6 Way Premiership Race, Brilliance Of Sam Burgess & Jimmy Challenges A Pro Wrestler!

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:52:05 Category: Sports

Trending searches: sam burgess
The Wrestling Beef Continues hello and welcome everybody to the latest edition of midweek matters as always joined by uh Charlie White James I'm very good James how are you a bit tired bit fatigued what have you done today 25K run been for a run yeah um and hit the wall massively hit the wall the genuine wall genuine wall big time like run fat boy run have you seen that movie where he hits the wall no I haven't great movie you should watch that uh I probably didn't prepare well I was supposed to do 30k and I did some other runs earlier in the week got to the run today hit the wall and at 24K I had to stop I had to get an Uber back to the car I did yeah I was gone how long's a marathon uh 42 oh so your your miles off h no I'll be your miles off yeah I know what you're saying I but the weather as well messed me up like cuz it is warmer it is you are looking a little bit sunburnt little bit sun-kissed on the arms there few more freckles than normal I know I know so the weather got me cuz I left started to run at just after 9 uh but also the fact that I've already i' I've done too much training this week and then I thought I'll be sweet but far out man I and normally I enjoy getting to the wall and overcoming it and being like right I'm just going to be through this push on and don't but it just yeah it just got me do you think you have a bit of a problem with training too much cuz Josh rolds and I were actually just having a chat on on Monday you two went to bunder together and he um he mentioned that you were sort of a bit manic like you had to have a running you had to get your running and it made Josh feel bad about himself so he then went to the gym because he's like oh well if James is training I guess I have to train as well well well it's nice to know that my friends are tracking me and uh I'm we're just worried about you mate because like training tracking me like yeah but we're just worried about you as a whole because there's a there's a manness to you there's like I've got to do this this this and that and maybe the training thing is as well maybe it is yeah maybe it's a a positive addiction yep or you can overtrain then you can hit the wall you can't you can't overtrain and then hit the wall yeah you can maybe it's a positive addiction maybe but I don't know like you know what I'm like with the schedule Charlie and I looked at the schedule for bunder I missed the first opportunity to run which I was filthy about so I had to squeeze one in then know I think it's a mindset of just don't make excuses just find a way would you rather exercise for an hour a day or be dead for 24 that's a good question so I just find a way to to make it work and on today's I've already yeah done a fair bit of training this week yeah um and I'm just of the mindset of like if an hour presents itself just go well speaking of training things are starting to escalate in your wrestling beef and if you do go down this wrestling path which it feels like you might there is um you're going to be having to do some training but there was a video that's come out that pwa have shared that um is actually in support of you I believe so we can actually we can take a listen to this now I wondering what you think about the James grah Ricky South debacle I think that Ricky South and Grayson Waller should have kept their mouth shut um I understand where they were coming from like okay so somebody with a bit of profile outside of pro wrestling says something something that could be con is negative about pro wrestling it happens sometimes and it is good for us to defend ourselves I can respect that but it's like the way they want like you guys know who um who David Schultz is right he was a pro wrestler well exactly but what happened with him there was an interviewer he said something negative about pro wrestling that David Schultz go on the internet and have a winge no he went up to the guy and he smacked him in the face what did Grayson Waller and Ricky South do they posted very safe videos on Instagram flaming them like a bunch of immature little school kids you know why they didn't go up to James Graham and slap him in the face cuz he would have punched him he was a professional athlete yeah he's not just some normal [ __ ] sitting on his couch saying you about pro wrestling he was known as one of the toughest nuts in the NRL and they're saying that he couldn't last two minutes in a pro wrestling ring like Pro wrestling's tough but that was just a stupid statement like at this point I wish that James Graham would actually come in and just do something so those guys would shut their mouths to stop making the rest of us look like the insecure little [ __ ] that those two are Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jack bonser finally somebody in the wrestling fraternity that you have some respect for that's knowledgeable that's not a headline Chaser that's not you know making claims that they just can't back up no he actually gets it he speaks facts he he understands it what what a what a what a credit to pwa that person is that man is yeah cuz I thought everyone in pwa was brainless but there is obviously a few brain cells floating around that organization um and one thing stood out for me though he said he'd love to see you prove it and get into the ring do something about it do something about he said do something about it well you know what Grayson Waller he's probably too scared to get on a plane and come over here I use any excuse oh I can't get the time off he he like he's he's not coming no coward you said it your words not not mine yeah he he he can he can hide behind the screen um hide behind travel hide behind his fake tan that is insane I didn't realize how orange he gets for fights but it's one of the worst spray tans I've ever seen in my life if you check out his Instagram yeah so I reckon it's just original call out let's just go for Ricky sou let's just get it on yeah well they've got like their equivalent of their WrestleMania it's a huge huge fight they do mid October um maybe you WR him there if Rockbusters he's up for it if he's up for it if my calendar's clear yeah after the Grand Final so in all likelihood I'm I'm down for that yeah I am like let's go I've heard Al the great bun he's a doggies fan as well well we could be both having a big week of celebrations and then I'll just have just end him end it yeah yeah have you got a rockbuster for us this week oh no but just on last week's rockbuster yeah um so it was that uh gold Squad should be speaking like this James D so do you understand what we oh there was another line yeah James Huffy andl James hoffy by round Jam Hof Welsh you're speaking yes so Tony obviously knew Welsh a lot of people got it Sammy haes and another guy on Instagram got it Well Done To those two do you know I Le that Welsh how Ali G see you would assume he just would make up his welth like he makes up his when he's doing Bor Ro he's not actually speaking no but kazakhstani the the Alig character goes to Wales and it's it's brilliant this is going back I think like 99 yeah right and he goes to Wales and he does these Welsh lessons and he's like and they go like um doy hofe means I like and he's like we don't like coffee and she's like no no coffee means to like and he's just like no we don't like coffee and then he's like oh me so she goes tell me something you like Wicked me like punani me like the Chan uh she's like oh say hofe he like no no no we don't like coffee so that's where I let my Welsh from so that's impressive and also for anyone who's not sure about the rock Bast is he just come in for the first time it's like a cryptic clue for an NRL player yes cryptic clue and well we we say cryptic you know we're not going to be writing um we're not going to be producing 101 cryptic no it's not going to make the daily telegraphs uh paper it's not going to make the city Morning Herald no these are quite um quite vague yeah my one open to interpretation uh some of the words often don't like they don't make sense that actually Christine Wells did but often it's um the G adoc car yeah one was obviously G add-on car yeah this is a bit personal favorite yeah that's all right I don't mind it's a bit stupid um my favorite Southeast Asian holiday destination but it's definitely not a yay and unfortunately I've misspelt the word to describe that place where we dig the Diamonds oh God favorite southeast Asia where's southeast Asia or Vietnam um Thailand Tha What Sam Burgess Induction Means To Jimmy oh well yeah good luck if anyone get that Bravo because the reason I made at Harder is we've got like five hats left and everyone wants the hats they don't want the teas with the merch so we might have to restrict it to one I don't know One giveaway One winner but anyway well good good luck anyway to our to our listeners viewers The Immortals have been announced overnight we're recording here on Wednesday so congratulations to insert name cam Smith most likely we think he's going to get the immortal us but in all likelihood in all likelihood but congratulations James obviously your teammate Sam Burgess who's getting inducted into the Hall of Fame will have been now and ducted all F absolutely incredible achievement how proud are you then as his mate yeah it's awesome and he's actually over here as well he's made the effort to come over um to to receive this honor um I've been very critical of coaches that go away during their Break um but I think in this circumstance for for for Sam it's um it's very important that he attends and and is's recognized for the the work that he's done for our game and for what he did what he did for for South Sydney it it was incredible um it it really was when you look back and you understand the history of um what they went through uh that rebuild coming back into the competition years of being down near the bottom end and he was the Catalyst for that and like what a player I remember him basing onto the scene at Bradford a 17y old and it was like wow we knew like there was something special about this lad and then obviously to go on and um play with him at International level uh and play against him obviously here for the ball logs against South and and the dragons against souths a couple of times and obviously with St Helens and Bradford went up against it a few times it's incredible what he's done I'm really proud of um his achievement and I think he deserves it I think he's like the first re first English International yeah so I think there's been some players that were maybe born in England that immigrated over but for me it's it's it's the first Englishman really isn't it when we if we're being real about this so um yeah it's it's a big achievement that like shouldn't matter where you come from but like to be that that first one it is is pretty spectacular and um he was amazing to play with um on the test scene there was a few times where I remember one game against um New Zealand and I tweaked my and I was in all salort and he just looked at me he was like jam we need you I was like all right [ __ ] this KN we're going and then I missed a couple of games after it but it was like well you know when you're in that oh just I want to push through but you just needed someone to just say come on mate like um yeah and then obviously playing against him [ __ ] out it was bought out he bought out the best in you and West maybe as well but um yeah I don't think there's a forward that played in the middle during his Peak years that um didn't have respect for him and what he brought to that South's team yeah every anybody that played in the middle like knew about Sam and knew what he bought and knew that like the difference he made that team the emphasis you put on him and just even you know you often look at like the the big things that players do so that run where he's just charging where you know he's got no self-preservation where he charges into I think Tony Williams and Michael L um few of those big hits that he that he pulls off but it's m what he what he did for that team so he he was the big the setup play guy as well because they knew the the value of him generating a quick Rock to then put a shift on a massive part of what South Sydney did a lot of the focus when we were playing at the dogs was when we're let's not go looking for Sam but anytime he runs the ball it's an indicator that a shift is about to happen so you've got to a slow him down which was n on Impossible stop the offload but then you know what's coming next is they're not just giving Sam the ball to just for no reason or because there there's something about to happen and that that was when he more played in the middle then when he moved to an edge um it was that strike that he bought but he was he was phenomenal and the work he's doing now as a coach as well um like warington are flying high and it's no surprise to me um that he's looking like he will succeed in coaching I I remember being in England uh or in England training camp we were in South Africa and we were preparing for the 2013 World Cup and we had this training session it was just wasn't going well and it was just one of those [ __ ] sessions I feel like and and he just turned around he just went I I I hate [ __ ] practice I hate it and I was like oh like I wasn't a fan of it either but he was just like Adam I hate [ __ ] it was like you know when you can properly blowing up no it wasn't blowing up it was just said in a way in a tone in a because I think some people you you blow up but he said it in a tone and a and a way which you don't need to blow up it was just a different tone and I think it resonated with some people um because the easy thing is to blow up or or maybe some people like oh it's only one sesh and everybody's different you know you you speak to different people people that have played in the um in played Ruby League NRL Super League International and origin and there's different temperaments there's different personality types there's different traits that we have and people deliver messages differently and respond in different ways um but s's very much just like I hate ship practice like wow it kind of shows that he would have been like the perfect guy for m in that Bunny's team as well because of how he was off field because obviously everyone knows M ran incredibly intense sessions and Sam would have been that perfect leader to just make sure that all the players would buy into that absolutely well I've obviously spoken about this at length uh mentioned with uh Dr Scott Goldman spoke with you and on Triple M and U with w grah and Jason Demetri about um the uh Plato distribution and um prices law where how many people in an organization the percentage of people that get the the work done so if you're the coach like you spend a lot more time with your leaders because they're going to drive it all they're going to be the example set set the example example Setters the influencers you know the word influencer gets thrown around now like it's a social media thing but when you're in a sporting organization there are influencers like and they're usually the the better players the leaders uh and it can be it can work both ways like everybody influences in a way if you get a couple that are influencing negatively that can drag some people one way but if you look at sou that year um or the years where Ma was there and they were competing in the in the top four and eventually won it he was either by Design or by by accident you know obviously targeted Sam to be a big influencer one because he's got three brothers in the team so they all look up to him they're like the alpha group almost of a team just Sheely based on the numbers of number of them so he he automat so you go bang there's there's four of my top 30 taken care of or I think it was even top 25 back then but there's four of there's four of my top 30 like that that are in that I know are in and then Sam would also look for others so you know all the other midd other the people like Dave trell you know John Sutton well John Sutton was probably one of those leaders that drove few things it would be Sam John suton Reynolds englas there's your four that you focus on Isaac Luke was close with Sam like he would have made sure he was on board so yeah it there's a lot that that goes into Team Dynamics and and having Sam involved in there is is massive I know playing with England it was he was a huge influencer yeah on the playing group both on and off the field we were going to talk about Latrell later on but we may as well bring it up now cuz I it's kind of ties in nice with the San Burger stuff cuz he obviously left South City towards the end of last year and you can just tell he obviously knew that things needed to change or they would end up in the position they're in now and not enough was being done to to make sure guys like latr were in line and yeah it's it's it shows in what's happened to sou this year yeah look that that was what was was spoken about in terms of some standards weren't being met um don't know the full ins and out of it but um yeah I guess people would look at that and go well he was right and again I I don't know exactly what happened I really don't I think just on on the trail I was listening to a podcast today actually and Souths Management Of Latrell thought with a another sport psychologist actually about how Talent needs traum and the road to Rocky Road to the top and and by trauma he he he doesn't want to he this guy was saying like you know be careful how you use that word but basically you need difficulty and talent needs difficulty to to succeed there was I think he did a a paper uh back in 2012 and he spoke about like this rocky road to success and how Talent needs difficulty how Talent needs to be upset to drive them yeah yeah yeah like having talent isn't enough yeah and he he mentioned like well you know to to ride a bike for instance you've got to go through trauma you know difficulty pain tears you you let the kid go and then they genuinely fall over and you you expose them to that and how much you control versus don't control um but but latrell's in a situation now where this season hasn't hasn't gone well he played that origin um in game two which he was absolutely fantastic and then obviously this incident now I think Wayne coming in can be that person that can just just help guide him a little bit probably somebody who he can listen to and and actually the like again we spoke with um Dr Goldman didn't we about like the um the the the message the message versus the messenger and like the the difference in in what weight the the messenger carries and I think with Wayne it's it's actually perfect timing well the truth is they both need each other as much like sa need Latrell at their best to be a a finals Contender Premiership Contender and Latrell probably needs a go like Wayne Bennett to get him back focused would you you'd hope that this now will reignite latrell's drive like his drive to be one of the best players in the competition because I think anybody that watches the game knows that he has the potential to be at times he show he showcased that I think when you have that drive and when you have those positive influences on your life it can it can certainly help set you off for that yeah and he had that meeting with vales and ABDO early in the year after the um he had a few different interion study of the Triple M thing he was out in Vegas the day before the game that didn't get much attention I don't know why it didn't get much attention he says he wasn't drinking but he was out till like 2 a.m. the day before the the game which is strange I know Las Vegas we were there there's not much to do except for go out so it's not like the crime of the century I don't think the the white powder thing is necessarily the crime of the century but sou the way they've gone about it has left themselves a bit vulnerable because now they want to sanction the tra and put pressure on him and there's talk about you know maybe wanted to sack him who knows if that's true or not but they haven't actually followed the process properly from the start so they haven't the way I'm told is they haven't got a case now to sack him what they're going to do is hit him with the breach notice it's going to be a very substantial fine most likely a six-figure fine that's not from the ANS from South Sy as a club and they're going to hit him with a breach notice so this is the start and he will need to get in line because if they then if he then does something wrong he could he's on like 1.2 million a year he doesn't want to lose that no well yeah I guess not speaking about latron South Sydney specifically but um star players are treated differently for better and for worse and it can be detrimental to A team's cause because um you know the star player tends to get away with a little bit more gets more Le leniency you know it's been what there's an old friend that the bet the better player you are the more the more um the more rope you give them yeah but then at the same time the better the player you are the more you should be buying into what's going on the more responsibility you have as well yes ex exactly you're right Charlie you're right Charlie they are but we we know of many Top Line players that were given way more yeah way more but s have given him too much rope and that's the issue because he hasn't all the stuff that's happened he's not learning the lessons necessarily yeah yeah you could you could certainly argue that and to be fair Blake Blake suy has not handled this the the the TR situation well this year and he hasn't handled the TR situation over the last couple years very well well I guess I guess it's come to this point now where that that they are maybe standing up for a club if if these um breach notices if these fines actually happen then they're standing up as a club and they're saying well look we're not going to be we're just we're pulling we're pulling you into line now yeah we're going to we're going to keep keep keep you close when here's the boundaries and you can't step outside them you just hope though that they haven't like like given him because they've given him so much rope latr doesn't respond badly to that because it's in a very different way of handling in the past comp like they've handled this all with love in the past whereas this going to be a harsh punishment how he reacted to that could cause issues you you're you're 100% correct because you've been you will now fundamentally being treated differently and that the boundaries close in and it's like well are you but but really it's it's all on the response from theal it's it's it's up to him it's up to him whether or not he um applies himself the best possible way now that that that's not cookie cutter that's not be that's not doing it like a Dylan Edwards it's not doing it like a Greg englas it's doing it a way to get the best out of the trail I just hope that the driver is still there to do it and there seems to be a lot of off field distraction if he gets the drive back and that internal will to win like Sals will be in a good spot but if he if he doesn't it'll likely just be more of the same yeah and hopefully we don't lose him the game because he's such a talent like he's an unbelievable player when he's firing so but also I use that word influencer like he's a big influencer on the game and there's so much good outside the game and he and he and unfortunately doesn't get enough probably enough credit for the work that he does in the community like underprivileged Community as well at that he gives his great greatest commodity which is his time you know maybe maybe he just needs to be a fraction more selfish and and put that on hold as much as that would hurt and as much as he as much as he cares about that for the betterment of his football career maybe he needs to be be selfish yeah in in his approach to to football potentially speaking of football we we should talk a bit of footy because there is there so much happening and the Premiership race this year has really gotten exciting now with Nathan clear's um shoulder injury I don't buy that he's going to be good for finals by the way why would you ly if few opponent could coaches lie all the time why wouldn't they they always lie about injuries yeah and they want to keep the they want to keep a little bit of Hope there maybe but would you be would you be not best lying The Premiership Race the other way and saying he's gone and then all of a sudden he's back oh could that be yeah yeah yeah well maybe they just don't want maybe they want to keep morale in the group yeah or would the group always know the truth about his injury oh I don't know with with a player like this well because it' likely get out yeah just thinking on wrestling like how would it good would it be if like Nathan clear's ruled out and then just all of a sudden like when Stone Cold comes back it's like oh my God back for the final um just actually what's going to be your intro if you do wrestle have you thought about your song or you going to still work that out no that that's that's yeah I've I've only just thought I've only just said let's get it on Charlie yeah look the the Cleary one is they're not over reliant on him but he's a he's a very special player now can they win three big games without him that's the question mark that is the question I think they can definitely win one maybe two but they're going to need him in a moment just like happened on Thursday so the last moment of that game penth get a penalty they need a two-point field goal to send the game into golden point they go to Edwards and he yeah he he was close but no cigar it was going it was going right over the black dot just like three M four M short I'm not going to insult him by saying like he missed the B it but but it just needed a little bit more clearly in all likelihood nails that we've seen him do it a number of times now um so they're going to need a play like that from a big game player they've already proven they can win big games without him for example at Alliance I think the worry is him coming back underdone and if he defends where he defends end like there's some scary back rows in the competition faced up being kryon it's not his first shouldering as well yes it's a different shoulder but but he's he's vulnerable yeah he's in all likely if he does come back he's going to need surgery in the offseason yeah and it was funny we we we we spoke with Demitri and he spoke about how if you can keep your body intact it it's fine but then when you re if you reach that's when you you put yourself in a vulnerable position but if you actually look back at the the incident he wasn't in an exposed position that was what was so bizarre about Josh King just slightly tightened and then it's he's obviously just got his shoulder was in a position where he tightened and again look Nathan clear's running game is is the is the threat but if he runs and someone catches him you telling me they're not going to squeeze that little bit harder they're not going to you know you'd Happ give away a penalty as as harsh as this is and as almost wrong and IM immoral as this is if you're down there and you get him you could concede a penalty for holding on for longer you know not releasing The Tackle but you're going to be in there and you're going to be squeezing you're going to be hoping for something to just go because then your opportunity and your chance to advance into finals has just gone up yeah it's like what we were talking about a couple weeks ago in the Super League where they were targeting that injured player and yeah it's and there was backlash for it's like like no every Club every play is going to be thinking that every coach is going to be thinking that like the what it has made though it's really tighten up the Premiership odds so you've got now the storm and the Panthers are both on about $340 on lad brokes and then you've got um roosters at 440 when I checked earlier today um do you reckon it is that three-way race or can you see a couple others getting in because because one of the teams that we're not really talking about a heap and especially on the bar we haven't really spoken about is Manley and they've beaten the storm they've beaten the roosters they've beaten penrith like that's good on their resume they've got the points in them to to match it with anyone and they've got the evidence that they that they can compete with these teams and that's that's what you need you know like when the coach is delivering the message about like we we can beat these well sometimes you might be going well it's all right for you to say coach but we haven't in ages or we've not looked like anywhere near them manly have manly have and with some genuine superstars in their game like Tommy trbovic and the strike of allatu on an edge um Cola who's absolutely rapid sa they've got finishers in them um Le's another like explosive outside back theyve found they've got plenty of points it's just whether or not they can do it for three or four weeks at the back end when the pressure comes but they've got you know people like dce that have been around the block and obviously knows his way out to do it Tommy who's super experienced so they'll be leaning on Jake who's a magnificent um Captain of New South Wales despite him not playing long minutes he he does something to a team yeah so yeah man I think it it you looking at it Charlie you could say look penrith um Melbourne roosters people got all of three race but but you know what it's not because penth have have looked obviously now very much more vulnerable with with Nathan um Melbourne I know they're top but they they they yet to play anywhere near their best football which is a good thing but also well why not already like why haven't we peaked yet why haven't we seen the storm Peak and I think that they're they're slightly vulner well not even slightly vulnerable I think they are vulnerable do you worry that they've got another gear that they can go to like even monster he just like in that game last Thursday looked back to his best or like creeping up towards back to his best he was unbelievable in that game he like yeah theyve got another to go to Danger they do but then why haven't they why have they been waiting and obviously moner's a big part of that I think looking at that game against penth um I'd go well you know from the penth side of things you go well the first try shouldn't have been a try was obstruction y true we're missing senson and we're missing Martin y to your two starting Edge back Edwards and fish Harris first game back from a long layoff so yeah they they they got the win um the the the penalty to get the win was dubious the late hit um you know like e even um the the tries that they scored where they isolated um Brian totto and warb you get well we need to probably do something like yeah you know they're not going to get that same advantage against some other teams yeah so that that's just assessing that one game but Melbourne across the the previous 25 rounds they they look vulnerable yes they've got Gears and we can talk them up then you got the roosters they've got the big story of like Jared Joey um Ki sui all moving on so they've got a big narrative but again at different points they've looked vulnerable so I think your Manley are in the mixer I think your dogs are in the mixer and I think I think I don't want to put a line through Kola man they've got Hind to come back but I know they just I don't they should have lost to the knights probably I know they should have Charlie if you can't beat the knights I know but I just I reckon there's a penny to drop and sometimes that's what you need you just need and I've been dogs in 14 we just needed a pen we needed to hit bottom and then bounce back off and that could be the Sharks this year you know what I worry about The Roosters I there's just something missing when you watch them from 1 to 17 their roster is unbelievable they have got probably the best roster in the in the game with the amount of star plays they have in like pretty much every position the depth they have it's incredible but when they come up against the storm and the Panthers they just don't look like they're at the same level as those two teams be great to have them in the final though just for us on a personal level oh absolutely follow cheese along yeah yeah just jam and cheese on the Monday before he have to still do it he'd H have to have to we'll go to him yeah come onese we need you mate yeah we should have put that in the contract really shouldn't we we should have yeah although yeah the contract might have run out though cuz it was probably just a one year it was a one-year deal probably just a rolling just yeah just a rolling schedule you know he was pretty um tamed last time when they won the grand finals where he didn't celebrate that hard Champion are you thinking after it I'm thinking The Bu oh yeah of course we'll do it before I'm thinking after mad talking about the buildup week oh yeah man he'll do that he's a company man yeah or the after one no you can't expect them to do that um back to Manley as well Manley can still make the top four CU they've got the Sharks the final round of the season I actually think they're more likely to make the top four than the doggies and people have been talking about the doggies making it it's this weekend that matters cuz the dragons have the Sharks if the Sharks lose it really opens the door the Sharks need to lose to yeah and then have manly all the dogs win all three yeah correct that's what they need to do right yeah based on four yeah so are the sharks going to lose too I think they could lose this weekend against the dragons yeah I'm I'm not opposed that but then and then they they got the then they got Manley at Brookie final round of the Season yeah it's possible it's possible but then manle have got the dogs as well yeah exactly so it's kind of in but then they've got it the they're all tough games can you win three I don't know either way it's it's either way it is EXC it is exciting the dogs though like everybody talking a lot about their defense the best defense in the competition which put you in the frame I don't care what name is attached to that stat that put you in the frame and their attack is getting a lot better but one of the things that's impressed me most about them this season I was actually doing some thinking while I was away in bunder it wasn't just a was just there to to run and drink funny you said actually just back to bunder cuz I was actually with um Amy Goggins who works at Triple M today yeah and she actually um sat in front of you guys on the plane and you were like oh Josh was so loose getting this out of celebrating but apparently you were right there with him cracking every 15 seconds 15 minutes on the plane back and then I'm I'm also right in saying that you guys were doing announcements on the intercom as well no no that was Josh but you were encouraging was encouraging him to pretend you pretend you were good I I was I was very well behaved but Josh was I was like man just ask if we can do an announcement and then you say this about our favorite Bulldog of all time Fred zalo and also you um was it a plane where you apparently on the plane they didn't allocate seating you just sort of go where where you want uh yeah it was a charted flight yeah yeah interesting uh no what has impressed me about the dogs is yeah I was doing some thinking about what they've achieved so far this year and like without Ryan Sutton without Carl olaru who combined together would be probably a million dollars on the salary cap Sutton and Carl yeah [ __ ] that's big money for those two well would be I get ol he was like signed the potential yeah 500 Grand a year maybe but Sutton's on 500 Grand a year I can he be on at least four yeah and I think Carl might be on a bit more than all right okay yeah wellow so there's a mill a million gone injuries they injuries maing Max King like and Carl and Ryan have both been up for the whole season and sometimes like you know clubs will go oh we we've had this injury crisis or this percentage of our cap is unavailable but the dogs haven't use that and I think as well sorry not just that having that million dollars but then they went for takaho that didn't come off yeah there's some more money what four five and then I think they still had cap space available as well yeah so they they're operating with conservatively 1.5 yeah very 1.5 to 1.8 yeah like of cap either not available or not being us at this stage of the Season though most clubs are yeah they are but most have inj most have a handful of injuries by now but but some use that as a more of an excuse and they've not had that but they've not had that year do you know what I mean some some have had it sporadically across the season they've not had this all year all season yeah so I think that's what gives me confidence that this isn't just a sugar hit year that they're going to build for the next couple of season it's an incredible job s's done are the Panthers your Premiership favorites still do you know what you you I've put me off course with this Cleary thing and I know you speak to people and I'm like I wonder what harlee maybe secretly knows all he's said um yeah the it's it well it depends you don't need to have spoken to people though to see Nathan clear's reaction on Thursday and that is not the reaction of a man who's going to be out for two to four weeks no it's not is it you're right now something yesterday would come out that he might not be right for week one of finals it's the story that's just going to keep on going yeah it it's not going to end no do you know what's crazy though it it it depends gone sorry I reckon without clear they're still favorites against the roosters week one of finals at penth I reckon they're still favorites and I reckon they beat the roosters week one of finals without Nathan cley I tell you what if they don't if they don't beat if this is how it pans out and because can the roosters jump them I think uh no I don't think so I think they can yeah cuz they're for and against is quite good is it so if if if they get well they're only one win behind but I think the panthers run home is very soft like I'll just I'll just run you through it it's Raiders I know this week and then the week after they've got the bunnies another very easy game and then the final round of the season the Titans which yeah what would they be playing for they're nothing yeah yeah um that first game against the roosters if if the roosters get them and then they go over to the other side of the draw so they'd have to go to Melbourne after playing and well if they win and then they go to Mel yeah oh that's going to be strap yourself in yeah it's going to be an amazing final Series yeah it it is it is just as well on the dogs um talking about that they they were one win from four they lost to two of the bottom three to start the season yeah they'll be regretting those losses and they almost were they almost going to be on the same points of the Sharks unfortunately the Sharks beat the nights guess we'll see let's get stuck into the round preview hey great round of footy coming up Thursday night starts with a Tigers against Manley um Heath Mason last week he was he was great in his debut I thought he kind of was him and J gray was almost like a mirror they sort of moved the same they looked the same of the headgear um do you think Manley are getting no just going to have too much Firepower they should do yeah yeah like they should do that look Tigers will be stoked with that result and Round 25 Preview obviously they're fighting not to win the spoon but I think they're saving their fight for two weeks time I think they got the buy next week they've got the buy next week and then it's the B SP fingers crossed if parata win that ruins it they've got param have the Broncos this weekend and the dragons after if they lose those too that's all we need cuz we need the wooden spring C Campell Town 6 p.m. last game of the season it will sell out yeah we we need we need that that game will sell out it's it's two like tigers v e was battling for the spoon it well it should sell out yeah cuz you you need your support in tough times yeah yeah I think oh but then with that with that week off next week Tigers might just go lawn short they w't actually what am I trying who am I trying to kid can't get a kid you can't K A K it no manly all the way all right and then Friday night 6 o00 game Warriors at home to the doggies Sean Johnson it's his last NRL game in New Zealand um they're calling the the stadium I think sha Johnson Stadium for the game um legend of the game but are the doggies going to have too much I'm worried about this I'm really worried about this game lot of emotion there emotion and a lot of travel for the dogs which is no excuse and they won't look for excuses they're a very professional outfit like I love how you always say it about the dogs you're like what you make an excuse for them and then you cavey it by saying they won't make any excuses just you just did it you just did it for the salary cap oh Mak EXC they had Carlow out it's not it's not about it's not about him it's about it's about the the contract value of him yeah yeah and Ryan s all like right yeah but Ryan St and Carl Olan it's not exact it's it's a monetary value of about a million dollars but they probably wouldn't even make the team right now if they were fit no they wouldn't but still so anyway you are making excuses for the dogs I'm I'm a bit worried about this game yep but I think the dogss will get a very narrow Victory geez it was a good game last time they played Warriors would be pissed off about that but I dogs have got them yeah I think the Warriors might win this game I think they I think it be a good game anyway Friday night oh you just Ed the word they might win ah oh you just said they might win that's they will win they will win the Warriors will win uh Friday night the late game Broncos eels um to must win for the Broncos it's all over for them if they lose but it's all over for them anyway I'm not having this they're still in it's gone no Walsh no M no no ma no h uh I'm going to go Broncos you still you don't what you think 12 is not going to be enough you think the dragon's going to get to 13 uh I just don't I I don't know if the Broncos are going to beat the Dolphins and I don't know if they're G if the storm are going to rest I even even if the storm do rest I don't trust this Broncos team with the players that got out to get the win but when Bellamy rests he doesn't just like rest he rests like everyone like in that you're still going to have top 30 players yeah of course he'll have a handful but like he'll have probably no penous no monster no Hughes no Grant I love far Longo which uh yeah like he's still going to have a decent team it's not bad is it yeah yeah all right and and the I reckon Dolphins beat Broncos next week yeah I can see that happening I I genuinely think they do it depends again obviously the Bron the Dolphins have one like two out of 12 though or something yeah they've fallen off a cliff completely and Jerry Marshall King if they lose this week will they even will they bring him back I know he's talked that he might play next week I don't know if they'll risk him no I'm going to go Broncos this one all right uh Saturday Raiders against the Panthers Panthers first claim without clear Raiders Ricky Stewart I think called uh he hammered them in the press conference after that do you reckon we'll see a response or the panther is going to be too strong it's a awful opposition to try and get a response against isn't it no no they'll try their best I reckon it could be close Raiders have a a funny thing like they they go to Melbourne and like they fight tooth and nail and they've got that about them they just can't they don't seem to be able to do it for long enough um sustainably uh Panthers for me uh the 530 game Melbourne storm against the Dolphins um I mean obviously it was a big game for the storm but they've had a long time since that game on Thursday nday turnaround are they just going to be too strong for the Dolphins yeah it's in mbour isn't yeah melbour they'll I I think they'll win and win very comfortably Bunny's Knights must win for the knights have you seen also um the stuff with Adam O'Brien the clause in his contract that Michael Cham broke today so if he um if the knights finish 13th or lower his the final year of his deal doesn't kick in so 2027 that year on his deal gets wiped what the if that happens this year yeah he's got the performance Clause if they finish 13 I it's a r it's a random one isn't it because like why is 13th okay it's like surely like it should be top eight performance CLA not like well you finished 13th sorry you finished 12th Bravo finish you could finish like really they could finish 12th on points differential by like 10 yeah it's a it's a strange one is it claw yeah jeez there's some you know um funny ones getting around he's managed by Isaac Moses and I was producing a podcast earlier today and um one of the journalists Danny widler and Michael chamus they were saying that he now manages I think six coaches in the NRL which is that's that's a almost a monopoly isn't it to have that large a chunk of it uh yeah and that was just the six they could name off the Dome like I mean if you're he's a fantastic manager obviously he gets amazing deals for for everyone he works it but that seems like a huge chunk to have yeah it it it is a lot um then the late game are we cover that Knights for you Jimmy Knights bunnies did you tip them I didn't but I will good great to know Titans roosters is you going to be there in the goldie for this one I sure am Charlie I'm looking forward to actually um the Titans they've I'm I'm thinking plenty of points in this one I was going to do this one for my same game multi but I'm going to save it for the um sharks and all the Sharks game rather so you got the ruers winning that don't know this one this is a scary one I might I'm I want of the Titans oh huge all right then final game match of the round Dragon sharks the Derby Jack buron the har he was really good on the weekend um who do you like I like the dragons um I like the unders on the total points which is currently 48 and a half and I like Zack LX to score at any time which is currently playing paying $641 all right nice I like it I like some upsets on the Sunday yep sounds good the dragons also by the way they're in they may be in for clink Guth now which is interesting they obviously just picked up Val Holmes uh but they could still be in for Clint gths the only worry is they might like it depends on how they can manage their C with all this because they're also looking at guys like re and Campbell Gillard and Daniel Citi but supposedly they're not going for Cory horber anymore Wonder we goth play for him probably fullback I mean if you got Sloan or gotho you pick gotho fullback wouldn't you not necessarily well you play play him in the play him in the centers well they've got suly is Holmes going to play in the wing don't know for Zach don't know that two pilato's actually done really well he's really good he's big body his character yeah I actually really I was a bit unsure yeah but he's got his way in he kept rabela out which he honestly he his what the role he played that was it last Sunday against the Titans those carries he was taking the second half they were getting no meters at all and he had those runs that just took them out of trouble you could AR if T Pat doesn't play last week I don't think the dragons win because they were they were under the C and he was giving them all their momentum in their sets he was the only one who really really being able to bend the line at all but now I I I think the the the dragons should win it's obviously another emotional game for flano it's um is that cgra or is that win win oh it's that win yeah okay yeah they tend to play well there apart from the last time they played against p and they didn't play that well against the Titans either but anyway that's probably that's probably done looking forward to the wind sock yeah the wind be G nuts G mental live show as well if you haven't already comment on the Instagram post Instagram post yes and running out of time to enter for that I think as well yeah so get on the jog going to be a good show as well Peter Sterling's going to be there locked in locked in it's going to be a um food drinks everything included it's going to be some great rubby League tales and also um I'm hoping the cheese is probably going to be there as well because the roosters are looking like AR and Panthers roosters will be the Friday night NRL game which means cheese will come hang out Saturday 14th September sounds good Charlie all right well we'll see everyone soon on The Bu round on The Bu round yeah thanks for listening everyone much appreciate

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