Category: Sports
Placed over the top. first punch with the coach, first punch with the coach, everything is right, just up to everything is right, just up to me now, she says. me now, she says. >> f -- fist punch with the >> f -- fist punch with the coach.... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So tell us about swimming specifically so like how did you get into swimming like what was that initial story how you got into it yeah i was about uh four years old and i have been going to physical therapy uh since i was six months old you know i was diagnosed at 19 days old with osteogenesis and perfecta... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
कल मैंने ऑरेंज जूस का एक बॉक्स खरीदा है वो तो हेल्दी है राइट जूस बॉक्स में फ्रूट शुगर तो है ही बट एक ग्लास में 5 टीस्पून एडेड शुगर भी होती है बट फ्रूट में भी तो शुगर होती है वो भी खराब है नहीं फ्रूट में फाइबर होता है जो गट हेल्थ के लिए बेनिफिशियल है एक बार में कितने ऑरेंज खा सकते हो एक या दो यस बट एक ग्लास में फाइव ऑरेंज का जूस है विदाउट द बेनिफिट्स ऑफ फाइबर तो क्या इससे डायबिटीज एंड फैटी लीवर हो जाएगा नहीं कोई भी ए फू से डायबिटीज या वेट गेन... Read more
Category: Education
Alert three key facts about the sluggish fever virus you should know now today we recommend this video that contains crucial information about the new health thread emerging in the united states sluggish favor in this shocking report three ke points are address a new mosquito born virus is spreading... Read more
Category: Sports
Bonjour à tous c'est anaïs j'espère que votre confinement se passe bien moi ça va bien donc on m'a proposé de faire une petite recette cuisine donc j'ai accepté avec plaisir puisque la cuisine c'est mon dada non c'est pas vrai donc je vais vous proposer une recette de bharti real aux fruits un peu sportif... Read more
Category: Sports
He can stay with him until the final 100. alex portal of france is 19, brash, he missed out on a medal in the 100 fly by a finger nail or two. and now he has a chance. getting off to a very good start is jason. he's 23. boki, phenomenal under water and immediately gets into his stroke. he's not going... Read more
Category: Sports
World record is still held by one of the greatest of them all in three paralympic games she picked up 13 gold medals natalie de toy still the world record holder still the paralympic record holder and was the first paralympic swimmer to qualify automatically for the olympic games and is both an olympian... Read more
Category: Sports
Okay chuck aoki has been a friend for i was going to say like almost 10 years but it's probably been like 13 or 14 years the first time we met something around that yeah it's been a it's been a while i've always all all the way back to the 1500 days baby oh my gosh you guys for a long time the old 1500... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
This is a sport not just for men but for women sarah adam is poised to become the first woman to compete on the us paralympic wheelchair rugby team full speed bumper cars we get to go out there and just go as fast and as hard as you can into somebody we're breaking down the stereotype not only that... Read more
Category: Sports
Swam in the, he swam in adelaide in that incredibly fast time. wonderful wind up and coil. slow reaction time from hance as he gets away relatively slow. it was the british swimmers who got off to the best start. it is lawlor who looks to be ahead. lee alongside him. >> hance doesn't have the best reaction... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
My name is jordan mason and i studied sport and exercise science, now i work for lincolnshire football association as a football development officer for disability and inclusion, which simply really is about growing opportunities for underrepresented groups, people with disabilities things... Read more
Category: Education
Welcome and introduction to aspen wellness institute welcome everyone my name is madie parovi dr ryan's wife and practice manager we are co-owners of aspen wellness institute and our overarching commitment to the planet and to the people is optimum wellness inside of that you know today's event is with... Read more