Category: People & Blogs
Time to try all the fall drinks at duncan brand new iced dunal latte the description says it's supposed to taste like a creamy coffee like a milkshake on the rocks i definitely kind of get that creamy flavor i may about a 7.5 out of 10 it's not really my taste it's okay pumpkin cold brew with sweet... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Never forget subscribe the channel and hit the bell icon for latest updates vanna white re ups wheel of fortune contract substantial pay increase vanna white has signed on for two more years as the co-host of wheel of fortune and she'll take home a lot more cash this time around but we've learned things... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Don't care that it's 90° falls officially back we're trying the fall drinks at duncan today and fall treats the brand new iced dunka latte so the description on this one says creamy coffee milk combined with bold espresso for a sippable go-to embodying a milkshake on the rocks there's creamy coffee... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey guys welcome back to another video it is megan and dunkin donuts has came out with their fall drinks so let's give this a try of course i had to get the original pumpkin spice latte because i always say i think that dunkin donuts is pumpkin spas or pumpkin latte is it pumpkin spous yeah so starbucks... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Meeh welcome back to the souther snack where life is too short to be serious all right 11 items duncan is going crazy for midsummer folks and let me tell you i'm going to predict this now between them and starbucks i think duncan's going to be the winner they just have more interesting items i will... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Intro ye and welcome back to the southern stack where life is too short to be serious this is a massive review a massive order and let me give a huge shout out to the location franklin virginia you guys did an awesome job everything nicely put together great job um and i go out of my way to come out... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome back to the southern snack where life is too short to be serious all right hopefully i don't keep you guys too long we got seven drinks not all of them are new but uh you know they're they're all featured and i've never tried them as far as i look back at my duncan reviews i don't think i've... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hello everybody it's ry and welcome back to my channel and today in my personal opinion is the best day of the year it is the day that duncan releases their fall lineup of drinks we're talking pumpkin spice we're talking apple cider we're talking about all things fall and i think fall is just like the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Good morning everybody it's the 28th which means duncan fall drinks are now out and i picked them up i'm so tired it's 8:30 in the morning and i've been up since like 5: so yeah but you know what i want to try these drinks out none of mine came with whipped cream or like any specialty like drizzles... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
These are the little drinks smells really good and look at the color too i don't know what it means but this is what it looks [music] like dunkin just came out with their fall drinks and i am so excited i can't even wait to start this video i actually already got all the fall drinks that i want to try... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Administration is responsible because of unclaimed, undocumented immigrants. >>> a long time contractor on this old house has died. after a long illness, spending 40 years with this old house. show runn Read more
Category: Entertainment
Today the hockey world mourns a profound loss nhl star johnny gd and his brother matthew were tragically killed by a drunk driver while riding bikes both were just hours away from celebrating their sister's wedding a day now overshadowed by grief it's hard to put it into words really i mean but uh these... Read more