TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP - RD1 - Holy Cow, She's A Brute (TGC Plat) | PGA TOUR 2K23 (PS5)

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:28:08 Category: Gaming

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hello everybody Welcome to the main event the Tour Championship is finally here for TGC tours Platinum um I think it's the top 33 players so the top 30 Advanced but a few on the money list got an auto qualifier so we're one of them I'm blessed just to be here for my performance all year I did just enough and played pretty decent in the last couple tournaments so but uh this is it um The suffle Hills here is a brute it's a very long course we have a very long par fours uh if we get some very high winds it's going to be very interesting so hey let's go out and see what we can do right away so Dr Jones has this course um let's see what the conditions are so only one t box we're going to have the same distances every round um obviously different pin locations but uh pin one for round one very high winds we start with the very high winds oh jeez uh from the West it looks like default firmness in the fairways I'm not sure what that is uh very firm green so they are going to bounce a little bit and default green speeds um let's actually look at the details on the course so way over there on the right so we're looking at firm firm medium fast okay so it shouldn't be too bad so firm Fairways um all right let's go do it guys hey thank you so much for all love support if you're new subscribe make sure you're hitting that like button guys hey wish me all the luck I am the defending champion of the Tour Championship I know that doesn't mean a whole lot right now because I haven't been playing my best but I really want to do well so here we go here we go boys and girls start off with a 480 yard R4 that's downhill um Fairways are going to be pretty key here leg we hit a pretty good shot I think this should be pretty darn good as long as it doesn't bounce too hard that's a pretty firm bounce oh it's perfect let's go come on Fairways and greens are going to be key Fairways and greens 95 yards approach shot here um I think this should be good I really do I'm going to put a little bit of backspin on it Gap wch pitch shot just let it uh go up there and ride the wind it's a little fast coming right around looks pretty darn good is looks pretty darn good let's go on always good to have a birdie on one let's do already let's keep that going careful out there wind going left to right on this hole all right hole number two a par three wow um I think this actually should make it I think this will be all right think it'll be all right it's going to be tough with that wind we h a pretty good shot but we didn't aim enough whole my gosh this is so bad oh my gosh okay all right shake that one off number two got to somehow make this check I don't know if a Chip is going to make it stop there I don't want to okay I think it should it should be all right I'm going to do full full on this is the is the dock around okay that's a pretty good chip pretty good chip had enough bite on it little tap in par are one under after that one tap in par one under through two it's good going to be tough scoring very tough scoring got to take our time it is a TOUR Championship this is um this is everything this is it um looks like I can clear that but does that other bunker come into play if it does maybe it does maybe I just do a little bit of this little bit of a fast here oh no oh kick hard right kick hard right really hard there we go maybe not too hard stay in the Fairway okay okay I'll accept that all right 70 yards on the third 70 yards does this travel up there that's the key it's a lob wge pit shot it's up 16 I'm thinking it does I think it gets there what do you think little fast it's definitely there okay A little deep that's fine I think I overpowered it a little bit too all right these are the putts that make or break me and 45 greens it's going got to be kidding how does it not break that much it's going downhill dang it I thought I read that perfect wait it looked really good too maybe it wasn't the perfect putt line but I thought thought for sure that would fall all right hey you'll stay at okay with that one under through three this one's clocking in at a par four all right so this is a 523 yard Par Four With the Wind just like this I'm going to actually deloff this with a little bit of draw oh that's tough fast that might be in the heavy that's not going to be good at all guys I don't even think I can get just the green setting up here oh my God it's just a terrible lie too absolutely terrible lie play this way out to the right see if the wind brings it back I'm going to have to overpower this all right come on oh that was terrible I hit 107 but I fasted it you know what it's not a bad result for what it is just not what I needed right now all right so 20 this is pretty good going be a pretty much a full chip right pretty much a full chip all right a little bit to the left should be good distance though Fant the okay another par as long as we keep a pretty clean card I'm okay with it pars are definitely going to happen on this course but we need to we need to make some birdies wind blowing out there right need to make some birdies for sure oh tough one all right down 17 I think I can get the seven there there we going have to deloft it with full Back Spin but I think this will work not with a push slow though it might be on the front of the green maybe well you missed the approach I'm not I'm not disappointed in you in any way just want you to know that just slowed it slowed it badly nobody's fault but mine okay here we go dock doctor doctor come on baby come on baby it's way too fast way too fast coxster here we go drop this and save that looking pretty good good job I'm okay with the par saves but I got a par five coming up and um I don't I don't even know if it's all right we got a 640 yard and it's uphill and it's not downwind at all so probably can't reach this okay really good drive stay in the Fairway for me at least right okay no oh that really ruined my chances right there to get to the green I know it's light rough shot on the sixth actually you know what such a terrible lie though such a terrible lie let's see if I can get it up to the front of the green see if I can get it up there we pushed it a little bit it needs to clear that bunker and get to the Fairway does it get to the Fairway no no it doesn't that's okay though that's okay five Strokes off the lead 40 yards how bad is the lie it's not too bad do I hit this or do I hit decisions decisions guys 95% that's pretty good that's pretty good should bounce dribble out sit okay really good shot really good shot actually good all right good birdie good birdie keep plugging away here two under through six not the best start but um it's fairly [Applause] clean 497 yards all hole number seven 49 7 yards again here um sorry I had to take a I had to pause the video there just got to hit a decent one just a little bit of doft I think is fine pretty good shot right down the middle of the Fairway little bit of slope to work with but I think we'll be all right there 228 so just not that's not going to get there it's up 35 so we're losing almost 12 yards there and we're gosh 20 M hour winds I think the three would probably just full truthfully it's a little bit long and a little bit left actually the long it's not too bad stay don't go down here okay that's too bad just a little tiny pole and otherwise it would have been really good but we still got a chip chance here third shot looking like still got a chip chance oh I put too much spin on it you know what for very firm greens these are not playing very firm it's very strange 200 through seven that is definitely not where I wanted to be all right what is this holy cow is this drivable I think it is drivable I think it is I need a good shot but beautiful that's a pretty good shot is that that too far it is too far oh oh maybe okay hold on does it go right off the r okay it's on The Fringe second shot B number [Applause] eight see if we can get this to go in there come on baby we need this this would be amazing nope how did I push it that much oh my God I'm such a terrible Cher I'm like probably the one of the worst Platinum Tour chippers on the game The Eagle would have got me to four hey it is what it is right okay up 20 seven and another 20 yard 27 yards almost okay play it seven should be okay here this should be okay little bit of a pull there winds bringing her back doesn't look too bad oh hello you that work let's go really played really played a lot track and there's a birdie we end up four under through nine Here Comes not bad not bad jez another long R4 straight into the wind straight into it oh darn it dude you can't do that coxster you cannot do you have to hit the Fairway more right than you would it's such a it's just a terrible line like so bad like give me a 70% lie in a three-wood it's all I can do it's all I can do all right back in the Fairway now let's just drop a dart onto that green 43 yards they're going to flop this little fast there oh it's got to sit don't roll out just don't roll out okay really good really good okay this save your power looking good it's just crazy that that's a par [Laughter] forcely all right right there at four start this back nine four under par is this a par five this is a par five hey you know what it's downwind all right can we take advantage 128 yards but it is downwind I'm not going to try to Blitz this one just a baby fast right to the middle of Fairway depends on how it kicks here yep should be perfect okay we are almost 400 off the team y here still leaves 200 oh gosh 46 yards I think I'm going to hit an iron here guys I really do I'm going do pretty much full full on a four iron let let's see what this does way over there oh my gosh that wind just bro push that so hard to the left I gosh I would have if I would have landed way to the right I think I would have liked it okay setting up here in the green side rough definitely got to get it up there though that's the hardest part dude you got to sit I had so much spin on that come on all right come on we need to make this this one's on a good line oh my goodness got to be kidding me and here we go powerp coming up I don't know why I'm not taking my time like I'm just like I'm seeing it I'm visualizing it I I see it going in the hole but obviously my read is wrong but oh man okay what is this down straight down wind if I can hit that bank oh man that would be golden thank I'm just going to fully Loft the hybrid hopefully it takes off enough great swing on that one it's on a pretty good line it's just a little long hit the pin hit the pin hit the pin stay on the green oh it's just I get all these darn little chips and it's are so like impossible for me like that's the biggest difference between me and some of the top top players like I can't like to me this is impossible I feel like it's good and it is setting upet from the cuts going another par bars aren't going to t uh cut it we got to get close to 10 under par I think I think we got to get close to under par so we have to we have to do something magically now the magic let the magic begin let the magic begin all right pretty good shot pulled that a little bit but uh it it missed everything thankfully around 110 yards to the pin all right so 109 up 11 there four oh my God it's going to spin all the way back just stop somewhere please stop right there right there that's a safe shot this going to be away that's right I thought wrong all right breaking to the left going up the hill to the left left going up the hill breaking back to right at the end I don't know how far it's going to break to the left just a little look really good it never did go to the left that hard wow Miss judgment again well I'm certainly making a lot of parts going to have our work cut out I'm sure styes and and Lindsay will play this week too because it's the last event um WBY killing I know went out there and shot like 14 under in the first round so uh props to him man he's been hitting hitting really really well there's a 106 perfect watch this go into the rough guaranteed probably in the heavy yep that's not going to be good good luck such a great shot shot here just blistered by it nothing I can do here stay in the Fairway where this one's to end up okay that's fine out of the got to give myself birdie got to get a birdie here all right we're going to do this little bit of Loft little bit of spin should not be it should not be short okay that's fine very good very good the bird okay there we go hey it's a birdie birdie number I can make a birdie five under Jesus that's Terri all right this should be pretty straightforward here good swing down the right side Fairway perfect 401 setting up about 105 yard wge put a little bit of Loft on this guy quite a bit of back SP pretty good it's online don't be short yeah thank you oh I was waiting for it to hit that hill and come all the way back but it's like oh my God please don't do that all right very good shot there another the bird 600 little bit of late push here not a long not a long one oh can we even get there not to the green obviously but like' be nice to be like right here I think if I do something like this maybe a little 105 I hit a perfect I don't know why my camera changed there this could roll into the rough I think don't go into the rough please please don't that's perfect that's kind of Right Where I wanted it too nice little shot that's actually Too Close kind of goof myself there goof myself little forward spin because you put Loft and everything on this and it's going to rip back 68 the wind alone's going to take off probably the eight yards a little bit of Loft here no not fast no gosh look at that really good really good distance too you know what not not a bad putt not a bad putt see if I can make it just a little bit left should be good I think there don't miss right it's not it's right in the middle let's go three in a row can we get two more can we get two more be a great finish and win will be a on this one blowing right into our face think I take the hybrid here I think the hybrid pretty much straight up it's going to be good maybe actually just tap block because that wind is just brutal right nice swing oh no please get right somehow kick right down this hill somehow kick right down the hill kick right yes yes go straight to the hole straight come on go go go oh we got bailed out High got bailed out a little bit here we go for your birdie going towards that hole come on there's another one to watch four in a row we get one more okay under is your score get one more nine under see what happens here on the it's not super exciting but hey you know what it's a it's a start right it's a start that's swing start somewhere I did push it off to the right a little bit well no laser line it's just slow and it's going to be in the heavy CL or two extra from here this is really deep dang it um up 50 got to think about this guys I have to think about this it's a pretty good lie I'm going to go 80% I think the five iron will be all right here really do I think so wind dude really did I get the bottom percentage that P down a birdie well truthfully I mean you take 20 even 20% off of a 200 Club you know that lands 160 right 40 yards if my math is right I don't know Math's hard all right this it's all downhill this would be amazing putt to finish on guys amazing going up hill to start it's going to go slower it's going to snap left at the hole though that's the problem I need this to be n it's missing way left just sit there just sit it's fine comes a freeo just didn't turn as much right as I it it looked to me anyway but hey you know what that's a pretty good finish it's a pretty darn good finish an eight under um so we got some names I know I can't remember who's who's uh in the final 33 players but um so anybody can play this Society um go in there take a look uh it's TGC tours Platinum you don't have to sign up for TGC to be in it so you can just go and play it and have fun or be miserable any of them right so hey make sure you hit that like uh hopefully we'll be back for round number two tomorrow uh it's we got four rounds of madness here so hey uh aunder not too bad name mer shot 12 under so we're four back of him but I know we are six back of Wy and uh obviously styes and Lindsay hasn't you know they haven't touched the game yet so anyway take care I love you all see you bye

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