NHL Trade Rumours - Leafs & Kings Trade? Oilers, Habs, Ducks & Several Unsigned RFA Updates

we have a variety of NHL news stories and rumors we're following up on here today we're looking at trade talk around teams like Montreal around the Edmonton Oilers and the Anaheim Ducks lots of RFA updates today uh lots of talk around players like Raymond and cider Harley Mercer uh pton crbs and buffalo plus some other young players that are still looking for trades Arthur CIA Philip thomasino Nick Robertson and more plus we have a few other PTO updates including Mark Jano with a number of teams under consideration a lot more coming up next [Music] welcome back to another video here at top sh hockey as I mentioned we have lots to cover here today we're going to talk a lot about the rfas that are unsigned uh and some trade talk around teams like Anaheim Edmonton Montreal some updates on the Rangers as well uh kind of recapping some of the stories we're following here as we get ready to go into uh next week but lots of rfas still um unsigned which is going to be the biggest uh story I think leading into training camp obviously some of these guys we've talked bit about more recently but there's still quite a few others that we haven't really uh touched on here in a bit or we don't have a lot to say or we have a little bit of updated information on some of them but uh starting with some of the information we got from Elliot Freeman in is 32 thoughts podcast that came out yesterday as I talked about in yesterday's video it was a 2 and a half hour podcast there was a lot of tidbits lots of information we did Cover a bunch of stuff yesterday but as I mentioned over the next day or two there's still more stuff um that I just didn't want to pack it all into one video because it was just it was just too much news uh in my opinion to kind of keep straight try to keep these videos you know sometimes they get a little bit long but not two hours long by any means but on Lucas Raymond and moider in Detroit uh for Lucas Raymond Freeman says that the comparable now that's likely being used is Seth Jarvis another Jarvis has signed with the Carolina Hurricanes um that absolutely has to be what Raymond's Camp is likely looking at and looking for uh obviously jervis's aav came in a little bit lower cuz he went the uh you know the Strategic route of the Deferred money uh so obviously the some of that money that he's getting paid is not going to count where it's deferred until the ninth year of the contract or ninth year which comes after the contract so his aav is down to like 7.4 but in realistically you know it's really around 7.9 if you want to look at it uh on a standard format so at the end of the day it's pretty close to an 8times 8 I mean they both have a 30 goal season under their belt at this point uh I don't know that Raymond can really argue more money than Jarvis but I think he can argu at least be very comparable so um we will see where things go like I said before we've heard conflicting reports about where things are at with Raymond and cider but the most recent update a couple days ago was that there appeared to be some progress and a little bit of traction made um same with moider of course his teammate they are working out together and training together over in Germany I'm not sure what their plan will be if they get you know closer to Camp here and they're not signed I mean at this point um I would think that they would normally be heading to Detroit by now and obviously things are a little bit different some players that are unsigned are still you know in their NHL City and they're still you know kind of skating and training with their other teammates and some are not and of course different scenario too for some of the European players that you know spend their Summers over in Europe as well but uh Raymond and cider uh it's hard to say where things go the expectation is cider's aav is going to be higher than Raymond and if Raymond's looking at you know in the neighborhood of eight or slightly less than eight um you know I would suspect that ciders is going to be um you know a little bit more than that but maybe 825 83 I'm not really sure how much higher he can go um but that's that's kind of tight and I think their their third teammate Jonathan bergren is kind of a victim here of their contracts not being done I think in eisman's case uh you know not no offense to burer but he's just obviously not nearly as an as though two those two doesn't have as big of a role and it seems like they're kind of waiting to see what's kind of left over uh so to speak but depending on how these numbers go that might prove to be difficult they may have to make a cost cutting move or adjust the roster I mean I'd have to bring up pedia right now to see if they have some you know easy solutions there to kind of create a little extra space but you know if they both go around eight or more that's going to prove to be very very challenging and still leave a little bit of room to sign Burger which you think was going to be you know probably no more more than a million um maybe less so we'll see what happens but lots of work still to be done in Detroit and another RFA that I think is probably being impacted by cider is Harley in Dallas I mean I do Wonder uh if they're kind of waiting for The Cider contract to come in um I don't I think cider can probably get more money than Harley I don't think he's you know a case of them saying that Harley's just as good but I mean he did have a really good year last year and I do think that there's a you know sometimes you got to wait and see the the market I mean even though it's maybe not the exact same kind of money but I mean there is belief on Harley's case that if if they do go longterm which I'm not sure they can do right now that are probably somewhere around that 7 million range like I I said before I've said it numerous times for me when it comes to contract projections I rely on AFP analytics and because their their info and their data is pretty bang on I mean teams obviously don't always end up settling on the same numbers but if you look at their projections and where contracts do end up um very very accurate I mean there's obviously a little bit of give and take on either side but at the end of the day um you know good good resource for sure and I I do think in Harley's case you're more likely looking at a bridge deal because it's just I don't know that Dallas could do the seven time seven or something but that that to me I think is where where he would be whereas I think cider might be more you know of like that $8 million player so we'll see lots of work to be done and some of these guys definitely impacting the others in New Jersey with Dawson Mercer there's still word according to Elliot Freeman that things are progressing very very slow um there's still seem to be a pretty decent Gap I mean I know when the Devils have been you know involved in a lot of trades in the past year um trying to improve that team especially uh if you could take a look at how the whole uh goal tending uh is evolved there in in New Jersey there was a you know a long stretch of rumors before the activity actually happened to acquire markstrom and then acquire and Mercer's name was in the rumor mill a lot for players that were maybe being offered obviously New Jersey resisted every effort to move him so I don't think it's a case of you know not valuing him or anything of that nature but at this point clearly he's he's been very um effective for them he's had three consecutive years to started his career without missing a game he's been productive so again with Mercer we don't necessarily have any you know information to suggest a trade is likely but still seems like a big gap is is present there um we'll see hard to say if he signed before camp or not I think in every perfect world all these players would want to be signed the teams would want them signed as well but sometimes things do drag on It's Not Unusual to have a few of these cases drag on into camp and sometimes the beginning of the NHL season uh pton KBS is another one in Buffalo there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of progress made there um there is some beliefs he could end up signing somewhere around what his qualifying offer would have been definitely under a million dollars um you know Krebs has had a small role with Buffalo so far I think it there has been some consideration about using him as a trade piece throughout the course of the offseason and things just never really materialized um but with Payton Krebs I mean he could very well like I said just accept a cheap contract go to camp and try to prove himself again to to you know maybe get moved or um you know to get a better deal next time what have you but you know he's another player in Buffalo that uh you know like some of these other guys like Arthur CIA Philip thomasino you know Nick Robertson like you have to wonder if some of these guys might end up getting treated for each other just to give them a swap and a you know a fresh start uh krbs is obviously on a second team he was drafted by Vegas never really played a ton uh obviously was involved in the Eek deal but unfortunately you know hasn't quite lived up um to being as productive in Buffalo as a hope but at the same time he hasn't really in I guess to some degree you could say it's his own issue for not grabbing a bigger role but you know it's been tough uh you know he's been primarily used more in a bottom six role and when he has had opportunities just hasn't been able to seize it so I it wouldn't be shocked to see him moov or signed cheap but at this point I think we're kind of waiting for somebody to Blink on that side but his name has been out there in the rumor mill too uh there not the you know there's been numerous times throughout the summer that uh you know when Buffalo has been in the rumor mill for looking to acquire different players that he's been a name has been mentioned same goes for CV and thomasino now with CV we know that he wanted to move Nick Robertson wants to move thomasino we haven't heard that he wants the move but there is some belief that he would you know kind of benefit from it and or welcome it at the very least there's a lot of times players kind of see the writing on the wall and see an opportunity that's not going to be there with their existing clubs but haven't exactly been explicit with the team and demanded a trade or really uh you know made that public or anything of that nature um so all really three of those guys plus Krebs so CF thomasino Robertson and KBS like I wouldn't be shocking if some of them were moved for each other you could probably throw Oliver walstrom into that mix to the only difference with walstrom is that he has a contract the Islanders did sign him surprisingly but it's been known all offseason that they very open to a move uh even though when he did comment on the situation did say that he would be very open to finding him a fresh start and it has not materialized uh so again a lot of these guys very much um you know could be moved for a fresh start and it wouldn't be shocking if they moved for each other like I think a guy like CV and Robertson would be really an ideal swap to me I mean Robertson is from California so there's there's that not to say because I mean I know he keeps getting linked to these California teams but it's really not just because he's from there but I think he would be good with it because not that he has a lot to say either but obviously it's it's you know close to home for him um and I think with LA looking at their roster I think just like Toronto there is this there's an opening there there's a spot I think he can grab it and seiz it CV maybe that fresh start going into Ontario he played in the OHL during his Junior days I I think there could be a good move there I know when Toronto with Robertson a lot of fans and media seem to think he really should just suck it up and sign and go because there's an opportunity there on the left side and I I do agree I think there is and I think you know they're looking at some options you know we we talked yesterday about jvr I haven't heard any you know to say that they're actually looking at it but I know there's several Toronto media members now that been chiming in saying yes they absolutely should do that he'd be a great fit I don't know if they're looking at that behind the scenes but there's that believe we've heard about Max pater ready like they're clearly looking to add left-wing dep then of course the a wcard here as well just might be Easton cow in Toronto too I don't think you can completely rule out him going to camp and actually you know doing really well and grabbing a spot that Robertson could have if Robertson's not there and not able to fight for that job even if he is Cowan might beat him out I mean cow eventually will pass him on their dep shirt if he hasn't already so in all honesty um I think you know Robertson the other thing with Robertson I think wanting a trade is yes he didn't get a lot of uh you know patience and leeway with Sheldon Keefe and I don't I don't see him getting it from Craig buuy either he's probably looking at himself saying okay I'm a smaller player uh kind of a almost a one-dimensional type of guy Ruby you know prefers a different style bigger player I'm probably not going to have a Long Leash here uh it's probably not going to be any different that's to me that's just a take and I've heard other people say that and it makes a lot of sense it really really does so in all honesty I honestly think CF for Robertson makes so much sense it's crazy so to me let me know what you think if those two teams should be connecting on a potential deal as we talked about yesterday as well the Anaheim Ducks uh we mentioned Cam Fowler according to Elliot Freeman is somebody that they are looking to move and expectation is that he will hopefully be find finding a trade sometime during the course of the upcoming years want to expand on that a little bit uh and add some notes about Goldie John Gibson um one the other thing that Freeman did mention as well is that not only has fowers uh been a player that Anaheim is looking to move he has a four team trade list which kind of gives him a ton of Leverage but apparently over the course of the summer they did have some talks with Fowler about a trade and he is you know somewhat open and willing to work with them uh obviously um so he's expanded that list we don't know exactly how many teams he's given but obviously there's the four that wouldn't have been blocked in the first place and then there's whatever other teams that he uh looked at as well as options that he would consider I mean he's a he's a Canadian boorn defenseman Windsor Ontario um you know obviously wind's pretty close to uh the US border I don't know obviously if if either of the Ontario teams uh Detroit I mean I'm not sure what he's thinking right so I'm just kind of looking in geographically speaking you know would he want to trade that's you know if he's leaving California which would be you know a lot of guys they have a pretty good setup whether it's in California Florida these warm climates right sometimes leaving is not the easiest thing to do if they're going to leave maybe they want a you know another Market that's really popular amongst players or maybe they want to be closer to home I mean he's 32 now um couple years left 6 and A5 million so I'm just kind of spitball in there and some ideas on where he might be willing to go I can't safe for certain but like I said you look at teams like Detroit Buffalo that are you know they're in the US but they're not far from the interior border than of course you got Ottawa Toronto in in Ontario I don't know that there's a really you know perfect fit that jumps out at me there amongst those teams to be honest maybe Buffalo or Detroit would have I think more of a need than Ottawa Toronto so uh we'll see on that front and Freeman does go on to mention as well that they are still working on John Gibson um and the big hold up here with Gibson that it could possibly turn out to be a hold up with Fowler but I think it'll be a little easier to move him is their reluctance to want to retain any salary apparently the ducks have been really against that which is not helping the case you look at Gibson's contract his age how he's played and it's just you know he has regressed over the last few years like I really think they missed their window to trade him a couple years ago when he was playing better and you know would have been had better value uh they hel held on to him way too long they were way too particular on the trade would not e any money and they've kind of put themselves in a predicament now where it's going to get that much more difficult and unless they are willing to eat money I don't think there's any way anybody takes this full cap at over 6 million bucks um like I said Fowler is playing at a better level defenseman playing used to playing solid big minutes in all situations I honestly think they won't have too difficult of time moving Fowler um I think there' be a better market for him than there would be for Gibson for sure but but certainly they're still working with Gibson trying to find that hard to say if and when it comes together but they're definitely two players in Anaheim to fully expect to likely move during the season if they can find the deals again would it shock me if Gibson still not moved no because it's been dragging on for the better part of two years with Mark jordano uh his agent Rich witer still says he would like to play Not only for the upcoming year but he had mentioned earlier in the offseason he liked to play multiple years to me he was the oldest player in the league last year and you could tell he had really lost a step and certainly had regressed I mean Jano has been a player that's um really carved out a very nice career um I understand his love for the game and doesn't want to give it up but I don't know that he can be a regular top six NH NHL defenseman anymore uh but apparently according to the reports out there there's as many as four teams interested uh I think it's more than anything would be pto's more so than a contract but we'll see the reports indicate ha teams like Calgary neon and even his old team Toronto and Buffalo to some degree also have varying levels of interest and have had conversations with him about going to training camp so we'll see if jordano can figure something out a few other things to watch as well I know that Freeman talked about the biggest thing he sees the Rangers uh dealing with this year and the biggest move not only for the upcoming season but for like the biggest story for him coming out of the off season is the fact that eor shesterkin is not extended yet and it's going to be a Humdinger of a contract when it gets done obviously mentioned on the podcast about the whole trouba stuff and they have other decisions coming up whether they move trouba again but that's not going to be till the end of the season you know at either at the deadline or in the summer more likely the summer uh kandre Miller's contracts coming up as well but shurin has potential to end up being the game's highest paid goalie when that is all said and done there's belief he was looking for big money even more than what we've heard rumored about Jeremy Swan recently so uh obviously that's something he feels that he said the Rangers know it's going to be a big number uh and something that they've kind of come to terms with that you know he's a big part of their team and he thinks they're going to get it done um but you have to think like with Swan's comments about saying you know he's going to do right not only by himself but by the other goalies and the kind of looking after the go tending fraternity of the NHL you know as much as I think shurkin build his own resume enough that San may not affect him too much but uh he absolutely will at the same time I really think he will uh I mean if Swan ends up getting you know nine I mean you look at shurin who's got you know more experience bigger workload you know more runs in the playoffs all that like he can definitely get more money for sure and the belief was he was going to be looking for double digits plus so you know she STK an extension I'm not sure how quickly it's going to come together but it's definitely going to be a big story to watch here um going into the upcoming year a few other things as well one I know with Montreal acquiring Patrick l i know Freeman did acknowledge in the podcast the rumors around Trevor zerus again said he didn't see that being a top priority for them now based on the other moves that they've made but uh you know is very much likely uh still because we've had numerous reports from other sources as well saying this the hams would still very very much like to move at least one if not multiple veterans off that team so as we get into training camp I wouldn't be shocked if you know it could even end up being a waiver move we saw it last year with armia but guys like you know the top four are are Mia Dvorak uh Anderson Gallagher we talked about the possibility of maybe even one of them ending up in Columbus as unfortunately after everything that's happened and the loss of Johnny goodro the jackets find themselves obviously with a big hole in their lineup for one they're under the salary cap floor the jackets are not going to be rushing to make any moves of course the service for gdo is coming up on Monday it's definitely going to be you know a bit after that before we really see anything so it's not like this is going to be a rush move but I wouldn't be shocked later into Camp if maybe a team like Montreal does connect with Columbus and send one of their vets there uh cuz they really could benefit from shedding a contract so that they don't have to be into ltir mode uh so again that hasn't happened yet I don't expect it the really the next week or week to 10 days I I'd be surprised if we see trades there's going to be some speculation of course brewing for you know during camp in the beginning of the year stuff we might see but uh so look for that to be another story to watch but again nothing real quick and the other thing just a reminder was not long ago Frank s Val gave us a pretty good report saying that he expects the possibility that the Edmonton ORS could make a significant trade before training camp that they were exploring some options and would really shake things up as what he said now the belief was based on you know he didn't come out it wasn't too explicit said but essentially made it sound like it would be for a top four defenseman uh we've heard lots of speculation around new orders about other defenseman that could go on a PTO we've heard a lot about Tony D'Angelo that's been kind of quiet again then we've heard Kevin shaten kerk's name was brought up by Freeman on the podcast yesterday there was some talk about Tyson Barry of course he's now going to Calgary so he's off the market so you know they have options but um you know I don't know what the trade would be kind of left us speculating if you will but certainly look for the Oilers to maybe if if if s valle's on to something here to maybe surprise us with another big deal and shake up that blue line a little bit further they definitely have an opening there they I think they firmly acknowledge that they would like to add another defenseman it's just a matter of how they go about doing it um like I said there's certainly some interesting names out there on the market that could be um players that they go after so we'll have to wait and see where things go so that is all your news and rumor updates here for today let me know your thoughts everything in comments we'll discuss further if you're new to the channel of course make sure you subscribe and stick around we'll keep you up to date with all the news rumors and Analysis of all 32 NHL teams thanks for watching I'll catch you next time [Music]

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