Category: Entertainment
Why i'm going through this why you're showing up here we love our country we love america and what the democratic party has become today are a bunch of progressive socialists that are destroying our wonderful country they have turned our country upside down what was right has become wrong and what was... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Right i'm not left i'm not republican i'm not democrat i'm not libertarian i'm a human being that wants the best for the rest of the human beings and i want some common consense and i want what up youtube this is mike with the clip farm matt with the clip farm sh clip and as you can tell from our description... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And you haven't seen the migrant crime yet it's started and it's vicious but you haven't seen the extent of it yet they're just getting settled in colorado is a total mess with a governor that has no idea what to do he has no idea he's confused he's afraid of the migrants but he doesn't want to say... Read more
Category: News & Politics
How do you address concerns about your capability to handle the toughest job in the world well into your 80s well first of all i spent half my career being being criticized being the youngest person in politics i was the second youngest person ever elected the united states senate and now i'm the oldest Read more
Category: News & Politics
At and dismay at things trump was saying and trump looked angry scowling she was looking directly at the audience he was looking at the moderators and arguing with them and something else he he donald trump looked old tonight and and you know some somebody said uh on my show on saturday she wins just... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hello friends and welcome to gold crown politics and today we'll be discussing an update to the electoral map and donald trump's recent surge if you happen to like this kind of content make sure to hit the like button down below and subscribe for more content just like this so tonight is debate night... Read more
Category: News & Politics
As we are just 53 days away from the presidential election we'll be taking a look at the polling from every single state on this map and yes we're actually going to look at every single state so starting off here with the state of washington right now in the few posts conducted in washington harris... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats i just want to clarify here you bring up springfield ohio and abc news did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed injured or abused... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
They're eating dogs they're eating dogs and cats they're barbecuing parakeets they're barbecuing parakeets it's very bad you got a lot of immigrants these immigrants coming in he didn't say anything about the ukrainian immigrants but a lot of brown immigrants coming around they're rapists they're drug... Read more
Category: Comedy
Cas you're not watching it you got to turn it to a different channel i will just go ahead and tell you the details what's going on in this debate okay i'm going be like the announcer of golf you know somebody's get ready to hold them morning and have somebody you can hear his voice in the background... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Vice president kamla harris and husband doug mhof are married for 9 years in 2013 harris attorney general of california and mhof a la entertainment lawyer were set up on a blind date by harris friend she was nervous so she googled her future husband before she met him less than a year after their first... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In today's video i'll be discussing how former president donald trump could retake the presidency with just two states and why those two states right now look particularly favorable for the former president first off we look at the state of georgia georgia has historically been a historically very red... Read more