Claim to Fame Season 3, Part 1 - Is she a survivor?!

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:37:30 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] hi Ry hi Taylor welcome to much do about some [ __ ] where every week Remy tries to talk me into watching garbage television by walking me through some amount of a garbage show what are we doing Ry we're doing one of our favorites oh no P one of my personal favorites okay a show we've followed from the beginning we're following claim to Game season 3 today nice yeah all right with the JoJo Brothers JoJo Bros the the least famous of them um do you think do you think that's why they did the show because one of the Jonas Brothers hosting is famous for being Brothers with the other other Jonas yes they literally make jokes about it oh okay like I've never watched the show well you should cuz it's good at one point during the interrogation challenge which we're going to talk about Frankie Frankie Franklin Jonas is interrogating Kevin and is like did you leave me at a hotel in Germany when I was four and Kevin is like no that was Joe and Franklin is like dang it oh you're right well I'm going to call him about it and he like dials the phone number and we hear the dial tone and Kevin is like he's not going to answer you dude it's great it's amazing okay so do you remember the premise of this show so the premise is all of these people are somehow related to famous people yes and we have to figure out who what when where and why that's not a thing it's kids SP kid kid okay that's what I thought but I was like thank you you only really have to figure out who they're related to but there's clues about who they could be what they do awards that kind of thing okay we always start off with our two truths and a lie so this is Shane Shane he says his celebrity relative is his cousin best known for being an actor with an Oscar okay very tame notice the chicken wing necklace I did notice the chicken wing necklace quick note to of our AUD only listeners if you didn't know we have a video version but no pressure any images that we reference are available on our Instagram at much do some [ __ ] but you really don't need the photos we're going to talk about all the people and say their names and everything this is just so that I remember who the hell is who yeah uhhuh anyway we've got Shane okay with a chicken wing necklace and a big old smile yes this is Naomi she says her celebrity relative is her cousin best known for being a singer mhm and biggest award is a young artist award cool probably don't know who that is oh yeah she doesn't look familiar to you it all really depends Naomi was seriously the only one so we're going to be covering five episodes today okay Naomi was one of the only ones where I was like oh I know who you are okay got the rest of them no clue I do better with older actors and actresses and things or older celebrities I guess um because that's who my mom would talk about all the time she'd be like oh yeah this person's married to this and I'm like why do you know that because because anyway okay this is Miguel Miguel celebrity relative is his grandfather best known for being an actor with an Oscar all right can I just say I'm a big fan of the name Miguel Fair it's it's a good name so Miguel does come in and is like I Miguel is not my real name okay I am I mean hey if you're gonna pick a fake name that's a solid one well he's he picked Miguel first of all because it's his second name oh okay and because he wants it to sound more Spanish than he actually is oh all right yeah little cuz that's the thing you don't have to use your real name right we all remember my crush on X I'll never forget you X anyway okay uh so this is uh McKenzie she says her relative is her father best known for being a singer with a Tony Award okay she looks looks like someone like someone okay to me I don't know who but I see her features and I'm like those are features that I recognize I don't know why so because of the lies that are in here uhhuh I know what is wrong okay but she gives hints through these episodes of who who she could be related to and this is all in confessionals like this isn't so that other players can't get her out yeah I have no [ __ ] clue I mean I don't know who but she looks familiar some and the realm that her relative is in I know nothing about cool so that will also tell you what it could be sports or country music godamn ra godamn yeah man one of those too I don't know nothing this is Jill mhm she says her relative is her grandfather best known for being an actor with a People's Choice Award okay she also looks like someone I'm trying to decide if they just have like one of those faces right or but they both look like somebody to me yeah fair this is HUD good solid mustache there HUD that is he's got the corners like yeah that 10 out of 10 guy this photo is making it look a bit more put together than it really is but it's very like Tom celic that's who I'm thinking oh sure he had like the classic push broom yes type I went to college with a guy who fully like curled the end I know someone who does that and I [ __ ] love it go all in on the mustache yeah so HUD supposedly famous relative is his mother best known for being a singer with a Grammy okay also tame some of these claims get wild to me the big lie baby yes like this one it's possible so this is Gracie Lou she says her relative is her uncle best known for being a musician with an Emmy that's not the one that goes with musicians not usually no usually but I do know of of one musician a country musician who had a TV show that ran for six seasons I believe my husband and I just binge watched [Music] it is she a survivor toob loves her kids and never stops yes Gracie Lou is kind of pushing that she's in the Reba realm cuz she's she's got a southern Twang and she's wearing these red cowboy boots all the time and gra Lou she doesn't have an upper lip which is very much like Reba McIntyre damn look Reba's got a beautiful smile and no upper lip no upper lip none at all I love reuba McIntyre so much she's she is a gem yes anyway okay so she may be a Survivor she may be a Survivor okay okay this is dedri dedri sorry okay yes the angle the turtleneck the chain the hair turtleneck and The Rock oh okay this is giving that picture of the rock with his fanny pack from like The '90s Vibes I see that like he doesn't particularly look like the rock I mean he's got a nice smile and so does the rock so I guess but like just the Vibes are making me think of the rock with the fanny pack okay fair fairway dedri says that uh his celebrity relative is his uncle best known for being a singer and the biggest award would be best rock song several years in a row okay not a row but several times many many times times nice which honestly looking at things I think all of these I don't know which one is the lie in this did he forget to tell the LIE we'll talk about it oh Dany boy is Danny supposedly his uncle is a pro wrestler who won a Grammy okay yeah no there is I'm pretty sure a pro wrestler someone who was a pro wrestler uhhuh who has a Grammy is it the rock I think so yeah cuz he's saying you're welcome yeah exactly and that probably won an award I don't know I don't follow the Grammys I would think so I but it was it's a it's a Bop exactly and it's from Disney so they got the big bucks to get those WS yeah get those nominations uhhuh just you know little bit of an out there I would love if the guy who doesn't at all make me think of the rock is the one related related to it fair this is Bianca oo Bianca's got a good vibe her celebrity relative is her aunt best known for being an actress who has a peab body award what is the Peabody Award I don't know all right I have ideas but I'm not positive and [ __ ] Google um cuz also I was trying really hard not to spoil stuff for myself yeah so I'm like very trepidacious about what I'm searching Fair okay this is Adam Adam has quite the jawline yes my God sir it's a lot he says his celebrity relative is his uncle best known for being an actor with a Grammy okay another one actors with gramms you know I don't know right I don't follow any award shows the last news on award shows that I paid any attention to was the slap that's all I know Will Smith oh I believe that was the Oscars I couldn't tell you something like that there was a golden award Fair that's a lot of them so okay here's all of our players all right the first challenge is as always the challenge show right yeah they do things a little differently this season in that you have to perform a talent and then you have to perform two more talents using props from a table that they have laid out oh yeah interesting yes be more talented yeah so this talent show happens Miguel bombs it he does so bad at it he's like trying to remember this PO um and he just cannot recite it it's a yikes do you I still have poems memorize from when we had to in high school I have a lot of voice exercises we would do um I have a lot of that I have I do have some of the opening monologue to Romeo and Juliet there you go memorized okay um yeah I still remember the jabber walk in its entirety oh God towards brilling and the slidy toes did guy and gimal in the way well Mimsy where the board Groves and the M rats out grave but where are the jabber walkway on my beard grows to my toes I never wears no clothes I wraps my hair arounds my bear and down the road I goes yep all right okay anyway Miguel did not have either of those in lock down no absolutely bombs it um Naomi does two talents and then she's like oh I don't know what to do for my third one so she just blurts out I'm going to sing and if you remember from last season somebody sang uh The Star Spangled Banner and it went very poorly I mean there are celebrities who are singers who can't do that so Fergie um there was a new one that was worse than Fergy oh my God you got to look it up which one I don't know her name oh you don't know her name okay Flav of flave surprisingly did a good rendition that's awesome for a baseball game great um but Naomi does pretty well so good for her yeah um so because Miguel absolutely bombs this he's in the bottom too yeah along with Bianca and Miguel is just like running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get people to vote for Bianca instead of him okay it's very offputting and a little scary it's look it's it's a go big or go home strap because those are his options yeah seriously but all Bianca has to do is play a cool and she's fine well and he's like this is not a game this is Battle This Is War this is attrition this is a game this is a game like yes there is money I think it's like $10,000 yeah but I mean I'm not going to say that's not a life-changing amount of money cuz oh my God if I got even a thousand unexpected dollars holy [ __ ] yeah anyway way is a game yeah just calm down a little just just chill just one notch down absolutely chill so Bianca is chosen um to be the guesser okay and decides to Target Shane okay and she guesses Forest Whitaker I don't know who that is he's an actor okay she guesses this because he kind of looks like Forest Whitaker okay yeah huh I don't see it personally only I don't know who that is so I can't I love you um love you too so Bianca is unfortunately wrong a so her relative is revealed to be Robin Roberts I don't know who that is either she is a news newscaster she's on the I think ABC News so because of this I believe that a Peabody Award is like a newscasting award or a journalism award something like sure also during this episode you know it's the first episode so people are like getting to know each other um they talk about very relatable things um like their celebrity relative closing down stores to take them shopping yeah super relatable yes uh dedri tells this story about how he had to go to the emergency room and he walks in and the emergency room staff go oh Mr Jackson you're here again yeah huh so he refers to himself as Mr Jackson okay which you know okay I mean there's a few of those a few of them there were five at one point yes there I mean there's all those five plus there's Randy Jackson from American Idol best known for being a producer gotcha so okay well yeah Bianca after that gone Bianca is gone Naomi HUD and Adam form an alliance okay that if they get any information they're going to share it with those other two people okay yes they're going to take each other to the end and then once it's them three all bets are off okay there's a challenge oh this is because I believe this is the stupid Water Challenge so there's like people on land who have uh riddles and they have to shout to other people in the lake on a boat this riddle and they have to figure out what the like what the meaning of the riddle is okay and the people in the boat have to get these giant letters that are just floating in the river oh or the lake or whatever this is the body of water yes and then someone has to swim from boat to land to give person on land these letters what it's insane that's madness Okay so Naomi's team wins so she is safe so she gets to pick the infamous wine bottle clue right yes and I believe she takes Shane's clue I want to say okay but Naomi is like I don't have to figure out the rest of this clue I know it from the like first bit she could very well be wrong so okay so Gracie Lou is automatically the guesser being the captain of the losing team and she chooses Jill as her other guesser okay now this elimination is a double elimination there will be two people going home the second episode the [ __ ] yeah it's getting Cutthroat wow all right yeah God damn and it just depends you know if they guess their target correctly then that person goes home okay if they don't guess it correctly then they go home all right yeah so we could lose um Jill and try Lou in one Fell Swoop wow yeah okay so Miguel being all kinds of suspicious as per usual yeah he is standing and next to this mirror and he's like you can do this man you're a Banderas it's all in the cards yeah dedri walks by uhhuh then tells this to a group of people uhhuh I mean I know exactly one bandad is right yeah and but I don't since he picked his second name to sound more Hispanic well but all of these people don't know that right but I do they think he could be Miguel Banderas oh yeah I mean he could be but yeah also be Robert could be Robert could be not even Banderas yeah so because of this Jill chooses Miguel to be her Target uhhuh and guess is Antonio Banderas MH Jill is is wrong mhm so her relative is revealed to be John Stamos John Stamos he was in Full House Uncle Jesse oh interesting once you know that I feel like her eyes and her smile y are very yeah she doesn't have the same face shape but like yeah eyes and smile yep yep it's there it's it's there it's there baby how about that yes so once again Gracie Lou targets Adam M and guess is Dustin Hoffman Rainman I'd probably recognize him you would probably recognize him I'm trying to think of anything more recent he's been in but it's been I think he was Mr Meo and Mr mago's Wonder Emporium or whatever that [ __ ] movie was that nobody saw uhuh okay um this this is bad information that she got from others um so Gracie is incorrect and is revealed to be related to John CER who was in pretty and pink as ducky oh yeah Two and a Half Men uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh and John crier comes and picks her up from this house and she she's so funny she drops the accent she's like my name is Gracie Lou but like I only go by Gracie the boots were just a throw away to you know throw everybody off like it's great my gosh that's amazing yes trying to remember to sustain a Southern accent around people when you don't actually have one seriously good luck right speaking of voices and them being weird MH do you remember the telephone challenge vaguely so we have the telephone challenge this early in the game again holy [ __ ] yeah they're just going through I think there's only 10 episodes this season I think so yeah which is kind of wild to me well cuz they only have 11 contestants too and I think there's usually 12 sure so there's the funding getting a little see when there's a person missing my first thought is always oh they had to drop out last minute for some reason that's my idea sure yeah and then they were just like screw it we'll do how we planned the season sure so it's a telephone challenge so Kevin Jonas gives one of the players a limrick that player has to then run somewhere and say the limi to another player and so on and so forth now they make it harder this season by using Voice modulators yeah there's this like two-way see-through mirror people are on the other each side and one person the person giving the Lim has a voice modulator on so their voice is all kind of weird and squeaky yeah I love so that makes it a little difficult for people they also do one person has to yell the limmerick down to another person from like a hundred like it's a long distance damn from yards away mhm they have to yell it to this person and then that person then has to do an obstacle course Jesus they have to like Vault over and under like alternatingly through some velvet ROP there's a slip and slide they have to slide down and then they have to get on a phone and call the last player wow yeah it's wild literally one of the first times they do this Adam is the person chosen to be the obstacle course Runner uhhuh and he pulls a hamstring o and instead of being like hey here's the riddle he goes I pulled my hamster oh look it's on the Forefront of his mind that's fair Shane and Dany are the team captains of this challenge Shane's team loses and he chooses Miguel as the other possible guesser this is where Dany picks dedrick's clue there's scarecrows on it there's also scarecrows on the clue wall that we love okay there's also things like um bubbles um there's a couple draff clues okay part of the clue that Danny picks is Neverland we've talked about this family The Jacksons yes oh Neverland Neverland Ranch yep yep okay forgot about that but yeah okay well he was also the Scarecrow in The Whiz oh I didn't see the whz me neither but I know that um because of who I am yeah Diana Ross was Dorothy anyway Miguel is fed a lot of information like that Adam is related to David Schwimmer and dedri is related to Little Richard okay he incorrectly guesses Dedrick uhhuh and is revealed to be related to jam Lee Curtis what yeah she's J or he's jime Lee Curtis's nephew oh my God I love it yeah and he really wanted this money because his mother had a lot of medical issues going on in the last couple of years and jam Lee Curtis funded all of that and like kept them afloat basically so he wanted to win this money to pay her back a that's sweet it's very sweet 10 grand isn't enough to cover medical costs in this country but the gesture is very sweet okay hey One Celebrity I actually knew uhuh I love her she's great she's so great I love her Adam is emerging to be a very unlikable person oh no that's a shame he's so pretty yeah well he knows nothing oh well um he doesn't know the movie The whz he doesn't know people like will basically tell him dedri is related to a Jackson and he's like no so he'll refute information okay and he shares nothing that he knows which is hard because he knows absolutely nothing but I digress all right yeah that's less fun yeah he's less cute now yeah bummer he's about to get way less cute oh no um Naomi comes up with a plan to eliminate Adam uhhuh and it's the interrogation challenge okay and this one works a little differently it was very confusing to me they basically have to choose like if the person is lying or telling the truth about something but and they're still all hooked up to a lie detector machine and like their heart rate and everything is being monitored it's weird and Adam tries to cheat on Naomi's answers he like they're sitting between some people and he like tries to tap Naomi's shoulder and is like hey hey what' you get and she's like I'm not giving you [ __ ] oh my God it's great so I don't fully understand what the interrogation challenge is oh this the interrogation challenge is one that they've done before okay um so each player is hooked up to AE detector machine heart rate monitor their um temperature is somehow okay right I don't know how that's not just a butt plug but whatever and they have somebody uh they put them in a separate room from the other players um with an interrogator who has an earpiece in who is asking the questions that the other players are asking that's right yes so Danny gets asked if he is actually related to a pro wrestler and he's like yeah absolutely you want to see the pose and like does the rock pose Naomi is asked if her celebrity relative is part of the brat pack okay I don't know what that is the brat pack we have to move on Google it I'll Google it later good oh McKenzie is asked is your celebrity relative a dancer are they did they play a firefighter nobody is quite sure about McKenzie okay yeah Shane ends up winning the challenge so he said that the right thing at the right time all right Adam tries to ask Dany about dedrick's clue and they end up fighting they end up in like a yelling match at each other my God It's upsetting that feels unnecessary fellas so unnecessary well just walk away y y Adam is like why won't you give it to me why won't you give it to me like I want to see it and Danny is like dude I don't have to give you anything you're giving me nothing and like this is what I'm telling you you can believe me or not but I'm not showing you the clue uhhuh it's so ridiculous oh my God so Adam and HUD are disappointed in Naomi for not being loyal to them and sharing information two white men disappointed in a woman for playing the game right we love to see it so Gracie Lou mhm shared Naomi's clue with Shane okay who shared it with McKenzie okay who shared it with HUD okay who shared it with Adam all right so what was her clue um it was about breakfast and the brat pack and being a princess and a birthday cake okay the brat pack was some actors that John Hughes pretty much exclusively casted in his films like The Breakfast Club pretty and pink oh St Elmo's Fire yeah yeah okay and there was one princess Molly Ringwald So Adam MH correctly guesses Molly Ringwald for Naomi but he can't remember it so he wrote it on his hand and like reads it it's so ridiculous it's one of those moments where I'm like they shouldn't allow this if you can't remember how to pronounce a name that's not Ringwald isn't even a hard it's not hard no though as somebody who can't remember names for [ __ ] I'm a little more sympathetic to this particular plight um you know he's acting like a douche but the writing of the name itself I don't know I think I'd be okay with anyway um after Naomi is eliminated who by the way looks just like Molly Ringwald um they're cousins and they grew up together Adam puts HUD on blast by thanking him is like wouldn't have been here without my boy HUD it's a yikes and under the bus yes okay so in a twers team senses challenge so there's like they're blindfolded mhm and they have to smell something they have to taste something they have to listen to a sound yeah I hate this yeah I have way too many trust issues for any of that one of the smells is manure see this is why that's fair cuz my thought is like somebody's going to shove [ __ ] in my face and then yeah wanted the smell is manure M yep exactly wow and I guess like each pairing corresponds to a player's celebrity okay is the clue so I think it's manure in like chicken is the two cents together yeah well also it's Fried Chicken somebody has a drumstick of Fried Chicken around their neck every day every that wasn't just that wasn't just everyday necklace no literally when Jill gets a eliminated like for good luck Shane puts the chicken wing on her I I think I love Shane I I do really appreciate Shane he's got such a big smile he's he's like a good player he's a team player he's nice to people and he you know is getting information and he's being very strategic yeah like picking Miguel as the other guesser when he was in there was a very strategic MH play so I appreciate that so there is once again a plot to OU Adam but he and HUD win this challenge ah so they get Clues okay and they are not able to be eliminated Adam picks his own clue to keep himself safe ah classic yep Shane and dedri lost so they're in danger of being the guesser um dedri is fed information about Danny um there are lots of JLo references like there is a j below the clue wall Danny's clue the very last bit of it is a j that is very low on the thing yeah yeah dedri chooses Adam as his Target though in a just like let's see if we can [ __ ] it get kick this [ __ ] out yeah but he incorrectly guesses Owen Wilson I could see it so there's lots of lightning bolts okay Lightning McQueen yeah so that was the only like solid clue I could see for Owen Wilson the other one that was with the like senses challenge was a mullet which I guess he has a mullet in Zoolander oh so I could see that but sure but it's not a very solid iconic no like JLo it's like obvious obvious who's connected to JLo Ben afflick right Mark Anthony like they were married forever like it just but yeah I don't J Rule even anyway is a guess for jaylo just just saying okay so he guesses wrong yes so dedrick's celebrity relative is revealed to be Michael Jackson he is um oh gosh what's his name he's Jackie Jackson's kid oh so Michael is his uncle uncle yeah damn yep all right interesting yeah that had to be a fascinating childhood right well at one point he talks about Michael Jackson his his uncle shutting down a Toys R Us and filling a car with toys buying these toys for him and then getting four more cars to fill toys with all for dedri also dedri is not his real name oh his real name is Jackie oh but that would give yeah that would kind of do it y yeah yep okay that um be pretty cool not going to lie just you know it's being a cool uncle or Auntie is fun to do absolutely and if you have the big bucks like totally yes totally would have just like childhood dream let's go let's go clean out Toys R Us right I am just a little it's a little strange to me that they would put one of Michael Jackson's relatives on the show at this time because of you know there's still like around this when this would have been filming was probably not long after the Neverland Ranch documentary came out which really painted Michael Jackson in a bad light didn't that come out in like late 201s no oh it came out like in the last five years I'm pretty sure yeah five to like 209 yeah it's still fairly recent I mean yeah look he every I feel like it's not most people knew about him for way longer than when that oh yeah documentary came out yeah like that was just kind of confirmation right yeah he's always been a contro but his music's still on the radio like he's he was still such a predominant um pop culture figure that yeah it yep it just surprises me with it being so like fresh I guess but 5 years isn't that fresh I suppose I'm late to everything nowaday it'll always be fresh for some people fairly but some people are still vly for Michael Jackson so that's when you reach that level of cultural significance not saying it's a good thing listen but it's at least his family who so far doesn't seem to have done anything bad is probably Prof spting off of it his children who have done nothing yep so so far that we know of that we know of yep so all right we'll give them that okay well that's claim to fame season 3 episodes one through five all right first half baby we'll do one more episode on them once the episodes are out yeah but uh there's nothing out yet nothing yet so we will be back next week something else uh in the meantime you can follow us on Instagram YouTube technically Tik Tok we're really never there patreon patreon all at met to do some [ __ ] speaking of patreon special shout out to our patrons Emma Florence and thanks so much guys we appreciate you we appreciate everyone for listening we will see you all next week bye [Music]

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Claim to Fame Season 3: Adam Wins $100,000 & Reveals His Connection to Michael Bolton!

Category: Entertainment

Warning this news contains major spoilers about claim to fame season 3 in a thrilling finale of claim to fame season 3 contestant adam emerged victorious taking home the $100,000 grand prize it was revealed that adam is the nephew of none other than grammy-winning singer and songwriter michael bolton... Read more

Reagan Movie Review thumbnail
Reagan Movie Review

Category: People & Blogs

Intro reagan is the latest film from director shan mcnamer which is about our title character our 40th president ronald reagan and stars penelope anne miller robert dbby leslie and down john voit and dennis quaid as ronald reagan this film covers the life of ronald reagan as told by two russian spies... Read more