Kenan & Kel | Episode 47 | Cult Classic Society

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 01:12:46 Category: Entertainment

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[Applause] hello and welcome to cult classic Society for those who don't know I go by the name of Bobby and my compadre here likes to be referred to as Timothy how you doing Tim I'm good Bobby I'm good at time with recording this all in weekend so I am really excited about that looking forward to some rasling what's your what's your like most anticipated match on that card o oh I mean will LPR versus mjf will be good obviously it'll be good they just announced a coffin match with uh Jack Perry and Derby Allen that should be fun although I have a sneaking suspicion and it'll even be because this comes out off the day after all in I could be wrong or could be right I've Got a Feeling our friend meloku maybe appearing in The Gauntlet whatever they call it Casino gaet gaet yes that isn't that's not inside your info I don't know I've just got a feeling I've got a feeling too and I'm not going to speculate further because dollar don't want to try don't to be proven wrong but I I am really excited about the main event of um swerve and Danielson oh yes yes do you think Danielson is retiring in London oh no no Dynasty is happening in Washington he's losing the title to the hangman page that's my prediction that's your prediction e enough about aw and the big weekend we've got coming up we are here to talk about the one and only key and K a bit of late '90s Nickelodeon Nostalgia for your all to pump into your veins Tim we discussed it a little bit at the end of the last episode but what what is your knowledge of Kean and kill how much Kean and kill have you watched in your life not as much as um I should have or what for it started before I was even born so that kind of made it a bit hard baby yeah make me watch it um obviously it's all Clips here and there the obvious one of being who loves orange soda um watch Good Burger so I was familiar with those two as a comedy pair in um but really I just knew more about Keenan obviously for his work in SNL yes I'd say if you're going to take their work separately Keenan's done a little bit more than Kell yeah he also in the Ducks yes he is yes and I think I mentioned this at the end of the last episode he recently went on one of the late night shows Kimmel or one of those ones and showed off the new Ducks jersey with Russ Tyler his name from his characters's name on the back of it right so I asked you to watch four episodes not they're not well we're going to watch them in the chronological order as in the order they were released but they are not episode 1 2 three and four of ke and Kell they are no they are not no although I will say this some websites have them in different orders yeah yeah so we're going to start with series one either episode two or four depending on who you ask um it's called the tainting of the screw which is obviously a a take on famous Shakespeare play Tim go on is it t Taming of the Shrew The Taming of the Shrew oh Tim look at you bringing back that GCSE English knowledge wait Tam the was never done in my gcss H it's all about Romeo and Juliet Baby Oh I thought you about to say you didn't do your GCS okay it would explain a lot wouldn't it yeah it would it would I'm not doing my GCS I'm going to sit and watch horror in a dark room which you got to do for a level I suppose so yeah actually yeah did you like my impression of you as well I thought it was pretty good yeah it was it was very accurate so that iconic intro it's not as well known so again you might be too young for this and my wife who's only a couple of years younger than me but the intro to The Fresh Prince of balair is Iconic right loads of people my age loads of Millennials know every word to it and it gets played in clubs it used to get played in clubs at Unis all the time right they played it on my proms yeah there you go do you know the words to that one um not the extended freem minute version no but they're just the main you know the yeah yeah everyone knows that yeah and I think this themes song for Kean and kill should be ranked with that kind of theme song with this song with um life is unfair the malcol the middle theme you know those ones that are iconic and catchy everyone knows the words so the friends one as well yes the friends one friends one might even be top of the list although I feel like Millennials seem to to gravitate more to uh yeah that that does get played at clubs though doesn't it you are right the yeah what what's the band called I actually don't remember H it'll come back to me in a minute song is called I'll be there for you the REM Brands I'll be there for you yeah yeah that does get played as well and it gets obviously the you know all the Clapping all that [ __ ] right yes so amazing theme song did you spot who the singer was did you know who the singer was Coolio it's [ __ ] Coolio and he invites us and actually he tells us to go get all our home boys and home girls cuz it's time for Kean and kill and they'll keep us laughing in the afternoon so you don't touch that dial or leave the room right Tim right right I I I only know the one Coolio song okay the one that everyone knows well I'm demanding you go back and watch Kenan and kill over and over again until you know it the skits at the beginning of K and Kell are like a staple from episode one all the way to the end so it is recorded in front of a live shudio audience in that American sitcom although British sitcoms do it as well but very common in America and we get to see kind of how they warm up the crowd which is done when you go to a TV recording but you don't get to see it on TV but they actually show you some of it which I think is really cool it's a really cool it kind of was very unique to this show I think I can't think of another show that does it yeah so it not in the sense of it being the comedy but remind me of the AF tcock show that was in front of audience was it no it wasn't it was like the same thing with a red curtain come out and be like int basically setting up what the show was going to be about honestly my main knowledge of that comes from a different TV show and you know exactly what that TV show is we mentioned it nearly every episode we're not we're not saying the name what's funny is Tim to send you the link so we can record today I've got my WhatsApp open on my computer screen and there is genuinely the logo for that show in our chat for like from like six messages ago oh we're we're dos aren we oh we fairness that that was cuz it was a British only thing I had to send you that one we um I was about to say we we're dos but we do this podcast so clearly we're [ __ ] dos we get what's really funny so ke Keenan comes out and we get one random memory of the audience be like where's K but she's [ __ ] awful she's not R she's got they've gone does anyone from the audience want to do a bit and she's gone I'll do it I did uh like Grade School drama yeah she was [ __ ] awful she didn't get a job after this no no Kell comes out in some fishing gear and for some reason he has a tuna and Keenan gets obsessed with the tuna that Kell's bought out and he gives him an idea for the episode and we get the kind of long-standing joke that is's at the beginning of every episode where Kean walks off saying he's got some kind of plan and Kell's like no don't do it don't do it and this one is Kean don't be thinking about me and tuna man and what is the the classic line Tim you probably is in all four of these episodes we watch is it every episode it starts basically every show after the skip would you believe that I did I never no to noted it down once oh my God it's he does it twice an episode minimum one at the beginning one at the end Kell says a here it goes and then he chases after Keenan shockingly yet I I know up a bunch of lines in this like in every episode that was the one quote I never wrote down uh yeah it's in a different episode I don't think it's in one of the ones we watched or is it no it is in one of the ones we watched later on it's in the it's in the last episode we watched cuz it's on a t-shirt at the end yeah Keenan's parents are having breakfast and Kell comes in and scares the crap out of Roger that's keen's dad Mr roore yeah he bursted from the back yes who is actually a who's actually a horror main stay actually is he really yeah he's been in um Texas chainel Mas 3 and the Rob Zombie and a bunch of Rob Zombie movies what are your opinion on the Rob Zombie movies because I hear mixed things um yeah they're very hit and miss I would say um his Halloween remak actually pretty decent I'm just not a fan of the devil rejects movies okay fair enough they're the ones I've had the mixed yeah the mixed reviews about it's the second one that's like the worst which is a lot which is f that's probably a controversial opinion from me a lot of people love it but I hate it fair so Kel scares the crap out of Roger spills coffee all over himself and and then Kell comes like hey you got coffee all over yourself thus we you already get the established relationship between Kell and Roger rore it's yeah a it's like a main stay it's almost again like there's always seems to be a main stay in sitcoms of like the two leag characters they go to one of the leag characters houses and the other one's parents don't like the other character it's a pretty solid way to put I say it reminds me of um jazz and Uncle Jeff from um Fresh Prince Uncle Phil Uncle Phil that's the name yeah sh he's Shredder Yeah Yeah from the 80s um T from English HS yeah yes he is he is the Shredder the boys are going to watch a Bulls game and they start messing around with a tomato as if it's a bull and K Kell slam dunks it on Roger this is 98 this is still when Jordan was P the Bulls right yeah it would have been in that 9 hot streak where I think they won like every NBA title or nearly every NBA title in the '90s they're a bit like at the same times that was going on so I think they had um know Scotty Pippen and other people like really big players it's the same time man united had like David Beckham Paul skulls Ryan gigs basically at the same time there were two like massive sports franchises either side of the pond who all play in red owning that sport because of the kind of the depth they had on their team I think this is the nerd of me because I'm just realizing the time just came out this probably would to B their last dance t or the Last Dance game season or the season right before it 96 was a it right no it was later because um during that tour is when Rodman was part of NWO oh of course and he stopped showing up for practices yeah yeah uh the rmes are going to take their keen's parents are going to take their aunt to hospital because apparently she's got all puffy whatever that means but they leave Kenan some tuna to eat and He makes himself a tuna and mustard sandwich which sounds disgusting even more so because it's American mustard and that's kind of sweet like ketchup oh oh yeah you know you've had American mustard it's the stuff that gets put in Burgers the yellow sauce that gets put in Burgers oh yeah McDonald's use it and stuff that's American mustard that doesn't seem like like English or French mustard seems like it might go with tuna a bit more yeah I mean very still disgusting but Keenan runs into the living room to check if the game is started and he says [ __ ] the game he doesn't say [ __ ] it's a Nickelodean show he screams at the game stting and tells Kell to bring his sandwich Keenan and Kell try to predict the game Kell copies Keenan's score Keenan looks really annoyed like you can't copy my score he starts to choke on his sandwich and Kel's first response is are you hungry yeah K performs the high lck maneuver and Keenan real after it works Keenan realizes that it was a screw that got stuck in his throat we take a trip to Keenan's workplace rig's the grocery store and we meet his boss Chris now Chris reminds me of another character from the TV show we said we weren't going to mention but [ __ ] it who do you think I've got written as the character so Chris who is your REM mind it's it can't be M house no no how remind you of Skinner yeah I don't know why he just always has reminded me of see skner it might be the haircut it might be yeah I think this first episode he's got the long hair right but then after that it becomes the short cropped white skinners on yeah Kell steals some Mor soda essentially this happens a lot in the show he's like just starts drinking and Chris you going to pay for for that Kenan tells a story about a woman finding half a frog in her Fried Chicken what does Kell ask what did he ask he says that says where was the other half and Chris just says try not to speak Keenan asks if they're thinking what he is and Kell suggests that he's thinking they should find the other half of the Frog Keenan's going to sue the tuna company Luna tuna but Kell briefly tries to tell him not to do it he's like no don't don't don't don't try to see then but Keenan just shushes him and he's like he's going to do it Keenan then has a fantasy about winning $10 million in this lawsuit yeah this fantasy scene is so good because it's such like I think there's like a little Gap more than a year between each season recording and they aged quite a bit here they are still clearly quite young and it just feels like a proper teenagers fantasy he's streaming up boxing his party from out of space yeah and so but what's funny about it is he's got he's got now $10 million but for some reason they're still in their family home now don't get me wrong I know this is because they don't want to pay for another set but at the same time it is funny and he's given like 10K to each of his friends and then Chris is a waiter for some reason and he tips him a dollar Keenan gives his parents 100,000 to buy a boat and he's got a $1.2 million stereo system yeah I wrote he's probably already spent all the money in that in that dream I mean if he only got $10 million that's a tenth of his over a tenth of his money on over 10% of his money on a stereo system yeah Kell to Mel's dream about being rich it's just surrounded by ham of half on a table just gorging on lots of ham and just just got H H and then Kon says you're sick he goes I enjoy hams this is funny though CU I know this is early on in the first thing but they've clearly already established that he likes orange soda I think I think if this was Series 2 that would have been orange soda well I mean there's a joke about that in the later episode yeah Keenan holds a press conference in the shop for some reason again saving on a set I suppose he says that he has post tuna stress disorder they demonstrate this because Kell shows him a can of tuna and he freaks the [ __ ] out yeah he also has nightmares and the Jitters and the heebie jeebies which he acts out all in different ways yeah this is a great bit so we see kind of through the series if you're going to go physical comedy kills your man oh yeah but Keenan there great bit of like silly acting physical stuff cuz Keenan you know he'll masterfully deliver a punch line but Kell is definitely the the better physical comedian but he does he does that he hits it a bit as well so after they see Keenan freaking out the people in The Press confence go you should sue for 20 million goes nah I don't want to be too greedy um yes he's there's a smug look on his face when he says that as well yeah someone's like oh yeah I see you Keenan I'm watching you Keenan gets a phone call whilst he's working it's from Luna tuna and they wanted they wanted to come do for a meeting to see about an offer see if they could not have the court case Keenan comes in and he's like I've come to see what it is you are offering they offer him a lifetime supply of tuna and Kell's like take it and Keenan's like what so I can choke on more screws they offer him a thousand he says no they offer him 5,000 he says no he goes to leave they offer him a million and Kell makes them also throw in the lifetime supply of Juna yeah and he still says no says see you in court and like there's a moment here when you realize what happens at the end you realize why Kell tries to stop him going for the lawsuit he then tries to make Kean take this offer yeah and there a you'll obviously we'll get to it fairly quickly they are fairly short episodes they're about 19 20 minutes each Keenan goes on a rant and he says look man Luna tuna was guilty of improper tuna canning which led to my personal pain distress and Aquatic fever and general tuna induced discomfort because of you I'm now paranoid I'm traumatized and I'm fishop phobic now I demand 10 million and what do you got to say about that and they throw them out and again I know we've talked about the frh Sprint a lot but they throw them both out like Uncle Phil throws out jazz jazz yeah yeah Keenan and kill practice being in courau in Keenan's room and I love this scene this is did you make any notes on this scene cuz this is brilliant I don't I think the line the monkey should be next to each other so yeah they've lined up Keenan's teddies and stuffed toys as the jury and Kell's just concerned about where they sat and the best line is you just said Kel says I don't think the monkey and the lion should be sat next to each other so Keenan throws the monkey Kell Kell says that's jury tampering and of all he's so dumb and sometimes he like on it if if the punch Line's right Kell is there they go over the day and all at first all Kel can remember is dunking the Tomato on Roger yes and we cut to hours later you know it's hours CU they've got two open pizza boxes orange soda and Keenan looks exhausted but Kell finally gets it he's like what happened on that afternoon he's like Keenan had a shoter sandwich was it a happy time and he goes no no they think they've got it down and they celebrate in court Keenan represents himself and to be fair you know he's holding that courtroom walks around he knows what he's doing yeah shows the empty tunic can and the screw Keenan calls Kell as his witness and Kell immediately looks back towards the door yeah and he realizes it's him gets up and the bayth follows Kell and he gets so upset yeah he's like why you follow up what's up they swear an oath you so in American Court you you raise your hand you swear tell the whole truth whatever and he you swear to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth and Kell and it looks like the bay is going to go through him but Keenan kind of steps in the way and Kell for some reason does like a crane kick stance like arms up like Karate Kids yeah proper Keenan ask Kell what happens and this is where it all breaks down the iconic L there he repeats over and over again come him I want your best delivery as well it was me I dropped the screw he just I can't imitate him because I he go drop the screw in the Jun cuz he goes insane he just start like flailing around he like jumps into the judge's box he like lands on the floor at ke's feet being like oh we're still boys right we're still boys I love you and what I love is you can see Keenan breaking yeah so this is what I mean about Kell's physical comedy he's unreal I love it so much and what I love is at the start of it when he misss him you see the Luna tuna people smile but then as he's breaking down more and more they look more concerned like oh dear we broke him we've broke this child [ __ ] it's so you're all right the the the way the atmosphere changes there's like shock from everyone else apart from them who are like smug and everyone just looks concerned like he like drags himself along the floor and up Keenan's leg you're right like Keenan has like this corner smile he trying not to laugh at him I wonder how many takes that took for ke for Keenan to not laugh God I want to see that the bloopers of that oh I wish I wish there was I wonder if there is anywhere they are I'll get back to you if if there's bloopers there will be a cut here and my screen will be here but Tim's screen will disappear and there might be some clips or something back on the stage at the end so we as we began we an Kenan wants to find out wants to find another can of tuna with something in it and he's had Kell open like hundreds of can of tuna and he's just like of [ __ ] and then ke Ken says I got a better idea come on and what do Kell Kell drops that line that you couldn't remember Tim a here goes and follows him out and that is Kean and Kell the tainting of the screw what did you think it's a really really good like episode this is the the reveal like it's mean I'm not going to say oh pred it's a nickeloden show but just the way Kel sells it it's just incredible I I think this episode that I dropped the screw in the tuner is such an iconic line that isn't one of the main stay lines it isn't who loves orange soda it isn't oh here it goes but or isn't why which is Keenan's one it's but that is the one a lot of people my age anyway remember yeah to the point where friends of mine um who are both stand-ups actually but also did some other writing together they wanted to they jokily said about writing a script for Keenan and Kell where they end up in prison and at some point Kell accidentally knocks one of the prison guards into a vat of tuna I would not and he goes I dropped the screw in the tuna yeah so that's like it's it's in our vernacular as as Millennials I think yeah for sure so jumping on to another episod Ditch Day Afternoon another film referencing the title come on Tim Dog Day Afternoon yeah he's catching up now well done I saw her in cinema did you really yeah prin Charles Cinema you'd have been quite oh was say you would been born say when you young but you were yeah you [ __ ] it hell uh this is Series 2 episode four Ditch Day Afternoon we open on the stage again they all these intros are SL different they come out Keenan's like uh K says show Kean you love him show Kell that you care they get a big round of applause it's all very lovely but then Keenan tells Kell that they're going on an adventure and Kell says they're not going on an adventure why why are they not going because he because he has a new contract that specifically States no crazy Adventures or H Jinks no get into trouble and K Kea says who told you that nonsense fluffy I love how Keenan's always got these nicknames for Kell like yeah yeah Keenan says Troublesome situations equals funny and they want the show to be funny don't they and Kell says no and then Keenan takes Kell's contract and asks for a balloon the balloon comes in it's an orange colored loon which is appropriate and he attaches K's new contracts to a BL and lets it float away and then Keenan Kell delivers this line where he say Keenan must we get in trouble yet again oh here it goes and then yeah we immediately start in class this time so they're at school and who do we meet at the beginning Janet Janice I think you might be right she's an inconsequential character it doesn't matter and she tries to mock Keenan by saying was his mommy too busy to help with his Spanish workk and he says well obviously your momy was too busy to take help you take a bath stanky such a [ __ ] child this did you catch the Spanish teacher's name it's not no I I'm get out she of another catch play because it's not Mrs dembley no so the Spanish teacher is called Miss queso and ques is obviously Spanish for cheese K walks in late and she says K you're late he goes oh thank you he asks why he says he was grabbing Keenan spendo which is a obviously a video game J says they're not supposed to have those in school and he says you're not supposed such a snitch yeah she's horrible is she he says and you're not supposed to have that big old pimple on your head I think she's got a little crush on Keenan you know that's not I saw her yeah the teacher you bully the ones you have a crush on yeah yeah and she's so snarky about it as well the teacher tries to tell Keenan off and he says no heo engl yeah the teacher says ke and K have to sing a song in Spanish in their next class for being late and for having the games console of whatever description that is on them Keenan protests he gets stuck in his desk when he stands up yeah so we don't have them here really in maybe in exam sometimes you have like fold down ones yeah yeah yeah but General our desks in English schools are not like that they are no actual tables tables with chairs on the KN and he stands up and gets caught in that uh he then we cut te Kea complaining when they get back to his house about how bad his Friday's going to be because not only he got to sing they've got a stock take at the shop as well yeah and take it from me personal experience stock takes a [ __ ] [ __ ] hate stock takes we meet Keenan's sister Kyra for the first time in all watch but she's been in the show already before and she is sick and her mom says you got to be off school and as she walks through the thing K goes oh poor baby Kenan gets a dastardly look at his eyes and oh I got a quote here why must you have that mischievous look on your face I love how like although ke Kell is the stupid one who [ __ ] up all Keenan's plans Kell doesn't want to be part of kenan's plans yeah Keenan says they're going to pull a siky essentially yeah and he says it'll be fun and Kell says last time you said we were going to have fun I ended up butt naked in the zoo and K Kina says that was the first time I ever heard a giraffe giggle Kell shows up Friday morning as if they're going to school but keen's like we're not going to school stupid k was hoping he had forgotten Keenan writes a fake sign though he has an ear and you remember what he says about Kell uh did he say in Kel Keli too no he says he's got an infected tongue Keenan has a messenger come and this guy is so like [ __ ] Wayne's World I I saw K re's impression yeah yeah kind of B yeah I see that I went straight for waynew well but Bill and head it's the same it's the same [ __ ] idea yeah ke Keenan calls Chris and he pulls like a cough on and I thought it was weird because he's clearly then given a different reason to why he's off to the school and Chris why he not be an earache for both then he doesn't have to put on the stupid voice he's a child he's not thinking clearly yeah Roger comes down and tells them they have to head off to school K really gives away the game by saying what going to school for Keen like launches him out the door in Spanish they realize they're not there Keenan and K then go to the bank to get some cash so they can there's a bit in there's a bit in the Spanish class when they realize and they end up there they they say the teacher says at first today we are going to learn why French people don't speak Spanish yeah oh that's yeah it's a proper little throwaway gag a lot like the I think sometimes it's a bit like The Simpsons like the Miss queso line is there if you know it yeah yeah I love those little gags so yeah the K and kill go to the bank and they need some cash to go to the arcade and the cinema then what happens Tim a robbery takes place two men with guns Just barging and the security guard immediately F I kill's like I told you we should have gone to school the uh the the pair of robbers make Keenan and Kell go to get the cash Kell points out that all the customers have wallets and jewelry should he collect those too and obviously everyone gets annoyed at Kell Kell goes he's just Kenan goes he's traumatized by the robbery and then what does Kell do does seem like start putting like the stacks of money up he goes ah it's too hot hit and he so he turns on the fan and he just blows all the stacks of cash everywhere and his reason for doing two stacks of cash was he wants it to be even so none e the two burgers the robbers get ripped off so yeah as the cash flies everywhere from the fan the robbers are like on the floor collecting it and the police arrive and they say come out with your hands up and Kell immediately goes to go out with his hands up he like ke not you ke Keenan Keenan says that the the robbers should give themselves up and the the robber says close your stinking trap Punk and K goes well like a like a middle-aged woman he goes wow at home Kyra is overacting now with a illness yeah and she wants ice cream The Rock Wall's put on the TV and the news is reporting the bank robbery Roger like I'm going to go get some popcorn which this reminds me of like I'm not obviously we're not in America and I would have been too young anyway but like the OJ Chase they they say like you basically couldn't get a takeaway pizza because they literally were getting like people didn't want to stop watching it so they were like just getting inundated with calls and stuff so it's kind of like that like they're watching a bank robbery unfold on the news the messenger is now in the Spanish class for some reason watching it with them I feel like we we're missing a scene here like we don't see him give the note we just see him now in the CLA so there must have been a scene where he's like here's the note from those two boys and then the TV goes on or whatever it feels like there's like a a 202 scene missing but I just like to feel that he just never left yeah he's just in the class like like a 30 something year old man in the Spanish class in a high school watching the the bank robbery unfold on the Telly as well Keenan and Kell realized that the news are out there and obviously they're going to get caught on TV and they're supposed to be at school uh the robbers make Kean and Kell move the security guard who like you said passed out Kell realizes that the that the security guard has handcuffs on and what does he do he puts one of the cuffs on one of his hands and then the other cuff on his the ultimate leg it's like stuck together right hand and left foot handcuffed together left ankle handcuffed together and then the robbert tells him to come over there and he this like mad [ __ ] scramble trying to get up on one leg and hop and then stps over yeah and it's it's so like clees like like we were we mentioned in our 40 Towers episode [ __ ] a long time ago that we I like love John C as a physical comedian and honestly K's up there yeah Kell is up there he's [ __ ] amazing and they asked what he was doing and he says I was playing with the handcuffs and I got all discombobulated now this is a joke that we don't see in the other episodes we kind of have cuz we jumped around where we're watching we don't see the robbers go disc on B po at and normally what happens is Chris will say a fancy word and Keenan and K will repeating that that kind of bmus voice okay but we don't we don't see it here or we any the on be watched actually the police say release the hostages and we won't beat you we won't beat you which all of a sudden makes this way less of a like a joke and brings it right up to date with PRI police brutality one of the robbers says they should release the hostages but ke's like no don't do that and they all of a sudden all turn on him because obvious he doesn't want to get caught on telly Keenan suggest that they release everyone but them so they've got a bargaining chip he's like show the cops you're nice guys but you're mean business the hostages then trample their way out over the robbers as well it's like well the robbers are done at that point the message is still in the class the news is reporting two teenagers risking their lives yeah they' be called Heroes the robbers give out their demands like two million a car and Kell adds a uh what does he add to it or inside and all of a sudden the The Rock Wars are like uh what is that no no and then the robers ask why orange soda and we get a version of the classic catchphrase the I I love orange soda is that true I do I do I do I do the robber goes to strangle Kell and there's two great lines here did you know did you note them down was it he was dropped on his head as a child and then C goes many many times yes poor Cal they all discuss the situation so there's the four of them there's ke and Kell these two robbers and they're chatting away and then Kell just goes where's my orange soda the the robbers are about to give themselves up and Kean tries to convince them not to but they do there's a run out Kean and Kell try to run away as the kind of press and the police come in Kell is still handcuffed so like gets caught they get caught really quickly and The Rock Wars and Chris and the teachers see it and Kean and K are like breaking down on camera like I'm sorry and what like CU Robert fats as well yes oh yeah Rogers you mean Roger RW Roger yeah yeah for some reason Robert like I have noce from Roger just that one time Robert I I've I've been trying not to show it on this recording to but sometimes my notes like I type and I don't really check what I've typed so sometimes I'm deciphering like [ __ ] autocorrect by like trying to remember what happened to at that point in what we've watched and then what my note actually says back on the stage Kell has loads of money that he's accidentally taken from the bank yeah accidentally they go say they're going to take it back to the bank before Kean says I've got an idea how we can make that money make more money and then give the bank back their money yeah Kell does this thing he's like I'm try I'm going to put my foot down he's like who am I kidding oh heck goes and that is the end of that episode did you enjoy that episode Tim I loved it so good it is like hilarious obviously for me it's somewhat nostalgic but it's genuinely really easy light watching like good as well very funny the jokes pretty much always hit yeah yeah uh we we're going to jump into to episode seven now this episode I have to include this episode cuz what is the title of this episode Tim who loves orang soda I got me some orange soda this is not good orange soda I doubt but you know oh no no it's the Audi one that's Prett the little one pretty de little one is it so I crack it open and have a have a little taste yeah yeah so I had some Ali one and I was going we end up going to little I don't normally go to little let's try it no that's pretty good actually here you are yeah right it tastes oh orange soda or orange a or whatever you want to call it doesn't taste anything like American one the American one is so sweet and so full of sugar it's that why Kell loves it so much yeah pretty much and that color that they make the orange soda in ke and kill is pretty accurate it's the same like they're fanter is that color what the radioactive orange yeah yeah it's it's insane well our fan is like cloudy and light orange yeah and I'll be honest their fan is nicer it's like a deep orange yeah Kell has sore ribs from Bowling uh and Keenan ask how so this is sorry we're on the stage open the show and he how he says he's he didn't let go of the ball so cuz he's hurt he's not going to be able to do a show so what's Kell's suggestion Tim he's gone always White man to replace him what's the old white man called come on the guy's got a name is it Murray it's Murray yeah and he says he's going to play Kell this episode and they do they do the orange soda bit and Murray slightly changes it it's like who loves orange soda Murray loves orange soda is it true and he says Heavens yes I do I do I do Ken says they'll get Kell's rib fix during the show which is the only time I can remember them doing something like that like that instead of just like a teas what's going on this he actually leads directly into sorry they need to up for yeah and he calls him he says come on nutmeg and uh the oh here goes at the hospital K gets is getting an x-ray Keenan uses surgical Plies to try to pull out a nostril hair and then he smashes uh he's like got one of those like reflex hammers yeah reflex hammers yeah and he like smashes a a tray with it for some reason but this he does his he does his right knee with it nothing does his left knee immed just like kick that's sorry my notes are bad here Tim thank you for that yeah so the reflex of the Lego up smashes the tray into the air yeah this kind of um this scene reminded me of bottom because obviously they're doing it in front of an audience so in the bottom live shows there's about five minutes where each of them are on the stage on their own to give the a break and it feels like CU this is in front of audience and they just do bits on their own they both do it throughout the show that maybe they do because they probably do more than one recording back to back and stuff I did also notice in these episodes when cuz Keenan goes off stage first and then um Kell does a bit and then runs after so I think it's that's K getting the caution change going in so while he's in there by himself Cal runs in because like at beginning of the second episode Kean gets in the class on time and carol runs him late yes but in the first episode is Kell who shows up first oh yes ke H see I pulled the pulled the rug out from under your theories although I think you are right that does happen quite often yes Kell reckons he's got broken ribs and the Nur is like no they're just bruised he does say she does say Kell needs to fill up this cup though and takes it and fills it with orange soda and they're like keen's like I don't think that's what she meant yeah the Kell the Kell's x-ray comes back and the doctor puts it on and he gets freaked out because Kell's x-ray is bright orange yeah uh he says your ribs are bruised but why are these orange he says you'd have to drink four or five gallons of orange soda a day and kale goes your [Music] point K says he's in a lot of pain it can barely moved until the nurse comes back in with a shot and he freaks the [ __ ] out and runs away yeah rinse out I did notice cuz this is the '90s a typical male female nurse doctor Dynamic yeah the female is the nurse the doctor is the male I don't know if you did that show today you'd probably intentionally to prove that you're not doing it change things around like there's um we we'll talk about scrubs one day but there's a really kind of on the nail on the head episode of Scrubs where there's a character who's a male nurse and they keep calling him the m and taking a piss out of him and again I think that episode May there's a lot in Scrubs that wouldn't happen today but we'll get round to that when we get round to it Timothy well we we definitely will back at Rigby's Kell is laying on the counter and he asks ke to get him an orange soda as he does Chris comes in with a huge box can't see where Kell is and he puts it directly on top of Kell yeah on top of his bruised ribs Chris says K needs to stop drinking orange soda there's a leap here I feel like there's something missing again like why does him laying on the counter and getting a box drop on him mean he needs to stop drinking or soda it feels like there's a bit of dialogue here that was removed again no wasn't there a bit cuz could obviously k g to get AR sodas I think CH just said like I see you drink it all the time kind of thing maybe yeah it just I know maybe they're doing it for time but there's a sometimes there's jumps in dialogue where you're yeah where I understand when you're forced to make a leap of logic to make the thing but this is like why would Chris say that now it doesn't make sense yeah absolutely Keenan bets that Kell can't not drink Aroda for a week the loser has to sing the national anthem on in the shop on the counter wearing a lady's night gown wouldn't be the bet they would put in an episode now I don't think no no they um but that is the bet is the 90s they are teen AG boys they're going to have to the losers is going to have to sing the national anthem on the counter in rig's which unless Story play dictate is empty all the time so you know Keenan nearly tricks Kel straight away you remember do you remember what he did they're like I will have a drink drink on it and he just s an orange soda yeah they go to toast the B and Kell is like an inch from drinking it yeah for some reason Kell is staying at Keenan maybe so can keep an eye on the bat ke yeah I think that's it Keenan puts orang so Kel's like sleep on like his um sleeping bag on the floor and Keenan puts an orange soda right next to him like a full 2 L bottle Kell does like the reverse of his catchphrase like who loves orange soda I don't love orange soda Kell does this uh dramatic scene who do he think you are you know like in a film or like was like old yellow where they're like I don't want you you stupid dog where they're like for the dog's benefit they try to get rid of them that's what he does with a bottle of orange soda he's like get out of here and then he apologizes and like cuddles it to sleep cuz he breaks the ball so leaking he's like I'm sorry I'm sorry wraps it in the planket C was it yeah he falls asleep very quickly and he dreams that he is in an orange soda hot tub with Roger as his Butler and Keenan as his orange soda boy but when he comes and Keenan gives it to him the orange soda is like solid and it won't come out of the uh the cup and then for some reason Keen uh Roger and Kean laugh and they summon an orange monster to get kill and it all gets a bit weird and the orange monster is a bit old Doctor Who yeah k wakes up and he's covered in orange soda from the bottle that you said obviously he had like spilled some and was apologizing to it Keenan wakes up so at some point Kale's dropped off Keenan's got come back in he's got oh Kale's asleep got into bed and then Kenan sees The Empty Bottle he's like you drunk it and he checks Kell's tongue and Kell's not got orange tongue so he's like all right I believe you this time plus the surely the room's stunk of orange s yeah yeah back at rig's and it's been 3 days and Kell is having full on withdrawals he's like shaking he's looking like a Dave Chappelle's like crackhead character from Chelle show he's always he doing I've never watched the chal show really no Kell sucks on an actual orange but it doesn't work he says this is going to work and Chris suggests a hypnotist cuz Chris used to have a fear of sandwiches Kell goes to the hypnotist and Kean follows Chris says Kean you're supposed to be working he just says no thank you no thank you they go to the hypnotist and who else is in the hypnotist Tim there's a lady there who has a enjoying your orange soda I am I am there's a lady who has a small dog and it's not aggressive enough so she's getting the hypnosis there to make the dog more aggressive so he could be an attack dog yes and what does Keenan do so as so they both had so K and the LA had to fill out on the form what they're getting hypnotized for and they both go to the room and like on the D we go like a dentist he had the patient formed on the front of the door so the hypnotist knows straight what they're doing he swaps the forms over and the hypnotist comes in and immediately calls Kell Dustin yeah and he Kell tries to protest and say that no he doesn't need to be hypnotized to be more aggressive which is what the hypnotist says and before he can like protest too much the hypnotist just like puts him under and Kell's Hypno Kel's hypnotized face is so funny I can't even do I can't do it justice but it's uh it's very good the hypnotist makes it so that if Kell hears a bell he'll become more ferocious we jump back to ri's and an old lady has coming for some reason nine J this is weird nine jws is excessive of extra chunky Mayo what the [ __ ] is that that sounds gross Mayo shouldn't be chunky no no it's clear the Mayo's gone off yeah Kean and Chris go out the back to get it the lady is just kind of hanging in the in the shop and so is Kell she asks Kell if she can get chained not knowing K doesn't work there so K's like yeah no worries he like hops over the counter and opens the till and the till dings when it opens and Kell goes mad and acts like a rabid dog until the phone rings turns him back to normal and that's what brings Keenan back and they said they Chris AA still haven't realized what's happened there's something odd about this old lady did you catch what it was no what was odd about her she's an old British lady which is we cuz Chicago in the '90s it just seems odd to me don't ask me why it just does she leaves in a huff Kell says he doesn't know why a school band come in saying their bus has broke down and one of the kids says I play the triangle and she shows Kell and she hits it and he starts chasing them around specifically the teacher tears the shop apart this time Chris and Ken see him Kell attacks Chris as well Ken puts orange soda in a dog ball dog dish yeah and he puts it up the and Kell jumps up on the counter and drinks it the phone rings again Kell comes out of the TR he's like what the hell's going on Keenan says Kell lost the bet and he didn't even know it Kenan tells Kell what's happened Kell protests says it's cheating and Chris has to decide who won the BET what does Chris decide that they both that they both won and both lost so they're both going to sing the national alum in the night gown and for some reason there's a huge crowd in riges presumably Chris has got out put posters and yeah they're singing the National Anthem in a night gown and we chop back to the stage Kenan tries to leave but Kell wants to know what it is that turns him into a dog Keenan gets out the triangle and sets Kell on an audience member or into the audience with a ball yeah makes him play fetch yeah and then Keenan says he has a PL like he takes k out the trans ke says I've got a plan get an electric toothbrush and a turtle and Meet Me In St Louis and this is kind of again through like all four Series this is kind of the the thing that it would end on it' be like two random objects and a place and K the KE K's always like wait what and Kell turns keina turns Kell into a dog again and tells him to come he's like oh here it goes yes and that is our third episode Kean and Kell what do you think Tim it's really good it's really good it's so good isn't it I think just seeing K's physical acting like is what makes it great across those last two episodes with him doing the all fours running around and then the Handcuff to the leg he's unreal I oh abolutely yeah I could watch K Pratt around for [ __ ] hours and I have and I'll do it again we G to go one more episode last episode we're going to look at in this episode of our podcas him Series 3 episode 8 IQ can do better we're on the stage Keenan notices Kell's wearing a new colog and we hear their like internal monologue which is another thing that again they only do this once I think and you hear Ken say the cologne's horrible and then Kell says there a creepy guy with sombrero Kina says it's his cousin this is all like played over the speakers and they're not saying anything it's as if it's in their head and they do this whole thing even that are here goes I know that they say out loud that bit doesn't they Kell still says that out loud but he's like literally they're like shouting after Keenan as Keenan goes and does his bit but without shouting it's all over the speakers until the oh here it goes we start at the rockmore's house Kell is passed out on their dining table and Keenan and Roger just make cereal around him yeah arounds him yeah it's Cal like he's yeah fine uh there Keenan's mom comes in asks why Kell is there they wake him up and he kicks the coffee and serial straight onto Roger turns out Kell was studying I like how when Kean and Kean and Roger talk about it though they just like yeah K's just here yeah he fine she leave him kale says he was studying on I ke and says you can't study for an IQ test Kell is worried and he wants to exercise his brain so he's got like a hard hat with weights on it yeah and he's trying to exercise his brain for the test and I think it's Keenan's mom says oh you're you're both smart boys you'll do fine and then Keenan's like yeah let's go to score and as he leads through the door Kell follows him still with this hat on that's got weights that's like makes him extra twoot taller and he smashes his head off the door frame and he [ __ ] gets knocked down yeah I was like giv him whiplashes as well oh mate [ __ ] so funny and again that physical acting keeping that weight hat on your head falling over they're in class and Kell's trying to study the dictionary he says well they've got a word for everything in here which is such a good line Mark who we've actually so we we meet Mark in a previous episode and in fact his first episode he moves into the house next door to kenan's okay and kenan's got this like uh antique family heirloom watch that he got from his dad and Mark's obsessed with clocks and watches so he thinks Mark's stolen it and it turns out he hadn't it turns out Keenan's dad took it to get it repaired so they like break into Mark's house and they get into some Shenanigans who' have thought Kenan has drawn a car car of principal dimly principal dimt if you will Kell shows the entire class Keenan's drawing as she comes in as the principal comes in Mark sucks up to her immediately after laughing at the picture yeah Kell tries to give the PE the picture back to Kea and ke's like I've never seen that in my life she just ignores them time for the test she says it's the most important test they'll ever take which I think is really funny adding the pressure on to Kell yeah Kell tries to ask Keenan what's the answer for question one one to 100 yeah and Mark finishes straight away because he's a dweeb yeah Mark have you noticed here the character the guy playing Mark he looks about 30 he's got 5:00 shadow yeah I don't know how old he is but he is clearly you know they're shooting this at four in the afternoon he shaved at 7 that morning and it's coming back through like stray away yeah and the rockmor Kell comes in and he has the rockmor mail yeah and he's read some of it Roger is like why are you reading our mail he's like in case there's something for me Kel Kean says but you don't live here and then Roger's like Kell there's something for you and for some reason Kell's IQ test results have gone to the Rott Moore's house as well yeah and what score does Kell get a 96 96 out of 100 and apparently 90 makes you a genius so Kina says according to this 90 makes you a genius and Kell goes I wish I got 90 they yeah and Keenan got three three three out of 100 cuz at first they're like do you mean 93 Ken says it must be a mistake and Kell goes through the score breakdown so think this is oh if you're over 90 you're a genius and Kell gets down to dumb and he says oh it's one below Dum you don't want to know what that is it's like oh I dread to think in the midnight or the the night is what were they they're inferring oh yeah they definitely used that word yeah they're inferring a a horrible slur Keenan goes Keenan and Kell goes to the principal with the results and say there's a problem and what's really funny about this is she says they're always correct there's not a problem's like I got a three and she's like that you must have got three then he goes Kell got a 96 he goes I'll check yeah second she hear Kell got 96 she's like this must be wrong Kell accidentally gives the principal the drawing instead of his test to check yeah she goes to check her filing cabinet and we get some kind of stage Whispering like from Kean and Kell whereare so the audience can hear but the principal can't hear quote unquote yeah Kell says if I duck behind her you push her over yeah ke says he doesn't want to but Kell does get down behind it as she turns and trips anyway yeah they explain it off as Kell was tying his shoe so she's a bit like oh okay they get the picture back in the kafuffle and she looks at the test and say oh they were incorrect k and you got a 90 and he's really happy he's like Kell you didn't get 96 and Kell's like oh man turns out he got a 98 did you notice the shirt that Kean Kell's wearing yeah is it wait the one that Kell's wearing yeah is it that I'm a genius one yes it says I'm a genius yeah yeah then what does he try to do he head buts the desk cuz his brain is so powerful he says he can break the desk in two and he himself clean the [ __ ] out outside the office Keenan and Kel celebrate their their kind of new results they've got Kenan wants his drawing back cuz Kell can't be trusted with it but Kel's I left it in the office Kel says ke's like oh that oh no and then K's like oh don't worry she'll give it back to you I wrote your name on it they want to get back in the office so to do this Kell runs full Pelt at the door and similar to the desk he stumbles back and needly passes the yeah he just runs like very like lightly as well because and the whole set wobbles as well which is beautiful yeah very like there's a couple of moments in friends where you see the set wobble it's like yes love this Keenan wants to climb so this is we don't really have this in the UK again but I've seen it in American films and stuff where they have the little window above the door that you can then open to kind of help the air flow I suppose I have that from my balcony actually oh do you really yeah I mean no sense cuz if I want to be on my balcony I'll just open a balcony door open the door yeah this is for in classes it makes sense cuz you want the door closed obviously but you kind of you want the air flow to go through the building they so ke tries to climb through it they've got a conveniently placed ladder where there's some like work going on on the back yeah Keenan climbs up and then Kell's like I'll come with you he like sticks his head through as well for some reason he kicks the ladder over while they're like dangling there so they're both hanging like kind of mid RI like Superman posing like kind of like that yeah oh like planking almost through this like window over the door and what happens is they're doing that the janitor come like walks through the corridor he has headphones on so he's clean up paying attention tidying up opens the doors of the principal's office and walks underneath them tiddies up in there and walks back out just not seeing them but what I love is when the jant is like there they fre the they're so still and then as he leaves he [ __ ] the door and Kell shouts bye yeah [ __ ] idiot um as they're trying to like kind of worm their way into the office they both fall slam down and that must be stt doules because although they're doing in front of an audience and I don't see a cut but they but what's funny is that Carol Falls first Lads and then Keenan lands on top of him oh that must have hurt man yeah K say it might be in her purse and he goes and tries on her glasses and we get like a POV where he cannot see which is an odd for like this kind of studio audience show I don't know how they showed the studio audience maybe you just had Kell kind of doing his physical acting and then we on the edit got the cut to the yeah to the thing Keenan realizes that she's left her bag in her glasses she's probably coming back yes so they hide really badly under her desk principal comes in but because their phone rings straight away she kind of doesn't pay attention to them even though they're obviously there um she slips her shoes off and Kell's like flinching cuz her feet are right next to his face she kind of hangs up her phone call and takes her stuff and leaves Kel says the smell of her feet burned away sense of smell the bit as well like she doesn't realize she doesn't where her purses and Keen just throws up it lands right next to it's like oh there it is ands with a thud as well I wonder I wonder how many takes that took for Keenan to like angle that to land right next to her Kel still has on her glasses for some reason and as she leaves she's turned out the light switch and locked the door he gets up tries to turn on the light switch but cuz he can't see he hits the fire alarm fire alarm yeah they go to leave but immediately somehow there's a firefighter there yeah and along with the principal and the janitor and she's like Keenan and K what are you doing here like this isn't my house house Kell finds the picture it was in his pocket the whole time of course it was the janitor takes it and sees it loves it and the principal goes to look at it and she's like all squidy eyed and Kell goes oh you need your glasses gives them to her so she can see the [ __ ] picture and that's kind of ends the bulk of the episode we get Ken and Kell back on stage with Kell wearing his genius shirt Kenan makes him take it off and what's he got underneath I'm still a genius and then under that oh it's it's h here we go there's one more before that what one before it so Keenan calls him a nut he's got another shirt on underneath that says I'm not a nut and Kell uh Keenan sorry as as is the way the so ke says grab a spice rack a spice girl and a spicy burrito and beat me at the ice rink now come on froggy a he says Kell says which Spice Girl Posh scary Jeremy toti and then he reveals like you said another t-shirt that says oh here it goes and that's the end of the episode there's a for a four of my favorite Keenan and kill episodes what did you think of that last episode to amazing I noticed like with like the second and fourth one it was really like tied to like the main bulk of the like about just one location which it might have been limitations of sets or whatever but I feel like I and more creativity with it like the jokes had to hit more because of that yeah agreed I think their skill as performers is what holds the show together because when you look at it no one else in any of the episodes we watch really stands out everyone is there for them two to bounce off of so some people do have the occasional funny line but they're delivered more subdued than Kean and Kell deliver anything it's like the absolutely it's like i' tell you like you'd have the cast there you know they are a Supporting Cast it's like they they're there to lift Kean and kill up but they don't Kean and kill don't need lifting up Kean and K are like the highlight of this world and they're so [ __ ] funny like like I said Keenan is Del Keenan's delivery of lines and his facial expressions is beautiful Kell's physical comedy is like I'd put him on par with so many other physical comedians we've spoken about and ones we haven't name like another top physical comedian your Jim cares yeah and people like that and I would put Kell with them yeah I would definitely put him up there cuz he is incredible good I'm really glad I well we asoke they said you had watched CP episodes I knew you liked K and K I was interesting to see what you know 20 25y old yes Tim felt about ke and Kell as to probably you watching it as like kind of in your mid teens or whatever yeah I mean it still holds up it massively holds up doesn't it it's still very funny in the main it's very innocent yeah it's and again in the main aside from like a couple of little things like the doctor nurse thing there there isn't anything for me that hugely dates it or holds it back from still being good now no I think it still holds up perfectly yeah good I'm glad uh what are we what are we going to be talking about in a couple of weeks Timothy oh I am I am excited for this one because um I recently one recently two months ago so quite recent did a marathon at this show at the Prince Charles Cinema okay and I'm not sure if you've actually ever watched it which would be really interesting have you heard of G mori's dark place I have watched I've watched him dark place not I'm not not a big fan I've not I watched play when I used to work at the media store we'll call it uh some of my colleagues would watch dark place on lunch and i' I'd catch some of it I know what it is I've never never sat down and actually watched it though well there are six episod of the whole season but we're going to obviously just watch four of them because they're like 25 minutes each cool so we and you can watch them all on Channel 4 um the website so lovely nice and easy so we are going to cover the first episode Once Upon a beginning the second episode hell half Fury yep the four the fourth episode the Apes of Wrath nice another uh pun title like we've had and kill and the final episode the sixth episode The creeping moth on the shores of shager lovely looking forward to it so you went to the Prince Charles cinemar and did like a three-hour Marathon yeah they did a screen of it there um it was it was a lot F just like the straight episode after episode no breaks in between so it last about two hours nice nice I had a discussion in the last week about spaced as well I think I put in a similar vein but if if and when we do space them we probably will we have to watch the DVD version so we have the hamja meter cuz yeah yeah cool all right where do we uh where do we find you on socials Timothy uh you can find me at the Tim Martini on all social media I just at the time just when this episode comes out the new song SP they' been out for 3 weeks now so yeah go listen to Splinter on Spotify nice you can find me at bdavis creative mostly on Instagram but I am also to be found sometimes on the Twitter machine you know mostly retweeting things about wrestling mostly what about the show Tim where do they where do people find the show they can find this whole show everywhere at CC Society pod cult classic Society they search up on all the socials you'll find us if you listen to us on Spotify know give us a little little five star review it really does help out if you're on YouTube and you haven't subscribed to us yet what are you doing subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you can be notified when we have a new episode out come on come on it's all good stuff here awesome and all I've got to say to him is find me a brillian clock a Victorian outfit and meet me in San Diego uh here we go I honestly cannot believe you got it wrong [Laughter] oh here it goes now get the brilliant clock and meet me in San Diego and the Victor here it [Music] [Applause] [Music] comes look you I see you I'll take you I want you salute you I see you how is your friend Hi how are you Hi how are you Hi how are you [Music]

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15 days away from Copa America | FC 24 pro clubs | FULL STREAM

Category: Gaming

Um juan what's good man day 5,500 something of asking isaac to drop the build chat i know everybody's asking isaac for the left back build the cam build cdm build stcf center forward force9 build you guys are not going to get [ __ ] though you guys don't deserve it uh there's only one isaac pro cl bit... Read more