Herb Baumeister, Fox Hollow Farm Monster | That Chapter Podcast

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:47:09 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: herb baumeister
okay yes it's recording how are the levels they're okay they could be better uh but you know what they'll do for now hey you and welcome my name is Mike and this is yet another if you can believe it episode of the that chapter podcast I um once again you can hear him his grumbly uh disgusting laugh that kind of sends shivers down your spine as usual it's the K Dog dirty Keith how's it going Keith if Folks at home will be curious Keith you sound uh a little under the weather is that true little bit grally yeah I kind of feel like I'm um I have a bit of a head cut I feel like my brain's work in at half capacity which if I'm being honest can't afford it well yeah you barely can afford I mean I feel like yeah it's always weing half capacity so it's quite strange that yes let's see how today goes all right folks well here listen theying for a treat the people at home to see how Keith struggles through this episode of the podcast before we get into it I just want to say as always to the folks at home thank you so much for listening thank you so much for sending in our listener story so after like the last couple of weeks since our last episode of listener stories huge influx of people sending in their Tales uh well I mean the last episode of listener stories was it was intense it was great it was really good thanks to well there all the stories were great but Phil's story at the end I still keep thinking about it yeah yeah I just wake up in the middle of night screaming somebody me somebody yeah so that that's great so and the stories you guys have been sending in have been fantastic as always thank you so much also uh huge thank you to everybody who rates and reviews the podcast on whatever you whatever platform you're listening it really helps out the show uh helps us like ride up the rise up the or right I don't know who knows who knows these things up the up the rankings which helps out a lot helps helps new folks find the most two most annoying people who make horror podcast which I but we think we're funny that's list we're having a good time who cares I really don't care but I all right so today oh wait I'm finally the houskeeping I have to do every episode Keith anything anything for us this week I do actually have a bit of a are you Ser bit of a creepy start I do okay so which I know it's been like it because it was quiet for a while in the house it was quiet for a couple of months but you know what I can feel Autumn is in the air uh I felt like it went from Summer to Autumn it was very very warm here uh in Ireland for the last couple of weeks but suddenly this week you know what I'm saying we're back to Sweater Weather hell yes I'm enjoying it I'm enjoying seeing the great Cloudy Skies the rain leaves underground smells smells good it does smell good and like I'm looking forward to the the change in season the leaves just that I love that how aomy looks out yeah I'm very I'm excited for it I'm exatic and I was I was you sent me a photo you went to TK Max recently and they have all the Halloween stuff coming in so I went there at the weekend as well and got a couple of things myself so very good look at us we're just some GS going shopping getting prepared Yes actually something funny um my it's my daughter she came home from crush or play school and she said to my wife she was like oh I have a birthday card for you so she pulled out a birthday card that she made for her and she gave her which you know that's nice then she proceeded to pull out another like 10 to 15 cards from her bike okay so she'd managed to convince all the kids in her class to make my wife a birthday card it's not my wife's birthday for another two months but I think what's happened is she's very excited for Halloween she keeps talking about it okay and for school today as well she wanted to go in dress as wesy Adams we're like yeah absolutely why not so I think what might have happened is she's thinking that we're closer to Halloween than we actually but she's very excited for it but some of the kids actually never got a chance to finish their cards either she said so they've brought them home for their parents to help to help out WR your wife a birthday card Hey listen you're getting everybody involved put a few Bank notes in there that's saying put just throw a few Shillings in you know that's what I'm saying yeah help the cause it would be rude not to I I feel it would be I feel like listen if you have money I could always use them yeah why not I'm not going to say no thanks for offering I will accept I appreciate you giving me your money but okay back to Spooky okay the story I'm about to say so it's is very similar to what happened beforehand MH so remember I told you before that my wife he like noise in the house yeah that was uh last last the last uh episode right oh no it was the one before that the last one that happened in your scary house was you going up the stairs and your daughter seeing feet the dark shadow feet Shadow feet yes so on this occasion so I was upstairs and I could hear my wife downstairs and she goes yeah yeah what is it what and I thought she was on the fun phone for a second and I was like no she's talking to me I went downstairs I was like are you talking to me and she was like yeah yeah you were calling me I was like I wasn't calling you and she said like she could hear as clear as day like it sounded like my voice calling her name calling her name and like we weren't that far away from each other like theed like where I am the bedroom and you go down the stairs and the front room is just there were about I don't know like 20 20 foot away yeah but I didn't hear a thing weird but she hear as clear as day my voice calling her name twice which is very and that's the second time that's happened yeah yeah so very very strange very weird so that was your weird things happen house yeah so well you know so I'm I'm looking forward to Spooky season coming back ramp up again yeah I just watched uh holder Guist you know they're here they're here in your house I can't wait you know I really we really got to go and film uh a video in your house uh get the night vision out and stuff like that it will be fun but speaking of fun let's get into today's topic yes let do it folks today we are talking about uh a very not you know we done some weird stories paranormal we did ghosts we did European Unsolved Mysteries now it is time for a good oldfashioned Cal K nice it is the story of Herbert Richard bow Meister or B I would say bister I'd say Herby Herby excellent good old Herby good old to squeeze his cheeks all right so most of our action today takes place in the mighty city of Indianapolis Indiana known to residences Indie and also just people like me who you are cool and home to the famous or inFAMOUS uh Colts Indianapolis is the 16th most populous city in the United States the metropolitan area alone boasts more than 2.1 million of Indiana's roughly 6.8 million plus residents so in contrast to the majority of the state being fairly sparely populated Indianapolis is a real bustling Metropolis The Jewel of the Midwest I call it it's also an economically Sound City being home to a whole bunch of industry and Manufacturing it is a rich history being one of the old States founded over 200 years ago in 1821 and a large part of that history is Indiana's role in the Civil War during which the state fell on the side of Lincoln and the union even before that though the state obviously had his history going back to when there was history the name Indiana literally means Indian Land our story today though starts on a much more recent date than any of that April 7th 1947 because that folks if you can believe it just so happened to be the day one Herbert Richard B Meister Herby would pop head into the world herb as he was better known or well Herby to friends like us we go Herby like I don't friends but well don't judge him he was the first of four children born to Dr Herbert Eugene bister a very successful anesthesiologist and his wife Elizabeth baister n Schmidt herb wasn't one of those guys who had to go through great trauma that turns them into monsters though like by all accounts Herbert's early home life and upbringing were relatively normal and stable herb though was far from ordinary and would often shock those around him by expressing his interest in fail and disgusting things Herb's parents noticed several worrying changes in his behavior specifically little herb really liked playing with dead animals that's a that's that's a ding-ding that's a triple ding that's serial killer 101 right there it truly is it's 101 of one of one of three so it's a that's a major D yeah herb he also got himself a bit of a reputation around school as being quite the prankster plays all jokey jokes only the difference though was that Herb's idea of a prank was to take a huge piss on his teacher's desk which let's be fair that's classic that is funny uhoh you're in trouble and no however knowing what we do know about him now like looking back it's like he was taking a piss on his teacher's desk with a [ __ ] big old boner he was definit like getting off on it this wasn't just a joke for him but Hey listen if it makes you laugh you know what's the harm do what makes you happy yeah that's it that just made him very happy when he was a teenager Herb's Behavior worried his father enough that Herbert senior squirreled his son away for secret mental health exams those exams resulted in Jer being diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia now despite the diagnosis clearly showing he needed your further attention and likely lifelong medication well herb did not receive any of those things whatsoever if he did we well there might be a lot of guys who were still alive that's why mental health treatment it's it's no joke folks ke look at me like that's a joke I can be genuine sometimes you're like you're like looking at me like waiting for me no I agree I agree I'm not always disingenous however that's not to say his behavioral issues were solely down to his mental health there is no you know mental health excuse for being the sick son of a [ __ ] that Herbert B Meister was yeah like interestingly though like as a young child he was he was completely happy and normal and outgoing his fascination with death and other Strange Behaviors it really only began in his teenage years so it was as if something within his brain chemistry just completely misfired when he went through puberty like these types of misfires are not uncommon in young adults and they lead to disorders however in Herb's case it seemed it just have it manif fested into him being a sociopath yeah another thing he would do would be H he'd also like blurt out things regardless of like if it was socially acceptable or not do he have like Tourette's or something I don't know like again like he wasn't really properly diagnosed like all this like mental treatments and diagnosis it was still very much in the infancy of the this would have been yeah like what the 60s so yeah yeah so like it's kind it was kind of like a catchall for a lot of these conditions it would be much more specific if they were to diagnose him today exactly yeah yeah yeah but like some of the things he would uh there was one instance where he was with a group of lads from school and just like loudly shouted out it's like I wonder what urine would taste like and I wonder if he be better cold or fresh from the source so just like weird things like that like a lot of these outbursts they were written off as you know like boys will be boys he's just trying to be funny or make you laugh like he did when he pissed on the desk yeah yeah like it was like a classic herb probably come out with next but like as you mentioned like cler herb cler clerb cler herb her he wasn't interested in being a Class Clown these opers and Prime they weren't intended to make other people laugh it was all for his own Amusement yeah yeah he's like I'm having a good time I really don't give a [ __ ] if you find his funny or not yeah yeah yeah yeah very very strange needless to say clerb had the last laugh now clbs I'm calling them clerb by the way I like let's go cler cler's high school life was marred by his lack of physical prowess so he was not exactly a big guy and when he attended North Central High School in Indiana all the cool kids they were on sports teams of football or basketball types just all of that so her he didn't really fit in with that crowd and so he was somewhat isolated in his most formative years as a result herb would end up spending considerable amount of time like on his own he didn't date or have a girlfriend until fairly late into his adult life in 1965 herb attended the University of Indiana but dropped out after a single semester he did return to the university a little over 2 years later in 1967 when his father encouraged him to study anatomy but once again again herb would fail to see the second semester now that's not to say he left the University of Indiana empty-handed though while he was there herb met Juliana Julie seder who was a part-time student in addition to being a high school journalism teacher the two Hey listen they just got on famously and they actually had a surprising amount in common no way you piss on your teacher's desk too W look uh particularly both were they very uh both very conservative in their beliefs which is very weird when you think about herb what he would do pissing on desks but he's also like extremely conservative person weird yeah yeah well he had a lot of double lives about him I guess he was all over the place yeah however both Julie and cler found out quickly that they had a shared dream of being successful entrepreneurs they both wanted to own their own business the two got married in 1971 clerb when he left University uh he got a entry-level job as a copy boy for the Indianapolis Star so he still made these weird comments and remarks like he did when he was in school but his boss had a really dark sense of humor so just written that off again once more as it's just herb like he really he rubbed his co-workers the wrong way a lot of times but his boss kind of always had his back where like nah I think he's funny he's great yeah yeah but that all changed when his boss and their friends they were going to a football game and Herb he offered to give them a ride however when he showed up he was wearing a Chau First's cap and being like uh I'm at your service but he was also driving a hearse so he he' bought a hearse wow with to for his joke which honestly I think that's pretty funny that's dedication to the bit you got to appreciate that you know what I mean he was going whole H right like the like the whole like pissing on the desk I was like like I don't get that that's not that funny that's pretty funny though the pretty funny I like that you know hey you better buckle up you know I like that I think it's good I I would find that funny yeah know you know promote that man we should have cler on the pot oh wait no oh let's continue so despite outward appearances of you know business success and a happy family life well as is so often the case the truth was far more complicated and messy than it appeared to the bm's neighbors and the rest of the Indianapolis Community however TR this and despite inappropriate behavior with his colleagues like Keith was mentioning herb also managed to hold down a job at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles one year get get a load of this another classic herb prank uh he sent out a Christmas card that featured a photo of himself and another man dressed in drag not a big deal nowadays but uh you know back then it would have been a much bigger deal especially with you know herb was supposed to be very conservative guy himself he surrounded by other people would have been very conservative and it was just really weird yeah yeah yeah but I don't think anybody would have found that funny it was just especially in this time of place anyway for sure and it only added to the preconceived notions you know herbs colleagues had built of him that he was one of these okay let the record show I'm making an o with my index finger and thumb and moving it around it's a weird o my friends to most people he was seen as ambitious and dedicated but also a repressed homosexual who had more than a few mental health issues though I doubt they probably would have phrased it in such way the lack of a friendship with any of his workmates didn't put the top r at the BMV off though just like they did at his old job and they gave herb a promotion after promotion eventually he rose to the rank of program director in the Bureau yeah the Oprah management they really seem to like him I think it's because he must have been just a really good kiss ass or something he was actually a really good worker he was a very very good worker like he had all these weird things but he had this incredible attention to detail like he he was very good at his job his other jobs where he would just blurred out random and weird [ __ ] making people uncomfortable all the time in this role he just got on with his work and he'd bottle up all that weirdness until one of his colleagues would make a mistake and at which point herb he would then just absolutely braed him yeah literally yeah and management they seen this in instead of thinking oh damn this man is unhinged this is exactly what we're looking for promote him yeah yeah but yeah it was just very very strange but yeah that's why I think that's why he end up getting promoted because he just kept sh with his colleagues well that's truly is like the [ __ ] Rises to the top kind of thing where he's being a [ __ ] and abusing his co-workers he's one of us like [ __ ] hell so herb as we said eventually Rose to the rank of program director however he managed to throw the success out the window when less than a year after his promotion clerb uh for some reason unable to even remotely say people decided that it would be a good idea to send a letter to the then governor of Indiana Robert dor well sending a letter to the governor wouldn't normally be a big deal except clerb pissed on the letter before he sent it and he thought this would be really funny which it is funny it is that is pretty funny to this latest Act of urinary assault put herb squarely in the frame for an earlier Act of someone pissing on a manager's desk so basically they were like oh herb is the driveby pisser the mysterious the mysterious piss man and he was quickly dismissed from his position after more than 10 years at the BMV he was obsessed with piss he loves pissing on people I mean come on here listen pissing can be funny but there's a time and place right are you pissing on me oh Dr ey contact yeah so he did like he pissed on his manager's desk but what that wasn't just a one time thing either he'd been doing that for months and they just never knew it was her till he finally sent the letter they like they had an inkling it was him but they could never you always smell like pits D CLP uh the obviously suspected him but no one could prove it and they wrongfully terminate him for pissing on the desk without proof then they' be in trouble BL so when they when he sent the letter which was like signed by himself that he had pissed on it they were it was pretty obvious yeah put all the clues together put the pee and the pee together so it was in 1985 that herb clerb found himself an unemployed father of tree he had one daughter named Marie in 1979 a son named Eric in 1981 and Emily in 1984 after his firing herb he vented hard to find work and so his wife Julie Juliana was forced to return to work to provide for the family in spite of as many flaws as a human being her was by all accounts a loving and caring father he actually appeared to drive in his short stint as a stay-at-home dad as is always the case with good old cler though it didn't take long for him to become bored with the extra time on his hands and he began drinking heavily and frequenting gers in 1985 he received a warning for a hit and run incident after he' been drinking and driving then less than 6 months later herb got extremely lucky when he was charged in connection with the theft of a friend's car but he managed to escape any serious punishment during this period of personal turmoil Herb's professional life continued in the same vein and he bounced basically between various jobs before eventually Landing a lowly position at a thrift store and it was while he was working there that Herb's entrepreneurial Spirits took hold of him and I would not let go and he dedicated himself to learning everything he could about the business the trift store business my friends Hey listen it's a gold mine you buy low and you sell High that's it it works every time by 1988 herb had learned everything he could and he borrowed $4,000 from his mother he took the money and himself and Juliana opened a trift store called Save A Lot or saval lot it's probably save I think it's save but it is spelled sa yeah what i e so that's weird well Hey listen herb is not the brightest he thinks piss is funny so that's all you need to know about him they made a big deal of the small percentage of these Thor's profits being donated to the Children's Bureau of Indianapolis which was a smart marketing tactic that paid dividends as say listen we're practically a charity could all get out of jail free card the business took off and in less than a year the B meisters were able to open a second store they' become rich and successful almost overnight and Herb's reputation as a wildly businessman grew exponentially just three years after opening their first store the ba meisters took their children and moved into the family's dream home at done done done this is like so this is the the scene I'm doing bunny ears with my fingers folks this is the scene it's also got a cool name it does yeah because their house was located well it was called Fox Hollow Farm that's cool it does sound like a haunted it does Place yeah well if it wasn't definitely is now it definitely is now and this was in the very well-to-do area of Westfield just outside of Indianapolis B Meister had managed to go from an unemployed weirdo with legal troubles to a successful businessman and philanthropist living in a mansion within a few short years yeah the property they bought it sounded amazing as well it was just Tor styled Mansion had four bedrooms an indoor swimming pool a riding stable and like 18 acres of land but like this was such a common tread in the lives of these serial killers with their Perpetual self sabotage so like here's like an amazing opportunity to lead a normal and successful life but then like dra selfish and dark compulsions and need for like power and control and gratification end up just needlessly destroying so many of the lives around them yeah yeah yeah for sure and it's like something we see again again again all these like C Killers yeah they're always so so they can never resist the urge and it just leads to the self I mean some people would be so jealous of the position herb as now businessman opening new stores all the time he got a big ass Mansion wife kids the whole the whole King Kaboodle but that just ain't enough that's it yeah he he has it all mhmh yes Keith once again so eloquently so things couldn't be too good for too long with error clerb though and his marriage took most of the pressure of running the business herb would often treat Juliana as an employee rather than his wife and partner and she fend herself and the children being pushed away because of his attitude they even took to staying most nights with Juliana's mother leaving her behind at home to run the business alone apparently the state of the house and grounds mirrored the turmoil of the bow meister's marriage as no one was around to keep on top of the housework all of their energy was being put into the business well I take that back I say most of their energy see herb had largely managed to keep a lid on his odd behavior but not completely now most of the beautiful Fox Holo Farm was left to semi- Rune except the pool area which herb kept meticulously clean this is really [ __ ] weird it is very strange is that he even positioned multiple well-dressed mannequins around the pool so to anybody who was like driving by and looking in it would look like there was some kind of Gatsby style party going on that is creepy itd that is definitely serial killer Behavior I SP but herb often comes across these times as like oh he's like kind of like a stereotypical yeah yeah yeah weirdo yeah especially when you come across these weird things and there's a lot going on behind closed doors um especially like within his personal life as well as you were mentioning like his wife she would later say that through their whole marriage they only had sex six times mhm throughout the whole marriage and even when that was done it was in complete darkness yeah which is to be fair that's pretty amazing they treat children so like that's that's three for six not bad you own I guess he's got go swimmers Yay good for him maybe it's all a PR in the pool who knows well he had a lot of practice just not with him yeah that's true so yeah herb having to house himself a lot of the time well he made very good use of having the home and especially the pool to himself it was one day though in 1994 a rare day when his wife and children were home and get this right bm's son Eric had been playing out in the wooded area to the rear of Fox solo Farm Eric then aged 13 years old well while he was out there playing in the long grass and the trees in the woods he found a skull and he took it to show his mother and he told her where he had found it she in turn confronted her about what their son had found and Herb laughed it off explained it away as being you from one of his father's old dissecting skeletons herb told her he'd found the skull in the garage when he'd been reorganizing some of his father's old possessions and then he had buried it in the yard now Juliana had no reason to not believe him and however odd she thought that their son had just randomly found a human skull on their property she didn't like think for a second though that there was more to it than him just saying oh is this some old [ __ ] I found and just I just buried it there for [ __ ] and Giggles such a weird excuse like wasn't like it's like oh my it was when my father was working remotely and I had to bring my skeleton home yeah exactly and then rather than packing it away I decided to buried skeleton just for for the Halloween decoration or something it's really weird also wasn't this father in an ologist yeah why would that's a good point his that was an Ane his dad wanted her to become if your patient is a skeleton you've missed your chance yes exactly they're already asleep okay you don't need pain Management's over move on over the next 2 years Herb's life at work and home it spiraled into chaos he was drinking heavily again and neglecting the business the stores had become just as disheveled as their home and Juliana was nearing the end of her wits bills were going unpaid and the idyllic life Julie had been enjoying had crumbled around her and it was then in the midst of Juliana's despair one afternoon in 1996 Julie got a visit from an Indianapolis missing person's detective named Mary Wilson detective Wilson had been investigating the disappearances of multiple men in the Indianapolis area and she believed Juliana's husband could be involved detective Wilson asked Juliana she could have permission to search the property at Fox Hollow Farm of course as you can imagine Juliana was obviously shocked didn't know what to do and she refused she said you are in your hole searching my property that's a quote literally that I'm reading the the report right over the next 6 months herb suffered a complete emotional and mental breakdown Juliana she couldn't cope anymore and the debts were piling up and well Save A Lot was save and no more they were approaching bankruptcy and so she decided to file for divorce Juliana waited until herb and Eric were away visiting Herb's mother at Lake waasi and she didn't feel the loyalty to her husband she once had and it was then that she called back detective Wilson giving her permission to search Fox Hollow Farm after she had asked months earlier Juliana also told detective Wilson about the discovery her son had made 2 years earlier finally detective Mary Wilson took three Hamilton County deputies to Fox solo Farm on June 24th 1996 6 prepared to search the extensive property as soon as the officers walked into the band meister's yard where the children had played they immediately saw that the ground was littered with what appeared to be small white stones but on closer inspection Wilson realized that there were hundreds of small tiny bone fragments a forensics team confirmed what Wilson suspected and an excavation of fox Holo Farm was ordered the very next day the entire area was crawling with law enforcement agents and Hamilton County Fire and Rescue officers in preliminary searches the team cataloged more than 5 and a 12,000 pieces of bone and teeth some of the pieces were found on neighboring properties having been scattered blindly across the grounds though they could only give an estimate investigators thought that they had at least 11 victims that's crazy I I think the end after all the investigations like two days now I think they found about 10,000 pieces of B yeah it's insane yeah 10,000 yeah I I was reading that recently like even so one of the kind of Ides I guess we covering this is that this story is kind of still going on like they're still identifying the people found at Fox Holo Farm it's wild so authorities fearing for Eric's safety if herb heard about what they had found remember herb and Eric were at the lake well they decided it would be best to get Eric away from him before the news of the Boneyard at Fox ho Farm you know being found and so they served herb with custody papers and Herb presumed they were related to the divorce with Juliana and not the missing person's investigation you see herb already knew he was being investigated as he had also received a visit from detective Mary Wilson 6 months earlier when she had also visited Juliana for the first time but herb did not know they were digging up Fox Holo farm he also said a will hole yeah I bet he did Wilson had first gone to confront herb at the thrift store and had asked him for permission to search Fox Hollow but had been denied hence why she had gone to Juliana who had also given her the uh-uh after Juliana uh you got to say the magic word after Juliana also refused the search Mary Wilson had also put in a search warrant request with Hamilton County but had been turned away because of lack of evidence Mary Wilson was the determined to search the FM and well when you're right you're right yep yep she was a good detective she was a good detective it was probably knowing that Wilson was investigating him that had driven herb to the breakdown that had followed in the months after the confrontation which then it was actually funny enough he was architect of his own destruction they began investigating he had a breakdown because they're investigating him which led to Juliana letting them investigate more just need to keep on a low simmer man exactly just get control of yourself serious but you know the weirdest thing about this is what led the Mary Wilson to start investigating herb had nothing really to do with any of them there's completely different character we will have to introduce into the story okay I'm intrigued that is Virgil vandagriff Pi nice that's a great name it is a great name see shortly after the bones were found and Eric was safely home with his mother and APB was put out for Herb's arrest but for now herb clerb band Meister was no where to be found as soon as he knew they were digging up the farm he was out 5,000 my friends now the reason for herb being in the frame for the missing persons in the first place was the determination on particular set of skills of one Virgil vandagriff private ey olge was a retired Marian County Sheriff who had decided retirement n just you just wouldn't have it you just would not have it and so in 1977 he opened his own private investigators firm vandagriff and Associates Inc his firm also just so happened to specialize in missing person's cases Now by June of 1994 a couple years before the Discovery at fox hall of firm vanag Griff and his agency had built up a reputation for being the go-to guys for finding out what had happened to the mysteriously vanished and at that time vanag Griff received a call from the mother of a 28-year-old man named Alan bruart now Alan Brett's mother she was calling Verge cuz well she was saying she hadn't seen her son for a long time after he gone out to a well-known local gay bar called brothers that's a terrible name I was going to say that's a great name what for a G BRS BRS that's awful it's a great name it's funny Keep It In Fun me I guess I think it's pretty it's I think it's a very funny name with a wink at the end yeah so he G outed as two brothers he's favorite or at least faer C I guess and he had never come home a week after as he was beginning to look into Alan Bru s's disappearance at this club well didn't Virgil vandagriff receive another missing person's call from another concerned mother her son 32-year-old Roger goodlet had also vanished after going on a night out to a different local gar but there was enough similarities between these two missing men to well and truly Peak vanag Griff's attention vandagriff picked up his investigation and so he began visiting several gabars looking for these two missing men Distributing Flyers with images of them and even interviewing friends and family of those that had disappeared now there was little to go on but he did find out that someone had seen Roger goodlet getting into an unidentified blue car with Ohio plates that was when vandagriff got a call from someone at the Publishing House of a magazine aimed at the gay community they told him they heard he was looking into the disappearances and guess what they gave him several more names of young gay men who'd Gone Missing in the Indianapolis area over the past number of years so bandag Griff Spider Sense was well and truly tingling this time this is very very strange a lot of young gay men are going missing and this time is good was telling him he was looking for a serial killer he knew he didn't have the resources for an investigation of this scale and with time being of the essence vandagriff went to the police and told them of his suspicions that there was a serial killer targeting gay men however unfortunately despite you know gay not being quite as stigmatized as it had you know been in the 80s this was still you know the early 90s and well a lot list of missing gay men was pretty well down on the police's priority list and even though he was a well-respected former law enforcement officer vandagriff was kind of waved Away by the police when he brought them hey there's something strange going on there he just waved away told that the men had likely left of their own accord or to hide their lifestyle from their families and communities now vandagriff obviously said that's [ __ ] that's not what's going on here and he did not give up fair play to him absolutely yeah yeah he's stuck at it and it's like it's something we see like we come across it so much especially around this time period yeah and I I was just yeah I think like the place at the time they found a bit like icky I don't want yeah yeah or I don't know what they get up there so going to leave it which is awful I mean like that's not how it should be everyone should be investigated the same way you true it's very common uh there's another uh it was a British serial killer who was targeting gayman Steven port and they would find like men dead and this I can't remember it was an English City and yeah it was the exact same case police just did not give a [ __ ] they're like oh he's gay I'm not going to investigate him it's like it's horrible for there them and their families and everything but that was like when we did Barella that was the same jaff dmer we didn't do him but he he's the same yeah yeah exactly it's crazy so as his investigation continued vanig found out there was an investigation similar to his already going on regarding the murders of several gay men in the Ohio area as it turned out however the 11 skeletons in the M's backyard might have only been the very tip of the iceberg though it wouldn't be until much later April 1999 that her bister was officially named as the prime suspect in the unsolved I70 Strangler case the Strangler was active between June 1980 and October 1991 coincidentally 1991 was when the last body linked to the Strangler was found and that fell in with the exact same time as when B meister and his family moved into Fox Holo Farm which as we now know gave him a much more convenient way of disposing of his victims he had his own Boneyard yeah it's actually this was the so this time period it was when he was a traveling salesman so this occurred after he was fired from the BMV and before he owned the save lot trift store so this around this area but while he was traveling he would pick up a lot of hitchhikers and frequent the gay bars as you said just a quick note I guess to avoid any confusion for the True Crime Buffs listening out there because there is also an I70 kill killer mhm so there's the I70 Strangler and the I70 killer and the two are separate criminals their names are they're sometimes confused due to the similar Geographic reference to the interstate but they're very distinct individuals involved in different crimes so the I70 killer is still an nonidentified serial killer who operated in 1992 and this killer he was linked to a series of shootings that took place in small businesses located near Interstate 70 spanning across several States including Indiana he targeted store clerks typically young women shooting with like a a small caliber gun in what appeared to be like random execution style killings and then the I70 Strangler herb we're looking at now he dumped the bodies along the i7 between 1980 and 1991 but it's it's [ __ ] wild that there were like two Act of serial killers in the same location at the same time period right yeah yeah and we don't know that her was the I70 Strangler but it definitely is a lot of overlap and it seems very yeah it's not confirmed but I mean yeah it's probably it's probably her yeah so four of the I70 stranglers victims had a originally been from Indianapolis Virgil was connecting the dots very very quickly and Virgil received a call from a young man who was certain he knew who the killer was well okay he didn't know exactly but he was sure that he had met the killer so Virgil set up a meeting with this young man and it turned out he was a good friend of missing Roger goodlet he had been in a club one night when he had met a man who introduced himself as Brian Smart a landscaper from Ohio while talking to Brian he noticed that Brian was paying a lot of attention to the missing person's poster that had Roger's face on it and he began to think he might know something about where he was but as soon as he asked about Roger Brian became very shy very evasive Brian ended up inviting the man back to the house that he claims to be doing some work out for the new owners he told them the place had a pool and they could go for a nice swim the manin looking at you it's beautiful you love crazy you look it's like you're like your celebrity everybody is looking at you now Virgil was very interested when the man identified this mysterious Brian's car as a Buick with Ohio plates he also described the house as being a large tutor style home with a pool and oddly the pool had been lined with mannequins which had been smartly dressed as though they were guests at a party he also noticed the sign on the way and though they passed it quickly he couldn't see it all he was positive that he' read the word Farm the evening eventually ended with the two men engaging in sexual acts completely consensually at first Brian wanted the man to choke him while he pleasured himself which he was I to do sure I'll have a go with that then they switched and Brian began to choke the man who quickly realized that Brian was not going to stop he only managed to get him to stop by pretending to pass out vandagriff suspected that the young man only survived because he was much larger than his attacker and people always said herb was not the physically biggest guy and he also refused the drinks that smart had offered him he had arranged to meet up with smart again and this time vandagriff though set up a tale to follow him see if he could put a face to his suspicions unfortunately however Brian Smart was a no-show and the stake out it was a bust more convinced than ever however that something needed to be done vandagriff gave the police another try and luckily for him this time he finally spoke to detective Mary Wilson who he'd been told was the person to go to she unlike the others she wouldn't fob him off and she took him very seriously big Verge passed off the details of his investigation and everything he had learned to Wilson and she started digging and it was a little over a year later when she got another call from the informant who had put fagri onto the Brian Smart fella he'd seen Brian at the club again only this time he'd written down his license plate Wilson ran the plate number and saw the car was not registered to a Brian Smart but to a local Westfield businessman named Herbert bail Meister not long after Wilson was walking into the save lot store and standing face to face with hervert the Pervert himself asking would you mind if I dug up your home and he said you will in your home so now it's late June 1996 herb was wanted by the police as the only suspect in connection with over a dozen disappear appearances and murders disappearances from gay bars in Indianapolis and also along the I70 connected to the I70 Strangler case despite a huge Manhunt however Herbert would never face the Justice he deserved as soon as the news of the bones being discovered hit the airwaves herb did a Moonlight flit and vanished on July 3 his body was discovered inside his car in peny park Ontario Canada a to the very end herb had taken his own life with a tree 57 Magnum to the forehead stunning this is you got to love this part stunningly he left a tree page suicide note that you might think would be asking for forgiveness you know to a horrible crimes he committed at least you know if it's your final Act maybe try and clear your conscience admit to what you did give the families some peace help the police whatever but no her he couldn't even do that he used he rambled for tree for Tre Pages blaming um his failing marriage his crumbling home life and uh the miserable business as being the reasons for the suicide almost like never I don't think he even mentioned the killings did he mention the murders in his letter at all he's just like I'm killing myself because my wife's a [ __ ] and everything sucks uh don't worry about all those bones okay bye I would have loved if when they found and I was like hey chief I found a suicide now it's oh it's covered in piss his last prank died on a big smile on his face so though the I70 Strangler case has never officially been closed or solved most do think that herb was The Man Behind the killings Juliana gave the police a lot of information about where clerb was at certain times and that helped put him squarely in the frame for several of the killings it is worth noting though that there wasn't any strong physical evidence found tying B to the murders based on the timing and witness statements along with the Buddies found at fox hall farm that we know he was responsible for it's more than likely however he was certainly responsible for the I70 strangling killings too in total 12 men aged between 15 years old and 42 years old fell victim to the i7 Strangler they were Michael Petri Maurice Taylor deloid Lee Baker Michael Andrew Riley Eric rer Michael Glenn James Robbins Jean talot St Elliot clay bman Thomas Clevenger Jr and Otto Becker however the victims at Fox Holo Farm well only only some of them have been positively identified who we know is John Lee Bayer Jeffrey Jones Richard Hamilton Manuel rendez Steven hail Alan brousard Roger goodlet Michael Kar and Alan Livingston Allan Livingston being identified even just well like what 6 months ago or last year anyway like so did they they're still identifying so many victims again as they said Keith said they found what like 10,000 bone fragments that fox all farm so who knows how many victims there could actually be un that's just one in in Fox like who knows out there in the7 OR7 case when he was a traveling salesman as you said it's all very dmer esque like with dmer gas and so many others the victims just wearen high enough on society's priority list to Merit an investigation unfortunately the police just said oh they probably just run away God Only Knows um but it's just a shame that Herbert could never face his victim's families give them some closure and Justice however something tells me that even if he were still alive he simply would have refused to do that yeah I don't think he would have clean he was he was a coward true and true right till the end it's sad as well like we'll never know exactly what happened to the man he killed and like even the missing man but I think he was as you said very Damar esque he was very Sim he was like he was a product killer yeah so he may not have taken pleasure in the actual Act of Killing itself rather it was a means to an end so obtaining the body which really seemed like his true Obsession H this is like obviously horrifying but hopefully that would mean that the deaths were quick and maybe involve little suffering as possible perhaps with some victims being drugged beforehand but who knows but one of the reasons I think he was more of aot killer instead of a process killer was that in addition to his teenage obsession with dead animals herb he also took a college course in human anatomy which you're mentioned yeah I dism it yeah when but when he enrolled in that uh he'd hoped to be form autopsies that's what that's why he joined right to his disappointment the class was focused on textbook learning only so he never actually got to thankfully yeah but despite so he actually he excelled though academically in that subject he doing really really well in that and he kind of like because he was kind of going off college but that course really kept him focused so he obviously had a real interest in it but yeah sick sick so sick s so indeed absolutely yeah all right well there you go Keith uh that is The Story of clber clber B Meister the pbert uh there you go all right folks thank you so much for listening to this episode of the that chapter podcast I hope you enjoyed it Keith I hope you'll be feeling better soon I'm sure I will be yeah you be ready rocking and ready for the next old episode which will be out very very soon as always there's a new episode of the that chapter podcast every single oh you know what I found out by the way I did a my Heritage um thing DNA test doing 20 accents okay go so uh okay what can you do I can legally do a borad impression can I turned out from so it turns out that my DNA is 98.7 Irish or like Irish British that kind of like Isel I think it's Ireland Welsh Scottish yeah yeah basically where you think would be but I'm also like 1.3% Central Asian specifically kazak kazak no way awesome I was actually delighted I was like yes I can legally do Bora and nobody can say anything that's so good that's so good I'm you had that you do that impression very good of all your impressions that is the best well I mean come on I do now makes sense yes Keith you know the listeners know even better I'm a master of accent no one better than this guy all right so folks you know something you have to look forward to in the future more accents especially more Borat listen Borat never gets old you know uh all right hey folks thanks so much for listening H yeah as new episode at every Monday There's new videos on the main that chapter Channel every Tuesday Tuesday uh and yeah here listen sure we'll y away to you soon absolutely and I'll see you all right thanks guys bye

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