"Finals Preview" - Mad Monday Full Podcast

Chris Key joins Manaia Stewart to go deep into this week's NRL news as Josh Addo Carr makes headlines for all the wrong reasons [Music] H good day there and welcome back to the Mad Monday podcast uh brought to you as always by 4 and20 Pi's first podcast for this week out on a Thursday uh we thought we'd save it up for the finals preview my name is Tino fasur manawi and I am joined by 20124 players Player of the Year Aden F key good afternoon key good I didn't realize I'd won that awesome congratulations Man well it's been a big um it's been a massive year and to be honest I think I have sort of carried us in the middle there yeah oh for sure um it's noticeable when you go off the podcast you know we sort of we go off the boil for a little bit yeah we tend to lead in a lot of tries that's right sort of around halfway through the podcast there's also like you know rumors going around that uh while I am quite good I do bring a toxic energy maybe to the changing room um and I just like to say I don't give a [ __ ] I'm off to another podcast next year so I don't even care yeah well there was that time where we won the game and we came in to celebrate and sing the team song and you [ __ ] off um out to some other podcast or something yeah that's right while we were all singing the team the podcast song yeah but I don't care I pretty much carried you guys there so you guys can go sing your little song if you want but all I care about is winning yeah 100% um speaking of winning and look this could be um an early Crow we're on a TV show um tonight it's called game of two halves you heard of it the ACC does what was your first question when you uh when you heard game of two halves is coming back uh where is Matthew Ridge and Mark Ellis oh yeah but I know the answer to that question yeah you can't afford Mark Ellis and Matthew Ridge no one knows where he is I think he was in the office the other day he was in the office the other day it was very weird yeah yeah um cuz he owns obviously I don't know if he still does CFE in Green Lane the car grooming company there yeah I was just out there yesterday is he still there didn't see him but it's just right next to the pork pork there's a weird little Supermarket area around there pork and then there's a sushi joint right next to it would you buy sushi from the place next to pork probably not um anyway yeah so that is debuting tonight depending on when you're listening to this uh Thursday night 8:30 p.m. on Sky open which is the one on Freeview so if you have Freeview if you can watch any TV on on your TV you have that otherwise if you got Sky I think it's on sky sport one or well if you're listening to a NRL podcast I can only assume you have sky so you can watch yeah um so go on Sky Go if you're free letting off your parents account or something like that or sky sport now if that's what you use 8:30 tonight how are you feeling about being part of your first ever TV show yeah good um pretty exciting well it's pretty low stakes as well because I already know the the feedback for the first episode is going to be where's matthew rid and Markell that's the funny thing about so what does it what does it matter what we're going to do out there well one thing Laura came in and I know you've been wheeled around every station chatting with Laura been doing the car wash yeah yeah they call it the car wash uh you've been right through you've been on every station she was on our show on haki and I asked her I was like do you feel and I want to know if you feel this do you feel a genuine responsibility to make sure the show is funny no why why not I do oh you do because I'm so sick of all these rehashes and people are bringing [ __ ] back nowadays they've run out of ideas not that this is the situation they've run out of ideas they're rebooting 80s sitcoms like making sequels to movies that should just be left alone and that all [ __ ] yeah and I don't want this to be another one of those well if you go well no but the thing is people are going to and if you listen to this you would have watched probably SP uh Sports Cafe and gameer two hours back in the day it's never going to be the same it's not the other part of it is you only remember uh the good parts of it like you only remember the and all of it but if you went back and watched an episode you'd be like oh there were a few more misses than there were hits in this which and the reason we say that is because we were sent all the old episodes and I watched about maybe five yeah uh just in the background and I was like there were very funny moments in it but it was very much of its time a lot of people talking over the top of one another and yelling and stuff so there's going to be a bit of that tonight as well yeah of course there is but I do feel a responsibility to make sure it it's funny because when I think of old shows from when I was younger Rose tinted glasses I remember them being 500% funnier than they actually were and I just want to make sure no one Tunes in goes this is [ __ ] they should have left it alone well I reckon you've really opened yourself up to people that listen to this podcast giving you raw honest feedback about whether you were funny or not on the show but if you want to make your own judgments about that it's on tonight 8:30 p.m. as we said I'm sure there'll be some sort of um on demand thing about it as well and we don't have any rugby league guests on this week we got Joey wheeler Michaela blide and Kane's on our team me and you and then Matt Heath is the captain of the other team so yeah tune into that but look let's talk about some actual National Rugby League because despite the fact that our Warriors aren't in um it still goes on I want to through some of the headlines here but before I do have you heard anything about the Warriors Mad Monday so they had their prize giving on Sunday night no so they've gone full zero dark yeah I presume they went into Mad Monday straight afterwards yes which and we've talked about this before uh we were informed by a former Warrior that basically it's on the I think they do it on the Sunday oh so when was the awards night Sunday Sunday so on the Monday they all uh are picked up by Vans their phones are taken off them are Usher it away and then at any point if anyone wants to go home there are drivers ready to take players home it's a full lockdown situation yeah the the apparently the drivers are like just idling out in the car park and they've got a full team sheet with their addresses on it so they don't even need to talk to you that's right you just getting the back of the Uber and it's just like yep sweet and if you try and tell them a different address they say n I'm dropping you off at this address I've got right here that's right I'm under struct instruction by the way the doors are locked you can't get out the kitty locks on um and I mean this was sort of a 10 years ago type explanation of how they handle it but I haven't heard anything from a Warriors Mad Monday no in a long time that's right so they've got it on lockdown yeah um it is a bit sad that they can't just be out in the wild I talked about this with Lane on the agenda podcast I think last week he said he he got involved in uh Warriors Mad Monday one year down at the Vu he said AR guten Bill L his pubes on fire his pubes or aran's pubes aen lit his own pubes on fire right now have a guess if Mike Lane turned around and then lit his own pubes on fire what of course J Lane did of course he did um but and I do I just missed that part of it I mean I missed it because I was too young but I just wish that you know we we ruined it with all the cameras and filming people 100% you know it would be awesome if you were just like [ __ ] did we ruin it not us or did the NL players ruin it obviously by filming one another and [ __ ] but also doing a lot of pretty messed up stuff oh but yeah look as long as no one's getting hurt I feel like they should be able to do it out in public but that's exactly why there's too many phones so everyone's going to record everything that's right um and I suppose that leads us straight seamlessly into the first and biggest headline in the NRL this week Josh adoc car pulled over submitted to a random drug test um across uh all the state I think of Victoria They carried out 10,000 of these like random drug tests on the roadside they caught 400 people allegedly one of them was Josh adoc cat right the news story comes out oh he's tested positive for drugs at a a cocaine on a roadside drug test then Phil good comes out and says no he hasn't there's absolutely no truth to that at all okay F go tied up with the club then the another new story comes out from the police saying now he actually did test positive now they're testing a second sample then there's story saying the second sample was clean it was hot it wasn't uh and now in the long short of it is he stood himself down for week one of the finals which okay the police isn't going to go out on a Lim and say no he did test positive for cocaine why would the police be lying you know what I mean no that he tested positive for cocaine you know also if he was definitely innocent he like what the hell I'm definitely playing this weekend he stood himself down apparently to um what was it so that the team could concentrate and so it wouldn't be a distraction how much of a huge blowout is it you go to the Bulldogs who haven't been in the finals in like almost a decade I think it's about eight years yeah you're one of the Marquee signings you're the leader in the group you're the guy in the backs that really chirs and gets everyone running you're in charge of the boom box at oh you're a charge of the boom box you know um he probably lead the team song I would say absolutely let's trop boys and then do the team song that's his role yeah he's coming he's come from the Melbourne storm and just as they finally make the finals he gets tested uh positive for drugs bro he had a week off so he played in the second last game then he had like a minor ankle twinge and so he's like I'm out for this week you couldn't have just like one week you couldn't have given it a brother when we finish throw your phone into the ocean and go helpfully whatever you want to do go for it and throw your nose into an ocean of cocaine but right now just have a week off maybe have a few beers it's just such a blowout it's such an own goal it's the most rugby league [ __ ] of all time it really is so I'm a bit like I'm not a huge Bulldogs fan they might be my second team this year but that was such a blowout from Josh shok car yeah they are my second team for this year um and just because of all the offield stuff I think we've talked about it on this podcast before but uh there's riots in the street when the Bulldogs win at the moment that's right fans are kind of punishing yeah they're they're flipping cars and I they would be but I don't live over in Sydney I don't know too much about you know the area or whatever I just love that people are getting this fired up for rugby league so I want them to to make a deep run this is the most rugby league owned goal of all time to now miss that if they lose this week and get knocked out of the finals like that's how their season finished which and we're going to get to this uh in a wee bit is it's up in the a wow 100% especially after last week's game yeah it could go either way so yeah Josh Ed what a massive massive own goal classic rugby league off field Scandal um and like on the I can't remember what podcast I was on the other day we compared it to I don't know if you follow the NFL but no Tyreek Hill who's like the number one wide receiver you know um he got pulled over in a black Ferrari on the way to the game for a speeding violation the cops pulled him out and like basically threw him on the ground there was a bit of like police brutality blah blah blah and all he did was a speeding viol which I actually haven't seen whether they gave him the ticket or not right Josh car got let go what he tested positive for cocaine Aussie like back in my wow well in that case he mustn't have had too much in a system or no I think it was like he did it on the weekend and then it showed up in his system you know what I mean okay it's just so yeah not to just go on and on and on about it but on the one hand you've got like just wait until the end of the season but then on the other hand you've got part of what makes him one of the greatest uh NRL players going around at the moment is that he's nuts is that he runet nut he runs the boom box he's very memeable he seems like a real life is that part of what makes him who he is I don't know anyway he's out uh for round one of the finals as is Adam G who refereed the Grand Final last year and I think it's important that we give him his flowers because the Grand Final last year was widely heralded as like one of the best officiated games of rugby league ever wasn't it well they said it yeah they said it was the best officiated game of rugby league since I think there was a game in the early 2000s that they compared it to and I was like that was the last time a game was there and it was because he was willing to overlook a few things and keep it free flowing yeah which meant for the first time in a long time people actually are rallying around a referee you instead of just bagging the [ __ ] out of them yeah I know and so I think it's important to to bring it up but I wrote down a note in here I just wanted to know is this news that a referee is not refereeing this week I think it is too because there's four games there's four Rifts that they clearly think are better than him yeah you know what I mean like so is he the fifth best ref I don't I don't think so yeah is he a touchy for any of these games probably I don't know I don't know are they resisting him is he in the bunker maybe they're resisting him because they want him for the Grand Final I don't know I think it is um I think it is news but I also don't think we are qualified to speak on refering you know we can talk about rugby league all we do is slag off the roof that's right uh so maybe Warriors supporter put a head out on him oh perhaps he's hiding yeah he's cooling down for a week maybe he stood himself down after a roadside test we don't know we don't know all of the facts um did you see that Tom trov has put a book out man you've printed off the run sheet here with a photo of the book cover this is literally the first time I've seen or heard anything about it same here I just came across it on Reddit this morning when I was um deep in real yeah the turbo pup by Tom trbovich it's got a picture of a dog on front of it it is in manly colors as well makes no reference too manly so if he ever leaves the club he can still keep selling this book what percentage of the National Rugby League do you think can read that well it's a kids book so I'm going to say 60% um it's written with Fiona Harris and illustrated by Shane MCG it wasn't written with her it was written by her um and just the comments on social media around this have been excellent apparently he reads it to Jake and Ben when he tucks him up in bed Jake Jake gives it to two thumbs up and someone else said I went to try and buy this this morning and tore my hamstring and I can't finish it for 6 to8 weeks it' be funny if they release another one called the gerbo pup which is just a sort of a Mankey looking pug and then part three the B pug a pup pug um B Pub well good on Tom trich I like the idea of diversifying yeah um and it's not often that uh literature and rugby league go hand in hand No in fact never um so available in all good bookstores I reckon uh you might even find yourself a bargain in the old Bargain Bin I suspect let's take a quick break and we'll come back and talk a little bit of Warriors before we get into the awards Then the fellas debate the perfect strategy to fix the Warriors for 2025.before wrapping up with a preview of the first weekend of the Finals! and I want to break down all of the awards that were dished out on Sunday night um Stacy Perot took to the Mad Monday mters group um and posted this which I thought we could talk about without wanting to touch up the corpse too much the one thing we must do next year is get a regular lineup kicker of quality we had five games with the winning margin was under four and we missed two to three conversions in each with an accuracy rating of between 25 and 67 if we had a kicker in the regular lineup with an accuracy of 75% or better we'd be playing the Cowboys this week wow we used four kickers this season SJ was the best and he's gone Pomp's the next most accurate but he will struggle to hold a spot meta has an accuracy of 75% this season so if he doesn't snap in half again or loses spot then perhaps he is it note CHT is awesome at so many things but perhaps better at writing about kicking than actually having to do it um I really appreciated this I do agree I think m is probably the answer what I know the answer what's the answer do you want to know do you want the answers to the exam right now yes T toi at fullback at fullback chance at Center and the the funny thing about this is If Shawn was fully healthy we wouldn't be having this discussion he would have kicked all season he would his confidence would be up yeah um and it wouldn't have been an issue I think there's a good point about M half and his injuries as well the issue was every week we had a different freaking kicker yeah it was just so disrupted but still when I think clutch and I think Warriors no one comes to M other than tane toy who slaughtered the field goal from the sideline to beat the Panthers at Magic round the dude is 12 years old he's already so clutch he is it's just such a you hate him hey no I don't hate him you hate his guts I just think if you've got Roger to vasik and CH n CL there in the centers wa it's like the roosters have Joey mano yeah but they also have Tesco yeah who's one of the greatest fullbacks ever but like potentially delm but it's it's keano Kenny for the Titans yeah AJ brion's there but they use they're trying to figure out where to put AJ brimson because keny is such a young awesome Talent yeah like our both centers and both Wingers could be big ball running guys so that we could have a really elusive fast running fullback that just so happens to be really clutch and a really good kicker I don't know this is my theory it is going to be hard to fit someone in but I actually this is the first um research I've ever actually done for a podcast but I sat down and crunched the numbers I went through every game I've even put a spreadsheet on the bottom of the rundown so is that what this m Microsoft EXL type situation is here that's Google Sheets is what that is yeah so I went through and I put all of the uh results from the year uh from the warriors uh and then I went through and recalculated the results the scores for if we made every single conversion that we attempted which isn't a fair step because the other team may have missed them as well so I went through all of the scores for the Warriors games and then adjusted them for everyone made every kick all year for and against the Warriors right so it changed so we finished the season 10 1 and 13 that one draw against the sea eagles at the start of the year that wasn't enough points to get through into the uh finals if every team if us and our opponents made all of our kicks we would have finished 12 2 and 10 so two more wins one extra uh uh draw two more wins one extra draw which would have us finishing on 32 points which was good enough for the eight which is similar to what Stacy Perot was saying in the M Monday Ms group so it is our kicking that lad us down so what you're saying is that if we kicked 100% all season and our opponents did as well that we still would have come eighth we would have made the top eight yeah we'd be in the finals we finished like 14th or 15th yeah but you'd have to kick I know yes that's so it is it is and we've known this too that we God our kicking has been woeful this season yes but everyone said that's why we're on the top eight I was like is it so I crunched the numbers it is it [ __ ] is but if you if the opponent uh only kicked their you know what they actually kicked in real life and we made all of our kicks we'd be like sixth yeah right so um the solution take the post off the field I've said this for a long time kicking's a completely different game than rugby league just make it about score and tries yeah yeah if if we invented rugby league tomorrow we would not put posts on the field so my my solution there is take the post off the pitch for the sios that want to know we would have run won the round six draw with Manley uh and we would have the golden Point losses against the Bulldogs and the Dolphins uh would have been draws those would have been those two draws right okay um I just still think it's funny that even if we kick a 100% of our goals we still just come eighth like it's it's been a quite a bad season so that the terrible goal kicking certainly has not helped no it's yeah it is the only difference between us making the eight or not though but I feel yeah I feel like if you did that to another team it would be like we would be third you know what I mean but for us it's just making the E I don't know that's like I six positions jumped up the table just because of one portion of the game which I don't feel like should be part of the game cuz the try is called a try because he get to try and con try and convert it right so literally when they started this game they built the whole thing around kicking goals yeah because it was soccer and someone picked the ball up and ran with it yeah and then they were like how's this going to work well hang on why don't we extend the post blah blah blah I don't know I just think I don't know if it didn't exist I don't think we'd we'd invent it yeah take the post I'm starting the petition now take the post off the field I'm going start a t to picky petition yeah well be interesting to see who's got more luck with that one uh 2024 uh Warriors Awards it was the night of nights on Sunday night they dashed out all of their annual Club Awards I think it's a bit presumptive that they scheduled this before the playoffs every year and last year was the first time that we saw this happen and we're like hang on a second they had their night of nights and then they had to play week one of the playoffs against the knights last year let's schedule it for the end of the season but every team has done every team does that yeah I think um I think big dick move next year schedule it after the Grand Final like we're going to be busy deep into October so we we'll have our Awards night after that anyway uh the Awards read thle and I'll run them past you you tell me if you disagree with any of them Simon mannering medal uh Mitchell Barnett that's that's basically Player of the Year MVP basically yeah 100% agree Mitch Barnett has had a career year with the Warriors which isn't something we thought we'd say last year when he came in had that neck injury potentially retiring gry surgery can't kick goals anymore like a pretty he was at the Knights I think before he came here like a pretty okay back R for the knights and he's come here and he was one of the best players in the entire game until the warriors were no longer in the running and they started massively limiting his minutes um he was he's been excellent but effective in the minutes that he was out there I I think for the Simon Ming middle there's Mitch Barnett daylight Shan Johnson and then anyone else I think to be honest and only because it was Sean's last season yeah but I think um yeah Simon mening middle no one would disagree with Mitch bar and also I know it's it's named after Simon maning but it is just the of the Season yes but he embodies everything that he's very much a Simon maning type player and like the one game where we got absolutely embarrassed that 60 something 66-6 game against the Gold Coast Titans he wasn't playing he was in the um squad for New South Wales yeah so um I can't disagree with that now do you agree with this one the NRL players player Aden fua Blake I do agree with it he was he when he was on the field ball in hand he was our most most devast and effective player he made not that many mistakes a few drop balls and things but he's the most consistent he was one of our only ways to actually open like we really struggled with attack this year and him charging through and getting an offload away or a quick play of the ball was probably our most effective line of attack I think there's one other thing at play here who the [ __ ] wants to vote against Adan F Blake in that I had a picture of him holding like the club manager up against a wall and saying I better get win this prize which one of you didn't vote for me I agree let's give him the medal and then he'll be leaving next year take it with you uh NRL Clubman of the year I don't really know exactly what this means but Luke mov won that one so just a guy who spent a lot of time around the club he is a great guy he's really friendly fell he's been on this podcast before and he was um excellent he was sitting out in the foer when I asked uh jez Tanga how his rehab was going and he wasn't in rehab yeah as soon as I came out got a spray from Li M like what the [ __ ] was that man have you not done any research yeah yeah was he joking yeah yeah he was joking um but it was good it sort of it actually relieved my uh some of my nerves so yeah he is the Clubman of the Year NRL rookie of the year now this one could have gone many different ways I think but I do think it ended up in the right hands this is Jacob laan yep no his uh this season was certainly a season for great debuts and promising young Talent who are going to be playing for us for the foreseeable future uh a few of those other players that were coming through y Lia Haler and um Al of course was great but Demitri Cula yes um and then you had Z who came on um and had a barn stor of a game after we got pumped I think laan was the most consistent his very first game I still remember he came off the bench and I was instantly like this guy is a beast I love him I still remember him having I was thinking this is one of the best debus I've seen in a long time yeah and then and he had a good run there in the middle of the Season he had a great run um whereas a couple of those other guys they had a real shocker one game where they missed a crapload of tackles and drop the ball heaps so Jacob La most consistent and to be honest I think they everyone who debuted for us great crop um oh really great absolutely it's going to be a bright future yeah 100% and the final award uh was the one New Zealand People's Choice people got to vote on this one everyone voted for much Barnet can't argue against that either um actually I just thought of someone who could also be in the running for the Simon mannering middle and the one New Zealand People's Choice who's it chance n clar oh every game he he runs so hard he makes so many tackles he plays with so much heart he is like the Mitch Barnett of the backline the backline yeah and you want to replace him with t no I want him in at Center so Hees to do as much work man and he's so good with his hands and being a link man I'm hearing you want to Second him you want to tear his contract give him his little middle his People's Choice mdle and Sack him um and just to whip through the New South Wales C team it was small ground TOA just won everything oh really like best player blah um all right let's take one more quick break when we come back we're going to preview the finals as four games we're going to have a quick whip through there and then blast a hunch into the tab app off the back of that we'll be right back four games in round one uh and they Plus, the TAB Hunch read thly the first game storm versus the Sharks uh this is not in chronological order so this will be very confusing for you at home but this is based off ranking so the St cuz I'm we're looking at the I have to see the image of how the playoffs work work in the NRL every year to understand yeah abut I know it's I know it's easy and someone will be rolling their eyes listening to this but I just mathematically in my head I have to look at it storm vers sharks that's 1 V4 that's 1 V4 it's the minor Premier I mean it has to be the storm doesn't it oh look the Sharks the sharks have this neck for upsetting for really like I go big on the Sharks losing against a team like a Panthers or something and somehow they can pull out wins against tough teams for example um did you know that they haven't lost a single game this season while playing in the daytime and this game is at daytime I did not know that no so the sharks are really good at playing on a dry track well it's not super it's 6:00 p.m. here but it's 400 p.m. over in Australia um they Melbourne have only won one of their last five games in the finals so they've been knocked out of the finals three years in a row in the first round pretty much okay um didn't they win four years ago yeah and then since then they won one of their past five final games yeah um yeah but yeah it's just like I don't think it's going to be as comprehensive as we think it is going to be even though the storm of the miner Premier is my personal opinion I I do just think and I know we we pay him a bit of lip service I think Jerome Hughes despite the fact that he's probably front runner for delm may even still be underrated you know when we look at massive uh halves like gamebreaking halves often we put bits on just because they've got a dude on their team I've been spanking money on the cows just cuz of Tommy Deen yeah right you know and like teams have these gangster harves I mean [ __ ] the Sharks you know with NOCO hints people have been doing that for a couple of years now as well well and he's he's yeah he's a shell of his former self um and Hughes is it like he's the guy he is the guy what the guy who had a hatrick in two tries last week or something um I think if they can limit Hughes I think Melbourne's defense isn't like if you you just run through Nick meany and will W Brook still is still learning to play rugby league like I think he is a promising player great finisher great finisher but [ __ ] he is still like figuring out where he needs to be on defense and things like that so I think there are gaps and also daytime the shark backline is electric when it gets going okay you think sharks no I I think storm will win but I think it's going to be a close game by the way for our tab hunch this week let's uh put this together in real time let's pick a winner from each of the games uh so I'm going to add storm to the B slip but I do think that it's going to be a good game yeah uh to watch the next one in fact if I had to put a hunch on it would be whoever's going up against wbr so War bricks on the right side which would be m talor is that's who I would bet on to score a try but Melbourne to win would be a nice little one to I think okay um just my spit born here uh so the next game on our list is five plays eight that's the Cowboys verse the knights it's actually the last game of the round this is very confusing no not at all uh anyway Cowboys V Knights the knights would it surprise you to know that they are $35 Outsiders I think it it like the Cowboys flip a coin are they going to play amazing or are they going to play [ __ ] yeah but I think they starting to get a bit of a roll on heading into this and I think the knights really struggle to they're not the nights of last season where ponga would come on link up and Greg Marie would score a hatrick in the corner every week nine games in a row yeah it's just I think they struggling a bit than nights to actually generate points whereas the Cowboys are coming into their own um I think the Cowboys are going to win that one okay we'll check the Cowboys into the bit slip there ah look like this one it's these are the ones that if the multi is going to be blown it's going to be these this game or the Bulldog seagull this one is just like does ponga go Super Saiyan that's right or not and I don't know I mean this the same thing I was talking about with Hughes it's just like are you beating on the Superstar being too good for the other team um I think Pongo will go Super Saiyan but they need him to be super saiyan like level two yeah right even three with the long here yeah is that absolutely yeah that's three yeah and what's the one with they like full red here all over them at four four is when they go black here and then get weird red sort of monkey skin yeah yeah you're right um oh look I I don't know well these are the ones that going to bust open the Mel I was kns right up until I saw the $35 hey man don't be a sheep man trust your gut what's the point of having a gut if you can't trust it well I just I don't know $3 is a scary amount anyway uh let's go to the next one Bulldogs versus sea eagles and this is actually the last game of the round we're doing it second last this one's the closest at the tab canb bankstown Bulldogs $195 manly seagull $187 this one genuinely for me is a coin toss but I did I did say I'm throwing my hat in the ring with the canbury bankstown Bulldogs as my secondary team I want to see them go deep into the season the Josh adast St SCS the P out of me going into this game what about the fact that a couple of weeks ago the seagull beat the Bulldogs 3422 yeah on the 30th of August which was two rounds ago I no h what about the fact that St I don't think Steven kryon was playing for that game uh what about the fact that Tom turbo is out and now writing kids books like that I feel like the SE Eagles can SK still score a lot of points their backline still has these super fast guns with daily Cherry Evans in the middle but no Tom turbo I also think the SE Eagles through the middle have just got a stronger for pack like it's this yeah it's a real toss of the coin can the I think that the game's actually been played in um where is this one it is on Sunday Stadium Australia so it's in Sydney so Bulldogs home turf I don't know is uh I'm gonna say Bulldogs I'm gonna say Bulldogs see my vibe says manly but go with your gut CU you're the anchor okay I'm anchoring this bit you're the team captain and I uh and then the last game of our multi which is the first game of the round which is the Panthers versus The Roosters I think Panthers yeah yeah I just think Sam Walker and Brandon Smith acl's last week they will be scrambling The Roosters the Panthers have been so far off the boil lately though as well the Panthers EDS yeah sorry Edwards injured Clary back but he'll be rusty he will be very Rusty I wonder if they've rushed them as well uh the Panthers have been CL clunky as you mentioned the roosters know Sam Walker that's huge they're going change the whole way they kind of play yeah uh because he's been such a massive part of it they've still got guys like Joey Manu James tedisco they also lost Brandon Smith they got Ki there as well who like he's a pretty freaking good player yeah um D young dong yam's got I think penth will win this I also think we'll get a glimpse of penth clicking into um finals mode well it's experience isn't it it is they've won nine straight we always finals games for some reason I think most people just think about the Panthers as Nathan clear yeah I know we were just talking about superstars being the whole reason you place Bits on but I feel like um they are more than that and I don't think that that you know and also the experience thing they've been there that many times do you want James fiser Harris coming to the Warriors having won again or do you want him coming to the Warriors pissed off that he didn't get to win one last time with the Panthers having one again I think you reckon you don't want him like annoyed and desperate to win another one with the Warriors No I want him to walk in and for all of those young guys to be like [ __ ] every time he's walked onto a field in the National Rugby League he has won the competition in the last four years so I think yeah I think that's where I'm going to go so if we just looking back on it Melbourne storm uh Cowboys Bulldogs Panthers you multi those all up that's paying $489 we put $100 uh bonus cash on that thanks to our mates at the tab and that's paying $489 so we'll place that one on there now and it's also just a great way to keep yourself interested in the first round of the playoffs when the Warriors aren't there well to be honest the this week just gone um I had a uh sort of purge week where I just went full the Warriors are done yeah the finals are starting soon I don't really care who makes that last you know so I just didn't watch the NRL I didn't listen to any podcast I went full like we cuz I'm about to go straight into finals mode which is going to be a pretty intense month yeah and you're in finals mode now you're looking at it man yeah hell in finals mode man it's crazy all right and if you want to see Chris K finals mode on the TV you can tune in again to that show ACC does gameer 2 8:30 p.m. Thursday night sky Open sky sport one and we'll be back next week for another episode of the M Monday podcast he Che man [Music] [Music]

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