Christian INSTANTLY Ends Scientist's Career In Debate With PURE LOGIC

in this video scientist and Professor rainel J schleper challenges Christian apologist Kevin hovind with this question convinced he has him cornered but instantly regrets it Kevin's answer is absolutely brilliant I am confused being philosophically consistent and being very honest person I'm sure you can tell me where God came [Music] from and in addition in addition once you've told me where God comes from uh please try to clarify how you can figure that a spiritual force can have an impact on a material Universe to create it I think that some years ago we already talked about that kind of thing in philosophical circles at any rate by posing the question if angels are made of spiritual matter and a pen is made of material matter and spiritual matter displaces no space how many angels can dance on the tip of a pen I have a sense of sort of U reversal experience here but but please do go ahead you got five minutes now I just want to know which question that's all right you may take the rest of the minutes we're supposed to do one question at a time which one would you like that was part of the format for the debate so which which question I want you to fill in the story of the rest of the uh beginning of the universe God spiritual matter impact on material matter okay so two questions all right go ahead all right your question where did God come from assumes that you're thinking of the wrong obviously it displays that you're thinking of the wrong God because the god of the Bible is not affected by time space or matter if he's if he's affected by time space or matter he's not God time space and matter is what we call a Continuum all of them have to come into existence at the same instant because if there were matter but no space where would you put it if there were matter in space but no time when would you put it you can't not have time space or matter independently they have to come into existence simultaneously the Bible answers that in 10 words in the beginning there's time God created the Heaven there's space and the Earth there's matter so you have time space matter created a trinity of trinities there just you know time is past present future space has length width height matter has solid liquid gas you have a trinity of trinities created instantaneously and the God who created them has to be outside of them if he's limited by time he's not God the guy who created this computer is not in the computer he's not running around in there changing the numbers on the screen okay the God who created this universe is outside of the universe he's above it Beyond it in it through it he's he's unaffected by it so for and the the concept that of a spiritual uh Force cannot have any effect on a material body well then I guess you'd have to explain to me things like emotions and love and hatred and envy and jealousy and and rationality I mean if your brain is just a random collection of chemicals that form by by chance over billions of years how on Earth can you trust your own reasoning processes and the thoughts that you you think okay so um I your your question where did God come from is assuming a limited God and that's your problem the God that I worship is not limited by time space or matter if I could fit the infinite God in my three-b brain he would not be worth worshiping that's for certain so that's the God that I worship thank you no matter how hard atheists try to argue against Christianity I am grateful that the Lord is raising up both men and women to give a defense for the hope that is within us atheists use the same arguments that are easily dismantled with pure reason praise the Lord for our strong and sure Foundation [Music]

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