Dallas Cowboys vs LA Chargers Live Stream Play By Play | #NFL Preseason #dallascowboys

e e for it's just me up in the Izzy to dizzy for shizzy hell yeah son let me get my my shades on respect for and it's your boy BWB to fill it in for bw1 we'll see how I do I mean I'm already off to a slow start but hey we're about 15 minutes or less away from kickoff oh jeez 11 minutes now bw2 here AKA stat Boy AKA WJ AKA Clayton AKA Santa Claus's more handsome brother just watching the end of the Steelers versus Detroit game oh man this is really really stuck here but yeah who's excited for some Dallas Cowboys football week three preseason week three let me get a crack them in here crack them if you got him son and uh yeah just just finishing up this Steelers versus Lions game um I came in and Adam said he had everything set up uh for me so I'm you know trust in the process and uh probably in about 10 minutes here we're going to have K Dallas CYS kickoff for a little maybe a little bit after I like a nice hard start right at time but and let me try to get this chat going here ninja chat oh [ __ ] let me see if I can find it now but yeah if you guys want go ahead throw your score predictions in there today or just you know what actually even better stuff that you want to see I want to see I want to see a clear run we talked about this on Wednesday's show but I want to see a clear running back um show up and show out as they say and I want to see um I would like to see Trey Lance repeat his performance or actually outperformance performance let's say uh that would be you know a benefit for the Cowboys whether or not he stays on the team or become or just for trade bait um but I am trying to find this chat window I exited it of course so we don't know how to bring that up give me a quick sec it's called chat ninja or something like that captions help oh oh oh I'm bumping stuff around there we go um see I don't want to I don't want to screw anything up so might just have have screwed that up and lost it I'll message Adam and seea bring it up actually um but yeah big day big day here today fellas ladies and fellas one more week of preseason football then we're into the regular season um an is doing his draft down in Vegas so I hope he's enjoying his time and Adam is at a wedding right now where the uh bride and groom are just about to be married by a priest I assume hell i' I'd have Jerry Jones marry [Music] me whenever that happens just want to get this game going it's it's so much more difficult to think about things of course when you're here by yourself and a lot of things that I think about I can't say oh that's nice and icy cold on a rainy Saturday here up on the Pacific West Coast as we watch the Steelers punt to the lions and it kind of just bounces around goes out of bounds there was that big uh Dotson trade what does everyone think about that Dotson trade oh shoot I got to put out some um notes that we are live here one sec you know this is the job of you got to kind of multi task here I can do that oops [ __ ] see if we got [Music] it don't think I can do Facebook no I don't have my login for Facebook oh well but I can do YouTube and I can do Twitter set oh no no no no no no no [ __ ] almost ended the stream don't want to do that guys I mean some of you might be like uh you know what without anthon Adam here shut this dude up shut him up stat boy go back to keeping stats and shut your mouth well not today my good man not today I'm going to do my best to do play byplay an nailed it but um we'll see we'll see how that goes my problem is I'm just going to be looking at that like who's this player well who's he so [ __ ] you know I'm flying the ship while we're building it here guys what's up alter cowboy what's up ad bass Su Jenkins gaming what up skeptical fan donon BL Bland injured what what oh [ __ ] drum Bland to have foot surgery out six to eight weeks okay 6 to8 weeks what week are we expecting him back so at least sometime in October either October 5th he'll return it's not a game on that day I'm just saying that's six weeks out or the 19th between the sixth the fifth and the 19th that's when we can expect Ron blam back ouch no good well Frick I do hope we see something from uh Andrew W's Booth today because now we need a cornerback back damn it that one really hurt man what do you guys think of that um fromom Bland out for six to eight weeks with a foot injury GH kind of makes me feel a little sick a little little ill if you will but damn we need we need digs now more than ever oh well this okay fine okay I got it sorry almost done now here we go well that's as good as we can do all right all right all right let's get this Lions game out of here man you know see if Adam hit me back with an answer here it's on ovs you need to go up to view and select chat ninja okay go up to view uh no chat ninja don't worry once this game gets going we're going to have some fun I promise you that I'm going to take my pants off just kidding oh there we go got it does it connect why is this not connecting though oh got a call from the big man hey I yeah I found I found it but um now it's not populating anything I closed it and then I opened it again yeah that yeah I popped it out I closed that then I opened it again to see okay I'm watching people say stuff yeah the there's chat then there's ninja chat that's the one that's open yeah yeah I I only exited that window which it wasn't populating when I when we started anyways so that's why I kind of exited it yeah yeah I did that a couple times okay I I'll keep troubleshooting um okay goodbye well no luck there but you know the the ninja chat's such a cool thing to have really kind of wish it would work but I don't really know what to do with it so there you go let me try one more thing here one last [Music] thing let me reload chat ninja hey if you guys got to crack them out there I want to I want to see you guys well I want to feel you through the ether through the Cowboys Nation ether I want to feel you crack it open damn it guys looks like I'm not going to be able to uh to like have um chat pop up on this one that kind of sucks but whatever whatever move on there's a way I could just like restart um without ruining everything but you can't maybe it'll start working in a sec here who knows oh sorry about that okay get this game off the screen okay I'm a little bit behind I guess because it's 105 104 and they're still not showing these Cowboys but once the game starts I'll let y'all know so we can get on the same track oh yeah why doesn't this work oh I refreshed [Music] oh good the the down Steelers player is up off his up off his feet finally no offense but let's just get let's get this game over with you know we're trying to watch the Cowboys here hey we D boys and we deep boys that's right Whopper let me try something entirely Studio [Music] once I get this working and then I'm then I'm fully invested I just want to try see if I can get this working okay I promise no freaking how the hell there we go we need to make a decision what do the DAT oh that's no good okay maybe now this will work let's see bet CD lamb asked for 3 uh Jenkins gaming bet CD lamb asked for 35 two weeks ago Cowboys off for 33 bet cow's off for 34 yesterday hey I'll take it Jaylen Tolbert bro breakout Year from Whopper with two P's and two RS and I like my Whopper with two pieces of beef and two slices of Chase American chatar on here we go Jaylen Crawford taking it out from the end zone get around on the edge pushed out of bounds but there is a flag on the play it's the first quarter 1454 flag uh was just thrown Jaylen Cropper yapping on the sideline but he did have a pretty good return there unfortunately it looks like it might be coming back going to get a little volume on here so I can actually hear what's going on there we go holding on on the Cowboys half the distance to the goal first down ah I think I know why it's not doing its thing guys I got to do it from the studio window here we go here we go W you're named after the chocolate ball B balls oh yeah okay well those are pretty delicious too for me kind of a Christmas treat we're just not going to get Ninja chat working that's super unfortunate but I'll bring this chat down here at least those Christmas CH all right Dallas Cowboys first and 10 just a handoff to Malik DAV Malik Davis dear Lord Alex get it right six yards it looks like not bad he's got a little bit of uh pep in his step I like that I don't know some Chargers J jerseys a lot of people don't like them I I do they got a little bit of a classicness to them even though it's like just a shitty light lightning bolt and the kind of the shape of a SE more like a moon nice pass from Lance to Billy Johnson Uncle baby Billy Johnson number 13 Lumber looks good on him nice and comfortable in the pocket there like to see a couple deep balls from Lance too 20 might might have just been suited up for this game there Jenkins not sure though I just I remember noticing that last week as well not number 20 specifically but Tre lance out to the left it's Cropper on a slant it's about four or five yards so nothing really amazing but hey this this Lance is looking more comfortable in the first whatever three plays here am I jumping the gun with that yes but this is this is unfiltered baby an best hopping in the chat Cooper BB Nam starter week one at s let's effing go all right Cowboys hike the ball Tre Lance looking out to his left another just little dinky pass but a loss of a yard for Malik Davis Malik Davis God damn it Alex took them took them and he boosted him right on the ground right there in front of of everyone was a disgusting yet sexual sight ball hiked to dece vonu runs it out just for what looks like three yards nothing major on that play and the Cowboys are going to have third and long daddy daddy so far so good but we'll see how they do in this third third down I don't think the Cowboys um completed one third down attempt last week so come on uh looks like it got a shoulder more than the face mask that was a helmet to helmet it's hard to to not go helmet to helmet with de Von though un fairness Dre Lance taking the snap and shotgun drop back looking out to his left deep and he and he hits Billy Johnson Billy Johnson with a nice catch deep on the left hand side of the field just streaks past him finds himself right in the middle of the coverage catches it uh just before the TW 20 yard line we're almost in the Red Zone that's how quickly things can change hand off to De Von finds a hole squeaks up and actually shows some nice power hitting the running back whoever that Jefferson number 37 on the Chargers hit him hard damn d F looks like a video game character love it all right Tre Lance you're marching billy goat Johnson from Jeffrey Hoover I like that you like that drops back rolling out to his right he sees uh Flor or floi nice catch on the right hand side and the Cowboys keep the chains moving first and goal in the Red Zone okay time to convert looks like uh got to the five yard line nice nice hit there playing tough exciting stuff here fre Lancing shotgun triples or three white outs I should say oh no he fumbles the ball dear Lord hops on it though all right reset not good very nice drive so far Jeffrey Hoover very nice drive so far scoon maker could not keep his hands on the ball some pretty good blocking but Lance got smoked he sat in the pocket and took it like a man though pretty good hit on him pretty pretty pretty good third and goal and again how quickly things can change you might just get away with three here with automatic Aubrey but still let's go for seven let's go for seven looking hits skon again scony scoony is a sailboat let's go for it fourth and five come on let's have some fun we know Brandon Aubrey can make this we already know what Aubrey can do okay well they're bringing him in I don't like big fing deal who cares about the score this game let's get the touchdown right unless we're going to do something funky that could always be fun yeah I just like I don't care that we scored three points okay it's not to me it's like let's go out there and run a fourth in five play that's going to come up sometime this season and see how how we can accomplish that right let's let's play with a little bit of um what's the word uh improv not improvisation but like play with some um pract like you're practicing use it for practice right it's a simulation but in a real game if that makes sense let's get a tray down David zuka zaka don't start do not start with that not yet he did get a trade down last week though so you know we can be okay with that all these white outs playing good it's going to be last wide out yeah it's going to be hard to pick that that number four I think the three are definitely lamb Tolbert and um Cooks obviously but who's the fourth and potentially fifth cuz I think I don't know Cowboys take six run uh six wide receivers with Turpin included as one of those or is Turpin going to get a chance to be that third or that fourth and fifth wide receiver option and then we just need to carry carry um five wide receivers per for me personally I'd like to get two of our biggest wide receivers and or John Stevens June John Stevens Jr's a big boy well David Z we do not want a trace setion I mean if you're if you if you don't like what you're seeing out of tre Lance because maybe you feel threatened by them and you're a you're a daak rider as they say not my words um you know people are saying it then yeah I can understand why we'd be cheering for a trace setion right now CD lamb on a commercial but you they paid him $33 million for that it's a flag football commercial I got kept getting calls from those guys and emails I think I signed up to an email list and I'm interested but to actually consider like um being dedicated it's like nah man I it's not that I don't have the time because obviously you know I could probably make the time for it it's just I don't have the time you know that type of excuse and thank goodness there's no coaches cam this week hey coach's cam was BS Aubrey boots it into the end zone now I think they start on the is it the 25 still same sorry I got something stuck in my teeth that's bugging me okay so they start on the 30 if it goes into a Touchback yeah coach Cam's a pain in the butt Chargers first and 10 on their own 30 ydd line hiking the ball oh a little trickery little trickery and he gets outside and he's gone he's [ __ ] gone are you kidding [Music] me dear Lord have mercy on the cowboy soul my nice play look who's that 83 is that F no is that foko who the [ __ ] is 93 we going to bring up the Cowboys numbers here number 93 is oh yeah that's foko junr or Junior foko you look kind of scary with that hair that was the only good thing about that play this little freaking run squirts out on the leftand side tight ropes on the sideline for a couple steps and then just casually Waltz is Into The End Zone saw Bell out there he uh kind of let up at the end Double R salute Cowboys Nation or Cowboys Camp Fanning Cowboys Nation salute to you double r let's crack them yeah alra I I always I just like foko um you know call me call me a a racist call me a Prejudice but it's that Samo and blood and I just felt like um you know we had something in that kid still his second year right so I think it's only his second year you know I like to give guys three years and if we don't see it in three years it's like get out we kind of need that depth though Jenkins I mean I guess the cowys have gone out and signed a couple big big yet they're more Band-Aid um defensive line minan so maybe that's not as you know truthful as it once be once was couple weeks ago even we got our poll up here let's have a look at and see what we got will trance continue on his pre-season week 2 success 84% of people say yes and I think we saw that in that first drive the only thing was they couldn't cap off the um touchdown you know Lance had a fum um I can't remember what the other two plays was but I don't think I think a rush didn't go or or incomplete pass and then just to pass up the middle to kind of sent her off for the kick there should have gone for it man like what are we doing here what are we doing crack if you got him o that was a juicy one man what I would give to be a NFL boy just hand the boys's water pretending I'm friends with him outside of football talking to people like I'm part of the team well boys get the ball back let's see if they can do exactly what they just did ball hops okay so the ball bounced before it went into their end zone so because it didn't actually land in the end zone but roll into the end zone the ball was placed on the 20 so that's a 10 yard difference that's interesting I like that ah wow okay now you can see foko really bit on the inside there the [ __ ] was Andrews wils Booth doing laying out on like was he just trying to be a covert op on the sideline there and then came running in trying to tackle freelance sitting back tries to do just a little dunk to uh um du Von but that ball was not catchable by even was low throw and even duvon had catching that Cowboys change up some Personnel duon still in the back just two wide receivers though floi and Billy Johnson up the gut keeps the ball moving looks like almost to the five probably only four yards though that's going to be third and whatever five or six third and six I agree Double R pre-season I want to see mistakes here not in the regular season and you know if you if you make a mistake you got to learn from it that's what a mistake is good for but if you're not learning you cut oh man that looked like it could have been Pi yep Leonard was all over Billy Johnson just touching him like a disgusting uncle on Thanksgiving had his hands all over him automatic first down let's watch this again looks like he's going to go by him but that it's that left and it's it's not the right arm I don't believe it's that left arm holding his um that Leonard there or whatever his name is was holding Billy Johnson's left arm or right arm with his left arm is that confusing enough I confus myself hand off van up the middle he's a strong Little Goat he's a strong little goat R asks do you think CI will be playing for week one I don't know let's throw that up in the chat let's get a poll going first down first [Music] down he's a big boy wow 48 that's fan yeah that dude is huge thick baby Trey Lance 7 for8 62 yards on the day or on his first drive so we're in his second Drive he's already got another couple passes Davis is trying to get outside he does not have the burst or the defens is knew exactly what the Cowboys were doing Le changing them helmets check that helmet for foreign objects sup bot G boots on the ground pelsey VR be funny if they lose to both the Los Angeles and they beat Las Vegas I I don't think that's funny at all I want three wins that would be funny and I want 18 wins in the season that would make me piss my pants with laughter all right Cowboys first and 20 dear Lord I missed something there reading chat on their own 35 lance out with kind of a sail threw into double coverage there so just a he's lucky that that was too high for anyone to catch I don't know what Lance saw there but that was not a good look but hey second and 20 you got to go deep on this one and just a little [ __ ] short pass but hey not a bad move is that floi floi Adam Adam said he spoke to the parents we actually do have confirmation that he did speak with the parents of floi and it's flenoy no R sound um you know Favre is fa v r yet you go farv with an RV sound that doesn't make sense that's wrong that's just that's like dumb that's hillbilly family stuff shotgun trand step back oh he gets smoked and and another sail but hey at least he threw it got it away cow's going to have to punt this one fourth and 12 so not a great third down so we had one good drive and one kind of stinker here okay he didn't really get hit at all L but um could have got smoked I missed the old days um when QBs used to just get popped in their ribs keep them tough keep them honest Bren anger with a big boot send of the ball all the way back to the 10 yd line out of bounds though that's okay 10 yard line they're marking it down so la Chargers are going to have to March 90 to get a touchdown or you know whatever 30 40 yards to get oh no sorry 50 or 60 yards to get a uh field goal Double R I missed the kickoff who got the ball first uh Cowboys Cowboys will be kicking in the second half so a David zaka maybe he saw cidi but he wasn't actually there that's true could be bot G says uh AJ why are you solo today I thought I clicked on your only fans page for a second I know my only fans is actually worse content than this so I'm surprised I have people but I guess it's because I dipped my feet in Honey um but no Adam is at a wedding right now bandwagon boy one's at a wedding and uh Anthony AKA a arrack he's down in Las Vegas doing a NFL Fant football draft which sounds like a lot of fun and one year we're going to have to get that going by the way we got to get the uh can Fan Fantasy Football Draft before week one here so that'll be done in the next two weeks I guess uh maybe we'll decide on a date next Wednesday basically we'll try to keep everyone in the the league who's already in and go from there uh Nathan F Frederickson survey says solo AJ this is great let's go hey yo Double R says AJ is a beast he can carry the show on his own well hey let me get liquored up let's see how I do fourth quarter I'm still going to be fourth quarter AJ so we'll see as for me I do miss the whole crew you guys are you guys compliment one another nicely I absolutely agree I don't like to um like I like hearing ant's commentary getting into it with Adam um throwing in some some comments getting a little bit more sloppy but hey you know when duty calls sign I've signed up I've already signed my life away for this and you know these midday Saturday rackams just hit different don't they don't the baby almost picked off by Bell again Bell has had I think one interception maybe he's got two but he's got at least one and he's had like four bounce off his hands look at him he's he's watching the whole time now that did get tipped I thought it was uh just more of a Miss pass but on that angle there you could see that the ball did get tipped in the air so this is apparently going to be the uh whatever this guy's name is um the quarterback here for the Chargers going to be their backup this year who tripped up it looked like he did lose the ball who got on the back field and got that tfl was it a tfl Oh e stick that's that dude's name e stick it up my brown ey not the best nickname but hey hey and there's foko we had him for a little bit I'm going to watch him on this drive sticks set up in shock gun Cowboy's rushing four sticks getting pressure he's got to move out and he does not make the pass pass break up by Booth Andrew Andrew wils Booth says not here not my theater I'm the [Applause] Assassin nice great move great pass break up and it was a t tough pass but nice pass Anis thanks for holding out the Falcon AJ of course my man fourth and nine oh punt the oh Big B big boou should have popped him even harder [ __ ] put your you know I know it's against a a cowboy but you got to [ __ ] [ __ ] wave that you got to wave that [ __ ] dude wow he got hit pretty hard Billy Johnson what were you doing Billy Johnson you thought you were gonna get away from that we go to a commercial break let's see what Chad has to say AJ looks like that cop that wants to ruin your day with those shades on just saying yeah well maybe um maybe maybe I maybe I ain't solo AJ is my new favorite AJ notable ajs Vape 10 AJ fourth quarter AJ WJ and AJ after training camp all of those are uh you know different levels of AJ that's for damire an Bessie AKA ack AKA host of the can fan podcast can't wait for all the fellas rolling week one I know it's going to be a blast it's going to be a gas as they say David a if Easton stick stays in the game Cowboys will probably win I you know they mentioned I I was just doing a quick read on the Chargers because I wanted to know a little bit more about the team or or who to look for didn't find any of that information but I did find out that stick is going to be playing this entire game unless they need to change things up for whatever reason so um Nate would have been an excellent co-host that is correct bot G you know I don't think of these things I was too nervous about coming down here but Adam had everything set up except for damn ninja chats not working and I don't know why but it is what it is double uh or I ain't no narc hell no thanks bot G um go gr7 Network says what a way to hold on to that ball after that hit I know he did get I didn't think the hit was as hard but he he ran into him full speed so um damn dude I'd probably lose my lunge and or lose my bowels well it's nice to see the Eagles lost 26 to3 to the um Vikings I mean preseason so you know but still that does bring a smile to my face brings a little uh quiver to my butthole holy [ __ ] that dude's that's a huge version of uh who is 21 on the charges damn it who is 21 on the charges the running back come on help me out leanian tomson all right Cowboys first and 10 on the 31 oh he gets sacked big sack too almost a 10 yarder damn it didn't have a lot of time though I can't really blame Lance for that well maybe he could have moved a little quicker but oh man Davis come on that's some [ __ ] blocking oh Lance takes it outside gain of four on the play so what another third and long I mean probably just a check down and a punt David zaka saying that Texans beat the Rams I know like we can be happy for these things and I I like to hear that but preseason right everything needs to have an aster right now except for individual play Hender shot getting his Hender shot on the field third and or fourth down sorry looks like fourth and six maybe yeah fourth and six cwe's going to punt now this is a time that you're like yeah yeah let's P let's get the defense on the field um so Trey Lance right now I'm just going to be keeping track of his drives for me as in terms of impressive or not move this stuff he gets uh Cowboys punt knocks the Chargers back to the 10 yard line but I think Lance has had one quality in two I'm not going to say I'm going to just roll if they're not quality then they're on the other side of the fence that could be that they just were like lackluster or they they were bad if it's bad I will make an a special note of that but I'm thinking on three cowboyss drives um Trey Lance so far is one for two one for three sorry one for three okay here we go Chargers who's out there on defense looks like too many people little pass right up the middle CYS collaps tackle but um pretty good first down mov the ball like six yards I think we're second and three oh seven second and three so we need a tfl we need a incomplete pass we need a sack just something to cuz third and three is not an automatic Rush either I mean it more than likely is we got four men on the line here for the Cowboys no penetration getting outside again but this time he stopped a yard shy who was that Jefferson 52 well I didn't get that number it's in the 50s somewhere maybe Buddy Johnson oh official timeout for a virtual measurement and it's nice to see that Herbert's on the sidelines looking like a little perv with that stash I like it so a virtual measurement I guess that's where they use the chip in the ball and figure out where Harbor is walking like an old ass [ __ ] man with his ass sticking out like if you were acting like an old man that's how you'd walk so is this like an is this a challeng no this was a referee timeout so this is like something new I guess not a actual challenge third and one I think is what um is just calling the field while they're doing this damn virtual timeout I cannot wait to get back into AT&T Stadium especially after we R off all those food items there's this new pizza burger that I'm going to have to try I mean it's just classic fat boy food hey uh while we're waiting anyone out there who play who plays uh fantasy football who's been your like your best um draft pick you know in terms of value you know if I'm sure if anyone who drafted you know CD lamb Dak Prescott Michael Parsons if you do defensive players individual defensive players then you know those are going to be your dudes I know but who has been a player that um you drafted and got really good value for not on the Cowboys doesn't have to be in the Cowboys anyone you know you know let's say oh I got Jaylen W waddle in the 10th round okay okay my boy good work no doubt bot G getting stuck in an elevator is one of my worst fears and could you imagine all of those football players stuck together it would be like six guys that's like like well over 12200 lb probably close to 1500 lb scary third and inches so I guess they did move it a little bit maybe I don't know going for it looks like they got it but just barely Bell again in the back field Bell is looking really good man got to make notes for myself so I can remember these talking points and I am going green list today AKA I'm not smoking any of that Devil's lettuce not by choice just forgot it and and um don't have time to go out should also bring up the stats here for this game you know why not and I like this keyboard uh bw1 as you know um when a keyboard has a nice spring back when you're typing it's got a little spring back for you poy like that poy like that Microsoft Bing what the [ __ ] is this I didn't know Bing actually existed I thought it was a myth well being SU cuz I'm looking for the game stats and uh they got [ __ ] being's lame as [ __ ] get out of here what up kilo no Vape J today kilo well I had a little I had a little smoke before I came I'm just not going to do my my halftime hit which you know can be a gift in a curse definitely attributes to a higher quality no pun intended um fourth quarter AJ here we go this is what I want no that's not what I want does no one care I have to go to stupid ass ESPN oh here we go yeah we'll go to ESPN then so be it so be it so Trey Lance still not too bad 10 and 14 86 yards one sack for eight yards and uh all right here we go slick drops back goes deep to the right side and Big Catch and run by foko [ __ ] a foko with a big [ __ ] touchdown 78 yard touchdown against the Cowboys now how about them boys now how does that make you feel that Bland's injured and uh we're getting these type of these sideline plays just absolutely rips past Booth unfortunate cuz Booth had a nice um a nice pass breakup but he got beat on that no questions asked God damn it hey that's the type of that's what we want to see but with the Cowboys throwing the ball 143 top of the second quarter oh well you know what they say crack them if you got them keeps the doctor away oh oh oh just T another tight RPP tight RPP walking Chargers that's what they should be called damn it guys 6 and 11 season incoming Ultra it's the [ __ ] pre-season my dude don't scare me like that well d boy did not perform well I um on that drive they didn't really have much time wow Char Chargers have eight offensive plays with 160 yards no bueno oh and de is finding holes that little mouse squirming through some swiss cheese flag on the play though looked like Duce rushed up to the 36 but just waiting to hear what this damn ref says holding offense penalty declined holding offense okay so I guess it was only on the 16 yard line maybe he ran out to or something like that anyways half the distance to the goal so Cowboys here first and 10 from their nine yd line who's in the back field who's in the back field just a handoff [Music] to flag on the play that was um Rey Royce to 59 Freeman holding on defense five yards automatic first down Cowboys first and 10 on the 15 round there nice run by Roy this is the thing about about Roy is he can find those holes he's got that skill in that knowledge to do so but you know he's going to get you four yard average that's okay uhoh Trey Lance is just going to Scamper and he takes the hit for no reason he could have just stepped out of bounds but he takes the hit instead wasn't very hard but still you don't like to see that um probably got about five yards there looks like didn't look like he was going to take off at first look a little hesitant I think the players colliding falling down kind of threw him off a little me too I think he might have been waiting for a penalty and if the flag came he would have thrown it deep that's what I would have done handoff second and four looks like they're going to be third and one so third and ones these are tough ones cuz like the obvious call is hey let's just do let's get the one yard either on a a quick little pass or more than likely a rush but I I mean when I'm playing mad and I'm going deep on these ones just because I think hey why not take the shot doesn't make sense at this point in the field right now though just get the Y yard and they do and they do and Freeman goes for a little bit of a run W he's having fun out there Royce Freeman up the gut looked like he got maybe 12 on that one 15 yard run by Roy the 59 Freeman reset the Downs first and 10 C on their own 42 yd line little bit some trickery didn't work out so well though I think they got two on the play floi take it it outside to the right second and eight coming up second and six oh we got four on the play very nice very nice David zuka predicting 16 to 14 at the end that's true and we will be doing score predictions during the regular season get yourself a can fan shirt if you guess correctly we only had one person do it in the history of all of can Fan Nation um or can fan history can fan lore to be specific we have only had one winner and that was our first time we ever did it uh our homie Matt [ __ ] came and joined us on the couch predicted the score correctly and we've not had one since that was like three years ago Lance stepping back throwing out to the right picked off [ __ ] throws an interception again he's throwing into these double coverage scenarios I know David zukas says I can see it being 1614 in the end I can see this being [ __ ] [ __ ] 35 what have we got three 356 actually maybe nine cuz we get a touchdown and go for two and don't get it what a pick he got it clear as day why would you be throwing to that guy it's better just throw it out bad decision pick reception number one that's right David zaka all you can do with these scenarios is have a drink and if you're out there and you're feeling the same way as me go ahead and crack them if you got them have a little sip sip unfortunate situation there for the Dallas Cowboys offense and really they started out good on that first drive obviously that's a failed drive that's a pick right here and we're going to ASIS that one and I'll make a little not star means pick so one for one for four 25% quality um Quality Drive rate not good not good I mean 50% isn't good let's go to our poll here will CD lamb be playing week one we have 71% of the people saying yes now is that a hopeful 71% or is that like a probable 71% you think CD lamb is just playing like ah you know what I'm not going to be in the preseason anyways who gives a [ __ ] let me try to squeeze a couple hundred couple more 100K out of these Jerry Jones and his and his uh cartel the Jones cartel try to squeeze a couple million more out of them I don't know but for me with this contract situation it comes down to guaranteed money and and all of us on Canan We Believe like look it's there's no other reason because um if cidi is not wanting 37 million whatever I think it's 37 million to be the the highest paid wide receiver if he's okay with like anywhere between 33 to 36 that's like at this point fair value and it's not going to bankrupt the Cowboys in the future so the only thing I can imagine is that they're having a dispute over the guaranteed money aspect of that come on Zimmer show us something Buddy Cowboys on the or sorry Chargers on the Cowboys 42 yard 38 yard line and the Chargers running back moving the ball what looks to be about six six or seven yards up field inching towards that Dallas Cowboys End Zone second and three for the Chargers and number 99 is just reported on as eligible on the charges let's see if they make anything of that you got to watch Matlock now beef big beef cake he's in the back no he's just blocking and they go for it they do not get it it's going to be third and one maybe third and two nice stop there by the Cowboys missed who um made that stop there but they caught him in midair gives a [ __ ] with this guy has to say I mean no disrespect get back to the [ __ ] game tul to p piloto good player Chargers third and one some movement easy first down and more and more he could have got two first downs on that run for [ __ ] sakes Rolando Rodriguez says what's up from Texas Trey Lance is B is a bus not a single not a starting quarterback cheers crack if you got him go Cowboys football Emoji love it buddy Tiara Prime at least it's preseason absolutely I know or tiaria Prim tiaria Prim all right well cow or sorry Chargers are now in the Red Zone slick oh slick uh ran out to his right lofted it up bit of a sail he's pissed off must have got hit after the throw but that pass was nowhere to be successful not for any player on the field TBH so I mean like there's a positive for that throw if you're oh he did he he po foko popped him right in the helmet that should have been a penalty little uh swing handoff here Patterson Patterson is that the Patterson is that Cordell I go and look in the Cowboys roster to try to find that out who gives a [ __ ] it's Chargers get off the field you you piece of trash well third and four Chargers are going to get three out of this unless they do something real silly here fumble the ball throw a pick pick I imagine it's going to be a run Cowboys rushing four and they're getting some they do stick goes up um up the middle after he can't find anyone to throw to big hole open gets the first down he's on the about three yard line three yards away from a touchdown and the charger basically blowing this door wide open he didn't slide he chose to take the hit from Johnson that's ammani Johnson 6'2 218 a rookie out of Nevada 23 years old I remember when I was 23 I'm going to be 40 years old tomorrow believe it or not and uh the reason that I might not look 40 years old is because I was castrated at 12 years old so oh no it ain't happening son nice break up by Eric Scott you know good to see Eric Scott has kind of been not disappointing but not impressive at all this preseason ah you know that was pretty good well you you can come in and make three guys eligible looks like they're going to be rushing the ball just all of the big boys are coming out they're going to be trying to run rush this up the gut or they're going to be squeezing out to the right hand side time out by the Dallas Cowboys though McCarthy must have been having just a near heart attack when he saw that there's too many got too many big boys too many big boys and he's not even calling defense so maybe it was hard niip Zimmer just being like hey these guys are about to cut glass on us and I'm not talking about my nipples call a timeout okay okay zmer chill chill and get that uh get that um get that gut tucked into some pants I mean Zimmer's belly is so hard he's got that standard hard uh standard issue hard belly you know it's it doesn't hang at all there's there's no effect there's no gravity effect on it it just kind of sticks out like well essentially like he's pregnant and here they're they are lining up with that same formation let's see what happens here just a run up not a run up the gut they tried to swing it out to the right but Cowboys collaps on him Harvey actually in on that tackle well you know I got mixed feelings about Harvey I don't know like he did he did good but is he blowing my mind no is he a depth piece I guess to be quite honest like it's been a little the Dallas Cowboys preseason has been a little underwhelming in terms of like ex seeing exciting things from players now it could just be that I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm looking for third and goal fake Jet Sweep but they oh buddy Johnson you got to love that last last name you know I do Buddy Johnson with the dreads comes up big and he's lucky because if that would have got through that would have got through his hands um 34 there was think that was that's Patterson would have been streaking into the end zone for six and said this Chargers have to settle for seven Cameron minus bicker Dicker that's what he's always said right through the uprights we got ourselves a 173 game all right come on Dallas you got seven minutes left go and make some of something of it yeah buddy Johnson's my cousin we you know our family always says hey you guys look a lot alike I don't see it but um buddy swears swears by it I think it's because we're both um what's what are we we're both uh they don't have his damn name here I was trying to find his his size and obviously I'm much smaller than Buddy Johnson but unless it's this ammani Johnson 6228 but I don't think that's right anyways it doesn't matter C's getting the ball back here for the last bit of the second half would you rather see them just [ __ ] Huck them Chuck them football get a touchdown in like under a minute it or would you like to uh see the Cowboys eat up time you know run a run a nice drive get a couple looks at a few things I mean 7 minutes and 26 seconds that's something you can only eat up on uh Madden or or college football but if I'm going to use that analogy then if I'm playing college football or Madden you know I'm pocking them chucking them I'm trying to I'm trying to get a tie game going into the second for no reason in the preseason which the Cowboys should have gone for that kick they should have gone for seven but you know that's a tale that we can go we can go back to that story and try to rewrite it later guess what you can't it's it's history man hopefully uh Ultra cowy says hopefully Dak Wes has no trade at the deadline when we are two and seven well that would be past the deadline Ultra because that's nine games and we the deadline's week eight so give me another number B says me and um Buddy Johnson are both hung like horses well you know sure I'll I'll tag my name into that and I appreciate it David zuka I predict the charges the Chargers will blow that big lead in the second half I'm hoping for some turnaround now Tre Lance did have a much better second half compared to his first half in the last game and he did not come out with a stinker he came up with actually a really good drive something very positive but the last three drives have not been no bueno and that interception led to three points here instead of seven for the Cowboys so there's your you know that was a 10-point swing potentially it could have been even higher but you know cowboys need to do something here before the end of the second just to keep things interesting I know we don't care about wins or losses in pre season we do care about performance and who's this running it out Davis Malik Davis running it out just getting just around the 26 yard line so Cowboys Will Come Out start first and 20 first and 10 on the 26 alra Cowboy says load up on liquor it's going to be a long year but a great draft a top five pick incoming well you know unfortunately I don't see it even if the Cowboys do tank I still see them finishing somewhere mid League like they'd have to go they'd have to do some really um wild you know what if I was starting a franchise and I had no loyalty to the Dallas Cowboys organization I would trade away Dak lamb and michah Parsons for a bunch of first round picks let my team tank get our own first round pick and then and like high picks for the rest the rounds and then go in and just rebuild but you know that's video game stuff handoff to De vaugh up the not up the gut kind of out to the right hash and he gets a couple yards going to be third down in one third down in two 6:30 right now left in the Dallas Cowboys or in the uh second half here sorry first half dear Lord second quarter third and one Lancing shotgun just handing it off to Deuce again who does a little Bibble Bobble and he gets aide Deuce has got some spring in his step I I have to admit it okay and if you've been listening to our podcast over the last you know year and a bit you know how I feel about duvon I ain't a fan I try not to be a hater but I hate the idea of him taking a roster spot but this is looking really promising the dude has got um let's see what what is stats are right now 7 for 32 it's over four yard average I'm happy with that Royce Freeman comes in and he says hey don't forget about putting my name in the Hat and he gets about five or six on that on that play felt that he probably could have had more looked a little frustrated but big Le from the charger stood him up linebacker and said nope I'm putting an end to this run right now and he slammed him to the ground and he shoved his thumb up his bum I saw it second of four Lance and shotgun with dece vaugh out there or not Deuce oh yeah it is Duce little too high of a throw now I don't know is that du Von's height problem or was is that just Trey Lance you got to put that one on Lance cuz vaugh was wide open he was wide open and he was um he was wide open and he had the first down but just too high too high of a pass third and four Lance shotgun no one in the back field he's looking he's scanning he's dodging he's still on his feet he's trying to run it he's going to take it for the first down nice little Bibble Bobble up the left side of the field and Lance takes it gets the first down we're resetting first and 10 I believe on the Dallas like 46 oh 49 they're right near the 50 yard line quick little out that's John Stevens Jr number 81 that's what I was looking for so little bit of Life breathed into this drive now and we will see if Lance can continue I said it was going to be hard to eat up 7 minutes they're already at 4 minutes here I think they could do it another hand off to Roy to 59 who takes a hit at the line but bounces out to the right for a couple more yards taking up four yards basically it's going to be second and six or third and six sorry maybe third and seven looks like they spotted it halfway in between the U yard yards third and five okay I'm I'm wrong third and five but the Cowboys need to do something here du vau in the backfield running out to the right Tre Lance looking he's rolling out to his left he's running with it he's cross the line of scrimmage he's got the first down goes out of bounds first down well looks like we got ourselves a little bit of a jayen Herz eh just kidding Trey Lance lining up nice and tight looks like we got dece V in the back field Billy Johnson just a handoff actually sorry to um duvon three yards second and seven trying to get a play in here before the two-minute warning clock's winding down 25 seconds left before the two-minute warning they're going to get it they're going to get it off [ __ ] man if you ran it you might if you uh move quickly you could even get two off but hey B up up the right up the left he's still going and he gets tackled flag on on the play though let's see what happens face mask against the Chargers add some more yards onto that play that's going to take us in I believe that's going to take us into the two-minute warning defense 37 with that face mask Deuce is loose says Jeffrey Hoover and that is true Deuce is playing well nine nine rushing yard uh nine carries sorry for 53 rhing yards and a long of 18 got some pretty good stats there maybe that's the benefit of Deuce too is these guys just don't know how to tackle a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I say [ __ ] with love in my heart The Hobbit The Hobbit on the loose ISS alra Kawa I like that he probably does have hobbit feet big feet big foot lots of hair um thick Soul cuz Hobbits did all that marching Ultra cow what the hell is he saying Dak can't run like that yeah well you don't you don't have a you don't draft a quarterback to run like that am I right or am I right Sports Pro 2 .0 Ola Ola Omigo in our poll here will CD lamb be playing week one 68% of the people believe yes well if you believe yes make sure you vote and if you believe no make sure you vote so that you can turn the tide here because we got a lot of people believing an overwhelming majority that CD lamb is going to be playing week one for the Dem boys let's have a look at Stats so far we got Tre Lance 11 for 17 88 yards one interception and one sack for eight yards so not a great game but on his feet he's got five carries for 23 yards and long of seven so that was great to see um but he need he needs to get some touchdowns I want to see he's got to get three touchdowns two passing one rushing and then I'm excited uh duvon and Roy the 59 Freeman both running pretty pretty pretty good and those seems to be the guys who are getting the carries today uh duvon 9 for 53 18 yard long and Roy Freeman 6 for 34 15 yard long so both of the guys are putting up good numbers um uh Deuce is a little bit a better average actually maybe I think I'm wrong there actually they're actually pretty pretty freaking similar if I do that math correctly in my head and then on uh the Dallas receiving CP we got two receptions each from Billy Johnson flenoy and sconi huni caught two balls on like the same drive basically and you know maybe he's not playing but I haven't seen him really in action since since but uh Billy Johnson has the longest Catch of the Day um of 25 yards so that's pretty good I guess a 25 yard long pass but longest of the day I don't know I don't know and then on defense nothing really major here we got one tfl by ammani Johnson AKA Buddy Johnson I believe and uh oh no there's sorry there's a Manny B Johnson and there's Buddy Johnson that there's two Johnson's and we are back second and goal looks like Chargers just sacked Lance again yeah either the Chargers or the Cowboys called the timeout there to stop the clock time out by the Chargers so Cowboys huddle up figure out what they're going to go what they're going to do here on second and 10 clock counting down only 15 seconds left but the boys are out on the field we got Roy to 59 in the back Tre Lance and shotgun he just throws a nice toss up too oh oh oh Floy beautiful catch beautiful touchdown wow super soft hands on that what a nice pass little push off I mean they allow him to do that but that was a nice touchdown great catch great pass good play call nice and aggressive we're within seven now cowboyss do kick at the top of the third so not down the middle but good enough that's one nice pass and catch great great job all right hey something exciting something exciting right guys Jeffrey Hoover let's go touchdown FL uh Ultra Cowboy fenoy is going to be a star keep the receipt he will take reps away from booty Tolbert hey man flenoy did has had a couple stinkers so he's a rookie he gets way more leash than these second or third year guys absolutely and uh really what we care about is what he does in the season so if he can make a roster spot then who gives a [ __ ] about preseason right preseason to get you on to the into the league once you're in the league I know they're on the team right now but I mean like actually officially playing an NFL game then that's what really matters then then those stats matter these preseason stats they don't matter I mean technically they do not matter and then uh subjectively they do not matter but objectively they do matter and y'all can kiss my booty just kidding crack if you got them and uh if you're out there watching the game join a uh Dallas Cowboys Saturday Fiesta week three pre-season you go ahead you crack them if you got them son okay cuz we are just trying to have some fun out here and you know what I'm just trying to um enjoy my Saturday it's a rainy day so I don't got really much else to PL else planned typically I'm here with them boys but both Adam and um B bandwagon boy one and uh arck they are out of office oh oh oh all right automatic OBS time to do your jobs bro Aubrey kicks it right back and there is going to take a kneil and that's going to take him to the 30 yard line Aubrey's got to get better with that or maybe that's the point well that's got to be a we got to consider that a good drive for the Cowboys so two out of five good drives for Trey Lance we got the Chargers slap almost picked off well not almost picked off but almost right into the Bread Basket if his receiver didn't get a hand on it and knock it down 31 Josh Butler right in his right in his belly button he could have caught that all right slick sitting back in shotgun got one running back but he's running up the middle he's looking deep slings it over the middle oh it's dropped dropped luckily dropped cuz that receiver was wide open who was that doesn't matter it's a charger get him off the [ __ ] field and if it was a Johnson what a disgrace right in right right to him right to him right to him that is a Johnson rip his [ __ ] name tag off disgraceful get him him off the field third and 10 for the Chargers who have now slown down on their offensive game they were really motoring and and Slick's getting rushed but he gets out and that great pass breakup first of all we saw Bell getting into that back field just scaring the quarterback and then on um defense here Israel makuu comes up with a nice big play uh pass break up waiting for the pass to be thrown then moving in he goes for the catch actually but was able to break the ball up and um Chargers have to punt fourth and 10 so Cowboys do have a chance to tie this game before the second half and what a turn of events who's got it Billy Johnson I I mean should have cut out hard left I I don't know if there's guys out there but oh well got about 75 76 77 78 yards and change to go down to score before the end of the half I mean I'll take a I I would take a field goal as well there's enough time a minute 26 I think cowys have two yeah two timeouts left minute 18 that's more than enough time that's more than enough time you got two timeouts run the ball up the gut a couple times if you need to even that's not a problem Lance is looking around the wow so clock's going to keep running but Lance is doing I don't know it seems like it seems like if you were to tell him hey I need you to practice being more deliberate with your when you're looking at your players and he really seems to be doing that oh big pass fumble [ __ ] Chargers got it God damn it Stevens gets tackled great catch over the head of the uh I don't know if it's was a cornerback or linebacker or [Music] safety right over the linebackers and then he gets popped and gets the ball gets knocked out great play there by Jefferson wow mindful super mindful to get that ball just deliberately reaching around hitting the ball before Stevens hits the ground so that is a fumble and Chargers get it God damn it I can't give that a bad drive for Lance so I got to give it I got to put that in the good drive because that wasn't a Lance's fault he actually made a really good throw and that was a fumble on the Run Chargers getting a chance here and they're going deep that's way overthrown second uh 44 seconds left in this second quarter nice coverage second and 44 La Chargers on their own 40 yard line not a great place to be in um [ __ ] what's his name stick easy name it's stick like on the ground that you find and throw for your dog yeah stick up the G it looks like the Chargers call a timeout here they also have two left well one now Ultra Cowboy says at halftime cut foko has that ever happened I mean outside of AJ Brown cutting himself here we go second uh sorry first and 10 almost another pickoff that was a huge sail that was to almost two Cowboys players yeah man oh what a it looked like the ball almost slipped or something Harvey right in his [ __ ] hands Harvey you need to catch that that's going to secure you a roster spot if you make that catch Bud second and 10 with 33 seconds left in the second slick licking his fingers tasting him being like that's what my balls taste like well here we go in shotgun dropping back looking downfield pumps once goes over to the right it's a sail he did have a guy open though if he would have thrown that a little bit nicer there was a guy open right in between the Dallas Cowboys coverage would have been a hard pass to make Butler was Butler had some closing distance on him but no he was I mean if that would have came in at the right trajectory with the right velocity without geometry that would have been a uh would have been a nice play but now it's third and 10 slick stepping back and he finally makes his hit God damn it first down 21 seconds left call a timeout looks like they're calling their third and final time out now if I'm then I'm going I'm going to the end zone twice and if not end zone I'm going to a guy who's right on the right on the um edge of the field however I guess you could still 21 seconds left that's still a lot of time to you even have a Long play make a catch close to the end zone and Spike it so Chargers are in a good position here to get another seven on the board if they so choose let's see what the Dallas Cowboys defense can do sticks in shotgun Dallas Cowboys rushing four getting in close oh almost not a catch but that was a huge almost catch oh man he almost had that he he had the ball in his hand he would it wouldn't have been a catch cuz his um second foot did not hit in bounds first but if he was weird if he was mindful of that he could have easily got his leg in just a toe tap the turf oh well second and 10 stick drop back quick out to his right hand side and Johnson the tight end so many Johnson's on preseason squads have like the most amount of Johnson's the Johnson's are good football players don't get me wrong but um you know you'll see so many more of US during preseason and of course I'm going to consider myself us I am a Johnson Chargers second and 11 they're going for it third and four four are they just going to try to pick up some more yardage it looks like you know he just throws it at like just a waste I guess just eating up clock perhaps fourth and four they're going to be kicking it here almost a for sure three points I would say almost for sure Dicker the big dick kicker is that what they call him well if they don't they should here we go 7 seconds left this is basically going to be the end of the kind of game here right down the middle Bo you've been boed can't love it well what do you guys think about that first half nothing exciting I don't think a nine playay 21 yard Drive so Dicker decides not to risk it with these Dallas Cowboys returners kicks it into the End Zone 3 seconds left I mean more than likely the Cowboys are just going to come out and take a knee but wouldn't it be awesome if they went for it if they [ __ ] quad streaks know get Turpin out there I don't know if turpin's playing actually get all the Speedy dudes out there no they're just taking a knee Lan this [ __ ] Victory formation 20- 10 20 to 10 going into the second well andreen gladney it's like they don't want to play they sold next half will be better I hope so it it did not start terrible the D Dallas Cowboys actually came out with a really real nice first drive um on the game then they kind of went they kind of went through three stinkers basically and uh finished with with a touchdown on their last Drive which was a short drive mind you but hey it's nice to see that that they capitalized beautiful pass by by Lance and a nice catch by uh floi In The End Zone but a lack of consistency so I would really really love to see that change going into the second quarter I'd love to see Lance play a little bit more uh reliably I know consistency is the term I used but I'm going to change that to Reliable and this pass here to floi I mean I don't want to say it because it wasn't my era but is that shades of Romo de Dez floi now fenoy is is a a big player what's his um well not I mean for me but every guy is big for me so you know take that with a grain of salt floi is 61 200 lb so like that's actually a a [ __ ] perfect sized wide receiver um but he looks smaller than that looks smaller than CD lamb and I think CD lamb is 6'2 something or other like CD lamp 62200 so floi is almost like carbon copy in terms of body size he's just one inch smaller but he does not look as big as CD lamb now CD lamb also looks kind of stringy and by stringy I mean he looks like he's got long arms and limbs looks thin but um he's a big boy 62 two 200 lbs that's big that's a big boy what are your thoughts um my dudes and my my Lads and ladies what are your thoughts on the first half for the Dallas Cowboys was an impressive who's your standout player of um the first half for me it's going to be Duce Von du Von has been running really well floi also obviously with that touchdown proving himself Tre Lance is iffy um like I said he's about 50/50 for me in terms of his um good vers bad drives so I'd really like to see that shape up and ship out in this second half here um and that's about it I think like honestly it's been a little bit of a boring game in terms of discovering things about players who we have questions about I don't think I still think there's so too many questions um now keep in mind I'm the type of dude who is not really able to uh uh to watch the intricacies of a player so perhaps you have some more information about that let me know uh what you guys think here we go Brent Packer guy how goes fellas is it is it AJ all by himself today it is my dude it's me all by myself uh way J AKA stat Boy AKA bandwagon Boy 2 all by myself today a bandwagon boy one is out at a wedding and um an anth bass AKA a crack he is down in Las Vegas doing a Fantasy Football uh draft which sounds like a lot of fun and I'm sure it is um and Bren Packer guy says thought AJ hated Deuce well look I it's hard to say do I hate him I hate the fact that he eats up a roster spot yes but do I think that it is that he's performing well right now yeah yeah he is man he he's outperforming uh Malik Davis 100% throughout the whole preseason so I'm not too proud to eat my words I had no I have no identity in hating du vau uh nor do I hate him just without the identity attached I just don't like that he has been taking up a roster spot that potentially could go for someone else especially if we're not going to use him but it looks like the Cowboys have maybe found out how to utilize the little guy and he I have to be honest du vaugh is looking strong when he is going up against those linebackers is he is he pounding through them no but he's also not getting popped and looking like his head's going to pop off um David zaka B D Dicker the kicker Big D di Big D Dicker the kicker yeah that's what they that's what they call him Bren Packer says uh it's me the GDP guy just changed up the name a little hey no no no problem dude Bren Packer guy love it so wait is your name Brent and then you're Packer guy or are you Brent Packer and you're a guy I think they know I know the answer but yeah yeah y'all got a spare good kicker cuz ours suck well we we only have uh Aubrey automatic Aubrey and that's all we need my dude automatic Aubrey has been very impressive ever since we shamed him and um were fearful of having no kicker heading into the the 2023 season after losing mayor mayor by the way who botched five uh five [ __ ] um extra point kicks G just disgusting rent a Packers fan all right I'm going to put a new um I'll put a new uh Quiz Up what's it called a new poll so CD lamb 64% of the people believe that CD lamb will be playing week one it's gone down a little bit um since we throw since we threw that poll up but now new poll here will Cowboys win this game yes or no start the poll and again it's preseason we really should not be too concerned with the victory or a win or loss obviously if Cowboy Cowboys get blown out 50 nothing then you could like say that well of course that's going to mean that we had a bunch of dog [ __ ] players out on the field um but keeping it interesting seeing some exciting things from individual players that's what I'm looking for especially in this second second half defense has looked I mean outside of Malik cooker or sorry uh um Maris Bell defense has looked pretty ho hum like nothing exciting I don't see anyone doing anything that's exceptional again there might be guys who are doing their job and doing it very well at very high quality but I'm looking for standout players someone who's going to uh basically do something that's a highlight light and that would be you know a big play a sack an interception Force fumble tfl something that's more than just okay you're playing your position and that's valuable don't get me wrong players that are out there that are just sitting back playing their position locking down their coverage or locking down their Zone I love that and you know you don't get recognition when that happens because you're not doing anything fancy the quarterback's not throwing your ball the ball your way or you're maybe not getting the tfl but whenever someone whenever a running back runs into you you're stopping them so these are things that kind of do go unaccounted and and I do apologize my mind does not have the ability to actually pick that [ __ ] up and I might be a little uh I might be cheesing a little little because I do see I do understand how football's played but that's my out just to say that and then um you can't really blame me right I could lie a little but all that being said uh I I want to see someone do something spectacular I want actually want to see three guys do something spectacular in this in this second half come on let's go you got if you're a Dallas Cowboys player and you're on the verge of making the team you have two quarters left 30 minutes of football left to show them why you need to be on this 53 man roster heading into the 2024 Dallas Cowboys NFL season so I want to see this I want to see it happen now on offense what could I see I mean Trey Lance I I got to see a couple deep balls one I'd be satisfied with two would make me happy but we got to see some we got to see like what some of those 40 plus yard throws and if we don't well come rude Come Get It Up come I better stop that otherwise we're going to get flagged um copyright cuz I sing it so accurately I'm stoked this is only Saturday though get another day off it's been raining here though so like you know that's crappy s gner what's he saying s looks young as [ __ ] man because probably because he is if I didn't tell you already I'm turning 40 tomorrow 40 years old on this Earth can you imagine some of these young guns are coming in 21 22 23 years old playing football would have loved to have been able to do that but unfortunately I'm 5'8 155 when I'm soaking wet so it just ain't happening 155 when I'm wearing boots b g that's right we are half a game away from discussing a game that actually matters I'm stoked but I still I'm I I'm G to stick it out here we're going to stick it out together we're going to watch this last two quarters of of preseason football and let's see something exciting I want three exciting things to happen and I will write them down as they happen and I will only write down three things so they better they have to they it's not like I'm going to write a list of 10 and then pick three no I will only write down three things that are exciting in this second half exciting or um uh enlightening or giving us some uh insight to a player okay these are my business words that I use when I'm talking to clients these are the things that I think will give us will make me feel coming even if we come out here with a you know 3520 loss like I said I don't give a [ __ ] about the score even though I do care about the score while I'm watching it but in reality I don't I want to see these individual players come out and do something spectacular spectacular hey Brent Packer guy says boots on the ground nice to meet you I love when we when we get a little bit of this mixing in the meldin of of uh the nations of football you know you are in Cowboys Nation territory but guess what we are a welcoming people you you can come in here you can spend your Packer do your Packer bucks um spend your time with us we get we can get along well Packers have stabbed us I'd love to see in the back but they stabbed us right in the chest looking at looking at us while they did it watching us breathe our last breath um a few times so Packers are the enemy but it's preseason let's have some fun that's a better kick there it's returnable that's what you got to do 23 yd line Jim Harbor is spitting on the reporter because he's a dirty freak somebody gonna my freak somebody gonna Chargers first and 10 on their own 24 yd line just to hand off but he scampers up for looks like six yards oh we got some rough stuff we got some rough stuff going on boy we got some rough stuff boy that's uh Israel mukuamu McKing it up with some Chargers get the [ __ ] off this interview get back to some football we got an injury on the field Chargers number 74 down he's a big boy too you're going to have to drag him off by both feet yeah drag him off off rookie left tackle down on the ground so they're going to have a little uh injury time out hey get that get that advertising money son get that advertising money East Side Harold wow bland is a big loss for the cowgirls classic lame name East Side heral 2.0 I almost felt felt I almost fell sorry for y'all well don't fall for us I mean Jesus man I don't think your heart can handle that you're not going to be able to get yourself back up off the ground so stay on your feet but yeah uh Bland being out for 6 to8 weeks he's not going to be back until U mid to late October so that is a it it is a major loss for the Cowboys and we need we need a uh it looks like it's going to be Andrew wi Booth to be honest Andrew Wick's Booth's kind of been 50/50 in today's game he had a really good game week two um so I don't know who else really can slip into that position and take it over um but looks like it's going to be Andrew wi's Booth coming in so that's good like depth on any position is necessary right you just think if we didn't have Andrew WIS Booth or nwn Wright it would have been nwn Wright taking over that position nwn Wright's was fine enough but um we'll see wils Booth seems to be a little bit more uh well he's showing up more on plays not Sean Wright also did too so I don't know if it's a major upgrade but definitely thankful for having uh a little bit I'm not going to say great quality depth but just depth in that position East Side Harold just hopping around a different Cowboys slutting himself out he wants to be a Cowboys fan so bad but like he just comes under the Cowboys chats and rolls was like he just wants to be welcome you look East Side heral you're welcome to come and join Cowboys Nation my dude all you got to do is pull your wiener out of your butthole you know and you're welcome yeah and Bren Bren Packer's a good guy uh Bren Packer guy is a good guy and we we enjoy having him hop on whenever he gets a chance you know we love it when when uh viewers fans of other teams come and and join us on our live streams they just like to watch football Dallas Cowboys are a big team so um often you know people are either forced to watch the Dallas Cowboys game looks like mclin's being driven off on a cart he doesn't look like he's in too much pain but a cart coming on the fields never good probably some some sort of MCL ACL tear or something like that very unfortunate for that young man east side if you had a soul that would be true but you do not have a soul to sell my man you come out come over here stick looking deep and he hits no oh he did catch it he did catch it Jaylen Gil number 40 what is that a tight end oh yeah nice catch and he goes dead body that's what you got to do when you get that catch just go dead body on your lower half keep your upper half stiff stiff like you're a 12y old in the morning or a 40y old hey I still get it up only one yard second and nine it looks like Chargers are making their way down field so Cowboys defense has been really interesting they this game they let up a [ __ ] ton of yards in the first like three or four drives and then they really came together shut down um shut down the Chargers ability to move the ball we'll see how they do here so third and five Bend break boys third and five that's not that's a tough one to decide what you're going to do running is much more difficult at this at uh this distance to be confident that you're going to get that first down right here we go Chargers third and four let's see a big stop by the boys oh movement up front Mazy Smith taking advantage of that false start offense fiveyear penalty still third down it's going to move him back third and nine look at this they bring in a new referee you know let's see how this guy calls the game everyone's getting practice today third and [Music] nine no flag but he still makes the pass up the middle flag on the play that's probably going to be the offside call crack him if you got him Bren Packer guy says I don't get uh going to other team places and trash talking um I mean do you have nothing better to do dude we think the same thing now it's fine if look I'm not going to say I'm not Petty and if someone says something I will go to their page and write them back if they've tagged me in it or something like that but otherwise I'm not searching for Eagles fans and then going around after uh something happened like you know when the inevitable inevitable injury to saquin Barkley happens this season I'm not going to go do oh popped up interception [Music] wo Julius wood with the interception but that was actually created and I missed uh who tipped it up but a Dallas Cowboys either linebacker or here we go tipped up by number 52 um that's Nick VI can't even read that Nick vigil anyways doesn't matter big tip up by the linebacker on the Dallas Cowboys giving enough time for the safety Woods to come in and collect that ball and collect an interception now does it really matter no CU I want to see uh Dallas Cowboys players who are going to be playing in the regular season getting uh intercepted getting sacks Etc I don't want to see these third thirdd and fourth string guys and guys who are trying to make the team I mean it's great for them and absolutely love to see it and that's how you know you get onto a team and then you showcase that talent in the regular season AB so lutely and I don't know that um any of any players besides uh third and fourth strengths are playing right now to TBH but you know long story short still love to see it nice interception and let's see what the Cowboys do with it CYS up Podcast that's big Chris what's up my brother just holding on the fort just flying the F my solo I'm flying Soo flying Soo I'm flying Soo flying Soo I don't know if I got that Melody right it seemed kind of correct correct enough oh Chris I'm just sitting here got my feet up having a couple crack thems watching the Cowboys game I hope you're doing well my dude was that Rogers jins gaming says Justin Rogers tip that I don't know man that if that was Rogers he seemed to be quite quite a far bit back but I won't doubt you Chargers up 20110 kind of care about the score but don't really super interesting that the um Chargers go out and get the backfield for the Ravens Gus Edwards and JK gobin J [ __ ] JK Dobbins JK Goblin Goblin these nuts Dallas Cowboys handoff too couldn't see it Davis and he squeezes forward for two or three we'll take it these guys looks like these announcers look like they're giving hand jobs to each other when the camera goes off get them off the screen get back to the game thank you second and seven Tre Lance with the hand off to Deuce deuce up for three that's about it hey three yards is better than no yards that's what they always told me so we got third and five third and four for lucky not an ideal third down distance you really want to be within a short three third and three empty Back Field we got four wide five wide receivers stretching the field Lance is looking he's seeing nothing he's going to run up the middle he's going to get the first down and more and he's going to get more and he's going to get more flag on the play way after he got the first down though so we got it nice Rush by Lance not sure how many yards that was [ __ ] holding Davis you piece of trash 10 yard penalty still third down so looks like um Lance did not get the first down before that flag came out that's some [ __ ] thanks for stopping by Brent Packer guy enjoy your dinner cheers crack them if you got them alra Cowboy doesn't like Davis doesn't like foko he says cut him I mean Davis is just not going to get a roster spot without he's been playing TBH right I mean right now I see Duce vaugh is is probably GNA get that spot over Davis and and in terms of if you mean cut like move on I agree like this is the Davis didn't show us anything over these past three years get rid of him Dallas Cowboys just got a first down though we we're listening to these [ __ ] [ __ ] tits in the in the uh office here get like I don't give a [ __ ] what these guys are saying get back to the game My dudes first and 10 Dallas on their own 42 yard line fumble godamn fumble Chargers got chargers have it [ __ ] no no C always ended up with it okay thank god well something happened there what a batched a a kind of the second botched Hut if you think about it cuz that fum that first fumble that happened was a little bit of a I don't I don't know whose fault was to blame but we've had two kind of hot fumbles happen this game so let's get that better and that was just to nobody Lance just got a saw saw someone streaking in thought he'd get the ball out quick enough but or quick but it was too quick the receiver was not even ready for it and to be honest it wasn't even close to his receiver so maybe he's just throwing the ball away good decision Lance in the back field or sorry laning shotgun with it looks like Duce vaugh in the back no it's Davis in the back field Lance throws a nice strike to Stephen or John Stevens Jr sorry sorry I was just seeing there's a flag on the play here that flag uh stuttered my brain I couldn't speak legal contact on the defense penalty declined we're keeping that first down [ __ ] now Jefferson I've seen his name a couple times here for the Chargers some good some bad I think the dude's worth keeping if I was them first down nice pass and that was to uh Kelvin Harmon Justin gaing asks AJ your thoughts on Lance and what he would do with lamb cooks and Ferg I mean look Lance is Lance is 5050 and before he was about 1090 and and that's good bad so you know let's see what he can do to finish up this game here but I'm feeling more comfortable that's a two- yard run by uh Royce to 5'9 I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable with Lance in the in the back field and quite honestly if I had a choice to bring in a backup if Dak was if the Cowboys were blowing a team out or you know knock them would that Dak Prescott needed to come out of the game for whatever reason I'd like to see what Lance could do um because I agree I think he's showing enough I think he's showing enough right now nice pass to Bernette the [ __ ] is number six Deontay Bernett 6 foot 185 out of USC the second year in the league yeah man like if Lance is I I have to say Lance feels so much more calm in the pocket from week one and he looks like I said it's almost like he's exaggerating his reads but maybe that's what he needs to do to get into that flow but he looks comfortable man he looks very comfortable and I understand he's not playing with the ones and twos I'd like to see what he can do with those guys do I think that Tre Lance is going to have a better connection with those wide receivers than Dak Prescott no so you know this is this competition here is to get Lance into that second QB slot and we're really giving him a run for his money here he's in the within six yards of a touchdown here he's looking he's scrambling he's looking he's throwing pick picked off [ __ ] picked off picked off picked off by Jefferson too Jefferson's been all over the field that guy's that guy is someone who you want on your team man God damn it Trey Lance [ __ ] a Red Zone interception wow who is he throwing to that's the problem with Lance man there's been too too many passes and and that's fine to happen once once a game no more than that where you go what the [ __ ] who are you throwing to what are you what what did you see there that made you think that you could throw the ball and in that play right there and then was another one before another two before you no don't quote me it's preseason baby but why are you throwing that ball into the end zone throw it outside out of the end zone like you're in no rush we're not in that third down situation just [ __ ] [ __ ] play um decisionmaking man now I can probably assume that our boy um I could probably assume that our boy uh uh [ __ ] Cooper Rush would not make the same mistake okay anyway Sheila mclen at least we have the best cheerleaders well you know that is true the hottest it's not about being hot it's about being the best okay Jenkins it it was a rookie QB mistake on a fourthe quarterback you you don't get that affordability anymore right alter Cowboy says Lance is auditioning for the playoff Dak roll Eric what is dax's excuse when he is on year nine well look what we need to get away from just not only as individuals but as a society is when someone makes a good comment that we and I'm not [ __ ] on you Ultra that you just happen to bring this up so you know I I totally agree with what you're saying but it's not about comparison it's like we're talking about this we're talking about trance specifically you know if we if we start going yeah well so and so did this in their third year or positive or negative like oh well in uh in um Jordan Love's third year he threw five interceptions in the pre-season I'm just pulling some stats out of my ass I don't know that that's true you know like or you go oh well Joe Montana threw five touchdowns big sack the point I'm trying to make is um let's not compare player to Apples to Apples in this like yes that comparison is is fair but in preseason we're looking at this individual play and a big sack by who got the sack was that Rogers I missed that a big big ass [ __ ] 95 daon nice third and 18 they're basically just going to do a check down pass and a punt if you can play your cards right Adam messie says nice drop holding the fort way J sometimes chewy flies the Falcon himself you're absolutely right and especially with Han Solo dead now hey looks like chew's [ __ ] the owner of the Millennium Falcon Chargers looking deep because that's all they have like I said they're just doing a check down get a little bit of a space for their punter to kick and that's all she said so Cowboys are going to get the ball back nice and quickly here with five minutes left in the third Jenkins that was Muhammad a Muhammad I'd like to think his name is Alex Muhammad like me I'm talking about the Alex part I'm not Muhammad and little baby foot duvon if look if duvon was a mythical character he would be a what the [ __ ] are those like half goat half humans not centaurs I'm going to look it up right now commercial break fawns Deuce vongh is a fawn dece vaugh is a fawn he's half human and half goat but like think about how that's a powerful that's a powerful specimen I'm also thinking about taking my entire fam to uh that's like 10 people to uh someplace in Mexico for New Year's so if you have any ideas about where to go um it doesn't have to be Mexico it could be somewhere in the in the US of a to but just think Canada dollars are about 75 cents for every dollar for every US dollar Canada Canada's dollar is worth about 75 cents for every Mexican peso Canada's dollar is worth about seven pesos so we get a lot of more bang for our buck when we go to the state the Mexico also Mexico is awesome food awesome Vibes it's just an awesome uh uh awesome people awesome culture as well and it's cheap for Canadians to get to so I'm really selling the uh Mexico idea but let me know what your thoughts are um what's the best place to visit in Mexico the most affordable place it's got to have good food it's got to have good um scenery for families as well but let me know your thoughts in the chat if you're listening so we got four minutes and 44 seconds left in this third quarter AT&T Stadium packed packed to the [ __ ] gills for this preseason and I love going to AT&T Stadium man it's such a good time get there about well we try to get there about two two or 3 hours early or two hours early I would say sometimes it's only an hour before uh the game starts but it's always a riot Dallas Cowboys lining up with um [ __ ] Trey Lance was not in shun he was in uh just regular formation I don't know what what's that to call but hand it off to Royce Freeman Royce fan gets tackled for a loss a two-yard loss no one's even blocking number 54 of the Chargers coming through the guard in the in the center or the guard tackle on the left hand side just a free got a free in same thing another guy came rushing in but Lance was able to get the ball out real quickly this number six burn who looks like hey I just showed up cuz there was a casting call for a Dallas uh footballs player and I got the gig Cowboys third and three they need to make some of of this to keep the drive alive it's actually only two yards so I don't know why they have it marked as third and three oh the the blue lines off look it's preseason for those guys too Lance rolls out nice catch to Fant no [ __ ] F you piece of [ __ ] was right in your [ __ ] hands that was as close you could get to a fumble as you as as is like he had the ball he that that actually should have been a catch that should have been a catch no it was bibbling a little bit he this hands [ __ ] okay fourth and three Cowboys are going for it I like this let's get the three get it back to Fant get it back to fan just a quick out cam Johnson with the first down number 14 now what the [ __ ] is going on here so in preseason teams can have both offensive and defensive players wearing the same number that's [ __ ] so cam Johnson no no offense 6' 202 from Northwestern rookie with a nice nice catch for the first down love it that's Bell and Lance is gone Lance is gone touchdown Lance is gone for the touchdown it's it's nice to see but you know I give my man props he gets his props spam forward just without a you know I wouldn't even say it's a great block he's just a big body and then uh yeah Trey Lance with a Scamper how many yards was that 46 yard touchdown run by by Tre Lance that was exciting that's exciting Rush couldn't do that but Rush can also pass a football down the field and score touchdowns right so you know here's the question does tre Lance have a better opportunity to do that against first against a starting NFL team or does Cooper Rush have a better chance to do what he did what he does consistently against an NFL team one has shown that they can the other has shown good excitement in a preseason game this is just logical thinking it's not about um sticking to a narrative I'm actually right now thinking that Tre Lance might be the more exciting and might have the higher ceiling in terms of a backup a number two quarterback role um compared to Cooper rush but Cooper Rush certainly is in the we know what we get when we put him on the field colum and that's super valuable to know so you got to ask yourself do you want that do you do you want the higher risk higher reward player in Trey Lance or do you want that consistency we know what we got in Cooper Rush when and if Dak Prescott has to come off the field for whatever reason it might be I like the consistency to be honest I like the consistency um but I can understand why you would say no no no like this this guy's boom potential is just too much I'm going to go take a quick piss thank y'all for uh hanging out here and um you know if you need to pee go do the same thing let's take a little pee break together e here we go guys I just took the headphones out cuz I realized I'm the only one talking and I always shove this mic right into my mouth so I know it's going to sound fine and I'm not hearing anything else so I'm running raw Chargers first and 10 stepping back big sack oh you had three Cowboys coming at you who got the sack baby te wheat Tyler whe is too sweet with the sack I think there's going to be some half sacks in there too though am I in my pajamas hell yeah it's Saturday rainy Saturday son nice big sack second and 18 for the Chargers on their 35 yard line they're lined up with two guys in the back field stick keeps it but he's getting sucked sucked [ __ ] double sack in a row Harris with another sack that's two you little [ __ ] you let him come back for seconds you sloppy [ __ ] here we go big sack kind of takes him around the waist like like he's his girlfriend and says hey coming down to bed baby brings him down to the mattress softly yet forcefully Chargers third and 21 stick out to the left just as uh running back gets nothing that was Patterson Jarrett Patterson so that was a actual 12 yard gain but doesn't matter they're fourth and nine they're forced to punt we got du Fawn set back ready to catch and receive that sweet sweet football that's got to be a penalty man the [ __ ] dude just ran right into him crack him if you got him no Flags what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] just happened there Ultra Cowboy do you want Lance would you start Lance over Dak Prescott after this game is that on on the potential for you that was [ __ ] up yeah alter Cowboy says the ref did not see The Hobbit dece vaugh that it seemed like it cuz I feel like that should have been a penalty but I don't know I don't oh maybe it's because I bet you it's because V never s uh called the safe catch I bet you that was why because he's still you can hit him now it is weird because he was the receiver and he got hit the the he was set to receive the football and he got hit before the ball even hit the ground but perhaps it's because he wasn't in any position to actually receive the ball and dedicated himself as a blocker at that point I don't I don't know Cowboys first and 15 Lance with a little delayed handoff with a little delayed gandal hand off that's the end of the third we're going into the fourth one quarter left and the Cowboys were so close to making this a game my dude so close to making this a game and and capped off the third quarter was definitely capped off with that exciting explosive 40 something yard run let me go back and see I think it was 48 yards yeah 46 yard run by Trey Lance now I don't know why the so the Cowboys went for a two-point conversion with the Chargers up 20 to 16 they go for the two-point conversion it what would be the reason to go for the two points so now you're 18 and 20 instead of 17 and 20 which 17 and 20 puts you in a position to tie the game with a field goal but of course if you miss the two points you know you need to get a touchdown to tie the game or keep the game competitive so what's the point of going for that two-point conversion at that time I know it's preseason and and you know let's test things out maybe that's what they were doing and who gives a [ __ ] about the score but they went for the three points when they could have when they were like uh five and four on the fourth down fourth and five I mean sorry fourth down and five and they kick the ball instead of getting going for a touchdown so the logic the consistent logic just doesn't make sense to me can you help a brother out let me know what's going on we're getting a lot of action here in chat right now what's going on Ultra again you keep saying two and seven two and seven would be nine weeks I thought I think the trade trade deadline's week eight is it not oh it is nine games [ __ ] doggy hey you can pull out your wiener and slap me in the face I wrong here's the problem 1928 190 one one touchdown two interceptions that second interception really is gonna but eat his butthole nice pass nice throwing and catch McMath Randy MCM he says I'll do your algebra homework if you get throw me the football Lance what a geek Snoop Conor coming in getting seven yards bringing the Cowboys to Second and three I mean if I was the Cowboys I would be treating every down that we every um drive as a two-minute Drive drill the two-minute drive on every drive now win or loss we get nothing going into the regular season but what we do get is some valuable um Intel from our players here nice pass Under Pressure little bit high but um brunette's not brunette looks tiny and he's not a tiny guy brunette's 6 foot and so I guess in the NFL that's like relatively on the short side of average especially for a wide receiver but that's all changing now we're seeing more 61 62 wide receivers than those big boys fre Lance doing some nice scrambling but he does get caught almost loses the ball and that is a [ __ ] big man 57 hey you ain't getting into this club [ __ ] and then he slammed TR Lance to the ground Tre Lance moving trying to get him without without ID no no the bouncers is no no you little [ __ ] ho you ain't coming into this Dojo I'm just rhyming second and nine Dallas Cowboys come on got to make something of it first down or get us some quality yards Lance got lots of time in the pocket scrambling now moving back making a nice pass and great snag by 14 coming in the impostor himself cam Johnson offensive holding [ __ ] me 10 yard penalty keep the second down uh Second and whatever 19 it's going to be who's holding uh that was I mean in honesty he was [ __ ] beat the whole time and just hanging on for deer life so he deserved it Lance throwing a strike though up the middle that makes up that's promising baby that's promising baby and that's again to number 14 cam Johnson looks like a Chargers jersey is caught on the or helmet sorry it's caught on the Jersey of a Dallas Cowboys player they got it off oh oh how interesting it he just got his jersey jammed into his face mask he got to smell them come on what's your scent give me your scent Big Boy give me your scent all right trand setting into shotgun third and four with Snoop Connor on the field big block by Connor oh [ __ ] me nice pass and Bernett had him beat I think Bernett even had that in his [ __ ] Bread Basket I want to see the replay man I got to give this one to Lance because he should not have dropped that ball y he should not have dropped that so do you bring no no we're going for that Cowboys fourth and four we're going for it on the uh 41 yd line 42 yard line almost of the Chargers lanon shotgun sets back he's got a play in mind they get it to him and they get the first down that's fat baby big fat fat and I don't mean fat with an F I mean fat with a pH baby that boy is solid and strong strong wide as a [ __ ] barn and guess what you ain't going to bring him down with one guy so don't even [ __ ] try that [ __ ] with us the the boy might have low agility he might have low speed but he's makes that up for in power first and 10 Trey Lance stepping back in shotgun just a nice little sling to his halfback Snoop Connor gets up to the what looks like the uh 24 yard line first and one or second and one I'm seeing something here I'm seeing something here that's that's good is it because it's fourth quarter and I'm trying to be excited because there's only 10 minutes of preseason football left absolutely Trey Lance sitting right up near near Santa right up on the ass we got Snoop Conor in the back field looks like a bunch trips on the leftand side but that's just for the Run Snoop conter gets the [ __ ] first down boost them Cowboys are within the are they in the Red Zone y now they're red zoning Cowboys are red zoning we got some good chat action too you guys keep it up I'm sorry I'm just watching the game delivering my my thoughts and prayers this drive is 10 plays 60 yards lots of running but look man I am a running I'm a runner I'm a can I reset that okay let me take it again take two I love a running offense I think it's super um it can be very boring for people watching but it can also be like super uh what's the word debilitating or disheartening to a demoralizing to a defense that's the best word demoralizing Curry Lance setting back in shotgun again looking and running sees his hole sees a hole he gets outside he does not get the first down we're going to be third and two third and three perhaps I don't I'm not going to complain about that run with with Lance you got some yards thing is though like Lance is looking much better on his feet than he is throwing the ball and he's not looked bad throwing the ball so I'm I'm not saying that he looks terrible throwing the football but I'm not looking for a quarterback who can run because Tre Lance is not that guy like Tre Lance can run but he's I about an average Runner bad [ __ ] play Mike Mike's thinking about his waterburger order and not [ __ ] thinking about the game here just like trash all those blockers don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing you had three blockers just kind of running willy-nilly like oh we lost in the forest right now oh I'll bring out automatic but this is what I'm talking about why did you not kick that extra point you put yourself in no better position by getting two it's just [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] move and now we're going to lose by one B through the middle easy automatic that's Aubrey who let It for the Boy Ultra cboys what when did I play Twister with lizo and absolutely I would but lizo would [ __ ] let's be honest I'm 5 foot eight 155 lizo would crush me actually I'm 160 wa right now put put on a little weight because I'm getting [ __ ] lazy not going to the gym but trust me I'm bulking guys I'm still bulking I'm always bulking I'm in the Millennium Fulk Bulan Brent Packer guy says I uh wait hang on the the the the conversations are continuing so I'm trying to find the start of one oh this is cool so we have about a uh I actually don't know the amount of years but I want to say about 24 years at least we have a 24e league that me van wagen Boy 2 and arrack are in and Brent Aker guy says my league is in its 28th year same group of guys only one only one I play so the trash talk is real yeah yeah that's awesome dude um in the league that I've been playing in we've had a few guys who have come in and out but I think we've had out of the 12 12 teams we've had eight consistent players from the beginning of the league so it's been really fun those are always the most fun right you almost forget like what the [ __ ] are we in we're in our 20th you're like Jesus hey Brent Packer and Bot G you both you guys you seem like those are dline players that I want that signed to the Cowboys right now 6 foot 250 put them on the edge and 61270 Bot G you're on the edge too I got two new Edge rushes for my Dallas Cowboys with B PPG and Bot and Bot G the G boys Brent Packers got you won seven championships in 28 years that's really good man one and four that's [ __ ] awesome any backto backs well it's much closer than when I put this um vote up but we got the will the Cowboys win this game 55% of the people who voted said yes I mean that's a significant enough majority that we would call the election at this point but we're not going to do that we're going to let it let it ride for another two or three minutes maybe get another uh another pull in by the end oh Brent Packer won backto back three times in Champion I mean at that point dude you must be feeling like I'm un [ __ ] stopp by your third one you must be like I'm unstoppable that's a great feat congrats stick running around just dishes it off to his tight end who ends up getting eight yards or six yards yeah eight yards damn it I'm riding Soo I'm riding Soo I'm running solo I'm running Sol low here we go Packers second and two really good chance here for them to get the first down but if you can penetrate he's stepping back to throw too makes a pass Brandon white rice uh with a catch out of Mounds just shy of Midfield I'm just repeating what the announcers say um Bren Packers guy says have you guys ever come to Lambo think you'd like it we'd actually really love to go to Lambo h ly um next time that happens that's that's on our definitely on our uh here's the problem though we're we're from Canada and to fly to Lambo I can't remember when we looked at this it might have been last year for whatever I don't yeah I can't remember the last time the Cowboys have played Green Bay in a regular season game and not in the playoff so this definitely changes things but the flights alone and then trying to get to a location that's like close to Wisconsin from Vancouver makes it really difficult to pull the trigger on that so I can imagine that plus tickets it would just be it'd be an expensive weekend but it is something we're going to have to do at some point and guess what can fans here for life okay so it's going to happen um we're just going to have to wait here's the thing we're going to wait until we get the actual ual League game against the Cowboys or against the um uh Packers and then you know pull the trigger on that I'd love to come and see what [ __ ] Green Bay has to offer small ass town probably got a good diner Chargers third and nine let's see if Cowboys can come up with a big stop here 5 minutes and 51 seconds left in the game sticks and shun he's stepping back he's looking he gets hit doesn't matter fourth down get him off the [ __ ] field so that pass was just stuffed who stuffed it nean neeling baby you love to see it that's our rookie oh no it was uh 46 Darius Harris Harris man he's had a pretty damn good game Harris with a big block the Chargers are for forced to punt here now let's see no he just takes it I mean you let it bounce man you let it [ __ ] bounce here we go Cowboys have a chance to come in and win this game and and and let's look at this drive individually outside of the rest of the game what are we looking for some scoring mentality that Mamba mentality you can even go for okay big shout outs to um Kobe Bryant whose birthday was you know a couple days ago I believe maybe within 3 days I don't pay that much attention to basketball but I do know that the mama mentality would be perfect for this scenario where the Dallas Cowboys go down and score a [ __ ] touchdown and at the very least eat up clock and let Otto Aubrey come in and do what he does you know we paid good money to program that automatic Aubrey bought to kick field goals let's utilize it dude hit a what 65 y last week 66 yards give me a break Kraken player man I you know T I think Tre Lance is fair Tre Lance is fair however those two interceptions really got me really got me shook I don't see anyone else who's standing out I might go do Von to be honest do Von or um or Harris man Harris also had a intriguing game not a lot of stats but the guy had two big plays he just had that interception or that uh sorry um pass deflection on that third down against the Chargers and then he also had a tackle for a loss that was big so yeah I I don't want to give it to Trey Lance because he already got it and also on top of that I mean his stats are worthy just because they're plentiful but when I actually look at his stats as just okay do you think this is good he's had he's been the best runner for the Cowboys but his passing game has been average it's probably still enough to get him crack player the game though I agree bot G Nathaniel Pete Moss sticking it up the gut for one I don't know I think Cowboys have kind of hang up hung up the cleats at this point [Music] heyy let's get a crack them baby oh yeah I think what you got to ask yourselves is like well how would Dak Prescott have played in this game and maybe he would have played like look that's not a leading question I'm not trying to suggest that Dak Prescott would outplay look at Dax in his [ __ ] he's got his pants on and everything on the sideline what a g um but do you think that Dak Prescott would have better luck or or or sorry have better stats it's not about luck it's about reality here Tre Lance stepping back and he's going deep for the first time just overthrows not not even a good look that was a just a bad throw in that it's a waste man that's a checkdown pass he he didn't even it's not like there's two guys covering covering him and the cornerback didn't even bite so it wasn't even a good smart decision to throw the ball Dak Prescott In Trey Lance in Cooper Russian I'd be saying the same goddamn thing there we go Snoop goes up for six yard sorry that was Nathaniel Pete Pete Moss himself get that Moss off my roof Pete Moss Nathaniel neat Pete hey bot G dropping that 999 Super Chat saying to AJ boing it solo I'm riding solo I'm riding solo drance stepping back shotgun third and four bad pass right into the head no [ __ ] throws the game away well there you go Tre Lance does not get [ __ ] player of the game with three interceptions I'm sorry man I'm sorry the things that I saw him do to today take away his rushing yards take away the 10 for 87 and one touchdown he's 25 for 37 which ain't terrible but it's not good 247 yards which ain't terrible but it's not good one touchdown and three interceptions you tell me that's right Eric bot G that's exactly why he just threw away the Kraken player of the game right there cannot give it to him it's going to make it a very difficult decision and I'm not going to be able to give it at the end of this game I'm going to have to go back to my consensus with bw2 and arrack and talk with them to see what they think we should be doing and uh appreciate the shout outs there from bot G and Ultra Ultra Cowboy you know I'm just I'm just living I'm just living my life my man my men's hey my men's I'm just living my lives my life I hope I have multiple lives that would be dope but you know uh historically we only get one so I'm just doing what I got to do to enjoy the game and guess what we are minutes away from the end of this [ __ ] [ __ ] pre-season nonsense to getting into the real [ __ ] that matters now put this on your calendar too it's August 24th okay and as I said my birthday is tomorrow I'm going to be 40 years old August 25 August 25th born in 1984 can you hear me well we are two weeks away now two weeks away well uh 15 days away to be exact from the kickoff for the Dallas Cowboys first season game okay okay 15 days away from Dallas Cowboys foot season football not this preseason [ __ ] we got lots of questions and we got to get we got to get CD lime s CD CD lime we got to get CD lamb signed before this starts we got two weeks to do the to do that man because I don't if CD shows up even without the contract he's going to play like a [ __ ] pain in the ass let me tell you yeah well Ultra if he does it in [ __ ] preas and imagine what he does in playoffs dude playoffs so it looks like the Chargers went for one there was a penalty then they went for two and who came up with the stop it looked like maybe Emon Johnson made that stop there I can tell you right now G pick six man disgusting I I mean Lance I think he's thrown three interceptions on his last three attempts or four four drives sorry like no bueno bro no bueno East Side Herold you're the only one who's jerking off to this no one else is is ramming their butt it's called a preseason game and I'm not sure if you're aware that the NFL has three weeks of preseason where none of this [ __ ] matters and they're all second and third and potentially even fourth slot um players on the depth chart that are playing yeah I know East Side gets off by thinking of uh Cowboys fans crying like East Side Herald's literally masturbating right now and that's what's that's what's so disgusting this dude masturbates and comes to Dallas Cowboys um live streams and then he listens and he masturbates like a weirdo he's a [ __ ] weirdo four minutes left I mean what do we want to see I want to see Dak sorry Dak coming on would be awesome I want to see Lance complete okay so cows will start on the 30 30 yard line I want to see Lance compete a deep pass and when I say deep I'm talking 40 yards plus yo oh if I know East Side he's just letting it go east side Harold just lets it go on his carpet or his floor and he says look God God will take care of that God will clean that up but he knows he won't all right Dallas Cowboys first and 10 on their 30 yard line let's see what they can do with it just a [ __ ] little swing um run Connor up to about the 8 or nine yd line Looks like Cowboys have shut it down potentially playing it safe maybe just getting some last couple running yards in here Tre Lance taking it out to the right hand side of the field gets about two or three yards enough for the first down you could talk all your [ __ ] you you want and uh you can talk all the [ __ ] that you want and yeide Herald I love that Ultra yeide Herald he's got a problem he needs to go clean his vagina um but it it's preseason like what we're looking for is some IND I will say this the disappointing thing is I don't know that anyone else stepped up this game okay Harris per perhaps but Harris had a couple blown plays as well so do they cancel themselves out I mean I kind of like I kind of rank explosiveness or like exciting moment changing plays a little bit higher than like okay second and three and you whiff on a tackle like that still is something to keep note of but when you step up in big moments that's got to have a little bit more Credence so we're going to be third and three it looks like after that pass to holler Lance to Haller who must be a tight end number 49 I'm still trying to get used to these number the number changes 49 for a tight end that's [ __ ] hard that's all color all color here we go lanon shotgun third and four dropping back looking getting getting [ __ ] mad rushed interception fourth interception oh man look at cam Johnson might have got hurt on that play Yeah his leg one of his legs got hurt there [ __ ] I mean we did not see enough from the Cowboys defense to be excited about Mike Zimmer's scheme cow's defense was not exciting but changed my mind [ __ ] we actually got four linebackers on the field that's wild Chargers take a timeout with 2 minutes and 14 seconds left in the fourth all right Cowboys Nation I'm going to need yall to uh I'm going to change this poll up will Cowboys win this game you know we're done with that get it off the off the 61% of the Cowboys fans said yes we're going to I'm going to need to know your kram player of the game let me know your kram player of the game [Music] [Music] we got Altra and and Brent Packers guy kind of going through some sort of LoveHate relationship here which I love to see here we go Cowboys second and 10 or second down I should say looks like second and 10 second and 12 dear Lord Chargers even I said Cowboys and we got him in the backfield tfl big Bop by number 91 on the Dallas Cowboys Tyrus wheat who's come up Tyrus wheat but he's had some uh noticeable plays oh yeah Bren Bren Packer gu are BPG and Ultra Cowboy our homie uh we love you guys both and appreciate your uh attention to detail and your your your um perspective man I mean it's it's good to have people who are very critical I think being critical of your team is much more better than being like obviously we have no say in how a team you know does moves or anything like that or or makes decisions but being more critical is better than being like a super sub stick goes back steps back in shotguns just airs it out and almost hits a kind of open receiver not really overthrew him I bet you if it if he didn't throw it that far it would have been picked off fourth and 12 they're coming out to kick Cowboys have a chance to go go get get a touchdown get two tie this game up that would be really nice just show me something show me some of that Integrity that you have show me what you really want Time After Time well I will be raining Time After Time Time After Time just checking on the uh messages here from the other can fan crew they're busy ant's out there in Vegas right now just uh jerking his dick on the side of the street doing some doing some art he calls it art okay so I'll be fair to him he calls it art and then Adam is uh at a wedding right now trying to break it up so good luck to both my boys now have y'all uh seen um Deadpool and Wolverine AKA Deadpool 3 and if you have what do you think let me know in the chat I mean we got the last two minutes here of of pre-season guys let's just eny enjoy it Bren Packer guy I don't want to hear [ __ ] about love okay you keep that love in your back pocket and you [ __ ] sew it up and I never want to hear it again until we play just kidding uh Bren Packer guy says I've been a Deadpool fan since I was a kid I was it was fracking awesome I agree man it was such a good movie it had so much here's a thing about the comics that I think um and and chargers are puning here but I'm going to talk over it because who really gives a [ __ ] unless something happens G to wait actually fair catch so um what I love about the the Deadpool and Wolverine movie without giving any spoilers for those who have not seen it is it's it's super true to the comic book lore obviously a lot of the story deres off of the Multiverse of the of the Marvel Comics and what's kind of been set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe uh but I just felt like it was super awesome to kind of they checked off a lot of fan boxes okay here we go first and 10 Dallas Cowboys on their own 10 yard line Lance steps back just another [ __ ] check down who was that span Ford span forward with the uh first down gas Cowboys first and 10 on their own 21 yd line Lance steps back and delivers a solid pass out to cam Johnson on the right hand side not a first down we're in second down territory but I think it's like second and three second and four second and five for the Dallas Cowboys from their own 26 yd line here we go Tre laning shotgun he wants it he wants the football he's going to get it of course and he slings it up to span to span Ford again span Ford must have something inside of him because he is getting the ball he's commanding the attention of Trey Lance the Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dallas Cowboys now first and 10 from their 43 and a half yard line Tre Lance stepping back having a look just another little out and this time over SS the ball so 49 seconds left for the Dallas Cowboys to go down and do something make a game of this [ __ ] now this might be the first preseason you know we still got 49 seconds left here that I've watched where the Cowboys have gone under 500 and I know there's only uh three games now Gracie McMath with the catch so now we got third and what looks like four yard line four Lance back and he sees him right up the middle to Alec holler we're just we're garbage time boys right now we're garbage time boys everyone go ahead and put your garbage pale kids [ __ ] suits on cuz we're a bunch of garbage pale kids oh we got the shoe Tire get him in there he ties a good shoe man stick had uh had such a roller coaster of a game until he wasn't doing well the Cowboys were doing well against them I think there's enough time to get one more crack them in me guys one more oh Lance is not going down he's still he's still looking he makes the [ __ ] pass Beauty call a timeout crack him if you got him no timeouts for the Cowboys no time out for the Cowboys 10 seconds spike the ball spike the ball spike the ball 7 seconds left on the 20 yard line not necessarily in the Red Zone but a half but a c hairs away from the Red Zone one full [ __ ] hairs away so what are you going to do big Mike you know this is the other thing that I got to consider too is Big Mike's out here calling the calling the shots smart Movement by Lance man he got he had no one he [ __ ] kept the play alive he waited to player got open and he [ __ ] slinged him the ball and he made it now Lance has a little bit of pro a problem with overthrowing his receivers someone called the timeout Chargers yeah so Chargers call the timeout 7 seconds left so here's a thing and if I'm the Cowboys I want to score the touchdown obviously and then I'm going to go for it I'm going for two [ __ ] [ __ ] a tie who gives a [ __ ] let's get the win let's see what we can do with second and two I mean you don't get a lot of these opportunities where you can run a a a second and or sorry a two-point conversion against a real NFL team mind you I know we're in week three of the preseason in the fourth quarter fourth quarter with 7 seconds left so it's probably not a lot of uh starters on the field here that we're seeing right now these guys are all playing for a [ __ ] chip though so get into the end zone catch a [ __ ] field catch a touchdown get in there boys interception fifth interception interception number five get him off the [ __ ] field we're done we're goddamn done with this all right and I'm done with it too time to wrap it up Dallas Cowboys lose 26-9 with that game ending fifth interception from Trey Lance call me out call me out but do not call me a Sally because I'm I am not going to go down easy but I might be your Sally if you out wrestle me anyway much love to everyone thank you so much for joining us on today's show I'm going to go out and go get something to eat now um disappointed trance had a chance to make something of it but guess what he didn't okay he did not he did not so it is what it is love you all we'll catch you guys next next I don't think we're do we might do a show Sunday but if not for 100% we're doing a show next Wednesday um the main event come join us and if you know an Eagles fan out there who's giving you the eye giving you the stink giving you that little stink [ __ ] Eagle Eye you you walk up to him you grab him by the chest you pull out your hog you hold it in your other hand and you tell him to go [ __ ] himself Cowboys Nation we ride Baby Woo oh I ended the song early that's all right we're done peace

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