsman from um you know the pretenders do you think it's wild that Jason baitman is involved with this show every time you say that I just I I always like what because when I watched the first episode this time it goes off and the first thing you see in the credits is Jason baitman why is he here what did he do to do how have we not managed to get an interview with Jason bitman about this show I feel like he's dying producer he's got to be dying to talk about this like I I just refuse to believe that Jason baitman is out here saying I made this Outlast show people seem to like it people don't like it but I'm not gonna do any interviews about it let's get our people to get Jason baitman Nicole would love that uh she would Chappelle uh that Outlast is doing great so far uh that uh when I looked this morning it was number four in uh TV and film or TV shows on Netflix yeah and that's where it is now number four I mean I'm not surprised I think that from what we saw last time it it got a lot of positive feedback yeah but I remember if it did if it hit number one in the like I I'm not sure if it was a huge hit like that I know people were talking about it like this show is cracked but I'm not sure necessarily if people were uh like uh watching it in Mass if I had to guess I'd say it was probably in the ne in the Netflix top 10 mostly because people were talking about it and Netflix has a billion reality shows and I never see people talking about a ton of them I think for it to have been in the conversation that much something must have highlighted it and got on people's radar because anybody else like we we watch a ton of reality shows but if you show me at glance like Outlast I would think of it like as a like a like a bear what's his name Gillis uh you know uh like one of those like survival type shows uh and those really don't speak to me I I like shows that are more competition based and so this definitely got my attention in a way that a lot of Netflix shows I just kind of scroll past so I have to imagine that Netflix did at least a decent job making sure that people can find it chel what else from the premiere of Outlast caught your eye well OB ly the people's uh personalities are what it's really going to shine through like the standout characters are what are going to make this show because they're all in the wilderness doing the same thing but I really like seeing you know kind of how the Egos and stuff are coming into play right now we talked about bio a little bit earlier but I mean bio will also go out and bow hunt uh for the squirrel and be able to accomplish something that his own teammate who claims himself to be a bow hunter and Zach uh is not able to do and so bio very early on is trying to establish that not only is he a little uh uh going well I don't want to call him a cheater but he's going outside the lines of what everybody else is doing uh he's also very skilled in making sure that he can provide for himself and I think that Zach might be hating a little bit he's like yeah anybody can get lucky I said I don't think I could get lucky and shoot a squirrel with a bow and arrow defitely unless you had like a million arrows that were being shot all at once yeah yeah they have eight they have eight arrows a piece and so uh yeah for eight arrows per Camp so yeah he goes out there with eight arrows and comes back with a squirrel I think that bio is set himself to be a really big character this season all right and then for these people in this season do you feel like that we will reach the heights of that last season one what's your prediction it would be very hard to reach the heights of Outlast season one because I remember uh I'm old enough to remember a time where when we had Jill on who was one of our again one of our more Cutthroat players last season uh I remember the comments people were saying we're not listening to this CA Jill is there you know then we had I think Javier was on Reddit like doing amas about it there was scandle involved you know I think uh there was accusations about burner accounts and prank phone calls it got real well I think this is more like all right we know the game we know what it could be well let's reel it in a little bit but I I really feel like last year they had the golden opportunity to paint Jill as like the baddest villain who's ever lived on reality TV and they did a really good job of making people feel that way about her it's gonna be tough to replicate that my sense is I feel like that this season probably does not get as crazy as season one and and my only reason for saying that because the episode one was crazier than episode one of season 1 is that I felt like that the like Outlast and when they showing clips of the whole season and Jenny Autumn's not here to break down like the super teas she would have seen it all I felt like that the super teas seemed a little underwhelming like I didn't feel like that there was anything that was oh my God these people are so out of pocket they're I can't believe that's going to happen on this show so I felt like it was a little bit sort of like okay there's maybe some yelling uh I feel like we saw the stealing of the water that we saw at the end of this episode but I wonder if that it's not going to get uh to the high highs of season one yeah that season one superas was amazing right because it shows each of them kind of like in like flashing around but then you see like Jill standing across the water from I think Javier's crew it's like you can stay over there if you want to and die I don't care and then she's like we could burn the C down like Jill had so many sound bites that just really LED you to believe like it's about to get real and so uh this time around I don't think we really saw a lot of that you know nobody's threatening to say anybody's camp on fire to my knowledge but maybe just maybe uh with people like bio coming out so early and setting the tone by stealing these cans other people are going to match that energy you know um also you know there's a little bit to say about the way people treat women villains on shows anyway you know like Jill did it so oh my God was the end the world this woman she's awful but bio does and we're like he's so grizzled he's so you know he's a man of the Wilderness he's not g to take no Guff like H I don't know I think there's Guff to be passed around for everybody this season yeah so we'll see what they end up doing here on H this second time out for Outlast five episodes still to go in uh season number two I can't wait to uh get back into them and then next week we'll get back together and we will talk about episodes seven and eight all in one shot yeah I'm ready for next week anyway because uh season two I mean I mean I'm sorry episode two I'm sure people are going to start to break and that's what really makes the show fun I think is that like you know these people are out here trying to Outlast on their own will you know there's not like levels that you read like they're raising race you got to get the checkpoints you got to get the tribal council there days just come and go and so one day somebody's going to quit and I think once one person goes the Domino will start to fall right and we're going to start seeing the slow Avalanche of just people who just thought they could hack it and couldn't it's going to get cold they're going to get hungrier and people's attitudes are going to start to get in the way and so I'm so ready to talk about the rest of the season I'm actually gonna probably gonna watch a lot of it this weekend just to prep because I know that it's probably gonna be really good I I I have high hopes for this show okay Chappelle do you have winner pick SL picks uh it's tough it's tough because so many people can win you know like uh the teams can be up to four people a four-person team could definitely win the game I really like Joseph and Brendan I think as a pair they were very fun that's a good pack yeah I think they were very fun I already said that I like Emily but there are a couple people who didn't get a lot of screen time so I'm interested to see what they do yeah there's a guy named Samy I think Sammy was part of the camp that got their stuff stolen he exists Sammy was there um yeah he was at the Bravo camp with Drew Drake and Emily yeah yep okay um I'm a Julio guy I don't think Julio is going to make it uh he seems like an easy like a like person to be the Fall Guy you know um because right now he's not the leader but I think he's like acting as though he's the leader like he's like oh we're all a committee but really I'm in charge so I think with Bri kind of like anti Julio I think they might get a little messy for Julio I don't see him taking it okay so Emily is somebody that's I would like to see go far I think she's gonna be a personality I think that that's what we're looking for again I'm sure all these people can survive in the wilderness if you wanted them like if they had the supplies they could do it what do you think about Tanya she was our last pick oh yeah yeah um I feel like that Tanya has like they want her to be the new Jill but I don't know if it's gonna happen yeah it's gonna be hard to duplicate that but uh yeah um she's giving me yes Queen uh yeah I love Tanya uh and I think that even if she's not the new Gill her being you know like a woman of a certain age but also a smaller woman in stature it'll be fun to see her you know stick it out when the odds are seemingly against her yep okay all right so that's what we're doing next time on Outlast okay Chappelle last time out we covered kobashi unfinished beef uh had a fun time talking about uh Kobe ASI and Joey Chestnut that's on our nothing but Netflix podcast feed uh what's coming up for you rob you would not believe how many people I've told about that food eating contest that was so it was so new to me that I just was like I gotta tell people all about it and so uh people was even interested I I think that I was like you got to check out the podcast I like but you actually really need to watch it because I think uh for me i' never watched a food eating contest before I didn't know it was so much like so much to do you know I didn't know they were going to have multiple rounds of different exhibitions and um record breaking I would like Netflix to bring that back so if you haven't listen if you haven't checked that out you ain't got to watch the the actual um the actual show but definitely check out the podcast if you skipped last week's episode because it was really good okay and then uh for you Survivor fans out there we've got nine days of Survivor preseason coverage coming your way not like Outlast where we just start the show like who are these people what's going on no you could hear a full interview with each of these 18 Castaways from Survivor you can find that all in our survivor feed go to robis website.com subscribe all right thank you so much for joining us here for nothing but Netflix can't wait to get back into more Outlast with you coming up next week take care have a good one bye

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