LIVE: Dutch Grand Prix Post-Race Show

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:44:10 Category: Sports

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is [Applause] go this is why it's [Applause] contact this is absolutely unbelievable stuff [Music] well over recent years in Formula 1 we've become used to dominant displays but they've usually been handed out by the man who has won every Grand Prix held at this track since it came back on to the calendar all except one today's one in dominant fashion by Lando Norris not the home favorite Max vsta and it was an astonishing win by almost 23 seconds the tide has turned in the Formula 1 World Championship hello folks welcome to your postr show here in the padic with me will buckton with jolian Palmer and newly promoted to Formula 1 for 2025 Jack Doan Jack that was some drive today by Lando Norris almost 23 seconds over the line exactly you know I was kind of hoping that Lando could have fought back to some of the comments and hold Pole Position down in the turn one and when he lost it you know I was I'm sure um and but then you could see you know he he kind of had it in his hands he was staying around 1 to two seconds and just as it seemed for that Red Bull started to dig off on tires he pushed within two or three laps that he wanted he was passed and he just never seemed troubled after that honestly was on another planet um extraordinary race and uh I think he's going to be super super happy with that he will be happy with that won't he joli and plus the point for fastest lap as well took the eight points and if he does that in every Grand Prix for the remainder of the Year okay it's that's a that's a big job but it's game on it's still technically within his hands yeah on another day that start would have cost him a win and it has done this year already so it's still something he's got to get on top of but the rest of the race was just incredible he was on another planet he's been so fast this weekend he's been so consistent the conditions have been really difficult even in the race the the inconsistency of the wind um but he was just he was so far clear of the rest of the field and his teammate uh he was clear of his team mate strategy at McLaren again some big question marks over that which we will cover off during this show Max fappen having to make do with P2 but a brilliant day for Ferrari Charla Clair he told me this morning you know we can't be happy with P6 even though that was above expectations for qualifying wasn't feeling too confident brilliant utilization of the strategy the undercut on the podium on a day where they didn't expect to be anywhere close I think they were clear Underdog today I don't think they were really on a on a huge radar and they just played it safe they did a great strategy um they used a clear track when they could and I don't really know that they would have expected to be P3 today so I think they'll be quite happy analyzing what actually made that happen and trying to continue that yeah I think it it might have been the performance of the race to be honest I mean Lando obviously was the headline Grabber and won by so far but I don't think sha put a foot wrong he got a good start he took a key place at the start then he had a good strategy with the team as well they optimized the the pit stop got ahead of George Russell Mercedes had a slightly slower stop and got and then he managed to hold off Oscar and his late charge as well it was incredible from then to have a turnaround of being way out of out of contention yesterday and then today to be solid third place not far away from Maxs yeah brilliant job Oscar pastri P4 then Carlo SS uh who pulled it back from P10 a great drive from him Sergio Perez P6 where he started and possibly helped out by the fact that McLaren uh sorry Mercedes today really struggled with their hard tires both drivers then having to switch onto the two-stop strategy which dropped George Russell down at p7 Lewis Hamilton p8 and a great battling race from him we're going to see some of his overtakes a little bit later p gazley holding on for ninth great job from him on a weekend that had started off so so difficultly for you guys at Alpine and Fernando alono the last point in 10th Place uh want to give a quick shout out to niik hulkenberg because we might not get a chance to talk about him later on a really strong race from him did what 50 plus Laps on one set of tires and just missed out on points jolian yeah he was he was very quiet barely saw him until the end and you realize he's still in the top 10 and holding on but I mean I'm sure Alpine thought they had him covered with the late stop and and the Aston as well but he didn't have the pace of of uh Pierre or or Fernando I think but they tried something different it almost worked it was it was a nice drive uh niik hulkenberg was running a special helmet this weekend which you can bid for online along with a replica of the race trophy uh as well it's for a uh lymphoma research uh charity out here in Netherlands called lymph and Co L ym pH and Co so you can bid for both of those things online uh now uh lymphoma took my dad so uh so yeah anybody who wants to to bid for those things that would be great um right let's start at the start because we've been talking about it all day since he took pole position yesterday could Lando Norris finally lead the first lap after taking po position the answer sadly for him a definitive no uh Jack we've seen the replay through a few times now we've seen it from on board as well what did you make of of that because really the the first phase seemed seemed okay and it was that second phase where just Jud and and then it's done exactly it seemed the drive out as you would know the initial launch seemed okay it seemed like he found the bite Point well but then it was I don't know if he just held on to it too too long was quite conservative of the wheel spin that he was maybe been getting in the last few G PRI was a bit conservative which then implemented some clutch slip and then is actually what enabled him to not get the drive out so it could be one step too far the other way cuz it didn't seem like there was any wheel spin what was your take yeah he just couldn't deliver the power it was uh the the reaction time of the the lights going out was bang on the pre-art revs were bang on you can see it on the dash everything was as it should be and then I think it was in the clutch drop I don't think he he dropped the clutch to to get the car rolling in the in the the perfect way and then he just couldn't feed in the throttle they're very technical the start and I feel it's a it's a harsh one for him because that's actually the worst one of the lot so far in terms of the the launch thankfully for for Lando you know the the it's not cost him the race that one but it still means that you've got these question marks of starting now six races from from P1 including the Sprints and uh and the next time he's on poll you know the same questions are going to be there listen question for both of you guys okay you are Elite racing drivers you've raced in Formula One you're about to make your Formula One debut Lando said he went away over the summer and he really thought about and looked back and worked on those race starts because he knew that was a weak part of his Armory having come back and that happen again how do you move past that how do you stop that becoming something that ingrains itself in your head every time you take the start you know it's difficult because in other circumstances we've had Oscar you know be on the front row like Budapest and actually get a better start than orando today it seemed when I when watching back that both McLaren seemed quite equal so can also come down that the target clutch drop that you're dropping to is a percentage that your engineers are giving to based on their calculations on how track level and grip is so not that I think that that would have been wrong and that could be the case cuz clearly he's had a long time to think about it he knew that he wanted to think about it and for it to happen again you know it is such fine margins that we're dealing with and Max could have just got it spot on which made the difference um max is a good starter as well so the comparison on the front row was tough we've seen Max get good starts from wherever he's starting when he's on pole he never gets beaten off the line these days and you're right Oscar didn't get a good start czecho didn't get a good start either from fifth so maybe the track grip wasn't there which sort of compounded the issue there for him uh from that point on pretty much a perfect race from Lando Norris who took the win his teammate Oscar pastri P for Andreas Stella uh at the team we can hear from him now Andrea 22.8 seconds across the line Lando ahead of Max Musta and he described as beautiful after that start what are your thoughts and feelings after that one uh I would say unexpected like positively unexpected um you know we would have never thought that um coming to zandor which has been a difficult venue for us a difficult circuit in the past we could uh put together such a strong performance in qualifying and then confirming this in the race uh I'm just very happy for the team very happy for Lando himself I think he has just proven the level of uh uh competitiveness he can uh pull off uh we know that we've always known that he's been absolutely faultless this weekend and uh and a little bit of a shame for Oscar because he had the performance to be definitely uh part of the podium and uh I think think he had the performance to put Max under some pressure but unfortunately we got stuck behind L cler and we couldn't overtake uh but overall uh yeah just um positively unexpected I would say well a very very incredible result for you guys how much of this do you think is down to the upgrades that you brought this weekend is that perhaps why it was even more unexpected is the has the upgraded package brought more than you anticipating well the performance Gap advantage that we had this weekend is uh bigger than the size of the upgrades in terms of lap time Improvement so I think overall this is a circuit that just seems to suit our car very well and obviously having the upgrades it might have added some performance but I wouldn't say the upgrades they were necessarily the whole uh the whole uh positive advantage that we enjoyed however to uh once again the lier upgrades that uh uh behaved as expected I think is just uh you know like it's just um an opportunity for me once more to say that thank you very much to the entire team at McLaren for the quality uh and the hard work that they have been uh pulling off and uh yeah there will be more projects coming for the next races and he's making the final part of the Season exciting and final question the Constructors Championship that Gap is lowering down to 30 points I believe now do you feel like is well within your grasp and you could really take hold of that one um let's say we keep believing in it you know like uh we believed it before this event and now even more uh at the same time we are talking about uh we are talking about uh uh competing with Red Bull so they are you know dominant team they know what they are doing very well and uh it will not be it will not be an easy Quest but definitely we are fully determined to try and uh and give it a go it would be just amazing like I can't even describe how it would be well enjoy celebrating this Victory and good luck for Monza thanks you very much than you very much cheers a thanks to Ariana Bravo on the questions there great interview with Andrea Stella Gabriel BTO has joined us uh hello my friend how are you third and Reserve driver down at McLaren what a weekend for the team absolutely incredible what's the vibe been like in the garage I mean it's undescribable it's amazing I mean everyone is so happy in the team they deserve it second win from London this season uh and yeah it's just uh they have done so many steps you know with this this new car and and to see they performing like this it's going to be tight at the championship this year it really is uh we just heard from Andrea he said you know the car really suited this track are there any tracks where we don't think the car is going to be suited because it it feels like no matter the circuit no matter whether it's raining or it's dry it's hot or it's cold McLaren are there and the the target team right now I think they know it but at the same time they don't expect sometimes I don't remember which race it was but they were like ah yeah this track shouldn't be the best for us and they went there and they so yeah it's amazing and and they are performing every track now they are the best team in my opinion uh in front of Red Bull I would say yeah I think a lot of people would agree with that so on today's uh basis there were some upgrades on the car this weekend as well what kind of a Vibe do you get within the team of how well everything is is jelling how happy they are when those upgrades go on the car that they're just working immediately I mean when things go well everyone is happy so I think the vibe between the team now and in the engineering room and everyone is so good uh the drivers are feeling amazing uh after Lando's poll yesterday was everyone everyone was very happy but at the same time they didn't know what is going to happen today in the race uh but I think we have shown today the pace that we we actually have I think Lando was 20 seconds ahead Max so it shows that the car is with these new upgrades it's even better than what it was before and and we are going to the right direction every time yeah it seemed quite comfortable for for Lando obviously the result is is spectacular for him but we've seen also in recent races McLaren having the fastest car but strategy or late safety car or things can make a difference was there a feeling in the garage that it wasn't one until the checker flag or when we were looking at Lando still trying to go for the fastest lap and all these things was it complete confidence in the carriage um to be honest when Lando has for the fastest lap I was in the radi and I I was like oh okay he's just asking but it's quite impossible to do it right and then he went there and he did it so I mean at the start when he lost the position to Max I could see the Vive in the garage went a little bit down but I think no one lost the the expectations to win this race so I think he did a great job by overtaking Max again and and winning this race so I mean what an amazing job he did today uh Monza next weekend how much you looking forward to getting back behind the wheel so much I think we have been uh in the podium in the last two or three feature races now so very excited uh mon is a good track Jack did the poll a few years ago with the car I'm driving now so yeah I'm looking forward I think um you know you're saying like we all love the car is strong but I think we're you know not missing and no Mis credit to Lando that he was 22 seconds ahead of Max and probably 30 now Oscar's an amazing driver who beat him in buest similar circuit to here and he's just gone like above and beyond what can you see yesterday he was on you know half a second quicker than Oscar in qualifying a few T quicker where is Lando making the difference this weekend I don't think it's a half a second difference between them both to be honest we've seen this year that they are very close to each other every time yeah maybe Lando is a little bit faster now but I mean we've seen Oscar in Budapest he was as quick as Lando uh I think to yesterday was a situation that Oscar maybe didn't put the lab together you know how is it if you don't have everything perfect yesterday Lando had everything in his hands and he delivered the job because he did an amazing lap and Oscar didn't but uh today in the race I think he got a little bit stuck behind Charles and he couldn't show his true Pace but still I think Lando was the quickest in the team this weekend and he was he showed it and he was clear the fastest guy on track today love your Stu thank you so much for joining the show we appreciate it we'll see you in Monza good luck next weekend mate appreciate it thank you very very much uh right as Gabriel said uh perhaps the Ferrari is a little bit faster than certainly McLaren anticipated I think half the field weren't anticipating Ferrari to be quite as quick as they are maybe Ferrari weren't anticipating being quite as quick as they were caros SS a brilliant drive from P10 all the way through uh to P5 it was it was P5 hey Carlos well considering the weekend that you've had the pace came alive today were you surprised at just how good the car was yeah it was a bit of a surprise for me I'm not going to lie our best predictions uh of our damage limitation today was p7 p8 so to actually make it to P5 is a a better than expected I would have never expect to be able to pass a a Red Bull and a Mercedes in in a track like this uh but uh it's true that our Pace today was really really strong I felt very at home in the car since the lap G and I immedately saw that we might have a a chance to to make a bit of a comeback so yeah I enjoy that one in some ways is it almost make it more confusing though to have such a good day today given what's been going on recently yeah I think you need to wait until the end of the weekend to assess the whole weekend performance no and it's clear that obviously with a normal weekend Q3 yesterday I should have made it but not better than P6 p7 like Shel was and then it's clear that our car this year seems to be better suited for the race than for qualifying and we seem to have a weakness on on Switching the tires on or something about the caring quality that is not quite working because in the race is a it's a much better race car so yeah points are given on Sunday so I rather have a card that allows me to attack on Sunday but uh we need to find the right trade-off and the right balance between qual and race great St see you in the next one thanks hello how did the race go for you today yeah very good I I had a good race a much better race than I expected with a good overtakes Gabriel's come back he's just running away um great to hear from Carlos sints uh the Ferraris much faster than anticipated today coming alive in race trim um guys we got to talk about Oscar piastri because looking at his race today when he was in that traffic at the start and I'm going to call it traffic because the pace potential in that McLaren was so good as we saw from Lando Norris when they pitted and he was left in clean a started gunning in those fast laps by then it was it was too late had they undercut him had they brought him in to get him out of that do we think he could have challenged for the podium maybe even challenged Max for stappen for P2 today I think it's difficult to say it was looking back to fp2 TI deed seem so high everyone was targeting the one stop today but we didn't really know how bad that dig was going to be so to come early and risk that potentially to lose out at the end it's a very difficult call to make so obviously maybe in hindsight that could have been possible we got the man himself to to tell us oh hi hello hang on before we start congratulations Formula One driver thanks so much for one driver love this um congratulations on the point but I know it probably isn't where you wanted to be today the pace in the car looked phenomenal when you got LED out into the Clean Air when those guys stopped ahead of you I got asked the question straight off the bat do you wish the team M had maybe called in the undercut and done what Charles did to get ahead of that group that you were stuck in uh in hindsight yes but I I think at the time you know it was was pretty aggressive for Ferrari to go so early I would say um I think you know what we did after that was the right thing to do you know George boxed out of my way and gave me some clean air which is basically what we hoped for at that point and um it worked pretty well just not quite enough to get past Charles I think you know the race could have looked pretty different if I had have been able to get past him but uh yeah just didn't quite have enough when I got there and got stuck in the dirty air really yeah I guess you know looking back to yesterday I think we know that you and Lando were super close and then yesterday we saw you know a decent margin it just I think shows how it really takes everything to come together and when it does come together and you have the fastest car on the grid you can make that big step is that sort of just what happened yesterday um yeah I I think so like qualifying was looking good until the last lap really and then um you know I think giving credit to Lando I think he put in a pretty pretty solid lap yesterday and um for myself I just didn't maximize it enough and you know you find half a tenth here half a 10th there half it very quickly adds up and that's basically what happened yesterday um so yeah I think just not the strongest weekend that I've I've had that's for sure um so I'll try and do a bit better next week still a solid 12 points though and still a solid 12 points but it it should be more in the car that we've got we welcome here gley uh to the show Pierre what a what a job I mean this was always coming right top of fp3 we should have seen the points coming I think the re the weekend should have been stopped there and um no I mean yeah it was it was to be fair a very good weekend since um since Saturday so um great quality to get in Q3 yesterday had amazing start uh great turn one passing Fernando and Lance and yeah after that once we had the track position I think we just managed to control the race so it was a it was fun I actually had some good battles um and yeah definitely a lot better than we we sold so very happy with that your start was brilliant you it brought the whole race to life R the outside both Aston Martins did you pre-plan it I like this line and uh I knew that I actually was pretty happy because uh well yeah obviously I'm sorry for sorry for Alex but when he got disqualified yesterday it moves me to the left and I knew this gives me the opportunity to do that to do that line so um yeah if you never know whether the space is going to be there but I saw both ason going a bit more on the inside and manag to to roll the speed on the outside so bit bumpy on that curve on the exit but uh still still made it work uh osar we got to let you go one quick one mon next weekend we know low down fors high speed going to suit the car uh I think so I think you know we I don't think we fear any circuits anymore like we did last year so um I'm looking forward to it I think Ferrari will will be a bit stronger you know the low speed uh and you know bumpy tracks or or curbs is where they've genuinely been pretty strong recently and they had a a much better day today than I expected them to so um I think we'll be pretty strong but I think it'll be a pretty hard fought weekend love that thank you cheers mate thanks for coming on let's get you let's get teammates everyone 2025 lineup how how much you looking forward I mean I know he's already a member of the team but to actually having him race next year no I mean I'm stocked for for Jack you know I've seen him working with the team the past year and a half um obviously been very involved in the in the race team with the work in the simulator in testing so I saw him always you know keeping a close uh eye on on what will be doing with estan and uh no I'm very very happy so I think we'll uh we'll work very hard to make sure we got a a stronger C for next season and uh hopefully he'll have a bit more fun than we having at the minute you realize you're stealing him from us yeah we actually had you un loan to be fair much much much better behind the wheel than behind the mic so uh saying something cuz he's pretty good behind the mic listen P what what made the difference both yesterday and today because I know the weekend started off really tough for you guys and estban just he was nowhere with the setup he admitted it just didn't like the car all the way through the weekend something with you just seemed to click and you just you got it so dialed in yesterday and and today yeah I mean Friday was was very tough I mean we didn't run in P1 we just had that P2 um um and whatever we had there wasn't great so the field was just wrong we made couple of um you know uh setup changes uh following actually Jack simulator session so it was good work there and uh you know it's it just seemed um to click a bit more on Saturday so had a great start great battle managed to uh Corner Fernando for the majority of the race which was pretty tough because they had a lot of pace but uh managed to uh yeah uh keep him behind and and get these two points point which uh were quite unexpected so I'm very happy it's a beautiful drive man really really great you got a new teammate obviously for next year but you've also got a new boss for this weekend and you deliver some points some debut points for for OE how's that going um well yeah it's um I mean it's always always nice you know to to restart especially that second part of the year with some points uh We've we've had a pretty rough first few uh races so far this year and um the whole team just managed to you know keep pushing and even though we we don't have a great form just to keep improving and today we were best of the Midfield um 5 months ago we were last in Bahrain for the first rate of the year so there've been a lot of improvement boli is coming in and you know there's a lot of observation and trying to uh get to know everyone and uh seeing where we good and where we we need to improve as a team but uh yeah I'm looking forward to work with him love your stuff man thanks for coming on the show great job today really really good well done um Pierre pointed it out and it's something we've spoken about on this show before the am amount of work that you actually do on Race weekends which Folks at home might not automatically know when the guys bring their data back from free practice one and free practice 2 you're back in the UK just down the road from where I live actually uh at the factory just putting in the laps all night on the simulator trying to work out the solutions remember we talked about it in Barcelona when you turn their weekend around you turn their weekend around again this we what are they going to do without you in the Sim to turn the weekend around we've got some good good other boys in the academy and a lot of fast driving is you know um Victor being one in Formula 2 another you know Gabrielle mini in F3 and both at the pointy ends of those field so I'm sure um you know I'm going to spend a lot of time in the Sim at the end of this year and also next year just not in the race weekend so um you know I enjoy it very much you know it's like the more I put in the more I'm getting out and and especially now because the more we develop this car the better car I'm going to be starting next year with so it's um there's a lot in it for me lovely stuff whil we can interview our own co-host why you do fp1 now you're announced as a driver why are you not in the car all the time you know there is there's obviously two FP ons that I can uh that I can acquire from both drivers um and since this new rule it's obviously important that drivers put these things in their contracts to ensure that um there's not something taken away but you know for the remainder of the year I'd like to get behind back behind the wheel over the weekend so are they're going to put you in for the circuits that you haven't raced on in F2 you that would be that would be great that would be ideal I don't know yet you know I'm just I'm happy I'm racing next year I'm not really pushing anything so for me that is more than enough and you know anything else that would be presented to me would be a bonus we'll get o Oaks on the show don't kick up a stink yeah I I like your style head down you got the seat get on take one box at a time sign one box one box exactly there we go I can't believe they didn't give you a better pen which pen did I have you had you know like one of those blue ones with the four different colors you know why cuz it had because it had Alpine on the side of it oh really yeah but you couldn't see it my hands covering it so I had this really nice like you know how you can buy like pens for 20 bucks that are like quite look quite good I had one of those nice ones that would have looked really good a beautiful calligrapher Alpine pen I'm like it's going to it's going to put ink on the paper so I don't really care doesn't matter does it uh right um Toto wolf we'll be hear from him uh in a moment as we were saying Mercedes forced to go to a two-stop strategy today uh and that is because they started uh believing that they could make the One Stop work the hard Tire though hit such a large drop off such huge degradation that both Lewis Hamilton and George Russell forced to take that second stop but for George Russell in particular no Pace on the soft let's hear from Toto wolf Toto p7 and p8 can you just talk us through how you reflect on that race for both sides of the garage yeah that was pretty bad um mean last last race weekend you you finish first and second and then seven and eight I we clearly got one Junction on more Junctions wrong uh in how the car was running and that's why it's it's very bruising but uh sometimes you need the bruises in order to you know to make a big step again can you talk us through the strategy decisions there especially in terms of George Russell going for that two stop we could see that there was struggles on the harder tires but can you just talk us through it I think he just uh terribly run out of tires so that's why we had to switch the two stop L had a lock up and down to the down to the canvas and that's why also to stop there but overall um L's Pace was good um I think that was correct on on George uh there was a different setup direction also that we need to evaluate but there was more to it I believe than uh what did we see at first s okay then and looking ahead as you mentioned yourself you've come off of the back of such a dominant performance before the summer break is this just a weekend where there was a slight blipper you feeling confident that looking ahead you guys will be back to where you were before we left off because everyone thought you were super quick this weekend ahead of the race today yeah I'm never confident you know that the glass is always half empty and not half full uh so yeah I think lots of learning and then next weekend you know we just have to show in on track rather than predict too much thank you very much TJ so those Tire struggles for Mercedes ultimately giving Sergio Perez a bit of a reprieve who had dropped a few places in the Grand Prix But ultimately Jolan he finished where he started in P six will that be a positive weekend for Sergio given the struggles that he had uh before we went went away for the summer break uh he started fifth did he not I think so we I'm WR sorry Charles finished started six so I think I think it'd be disappointed to lose one place but obviously the Red Bull car wasn't easy this weekend and Ferrari came alive through the race so uh Mercedes very disappointed in qualifying and then the race obviously a bit of drift so czecho beat them he was closer to Max this weekend it's not been a great it's been a great max circuit and not necessarily a great checko track this one I think the next ones are going to be where he is's going to be pushing to get back towards the podium heading towards B he loves Baku loves B and Monza and Singapore there's a run of Sergio Perez tracks coming up yeah there really really are um we've touched then on Ferrari uh briefly we've touched on on Mercedes when we look at at Red Bull and the card this weekend jolian is saying not really uh to Sergio Perez's liking but also not really to Max ven's liking this weekend he said during the Grand Prix uh him self he wasn't getting what he needed from the car definitely wasn't getting what he needed from the tires and he looked have been struggling with it all the way through the weekend Jack um is that a trait that we've seen kind of continuing through this season or did you see anything from the car this weekend that made it exstensively worse than we've we've seen in recent races not that I've specifically seen you know this is a track with very similar characteristics than Budapest um somewhere where the mlan was very strong uh where the Red Bull was struggling a little bit more so but you heard Max especially in the first half that stint once land had passed I think even five laps before he was explaining that his ties felt numb that he didn't feel like they were working that they were just harder than normal and and he wasn't really getting the traction he wasn't able to lean on it and at the end of the day no matter how your balance of your car is the things that are giving you your feedback is the TIR is sticking to the ground um which can be activated by a lot of things but uh they seem to have quite a lot of problems Max hasn't been happy for a while um especially after this summer break so P2 18 points I guess they're going to try and stay as close as they can to Lando but still it's not where they want to be the curb riding has been a known problem but actually the balance just seemed a bit off under steering over steering he was fighting the car even regardless of the curbs and bumps so they're just missing downfalls now compared to McLaren I think I I think Max did as much as he could to be second I think Ferrari had a quicker car than than Red Bull today in the end uh they did indeed Carlos sints just uh signing some autographs and posing for some photographs and grabbing a microphone and just one last photograph there hello Carlos hi great race I congrats for your drive thanks brother thank you uh brilliant race today uh we just heard from you a little bit in the pen but I mean really how unexpected was that coming into the day when you woke up this morning do you think he'd have a race that good no no definitely no I think it's a bit the tendency of this year is very difficult to understand what's going on with these cars why we are almost a second of poll yesterday and uh I was genuinely out of Q3 in pure Pace obviously I didn't do any running all weekend but I was was honestly a car yesterday didn't feel good at all and it was a quite a miserable day for for for all of us in Ferrari but suddenly today already in the laps to agreed I felt the car working a lot better the working the tires better and that gave me immediately a bit more hope honestly I was not expecting to finish better than p7 uh because passing a Red Bull and a Mercedes in a track like this it's almost impossible but uh I had so much Pace honestly that uh I could see that it was possible and we actually passed ccho and uh I was going to get George when he boxed and um we were only five six seconds away from the podium so it was a a good good result so is it just a completely different beast when you fill it up with fuel I don't think it's the fuel if I'm honest I think because the we had low fuel at the end of the race and the pace was good I think it's something to do with the switching on the tires in qual the way the car works even a slight wind direction change that it was yesterday in qual heard us I think more I don't know I look I don't understand it and I don't think anyone does I don't think even Red Bull Mercedes understand why they are quick sometimes and slow others it's Formula One nowadays it's these cars are extremely complicated and um the only thing only ones that they seem to know what they're doing is McLaren these ones are the only one that they they they seem to be understanding how to upgrade the car where to find the performance how to drive it and um especially L today was very solid so yeah there are the team to beat you put on some lovely overtakes though we enjoy some outside some inside big one on czecho took us through that one yeah it was a late one on czecho because every time I was trying to go around the outside he was squeezing me on the left towards the gravel and I said okay if I need to make it stick I need to break in in Amsterdam no and uh yeah I I went to Breaking Amsterdam and I thought I was going to miss completely the corner but I actually made it stick around the outside especially with um speed Delta you know when we open the RS we we get the every second of sleep stream that we can we arrive to that Breaking Point 30 40 km per hour with a tailwind and you don't know if the car's going to stop and uh uh yeah um it was a tight one but a but a fun one lovely stuff we'll see you in Monza Ferrari home race in a couple of days time thanks for coming on the show Carlos we got to let Jack go as well you got to get a playe hav you got to go home playing back and testing and then a couple days of sim and I'll be back in he's on half days already honestly Big Time unbelievable you changed Jack never changed Bo never changed man we're so happy for you genuinely so so happy for you buddy uh we'll see you in in months cheers thanks my friend uh right we heard uh from Carlos about what a brilliant job Lando Norris did today Jack said it Jolan said it we've all said it it was an astonishing drive from Lando norres to take his second Formula 1 Victory by almost 23 seconds let's here from your race winner hey Alando well if you weren't driving like a world champion before I'm pretty sure you are now just how delighted are you not just with the win today but the way you fought back after that difficult start yeah um yeah I'm not sure honestly what happened at the start again something different to what we've had uh and both Oscar and myself didn't have a great start so I I don't know if we misjudge something or I'm not sure but we'll look into it we'll review it and and do it better for next time um but the main thing is we stayed calm after that um I went you know down to Second and I knew beating Max would be a tough task today um um but the car was amazing the car felt incredible out there and I had a lot of confidence I could push pretty much throughout the whole race um and he seemed to just struggle a little bit more with degradation and and just Pace you know and um honestly this the overtaker was quite straightforward I had one opportunity I maximized that and as soon as I got into lead I could just control things and go at my own pace and do what I need to do and what I want to do and um it's almost much easier being there than it is in second sometimes but other times it's vice versa so today was just a nice controlled race um Pace was incredible and even saved a little bit for the final lap at the end the pace was like you said exu where on Earth did it come from czecho called a l scary like you were 20 seconds clear for a Red Bull like you what a turnaround right honestly what a turn um I mean the turnaround started a long time ago so the turnaround is not now um now is when we're proving what we've done and and the hard work that's gone into it but this started over a year ago uh at least a year and a half ago almost so um it's incredible to to remind ourselves of where we were and what we're able to achieve now you know getting laps by Red Bulls most races to beating them by 20 20 something seconds today um it just shows the work that we've been putting in I mean not so much what I've done but the the team and delivering a car that can go and do what it did today um so a big thanks to them for like that's the main thing is uh it's all them and not so much me but a little bit of both and uh yeah we've brought some upgrades things have helped us and that's that all plays a part so we'll keep chipping away cuz it's working well and um keep trying to make it uh even easier for me great congrats land thank you he's absolutely right you know and it's something we can't Overlook is that 18 months ago the team and we've said this before the team was the slowest in Formula 1 struggling but every upgrade they've brought every step forward they've taken to being in the point now where a team that couldn't be beat last year and went on the most incredible run of success that formula one has ever seen could get beaten today by 23 seconds on Merit is astonishing Ruth buum Dy joins the show Ruth a fascinating race today in terms of strategy let's talk about charl lir that undercut bought him so many positions it was a beautiful strategy so well implemented what did you make of it yeah Bravo Ferrari I think it was a great call uh by far those three cars they were all in a bit of a kind of an undercut position so you had George Russell you had Charles and you also had Oscar piastri and it was Ferrari that decided to pull the trigger first they went for it um and their reward was two positions and actually a Podium pos position with a car that on pure Pace isn't really going to be one that is going to actually be able to have the pace itself and if you look into this which is what we call a race trace this is time gaps so you see the orange line of Lando Norris he is winning the race rather successfully there 23 seconds and it's just pure car Pace there about 410 a lap on average clear of P2 Car Max for stappen but if we look at the pit stops this is where it starts to get interesting the red line of Charles L cler pits uses the power of that fresh Tire one lap later the Mercedes they react now they get undercut they lose one position but McLaren keep going they lose both positions try to build a tire Advantage but you see that fast orange line of Oscar is coming through but then he gets stuck now on P your pace that car doesn't look dissimilar to Lando's car so potentially if they'd gone for the undercut themselves one they would have probably been able to undercut Mercedes themselves given their car pace and two maybe even have been in contention looking at that car Pace have you extended that orange line right as a triangle to have taken P2 off of Max with happen that was about 410 of laps slower now this is what we call a whatif scenario your engineers are going to sit back down they're going to have a look at it they're going to understand it um but I think they'll be fairly happy Engineers covered in Champagne um because of course the other car did win the race so successfully 23 seconds and what I really liked a little bit of last minute strategy they spent the last four laps of the race charging that battery pack so they could go for the fastest lap attempt it was 100% deployment on that final lap wow that fastest lap was a metronomic and they managed to take it by I think about a couple of hundredths off of Lewis Hamilton who held the fastest lap because he did the two stop I love that from Mando as well how much he wanted that fastest lap was just good to see the hunger to get every single point into this final part of the the season I don't think I don't feel like McLaren had a blooper for the strategy we've spoken about them a few times and they've had a few bad ones this year the pestry one like you said it could have been better but when you look at what Lando could do in the car he lost the lead he managed to make it pass on on track on Max so I think had Lando been in in the second car today as well I still think he would have been able to pick off a George Russell in the first in a charlot clair in the second in maybe maybe Sten they could have optimized the strategy it doesn't look to me like it was a you know as big a Miss as they've had before as Oscar himself said to have done it in the race without the benefit of hindsight he felt would have been Punchy but Ruth as you say the stats bear it out second place potentially there for the taking for another McLaren one two will they be able to do that in Monza in just a few days time you're going to have to join us here on f1tv to find out and here's the times of where you can see everything over that weekend at the theater the of speed we start as always on Thursday with your weekend warmup then rolling into Friday practice 1 at 1:15 local time practice 2 at 4:45 Saturday practice 3 at4 12 and your prequal show at 3:30 bringing us through to the Italian grandom Prix 2: p.m. your pre-ra show the 53 lap contest starts at 3 local time and don't miss a second because it's usually over before it started such a quick race uh my thanks jolian to you to Ruth busam Dy to Ariana Bravo for getting those interviews today to Jack Doan and Gabriel boretto for being on the show well Lando Norris another Grand Prix win under his belt but crucially cutting the Gap back by eight points to Max V stappen in the championship charge it's exactly what he needed to do if he was going to keep himself in the championship hunt that's right the championship hunt it's on we go to monzer in a couple of days time join us there and join us then for now though from all of us here thank you for watching and we'll see you in Italy this is the Italian Grand Prix a Ferrari on pole means we go racing amid a rockus atmosphere good reaction time for that two Ferraris signs his first down to turn one side by side they run and theen takes the lead Heritage all the way through I love The Passion of the home P oh my word he's done on it brilliantly intense Italian Grand PRI for

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