Ears and Anemia, as one does | KAOS on Netflix is BINGEWORTHY | Daily Vlog Episode 433

good morning guys girls and I'm binary Pals it is Thursday morning I did not Vlog the last couple of days I meant to and then I realized like I was meant to start the Vlog on Tuesday because the last episode I put out which was this one right here the days got a little staggered a little funky because I didn't record all weekend so I did instead to do a vlog for Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and put that out for you guys on Friday but then Tuesday came and went and I realized I never picked up the camera so I said you know what it was already going to be funky timing anyways let me just not Vlog the next couple of days and I'll pick it up again on Thursday like I usually do because typically my weekend Vlogs begin on Thursdays anyways and it was just going to be weird because of that whole trying to catch up so we skipped an episode basically hopefully y'all don't mind too much but um I actually found out this morning I learned with some recent blood work that I am anemic it seems and so that kind of explains why I've been so exhausted lately and why I've had so little motivation to do anything it's like basically if I'm not in therapy with my son or like cooking and eating I just want to be asleep and so I haven't talked to my doctor yet because I only found out about my blood work because I went into the lab portal and the lab reported the results directly to me but the doctor still has to look at the labs and then reach out to me and I don't know if I need to make another appointment or if she could just tell me over the phone what to do or what it's weird because I prioritize like getting enough protein every day and like eating nutritiously Etc but sometimes things just happen so I guess we'll wait and see if I need to like adjust supplements or if there's some other sort of situation going on it's fine but at least we have uh some answers now as to why I've been so so there's that but it is Thursday we just finished one of our sessions we have another session coming up in a little bit but I wanted to pop in and say hi because I haven't been and so all that being said if uploads kind of slow down a little bit for the next bit um I'm sorry just know I'm trying my best but I just haven't been feeling 100% and on top of that I also reached out this morning to my sleep doctor my sleep specialist because my CPAP machine is definitely giving me an ear infection I can't hear anything out of my left ear and I've been dealing with this for over a week at this point so I'm waiting to hear back from her because I had to leave a message with her office office um and I don't know if it's that my machine needs to be adjusted or if I need a different machine if I need to do another sleep study all over again I really hope not but something's got to give because this is not this is not working this is not okay so I'm just dealing with a lot bodywise right now but I feel fine I feel good all things is considered I'm just tired and can't hear but I feel good so I'm going to do my best in the next little bit to keep the uploads coming and hopefully you guys will understand and stick along with me while I go through all that but yeah for now um that's my Thursday so whatever update I get I'll let you guys know and I hope you're having a happy Thursday [Music] hey friends it is Sunday afternoon and I don't know when was the last time I vlogged the the Vlog seems to have completely gone off the rails in the last like month or so I think um and that's partly to do with like so much going on that I don't have time to Vlog and then nothing going on so me feeling like I don't have anything to Vlog but um a lot actually has happened on the last couple days and I just haven't had the opportunity to Vlog also it is absolutely pouring outside right now and the Thunder is super super loud so if you hear it in the background that's what's going on I'm pretty sure I've mentioned I've been mentioning in the Vlog that my ear has been feeling funky for over 2 weeks now I think and or at least let's let's call it a week and a half um and I haven't been able to hear out of my left ear for about a week straight at this point so I've been trying very very hard to avoid going to the emergency room or to the Urgent Care because we're in the middle of a very big Co surge right now and the last thing I want is to go to see a doctor about one thing and end up leaving the place with something else alog together so I've been putting it off putting it off and finally yesterday I think or the day before I messaged my doctor and I told her this is what's going on and I'm just wondering when you'll be able to see me because this is what's happening and I'm trying to avoid going to the urgent care if I can manage it because you know X Y and Z so what do you think and she replies yeah you need to go to urgent care because I'm not going to get to see you until at least Tuesday and honestly it's probably going to be even like farther than that so um you can't just be without hearing for a week and not get that checked out you need to go to urgent care so once I realized she wasn't going to be able to help me anytime soon and that this was going to persist I Googled the Urgent Care I typically go to and it's a good thing I did because the one nearer to me was closed today I Googled it made sure they were open and as a matter of fact for whatever reason maybe it's because it's been pouring all day but for whatever reason they were less busy today than usual so I said okay that's that's my cue I'm just going to go to the Urgent Care then so I went down to the Urgent Care it so happened that when I got there first off everybody was masked which was a very like pleasant surprise and also it was just one other lady ahead of me in the waiting room and then me so they called me in almost immediately and as soon as I told them what was going on obviously they look at my ears and the doctor tells me your ears look fine I know you're complaining like they're feeling full they're feeling stuffed they're feeling like full of liquid I don't see liquid I don't see anything honestly your ears look good and I was like okay but surely something's happening though because I'm not just like not hearing of my own accord for the last week right so he tell tells me I can offer you an ear flush and if there's like Wax build up which I don't see any if there's liquid behind something which we're not seeing maybe that will coers it out um it's you know it's not like strong medication cuz I also prefer not to use like especially antibiotics I've been on so many courses of antibiotics throughout my life that I'm at a point where I don't think they even work on me anymore so if I could avoid that which is usually the first thing people throw at you when you have an ear infection I'd rather do that so he said let's try a flush it's literally I'm just going to high pressure saline into your ear and um we'll see how that looks how if that does anything for you um and that way we don't have to like throw medication at it we don't have to put throw steroids at it we don't have to do anything for no reason cuz as of right now I don't want to treat you for an infection because I don't see an infection in even though it feels like to you like you have an infection so they did that it was wonderful actually I wish he' done both ears he only did the one that was bothering me um cuz it felt really really nice and almost immediately I felt relief he showed me a bunch of like dead skin and gross stuff that was in my ear but he said it was like a normal amount like that wasn't what was causing anything so potentially I guess I did have liquid in my ear like but it was farther in and he couldn't see it and all of that liquid kind of helped push it out but I went in there probably hearing like 20% out of my ear I left there hearing like 80% and he told me it could be from your CPAP it could be like a latent sinus thing although typically that presents with pain and you're saying you're not feeling any pain um it could be allergies in your home it could be a million things but um now that your ear is completely clear I can see that your ear drum is a little irritated which I couldn't see that before so he did prescribe me some eardrops and which I much prefer to do that than to take oral antibiotics cuz again then I'm like flooding my entire system with something that potentially I don't even need whereas the eardrops are just like a direct Bing there it is um unfortunately by the time the pharmacy filled my prescription they were basically closed so I'm not going to be able to pick them up today but we'll pick them up tomorrow interestingly almost like within I'd say 15 20 minutes of cut getting home my hearing was back down to about 50% so it definitely feels like there's something allergy wise in my home or maybe it's the dryness in my home that I've complained about a bazillion times in the last you know few years that we've been here or whatever but like it it's crazy to me just how quickly as soon as I stepped into the house the amount I was able to hear diminished so and I can't blame the CPAP for that one because I have not put my CPAP on since this morning when I woke up so um that's the update there I hope tomorrow to pick up my medicine and start that and see if that does anything but I'm really glad that I went in all things considered because the flush was the best course of action I think I could have opted for and at least in the moment it really did help the ER doctor did tell me though or the urgent care doctor did tell me though you need to see a specialist you need to see an ENT because there's obviously a lot of complicated stuff going on in here that I don't think even your primary can help you with like you need to see a specialist which I've long intended to do that and I don't know what I was waiting for honestly because even structurally my ear is not like a typical adult ear typically adult ears like when you're a kid your ear canal is flat and then as you get older it does this to help drainage my ear never did that my ear stayed flat I've gotten at least a dozen probably more ear infections in my life I'm extremely susceptible to like swimmers ear and things like that um I have a Dermatological condition inside my ear that causes a lot of like dryness so I have to take drops for that it's just a whole thing so I really should like I don't know why I'm not already seeing seeing an ENT I don't know why I haven't been seeing an ENT for a long time but I've made myself a note to call one on Tuesday and figure something out there because obviously I am way past due getting a specialist for my ears so that's the update there um the whole weekend has just been very chill we watched the race we went to go get bugs at some point in the weekend um on Friday our in-person therapist canceled because he had a sore throat which I very much appreciate him telling me about he was not surprised at all he's like yeah school just started so I'm I'm bound to get sick which true but also ah so um we're obviously not seeing him on Monday because it's Labor day but we're meant to see him on Tuesday and I don't know if I want him to just like stay home just in case I guess we'll find that out together um but otherwise yeah I think I've pretty much caught you guys up with everything that's going on so far so thanks for listening about my ears a lot and um happy Sunday I guess good Monday morning friends it is Labor Day and so it's just another day at home basically for us I've been much more productive today than I have been over the last few days done a lot of laundry we cleaned up the lizards enclosures um cut kiddo's hair change the AC filter like I did a bunch of little things around the house and now I am air frying some chicken tendies so I could hang out for a bit and just watch some YouTube and chill uh hubby just went to go get my medicine and we are back in quarantine mode I mentioned I've been mentioning throughout the Vlogs recently that my mom spent I think it was like just under a month across the country uh staying with my brother for a while getting him set up at his new place helping him move and just overall sightseeing and Jet setting and hanging out and so she came back yesterday she's back in town now but of course that means she's been traveling Etc so we're taking another 5 to 7 days before we see her again to make sure that she tests and tests negative Etc before we all reconvene as a group um that's why we made it a point to see my dad over the weekend because it was like the one day between the end of his quarantine cuz he spent some time there as well but he came back earlier so it was the one day between the end of his quarantine period and the beginning of the reset with my mom returning so um yeah so at least we got to see him but my mom is safely back in town and it's Labor Day so usually we'd be going over their house and Grilling or swimming although the weather's been super super Gaga for the last like week it's been pouring and supposedly there's three storms that the National Hurricane Center is watching this week because they might develop into something scary so that's fun um but yeah all that's going on so rather than hanging out at my parents today we're just hanging out here I'm probably going to wrap up this episode today I don't foresee too much else happening but it is what it is I want to make sure that I edit this tomorrow and get it out for you guys on Wednesday so that there's at least two uploads this week um because on Sunday I'm actually hosting the Shelf Timber collab this year and that was something that I put together to kind of encourage people to use up what they already have in their Pantry in their freezer Etc because I know I'm guilty of that when I see a sale especially like a I w't get one I stock up on stuff but then I forget it's there and I keep reing it or um I just let it eventually go bad because I forget it's there so I I didn't ask everybody to do this I basically just said make a meal from your pantry or freezer but what I did is that I challenged myself to make 2 weeks worth of meals I ended up actually doing 15 meals total I was aiming for 14 but 15 meals um from my f my pantry and freezer some of it is just like processed things that I heated up and other things were actual recipes that I like pulled ingredients and put them together and like voila a dish so a good amount of variety there obviously all my stuff is gluten and dairy free so I figured it was important even if it was just a simple like heat and eat type thing it was still something worth including because if you're new to gluten and dairy free or if you're not sure what your options are for quick easy meals like that then this is a great place to get some inso so that's coming out Sunday afternoon but yeah I wanted to make sure at least one Vlog came out for you guys this week so I'm going to wrap this one up today Monday edit it Tuesday get it out for you Wednesday and hopefully I'll fall back into some sort of like normal vlogging routine after that I just haven't been feeling it lately to be honest but and then the fact obviously that hubby is working from home and that he will continue to work from home this week because of the quarantining situation um complicates things because I don't feel so free to talk to the camera when there's other people around so um I'm sure that's understandable it feels like awkward and stuff not he doesn't make me feel awkward I feel awkward around the situation he doesn't mind either way he doesn't really even register he's like oh you're vlogging okay cool uh but I feel weird doing it around him so that kind of like shifts things a little bit but we'll see we'll see what I end up getting into I know for sure the plan right now is this Vlog on Wednesday and shelftember on Sunday so I hope you're having a great Labor Day and I guess we'll chat again later tonight happy [Music] [Music] Monday well the lighting is crap hold on let me turn on the TV or something hey guys it's Monday night wrapping up the Vlog that's a little bit better it's probably going to be changing me colors and stuff but that's what we're working with it's Monday night and we spent most of the afternoon um watching Chaos on Netflix which is a Greek mythology show I don't even know if I mean I wouldn't call it a comedy for sure it's definitely not a drama um kind of a little bit of everything I suppose but a show about Greek mythology where Jeff gold Blum is playing Zeus so good um I've been meaning to watch it it was on my list but then my best friend sent me a text earlier in the day and she was like you need to watch this show I just finished episode 3 it's so good because she and I both share love of Greek mythology and she was watching it with her husband and she was like I keep having to stop and explain stuff to him but I know you'll get all the references so you need to watch which yeah there were a few times where I'm not going to say it was necessary to understand Greek mythology like backstory to to get what was going on on the show because they do a pretty good job of explaining plus there's a couple instances where they don't like they kind of deviate from the actual story for the sake of telling the story that they want to you know want to tell but um I will say that if you do know the story of these individuals it kind of enriches the experience because it gives you a little bit of backstory it gives you a little bit of insight and to as to why the character is that way or why the character would make that choice um but yeah we watched the first episode I watched the first episode my husband was like I'm going to listen in because he was sitting just in the other side of the room playing a video game he's like I'm going to listen in and if it sounds good I'll join you but I'm not particularly interested in watching so I was like okay fair enough I want to watch so I'm going to watch it so um I did I started watching the first episode and by the time I was on the third episode he was sitting right next to me on the couch watching and we got to like episode 5 and it started to get late I said man I really want to I want to watch this like I want to finish this show there's only eight episodes they're hourong episodes but it's like I really want to watch this show but we got to start getting everybody ready for bed and he was like if you're down to Marathon this I'm down to Marathon this so kiddo went to bed very very late hubby went to bed very very late and I'm obviously still up but so worth it it was so so so good and I really hope that they're getting ready to make a second season and like fast because it was good so yeah that's my review in case you're looking for something so good that you could watch it all in one evening chaos is where it's at and uh yeah so that's that's my Vlog I don't even know if it's it's certainly not a weekend in the life but it's also not a week in the life the last few days in my life I suppose and like I said hopefully tomorrow I'll get back on some sort of like proper vlogging routine but that's what's going on for us right now so I hope you guys have had a great week or great weekend or great holiday what have you and we'll talk again really really soon bye

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