2024 Presidential Debate

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:38:16 Category: Entertainment

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baby did y'all get into that election last night in the words of the old folks y'all chilling ain't about to wor me want to talk about it here it [Music] go hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] n girl let me tell you something this election season I honestly don't know if I'm coming or going and those of y'all who have followed me over the you know these years and this this time span y'all already know how I can take or leave a lot of this stuff these people not about to upset my makeup and disturb my tears compromise my peace or run my anxiety through the roof but did y'all get into that election last night when I wrapped up my show I said to y'all you know uh I don't know if I want to watch it in real time because I'm telling y'all all of this racism and and name calling and mudslinging and misinformation and lies and propaganda being the mature adult that I am it just nauseates me beyond measure um I I just have very little tolerance for adults carrying on the way quite frankly Donald Trump and JD Vance carry on but we gonna talk about it and I'mma take my time and do this thing y' can I do that y'all don't know about that Luther Vanos then I'll do that yes I will yes I [Music] will so uh quick sidebar I hit up Mark hill yesterday asked him if he was still interested in doing the show and he said yeah and then I said you know what let's he and I sit back and brainstorm you know what type of conversation that we'll have uh post the debate I'mma hit up reei cobbert today and have the same thing bring both of them on the show definitely between now and the next two or three weeks definitely before the election CU we need to talk um so I want to open up this conversation with this um is it me or I'm slightly confused who this debate is for I am just honestly confused who this debate is for now I'm smart enough to realize that I don't know everybody I don't know everything I'm not involved in every Social Circle but from where I sit and from my daily walk um I have not come across anybody who's on the fence I have not come across anybody who is confused or unsure who they are voting for I have come in contact with four types of people Trump voters KLA voters I'm not going to vote or I'm voting for Cornell West or them other Independents those are the four types of people that I have run into I have not run into anyone who has said I am you know on the fence and I think part of the reason is is because there is such a distinct contrast between the two candidates and very little overlap um that yeah there is not nothing to be on the fence about you can't have one foot in both ponds um you know one area is just a complete circuitry to me and the other despite how flawed it may as well and its history it seems to be rooted in a little more uh uh normaly if you will you know I have already said this time and time again that um I don't think that the overwhelming majority of white people are racist I don't think the overwhelming majority of white people are bad but I do think the overwhelming majority of white people are fearful I think that white people as a collective they understand better than any minority does how and why as a collective they are in the position that they're in all right um it's not something they talk about it's not something they feel comfortable speaking about but who isn't well-versed in their existence what human being I know who I am I know why I'm here and how I got here so it's unreasonable to assume that they don't and this election as I see it I think that you have the crazy Maga people and then you have the everyday PTA family the white folks you work with the white people that are your friends P kids parents at the soccer meetings that you you know are in interaction with and I think that they are nice people who you would invite to your house and go to dinner with and go to the housew party with but I think they are voting for Trump either out loud or silently because they are fearful okay the world has been one way for a very long time for all of them the world has American society has favored white people and tilted in their favor for a very long time due to history the Inception of the country the way it was created systematic racism and oppression yada yada yada y yada we know these things in 2024 we have finally reached a place as a general Society where Society is ready to challenge the status quo and flip these things on their head pull them inside out re-evaluate reexamine and the harsh reality of the situation is once this reexamination is done and this re-calibration is done there's a large percentage of white people who are fearful as to how they are going to pan out if things happen that way it's fear of the unknown and I think that the fear of the unknown is something that makes any and everyone uncomfortable in any situation and so when I go back to saying I don't think the overwhelming majority of white people are bad I don't um I think that these people are fearful and a lot of them are fighting for their way of life I think that the general attitude amongst a lot of people is yes I think immigrants and black people and everyone else should be treated fairly yes I don't think police should be beating up on people I really don't care if you get an abortion or not but if I vote for the side that agrees with those things as well as wants to make things a bit more Equitable for everybody where is that going to leave me because one thing we know and one thing that that they know is that all of the advantages that they have been given historically have been predicated on racism Injustice inequality and everything else in that vein and when all of your and I'm not going to say all because I'm not trying to imply whatsoever that every single white person has gotten ahead because of racism and systematic oppression individually but I'm 100% saying that as a collective as a collective every single white person walking American soil benefits from the inequality and systematic racism and oppression and all things called the way America was created and ran collectively not as an individual um so with that being said I want to move into the debate and the way Trump moves one thing Trump does very well is plays on the fears of his base and what better person to understand and exploit the fears of a white person than another white person listen there have been things that have been coming to the surface about the way that magga crowd thinks that me as a black person I never even knew that I never would have fathomed some of the things that they are out here fearful about and you know anybody who's part of the white Collective that's listening to me right now I have said this over the years you know minority communities nobody thinks you're bad nobody wants to take you out nobody wants to take what you have and redistribute it to the poor and the less fortunate we just want the system to take its foot off our neck that's all or better yet we just want you to leave us the hell alone without any type of interference physical systematic governmental energetically verbally just leave us the hell alone that's what we want but going into the fears of white people y'all I uh I had to turn the debate off uh I turned it on after my show and then I was getting dressed to go out when he started down the abortion track this man don't flip-flopped on abortion so many times first of all he strategically stacked the Supreme Court super super conservative with the intent of overturning roie Wade okay once it was overturned Glo celebrated that side of the aisle was happy then it began to backfire as the female Collective began to sit back and understand how this really impacts him I'm going to tell you something there's a large faction of people out there who don't believe in abortion who had one okay there is a large popul that's just the way humans operate it's just the way humans operate I don't believe in this because I was socialized and indoctrinated with these beliefs but oh crap I have found myself in a situation and here is this option right over here and just as long as nobody finds out I'mma go over here and do it and then continue to live my beautiful life as if nothing ever happened that's what abortion is for a lot of people and there are a lot of people that will stand up and say they don't believe in abortion who participated in it one way or another and I'm not knocking nobody that's just the way of the world and I honestly believe that sentiment that I just expressed is what changed the energy of the overall female Collective I think women as a whole like wait a minute now standing on the picket line and saying pro pro lifee is all cute but now that this has happened let me think back to when I was that scared College co-ed Christian and all and I had to get me a little piece of abortion and so I think you know when he started receiving backlash about the women's Reproductive Rights or whatever then they got the [ __ ] popping and backpedaling oh you know I will make exceptions so on and so forth and here's the other thing I I vote for who you want to vote for believe in what you want to believe in but I can't respect anyone who takes the exception and wants to paint that as the norm this man got up there and said that they are giving abortions at 7 8 and N months and then even after birth killing the babies and that's execution an abortion after birth okay I want to take my time and do this thing y'all can I do that will I do that yes I will yes I will Luther vros is gonna be the underscore this thing about me taking my time so let me take my time because there's going to be somebody in the comments just like on my Instagram that said they are doing they are doing abortions at 78 and9 months here is what I need you to do I need you to DM me or email me right now those of you who are so absolute they are doing it they are doing it I need you to email me or DM me right now the phone number of the establishment or the doctor's office or the black market doctor that but it doesn't need to be Black Market because they're saying it's legal I need you to email or DM me or just put on any public forum point us in the direction of a website or a piece of marketing material where someone can go get an abortion in the third trimester please I am fair I have no problem in eating my words and retracting anything that I said now I'm not talking about the person who goes to the hospital in the seventh month and then they find out that there is something wrong with the baby genetically or something like that and then that you know and and and then there's this reason why a late term abortion has to happen that's not what we're talking about those are medical exceptions they're rare they're exceptions to the rule and they're often times conducted for the safety of the mom the best interest of the mom I was going to say the fetus but their you know what I'm saying or the fetus was going to have you know poor or bad quality of life or the fetus was going to die anyway after birth those are exceptions and there few far and in between there are not droves and droves and droves of women walking around having abortions seven eight and nine months in come on people let's think I need one of y'all to tell me a story about somebody that went and got an abortion at eight months all right let's let's move into the next embellishment that made me turn the TV off it was the influx of Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio and uh to be clear on the debate stage last night Trump did not use the word Haitian but I had been following that story since the top of the morning and J D Vance did okay they were speaking in reference to Haitian immigrants don't quote me but you can almost quote me I think JD van said something to the effect of Springfield Ohio at one point had about 6,000 Haitian immigrants and now in XYZ amount of time it's ballooned to 20,000 Haitian immigrants and here's the thing the truth is always enough read people with the truth he went on to say the influx of immigrants is creating a housing issue it's putting a burden on the social service system by the way right-wing Republicans are so antisocial Services you know welfare programs and the government even helping people you know by means of social programs I just find it very peculiar that when it suits them they want to use overburdening the social service system when if left up to them they would do away with the social service system alog together because everybody needs to pull themselves up by the bootstraps correct like they did another story for another day the truth is enough you would have gotten and held my attention by saying in small towns like Springfield Ohio when we have unchecked immigration it is created housing issues for the locals it has taken away jobs from small communities and it has overburdened the social service system leaving American citizens hardworking taxpaying middle class families stuck up you know shitak I can take that to heart that actually is enough information to make me say you know what we do need to do something about this immigration where you lost me where I said go to hell and where I said all of this immigration talk is rooted in racism is when you tried to lean on the Trope of the African savage or the black Savage and it's been another one of those fears that white people have used since slavery lock your doors hold your pocketbook hide your pets those black Savages are coming this man went on and said that the people are saying that their pets are coming up missing that essentially the Haitian immigrants are eating the people's cats and dogs okay and the problem that I have is not with JD Vance and Trump saying it because they're doing what they're supposed to do they're playing on the fields of their base that's their strategy the issue that I have is with you black people who get on the internet and for whatever reason you don't like Kamala you're not voting for Kamala and that's your prerogative vote for Trump all you want but you can't spread misinformation and you can't use lies and propaganda to justify you being on that side oh [ __ ] Ana oh [ __ ] Ana just YouTub it there was a city hall meeting and the man said the lady was eating the cat they talked about it in the city hall meeting okay I haven't seen it I haven't seen it but I 100% agree with you okay sure sure there is somebody somewhere that ate a cat or a dog or ate a couple cats and a couple dogs in every state and in every city in America but you are not going to stand on Al Gore's internet and you are not going to convince me in any way shape or form that we have a problem with immigrants running around Suburban neighborhoods kidnapping people's animals and eating them at home you are not going to convin Vin me that in each community in each immigrant community in any City USA that you've got hundreds of households eating people's pets you are not going to convince me that there is a trend in Springfield Ohio where all of these people's animals are missing because someone ate them that's just nonsensical guys it's nonsensical one or two or 12 or even a 100 even a thous people hey Siri how many people are in America there are 332,750townhouse so I'm going to take it a step further with that many people in this country even if there were 400,000 people eating animals which I'm sure there is that's not even enough to be alarmed with 232 million people in America even if one million were eating cats and dogs that's not enough to be alarmed with 232 million people in America if 10 million were eating cats and dogs it's not enough to be alarmed and here is how you know it's rooted in propaganda fear-mongering and racism when those people was popping up eating humans where was anybody running around saying we got a problem in Springfield Ohio or Detroit or wherever the hell Jeffrey dmer was there was nobody running around saying humans are coming up missing and it's because white men are going around stewing they ass like beef [ __ ] that NE [ __ ] that NE but they had a city hall meeting they had a town hall meeting you should have okay and I did and I watched the FX Special on that man eating up all them people and never once did anybody run around and say we have a white man eating people problem and going back to that same you know hypothetical statistic that I use do y'all honestly think with 232 million people in America that Jeffrey D is the only one eating human flesh I am willing to bet I'm going to give the same allowance that I gave to the people eating dogs I am sure there are at least 500,000 people walking American soil right there that don't eight human flesh that's currently eating it and we still not running around saying we got a people eating people problem so why is it acceptable for some of y'all and why are you so willing to just leave Le into this the immigrants is y'all want to demonize them people y'all want to demonize immigrants so bad my next point and I think I screenshotted it y'all demonizing immigrants so bad and running on this whole hate campaign do y'all not understand how do y'all not understand how the US economy our way of life and particularly rich people's way of life would be significantly altered with this Mass deportation what's it like 11 milon million people then y'all let this man charge y'all up with this deportation stuff how is it going to work where are they going to house them what are they going to feed them what if the other countries don't take them back how are you going to prove what country they came from how do you know if they from Mexico Venezuela El Salvador Nicaragua colia Co Costa Rica Brazil how do you know where are you sending them back to you have no way of confirming their country of origin you're left to just rely on word of mouth and just because somebody is Mexican doesn't mean they came from Mexico they could be citizens of Nicaragua for all we know they're undocumented meaning no documents House s and for black people who rest on this Mass Deport and this immigration thing sounds like mass incarceration to me which is going to turn into convict leasing in a minute because let's just say hypothetically he is successful in corralling all of these people once certain industries begin to collapse then what's going to happen the private prisons that made tons of money for housing these people are now going to be tasked with leasing these people out to do the task of the industries that collapsed due to the absence of these people convict leasing sound familiar black people then let's take it a step further since y'all want to get on uh Palestine and Israel cuz deeper than mass incarceration and convict leasing ethnic cleansing it's ethnic cleansing at the root of it all they want this country to be in all white Evangelical Christian Nation you see the black population is too large black people are too loud black people have gained too much footing Black people as a collective are too educated black people are too visible in this moment for them to cleanse is the land of us but we can start with a little bit over there we can start with the strawberry Pickers the construction folks the maids the housekeepers the little lady who sells her tamales on the side of the street we can start with them and in this hypothetical Sims Donald Trump right-wing Republican conservative Evangelical Christian world and then after we are done with them and we get bored who do you think is next come on somebody um and then here's the other thing it troubles me that the eating of the animals is the thing some of y'all want to rest y hat on in the heel that y'all want to die on um I love my animals I just purchased two the other day I got one laying down right next to me snoring I got three in my house right now but there will never be a time where I put the lives of animals the well-being of animals over that of humans those same people who are running with that propaganda about oh the animals being ate up with the immigrants where y'all at on gun laws to help us circumvent and prevent these mass shootings even if I was willing to believe that those people is over there eating up people animals they're doing it to survive they're doing it for sustenance human survival yet no one seems to be concerned over there about all of these mass shootings that keep happening and let me be clear here I'm not convinced that mass shootings is necessarily something that government can solve I think it's a deeper Society issue societal issue that's going to take just a collective energy shift however um I think the American people are at least old the illusion of trying to fix it you know then you have statistics coming out of other countries where it's like somebody opened fire and killed four people in an elementary school in XYZ country in 198 a year later they banned handguns to Citizens there hasn't been another uh there has not been another mass shooting sense so there is statistical data that does show um that you know gun legislation and laws does have a positive effect on mass shootings but here's the thing you know and America will never get there you know we're we're rooted in in in violence and guns and and and and honestly and truthfully if if we're being totally honest it was the technological advancements of guns that made Britain a superpower the British were able to conquer the world because they had guns when everyone else had Spears and rocks and pits and train Lions I guess they had guns so the notion or the idea of controlling people conquering people being in control by way of Guns is in the DNA of certain people so it's a fight that we'll never win because it's in their genetic makeup because it's necessary because somewhere somebody feels like somebody's going to take what I have or they're going to come after me and make me pay for the sins of my ancestors therefore I need guns and little do they understand I've never walked into a minority population whatsoever where anybody said we going ride at dawn and go Lynch hang and MOB a bunch of white people with our guns it is a fear that is irrational and it's rooted in the pain of y'all past not ours there has never been a documented case on American soil where a mob of black people Spanish people Indian people Asian people have high tailed it into a white Community burned things in their yard dragged them out no house lynched them shot them tarred and feathered them it hasn't happened so this fear that a lot of white people hold it's unfounded it is totally unfound found it don't project on us baby please don't project on minorities that's what y'all do that's what y'all do there's nobody else in recorded history in America that's rolled around into any of y' neighborhoods and snatched y' men out y' house and tarred and feathered them and dragged them behind cars and lynched and hung and shot them that's the way y all think and that's why y'all can't let them guns go and unbeknownst to you don't nobody want don't nobody want to do nothing y'all we just want to be left alone um two things left National Security I love when KLA got on his behind and said he wants to be a dictator he loves Putin and writes Love Letters to uh Kim Jong Yong or whatever the man name is in absolutely true um and is it me or did he seem real uncomfortable when she was getting his behind together he deflected he I I will say this I will give him credit he actually acted much better than I expected him to whatever training that they did give him in terms of trying to keep his composure he gets a A++ even though he did crack at times because we know he's a big Manchild he gets a A++ he held it together much better than I thought he would and you could tell that she was charged with coming for his vanity metrics in order to knock him off his Circle or his Square when she came for his crowd size he had to de devate away from something of substance to clear up this crowd size that unchecked ego is crazy to me if you notice Comm of them are never talking about crowds nobody cares it's a vanity metric but something about that crowd size and how many people are clapping for that fool does it for him listen y'all can have the whole thing I'm just trying to get to November 5th um I want to beat up JD Vans I want to run into him and Kroger and just fight him I want to walk up to him and be like somebody said you want to fight me that's how I want to fight him I want to walk up to JD Vance and be like somebody said you wanted to fight me well here I am and fight his ass in the da aisle baby I will have boy hair honey cure ham spread it it distributed all over the deli department of Kroger that's what I want I want candy to fight fedra with dirty feet outside the gas station why Miss Netta is there and I want to fight JD vans in the deli department um of Kroger while Bo's heads finest meets not the ones that was just recall for having disease in them but the FI I want their finest Meats to be distributed all over the air on the floor when I finish whooping his ass in Kroger that's what I want to happen anyway I'm getting bored talking about this so I'm just going to end this right here y'all be sure to like And subscribe and drop down in the comments and let's talk about what y'all think about the debate bye

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