Claim To Fame Season 3 Premiere Recap

Published: Jul 10, 2024 Duration: 01:30:11 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] coming to you live from my apartment it's Rob has a podcast and now here's the guy who's won several Peabody awards I am Rob sister Nino everybody welcome back to Rob podcast claim to fame season 3 we back here on hit or quit the show that made claim or to fame a hit two summers ago and we're back here for year number three of claim to fame here with the woman who spots all of these celebrity nepo relatives it's Jenny Autumn Jenny how are you oh Rob we are we're so back I'm so happy our our summer love has come back to us and you know recapping claim to fame has has been one of my favorite things and I I've discovered that I have a new favorite thing and it actually rhymes with claim to fame yeah um and it's for words it's chicken on a chain chicken on a chain chicken on a chain baby yes can you wear that during the podcast um I could Rob but I really I this is real I don't know what Shane is rocking real chicken real gold actually I can't I can't vouch to the the realness of the chicken however it is definitely coated in grease and I don't know that I want to get on it during the podcast if you yeah if I want a snack I can just like dangle it like above my mouth Yes you know I'm sure that would make for wonderful entertainment for everyone here Chicken on baby no word if Shane's chicken was real yeah I I think it's Pro I mean it could be real gold a gold nugget Golden Nugget not nugget it's it's like a wing it's like drumstick I think um but what what a look and what a night for shame what a look what a night please claim to fame has a chance to do the funniest thing ever and one day actually get a relative of Forest Whitaker on the show please somay please these people are obsessed with farest Whitaker let this man live yeah I I mean at some point does he just not have any relatives they can find because like at this point they should just do it they should just get it over with so people can stop thinking that everyone's related to force Whitaker lives rentree in the cast of claim to fame's mind but we will talk about all of our new cast members the clue wall everything we learned here in episode number one here on our weekly claim to fame recap we are live after the episode here on Wednesday night however the fine people at ABC look we're we're thrilled they brought back claim to fame once again but you have to schedule it in the same time slot as Big Brother do you even know what you're getting into I know I know uh I will say I like because was it was it uh Monday at 10 it was Monday in the past yeah this is in theory a better time slot it's ear better time slot and 900m isn't terrible in the summer but yeah the the cross programming with big brother yeah Tuesday what's going on Tuesday I don't know probably uh 900 game shows judge Steve Harvey and Press Your Luck SC up schedu yeah we do like Steve Harvey anyway so that's uh what's going on with claim to fame so next Wednesday night we will be talking about the or at least I will be talking about the premiere of Big Brother 26 and so our CL my big brother is Kevin Jonas that's my that's my big brother Joe Jonas got a lot of shoutouts tonight yeah I had a big debate with Phil about whether Joe Jonas is supposed to be the sexiest Jonas oh okay yeah I don't know I think maybe in the Heyday he was supposed to be the hot one and then we like went through a whole thing about because I like apparently Kevin was like seen as the least uh hot one but I think he's he's aging quite nicely and you know I love Franklin yes everybody loves Franklin um but but any big brother yes big brother uh will be Wednesday night and then so our claim to fame coverage will be coming to you on Thursday morning after this week okay so that's what's going on with our coverage make sure you're subscribed to Rob has a podcast and make sure you're subscribed for the video on our YouTube channel at robis youube uh we'll have some fun guests along the way and lots of fun talking about claim to fame nuggies for everybody yes Jenny your thoughts on the kickoff to season 3 so here's the thing I I feel like with claim to fame you know we're only on the third season but my experience of it thus far is I'm I'm gonna love it no matter what it's like the pizza you know it's like even even bad pizza is good pizza um and I wouldn't even say that that tonight's claim to fame was bad claim to fame I just think the the premier episodes of season one and season two were both so iconic in their own ways that I feel like it was an almost impossible feat to match that the energy of those two particular premieres and so with all due respect to claim to fame I think it's still an incredible show and I'm still feeling very very optimistic about the season as a whole it it wasn't it wasn't a banger of a Premiere um but I I still feel good about it and I'm imagining you feel the same like we had Carly screaming last season we had Chuck Norris's nephew getting kicked like yeah like two phones Max uh you know sneaking around um zero phones Max yeah so I I I I just think that it had a it had an impossible Hill to climb here um yeah if you were going to make a list of the top five most iconic claim to fame moments I think probably would have had a moment from each of the previous two season premieres and so there was nothing that was a like alltime claim to fame moment but I think it's still going to be a great season it just was a you know a rather ho hum opener for claim to fame season 3 yeah and I feel like especially because and obviously we'll we'll get to this in more detail um I felt like we got the clue wall in a very limited um you know fashion and late in the episode that we didn't really get a lot of early speculation on many people so it almost felt like a soft Premiere and that I think that in the second episode we might even get a more of what we would get in previous premieres in terms of people talking a little bit more seriously about um others like I definitely have some thoughts on on on some of these people but it's it's still very early and you know we didn't get anyone even speculating on the person that ultimately leaves tonight yeah and I really thought we were we were headed towards maybe an iconic episode one finale when I thought maybe Miguel was having a nervous breakdown and was about to go into the guess off ultimately that probably is still to come that I do think though that the game play uh and what the players are doing in terms of hiding their identity and also what they're looking for I think is probably at its highest level and so I do think that the game could be the best game uh that we've seen yet on claimed to fame people are not even and the show didn't even give us anything so we have other than Bianca who went home zero confirmed celebrities after one episode yeah and I think you know I agree with you completely that I think that the people that they've cast this season especially now that there's like a like more lore to claim to fame with there's two seasons to look back on and I really felt like gam playwise last season even um took it to a Next Level because I think in season one you had like you had mainly like two real Power Players and then last season we had a lot more people really playing the game um I think that you know they're they're recruiting people that have had a chance to really see what this game is about and think hard about how they could play it and just based on some of the confessionals we got from these people in the first episode I think that there's a lot of people that are are taking it seriously and are GNA play hard which is which is all I can ask for yeah all right let's talk about this cast this cast of 11 11 kind of a weird number right kind a weird number I you know I don't remember what they had in past but is we have 11 to start S right and a double elimination coming next week There's a double elimination coming next week was that on a preview I missed that was in the preview yeah I watched I watched all the way to the end maybe on Canadian television they cut the preview wow I don't know if if it's going to be a smaller episode order or I mean they can't do like a battle back right like once people are out but I don't know if it's going to be um structured battle back you know can't battle back on clim the fame but let's talk about uh the people this they put out these Instagram posts uh Sam has collected them all let's talk about our 11 folks and their two truths and a lie uh we have here first is Adam okay Adam uh got a lot of airtime uh that his two truths in a lie are that his celebrity relative is his uncle his uh celebrity relative is best known for being an actor and the biggest award the celebrity has won is a Grammy okay so I'm going to say just off the bat when the occupation and the award don't line up I feel like that that's a tell yeah and I think that most people um are probably lying about one of those two things because it's like what is lying about their relation to you really going to do in terms of hiding things I think when you know the other two things tell you a lot more information about who they could be um so I I think that in the majority of these cases um and obviously when the the the um what they're best known for and the award don't line up they're usually lying about one of those two things now I'm pretty sure that Adam has confirmed through his confessionals that the LIE is that is act that I think he confirmed that the relative is in the music industry okay so a relative in the music industry and uh a relative that is a uh 80s and 90s yeah so yeah because he talks a lot about being concerned about Bianca um because she was one of the older people on the cast I guess and he said she you know grew up in the 80s and 90s and she's more likely to to know who my relative is so that's a pretty big hint as well um okay so the It's gotta be his uncle and it's got to be a Grammy okay Darlene in the chat says his relative is definitely Michael Bolton oh I don't really okay Michael Bolton is one of those people where like I can't I can't picture him like I know who Michael Bolton is but I think if I pass him in the street like I don't think I would know a um long flowing blonde hair Once Upon a Time yeah but I his face like does he look people are saying that his fa he looks like him like okay I I don't know I'm gonna have to you know learn my Michael Bolton face all right let's then uh go to our next person Sam who else we got all right we've got oh Bianca r Bianca relative of Robin Roberts winner of a Peabody Award uh I guess the LIE is the actress uh was Robin Roberts on your radar not at all but like I said you get Good Morning America in Canada um I I mean I have access to channels that show Good Morning America our Canadian television has its own versions of that kind of show are you GMA gal uh no um I think I don't know I'm sure that I've maybe had it on in the background like when I was young and we had you know cable and if I was like homesick but like what am I doing watching daytime television and if I am it's the Price Is Right baby yeah that's CBS I'm team today okay well I yeah I don't I don't know uh I I can't think of a reason and Savannah five days a week where I are we picking are we are we picking broad broadcast networks here I don't know if that's the business we should get into am I we love them all equally we love them all equally keep making quality television for us Jenny um something that we have talked about over three seasons of claim to fame that there are there is a pipeline seemingly from the ABC Family of networks to claim the fame yeah not whoopy Goldberg yeah have we had any other okay who else H at the cast list I have to look at the cast list but I think that there is probably some other fol I'm sure uh I'm sure some I'm sure Jason Aline was performed on Good Morning America at some point he loves America um I don't know I'm sure definitely a connection now like uh Kevin says that uh Robin Roberts is a personal friend of his families and then he goes I should have known uh do do you think he's playing in our face H because I mean I I suspect probably have connections yeah I I I think that I would suspect that the uh Jonas others have been have appeared on the uh GMA yeah definitely um but for them to say like their their families are friends it's like well then don't you think that that's maybe how the connection got made I don't know but maybe the Jonas's just know everyone because I kind of feel like they do that at a lot of the oh yes great friend of mine it's like everyone is the friend of the Jonas y especially if they a musician they're always like oh yeah that's my friend okay Bianca seemed like she had a lot going on she seemed like she was a a real threat uh knew a lot of people knew a lot about farest Whitaker oh yeah she was lot of deep cut far whiter yes lost in the forest okay she was lost in the forest all right I think she would have been a real threat though uh and you know I think we can we can talk more about how the vote shook out but I think that that was a big reason why she yeah guer all right uh then we also had uh here's Danny whose two truths and a lie are it's an uncle a pro wrestler and a Grammy I think the LI here is pro wrestler do you think you just think that because like he's like oh I'm like a like I'm a I'm a bigger guy like yeah I think I think so I just don't think there that many wrest pro wrestlers I think are super famous that you would have them as a claim to fame contestant but I is maybe like five or six people right but it would be genius because I think that not a lot of people like I think that people know you know actors and musicians and stuff like that um I don't think that everyone is going to know a lot about wrestling so I think that you it was kind of like the um the race the Nascar from last year yeah um and it it ended up being Dale Earnhart Jr right that um my brain does not hold much but um like when you only know a couple uh but no one really knows a lot about that area like it's it's easy to get thrown off so to me I think that this was a little bit sort of like Jr from last season oh everybody's going to think I'm related to a basketball player so I'm going to say that I'm a you know my relative is an athlete and so I think that he looks like he could be a pro wrestler and so I think that's why he says that but I would guess that it's his uncle who's won a Grammy I am personally hoping that the LIE is is the Grammy um and that he truly is related to a pro wrestler because I want there to be it representation from different areas of like celebrity and if that's not a lie looking at the field it's a lot of musician an actor and I'm not seeing anything that could be obviously like an athlete or anything like that so I just think that for it to be a little bit more diverse in terms of the type of celebrity that's more fun to me um if we just have a bunch of singers and actors as a little like a little less um exciting to me so I would love there to be a little bit of spice give me some wrestlers and also if we're going off of like uncles aunts like that if you're looking for who looks like their Uncle people don't look like they're uncles or aunts sometimes they do children photos like they look like they look similar when they were kids um but it's not it's not really like a an easy way to spot people Vis it could be like my you know um my dad's sister married this famous person like it doesn't even need to be like a genetic thing well yeah like wasn't wasn't Carly from last season celebrity was Tom Hanks but she wasn't actually blood related to Tom Hanks so um so there you go a lot of people said Uncle yeah a lot of uncles okay like just I don't know what what did they take from that I don't know I think that they went for probably the biggest names and then probably that the bigger the names probably their actual children aren't going to be on claimed to fame so you have to go with nieces and nephews yeah I mean I I'll be interested to find out how many people are actually just nieces and nephews or or you know everyone all the all the relations are uncles and and aunts here um okay it makes sense though but yeah it just seemed like a lot of people gave Uncle as their as their relative all right let's meet the rest of the nephews okay we've got dri okay Uncle singer biggest uh award best rock song I'm not even sure what show that I don't think that that's a Grammy best rock lat I think later in the show they they gave us that and then it it said Grammy in parenthesis maybe or Grammy and then best rock song in parenthesis so I think that's what they're going for with dedri Jenny so dedri his big biggest moment of the show I think ended up coming at the end of the episode really in the tag the Cliffhanger comes when dedri tells a story about how his uh his kids kept uh getting hurt and jumping on things and he took them to the emergency room and they said to him um so sorry Mr Jackson you did it again or something like that and everybody is spinning okay is this a relative of the famous Jackson family yeah so uh and it at least the way that they presented it to us I don't know that anyone else besides Naomi noticed this this because we get the pan to Naomi's face and we get the confessional from her being like I think that was a slip um I I think that he looks like he could be Michael Jackson's brother um and well I think we would know if he was one of Michael Jackson's brother I think we would know as well so I think that I think that if this is to be true uh it is more likely that it is Uncle um we're saying uncle and uh this is pretty wild and I would love if this were a big brain thing like oh the fake like slip of the tongue like yeah well could I could I push back on that a little bit because um you know earlier in the episode not the first time Michael Jackson came up and talked about uh a birthday party that he went to yes at NE he has never been to uh he mentioned uh Neverland and graceand um and gra L land and and dedri mentions Michael Jackson and Neverland and is not freaked out in any sort of way yeah do you think that if this were to be true that they would give that Way by giving uh you know a dedri confessional here or I think he' be like whoa did he is he talking about Neverland Ranch uh oh yeah um Kobe in the chat says watch it be Randy Jackson OH dog yeah now singer and best rock song also go together so I feel like that the LIE could be the uncle see I think the LIE is best rock song and that it's like the the lie it's like it's best pop song you know what I mean like why are why would you lie why would you make that your lie I know because I don't know I I can't explain it but I just think I I actually am feeling pretty strongly about uh I would love it to be misdirection but the more I think about it um I I do worry that dedrick's days are numbered and that this uh this little scene at the end of this episode is is a preview for what could be the big storyline of the next episode um and and dedri could potentially not be long for this world okay all right let's see I'd hate to see it but he's very funny he's very good in the confessionals he's very fun a lot of good lines okay all right next up oh Gracie Lou okay Gracie Lou is so interesting to me again another Uncle a musician and an Emmy okay musician and Emmy do not go hand inand so I suspect that we uncle is true musician or Emmy is the lie but Jenny is Gracie Lou a complete invention as a character it seems to be uh from everything that she's saying uh she is basically telling us that you know she's made up this character of Gracie leou it's clearly not her name she's playing up like the country twang accent I don't know where she's actually from I can't tell if she is playing up the accent more in certain situations than that when she's just like in conversation in the house that it's like dropping a little bit like I can't tell if it's like close to her regular accent anyway and she's just like leaning into it a little bit more or if she's from like Minnesota and she's like you know well I think I would be able to tell if she's from Minnesota but I I can't figure out how much she's playing a character she isn't um but she's talking about like the outfits like putting on the she's wearing cowboy boots with everything and the she's really laying it on she is like she has built this whole story about leaning into being this country girl look at claim to fame Jenny this little show I know it's I love that people are are you know going this hard she does she does say that uh she doesn't really know that much about the country music world is was that not her that said that she said she's a little worried but she also won the talent competition playing the guitar she can sing okay all right so I mean that's our our first winner uh of a challenge here she's she's the one who's ultimately safe and is gonna get a a wine room clue so coming out of the gate like she's you know she's one to watch she did lose her her closest Ally tonight but yes and I think that Bianca would have been a great source of information for Gracie Lou however I'm still feeling good about her all right next up HUD HUD h celebrity relative is Mom best known for being a singer and is one a Grammy we know very little about not his mom you think not his mom not the m not the mama yeah Grammy go hand in hand like you wouldn't lie about like your if your relative was a singer and their reward was a Grammy right so he's he's our rare lying I think people have not caught on to like this that if you if your person is a singer and they've won a Grammy then the LIE is definitely the relative yeah yes I mean yeah HUD is a big question mark to me we didn't really get a lot of content ex how hot he is yeah lots of like thirsty for HUD um do you think we have a showman Brewing could be could be the first yeah that was kind of I guess I guess we have a marriage right or something well I don't know if they're married but Jimmy Jimmy Carter's a grand Hugo and oh my God blanking on yeah from season Olivia Jenny McCarthy's niece um they're still going strong and I love it so damn I mean two seasons of claim to fame and probably already a better uh you know couple rate than the bachelor franchise so far keep it going okay keep it going so maybe Hud's got something in in the tank all right there you go there's HUD all right uh next up here's Jill Jill did not get a lot of air time tonight her celebrity grandfather is her celebrity relative is the grandfather an actor and a People's Choice Award uh so that could go any number of ways Prett generic yeah very generic what do you think about Jill other than she did her Talent was like she was pulling things out of her mouth right yeah that was very fun um that seemed to be um most of her content I do believe that Jill was one of the the people that um had some like thirsty for HUD cont for H yeah the hots hashtag hots for HUD um but she she had a bit of a quiet Premiere and yeah she was doing some sort of like this done she was like pulling like a NeverEnding scarf out of her mouth um as one of her talents and they they did a fun little editing you think I think you can pull that off thank you yeah I guess I don't know yeah I I mean look at me I'm showing up with a chicken on a chain and yeah I think it's like what won't I do all right everybody here she is uh the the great Jenny Autumn like hold on pulling out like like a 20 pack of chicken nuggets out of my throat it just doesn't stop wow podcaster talent show at the next rjp live that's what Katie Beth is asking for yeah for forget the pressure cooker just wait until we have the talent show and that's truly my time show yeah are you ready uh no yeah how does one ready themselves in case people have not heard about this we're doing the first ever podcaster pressure cooker coming up on Friday it's going to be an endurance competition that's going to play out on in front of your very eyes on Friday afternoon start starting at 12:00 noon who knows how many hours it could go you Jenny chicken on a chain would be a good idea if you you know can't walk away from your post yeah if I if I you know that that's emergent strategy right there is you just have a chicken on a chain and you don't have to worry about going hungry during the endurance challenge you just have a little Chomp on your chicken on chain yeah 12 Eastern 900 a.m. Pacific for the rhap pressure cooker right here on our YouTube channel all right let's go who else we got Sam mck oh McKenzie McKenzie and HUD could be that could be it yeah what what's their ship name HUD Ken Kenzie m mud H hudack hudack I don't know all right but uh her celebrity relative is a dad is her dad a singer but uh I think the LIE can she confirmed is the Tony yeah she said no no uh Broadway background in her family whatsoever so she pretty much confirms that that is Li yes got a dad singer I I do like look looking at her do you see anything I think she like and again this isn't helpful because this is not a a male or a singer she's giving Julia Styles that's what I think she looks like but that's not helpful I just think that that's who she looks like I'm wondering if if you know because if if D is true she's way more likely to potentially look like her relative than if it were like her uncle right so sure um I don't know if anyone's getting any uh ideas from looking at her sweet face yeah but I've got nothing yeah okay all right well we'll keep an eye out for uh mckenzi's relatives and uh if she gets with HUD all right we'll be on the HUD ma watch all right all right Miguel the star of the show a sweet relative is his grandfather who is an actor and was one an Oscar how old do we think is Miguel yeah he's he's our young lad uh I'm I'm feeling like he's like 22 yeah yeah it seems like it 21 22 yeah he's giving early 20s like that's what I'm getting here right uh I think the grandfather might be the lie you think so I don't know his his grandfather might be like 50 that's true but the we've got the matching actor and Oscar here yes okay so that is that is fair that is fair yeah he talked about how the the way that he talked about that his mom was sick we saw a picture of his mom so I think we can rule out that his relative is his mom talk about how when his mom was sick his celebrity relative got involved yeah definitely on the Mom unless he was like doing some sort of like work play um yeah where it's like the mom also came to help but but the way he talked about how that his celebrity relative stepped in to provide for his mom doesn't make it seem like it's a parent of the mom so I feel like I think it's definitely the grandfather is the lie so it's like maybe like a an aunt or an uncle or something like that yeah yeah that would make sense would think Miguel says that he is trying to uh look more Spanish than he Spanish and Miguel I think is not his name is what he said right I believe pretty sure that's yeah I'm pretty sure that that is a fake name so he's trying to lean into that to throw people off and I love that people are thinking of that like I love that people are at least trying to come up with ways to cause diversion or just to lead people down paths in a way that is believable also Miguel says his celebrity relative is exceedingly famous what does that mean I mean aiser is that what that exceedingly just means aiser yeah do you think give give me a celebrity I'll tell you if they're exceedingly famous um oh God that I don't anyone in the world let me okay I'll tell you how many people from claim to fame season one and two are that's what I was gonna say exceedingly famous like Tom like Tom Han is exceedingly famous the okay I would say Tom Hanks and like probably like whoopy is exing famous yeah we've had some big names Yeah Eddie Murphy is exceedingly famous that's right too yeah do you think we'll top any of the uh levels of Fame that we've had who is the most famous person that's that has had of Fame I think it's probably between like Tom Hanks I mean Jimmy Carter is a president but but I think like it's I think that I don't know it's hard to say I I don't want to include Politics as yeah even though they could be someone I just think that when you're looking at the more traditional like entertainment but that's that's the our yeah I think yeah I think that sounds right I'm probably missing some of the people I'm maybe forgetting okay they they came hard last year though they like they brought the Heat last year for sure they brought it okay Donny Osman was another big name I would say yeah but I don't know if Donnie Osman is exceedingly famous yeah I don't think dep who everyone watching and and playing along with us last season the the the amount that everyone was raging about how obvious Chris was um so he looked like tells me that Donnie Osman is exceedingly famous just based on how many people just recog ized uh people who weren't even watching the show uh could recognize umor says excuse me I grew up on Donnie Osman okay all right yeah so but exceedingly famous is like you know let's let's uh make it somebody good okay yeah and no disrespect to to Robin Roberts but I I I don't think that we've we've only had one reveal so far if Michael Jackson is is is the reveal if that's true for dedric that's pretty freaking big I don't know how you yeah it's a pretty big one okay all right who's next Naomi okay Naomi Naomi's relative is a cousin their award is Young artist award and they're a singer Naomi is here to play yeah Naomi is giving I I didn't come here to make friends in fact um I felt like in the first half of the episode she was giving hater energy she at one she at one point she said oh now I have to talk to people because they didn't have the clue already I was like this girl is a hater um but you know I think she's warming up she seemed really perturbed at the talent show um because she shady she wanted to Heckle at the talent show I believe yeah so I think she's giving like a little bit hater energy which nothing wrong with that yeah but I'm just stating I'm stating a fact I do think that I know who Naomi is right relative is I think this is my yeah I don't want to I don't want to go too far on it because I want to let everyone I don't want to be spoiling things for how do you know do you know her from before the show or you happen on the show The Clue the Clue the clue she got because her her clue gets pulled in the wine bottle okay got it yeah all right cousin singer Young artist award okay uh all right let's go next up it's Shane and he's got CH here okay uh his cele relative is a cousin an actor and an Oscar and it is not farest Whitaker I think the cousin is the lie here for Shane considering act and Oscar go together I mean same same argument uh as Miguel right yeah so because he was also actor in Oscar wasn't it were you thinking Bianca's guess of far Whitaker was going to be correct Jenny uh when we got there it just seemed a little too wrapped up in a bow and I think that we needed to have some sort of surprise for our you know even though it was not going to hit quite as hard as our our last two premieres I think that they had to they had to give us some sort of suspense and surprise at the end and I think that if Bianca just guesses Shane and it's Forest Whitaker and then that's that's the end of the episode I just feel like that isn't that exciting so um once I knew that Bianca was the guesser I I was pretty sure that that Shane was in in good hands so you know just to put my finger on like what has not like sat right about the premiere I feel like that traditionally Jenny when people are going to be wrong on claim to fame they get more of an edit like you idiot how could you to take this thing and twist it in a way where like but it was not presented in any way that Bianca was going down some sort of rabbit hole whereas no she had good ever evidence and like she was pointing to all sorts of things on the clue wall that made sense and and she and at no point was the edit portraying her to be a dum dum who was making about to like end their game so yeah I think that I was like okay uh I guess so but I think that if Shane was farest Whitaker's relative I think he would probably shave the beard coming in right but what if he's really attached to his beard and he's like I guess you think that really that's super long beard like I feel like that Shane could bring I mean I guess maybe it's his signature look but I feel like that you know give give Shane a week that beard is back I guess so yeah um yeah it does look thick it does look like uh but you know how long are they in there may not have enough time like yeah maybe 3 weeks I don't know I know has to keep shaving every day um I don't I don't know and I I truly have no idea who this man is related to um and that's fun I'm glad that I there's there's many of them that I haven't even begun to think about it and I think I would need to spend uh more time looking at the clue wall and you know getting some of the information we're going to get in in upcoming episodes um but I don't know just with the edit as well tonight like the big shock of the episode was really just that Miguel didn't end up being the guesser um and then even for a moment when uh when we find out that Bianca was gonna be the guesser I was like oh is she gonna guess Miguel because she was also throwing out a few a few um options for who Miguel's relative might be so I was like because the edit was so you know how like in Survivor and I know that it's kind of gotten a little meta now you get the like family like background stuff um and you get like the the the family photo or like we got like a little package like that for Miguel where he talks about like you were you were saying before how his mom got sick and we got the picture of him and his mom and he's like super super emotional about you know he's like he's praying and he's saying I don't want to cry on camera like he was worked up and I just thought like he's got to go home and some in some capacity because we haven't gotten enough from these other people to feel like that's the end of the story um so that was the big swerve for me was that not only was he not the guesser he wasn't G even be guessed he wasn't going to be eliminated at all um so it was interesting how they did that uh because like you said they did not make Bianca look stupid um and I don't think that they they made it seem you know suspenseful that there would be more than like there were no other ideas for Shane so it just didn't really make sense that that would for sure be who he was related to I think that they would at least have given us some more content about like other ideas for Shane to make at least that part a little bit more sus suspenseful yeah and typically I feel like that we kind of know at least like a person that we have their identity already answered so we know if somebody's going down like some kind of rabbit hole or they're going down the wrong path and but this time like I just that I think that the producers are holding the cards uh close to the vest also so uh this was like I guess maybe a hard story to tell that being said Jenny those are our 11 cast members we have our talent show did you understand the Twist on the talent show like was the twist that they kind of like boxed them in they said okay there's like you could only do the things in the room yeah I mean I suppose they could choose to not do something in the room and just like do it from the Dome because I think that that was kind of what Miguel was trying to do with the poem that he was like choking hard on which I almost thought like I was like was him like choking part of the bit but I don't think that it actually was no I don't think so so the yeah the twist was instead of instead of one Talent you had three talents that you had to do and you went into some sort of uh like Prop Room with all sorts of things and you use that to either Inspire or to select the items to use for said talents um do you have any thoughts on why they did it this way um I don't know I think that people like just did like such random and lousy things uh last SE couple seasons did this time I don't know yeah I mean I don't think that we got anything any more creative than what we you know saw in any other season we just saw like more variety I guess um people yes it truly was a Ry show it gave them more uh options for things to do I guess if they're like oh God like the only thing I can even think to do is sing but I don't want to sing because my relative is a singer and blah blah blah there's things for the if there's props that they can be like Oh I'm just going to do this thing it's right here available to me then that gives them something to divert away from that I just didn't really understand the point of doing three I don't know I think they tried to make it seem like there was a Twist there was nothing here anyway so uh we got a couple of little nuggets not like a chicken on a chain about uh different things uh Adam says that he sounds like his celebrity relative interesting yeah does anyone know what Michael Bolton's speaking voice is like I think it's softspoken I'll have to listen to Adam back and then see if uh if he sounds like it okay um Shane says it's easy to be on stage like his celebrity relative um okay I I believe that he's got great presence he I I already feel like he's made for TV so okay now Naomi sang Amazing Grace now boy Jenny we're very meta here on claim the fame because we had a a a call back to Carson last season yes singing Amazing Grace badley yes poor Carson catching Strays tonight uh you know she's yeah she's sitting she's like oh yes I'm gonna tune in to claim to fame I love I love that show gave me great experience what the hell yeah dragging me through the r free the Jonas Bros mind yeah I honestly had forgotten about that performance um until we got the flashback to it uh but no uh you know Naomi has a has a nice singing voice and beautiful yeah I don't know what this means I don't know if it matters yeah but it was Gracie Lou ends up winning the talent competition um playing this character wins immunity and our bottom two is Bianca we didn't really see too much what Bianca did she had like a twirling baton and then Miguel read his poem which was yes oh sorry I was going to say I think I knew uh I actually predicted Bianca was going to be in the bottom too um because not because of the Baton um there was a clip of her and she painted a painting and it was literally just a heart and then it said like CTF like it was so like it was not a painting she just not great so that when they showed that I was like oh they're not impressed with that that's that's not looking good for Bianca okay and then Miguel read his poem the storms of life but then I think choked he said sorry a lot and at which point I was like wow I would love for this to be some sort of diversion and he's trying to make everyone think that his relative is Canadian and that he's Canadian well played Miguel but no back at the house okay everybody comes home Miguel is having a moment uh freaking out he's praying to God please God I'm a good Christian keep me he said he's not a good Christian actually said I'm not a great Christian I'm not a good Christian please this is you know shades of bonu of hey come on please Mom you uh and uh he's trying to be the man of the house trying to provide for his mom caretaker yeah mhm um yeah and we see we see uh Adam he you know he feels really bad for um for Miguel and he's kind of uh decided that he's gonna be a friend to him and I it seems like Adam well we get we get some confessionals from Adam where he's kind of he's giving like I'm gonna be a little bit of a puppet master kind of thing he's kind of giving a little bit of Chris from last season um and he yeah he picks up on on Miguel needing needing a friend and kind of I don't know how much work he does to uh keep Miguel from becoming the guesser but he had to have done some work we see him definitely talking to people work yeah I think he put the work in because I don't think Miguel did okay I mean he's definitely doing some Miguel was definitely doing something I don't know how working Bianca could have been old enough to figure out who the relative is okay yeah and we saw that happen last year with uh once we saw where um where Jane went out then nobody was in the house that was old enough to know who Donnie Osman was exactly like we've seen that play out perfectly so uh and again that kind of lines up with the with the Chris comparisons for Adam like maybe this was his big move is get get that person out before they can even say anything to anyone to get any balls rolling okay Jenny the Jonas Brothers finally unlocked the clue wall and we have a exclusive here the clue wall is back baby all right yes all right are you ready to Let's see if we have a little bit of like a that's smaller okay let's go go back to how it was okay all right there's a lot going on here there a lot the most important clue to me that did get showcased is the duck obviously okay all right let's let's take a look here all right uh can we get enhance on the duck enhance enhance okay I I was thinking of you there's a water foul for sure yep y on the bottom Sam it's on the bottom you you missed it it's on the bot we got the we got the Eiffel Tower yeah so got a judge you the duck I mean I would always want to talk about ducks um but I I Tru there's nothing more to say than what a lovely uh Wooden Duck figurine and I would love it from my home um I don't know what that could possibly mean for any of these people uh okay but it did get mentioned someone said like someone pointed out the duck yes okay could we how about this let's just look at it in quadrants okay can we look at the upper left quadrant of the clue wall to see if there's anything note okay all right we got let's just uh spot out some things that we we've got some crabs we got crabs crabs crabs got school bus the school bus a lightning bolt oh wait did Adam not was it Adam that said uh because someone said oh lightning bolt like the flash who was The Flash and then they they focused on that yeah and and Adam said that's my clue not to everyone else he said it in a confessional yeah bolt H okay um but with the light bulb yes uh we have bubbles bubbles I mean was I believe Michael Jackson had a monkey named bubbles really yes I believe so uh we have headphones could somebody be a podcaster a famous podcaster um maybe some kind of marionette little puppet oh wait I was oh sorry I just I my brain just fired off in a million uh directions I had the stupidest moment where I was like we said you said podcaster and I was like oh um Joe Rogan Joe Rogan and then I was like is Joe Rog was Joe Rogan a wrestler which Joe Rogan was not a wrestler no he he does UFC stuff I was going to say he has he's adjacent to the the like the fighting world right because it's UFC stuff right okay I was just making sure that I wasn't like combining multiple people uh there so is it possible I mean I guess you still can't say that Joe Rogan is wrestler no he's not wrestler maybe Danny Danny's uncle is Joan uh and I don't think Joe Rogan has won a Grammy no do they do gramys for podcast no I think something else uh okay all right uh so there's some interesting uh nuggets there's a lug all right let's see the what is that or let's go to the upper right corner if we could okay all right gaming uh controller a controller yeah a com controller interesting oh that's a BB yeah we have some kind of like throwing star oh yeah uh we have a spatula where's the spatula over by the SC now there is a scarecrow which was cited as a what Michael was in The Whiz The Whiz yes we have Shunk shrunken down moon like stole in Despicable Me one okay yeah a mushroom is that like a um some sort of basketball net thing there is a basketball net yes yes a hoop is that fruit up there is that an apple hm is there an Apple up there looks like it looks like could be an apple there a blue tennis ball there's a pepper shaker blue ball there's a blue ball yes I just don't normally see a blue tennis ball yeah that is unusual mean blue tennis ball okay all right okay let's uh let's go down to the bottom here okay we have an American flag we have another another relative of of a famous uh politician I mean if we have a politician we've got people lying about the careers for sure um and possibly the like I just it's hard to see unless people yeah lied about more than one thing you know a knife paintbrush Maracas okay giant pencil stethoscope did Ione play a doctor a gavl the Eiffel Tower white cowboy hat is that some sort of uh root vegetable at the on the table the B the table yeah I don't know it could be like a Tusk like is that uh Ginger kind of look like ginger root interesting Ginger did someone play Ginger is someone a ginger roots yeah you know what actually I am this is informing a thought of mine okay all right and then uh the bottom left corner we have the mov movie tickets we've got a lot of Like Toy Soldiers yes lots of army uh reference because there's a grenade up there too and that and this is what uh Bianca was was using to fuel her her Forest Whitaker thoughts yes okay oh there's a skateboard yeah and there looks like a um again you know how I feel about magicians Rob but uh is that thing behind the skateboard is that what are what's the magician wand is that a wand a magician wand behind the SK in the bottom right near the army guy near the army guy H do you see that black long thing behind the yeah could be some kind of a wand that looks like a a magician W off yeah wand off um I don't know what's going on so there's our clue wall yeah there's so fish in a tank a lot a lot there look it up a lot there are we having fun yet or what we're so back we're so back I'm I'm thrilled I can't wait yes what's that what's that jar on the bottom left it said concord grape on it I don't know it's jelly jelly and then they were saying that because they were they were guessing that uh Danny was Jelly Roll Just he's a big guy and he's got like a like a bit of a m and I didn't give much Credence to it but a jar of jelly that feels interes thing I if if grape jelly if that's who he's related to and there's straight up just a jelly sitting there that feels you think it's like a Tom Hanks green bench situation yeah yeah that doesn't feel Fair okay interesting yogurt all right it was Greek yogurt I think yes um we also had that Gracie Lou said the duck is her clue it's obvious that's who said that okay don't know what that means yet I have to um and we don't really know a lot about Gracie L because she's creating such a a fake persona okay her lie is probably the musician part right I think see yes I think the LIE is musician part she didn't like fully confirm it but she's definitely saying like she's not country music but she could still be a musician speaking of Gracie Lou okay she's going to go into the wine seller let's talk let's talk about that she's gonna get a clue she looks up clue about her friend Naomi the roommate she sees her as a threat she she thinks you know get the get the early information uh because you you gotta get her before she can get you let's take a look at this clue okay uh this is what Gracie Lou pulls from Naomi we've got a brazer AKA a a bra and a letter T yeah okay we've got what is that third thing Jenny that's a backpack that's a okay that's a backpack Okay so we've got we have the brat pack yes and I believe that uh Gracie L does get that she does say Brat Pack okay that part she gets now after this is this a is this a crown yeah so this this I took as like Queen I don't know like the think like Queen princess I don't knowen princess okay um and then going back to previous claimed to F do we know what this these things always two like into or like into before I don't really know like what does the parentheses mean like the I know is it a door is it a bracket yeah yeah okay it's something like going or two or into I think and then what is that next symbol is it a scepter is it a mace what is a scepter and mace the same thing it looks like some sort of weapon okay at first I thought it looked like um like Club it could be a club could be a club yeah yeah that is what it is it is a club so all right so I actually realized that I already I already figured this out right all right so all right so we have our Brat Pack princess in Breakfast Club uh or or in club for breakfast why for what is there reason why breakfast I I think for breakfast in a club for breakfast yes okay is that what how they're trying to form that sentence I believe so okay all right in all right so Jenny do you have a theory of who this could be I do I do yes okay um and and other you know others in the chat have uh also been saying uh so I think there's a lot of us on on a similar page on this one and while looking at the clue wall just now um I I found a few other things that are kind of in uh reinforcing my guess yes so I feel pretty I feel pretty good yeah why don't you why don't you come out and say it okay I don't want to be like spoiling things too much people podast uh about claim to fame so I think this is Molly Ringwald yeah I think you're right I don't see who else it could be it just makes sense and I didn't sense yeah and she's she's a ginger the ginger root and so that's that's Naomi uh Sam could you just bring up the Naomi two truths and a lie real quick okay I think her two truths and a lie it was cousin singer and Young artist award so it's the LIE is probably I don't know what a young artist award is or where it comes from so the LI would be a singer yeah this would be her cousin Young artist award I could see it being like uh like hey it's you've won the young artist award for 1982 yeah she started acting young so mhm that would track I don't know else could it like the only thing that maybe if it's like okay we're putting a bunch of like 20 year olds in the house that this clue if you are of a certain age this clue is exceedingly easy right yeah it did seem and like I don't even have a huge breath of knowledge um I heard there's a new documentary on Hulu which was very good about the Brat Pack yeah oh well the the Synergy because this is also streaming on Hulu mhm okay so there you go all right so Naomi we believe I think that's I think that's I can kind yeah yeah there's a family resemblance yeah like it's close enough I could I could believe that I mean there's nobody else that could be I mean who's in The Brat Pack clue it just like yeah and I think that I in my mind the brat pack is just all the people that were in The Breakfast Club uh exactly all right here's here's the the membership of the the brat the brat pack the brat pack is Emilio esz Anthony Michael Hall Rob low Andrew McCarthy Demi Moore Jud Nelson Molly Ringwald Ali shiy so actually I was right I believe it is all all the members of The Breakfast Club uh but that is a couple people who aren't in The Breakfast Club I I think the fact I think the fact that it it the the crown seemed like a like a queen or a princess type Crown um and I don't think that she's related to demore and like who else what other women were in that group I don't know I just think it's got to be Molly ringal yep okay and according to thunder cut there are only two women in The Breakfast Club there you go that's true yeah Ali shei A little bit of a deep pull for claim to fame also yeah I would say I I would say so um yeah we'll we'll have to see I I I was almost like sad that I felt like I got it so quickly um yeah but in the past they just tell you people in the first episode well they did in the first season but I felt like then they made us work for it last season which I enjoyed more um I think after the first episode I think we probably had like four people that's you're probably right Rob um yeah but I feel pretty good about this one Pretty in Pink yes exactly precisely bring up the clue wall one more time yeah do we have we have some any other so you saw the ginger there are there any candle yeah definitely eggs yeah there was definitely an egg and bacon uh visual there there's Breakfast I feel like I feel like as soon as Gracie Gracie Lou starts talking to people yeah we got else sharing the was Sam Sam zooming in on something we have anything pink yeah what the movie ticket what are you showing us Sam what are you zooming in on like I'm sure there's like I mean I thought the ginger root cuz she's a ginger no I think that I think you're right I think this breakfast um is there any are there candles are there 16 Candles um H I don't see anything obvious but some of the stuff is really small and with the like backing it's like hard to see yeah okay I know but I I don't I already feel without even there being more clues um that are obvious you think the mirror is anything there that little mirror mirror I don't know it's kind of pink right okay um I think that's a stretch yeah yeah okay all right let's talk about all right Bianca is thinking that she's got a lot of theories about people okay she thinks that Miguel could be related to Jeff Goldblum could be related to Desi arnes yes and I think a real deep pull from the Dean Martin territory yeah well and and that's where they're like ah grandfather that makes sense he could be the grandson of Desi Ares um I believe they also mentioned Eric Estrada those were the those are the names but it seemed like Bianca went back to Desi arz a couple times so I think that if she were going to guess Miguel that maybe that would be Where She Went yeah we were really robbed of Miguel having to guess here what do you think Miguel would have guessed I don't know we didn't get anything about who he was like we got a lot about how he had no idea um and he had he had no plan no didn't know what he would do um he was really relying on the social game part uh scrambling around to try to get people just not put him in the guesser position I don't know if he had a plan I think he might have just guessed one of the things he was eavesdropping when he was listening in on Bianca yeah now I was I wanted to ask you about that Rob because um was that an editing thing or do you think that he truly overheard and got any information there hard to say does not seem like he got much information although we do see him talking to Shane and then uh tells Shane that Bianca is trying to go for you my my question Jenny is we saw Miguel running all over the place how big is this house how big is Katie Perry's former house it I mean it looks pretty big um there's only 11 of them so I feel like if people are in different areas you might have to you know make some ground to find everyone okay I don't know it does look like pretty big to me it almost it kind of reminds me of like the bachelor Mansion all right it's pretty it looks pretty big from the outside I just don't know why uh Miguel is running everywhere uh care the edit was very dramatic um I they were grasping at straws here I just don't think that they had that too much drama here in the first episode yeah they had to like build up like Miguel being stressed and scrambling um yeah all right I don't know what he would have done talk about the vote off Jenny the guess off the guess off and the voto booth is back and Franklin's so excited he loves the voto booth he loves to say it he loves to talk about it yeah he loves yeah and I've missed I've missed my friends Franklin and Kevin Jenny did any of the votes surprise you um a couple did um so we see uh we see Naomi vote first because it seemed like the the girls were in rooms together a lot and it seemed like they were all backing Bianca and when Bianca was like I don't want to be the guesser uh they were just like okay then you're not gonna be the guesser like that's what's gonna happen and then we see like Mckenzie was being talked to by uh Adam and HUD and she was saying they're really trying to to save Miguel but I don't think the rest of the house is going to go along with that so I'm not really going to do that um and so I I assumed that Naomi would be a vote with with uh with the ladies here and foran to guess she votes Bianca first because she doesn't know who she is and so if she guesses wrong she goes home that helps her uh that worked out pretty well for Naomi um and then the other thing that s surprised me was HUD votes Miguel because he thinks everyone else is going for Miguel and so he's kind of like well I'd love for him to to not be in this position but it seems like everyone is doing it and then they didn't even need his vote yeah like that was wild to me because HUD was being presented as one of the people that was trying to help Miguel and then he doesn't even uh vote like for for Bianca to be uh the guesser that was kind of wild to me yeah that was my big surprise I would say yeah this is interesting that I don't think we've really had this before where people are voting off here early on the person who is a threat who could figure people out versus the person who seems to have no clue and no chance to guess anybody I mean it's not it's not a terrible strategy because good yeah it's like also if if they're bad at stuff uh if they're kind of a mess that that's one person there that is going to be a little bit easier for you to beat to help protect yourself keep you out of the bottom to if you want to stay out of the bottom too right and if they end up being a guesser uh you don't really have to worry too much about both them coming after you looking back at the first couple seasons of claim to fame the early boots were the people who at least from the edit were not fitting in in the house it was you know social outcast right you had uh in addition to Maxwell you had Zena's cousin you had X um maybe the early on I guess uh Britney Favre uh that went out for I think being a little bit of a threat she was gaming hard yeah even last season or you had people that were like so blatantly obvious with Carly Reeves but you had Neil degrass Tyson's son Jane ruffled feathers um so this is I think the players are playing harder this season well and also I mean I think that people are you know if if no one if no one has information uh it's like well let them let them go and if they and if they are wrong then that's a person I knew nothing about that could potentially figure some stuff out about me uh leaving so I I like it as a strategy um I I think it's fun um but yeah it was only by one vote I love that it was a close vote it tells me that uh they're not all coming together with with a common purpose here because there is a lot of univer a lot of universes where Miguel is our first guesser just because he was kind of all over the place and he didn't do a good job socially trying to get things together and and that's the end of the story for him um so it it makes me feel good that there were at least enough people even if they weren't necessarily voting in order to save him they were vot voting more so like okay let's let Bianca take the shot and if she's wrong then that's someone I'm a little bit more scared of going um okay that's fun Bianca is going to be the guesser she says all right Shane come on up time to guess Forest Whitaker and we got a after a commercial break it is the wrong guest not farest Whitaker yeah uh I mean like I said uh I felt like that made sense just because there wasn't really anything else offered as as an option and I just feel like Shane is I don't know Shane is Shane is a big character and I feel like we didn't get quite enough content of him and about him for me to feel like it would have made sense for him to go first on a correct guess yeah I just was really surprised to see Bianca go home I I really just thought that she was being presented as somebody who was had a shot to win this thing no I I I agree um and I think that that's that was why her being the guesser was the big shock but it was almost as soon as I saw that she was going to be the guesser I was like okay she must be picking Miguel because I was still like convinced that it had to be Miguel going and she did offer ideas to on who Miguel might be and it just I couldn't see Shane going um so when she doesn't even pick Miguel that's when I knew she was going I was like oh she's cooked was wild um because yeah she really wasn't presented as someone uh that didn't know what was going on will there be an interview inter with Bianca tomorrow morning on Good Morning America oo that would be fun I mean I think I saw that the Joe Bros were on was it they are friends with Robin Roberts I think that they were promoting the show on Good Morning America or it could be just another American morning show that I don't watch I don't know claim to fame Twitter account seems to have gone dark well AC on Instagram the Instagram is lit actually um they've had so many posts they've really been hyping up the season so maybe they're just you know maybe they're just not Twitter SLX people which okay honestly I get it yeah okay well CBS stopped really posting on Twitter about uh any of their shows yeah I don't know H is is Twitter SLX dying because claim to fame has abandoned I think so that is possible that's the nail in the coffin that's possible okay all right I'll follow okay um so let's find out who your guest really is and it's Robin Roberts yeah if only people knew what a Peabody Award was Peabody Award I mean would that have helped them yeah um I mean I they at least could think in the journalism realm I don't know Peabody Award but no one was looking at Bianca no one was even starting to think about Bianca so I don't know uh I I laughed though because at one point someone was like is that like a Nickelodeon thing like a Nickelodeon award which I think is is is that like are they mixing up Mr Peabody like the like the the animated I don't know what happened there Mr PE is from a show I think it's like an animated show so yeah that's maybe where they they cross those wires yes okay yeah Mr pabb Sure uh and Sherman um yeah yeah the Peabody Award is for outstanding achievement and and public service in the electronic media okay and Robin Roberts did win one in 2023 okay oh recently too yeah Robin Roberts never won ANB yeah I don't well maybe did she win did she win one and uh it was just determined that the Peabody is the highest award ESPN gives Robin Roberts an espie award for courage okay and espie is up here PEB is is above beats Peabody any day of the week okay you heard of here first folks Al also though leads you to I think Robin Roberts faster than a PE award um yeah I guess so but yeah because ISB because SB wouldn't be for an athlete specifically right or could you could be I mean Robin Roberts wanted for courage yeah they give them out anything they want I think thatb is a little bit more open-ended than the Peabody yeah but also I think that people just don't know people that have one PE body so I don't know maybe she made the right choice it doesn't really make a difference I think anyone even really gonna look that way you know what and I don't think anybody was ever getting Robin Roberts no no I don't like what was on the like I guess there was a robin on the clue wall but I think even if you got that if you got that like oh Robin Roberts nobody's getting yeah Bianca really got screwed here she was she was probably in a really good she was probably she was about to win the show yeah okay um so Rob Roberts she has a speech um she says that um really Bianca's the star of the family yeah her her her family has has known that she's the true star of the family she's the true star of the family get her let's get her on GMA maybe she will be tomorrow I don't know maybe okay that'd be a cute little interview all right there you go Bianca says goodbye to her BFF uh Gracie Lou yeah what is Gracie Lou gonna do I don't know I mean her other is Naomi yeah who she's got she's got the dirt on and I think she will figure it out I'm a little worried for Naomi now all right I mean Gracie Lou figured out the brat pack part like that's a very like helpful uh piece of that clue um is you know I think the I think the thing is is that she hasn't talked to anyone about the clue yet Miguel asks her and she says I'm gonna keep that close to my heart um not that I think Miguel is someone that will help with this particular one yeah um but I do think that if she could start talking to the right people if she doesn't figure figure it out on her own yeah she probably get there Jenny anything else from claim to fame we talked about then at the and the little like teaser dedri did he slip up okay Mr Jackson sorry Mr Jackson I'm sorry Mr Jackson he is for Real we'll find out we'll find out next week I guess um yeah lot of jacks there are a lot of them so it it it's definitely possible but like like someone said it could be Randy Jackson yeah could be uh could be Jesse Jackson could be Bo Jackson y those just a few there's more where that came from I don't know yeah but I just feel I don't know I don't know yeah I mean I think that if it was a member of the Jackson family it would be hard between you know you have Tito Jackson you have Germaine Jackson you have Janet Jackson you have LaToya Jackson yeah are there more I don't really know I think there's got to be it's got to be five well there's at least five but I think there's more I think there's Randy Randy Jackson and I think that's not the that Randy Jackson there's a different Randy Jackson okay yeah I don't know did I say Reggie Jackson uh no not not yet said Bo Jackson yeah there's Peter Jackson like from the cigarettes now from like Lord of the Rings right that one yes Marlin Marlin Jackson Samuel L Jackson that would be a good one were there any snakes any planes yeah dedri again Uncle singer Grammy for Best Rock song so I I think that uh it's probably some Musical musical yeah yeah definitely it definitely is and I think the LIE I I I'm I'm worried I'm worried for for dedri because I like him uh I don't know I would love for it to be a purposeful like diversion like the fake of the tongue is so genius but it's so hard to pull off and to me it felt very genuine yep okay we'll see if Naomi talks to people about it or if she keeps that close to her heart like uh Gracie leou has kept Naomi's clue all right there we go we'll be back next week to talk about episode two a double elimination they tell us wow yeah and I apparently that preview it wasn't shown on my Canadian feed um I don't know like how many episodes are we going to get is are we doing a speed run here what 10 traditionally I feel like Sam usually uh keeps a close eye on that how many sounds about right I think it's usually around 10 but if we're only starting with 11 we're getting rid of two right off the Jump I don't know maybe order of like eight ep maybe is that possible maybe I mean maybe they feel like that they were having to stretch too much like these identities maybe they could maybe uh they want a little titer listen as long as it's a quality product and we're having a good time and and it's you know people are gaming hard and we've got entertaining characters and we don't figure it all out in two episodes I'm happy and as long as I get to be here with you talking about it um and you know the chat and everyone who plays along with so it's so fun and so many of our friends are watching the show get excited for it like what a great you know it's a what a treat for sure I'm so happy that we're back uh we made claim to fame and you know cred yeah we have to listen we we we laugh we like a silly little show yeah we were on the ground floor of the claim to fame and you're right you're right Rob it's our greatest achieve it is it's our Peabody yeah it's our peab body award the third season of claim to fame and we're waiting for a muffin basket or something okay yeah the best I got is is chicken nugget on a chain yes any time Joe Bros okay all right Jenny my DMs are open you're gonna be competing this Friday in the pressure cooker competing is is a generous uh way of putting it I don't know I don't know how competitive I will be but I will try correct me if I'm wrong Phil is also competing in the pressure cooker I don't believe so okay I think he's uh he's competing in his own challenge right now okay his own challenge at one point was he was he floating to be a name in the pressure cooker um I don't think so uh not that I'm aware I don't know maybe maybe you know something I don't know I don't know maybe I'm Mis remembering I thought God is he a ringer I don't know um but but okay but I will be there I will be there Sam says fake news okay all right spreading misinformation here yes um Jenny what else is coming up for you um well Rob uh we have been covering and you you are Vaguely Familiar with it it's been it's been a hot second uh since you visited the mil Manor but puya and I and sometimes Chappelle have been going pretty strong covering TLC's mil Manor over on the 90day fiance rap Up's feed uh pu and I just got together to recap episode 10 and 11 uh the other day which I was calling the penala mil episode um because I believe the finale is ahead of us so Rob I have no idea if you plan to hop back in uh and for one last ride with the I think I was told I have to I think it might be contractually obligation but I also apologized and said I should have never sent you all on that mission you listen it's been fun it's been weird well they have opinions about missionary um but it's it's been fun so uh we will we will be back uh within the week I guess with the finale coverage but uh get caught up with us uh it's not it's not a show you need to watch just uh come along for the ride of us talking about the most ridiculous stuff um and and aside from that I have also uh done a little podcast uh appearance with Chappelle over on the free agents pod uh with Matt Lori and Brian scall the four of us got together to uh preview a very very early preview of the House of Villains season 2 cast where we did a little draft and uh talked about some names that we thought got missed um just a fun little po over um so uh check out the free agents pod for that should be coming out I think in the next day had a great time talking to those guys and other than that uh bb26 is starting next week we'll see we'll see if they can deliver the way that claim to fame does um this is my true summer love but uh yeah that's that's pretty much it follow me on social media at Jenny autum and I'm I'm very excited I'm amped up even though the the premier didn't give what we got in the first two seasons premieres that's okay he I I logically understand that's a lot to deliver you can't really beat those two uh so I'm very excited to see what we're gonna get with the rest of the season here okay well Jenny it's so nice to be back here with you we gonna have a lot of fun here on claim to F make sure you're subscribed to the podcast you can subscribe to our podcast feed uh to hear everything robs subscribe or for just our claim the fame coverage go to robis Fame feed or make sure you're subscribed on our YouTube channel to get everything we're doing here on the rhap YouTube channel thank you so much for joining us we love to read your comments as well take care everybody have a good one bye

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