I Drove a $1 Car from England to EURO 24

can I drive a 1B car 500 M from the UK to Germany to watch England win their opening game of Euro 2024 well that is what we're going to find out now you're probably wondering why well like every football loving kid I dreamt of winning a game with my national team at a major tournament but the only issue was I wasn't good enough so if I can see England winning a major tournament for the first time it'll be as close as I get to fulfilling my dream as for the 1 pound car bit well my mate bet me that I couldn't do it and I like to prove people wrong now the game is in 7 days so my first task is to find a1 car which is proving really difficult as we need a car that actually runs and is road legal as we've not got time to fix it everything I'm finding is either really expensive or doesn't even run I'm not giving up I've got some good news and some bad news I have found a car but it is horrific it's already been in the garage cuz when I bought it had a flat tire and whilst it's in there the mechanic noticed something which is very worrying like really worrying I'll tell you about that a minute let's check it [Music] out and that's just the outside the inside is full of more treats like stains dirt hairs that I don't even want to know where they've come from and mold yeah it is really really rank guys oh God I need to have a shower just for looking at it 166,000 mil she's done a few trips in her time there is one positive though the electric Windows still work so this is what the mechanic pointed out was a bit of an issue so this is an air intake valve apparently where the engine gets air which helps it go that is a massive split in it and he said that will give us a loss of power so I don't know how fast this is actually going to go I don't know if that's going to break further I don't know if we can get it repaired all right so that's a worry I know nothing about cars I don't know if that he could the mechanic couldn't fix it there and there and obviously he didn't have any time cuz we have to leave but yeah I'm worried this won't even get me home I'm not going to lie let alone Ross to Germany tomorrow so that was the plan leave on Thursday give me 3 days to make my way across Europe to get to the game on time for Sunday evening cuz I don't want to miss it cuz I've just bought three tickets for £2,000 yes I'm not doing this trip alone oh he's coming he that it oh my god let's go all right guys come and let me show you the Beast you have the England flag obviously for mua we have a Polish flag for Patrick we have a Portuguese flag for Fran just in case anyone isn't aware we're going to Euro 2024 see that massive Dent there oh prepare yourself for the Roar of the engine I don't want to rev it cuz I'm worried it will break the time had come to set off on our journey our only goal for today is to make it to DOA by 10 p.m. so we can get the last ferry over to Cal in France now it's a 220 M Journey which Google's saying will take 4 and 1/ half hours but we need to factor in rush out traffic potential breakdowns And the fact I don't even know how fast this car will even go oh boys I'm going to pull in for a quick coffee I need my Starbucks I need my starbu we need to be in do in like 5 6 hours and you are stopping you know Starbucks Patrick hasn't said a word about the we she just left grumpy Patrick so with my coffee in hand we actually made our way and the first hour went pretty smoothly oh they're doing my absolute nothing is that noise not annoying you this one yeah I've got a little confession to make guys it was actually impossible to get a1 car because you can scrap even this will scrap for about 150 so I have to pay 300 but I'm confident with the modifications I've made that I've devalued it to1 or maybe even zero that's $1 that's one yeah honestly that is that's worth more than a pound that's what I'm saying you could scrap that for about 400 quid and that's why you can't buy even that it's melted it's still worth more than a pound in today's world I've got that off my chest and the car has made it 70 M Spirits are [Music] high competition is always good what you hear that yeah that's us that's us that legitimately sounds like the exhaust is star to Rattle so it's really rusty under there that is good luckily the car managed to hold it together I just wish I could say the same for Fran I need to PE like I I I can handle it but you're that guy aren't you five every 5 minutes I need a Wii could have gone for we in there as I drive F come on don't worry we've got we've got an empty bottles okay yeah yeah to be fair it's no different than being stood next to each other in a urinal though is it really no well as long as you're talking about a we it's not how am I going to poo in this oh it's a poo I didn't know that stop no no it's we it's just we can we please stop on this one go on then I need a Wii as well actually ah okay nice bladder's emptied coffe Acquired and it was back on the road 2 hours to go it looks like we're going to make it it's b a coffee cup that's sticky oh it's from oh it's from that thing I don't want to oh mate it's sticky cuz it's been in the cup holders all look at my leg I wondered why my leg was all sticky oh dude got oh that tickles oh it's oh it's on the ster whe careful careful do anything think that's come off the steering wheel are you touching I've been eating food with these hands and stuff 1 hour to do Patrick's fast asleep and the windscreen wipers are still doing my head in 23 minutes away from over why have I lost power oh no yeah I I've got no power we've just found out she doesn't like Hills we made it to DOA we are in plenty of time for the final Ferry might even make the earlier one if this queue goes down a bit quicker so we're going to get our passports in and get on the ferry can't believe nobody's farted in the car yet oh we haven't broken that barrier yet no we haven't do by the end of the trip we'll be playing guest the [Music] fart we're on the ferry and I'm a little bit concerned because my cars at home have got electric handbrakes so I haven't got to do anything this car does not have an electric handbrake and I don't remember remember putting it on so I just panicked as we started moving I tried going down to check and the doors are locked so if the hur's not on it's going to be smashing all over the place if a car was bashing around they'd see it right surely I'm in Ser I'm generally worried I put hbre on cuz it's flat when you pull in I like I'm honestly the moment of truth is the car still in one piece there she is should have never doubted myself we made it to Cal for the day wasn't over because we couldn't find our hotel we got completely lost took us 45 minutes before we eventually found it and it was time to get some rest good morning from France we are well slept well fed coffeed up and ready for day two it's a shorter trip today about 100 miles it should take about 2 and 1/2 hours from Cal to gent and we just want to get there in time to watch The Opening match of the Euros but it's not going to be that simple because I asked my mom to set us some to Tas that we have to complete before we sit down and watch the game so my mom would like us to visit a football stadium try a national dish of France touch the ocean try Belgium chocolate you can tell this is my mom and we have to make the game on time because if you don't do all these things you have to sleep in the car tonight no we get we better get a move [Music] on right let go this go let's go bye Patrick right FR let's find this ocean [Music] mate oh no we're going to have Sandy feet for the rest of the journey I hate Sandy feet I don't want it getting in my shoes we were on one of those fairies there look Irish fery that's what we were on yesterday it smells so bad H there's like green sludge a this is rank Mom this is my wave this is my Ocean First Time ask complete done let's go it's cold and it smells oh I me I've been a bit of a drama queen there's not that much standing my you at all yeah drama queen Sorry video all edited all first challenge complete next up we wanted to find a football stadium we researched some in Cal but they're all really small we want to go to a proper stadium so we decided to take a little detour to visit Le hey I should have beep shouldn't I I'm so bad at get to be I L I literally am so bad for me that's too late it's the moment has gone I just instantly put my thumb up now you can beep oh it's gone again two of us are beeping no you beeping completed life we are arriving to the little Stadium let's go look at that that's the stadium right there Patrick's coming this time cuz Fran has to look after the stuff in the car really nice Stadium though it looks really the Caton Arena I'd love it if we could go inside unfortunately we couldn't go inside but it's an incredible Stadium it holds 50,000 people maybe I should come back and watch a game sometime that is the second challenge completed by friends next up I think we're going to have to try snails you ever tried snails never no did you no it's raining let's get back to the car as we're running back to the car Fran is has been busy researching where we can get snails that looks minion yeah that looks wrong I am not looking forward to this snails here we come by any chance do we have snails to to try snails esot she went on to inform us that in northern France snails are not actually the traditional dish it's something called a Welsh but we promised you snails so snails is what we found beautiful Mery if I'm going to eat these it's only fair that you like the video and subscribe right now right you take it first then you tell us what it's like boom you chew or swallow oh no that's not a good sign is it look at his poor little face no it's right yeah oh my God it's hard to get out is it it's coming it's coming it's coming that is a big juicy [Music] one I'm not going to lie I no it tastes like my back Garden [Music] oh thanks Mom after that we wanted some proper food so we had to wander around Le which is a beautiful city and then tried a Welsh wow look at that it was delicious dinner has been destroyed it's time to find some dessert in the form of expensive Belgium chocolate oh we got to go to Belgium first I thought we're in Belgium for a minute so we set off for a 45m journey to gent in Belgium we've got just over 2 hours to find some really EXP expensive chocolate and somewhere to watch the game otherwise we're sleeping in the car I know you're L flipping it come on man what the hell he just came and didn't even try going in front if it wasn't for me turning he would have gone into the side of me every car is like white gray silver or black look yeah it's sad in the other side of the road look they're all white gray silver black but what color is your car blue it's just around the corner not yet now we are in Belgium we're in belgi that's the that's the where's the police we're in Gent we have got 1 hour till kick off now we have researched that it should be an expensive chocolate shop a few minutes away so fingers crossed we can get that done and get to the game now I need to tell you a secret I'm a little bit worried about this because whenever I've had expensive chocolate in the past it ain't that good and I prefer just a normal bar chocolate you get down the shop so we'll see if this is any different they do sh I don't give up look at that this is the chocolate we're going to go and have a look at wow hello good morning what's kind of the most expensive chocolate you have expensive the most expensive chocolate um either going to be the truffles or the Macadamia over here we'll take some of the truffles please thank you very much have a nice day you too thank you it's your time Aroma it literally smells like um cocoa powder you're going to put in hot chocolate oh my god oh it's good it literally melts in the mouth it's quite it's quite it's quite dark chocolate though task four complete and if my mom's very lucky I might even save one of these but we have got about 45 minutes to try and find somewhere to watch the game guess what it's raining Fran hasn't got surprise surprise surprise surprise soon as an English person steps on a country soil it starts to rain ah 20 minutes to spare loads of time all challenges completed so all that was left to do was to enjoy the game where Scotland got thrashed find a hotel and get some rest morning we're in Belgium things are going very well so far fingers crossed we're actually going to make it I haven't just spent £2,000 on tickets that we don't use plan for today we're going to travel 100 miles from gent into the Netherlands and einhoven to catch the Spain versus Gracia game which is in 5 hours time but as you know it's never that easy because before we can leave Belgium we've got to complete three tasks one of which is finding the biggest tourist attraction in Belgium which is some form of Castle I don't know the name because I'm really uncultured but that's where we're walking right now hey look there it is there's the castle hang on a minute that I ain't queueing in that not for a castle I never said we had to go inside so it counts for our next challenge we've got to find a football pitch and hit the crossbar before we do anything else we all decided we need coffee come on in Betty yep I've just decided I'm going to call her Betty let's go Betty which way we going okay so we're outside of Anor we have need to find a pitch we're not allowed to use Google cuz that would just be cheating we're running out of time cuz we've got 2 hours 45 minutes until kickoff we're an hour away from einhoven and we got to complete this and we have to then go and find the five logos [Music] oh wait wait wait there a pitch yeah but can we get in there there was only one way to find out there's a pitch but it's got fences around it oh that looks like a school I'm not climbing over I definitely don't want to get arrested cuz we will miss the game we could just go and ask but they probably won't allow us nice shot so we gave up and headed back to the car oh no no no no don't go in the road don't go the road don't go the road oh my God you know how nervous I was so it was back to our search why does Belgium not have any football pitches we've been looking for 30 minutes there's it goals there's goals there's goals there's goals there's goals are we going to be able to get in there that's the biggest thing oh my god oh my god let's go let's go let's go we going have to be really quick a that was in the nuts God deal with it that really hurt left one caught straight away oh my days oh get a ball somebody have a pop I'll stay here come on Fran we are running out top that it's terrible they're going to come out any second crossbar baby no I haven't got my boots on yeah that's excuses excus yeah let's go watch this it's I do back to back crossbar back to back crossbar no now we've got to find five real life football logos before we can cross the border for example wolves badge it's a wolf we've just got to find an image a statue or something of a wolf and that counts let's get out of here before we get in trouble I just spotted an easy one actually I didn't spot it Fran spotted it that is a forest not Forest badge has trees on it and they are trees so that is one tick to four more to go but I can't actually think of any other logos what we need like birds with lions hammers so we decided to chance here and just head towards the Netherlands and hope that we can spot some logos along the way oh jeez I'm in first gear I nearly drove into the wall we have got 1 hour 50 minutes and it's a 1 hour 10minute drive car perso yeah what's that on front of the perso is that a lion I think it's a lion I think that's a lion Chelsea have got a lion right so we found another one if perso is a lion we're going to have to V that the lion lion it's a lion too done too done let's go so as we search for more logos I got the tiniest little feeling that Patrick might be getting a bit fed up this car is so un uncomfortable I yeah I can't me to so to cheer them both up I showed them my first ever YouTube video from about 7 years ago andell all so as promised um birthday this weekend so I thought why not just open 10 50k P oh my God I'm down to cringe right now right we need to get some fuel and if we're lucky we might be able to find some of these logos in the shops we ah honestly that's about the 20th time today oh my god look yes good spot Fran that is a b b is for brenford that's our third logo found I got an idea in a shop they must sell Red Bull Li Zig badge has two blls on it doesn't it like it's almost identical look that's two balls right yeah boom that is like pretty that should look it literally oh it Red Bull likes are they sponsored by Red Bull yeah are they what they makes sense [Music] dinosaurs Crown I think we can have that can't we Real Madrid's got a crown that's a crown I think that counts personally I just want to eat him to be honest we're allowed to leave the country but we're going to get some food first and probably a coffee oh jeez 55 minutes and we got about 20 minutes half an hour to get there so still time for a coffee so we made our way back to Betty crossed the border into the Netherlands found ourselves a hotel and enjoyed the game it's been a long day and I think it's catching up with all of us but the Euros have started well loads of goals we've seen Germany win we've seen Spain win we've seen Italy win and tomorrow I am praying that we see England win and obviously that we get there but I'm confident on Betty time to get some rest before the big day good morning Betty she's absolutely rank oh no so we set off for the final day of our journey Betty's just got to make it 100 miles to gson kirchen in Germany and then it's all down to England oh they're going to check us you know that yeah we're getting checked I told you I told you passport from all of you driver's license and the of the C yeah that's that are we don't really have papers for the car because it's um so I only bought the car just before we left cuz this is I'm a YouTuber we're doing it for YouTu video they couldn't understand why I didn't have papers for a car that I literally bought 3 days ago but after a very nervous 10-minute wait they did let us into Germany which meant we could make our way to gson kirchen ready this is the last Hill and then your journey is done oh where are we going to park boys this is a mess jeez if you spot a space tell me all right bet you're going to make the final turn into a space I done it wrong wa Betty well done we made it in a1 car now it's just down to England right ow I can't believe it again so we left Betty alone but safe as we headed to the fan Zone to soak up the atmosphere and have some [Music] fun fan Zone complete and now heading into the game I'm really excited about this I'm just praying the England win so it's on to the shuttle bus which was absolutely [Applause] buzzing I am feeling up for this game I cannot wait to get into the stadium but of course there's always time for food first which was cut short when somebody told us that the Serbian Hooligans were coming towards us I don't want any of that so we quickly made our way into the stadium this stadium is absolutely crazy I can't believe that four days ago this was just a dream and now I'm actually here singing the National [Applause] Anthem I never said I knew the words 3 2 1 let's go I'm fully aware that you already know the adult in this game but I don't and I'm really nervous so nervous in fact that I completely missed Bellingham scoring in the 13th minute and to be honest that was as good as it got for the first half England were pretty disappointing and the second half didn't change much either I'm getting more nervous the closer Serbia keep getting to score it luckily after 90 stressful [Applause] minutes I actually got to watch my country win a game at a major tournament and I can't believe that we drove here in a one car it has been an incredible journey and I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did there's just two things left to do you have to subscribe to the channel and we have to drive Betty all the way home [Music]

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