I Rebuilt Nebraska in College Football 25

I'm rebuilding Nebraska and college football 25 and I'm not stopping until we win a National Championship but first thank you to EA for allowing me to capture this early access footage and I'm so pumped to start my first ever rebuild in college football 25 the Kentucky one will be coming soon but first I am starting with Nebraska I'm going to make myself a head coach and I'll be taking over for what should be Matt R so I'll just edit this guy and I already love that I can see so much school history on the screen Nebraska needs me I'm going until I can win a championship but keep in mind everything you see is on a work in progress build the first thing I have to do is just go ahead and edit my coach where believe it or not there are over 500 heads to choose from but I'm going to go with the one that looks very similar to me I think if we're going to rock with one of these two outfits it's got to be the sweater and I would use my own last name but it is considered as profanity at the end of the day I'm rolling with James Bard and Coach abilities wise I'm kind of curious some of the bonuses that I get it looks like we have no bonuses for quarterbacks but at least defensive linemen we can put more hours on with tier three and stuff in this program Builder tier is supposed to be pretty powerful from the start but Nebraska's head coaches is going to have it I'm going to do my best to teach you all recruiting and Coach upgrades throughout this video and from what I've seen so far I think the combination of the recruiting tree and the tacti tree are the two you want to go down because this tree boost how much your players improve in certain stats I have to start fixing Nebraska though because we obviously are not going to be in the preseason top 25 and our projection in this new Big 10 is that we're finishing as the fourth worst team we do have some bright spots though like freshman quarterback Dylan riola and he was a five-star quarterback so he's going to have stats like 96 throw power I really wanted to use him because of some of these abilities like the dot one and before I start recruiting I'm just going to throw some red shirts on a couple of players our schedule should automatically customized to what Nebraska would play in real life as well with the FCS schools giving a nod to a bunch of different custom YouTuber teams like the ugf pandas and we're going to face them but at least with some of these school grades we're in a good spot it is about time I build out my first recruiting board in this game and I have some tips that I'm going to drop throughout this entire thing with my first one being hit triangle to go to Advanced Search and then only go after players that you're starting in the top five of since I'm starting with Nebraska I have almost 1,000 recruiting hours available so I'm going to add almost 20 players to my board until I have to start getting some more and I'm going to try to make Connor crisp the first five star that I ever sign in this game the first thing you want to do with a recruit is offer them a scholarship and then also go through their scouting process which if you don't have any upgrades should be five clicks per position and I'm just going to automatically do that for every player when you get to the end of it and you do that last one sometimes you'll get an animation like that and if you see a red gym like that that means that player's a bust if he's starting as like a four-star recruit that probably drops him down to about a three star caliber so that's when I'd go ahead hold down triangle and remove him from my board I'll continue to do this process until I found all the players I want we just got our first Gem and because he's a fourstar you could say that he's probably a fstar talent because of that scouting in this game is a little bit different because you never know what a player's true overall is but I do know that this wide receiver has stuff like 93 speed so I want him and that's even though we don't have a team need at that position we somehow need two quarterbacks but I guess that's that's because they want five on the roster and you can see our Targets on the right side along with the guys that we already have before we advance the week we can also see that Travis Hunter is in the preseason running for the Heisman Trophy and it looks like we already have one player that wants to transfer out because he's not getting enough playing time I decided I wanted to red shirt Chris Stewart but he's the third best tight end on our board and he's probably gone because I'm not going to put him on the field if I wanted to make sure that he didn't transfer all I'd have to do is play him more but I don't think we'd miss him and I'm just going to look for a tight end that might be able to replace him if this guy from Kentucky doesn't pan out that might have to be a transfer portal thing and in week zero whenever you can start to put some of these recruiting actions into players I like to just send the house on my top 12 prospects the goal is to learn more about the player on the right side of the screen until we can eventually do this hard sell but if you're a smaller School you might only have like 400 hours to spend a week and once you set these actions for these players it'll save like that until you remove it so it could be there for four or five weeks to remove it all you do is hold down triangle but I have to spend my final 15 hours so I'm going to search this guy's social media and also send him a nice little DM I think we're ready to start our first season and starting as an 84 overall isn't that bad I have to see all the presentation so of course I had to hop into this game and we better not lose to the miners Nebraska fans I hope you enjoy how this place looks I'm going to try to get a kick return from the start and I just love how the presentation looks in this game as deep as Dynasty is I would argue that the game play is by far my favorite thing still and I'm hoping to get Dylan riola his first touchdown pass right here which we do by the end of the game we'd have a 34-point lead and I'm playing on all Americans so it's not like I'm on an easy difficulty but it gives me hope for using the Corn Huskers I think our freshman quarterback's going to develop very well and I've noticed with the top two players on our board we actually getting beat out by LSU and then Iowa for the five star I really want now what's cool is because I have the coachability for defensive linemen always be cruin I can put more than 50 hours into this player so we're also going to DM him every week and also make sure that we search his social media what I like to check every single week as well is that right side of the screen once you have three check marks in one of those categories that's when you go in and start doing these hard cells you also have to be in their top five and you're about to see that come into effect because after we advance the week we have some players that are in the top five stage as for our school grades update we just improved off of a win so the only player that still wants to transfer is this tight end and we're going to have a huge game against Colorado but before we can play this I'm hoping that we can put some players on a visit so just to give you all my process every week I started out by scrolling through this overview page just to see that we're at least competing with all the other schools for some of these players and we either have a lead or we're getting more points but now what we're going to do is keep an eye on these players in the top five stage because once all those things on the right panel are filled out we'll know a players three main motivations and that's when you go in with the hard cell and find the combination that has all three of them involved since we don't know all three motivations right now though this is when you'd use something like the Soft Cell and then after using these things to max out the recruiting hours we're going to schedule a visit and I guess we can only do it against Illinois you only select one of their interest for this so I'm going to find the one that has the highest grade with a check mark on the left side and as you can see see the families visiting for that game while we also have all of these pitches going with the Soft Cell with all that out of the way now it's rivalry time and I don't know how many games I'm going to hop into in a rebuild per season but I want to do at least a few this is a night game and they even have the score from the previous meeting so the pressure is on Dylan Rola and I made the wrong read we're facing off against Travis Hunter but outside of him I don't know how great this defense is and evidently pretty well because with about 2 and 1/2 minutes left we have a seven-point lead which means a stop on Fourth and four would be massive and we did get it our offense hasn't had a great day but it has done enough just to have a lead over the buffalos and there we go making it third and one where all we need is one first down this should seal our win assuming we can pick it up and I love running to the outside the field so wide but they somehow knocked us out of bounds and we can't do a thing on Third and eight I think we have to throw for it and that comeback route didn't get open so I'm hoping the HomeField Advantage can confuse shadur Sanders and he throws an interception right to us we just need to go down because we have the win Nebraska is now 2- 0 to start the season and I didn't expect the Freshman to do this well he's played in two games in one two player of the games so that's really good and a lot of guys are starting to reach the top five stage we're actually doing pretty well on a lot of these prospects but I am noticing the LSU is starting to steal Russ away from us so what we might have to do is take off send the house and start to take a couple of risks I'm going to Hard Sell him on this school but all we know is that he likes brand exposure so we're going to find some of the question marks and just hope for the best because I don't think we even have time to sway his opinion what's interesting is is if I also wanted to soft sell him I can't use the same pitch it's locked so I think Russ is a lost cause LSU is a better school than Nebraska and he's also from Mississippi if he values location we can't compete but he is coming on a visit in week four and using the Soft Cell helped us figure out the three main things that kadon wit cares about so now we can remove the soft sell and go all in on a hard cell we want it to line up with the three ideals over here and it looks like that's going to be the aspirational one and again like I said when players hit the top five in all three of those interests become a available that's when you switch them over from send the house to the Hard Sell most of the time there is a pitch that's going to cover all three of their interests and there's no reason that we should lose to the pandas I pretty much feel like I have to play this game and we might just get a pick six to start it out we're going to celebrate going all the way to the end zone and then I hit a celebration we're about to see what it is and it's just going to be a pose I think I'm sorry Drew for what has happened on this field today but I needed Dylan riola to improve and what am I doing I'm still terrible either way we won by a lot improving to 3 and 0 but this time it was our wide receiver that one player of the game some of these guys are starting to reach their top three but you'll also notice that Bruce locked us out and that's because when I scouted him he was a bust so I wasn't putting any points on him and we'll remove him from our board I think it's important for you all to know that a prospect commits to a school whenever that yellow bar across the screen completely fills up and if you and another school reach that point at the same time they'll commit to the one with more Prestige or the one that's a better fit that's why this visit against Illinois is so important for Russ and after doing send the house for a while it doesn't get you as many boosts so that's why you need to remove remove it and start doing the hard cells once you have all three interests I'm also shocked to see that we're number 23 in the country but to be fair we haven't had to play anybody that good yet and once we get into the latter half of big 10 play I think that's when we're going to start to struggle unfortunately there's nothing that I can do here to like simulate the game it just lets me Force certain wins but that means whenever skipping over a matchup I have no idea what just happened what I do know is that we just signed a four-star recruit and then we got another one with this defensive tackle and then another one with kadon wh this quarterback that's going to be a backup to Dylan surely we won our visit week if we got all of these four stars but maybe not because our Championship Contender just went down by a little bit we leveled up though so that's pretty cool and as you can see on that right panel we were able to beat out all these schools but we did cross the finish line at the same time as LSU so I think the visit is what sealed it interestingly enough though the first game that I didn't play we lost 33 to 14 and I'm shocked that we had 8 yards per Rush while they had over five when you're working with a freshman quarterback though stuff like that's bound to happen and because I leveled up I'm excited to spend my first 10 coach points whatever the currency is called and I was going to put it into tier three so we could increase the weekly recruiting hours on linebackers but because we're developing a Young quarterback I actually want to boost his stats with these so I'm going to go all the way up to tier number two if I hit R3 I can see where our coordinators fill in it looks like they don't do that much I might end up firing one of them probably the offensive coordinator at least because he was hired to run a pro style offense and then I switched it to a spread with some of these players on our board committed though that's also going to free up recruiting hours and I can't stress enough how important kadon wit's going to be for us in this rebuild he starts with 91 throw power and quarterback was a team need if we lose Dylan Rola in a few years we needed somebody to back him up just looking at some of the top guys on our board now like this five-star Connor crisp we are beating out schools like Iowa for him but I'm still sending the house because I don't know what all three of his main interests are and somehow I guessed right for the soft sell on Ed mclam but I notice that we are starting to lose points on him so we're going to have to go for a harder one it's just going to be twice as many recruiting hours but it's going to be the exact same thing the starter one and my biggest hope in this Rebo is not only that we win a championship but you all understand recruiting a little bit better I'm honestly still figuring things out too so if you all run into anything when you get the game putting that in the comments would be very helpful for me and I'm just proud that this far into the season I've already been able to sign four four stars some of the bigger schools have some better classes but it looks like not many of the five stars have decided anywhere yet so guys like Connor Chris might take longer to decide on where they want to play it's time that we get through another week though and that's when we'd land time M Court the four-star right outside linebacker our Championship Contender dropped again though so I know we lost and I can see the three and2 right under the team Prestige so I don't know what's happening to our team but our rushing yards per game is so low just by the looks of it though we are throwing the ball more than we're running and that's because I chose LSU's Playbook so it makes sense and I'm just hoping that we don't lose to Ruckers too my goal in these first couple seasons is just make a bowl game hopefully win it and then also sign a lot of four and five stars and we're on Pace to get Connor Chris because we have a lead and now we can take off send the house and finally Hard Sell him on something because we have all three of his things available it looks like student of the game covers those three interests and since you can only put four players a week on a visit you have to be very strategic about them but what's nice about these by- weeks is you can't lose so you're not going to lose points from not winning a game whether we win or lose against the Scarlet Knights we're going to continue to get commits especially these four stars so I'm proud of what I've done with Nebraska so far but I'm curious what happened our Championship Contender went up and I see that we're 4- two and of course we're going to get the win when we can finally average almost seven yards per carry that's so much better than the previous weeks now we have a buy before we get into the hardest part of our schedule and there are so many different teams in the Big 10 now we're sitting here near the bottom but so is USC that could be a winnable game since we're probably not going to beat Ohio State and just looking at our team needs we need to make sure that we sign some more linemen and also some running backs I also somehow missed that we needed a punter so that might be something we add in the transfer portal but maybe not because I haven't even gone after this player but we're sitting at First on his board and he could be decent when scouting most positions you don't know what you're going to get into but with special teams players you can see the two stats that are important and I found a fourstar gy and Randy Tony he has 93 speed and it said that he would play halfback for us it seems like every time we advance the week more players sign and they're all four stars which is incredible the later that we get into the season the less recruiting changes we're just hoping to seal all of these guys even though Alabama's coming in on that one and then Notre Dame on this player but what would also be nice is if we won our second straight game and by the Numbers we're slightly better overall wise while we have a better wide receiver too the actual game of the week is Alabama number n Tennessee you can see by this icon right here and hopefully the hooers don't take us down we only got one more command while improving to 5-2 so our Championship contenders gone up to start the season 5-2 in a rebuild I feel like it's very impressive but it's Dylan Rola that's carrying us 365 passing yards four touchdowns and no turnovers with our season not over yet I have to play against Ohio State and this is probably going to be a very tough environment to play in they're coming out of the tunnel right now you can see the stadiums packed and this is the sixth toughest place to play are freshman quarterbacks in trouble because I don't know what button those wide receivers are I can't even hot route them I can only hot route the players that I'm actually aware of what they are and I tried to put him on a corner route but he did not go on a corner route and now I don't know what to do at the end of the day I just wasn't able to keep up with the Buckeyes their defense was really solid and we got blown out by 24 points even when I started to score we couldn't stop will Howard but we did level up so I'm going to go back into scheme and then make sure that our quarterback gets even more boost to all of his stats The Freshman started the year as an 80 overall and now he's an 84 and throughout the course of his career all of this stuff is just going to continue to increase more and more there were a couple players that we knew other schools were going to start to Target though like Alabama trying to get this wide receiver they're catching up quickly and he's 63 with 95 jumping and 90 speed so I'd love to land him at this point in the year all I have left is just scheduling visits and keeping our main pitches on all of these guys so that's what I'm going to continue to do and after losing to the bucke guys all I want to do is make a bow game in order to do do that all we have to do is win one of these final four and we should be able to do that but just looking at these Big 10 standings it's interesting to see teams like Penn State not doing that well if you have a tough schedule you're going to lose and we have signed our first five-star Connor Chris P finally committed we also got this wide receiver before Alabama could steal him from us and it's got to be because we beat UCLA improving to 6 and three 49 to 28 our offense went off and you know that that means our starting quarterback had six touchdowns so I'm really happy and my first recruiting class ever on this game is currently ranked in the top 10 if we can win this game there's a chance that we're still in the running to make the playoffs but I have noticed on some of the final four stars I'm targeting we're going to lose this guard to Notre Dame because I'm doing everything that I can and they're just able to get more points the reason for that is probably because he's from Indiana which is very close to the Irish and all is good because we just signed this fourstar tight end from Kentucky along with the punter that we really needed but the thing I cared about was getting that tight end just because this player is probably transferring still I knew we were probably going to lose this guy to Notre Dame though so that's what happened and now that it's the end of the season I guess we could go after more players but there's only three left that we still need to try to land before that first Signing Day and scouting wise remember Tony's the running back at athlete that I really want it looks like next up on the schedule is a rivalry game against Wisconsin and their two overall is better than us and I don't think I ever mentioned it but USC did beat us by three I just saw that our record was six and four so I know we didn't come out on top just because of how difficult our conference is I think it's going to be very hard to complete this rebuild winning a championship and maybe Randy Tony is what we needed to get to the next level of the three players left on our board two of them have committed to our school so that's a good sign that we have come out on top versus the Badgers winning this rivalry even though we play in the Big 10 though since our schedule's not been that hard we're not ranked in the top 25 like some of these other six and four teams are so there's really no reason for me to play this rivalry to end the year but I love how you can scroll through all of these menu screens and also look at this another layout of all the standings in the Big 10 I keep discovering new things and the final player on our board's Jeff bis I think we'll be able to get him to commit and that's what happened which means we have a class of 20 players I thought I had a pretty good grasp on recruiting but I didn't think I'd sign 17 four stars before this first year even ended and that means you should take my advice with some of these tips but we did finish s and five a lot of our games were pretty close though so I'll take it and stat-wise Dylan Rola had a great freshman year 3,500 passing yards 33 touchdowns and he just needs to cut back on the turnovers running the ball is where we struggled a bit though as you can see even Dante Doo only had 567 yards and we didn't have one standout receiver besides maybe this guy who had double digit touchdown receptions as for the Heisman Trophy that went to Alabama's Jaylen moo and we've made the Lost Vegas Bowl versus the Florida Gators I decided not to fire either my offensive coordinator or defensive coordinator they're a level 23 they're not bad and if I wanted to take it I would have a couple job offers like Oklahoma at head coach but I don't want to move that's a series that'll come later on but this is what the first 12 team playoff looks like in this dynasty and since it's also early Signing Day all of these players that have committed throughout the year have officially signed so they can't leave our school anymore we had zero flips in commitment which means we're staying as the number nine class in the country and soon after the playoffs are over the transfer portal will open up we'll have fun with that but for now I want to see some Bowl presentation and we're here in Las Vegas in Allegiance Stadium you can see the Gator mascot chomping away and the helmets on here just look so clean unfortunately though we haven't had the best of games so far we just lost the ball off of a fumble and it's because even though I don't want to admit it the gator defense has been super solid I almost feel like we have to go for it on fourth and six and they're going to knock it down so that led to another touchdown and there was no coming back after that throughout this year though I think we learned a lot about the team that we're working with and I feel like we have a really bright future still I love that little Rock the Baby celebration you hit R2 and right stick to the right to do it and that's all the satisfaction I can get out of this with a bad loss we had a solid enough year though to where not many players wanted to transfer and I have to follow the playoffs even if Jacksonville State only put up six points in the first round by the time the national championship came around it was Oregon versus Michigan and it was the ducks that came out on top by just one point when it came to players leaving though it just looks like we're losing about eight starters including this corner that's going on to the NFL and that tight end that said he wants to transfer never entered the portal he's at risk but he doesn't want to leave and our team Prestige went from 3 and 1 half stars to 4 and 1/2 Stars so I'm assuming that some of these team grades had to have increased it's now time for the transfer portal though and because we signed so many players there's not many guys that are still in need but what you can take away from this is the number of players a school loses varies a ton because schools like Georgia Southern probably were bad so a lot of players transferred while Jacksonville State was amazing so they only had one guy leave just by scouting these guys there's nobody special that I really want but I do think it would be nice to have some extra bodies on the team and how you would recruit them is very similar to a high school player you offer them a scholarship you're also able to add on actions like sending the house immediately and if they started in your top five you can also schedule them for a visit which is nice but I don't know what this player likes so I'm not going to do it yet draft results wise Tommy Hill went in the fourth round like he was supposed to and this transfer period only goes on for 4 weeks so things are going to happen very quick I have a feeling Alabama's probably going to get Owens from us but if we bring him on a visit soon maybe he'll commit to Nebraska and we kind of lucked out that by the next week we already found his main three interest I even decided to remove one of the transfer wide receivers from our board because we're going after this guy who's in high school and a deep threat with 94 speed is so valuable if players don't start committing though we are in trouble and I've seen two three stars but not the four-star running back we wanted because both us and the Crimson TI reached that period at the same time and they have more school Prestige as for Mitch turban he's not going to make a final decision in one week but he signed with us anyway because when recruiting ended we were the school with the leak 23 players is pretty solid there were some classes better than ours with five stars in it but I'll take 18 four stars and one five star especially since Connor crisp ended up being an 80 overall some of the other best freshman included Brian Bland and then Russ as well but what I cared about was the future behind Dylan this freshman quarterback and he is a 74 we also have these three athletes that we can move around including Randy Tony who goes to running running back or corner I don't know what we're going to choose yet but I think running back's best so that's what I went with since this other freshman was a 66 we even had this athlete from Louisville that I decided to put at tight end but this was interesting because I could have put him at linebacker or safety too and for the final guy I guess what we'll do is just add on another Power rusher there were still some smaller movements I had to make just to help out our overall but after that it was time for training results and you'll see that Dylan is our best player as an 88 I also leveled up a lot which is going to allow me to recruit even better so so I'm just going to keep getting this always be crw in tier three it seems to be very good but also I need to go ahead and unlock this motivator tree because if you get to a tier three in some of these you're going to get an offseason bonus for both wide receivers and tight ends and then of course it will go for all the other positions too once we get more coaching points we just need five more from leveling up we're going to go for tier three and quarterback and I'm starting to have an even spread with everything while my coordinators are also doing the same going into the season we only have a couple players at risk of transferring again and this is where I have to get rid of players we don't need because our roster size is at 92 and we have to get it all the way down to 85 things kind of worked out because I just got rid of the defensive tackle complaining about playing time and scheduling wise things are about to get a lot more difficult because we're going to have to play Penn State Maryland and Oregon and Ohio State this year as you can probably guess we're not in the preseason top 25 but I think our conference projection is a little bit better than it was last season that makes sense though we now have a sophomore quarterback that's up to an 88 and I'm kind of worried with how much he's improved because he red shirted his freshman year in real life that he'll enter the NFL after this season that's kind of a problem because when you look at our team needs we already need two quarterbacks if he leaves we'll need three and we also need a couple other offensive positions with some defensive ones as well because we have 15 seniors and we have to make sure we replace all 15 I think because my coach stability is getting better though and we've improved with some of these other team grades we're going to have better prospects interested in our school like these four five stars and I think I'm going to go after three of them I'm not having too many issues finding gym after gym but the big highlight is this left guard because he's a five star and also a gym which means he's probably the best player on the board my biggest find though might be this quarterback he has 94 throw power a bunch of good accuracies too I just don't know how long it's going to take for us to get into the race so in the next week we have to focus on that if we want to make the cut before he decides on his top eight and all I can do is send the house by the time I've done that for everybody we can go after 18 different players with the send the house because we had 900 recruiting hours available to us and I want to get to the top of the board that's when you see players like quarterback B Spears who I've already mentioned and then these three star recruits two of them are offensive linemen but Jay Spears is a corner with 95 speed and I really want him the main problem is going to be the bigger schools are probably going to beat us out especially for these higher rated recruits and I'm still figuring out how all of this works we made a m Spears top eight in fact we've jumped up to number two but Colorado has a bigger lead and with some of these players we're off to a great start but then there's other ones where we're going to have to really work to come back since everybody's at the top eight period I can't do anything else they're not able to be scheduled for a visit and and also all the cells are locked behind the top five so if anything we should focus on our first matchup and I jumped into this game to see what Nipper Stadium looked like but as you can see this is in a massive Dome and it's apparently at Lucas Oil Stadium this must be a kickoff game of some sort and sure enough in real life Cincinnati is hosting the Corn Huskers here next year so this is realistic and I feel like that level of detail is super impressive but we have to get some stops to start the second quarter we have them on a third and 15 so all we have to do is make a tackle on their running back and they weren't as aggressive as I thought they might instead they're trying to pin us back inside the 20 this one's been a fun one to play because they're not a crazy team and On The Run please tell me that is an accurate throw because I saw it late and we still brought it in now I have to bring the jet touch pass back out I promise you all are going to see this so much from me throughout this whole year and let's go ahead and see the Rock the Baby celebration after that score though we missed the extra point and there's only a couple minutes left in this game where it's tied at 13 so I'm not going to lie I'm still struggling a lot with this game but that's a good throw and we really could settle for a field and win this one I'm starting to have a little bit of success again so we're in a better spot than I was thinking we'd be and the only thing that worries me a little bit is I'm still not great with the kick meter so I could miss the game winner Cincinnati also decided to start calling timeouts but we are going to get a huge handoff up the middle so from here we can run out the rest of the clock and we're just going to settle for a field goal unless we get in with this run and we don't the pressure's on it's pretty similar to the extra point I missed but we are going to drill it and we're going to beat Cincinnati even if it was super close that's a good start to the year I'm also seeing a lot of top fives but we know these five stars are going to be hard to come by especially this guy versus Georgia so we might just have to hope we unlock all three interest quick for the first time in this rebuild I'm going to try to sway a prospect I think we have to go for the one with athletic facilities in it and after scrolling through 13 prospects finally one of them has unlocked all three of their interest already just because they're the most effective for this point total I think we're going to have to keep focusing on getting the hard cells on there and there's no reason we should lose this one to akan looks like we came out on top being 2 and0 in Championship contend are increasing and that was expected even if we only came out on top by four and now we have time to prepare for some of our bigger matchups in the season it looks like the sway has not helped out from a recruiting pitch standpoint so I'm hoping that we have all three of these unlocked and we do which means sway was pretty effective now we can go into the hard cell and it's locked so why did I do that I guess we're going to have to roll with this one hoping that he cares a lot about playing time and honestly I'm expecting to lose out on the five star but maybe I'll get one of these guys because we're in the lead for both of them and the quarterback too we're not going to get this five star though we're just losing way too many points I mean I might as well give it a shot but we'd also need a visit to go our way so we're just going to start scheduling them for all of these by weeks the risk just isn't worth it for the Penn State game it kind of is for the Oregon one so maybe we'll try it with this five star but something went wrong because both Matt Huntley and then this other quarterback have locked us out he went to Iowa State and we're not having success in recruiting but we are in the polls going up to number 20 in the country it looks like this pitch is not Landing for this player but I don't know what else to do and I just realized this entire time I should have been putting 65 points on the festar corner we also leveled up so now I can make sure that we're going to get an offseason training boost at quarterback and also that they are hot in the close games and I'm going to try to figure out sways again but this time on a bunch of stuff that he doesn't already care about after a lot of work and recruiting we're starting to get some commits but we missed out on this fourstar cornerback to Miami they beat us out for him even though he was a bust I felt like his stats were pretty solid and if this visit with Tony doesn't come soon he's going to Georgia the swaying stuff worked on Jared Lewis to now we have three interests that we can go after with him I think we need to start focusing our attention to on the field play though because we are somehow now number 14 and I think we could lose to Penn State Oregon and Ohio State and still make it into the playoffs ideally though it would be nice to beat one of them and our fans are in for a treat Memorial Stadium is pumped up right now and it's also our first ring game so that's interesting I think my main goal has to be to feed the ball to Dante Dole but Penn State's already generated a lot of pressure and that is such a great throw by the time is fourth and one we have decided to go for it and we had an open player that catches it and this is the first time I'm going into instant replay it slipped out of his hands but he still brought it in if we get points on this first drive it is going to be because of him and how is Dante still going that's what you want to see out of your running back and on a fourth and one they're going to get the interception that's not exactly ideal we had a big moment then I made a mistake and you can see our fans are shocked that offensive blunder might cost us because we haven't been able to score and I'm about to try to hit a a 52 yard field goal but I don't know if I put enough power on it that was such a tough one to drill it's the farthest I've made so far and after getting a turnover we could keep this game close going into the half the problem is I have to make another 52 Y and I don't think this one is going to go as well it went straight to the Return Man do not tell me that this guy is about to get a touchdown out of this please that kick meter is something and they are going for it on fourth down but our Corner couldn't stick with that wide receiver and he's gone you know this Penn State Defense is probably going to be the best in the country next year I can see why and it's going to take me a while to get used to this game it took me four quarters to score on the nitty lions and we just couldn't get the win at the end of the game I think we still have a long way to go when it comes to improving and we've signed a fourstar tight end which we really needed to get unfortunately like I thought Tony did decide on Georgia but for pretty much everybody else on our board we are an El leite on them and the one player that we're not is a bust at tackle so he's probably only like a three star Prospect I'm not happy with how this class is going to turn out but maybe I'll start to look for few more players and there's no telling if we'll actually get them but it doesn't hurt to add some dudes to our board I didn't want a huge class this year and just looking at our conference standings there's like eight ranked teams in the Big 10 with Marilyn being another one but we have the overall Advantage so I decided to sim it and that's where I met with this four-star Prospect things must have gone well we won 38 to 28 and that is probably with a big offensive game from our quarterback which he didn't have any turnovers now we're hosting number three orgon but I played the last one against Penn State so I'm just going to make sure everybody on our board still set and then I'm going to see what happens when we Sim it there were a lot of players visiting for that game so I feel like if we get a lot of commits like a five-star Corner maybe we upset Oregan and we have another five star with Right Guard Jared Lewis we got this tackle as well so we also would get the tight end too and even a middle linebacker surely we beat Oregon for all of that to go our way like that's five commits well maybe not I see that we're sitting at 3 and two but we moved up in the pulse for losing and it was only a three-point loss compared to the Penn State one so I did make the right decision in Sim just looking at the rest of our schedule as long as we only lose to Ohio State I think we're going to make it to the playoffs and our team keeps on upgrading throughout the season and we might only have eight commits so far but because two of them are five stars we have the 13th best class I'm proud of what we've put together especially if we can sign this four-star gym and he came on a visit versus Louisiana Monroe so he should be in here somewhere we just got a fstar but it says for Spears we've only reached his top three schools so maybe he wasn't ready yet I just know we keep winning if our Championship Contender up to an A+ and what's so cool about rebuilds in this game is that's good enough to make the playoffs eventually Spears did decide to join our team along with Dylan Gars another halfback so that's two more commits and even if all of these wins have been very tight we were able to get another one and now we're playing number one Ohio State I don't know what to think right now we're currently ranked number six in the country but we know it's going to be tough and I don't think there's any chance that we're able to make the big 10 Championship still this is about to be the most important game on our schedule but even if we lose this night game at Memorial Stadium we should still be fine to make the playoffs and almost got out of there it's nice for all of these big games to have the home crowd advantage on our side I'm also able to run with Dylan a bit but we have to convert on this third Nate and that was such a late read if I would have hit it sooner we would have been able to get more than a field goal and I missed so I should have just gone for it on fourth down I told you all the first month of me playing this game was going to be a mess but we could get them off the field on this third and seven and we do so they had to kick a field goal but ever since then it's just gone downhill we haven't gotten points throughout the half and it took me four quarters to get one touchdown I knew was going to be a long process for me to be decent at the game but that also means this rebuild might take me forever because once we get to the playoffs I have to play every game on All American that loss dropped us down to number 21 in the poll that's a huge drop from six to there but when you look at our schedule we haven't beaten anybody good yet so we shouldn't have been ranked that high with our team currently being an 89 now I feel pretty confident so I'm going to sim at least a few weeks and maybe try to stop it before 14 during that process you know we're going to get more commits but unfortunately we did pick up a loss so that was HED by having our first conference defensive player of the week it looks like we beat our Rivals Minnesota Michigan state was no issue but it was Northwestern that took us down by two and sure enough whenever we lose we just don't run the ball well we averaged 3 yards per carry our season ends against Iowa another rival and this is good for visit week so anybody that needs one our schedule but we aren't making the playoffs and turns out everybody already took their visit there was this five star I started going after late but as you can see Tennessee is going to get him and we're going to get a couple four stars probably but that's not the five star I was hoping for like I just said he would decide on Tennessee and we lost again somehow to Iowa I knew that everything was going way better than it should have but just like last year we have the number n ranked class at the moment and the transfer portal opens up soon so maybe we can improve more just because I want to test out the feature I am going to fire our offensive coordinator but finding a level 32 replacement could be difficult the reason I got rid of him though is Dylan rola's stats took a big step back and we still haven't had a rushing game even if that's what he's best at wide receiver wise once again nothing too impressive is going on here and it could be a while before we make the conference Championship this year it was Kade kumnick that won the Heisman and our bowl game's against Hawaii so we should come out on top for early national Signing Day we have three five stars that are officially on the team next year and I finally get to experience what it's like to hire a coordinator in this game I don't know what I'm doing but I guess I'll look for a high level actually I kind of like this guy he's very good at Player Development and I'm going to offer James Tucker a job but Missouri's also going after him we won't know for another week whether or not he chooses us but I'm hoping he does and let's just destroy Hawaii we can't afford to lose another ball game and the LA bows presentation is beautiful after getting a defensive stop we have it on the 5 yd line and I just got that out but it's clear things are tight here down on the goal line and I love this jet touch pass especially if you can get some fast guy out in the space so I was hoping that would work a little bit better for us and as long as we don't throw a pick I guess we're fine I think I underestimated the Rainbow Warriors to be honest I'm just not great at this game so far but we're going to hit them hard and holding them to a field goal is fine what's not fine is I have not scored and there's only 2 minutes left in this half but attempting the field goal could go very wrong and I hit it too hard this time around I literally might just throw the Crosser or maybe the slant the Slants open for 20 and the truck also made a miss and we're not getting out of there trust me once I figure things out we will be fine there are some sick moves in this game and if I step up and run we might as well take that there's a lot of open space on the field do a little spin move and we're down at the four but I fumbled I fumbled wonderful that's exactly what I wanted in that situation please do not return it this is literally the worst way to end the first half and Hawaii just celebrated on me like that I have to take it personally now I cannot lose to the Rainbow Warriors they're literally stunting on me and I was thinking surely we'd find a way to get some points before the half but I'm not sure if we're going to and what a grab this game is so important to me because we cannot go six and seven we have to at least get to eight wins in the year and on third down they didn't send the blitz like I thought they would but we're also not getting far enough I have to go for it to end the half the exact same play we have our tight end open and this is the moment that the comeback started our next drive it's third and Ines they probably thought that we were going to run there but we had to throw it and you've got to be kidding we better pick up this fourth down please just fight for it that was a great offensive showing right there I'm trying to be a little bit smarter but this game is so difficult and we have pulled it to run into the End Zone after celebrating I actually love how much I can celebrate on this game and we just got an interception so guess who's going for another touchdown now that we have some momentum I think we're okay but Hawaii got a touchdown and they're about to get another second and goal I'm expecting a run or something it looks like they had someone in motion but they throw the interception straight to us Pimpin has it in his hands and that is such a huge stop from the guy with the crop top Jersey ever since that moment we've been holding on and they're going for it on a fourth and seven but they just didn't have what it takes to keep up with us for four quarters and they should have never celebrated in the first place Dante dodo please get to the outer edge we'd eventually get in sealing our first bowl game win and the guys deserve it but we need to make the playoffs next year I mean if Dylan comes back he's then going to be a junior so he should want to accomplish more than being the LA Ball winner and now we've had our first national defensive player of the week it stinks that AJ Rollins was a senior because he went kind of crazy with the sacks and after firing our last offensive coordinator we have hired a new one named James Tucker even if he's a lower level than what we had and it's a pro style offense I'm excited to see what he has in this motivator tree and he has it maxed out where quarterbacks get a full offseason boost when you combine that with mine plus I think we're going to start getting it to all of our linebackers as well that's very good for training results and when it comes to the playoffs Michigan got the revenge from losing last year beating Alabama and they won by 14 it was an impressive performance even though they were the lower overall now it's time for us to lose a ton of seniors to graduation though and this Junior wants to go to the draft early Dylan rayola does not but I'm going to try to persuade him to come back and let's just hope that Coleman wants to play for us and he does he could have gone on to the NFL with all these seniors but he wants to have some more success at Nebraska and when it comes to the transfer portal there are a few players that are interested in our school so we're going to go after them since we have the right upgrades we're able to put 65 points on all four of these and things go by so quickly the transfer portal is a fast-paced thing but it looks like we have a chance to get all of them and it looks like the linebacker with 93 Xcel decided on Florida we did get lucky with this four-star defensive tackle though because we're going to be able to Hard Sell to his three biggest interests and we're about to see who we've added on to our recruiting class we got the two three stars but it looks like the fourstar decided on Wisconsin that's unfortunate but we didn't lose that that many seniors we've replaced all of them and we signed a better class than last year just looking at some of these freshman the highest overall is Jay Spears but we brought in a lot of good ones including the quarterback that's a 76 athlete wise it also looks like we've cleaned up pretty nicely and Dylan Garnes The Freshman will just go over to PowerBack with 90 speed now I will say I haven't had the deal with transfers much so far but this is the first one that scares me but it's kind of a good thing because player progression went so well Dylan rayola has two amazing wide receiving targets and so many guys in proved a lot just looking at our rushers there's going to be a lot of competition so I can't blame him for wanting to transfer out and it's a good thing we have so many corners because we have to start cutting down this roster size I always go for the seniors here that aren't going to see the field it's unfortunate they're not going to finish their degree here at Nebraska on the field for us but they have to get off of the team and this is the stage where we could mess around with conference free alignment since the Big 10 is so tough but I'm not going to do that we have to win it legitimately I think we stand a good shot at making the playoffs with a 91 overall team and because our schedule is so difficult there's no way that we're also going to play Tennessee I've got to change that out for somebody like the Riverside Royals just looking at the rest of it we play USC and Oregon at home and then we go to Michigan we play Ohio State at home again and I can guarantee this is our last year with Dylan so we have to make the most of it just looking at the Big 10 conference projections we're actually all the way down here at number 10 it's that tough but I think we're better than most of these other teams they all look like they're in the 80s and then we're up there at 91 this might actually be a decent window for me to win it but I still have to make sure that we're targeting some good recruiting prospects and I feel like our team needs are always going to be flooded we're losing 15 seniors so we just need 15 more talented guys I've been finding a few bust but I also found this wide receiver that has 97 speed and then there's this quarterback that's supposed to be really good so we're probably going to Target him too it's not like we need one with these three young guys but it never hurts to have another option and I'm excited to use Dante Doo this season because he's up to a 90 overall before we start the year though I think we need to switch up the Playbook so we have something else maybe a run style one like Arizona because that matches up with our offensive coordinator style and I might want to start putting stuff into the running game too we have 30 coach points to spend and with 10 of them left I'm actually going to go over here to this one and then go for two loud it significantly increases the effects of crowd noise at home so theoretically Ohio's in a ton of trouble and if we didn't win that I wouldn't know what to think I know we did though because we had the big 10 offensive player the week and our schedule's built for us to start 2 and 0 and then get into the tougher games like USC and Oregon our first game with our new offense we scored 49 points and Dylan riol is off to a good start but I just hope that he's able to keep it up next up are the Royals and they're only a 69 overall so theoretically we should be fine and just looking at most of these recruits were doing pretty well but some of the five stars were not going to land you really can't do much besides send the house until about week 3 or 4 and we're moving up the polls even if our wins aren't that impressive in recruiting it looks like we're set to get at least three five stars and then maybe we'll get one of these two guys as well but in order to do that we have to start scheduling visits in our first one's going to be at home versus USC in week four so that should be interesting one of the players coming is the guy with 97 speed and if we were ever going to have a game of the week I feel like this would have deserved it instead though it went to number one Texas at number eight South Carolina and that does make some sense but it is time to get hype because we're about to face off against the Trojans at home it feels like every game here's been in front of a soldout crowd and starting out with the jet touch pass we're going to go over to this left side of the field where the blocks just didn't pick up I'm going to be smart and strategic in this especially since they're getting in pressure fast and by smart and strategic I mean running the Wildcat and just hoping that we're able to break off a big run I finally found a Playbook with a lot more trick plays so I want to have something work for us and please tell me we can get to the outside I feel like I've done so much recruiting to where I just want to play some football on the field and we are going all the way to the 15 this new playbook might just be what fixes my offense because I've struggled throughout this video and on second and 14 they're sending in a blitz so I had to get it out super quick all right third and 14 I feel like we beat them off of the line over there but I'm back to struggling and that's why we might never win a championship even with this play super pumped up we have to get a stop and we do but then we'd find oursel in a third and inches after giving up a touchdown on their next drive so it was a good thing we picked it up I need to just continue to look for those underneath routes those are the ones that lead to big plays and now that we're down inside the goal line I'll just keep going back to our tight end I did tell myself I'd get a touchdown out of Wildcat though so we're going to try to go for it and even with the backup we have enough speed now on a third and six with a couple minutes left in this second quarter I want to go for the Flea Flicker and we are going to have Lloyd deep that is a touchdown so I've put off my first huge trick play and that was one of the coolest things I have ever seen he was almost wide open it's like the defense didn't expect it I mean they shouldn't have and that was so neat but as this game goes on we have to make sure that we keep picking up all of our fourth downs and if there's anything I need to do before we get closer to halftime I have to try to get in field goal range it's going to be a hard kick from 46 so maybe we can pick pick up a few more yards and now we have a chance to take a 13-point lead this is a big moment but it really wasn't that fast until I hit all of the Power and we're having a good day but we could be winning by even more luckily in this second half our defense has been really solid but on fourth down they picked that up so with 3 minutes left they're doing their best to stay in this game but we're going to get the sack this time that was a huge win over the number five team in the country and I actually feel really good about the roster that I'm working with whether or not we have success is now dependent upon my skill and just looking at some of the position groups on on this team I've done a really good job bringing in guys like Greg bruss our offensive Line's also crazy because of some of the recruits I got and I filled in almost every whole nebrask aad but we're getting deal breakers with this guy named Dennis moss and it's for our playing style I've never had that before but we either need to get more tackles for loss or sacks to increase it and I wish I could say I've done enough of a rebuild here to where we don't need more of these guys but we really do so I've got to start focusing in on all of their key interest I dealt with all of it and we have four or five stars that want to be scheduled for a visit so I should probably choose a game for that maybe it's Ohio State because it's the week of the Oregon game so it can't be now and we have the game of the week I guess it makes sense we've moved up to number seven in the country then they're sitting down here at number 12 and A lot's on the line because right now we're in a position where we could make the big 10 Championship just out of curiosity I think I've got to scroll through all of the jerseys that organ has in this game before we play against them and everything about the presentation just looks amazing I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out I don't know about you all but it's everything I was expecting and there are the organ duck in the yellow jerseys oh boy it is raining here at Memorial Stadium I still haven't gotten a single kickoff return but I do want to open up the game with the Flea Flicker because there's no way that they would expect this to come and this could be it please tell me we're going to have a touchdown here once again Lloyd is gone to the crib and it always confuses them I'm going to keep that in my back pocket I'm so glad I found that in the Playbook and it works but what's happened so far I would have never expected our defense got to stop we're going to score again so that turnover set us up perfectly and it's it's 14 to Z we would give up 10 straight though and now they have the ball with a chance to take the lead nobody's over to that player he slips off of us twice and that's it all of a sudden we are losing but they're pressing some of our best wide receivers and why did I just throw it up like that I meant for it to be a bullet I'm still getting used to the controls it looks like we should have had that and our defense has started to crumble with a minute left in this half we're not doing great but sometimes you just have to force it into those windows and I'll take the check down if it's open too we have a very wide formation for this this one and I think they're in manto man coverage so I might just try to step up in the pocket but I better be careful about the clock and that throw was on target I rarely run the ball but with 40 seconds left in the half we still can and on Third and goal we got somebody coming across very fast but he can't outrun that edge and the block didn't hold which means we are trailing by seven points at the half I thought I'd recruited pretty well for this defense but we still got work to do because even after getting a stop there we're giving up at least a field goal and we're trailing by 10 once again it's almost like we're all always on third or fourth down and I probably had something there I shouldn't have tried to give it to the tight end but they're going to get the pick somehow and as time winds down in this one it is fourth down I barely got that throw out in time and you can tell it's over I tried my best at the end to pull off a comeback but Dante Moore was just so hard to keep up with and I think the only commit we're getting this week because of it's a we even got locked out of the five-star QB and that was with jayen Lloyd going off from here on out though we should beat teams like Northwestern so assuming we take them down in Maryland then we have Michigan in Ohio State and if we just win one of those two I think we're a playoff team if not we might be in a little bit of trouble because the recruiting slowed down we still have the deal breaker there of course I just said we got locked out of him but we're also at a weird point where I don't think this guy helps us as much because even though I wanted him he is 97 speed he's going to be a lower overall at least compared to some of these other younger wide receivers so we really just need some good development it's also nice we bounced back from the loss against Oregon with a win against Northwestern even if it was only by eight points and currently on my board I'm only going after seven players so I probably need to find some more talent because that's not enough it didn't really take me too long to find some more four stars just for us to pursue most of them are gyms as well so we're still going to be bringing in guys but I want to beat Maryland and we probably did if we just signed this five star it was a good week we brought in four different prospects and if our Championship contenders in A+ you can see up there we're 5- one our wide receivers continue to have amazing performances and right now we're 5-1 about to play 4 and3 Michigan who's still ranked number seven and in the conference standings it looks like we are just in third place if we want to make the conference Championship we have to win this game of the week and the big house is fully packed out if we could just continue to keep up with him I would be happy with that we're both scoring touchdowns so this has been an interesting start to the game so far and on third nine we have a chance to get them off of the field but they're going to have somebody open on that side of it I'm hoping this time around we can play a little bit better defense we're going to get the interception with Armstrong and there we go even though we're playing well though you can see all the routes are very shaky we are in the toughest place to play on this dynasty F and on third down we're not getting this so I feel like we need to go for this fourth and one and I'm just going to pitch it surely we can get it out in time and look at that Dante is going to take us to the eight we are battling for our lives right now but I just want to beat Michigan and now that I've figured out how to do the Heisman celebration I've been doing that all the time too to end this first half we've gotten the ball back for a 2-minute drill so that's where we just have to be effective and I do like a good halfback toss every so often even though time is not really on our side the last thing I want to do is get stopped and then give Michigan a chance to get points so as we've worked it down the field you can see the stadium pulse has died down and we've taken a lot of clock with us I mean they would be the next team to score but I feel like we're in pretty good control of this game all we have to do is get at least a field goal on this one and even though everything's changing a bunch it's all crazy I want to try out this RPO where we got some good blocks and Coleman has one guy to get through going into the third quarter we're going to have a massive third and three coming up and if they're sending a blits I have some instant reads to make where the running back is going to get picked off I don't know why I threw that it wasn't even open it was such a dumb decision and now we have to catch this guy or it's going to be 28 oh what was I thinking things are not looking good and they have ascending a lot of pressure so one of the most crucial matchups of the year is going to be tied with a few minutes left assuming they are about to get into the end zone I honestly thought that they were about to walk that one in but they didn't and now they do I have to do everything in my power for this to be the final drive of the game and there's no way that we should kick a 56y field goal I'm going to miss that every time so we have to go for it and we have our wide receiver open over there which means we're now at the 2-minute warning and we're going to keep running through the clock flags are going to bring it back though 10 yards and I ended up having a call a timeout because with the stadium being this loud toughness rank one I almost got a delay game and now we just have to get a huge Jet Sweep play or jet touch pass I don't know what I'm going to do here on second down but I might just try to escape the pocket if they're going with manto man coverage Dylan needs to make sure he slides and I love how smart the computer is in this new game they're taking timeouts right now they're trying to give themselves a chance to get the ball back but they're not going to and even if they do somehow hold us they're only going to have 15 seconds that first down does it though we are going to kick the game-winning field goal and look at how much that arrow is shaking can you imagine if this was like from 50 yards out I mean it's because of the stadium Rank and how tough this is but I could have very easily missed that and I'm just thankful that we're sitting at 6 and one we're also still doing well in recruiting signing this five star from Nebraska and something happened to Ohio State because now they're sitting at 3 and four but I'm sure they're overall still high yeah a 90 from here on out I almost feel comfortable simming most of these games I think I'm going to sim all the way up until the Iowa one and if that doesn't go well for us I will be shocked because we're in a good spot right now I mean we've already signed most of the top players on our board we're still going after some other people but not that much I care about and I might really regret this decision in a few weeks but we are set to sim for multiple ones so I'm nervous to see the results but it says I've unlocked the architect so this is a coach ability well we're sitting at number five in the country 10 and one so I was correct to think that the roster I built was good enough to win all these games and it looks like the architecting is one of the skill trees it's one of the hybrids that mixes between the scheme one and the motivator and if I have 15 coach points then I'm able to unlock it inside of here you earn additional XP for certain things and this just goes position by position but because I started as Matt rule I'm already up to a level 48 and there's a max level of 50 with a coach if you can't tell even at the max level of a head coach you're not able to unlock even half of the stuff that you can so that's why what you choose is so important and I'm going to make sure that our wide receivers start off hot in the fourth quarter I am a little surprised to see that we've been dropping down the rankings just by winning games but I guess that's how things work out and I have to play this rivalry at least once seeing how well the year has gone for us so far there's a chance that we win at all I do see the checkerboard pattern in the stadium and there's the Children's Hospital up there in the background I'm waiting to see the infamous weight I think we have to wait until the end of the quarter though and playing on the road in this game is just miserable even with Iowa having the 22nd toughest place to play things are shaking but even with that in mind after that drop we've still been able to move it down the field and my mistake they stalled out this drive but look at the score with 2 minutes left in the half it's 3 to Z their defense has been insane their offense hasn't done anything and this could be my best kick ever please tell me that is in and that felt so rewarding that was super difficult I just can't believe how realistic this game is it's been an entire half and Iowa has only scored three points that is a laser so our drive to try and take a lead before halftime continues and I knew that we were going to burn that manto man coverage I got to say the fact that I can celebrate in all these games Now is awesome because that was not a thing in NCA football 14 and after turning the ball over to start this second half we're in a golden position to go up 17 to3 against our Rivals and all we had to do is snap the ball right there I feel like Dante Dole should be doing the Heisman pose right here he's had an incredible season but the Hawkeyes would finally score a touchdown I know I can't believe it either and that means we have to score again it took me a few years but I have found some plays that I really enjoy on this game so far especially these jet touch passes we're getting into the end zone and that had to be one of the filthiest spin moves I have ever seen it looks like to start this fourth quarter they're going for it on fourth down because at this point in the game they're losing and I was all over that area but that would lead to a touchdown and then they stopped us and we're going to miss here so all of a sudden we're losing why did our player just fall over I hit the wrong button and with the stadium pulse maxed out they have the crowd fully packed out here too I I am a little bit worried I'm just going to go over to the flat if they're going to leave it open but kinnick stadium is currently rocking and with this halfback pitch Dante D's going to get like five or six I'm going to keep going back to him because he's been so good and with 2 minutes left we still have plenty of time to get down the field on the ground I think we do need to start passing at some point though I'm about to take a sack too which means it is third and 17 they're getting in pressure and I can't escape the pocket that defense just clamped us up I did get a really good punt though so I will take that as assuming we get a good bounce and please tell me that we're just going to continue to pin them back I also want to get a hit stick on him and with three timeouts left you know that we have to try to just fill these holes there is so much on the line there's no reason that we should lose to Iowa we're going to make the tackle and it's my fault for blowing it here in this fourth quarter but we're going to get the ball back all I can say is I am thoroughly enjoying the game playay it is my favorite part of EA Sports college football 25 by far and what I'm about to do might be the worst play call in this situation but we're running the Flea Flicker he is open and he's gotten by the defense we completely fooled them we just scored with less than 30 seconds left on the clock over our rivals in their Stadium it is so quiet in there and I cannot believe that that actually worked we're still going to have to rely on our defense for another 30 seconds to secure this though and here we go on First and 10 I can't let them throw it over the middle we have to make this tackle but they seem to already be having success which is a little worrisome and please tackle them inbounds second and four now I'm going to stick with this wide receiver and they missed the throw but I'm just kind of embarrassed at the fact that we let Iowa score this many points against us 28's a lot for them Zone has not been working though so we've gone with manto man coverage and with 11 seconds left they're really handing it off I guess they trust their unit to hit this field goal and it's down the middle but we still have enough time to get off one more throw so we're just going to put up a prayer versus this DB and that's overtime I cannot believe that I let them get in the field goal range but at least we're here we also had to put together a drive in 37 seconds and I just don't want overtime to go on for long enough to where we're trading two-point conversions that was not an open pass but it still worked and I'm going to try to scramble with Dylan here he has the speed to take it all the way to the one and this is Dante's chance to just punch it in for us right here the defensive stops going to be the challenging part though and here on First and 10 after getting inside the 10 yd line we almost sacked him I am running straight cover three and just hoping our zones do their job but I also have to act like we're showing Blitz every so often and don't tell me that he actually got out of there how are we in an offensive shootout versus Iowa that doesn't even make sense and look at this they're going for the two point conversion where we are going to stop them short I can't remember in the second overtime in college football now if you have to go for it there or not but I'm going to take it this spin move frees us and we are almost in the stadium pulses through the roof but it will not matter and I can't believe I forgot the rules you have to go for the two-point conversion in second overtime I'm going to go with my favorite play these jet touch passes hopefully we can override this left side of the field and there's no one over there it's game that was such a shootout but at least we got the win over our Rivals and Dante one player the game but pretty much every everybody performed well besides our defense I mean Dylan rayola never turned it over so I can't complain about this statline and that's by far the best game that I've had so far I think it's safe to say that hiring James Tucker was an amazing move and what a journey this has been for Nebraska so far but we still have a lot more work to do as you can see the Big 10 conference championship trophy was right there and this isn't the first time we've played at Lucas Oil Stadium in this video through just a few minutes of football both teams have already scored a touchdown but that inaccurate throw means they want us to attempt a 59y field goal and this would be the farthest kick I've ever made please tell me I put enough on it I'm starting to get a lot better with the kicking meter but not enough to where I wouldn't go for it on fourth in inches I really regret not pulling out this jet touch pass right there I feel like we would have had an instant touchdown we might even this time because Lloyd's so quick with his moves and we have a chance to get off to a 17 to7 lead right here but Dylan's going to take the sack now on second and goal it looks like that manto man coverage stuck nicely so I just managed to lose a ton of yards and we're going for the End Zone anyway even if it didn't look open I'm starting to figure out the things that I'm able to throw and the longer that this game goes on for the better it's looking for us as the end of the third quarter approaches I'm going to kick this field goal to make it a 16.1 and if we could just hold them on this fourth and 10 we would have sealed the game but Kaden Saunders got a great release and they did not get the two-pointer a two possession leads fine assuming they don't hold us to a three and out and that led to another touchdown so we're in trouble I think I have to go back to what I know will work and it's these jet touch passes assuming that Lloyd breaks for that spin move was filthy and he is fast I'm also pretty sure if they're going to press us like this we'll have an easy touchdown over the top but I think we put too much on it and getting Coleman to come back for another season was massive the game ends right here if we can stop them but we of course are going to miss a tackle and now we have another opportunity to win this big 10 Championship but it went through my hands I mean this drive took them so long I'm not worried but we had to recover the onside kick to make sure we won and Dylan Rola had an amazing performance now we get to celebrate with the conference championship trophy it looks great and we're starting to get somewhere with this Nebraska rebuild we've been able to recruit some fantastic players but we were never able to get a Heisman Trophy winner we did win the award for the best wide receiver though and it looks like we also had the best DB in the country I'm pretty sure I recruited that player I'm a little surprised that Penn State is still ranked higher than us but I don't really care because we're a conference champion and there's a chance that we're going to have to play them again during this first round buy it's also national Signing Day where we only brought in these 11 players but if we don't win at all this year those players are going to replace the seniors that we would lose and we could still build our team through the portal too but look at these stats from Dylan he had his best season yet and so did Dante Dole so that new addition at offensive coordinator made all of the difference the Playbook change also worked we almost had 2,000 yd wide receivers three wide receivers with double digit touchdowns and going into the playoffs we are dealing with a few injuries but nothing too major that we can't handle the biggest loss would be this right tackle but I'm hoping he can be healthy next week cuz it's just a brok hand and Penn State must have lost if we're playing Louisville next thank goodness I didn't want have to face the NIT knee lines again Tain also won their game and as a Kentucky fan there's no way that I'm going to lose to Louisville they were actually set to be this first rebuild but you all voted them out on Twitter so I went with Nebraska but I think I'm going to drop another one tomorrow with a much smaller school so you have both now we just have to open up this game the right way and I have no respect for Louisville I'm throwing up the deepest PA that I can off the gates and look at that we are going to destroy the Cardinals we're not losing to them it is time for us to win or at least I thought they scored pretty quickly and now they're going to knock it out luckily for us though there is a flag on the play and I'm shocked along with our fans that it's against us well if it's third and 18 the chances of this going the right way are not right I shouldn't have put the ball there though they're going to get the interception and Louisville would then drive down the field to score again so we really need to end this first half with a touchdown I think Lloyd could be up the seam if I can throw it quickly and I was able to but what'll really matter is how this next Drive goes and I see that we have a wide open wide receiver this is Bruce we've recruited him and he gets us to Midfield I'm starting to get a better hang for how you pass and just get big gains in this game and you have to keep in mind that this is much different than NCA football 14 was like this throw is not going to go the right way but anyway this plays much different than the game that I've been used to playing for all of these years and I never really touched Madden 24 I wish I did though now because I'm terrible at this game after that turnover they'd get a touchdown and knocking that ball out makes this fourth and six I am confident to attempt this field though and that's perfect luckily for us after getting them to a fourth and two they did decide to punish so now we have the ball back again and how did he get in so quick every so often there's just stuff that happens out of your control we're also going to get a penalty here so this is coming back and it's holding against us it is literally second and 25 and they're about to get another sack so I'm going to go ahead and Max protect I just learned that that was a thing and I'm throwing up a 50/50 ball over on that left side of the field I think we might actually have Coleman he's able to come under the football and what a throw that was oh my gosh I cannot believe that we just pulled off a third and 35 that's one of the best plays I've ever had and come on we've got to get them off the field on this third and six they went with the draw and it worked Perfection I can't even make the tackle they're gone to the crib and they have the lead again I can't believe that I thought we were going to come out in this game and dominate and instead it's just been a struggling but I know we have that 99 speed wide receiver over there so I'm just going to hope for the best again and it barely worked I'm on All American too so it's the second hardest difficulty and now with this jet touch pass all we needed was that block we're going to go down in the end zone but none of that matters if they pick up this third and 15 and that is good D I've literally just been running a bunch of jet touch passes down the field I mean they work so well when you have fast wide receivers and I almost celebrated too early I'm having a blast with them they are so much fun but I think defense is just difficult because I couldn't stop them again they were able to score so we have to run out the rest of this clock I think now would probably be the perfect time for a Jet Sweep since everybody's in right there and you know that Lloyd has the Jets on him so he's able to get around a bunch and the field is so wide in college it's hard to stop that lateral movement I think that's why all of this stuff works so well it might be a little bit different in online games on this game but all I'm worried about right now is moving on to the semi finals and this first down does it we are just two games away from winning it all now and our quarterback's the only reason that I even wanted to choose Nebraska for this first rebuild he's gotten the Corn Huskers their first playoff win ever and I have to make sure that I throw out more balls to Malachi Coleman next up on on our schedule's Kansas State and they're an 85 overall so they're a bit tougher than the Cardinals but if we can beat them we'd end up playing either Georgia or Baylor in the national championship before we play the Wild Cats though I looked at our wide receiver speed and it's no wonder that we're able to beat teams over the top and you best believe that I'm going to try to do it again so far our offense has played pretty well which is a little unusual but I think I'm just getting more comfortable and as we pick up another first down we're getting closer to 21 points already I really struggle once I get down inside this 10 yd line though I'm going to lose yards and that Corner route just doesn't feel crisp enough to get open I feel like they're going to get pressure in so we're going to run with Dylan but he doesn't go far it's all good we're still taking a two possession lead here but that would be a race so quickly and with 3 minutes left in the third quarter we're finally taking our lead back the issue is there was holding on that jet touch pass so now it's third and five they're sending in a blitz and they actually stuck with Coleman I thought that would be a free touchdown and he'd just break the Press now we have to track down number nine and then figure out a way to get Kansas State off of the field the play action worked straight to though Armstrong gets the interception we have it right back and he is gone to the crib that is an amazing turnaround for us dvin Armstrong just changed everything and here on Third and 12 they just went with a halfback screen and we are going to be all over it getting the ball back with four minutes left is always a very good sign that you're going to win but I think the most interesting thing is they brought their defense down to press us so I had to try to go deep and what was I thinking that's it we're going back to using our speed laterally across the field hoping that we pick up the blockers and we can run out some clock here that spin move was filthy and Doss might just be gone we have to beat one more guy though and 91's going to maybe track us down or maybe not what a filthy touchdown run from our wide receiver I love the jet touch pass and those Kansas State fans can't believe what they just witnessed well this is the game it's Fourth and two we're kind of stack in the box and they just go with the handoff I feel like we filled up the hole pretty well but that would still eventually lead to a score cuz we couldn't get them off of the field which means we still have to run out the final two minutes and it looks like Dante Doo has nowhere to go well there's one player I trust in this situation and their defense committed to it so well that I have decided to go for it on Fourth and nine if they're going to run press man-to-man coverage and I'm so stupid we're going to have to play another season because I just made a stupid mistake but they throw another interception to Armstrong and that's going to do it as long as we don't fumble this game is over and Dylan just needs to slide but I almost had a heart attack I don't know how to slide properly I really just want to get into Victory formation that is going to do it and even if it was a bit unorthodox we're headed to the championship the real question was who it was going to be against though and it's undefeated Georgia so we're in for a challenge but I'm just glad that we made it this far it looks like they beat number 10 Louisville who we also had a tough game against and of course they had some other tough SEC opponents too but we're the same overall so we do have a chance and this is my first time seeing all of the stuff they have in this National Championship presentation I'm excited I want to see what is different out there and it looks like they have the updated patches on the jerseys they say 2027 on them which is really nice it's small details like that I wasn't sure that they would nail because they're just little things you wouldn't notice but everything looks pretty good and it's time for this game well we've gotten them to an early third and seven which is normally a good thing as they drop the ball but I was afraid that they were going to pick it up I don't seem to be able to get many stops on defense in this rebuild and we almost have a chance at Breaking Free to this right side I saw it and please tell me he can outrun number 10 I don't think we're going to go all the way but that's still a great start to this national champion ship and did you all see that presentation it all just looks really good I like the impact players too and if there's one thing that's been a staple of this Nebraska offense it has been these jet sweeps and to start off our first offensive drive we have a touchdown it is not time to play around we have to win this game we can't lose now and we've recovered a fumble here so we had a good chance to get more points but it's only going to be a field goal assuming we drill it because that halfback screen did not work out and I think that's enough power well if Georgia keeps turning it over this is not going to be a good game for for very long I'm going to try to run with Dylan here but that could have been a mistake because now it's third and goal and what a bad pass I'm going to go for it just because I like to play Things aggressively but that might be a very stupid decision we have to make it all the way and how have we opened up the championship so well the Bulldogs have already fumbled it away twice and you know that we have everyone down here just in case they handed it off but they passed it instead and number two is gone to the crib I should have known better there as long as we keep having success offensively though we will be fine and I've already been a aggressive once I have no issues being aggressive again this would be a very different game if some of those didn't go our way they're also blown up the jet pass so it's pretty obvious that the defense is able to adapt throughout a game and it feels like it's been quick but the first quarter is already gone I really like that one of those two wide receivers should be open over there and they're pressing our fastest one I mean what are you doing we would have had a touchdown if that wasn't a bad throw but we've gotten them to a third and 18 so they were never going to pick this up and here on Third and seven I'm going to throw it straight to to them I don't understand how the corner routes run on this game still it's thrown me off I'm going to try something a little different on the next drive but as long as they only get a field goal that's not going to be too devastating and there's no way that they're attempting this 57 y I guess their kicker is really good but it's wide left anyway what I wanted to try was this custom route stem where I can make these Corner routes run a little bit more direct and I want to see if that is a little bit better with the route running and look at that throw we're still getting a lot of inaccurate balls even though our quarterback's amazing but that's because that's almost an impossible pass to make consistently and I feel like EA has done a really good job at replicating the college level at least here on Third and 10 I am going to wait until the zig route gets open and then take it for the first but I do not enjoy throwing the ball because I'm not that good at it I wanted to run and I'm putting so much emphasis on this drive right here because I feel like this is where we could end up sealing things and instead I've thrown my second interception I'm going to need so many tips in the comments on how to be good I mean he was blanketed but I was used to being able to force that stuff anyway on NCA football 14 and I had to take a timeout so we could get the ball back again if you think I'm going to do anything else than try to just bomb him deep you would be incorrect but they had good coverage so I'm just waiting for that outside corner to be the back safety in like a cover three or something and if not I'll step up in the pocket like this and what is that I'm trying to slide but he's just jumping in the air instead it's because I'm hitting the wrong button of some sort and we actually caught it there's no reason I should have gotten away with that one I cannot believe it and the slant did get open last second but I was looking to run from the start so we need to start getting some bigger gains and that's what I was hoping would happen on the last drive when I threw a pick you all have now seen why I've struggled so much on offense but we get in and ever since that moment we have controlled this entire game with just a few minutes left kicking this field goal puts us up by 24 and we should be fine as long as we recover this onside kick which we do and we might even have a chance to return it if I tried before this video ends I think I want to run just one more jet touch pass I've had a blast using them and we need to get out that was bad but now I have a chance to make a 62 yd field goal this would be my longest one yet and look at that I actually made it from that far out and we need to thank our kicker for getting us this National Championship he was incredible now we're seeing the celebration for the very first time and I've completed my first rebuild in college football 25 44 to 32 over undefeated Georgia's impressive and this is Nebraska fan dreams with Dylan rayola I was able to do it so they can enjoy this moment but next is going to be a much smaller School we're not going to have a five star like him to start out with and I'm going to enjoy this moment knowing that the next time it's going to take me a lot longer that was such a fun run though all of the games were super good and I still thought it would take us four or 5 years to win it all with the Corn Huskers just looking at all this NFL Talent I'm very impressed with what we did but there's a chance that Dylan would come back for another year so I convinced him to and a lot better transfers want to come to our school now normally I'd end the video right here but I'm curious how all these players that I've recruited do now that they've cleared the 90 overall threshold and because it's a new game everything that happens is so excited we're supposed to be the best team in the country plus we probably have the best quarterback in the country so I would expect him to be in the Heisman race and he's projected to finish second I'm literally just going to sim the entire season it's not like I'm playing anything but we have to see how it played out and Jacksonville State's wide receiver won the Heisman Dylan Rola would take home this award though and we've made the college football playoffs as a five seed just looking at our schedule USC already beat us once by 22 and then we lost to Washington in the Big 10 conference Championship so that's how we got to play off bracket that looks like this and statistically just turnover wise these numbers are way better than what he had last year without Dante doto though we didn't run the ball too well so of course our receivers had to be better and I hope that I find out that we ended up winning the entire college football playoff well that didn't happen Kansas State got the revenge on us in the semi-final again and then won the whole title that's fine though I got to experience what's probably the best quarterback I'm going to get to use over the next few months and I'm surprised he didn't go to the NFL but these career stats were just super impressive of course that means that he had to be a first round draft pick and that concludes my first rebuild on college football 25 but if you want me to drop another one tomorrow with a smaller School make sure to smash that like button and I will do it

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