NASCAR Gen 4 - Homestead Miami Speedway - iRacing Oval

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:53:13 Category: Gaming

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Intro we are freaking back baby in the NASCAR Gen 4  Cup Series dude I'm super excited this is going   to be a really long race we're at Homestead my  one of my favorite combos we're still a top 10   car in the top split I would imagine this is  the nine car almost 70 people were registered   for this thing I don't know if we're going to  survive you know I mean 80 laps is a really   long time here and I plenty of times I've died  in this combo in this track but another reason   we're running this is cuz I'm pretty sure this  is going to be the last race of this Gen 4 car   that iRacing is going to update it I think  in this upcoming update like next week so I   wanted to pay homage to this car this car is  freaking awesome I drove this car for a long   time you know full-time and all that fun stuff me  and Austin had some great battles in this thing   so about to shut it toer here I'm here to pay  some homage to it maybe we'll make all 80 laps   maybe we'll have a great run let's go freaking  qualify and uh see what we got with this being   a pretty long race it's probably going to be  a lot of time of me not talking and focusing   on trying to freaking drive this thing cuz this  thing is absolutely out of control got to keep   Qualifying the heart rate down I mean this race going to be  like an hour long usually I got like a spotter   with me or maybe I'm running with Austin and  he's going to call with us but not this time   around and then additionally I do think the top  probably going to be the fast line but I'm not   really too comfortable with the top I'm really  comfortable running a fat freaking hot bottom   though we can really roll bottom once we get the  tires warm and stuff I'm probably not going to   roll at that great qualifying here so don't  judge me here but here we go see what we got I'm sure we'll run the top though at some point  in the race we'll have to but my main goal is to   try to get to the bottom as soon as I can and  just freaking run this bottom we're going to   have a pit strategy as well cuz who knows when  the caution is going to come out feel like this   track doesn't really get too many restarts  too many cautions and I'm also really rusty   let that be know I haven't raced J 4  in a long time it's been a really long time a little too sideways trying  to lean on that right rear a little   too much being a bit of a squid so  far we got actually pretty okay lap time it's going to be a lot of this me just  freaking making faces trying to hold on to this   thing it's like on a tight rope dude it's just  like driving a super dirly model but going 200   M an hour on iRacing that is anyway we're falling  backwards let's go ahead and uh roll over to the   main event and see where we're lining up all  right we are on the backstretch dude I would be   lying if I said I was not nervous I am freaking  nervous I got to remember this is 80 laps long   race we're fourth row on the outside looking good  um I didn't mention this but my steering ratio   is a 16 to1 that's way I got that then I have it  at the lowest break byas possible I think it's   60% I think might be lower I don't know it's  the lowest you can get it is the break by us   but here we go good luck to everybody hopefully we  can get some good green flag racing in good nice   green flag run I'm going to shut up and try  to get this first lap in cuz I think usually   everyone dies turn one lap one all the nerves  are up right now there we go 8 laps I hope Green Flag can't even get the power down that's ridiculous  this thing's awesome still inside inside's clear inside jeez I feel all sorts out  of control it's probably this Middle Lane still there side by side  for position already with the   18 still inside got one in the wall  inside's clear inside inside inside   still there at your door getting  a little loose we're hanging on to it got this guy behind us we're going to have a  restart off the bat here Slow Down slow down slow   down holy crap okay restart it's been a while  since I've done one of these NASCAR races dud   I forgot that caution laps count so yeah we're  actually going to be on lap five lap six once we   take the green flag we're going to be restart on  the outside some guys were up on the mic talking   talking about how there was just a couple you know  caution races today so hopefully you know not too   many more cautions after that one but I'm still  nervous start on the outside still going to have   to get her done hang on to it but let's go baby  let's see what we got coming up to the restart   five laps complete readying surprised it's double  file kind of thought maybe it would' be single file good restart this time  get to the bottom I can't being easy just crack that throttle crack it  Center corner and get that rotation God   love it a little bit of a shallower entry still outside still outside on your that  shallow entry might not be the way   but he let us go thank you very much  number seven not trying to be too aggressive okay that was a horrible but we made it work turning left a  little too hard burning that right front I'm   going to keep up with this shallow entry I'm  doing though these guys are kind of arcing   it quite a bit more but I don't know  I really don't feel like I'm using up   much more stuff except for right  there got to get more smooth on exits baby I need a couple more  like but all these guys are here   know more than me this is my first  time driving this thing in such a long time we got a guy flying behind us that five  car ripping top knows what he's doing winner   of the race we want to accidentally  dump this guy he a fellow content man   it looks like he's got his Tik Tok twitch and  YouTube the triple threat right in front of us 3434 slow it down get to his inside get the exit maybe get the side  drift oh he's got a Metallica logo let's go   outside that's awesome clear High maybe a little aggressive but we're  rolling 10 laps complete freaking 70 to go once we do get to like lap 36  I think or no maybe it's like lap   I don't even know lap 40 it's somewhere  around halfway is when the fuel windows open that was turning left a lot we're rolling pretty awesome though 34.3 it's going to be nice when we hit the  pits for the first time be able to tell kind of   what our tires are at think I got got the button  assigned to be able to look at that fairly quickly is number five car behind us is kind of  stalled out to an equidistant type deal with us that Metallica dude is falling back  quite a bit he's probably got a plan the one car who didn't qualify is in the top 10 now oh my hands I think we're starting to lose time which is all good these guys are faster get them  by us 34 8 3 8 guys run at 34 4 5 6 try and get the exit don't cut this  guy off try to leave him the lane very   good that was very dangerous I don't think he was lifting hopefully people behind us  can lift otherwise this is about   to get kind of hairy here oh whoa buddy watch your lane God he about dumped himself off my nose still outside okay let's just not even try  to side draft him it is just not even   worth it and then we got the one car  behind us he's got the ride of way leave him aay on the outside  I'm making it obvious let's go Gatorade replenish me with juice  please weird sentence clear clear   clear getting our downforce taken  away from us right here don't clear ourselves goodbye all those  positions we just lost two I guess man it'd be so hard to just lose  complete control by yourself holy moly 35 83 This guy's coming down into the lane allow it that was a decent exit this  guy's cing up to us all is good hopefully he doesn't dump us we're  Lifting for the guys in front of us here9 deep break this guy's giving us  a lane he's being polite as far as the guy behind me though holy smokes still there Cutthroat business still there that rotation come on oh buddy over rotated where are we going  whoa coming to my Lane indeed let's go 3 Sherwin Williams oh yeah he's ripping top now the 91 or the  six or whatever I don't even know what who's what oh hello apron we're almost halfway to half which  I think is a quarter is that how that works new leader man man we're starting to drop  back from these guys what do I be doing I need to drive a little bit harder that was a pretty solid corner right there 3499 all right we're good okay I fully recovered now  okay we're good yeah we can get   that repaired probably when we come  in maybe I don't know probably not oh hang on to it Sherwin I need to turn on my fan that's to the  right of me I'm starting to freaking get hot   but I cannot let go of the wheel there's  no way I can do it one-handed there is no way we're doing it one-handed fan  is on sorry if there's background noise oh my gosh these guys are fighting for position1 kind of starting to get the hang of  it again that fan has helped me a lot already a little bit of freaking counter  steer on Corner entry that was insane oh my gosh I don't know how these guys in   front of me have not wrecked each  other yet these guys are doing awesome nope don't come down buddy I'm here   why would you even attempt that that was crazy  outside all right this feel a little funky still   out there I'm still here I feel [ __ ] [ __ ] all  right you're clear I think 12 to one is going to run come on baby get the Run he's going to  get a run on us we're going to leave the   outside Lane open for them that's what  we want we want the inside1 clear clear   oh we're going to miss the inside by 2 in okay he's not close enough to really  leave him aane because no matter what I   do I just anywhere long run top bottom  yeah it's hard number 11 he's talking   about how we just cannot find any speed I  don't know what's going on it is not easy I think at tracks where the tires were you got to haveo I do everything oh he does have control okay clearly I'm just slow I don't know if it's yeah when you're having problems like that  that's when it's like you got to find a YouTube   video find a guy to watch you know what I'm saying  see what they're doing that's usually what I do dang it we're overshooting it recovered nicely though oh oh recovered as nicely as we could  fuel wise we still got 21 laps of fuel we're coming up in five laps  to the fuel window here wait   was that even right 21 laps if we  have 21 we can make it to the end   oh we have enough fuel for the end  no no no no no I'm an idiot I'm an idiot thinking this race is 40 laps not 80 laps   that is not correct oh my gosh had  a lot of moments right there let's recoup this thing is so on edge it is very easy to   have a moment these tires are just  begging for mercy or something right now man that was so bad that was so bad we're struggling Big Time slow down entry F that throttle oh my hands 3593 1 trying to stab it to get that  rotation sure you can see that   in the Telemetry on the screen  trying to get that Center Corner stab another thing I like to call  it is crack crack in the throttle beautiful losing so much time right now 36 it's 10 laps into the fuel window oh my God yeah we've destroyed this  race car I've destroyed this race car it's going to be crazy when we  get tires and come back out later guys are running 35.7 64 3604 one on the wall behind us I  think maybe not maybe he's an expert ooh someone behind us died or went in the pits it was that red car that was  there cuz I do not see him anymore oh man that orange and purple car up there   is getting a little sideways we're  in our own little area right now n it's going to be it's just going  to change everything when we get   new tires going have to relearn the  car again there's been so much fall off at least we've been like hanging out  in the top 10 all day that's freaking rad9 uh to everything's all good I think he said just keep it  straight one thing I did not   practice I'm now realizing is Pit Road entry oh my word # midra realization yeah the guys  behind us are definitely rolling up9 but I have a feeling things might change  changing the pit stop I'm going to change   all four tires just cuz I am it's probably not  needed imagine others might just do right sides only a little too shallow of  an entry but we made it work these guys behind are definitely catching  it's the guy I thought died he did not die he can definitely come on by just  do so cleanly thank you very much indeed yes please don't dump me why would  you take the same line I took oh on by on the inside please  please please thank you very much try to roll middle slop back to the  inside let's watch this guy freaking pass   these J here this guy's flying same with  this guy behind me too old freaking Chris man he's still diving pretty hard in the corner we were able to dive a little  bit harder than him though oh my hands four more laps till halfway we got 11  laps of fuel guy behind me I think just got   in the wall maybe not restart we don't have  to do any crazy pit stuff we can hit the pits   under caution let's go all right man we're going  into the open pit here all single file let's see   if we get a pit speeding penalty or or dumped  even dude thanks for the forx bro I mean what's   going on here what the hell maybe that was my  fault I don't freaking know but that sucks now   we probably got rear end damage like it's the  fre it's under caution trying to maximize that   hard what the actual hell God unbelievable  crazy but anyway getting new stuff on let's   go hopefully we don't have too much stuff to take  care of getting all S Tires let's get this Johnson dunzo oh we're rolling we'll look at the  tire stuff here all right let's look I'm   a baby I the freaking pit speed limiter thing  on so my right right sides were 68 72 68 right   front 72 right rear pretty close numb not too  shabby but that's definitely a lot used let's   go get the restart all right baby on the one  green funny place where we at we're fourth   row outside pretty sure that's where we got the  initial start maybe I don't even know actually   maybe that was the cuz we had a caution like  on lap five or something like that but we were   here at one point on a restart or a start but  exactly halfway it's crazy feel like i' been   down here for a minute here we go big restart  we already got a 4X it's been great here we go yeah ready don't need to  do anything outrageous here flag get easy every there three wide  behind us oh my gosh the grip is crazy   there's so much grip in and out outside  only in and out inside only still on the   the amount of aggression out of everyone  right there was ridiculous or on lap 40 holy smokes that was the guy that gave me the forx too  bro thought we were fellow content guys what the hell God dang that was a bit aggressive  of me right there but we're rolling there   kind of trying to save my stuff a little bit too  I know how it gets long run here I'm of about a lot maybe these shallow entries aren't the way 34 4 6 9 fast guys running 34 3 5 outside   still out there at the door he still  out there at the door from what I've   heard from what I've been told we'll be side  by side side drafting each other real great stuff clear High working at top clear we're rolling 3419 opportunity  head here homey I just cannot believe   how aggressive everyone was on  that restart dude that was just crazy like I thought I was going  to get spun 100% man that was nuts but we got no Vendetta or payback to do   I don't I don't care I already forgot  I'm like an elephant if it was stupid   hello two car give me zero room there you  go oh my word there outside that's door outside this car my outside is freaking  driving hard baby still out these guys in   front of me aren't driving quite hard enough  maybe oh they're doing fine still there wow it is a massive Gap now between me and  the cars behind us here hoping these guys   are going to burn off their stuff though I'm just  going to keep maintaining the pace we got right now still out very much focused on not  over rotating exit outside is clear o here we go bad oh in the wall almost joined   them I'm oh we blinked we got  a dis continuity thing up there uhoh not what we want yet not  yet we want to Blink later oh get right reared I guess the aggression gets aggressed where's the atro oh the atro are you  kidding oh the atro he's coming down he's pissed me now he's right on  us and he's pissed not a good combo all   right we're good out there man I squee  you I'm sorry I didn't get a car out   oh man the guy my outside's losing it  holy crap hang on to that Johnson buddy 32 still there leaders running 34.8 5  6 still there big picture here today   Budd big picture big picture  you got that right man clear High twos in the walls CLE everyone  needs to hold their race car where   everyone's safe here we go these guys  are the next ones to wreck outside still outside still outside 10 cars in the walls deer clear outside outside still out there still out I can't even believe it dude we   still got 30 laps to go holy  crap 30 to go right there 35 CL outside go outside clear this guy me and him are   just going back and forth if he can  just keep nailing it he'll pull away 3477 it's awesome that we've pretty  much been able to see the leader of   the whole race dude like we've  been doing a pretty dang good job and I know I feel like I probably  been complaining a little bit in this   race the kind of crazy moves that been  going on but this is a high stress race I promise you I carry no bad  juju once the race is done   once the Checker's out I forget  everything we're back to square one oh yeah that guy he's  found it the guy in front of   us the seven car he's found it he's what we call rolling LM biscuit would know my wrist and my hands I'm trying not to get   loose on Corner exits try not  to turn left too hard Corner entries freaking cracking the  throttle doing all sorts of weird things I really wish though Austin was  here with us man and we were fighting   someone else racing with someone else  in the field that makes it just a little   bit more fun and this already is just a  ton of freaking fun definitely just like   the best combo on iRacing one of there's  some road course combos that are awesome getting a little bit sideways on an exit not good we got this guy that gave us the forx we're   catching up to him payback  question mark nope not us 3 maintaining this top 10 right now single  digit top 10 at that freaking nth place definitely catching these Jo  overs who big Lane change what was that and we're missing turn one hopefully he doesn't have  a big Lane change right on my   outside he's still fighting for it respect respect just hope he doesn't have a massive Lane still outside still there this is we're  going to wreck dude he's going to   end up spinning his car out  or something maybe not out there outside is clear there we go we got the exit let's  give him the Highline no we don't want it didn't seem like he was going to lift for  some reason so just give him the lane clear clear clear get the lane outside 3554  still outside clear High clear High God I'm squeezing the steering wheel so tight but we stole that spot man that's awesome   for now he just found something out  on the top or something right there   or maybe he's going to nail the wall these guys  also had a massive moment right in front of us calm down 20 laps to go oh I was about to say dude I'm  freaking super proud of myself right now   not driving this stuff for a very long time  dude and we're doing really good this is awesome hopefully this guy doesn't have a moment  like he just had while we're trying to pass him very big stuff right there we're all over him what do we do here what do we do9 thought about trying to go middle see if   I could figure anything out  there and that just did not work can't dump them  definitely way better on Entry man this is a tough one this is going to be a  tough pass definitely faster than both these guys3 inside clear L trying to get something done here 35s R's inside this time still out  there oh he comes down anyway man wow yeah man he's driving hard he  don't want me by baby he don't want to negotiate all right understood we're going to have to  outsmart them I guess here's 15 to go   right there restart dude no freaking way do  we hit the pits what's going to happen here   oh my word all right man I'm freaking sweating  that was an intense battle with this guy it was   really it would have been so much better if  we could have just ran that one out but man   we're going to get a restart it's going to be  super aggressive just like that last restart   we had we got to have to be on our game this  time cuz yeah everyone's coming in I don't   know if people are going to do right s side  only maybe cuz I'm not I'm just going to get   all four that's what we're doing here oh Nelly  let's see what we can do we can floor because   we got this stupid pit speed limit piece  of crap on box we need to get to the left here get it guys four tires I guess  probably not needed man I don't know   dude we're prob to lose spots I don't  know man I thought com that's why I let y by go go go go go go go go  go go go oh we're losing spots oh I think we're going to be outside the top  10 13 car by go by here not you 11 hey what are   you doing hey there oh what the heck that guy was  thinking anyway let's get some restart all right   man another restart here not too far from where  I've been restarting which has been the fourth row   outside now we're on the fourth row inside I think  is what this is which is ninth spot I'm going to   be less than 10 to go right on the green man I  hope there's no more cautions I hope we can get   a good restart hope we can survive cuz if we're  going to die this is right where it's going to   happen there's probably going to be a big wreck  here I'd imagine I don't know if there's going   to be single file restarts after this I don't  know if to screen my Checkers who knows here we go get our eye on the leader really good restart on  the bottom watch out watch out   don't take advantage outside all  right smart guys behind me clear outside not taking advantage of garbage still outside still outside still outside get a little sideways we're   hanging on to it ooh had to lift big time  right there but up to this guy 35.6 four one clear High outside don't hook me my man outside  we're rolling still there clear clear clear   working the outside working the outside get  the exit baby let's go clear all round got the exit when you continue to be strong I  need to be a little bit stronger on exit oh I don't know what the heck that was come on baby2 was pretty strong I feel like these guys  in front of me are so aggressive right now really trying to lean on that right rear  big time man that guy behind me is trying so hard hey it's the five car we've been racing  this guy hard he knows what line we're taking Here Comes five to go five to go not up a little bit of contact  up ahead please don't wreck each other he going to get in the wall  no no he's not that was crazy close not going to have quite the run on them I needed no down force center corner right  there that was very unfortunate that was scary   right there as well dang it that's exactly  what the guy behind me needed man dang it oh man oh no it's going to be a hardcore raise baby I need this bro in front of me to  pick it up on Entry or something 391 dang it couldn't quite get a run on  them what's going to happen on Entry   here is going to slow us up quite a bit not too bad good race good win what two to go 348 oh yeah I've got no hor power  I'm just trying to lift it to the   end I went from potential top 10 to  oh he's going to we're going to block him he'll be able to get us on the outside though   probably going be P about five  still out there saving my tires   it's going to be a valiant effort you know I  had earlier today oh we're going to wash up too high we're flying now outside still there outside clear outside holy crap come on baby out of four outside side   by side woo great freaking race  thumbs up to the five holy moly Checkered Flag wow God dang it I love this Gen 4 stuff  so freaking much man we beat the guy that   gave us a 4X freaking he's a fellow content  guy but gave me the finger anyway what the   heck didn't even apologize what the that was  a great race I got to type it in there great race that was so awesome I'm so happy I  did that I we I'm going to I think I'm   going to do this full time again  next season film it every Friday afternoon oh man that was a lot   Wrecks how long have I been recording for let's see  this 57 58 minutes probably not you know in   the video because I'm going to have to edit  out the cautions and all that but this took   an hour actually really appreciate that if you  didn't mind right right there man that was early   on probably one of the or the first caution but  got it got guys in the mic talking about the race too that was such an exciting finish we'll watch   finish here as well the last  lap after I go through the rcks there's the two car we fought that  guy a little bit throughout the day I   wonder if he was uh ended up winning the  race it's crazy how much my wrists hurt   dude man I feel like I talked a good  amount too I don't think there was too   much quiet dead air we were all right but I am  freaking done I could not race another thing lot of just single cars just flying in the corner  smacking the wall I mean like almost every single   one of them is just single car flying in  smacking the wall besides this I guess yeah   just dump the guy yeah yeah there you go drive  right through team message so Majors ay going   to the pits that's when we get ran into great  perfect super aggressive stuff in pedantry I   don't know it might have been my fault that might  not have been too as aggressive as I needed to be   I don't freaking know I'm quid but we got a  4X from it but we beat the guy anyway people   getting in the wall going three Wide guy just  doesn't even enter the corner weird there's us   we have an awesome paint Scheme by the way that  paint Scheme is like one of my favorites that I made this guy diving super hard getting in the  wall another wall oh there you go you got it   some three wide oh getting out of whack and just  get right hooked I mean he didn't right hook him   kind of right hooked himself then sucks O2 car  or whatever got hooked into that me and that guy   were racing hard for a while the amra car unless  there's a couple different amra paint schemes out   there it's quite possible turn those guys down  oh and that was literally it all right well let's   take a look at that last lap let's go to us though  let's freaking watch that dude that was freaking   rad TV mixed us on the right of the screen the  inside the number nine car the 45 trying to look   on the outside dude that one block we threw I  think that saved us and it might be here if we'll   see it who no no no it was not here's my bumper  though looking out behind us he was having his   own battle I didn't even real I with another car  the 13 I think I think that's for position with   him look at this that is freaking beautiful coming  across the line maybe checking in the air side by   side let's freaking go oh and these cars look so  good they sound so good and I must have blinked   right there and uh man what what a fantastic day  that is so awesome all right let's go uh take a   look at the results no hate mail no uh sorry or  anything like that let's go take a look at the   results see what we got well well well our fellow  content guy cost us 0.04 safety rating I'll be   Results sending a check or a bill rather to to that man  and his content stuff pay me 0.004 safety rating   but anyway we gained 35 freaking ey rating dude  that is awesome it was a 3100 sof completed all   80 laps it was only three cautions 10 laps done  under caution so didn't really miss all too much   but top 10 dude let's fre freaking go that was  like I just can't get over that how cool that was   let me know if you guys want me to run this next  season I think I'm just going to run it regardless   of what anyone says cuz it's freaking awesome but  uh but yeah thanks a lot uh for watching hope you   guys enjoyed let me know please leave a like  on the video thanks to all the YouTube members   as well thank you guys a ton and the twitch  uh subs thank you thank you thank you and uh   this was awesome I'm going to say it a million  times I'm a broken record and have a good day w

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A Great NASCAR & Farting Analogy thumbnail
A Great NASCAR & Farting Analogy

Category: Sports

Nowadays you don't get away from nobody so if somebody farts while they're leading the race whole field going to smell it oh look the leader farted 20th place smells it cuz he's on his ass that was good that was good Read more

Harrison Burton Had a Long Road To Victory Lane! thumbnail
Harrison Burton Had a Long Road To Victory Lane!

Category: Sports

I have to talk about your son harrison uh he came on the scene just lighting it up on short tracks i mean winning the biggest races there was and so that paved the way for him to make it to the big time he he runs for the wood brothers right now uh in the cup series tell me about your son harrison uh... Read more