Miami Dolphins Vs Bills Week 2 Film Breakdown! | There Are Positives!

if I had to sit through this twice you have to sit through this [Music] twice what is up fin fans doing these film breakdowns after a loss especially after a loss like we just endured the other night uh sucks but there was good out of this game there was some things that I want to point out out of this game and there were the bad that we're going to talk about out of this game um I'm going to nitpick a little bit I'm going to get a little angry at the refs a little bit obviously it wouldn't really change much of the game maybe it would have maybe it wouldn't have in some instances but overall we're going to look at it and like I said it's it that's it that's all was say Okay so we're going to start uh obviously we're on offense this is second and 13 from our own 39 this is an incomplete pass but I'm not angry about this pass obviously we gained there was a penalty I think we ran for a first down and then we got a tackle for loss that's why it's second and 13 I'm not mad at this play like there was no you know again I'm not upset with this play obviously Tua when he drops back very easily could have dropped it off to Devon H and he could have got the first Poss the first is over here he definitely could have got back to the marker possibly more but I'm not upset about it because if you look at it you have your one safety to the other hash mark and you have you know they they were like you're not beating us deep but I'm not upset about it because try these take these chances obviously Tua threw it in a way that if you threw it to the inside where the trajectory of Tyreek Hill was going I'm using the mouse when I could just use my pen so if he threw it kind of over here say like over here in the trajectory of where Tyreek was going that safety kind of collapses over here so he kind of threw it to the outside to the numbers I'm pretty sure that's kind of where Tyreek was supposed to travel this way he got pushed more to the inside because of the corner and he threw it in a way that either Tyreek going to get it or no one else is going to get it because I'm pretty sure if we start it back at the beginning you see where Tyreek is he's right outside the numbers and then you see where he kind of ends up right see how he kind of bows in and gets pushed in more I'm pretty sure because as you see it lands right here at the 10 if you go back to the beginning see how he's on the numbers Tyreek essentially runs this route this is what Tyreek runs right Tyreek kind of started here he was on like the inside of the 40 he runs his route and he kind of goes outside the numbers and then he cuts it right back in right I'm pretty sure he was supposed to stick it and follow the numbers up and that's why tuth threw it at the 10 but he kind of had you know he didn't want to go too far around the corner because then he would have been too far outside so he kind of got pushed to the inside where the safety is coming in I feel like if he would ran it where he was supposed to possibly it would have been completed but again I'm not upset about it because test the defense show them hey if you mess up in the slightest we're going to throw it over your heads kind of push the defense back and then your screens your bubble screens all that stuff will work now here's the interception we're going to look at it and I'm going to show you what I noticed so you see where Tua throws it right throws it here he's expecting dbo to come up and cut it in that's what he's expecting a nice Cut in and he's going to get get it to him if that's waddle if that's Hill it's a catch but see how his route watch the cut see that it's like he trips don't you love technology that's not like do you see that that cut there that's not good that's not that's not that's that's a horrible route ran and then the ball's there when he a lot of people will say spot throw spot throw spot throw if you are running let me go back let me go back and we could see the route right theau essentially ball is going to be up at the 40 obviously I can't draw up the 40 because that's where is so he's essentially running an in route right and he kind of runs I'll trace it a little bit he kind of runs this route right he he he doesn't boom boom he kind of curls the route so he kind of runs like a really weird Crosser instead of a deep end that's what he runs as a quarterback in the NFL you throw the ball before your receiver breaks to the inside so that the ball Boop is there they can catch it they can get some Yak up the field you don't throw it when they get there right this whole spot throw narrative is just it's craziness to me but it's the ball runs a really lazy route like and then hits him in the shoulder the shoulder pad because you you're not there man and then it gets picked off like what are the flipping odds of that so to me again you might disagree I I say that that interception is on deau I don't put that on Tua I feel like if Tyreek or Jaylen W run that that is a caught pass it's a very sloppy route ran it looked like a semi um Crosser when it should have been an in that's my thoughts comment below let me know yours this is the touchdown play and this is very smart by Brady by Joe Brady it's a pick play but it's not a pick play right because their receiver never touches David long but their receiver 100% gets in the way of David long for it to be a pick play you kind of have to like run into him it is like SEI it's it's a legal Pig Play now motion here butt naked open right right and you're like how how is he so butt naked open it is who who runs this route I think it's 13 right I think it's 13 right here he's supposed to just run a Crossing route very very shallow Crossing route what he does is he comes Crossing when David long starts to head this way to follow cook who's running this way 13 who I think is Sha here I'm not 100% that might even be Matt Collins which breaks my heart he kind of gets to here and he kind of like uh and then runs route he kind of like oh oh oh oh oh and then runs a route when his route is supposed to be shallow it's supposed to be a shallow Crosser right you got a shallow Crosser and then you got a little bit of a a deeper Crosser and then you got that right he's supposed to run a shallow because if not he's going to run into his own guy but he comes in here and he does a little which then essentially stops David long in his tracks leaves Cook wide wide open and you'll see it again it's legal because he never touches him but he definitely gets in his way right you look here he's supposed to follow the 15 see where his foot's planted right follow the 15 he stops before David alongs at anywhere near him and gets in his way see that and then he gets out of his way it's not a pick play because he never makes contact with them and he never touches him but 100% his job was to get in David Long's way because you're if he was really running his route you don't stop here you continue to run your route but he stopped got in his way got him open Easy touchdown good on you Joe Brady it's a a great play call um I feel like if the Dolphins would have ran it would have been a flag for offensive pass interference now for some good this is the touchdown drive and I want you guys to watch Devon aan who has such a bright future with the Miami Dolphins I so happy we drafted him watch him on this 14 yard run at this point this the game is tied seven7 no sorry it's we're down 7even nothing and it's first and 15 and we're on Buffalo's 46 watch this run from aan like he's just he's one of my favorite players on this team right now Great Seal and then you give him this type of Lane right you could see it right here and a little bit of ho this is what he sees when he plants his foot and he's he's about to you know get all up in there he thinks Pay Dirt unfortunately he comes over um and then then I think this is Brewer horrible block he gets over this linebacker unfortunately gets injured on this play if he holds his block a little bit better this possibly is a touchdown um but he's like P dir that's what he sees but it's just like bad blocking and then eventually he spins out but I got another play for you where I'm just like oh God this is a play this is third and four on Buffalo's 18 this is a beautiful play and pass from Tua to Jaylen Wadd this is the stuff that and again I'm I'll talk more about Tua as the season goes on I'll talk more about Tua as we get more of a diagnosis of what's happening with him and his history his future with the team whatever but as of right now I need to see more of this from Tuma This Is The Stuff where you're like that's that's what we need Tua right drop back pressure I'm gonna step up boom threads the needle like that is beautiful it's very simple right get you got the pressure he sees it he feels it coming from his backside all right I'm going to step up and what he has to do now is he has to thread the needle whoop right between 39 and 17 I think that is it's a great throw and it's a great Play I Need need more of that now at some points and I'll show you other sacks that happen he doesn't have the capability of it because it doesn't open up for him like that the pocket actually collapses in the middle because again problem with the offensive line was the interior but it makes me sad now this is third and one defense Clay Campbell as at least one great play a game last week he had two with the sack and then the Run stop this one he has a beautiful knockdown this is third one on Buffalo's 39 you see Josh Allen dropping the pass that hand bothered him a little bit get some pressure on him rolling out K Campbell boom smacks that down I kept telling people that with Josh Allen if you want to have any chance against Josh Allen right 56 here is who is 506 my brain's not working this is chop sealer Campbell I'm drawing a blank you want to keep you want to contain him in the pocket right contain Allen in the pocket don't allow him to roll out and like possibly send a blitz up the Middle with these guys coming up the middle right and if you can get pressure on him while containing him in the pocket and forcing him to step up that's how you defeat Josh Allen but with 56 he kind of just straight rushes it here allowing Josh Allen to roll out and thank God Clay's Campell comes back and he smacks that ball down look all these beautiful arrows I drew hit the hit the like button for those beautiful arrows I drew but again he kind of goes to the inside rolls him out actually no they kind of did their job but unfortunately didn't get a lot of pressure roll out and I'm pretty sure he was thinking of throwing it to him which would have ended up being a first down but great play by CL Campbell smacking that ball down now I this is this and again I talk about Tua where I see instances and I see things of him doing and I'm like that's what we need on a consistent basis that's what makes Patrick Mahomes Josh Allen um Lamar Jackson all these guys good is they do these things on a more consistent basis this is Mike McDaniel I need this type of play calling not these weird plays on Fourth and whatever third and long whatever I need these type of play calling more consistency I'm I'm going to draw this play out for you because I it's just beautiful it's absolutely beautiful and I love it so it's essentially going to be a Pitch to um Devon aan going this way right you're going to have some motion from Julian Hill going this way and essentially you're going to have your whole essential offensive line kind of blocking this way right and what that's doing is it's taking the entire defense and it's forcing them to go this way right you're going to have a motion here from um Tyreek as well right Tyreek is goingon to come this way but Tu is going to drop back and he's going to fake pitch it to Devon Anan which is even going instead of having um this corner follow Tyreek he's going to kind of bite into the back field so you have the entire defense minus uh I think this safety crashes down and you have uh Jaylen W having to block this guy your entire defense is going this way and then you're going to have Tyreek going this way and Tua instead of pitching it to him gives it to Tyreek and it for it tricks the entire defense to go that way it's it's beautiful like and that was on second and nine but you see right see how they're all over here now they're expecting this pitch even the guy that was covering Tyreek expecting the pitch to go to him boom cuts it off here so you got 57 Jaylen waddle you know blocking doing his thing these guys are more concentrated on what's happening there comes down it's just it's a beautiful play and those are the plays that where you're where you're like we need more of that we need more of that then we have the interception to Robbie chosen I've looked at this play so many times to try to figure out what the crap happened it's just like I don't know I don't know the play right because you have from what is ran you have a block right you have a block and a release here you have these guys kind of doing their thing going this way they're not blocking these are supposed to be arrows they're I'm being big silly and you have him kind of running a deep comeback but I'm wondering if he was supposed to run a deeper comeback or if he wased to run kind of one of those because you see where Tua throws it and he slips too chosen he slips so he slips is it an overthrow because he throws it now you can see him stopping is it supposed to be a sto and go like is he supposed to at this point because two is already throwing it and two is throwing it up here is he supposed to like stop and then continue to go up field or did to assil this sucker but he is in a clean pocket and his he's got his both his feet planted I just unless they tell me what the play is at this point I'm just cuz that Ball's already out and he knows he was supposed to go further because you see his reaction to it I think he was supposed to go further I don't know anyway it's it's a bad play on the offense regardless if it's a miscommunication if it's a Sal pass it's a bad play between Chosen and a bad play between Tua that forces an interception and at that point in the game we got the ball back at the game's tied 77 we got the ball back and that's what happens on that drive right then we have this drive which I talked about Devon aan how I'm very happy he's a Miami Dolphin another guy that I was talking about when we signed him that I'm very happy with is Brooks Jordan Brooks number 20 I want you to watch him he's right here watch Jord Brooks number 20 like he's just so good and this is I watched him shut down Cooper Cup right it was the same type of play I'm going to say this as Jordan Brooks right Cooper cup kind of was running one of these routes and Jordan Brooks kind of went in and then he followed him and essentially shut Cooper cup down and it was it was a thing of beauty but here you have you know he's going to kind of run a seam route and then he's going to come out of the backfield and run uh I would say a swing route no it's called a it's right there I'm probably going to scream it out in the middle of it but you have these guys who are going to kind of fall back and follow these and Jordan Brooks goes and connects with this wheel route see I knew I'd get it you have number one running full speed full speed this way and Brooks goes matches with him and stays with him up the sideline to get his hand in there to break up the pass like full speed boom right he's now running full speed sticks with him I love it Jordan Brooks kis Campbell Devon aan so far very happy with very very happy with now here's where I get a little like I get a little like really I I kind of yelled about this at the uh in the live stream they only we hold them to a field goal the defense did their job again if the Dolphins offense would have just scored whether it was a field goal or a touchdown if they would have just scored on their previous drives instead of throwing an interception on the first drive an interception on the the third drive it just if they would have scored the score would have been 13 to three Dolphins up by three and the defense would have played differently and we would have been in it and it's you see what I'm saying like answer the call when you get it God forbid they score a touchdown it's 2110 it's a different ball game and it forces the bills offense to do something different and forces Josh Allen to be more aggressive with his bad left hand this is second and 11 they're on their own 14 because Jake Bailey does a beautiful thing and punts you know because we had a 10 yard penalty kind of putting us at a hole so Jake Bailey fantastic punt by him um and this is a 36 yard pass now I'm going to play it I'm going to point out two things that bothered me in this in this play all right so obviously you guys know what the first one is because I screamed at the top of my lungs about it how on God's green earth is this not a hold he's got him in a flipping headlock I'm going to continue it straight up headlock the ref is right here he's got him in a headlock and then he brings his hand I didn't do nothing I didn't do nothing he's he had him in a headlock you call that a penalty it now becomes second no it's probably half the distance CU they're what on the 14 so it's seven yards it's now second and 18 and this play doesn't happen and it's another possibility of the dolphins getting the ball back on a but you see what I'm like these little things could change momentum even even though it probably wouldn't have cuz our offense was anemic but how do you not call that a hold he's got him in a flipping headlock there's a ref right here and there's a ref right here how do you not see that and then the bigger problem is ker kou here and Javon Holland see Javon Holland is trying to like help two different SP spots like he's trying to help here with uh Fuller but like also needs to get over there quicker it was just a crap show man kater Co who's been struggling he's been struggle bu City a lot lately then this is the play that Ramsay um was on Johnson it's third and 12 which again breaks my heart thir on the Dolphins 34 you stop him here you force them to kick a field goal so instead of being down 17 to seven it's it could be 13 to 7 which yeah it's not as bad but it could be better um and I a lot of people want to blame Ramsay for this but when I watched it they're playing Zone this is a zone defense so he's not manned on the running back and Javon Holland was supposed to help on this play and Javon Holland kind of bites on the fact that Josh Allen looks like he's going to take off running see this doesn't help that Jaylen Phillips Falls right it allows him to roll out boom so if we break it down first off if we break it down and just let the play develop right one 2 3 4 five 6 you can't that this is what I'm talking about now I understand that Jaylen Phillips fell but you have to contain him in the pocket you have to he has to come out you know he I know he fell but like you can't allow that coverage here you have the safety biting Javon Holland right here he sees so you got you got a little bit of a wheel route here and then the play breaks down and then he kind of cuts it to the inside you have Javon Holland coming over to help but then he kind of bites down because he sees Allen rolling out and thinking Josh Allen's going to take off and try to get some yards again it is third and 12 so he kind of breaks he also kind of breaks because you have this route over here but you have multiple Defenders to cover that Javon Holland should not have bit on this Javon Holland should have stayed the route helped Jaylen Ramsey cover a broken play and it would have been a fuel goal you'll see here right rolls out cuz watch he's not looking at the running back Johnson he's watching Josh Allen see how he steps up that's where the problem is once he stepped up like that you leave this whole open and that's where you get into trouble when you allow Josh Allen to get outside the pocket because then the play breaks down and then you're at the whim of trying to follow somebody as they run an unconventional route so there's that that this is fourth and two this is a sack let's watch it and see who's at fault now Robert Jones not to pick on you too much but you going up against that Oliver you got bullied you fell but I want you to notice why the sack happened this play is fourth in two so they do get the ball back and what was supposed to happen here is Jaylen W was supposed to come out plant and go cut of kind of a of a slant so when Tua plants his back foot he was going to pow hit Wadd for this the first down right but our offense has been struggling lately so what happens he falls because he's good and again it sucks watching film because you notice things if he doesn't if you look right clean pocket for this instance because you can already see Ed Oliver's bullying Robert Jones if he doesn't slip here and he comes out and he cuts that quick that's a first down and possibly more right obviously he's going to come in and make the tackle but boom we get the first down continue to possibly move on with our lives we're down 177 at this point you know possibly get something going um instead of giving them short yardage and essentially putting us in a hole but unfortunately jayen W slips so then Tua has to step up and get sacked because a lot of times when Tua gets sacked I look at everything and I'm like is it his fault could he have thrown it here could he have thrown it there that would have been an easy first down on Fourth and two it was a good play call Easy first down you know Robert Jones held Ed Oliver as long as he possibly could but he fell Wadd doesn't fall that's a first down and again game's different so now at this point they score a touchdown on an easy uh cook run that just the guys hit the wrong Gap and he just ran so now we're down 247 we kick the field goal down 2410 again if the offense would have just answered on the instances where we forced them to punt and we held them to field goals the game would have been so different at halftime I don't think the score would have been 2410 I think the score probably would have been like 20 to 17 Buffalo's up by three whole different game whole different aspect you know what I'm saying I think it would have been completely different uh so then we punt sorry we forc them to punt and here is the pick six now you saw Tua take that sack on Fourth and two too here's what happened here now he's tapping his helmet he's making some type of change he sees something probably saw the Blitzer who now backs off drops back just if he even I don't understand so he makes the change right boom plants his foot no one's open not open not open not open not open right he's looking Beat Again Robert Jones is beat badly beat here as well Austin Jackson take the sack take the sack 247 sorry take the sack 2410 we can live to play another down it's only 14 points it's sucks but just take the sack he throws it Living on a Prayer and it lands here right the line of scrimmage on that play was the 30 so would have made it pass the line but he's still uh you got a receiver here I I highly doubt he's trying to hit jnu Smith I highly doubt it what I'm thinking is he's just trying to throw it out of bounds um but it's third and five you're going to kick you're going to kick a punt anyway just take the sack man what do you what are you thinking here this is incredibly dumb play and he just sails it and then that I'm not going into him running should have slid whatever right so there's that now I got three plays I want to show you before we get out of here uh positives at the end of the game Devon aan on this play like holy crap boom watch this whoop whoop whoop like he is going to be so dangerous for the Miami Dolphins him and Jaylen Wright are going to be a fantastic one-two punch for the Miami Dolphins watch this dumps it off one 2 three 4 oh and if he would have stayed up he would have went but again at this point we're down 31 3110 it could have been a game no this is the last drive so it wouldn't have been a game then I want to show this because if we can get this out of Skyler for four quarters this is the Skyler I need to see that I'll feel better about the rest of the season watch this play from Skyler and also watch Devon Anan right pressure in his face drop him back look at that throw are you kidding me from Skyler Thompson on his back foot look at this throw beautiful throw Skyler please do this against Seattle we could beat Seattle if Skyler plays like this like look at that throw also look at the catch from Devon Anan just beautiful but look at this it's Dart falling away and then this one to too now again Bill's probably don't have their starter in but we don't have ours you got toau and you got brex and bears at the top of the screen the the decision drop him back right plants his foot feels the pressure coming from his right side boom lets it Fly and he's got an arm Skyler just boom let it fly dude trust your arm play football and we will win some games with this guy at quarterback but overall it again if the offense could have just got out of its own way and could have answered when the defense gave him chances I think this game would have been different I don't think Tua tries to scramble a lot of things would have been different but Skyler's going to be your starter against Seattle I have no news yet about Tua when we do get news I'll make a video about it but there is positives out of this Brooks Skyler at the end making some really good decisions he's got to do that just trust your arm those two passes were beautiful I need that out of him um Anan is going to be a monster for us even Jaylen Wright had some really nice runs that were brought back because of penalties there are positives I am going to make a video about positives going forward um because you know a lot of us feel like the the season's over it's not it's week two there's a lot that we can you know scavenge and and get forward going but hope you enjoyed this I will see you uh not tomorrow tomorrow's my wife's birthday I'll see you Monday unless video unless news breaks then you'll probably get it later in the day because again tomorrow's my wife's birthday but like usual Stay classy FS up

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