I Created a School in College Football 25 | Ep 1

I created a school in college football 25 and each episode I'll play an entire season with them to start a new College though the money has to come from somewhere and Kentucky billionaire tomara Guston was sick of horse racing she decided that she wanted to start up her own college and Kentucky has a northern a western and an Eastern School in it but there's not a Southern Kentucky University until now after investing $369 million to start a school the city of Somerset located in a county with only 655,000 people had a new College which also got a division one football team it's wild what spending hundreds of Millions of dollars can get you and Southern Kentucky even got a stadium that seats 15,000 people then when it came to the mascot it was a no-brainer for Guston because a stallion is a retired racehorse and she owns plenty of those so that's how the Southern Kentucky University stallions were founded SKU was fortunate enough to be invited to join the sun Bel alongside Western Kentucky our biggest Rivals but this team is starting at only a 59 overall and hiring content creator James Bordeaux to be the head coach is a questionable Choice since his only experience is rebuilding colleges in video games nothing about Southern Kentucky University is going to be very good and rebuilding this team on Heisman with the slowest coach XP gain is going to be miserable there's one other thing I did to make this rebuild super difficult though and that's using the play call limit setting to make sure that I can only call the same play once a game we're going to start the year at number one Georgia which is a terrible idea then we play our Rivals Western Kentucky and as the season goes on we'll finish it at Louisville and then at Kentucky now it's time that we finally meet some of the roster so coming in at Kyler Murray height our starting quarterback is sophomore Casey Quinn and I have a feeling he's not going to last long for us with only 81 throw power we might have to resort to another option in this quarterback room and guys like Junior Jamal Walker have a little bit stronger of an arm our running back room has a couple of interesting options too because the brother of Jake Newman is set to be our starting running back but the issue with Junior Jay Newman is he's also only 5'5 and he only has 86 speed as well that means sophomore backup Scott Simmons could slip in with his 90 speed then at wide receiver everybody's about as bad as each other but depending how players like sophomore Chris King improve they could be decent because somebody has to get open even if they won't cat catch it when they do cookie Williams is a junior with 87 speed which isn't terrible and freshman receiver Kingston mccardy could also break out from the slot at tight end will only have seen your Tyler Sams for one season and scrolling through this offensive line it's not like you're going to see anything that's very impressive in here or anything that's going to stand out I'm hesitant to mention many Defenders right now too because I'm not sure which of these players could break out or end up starting for us but if I had to be excited about somebody it would be softmore middle linebacker Grayson Bell Jr because he is 87 speed he'll be my user but the rest of the defense is going to rough and pretty much every single defensive back that's starting for us this season is going to graduate at the end of the year at kicker we have freshman Jesus Martinez who's only ever played soccer before and then we have our senior punter who we're going to use a ton it's pretty obvious that we are starting from a terrible spot which is why recruiting is going to be so important for us but there are some restrictions as a smaller program until we make a bowl game we're only allowed to go after three star prospects or lower and they're only allowed to be from either Kentucky or Tennessee until then too team needs is going to show that we clearly need to replace pretty much every single position and I have gone with the recruiter head coach archetype to help try and acquire Talent we have five coach points to spend right now and I think finding fast wide receivers is my first task so we're now able to start scouting them faster and after recruiting we'll start playing through this entire first season but these are the only prospects that are available in Kentucky to us that's going to make it even harder to acquire Talent we'll get a lot of players from Tennessee this is the first gym I found a 92p speed running back but there's also going to be a lot of bust and when they're a Jo there's no way they can stay on our board it's also hit me that only recruiting in two states we have very limited options at each position so I'm so thankful that we found Todd Stark at quarterback I want this to be challenging I want it to be a grind I don't want it to be something where we can get really good in just a few years so we'll see how we do with these restrictions I'm curious who is our school at number one because we can get insta commits from these guys so we're going to offer out a few scholarships spoiler alert we landed our first one but it's a one-star Prospect so it's not like that's going to help us out very much and as the year goes on we'll see who we're able to get but it's time for our first game with the stallions throughout this entire video I get to show off all five of our different Jersey combinations and if you want to play along with the series I'll leave the team Builder information right here or down in the description the player names are the only thing that won't carry over but as you can see we have made it to Georgia for our first game as a program and there come out the stallions I like how the jerseys turned out we're going to be starting on defense so we'll see how that goes I know this roster is not good and we're facing players with 94 speed I'm really not sure what to expect I want this to be a challenging first year they're already breaking one tackle and I felt like we did pretty well there now they're hitting us with the play action theyve plenty of time to try and get open but we could have had a pick I don't know how the computer's making mistakes like this but we're in a really good spot we're about to hold him on third down and there was no Universe where I thought we'd hold the Bulldogs to a three and out but we just hit their punter I know I saw that late that penalty is going to bail out Georgia and I just have to know that in this series we're not going to be able to come out trying to block the punt now they're running it I'm definitely going to mess around a little bit with how much clock and time's left in a game two because if the accelerated clock makes it feel like things go by a little bit too quickly then we'll have to change things up but we couldn't get to that ball I thought we were about to stop them and Georgia scored a touchdown on their first drive it might be a long first season for the stallions I want to win a game but I don't even know what button this bubble screen is so we're just going to have to hand it off on the first play where we get a good bit that wasn't too bad Jay Newman got loose now we're going to try to wait on our drag to get open and we do make the catch but on top of that they hit Casey Quinn late so this penalty is going to take us all the way to Midfield I like what I'm seeing so far now we just have to try to run it against them we've picked up some good blocks against the bulldog and look at that Jay Newman has gotten loose for the touchdown at 5'5 I didn't think he stood a chance but the 86 speed running back just got the best blocks that Southern Kentucky University has ever seen and this team is playing with some heart at the moment now they're hitting us with the RPO that gets them a little bit but that's not too bad we're actually making tackles really well right now and on Third and inches they're going to hit us with an RPO again where we can't bring them down I want to say that was my fault for not pressing but I'm afraid if we do press we're just going to get burnt deep so we're going to have two safeties back back whenever we run manto man and this play almost worked really well for us but we just didn't make a tackle for the first quarter of Southern Kentucky football that was actually an incredible performance but I'm afraid as the game goes on they're probably going to pull away there's a flag on the play and Georgia can't seem to do anything right at the moment that's going to back them up by 5 yards first and 15 now we weren't able to guard everything and I think one thing that's going to end up being very evident is it's going to be hard for this defense to get a stop throughout the entire season I have to stop doing the hit stick tackles they're clearly not working and I really don't enjoy taking out these kickoffs because our blocks just aren't good since we can only run the same play once a game we're going to have to switch things up all the time I hit him with an end around here but Chris King wasn't able to get loose so we will see what Jay Newman can do on this play our blocking is actually good I don't understand how but I will definitely not complain about it and at the moment backup running back Scott Simmons is in the game so we're going to get him on the halfback screen where he is 90 speed and he can get us close to the marker we're going to play as smart as we can if it's third inches a fullback dive should get us the first and there's no reason for us to continue to go away from the run we're pounding it the two-minute warnings closely approaching though the read option was the wrong decision and this is where we're going to struggle it's a third and six we have to hope that something gets open or we can step up with Casey Quinn to go to the 30 Georgia has absolutely zero HomeField Advantage at the moment but I should have never said that because after that play the place would get a little bit louder and as you can see I wanted to call that play call on the left that's the one we scored a touchdown on but it won't let me we can only run the same one one a game and and we're not picking up the third down so we have a tough decision to make right here I would call a timeout but I feel like this is a makeable kick we have the meter in the right spot we're going to drill it and I think the main Key to Our Success so far has just been keeping things slowed down but we got to bring them down too the second that we have to throw the ball consistently we're in a lot of trouble we still can't make a great tackle either we have one more person that can bring him down and I'm happy with what I've seen out of Southern Kentucky so far but we're whiffing on a lot of them hopefully the longer we play the better that gets our cornerback just got dusted and we have 43 seconds to get down the field will we be able to do that I am not sure Casey Quinn completed that pass I didn't even know what button it was I was just hoping for the best that one I did and this is key for playing on the road keeping the home crowd not that engaged another halfback screen is going to help us take it past the 40 but we're going to have to continue to keep moving it and we have all the time in the world that is not something I was expecting to have it almost feels like something isn't correct because in some of my other rebuilds I've had way better rosters and still had no time so I'm not sure if it's a bug or what on the final play though we have to miss this ball oh my gosh I just really messed that up we should have gotten a field goal right there I wasn't thinking and now we're starting the second half down by 11 mistakes like that are definitely going to cost us we also have to get this ball out so quickly they were about to hit us late we're trying to get loose though and we get eight I'm happy with what I just saw out of freshman Kingston mccardy this run is going to go for a ton of yards against them and we're playing out of our minds at the moment but I thought that was a pass we're just going to have to get this ball out quicker if I knew what button that was right there I would have thrown it sooner I'm glad it wasn't picked and here on third and 13 we can't make a single audible we're just going to have to hope that they don't play that ball I don't love that we have to punt it back to Georgia here but we also can't go for it we had all the Time in the World to get that punt off I thought they were about to hit us and it's crucial that we make it so they somehow only get a field goal here but I feel like that's going to be tough for example we had two defensive backs over on that side of the field and neither of them played the ball and now on second and two they're going back to the run where we hit them here we go this is what we've been looking forward to we're not going to have the right angle and they just keep on going back to the run or the pass where we couldn't bring down the tight end we were so close to getting it we still haven't stopped the Bulldogs that's the biggest issue they're getting in again and now that we have to throw the ball we're in a tough spot I highly doubt that Chris King is able to toast that guy over on the left side of the field but we have the slant and they caught up to it the whole time running the ball has been so much more effective than passing it though so I'm trying to go back to it and now it's third and 10 I thought they were about to send in the blitz I have to hit this pass over the middle and Casey Quinn is sold for us we shouldn't really be punting it here but that's what a football team would do in the third quarter we're down by 18 there's only about 6 minutes left of Game Time and I'm running out of Safe defensive plays to call so they have us doing a bunch of blitzes I think that rule of only being able to call the same play once a game is going to make things even more difficult manto man's not working but nothing has we haven't stopped the Bulldogs once the only time we did was to open this game up I don't know what type of RPO they got going on right here but we got them and here we go second and 13 I don't know what player I'm stuck stuck on but they have somebody open by now I've pretty much accepted that we're not coming back in this game so we're probably going to skip over more of it and this is starting to go how you all probably thought it would George's defense hasn't played this well all game but start of the fourth quarter and they're doing everything right where I have no choice but to go for it here I'm hoping that we can get this throwout at least and it's swatted this is where things continue to go downhill it was looking so bright for such a short period of time we're going to get our first interception though with Brooks I don't know what Carson Beck was thinking and Senior cornerback Asher Brooks has the biggest defensive play in school history I shouldn't have tried to take it out it could lead to us taking a safety against them but we still have a halfback screen to use at our disposal so we're just going to wait for it to get open try to cut up with Jay Newman and he gets us a first down I can no longer use quarterback dive anymore I forgot we already used it once so we have to hope that Casey Quinn can pick this up with the quarterback sneak and I'm so intrigued to see if we can score against George's defense in the final couple minutes passing the ball has been our biggest weakness so far we have a lot less time back there and I've noticed that the best teams tend to play a lot better in the fourth quarter than the other quarters it's a park in the motivator coach tree every player becomes hot once the fourth quarter starts we're going to get this out on Fourth and 12 though our tight end catches it and there is still hope for us to have some success on this drive I honestly think we're just going to Chuck up a prayer and hope that Williams can Moss this guy he almost held it but it didn't work out for us and by the time we're going to be on a fourth down I'm afraid our hopes of scoring more than 10 points are probably over luckily for us Georgia is not going to be trying too hard hard to score so we're going to hold them and that means only losing to the Bulldogs by 25 points that is something we can build upon we could win a game this season and in the Grand Rapid series my last team Builder won I think we went 1 in 11 in our first season so anything better than that would be a huge win just checking in on recruiting right now at the moment it seems like we're just in first place for about everybody they're not in their top five stage yet so we can't Hard Sell players like Todd Stark but I really want to at QB I also have another 50 points available so we can go after Left End Lester sheets and I hope we don't disappoint in our first home game versus Coastal Carolina it is finally time that we take the field at Somerset down Stadium as you can see we are kicking it off first we get to start on defense and there's quite a few people out here for our first game at home the entire city of Somerset has made it out we're wearing our yellow jerseys with the green pants and we got some black ones we got some gray ones so there's a lot of cool combos that can come in the future too I don't think Coastal Carolina is supposed to be that good so if we could pull this off that would be incredible and here on Third and 11 we could actually hold the chancers but they're trying to deep and we just can't keep up thankfully we dropped the ball we've come out in safe man on the punt return so there can't be a penalty and as you can see the game saying Chris King's our best offensive player I don't think that's true though I think it might be 55 J Newman this is the play that we scored against Georgia with but Coastal Carolina wrapped us up pretty easily and we're fumbling the second offensive snap of the game for a touchdown tell me why Coastal Carolina's run defense looks better than Georgia's did and just the fact that they got seven points out of that makes me so sick third down again this time I I think we're just going to take the drag and hope that we can pick it up but we didn't so we're going forward on fourth and one we're giving it to a 55 running back OA gets a little bit but he was too small to fight for even a yard there and somehow we've gotten off to a worse start against Coastal Carolina than we did against Georgia it's only the first quarter though there's no overreacting that's going to happen right here we should have gotten the sack they somehow broke the tackle and we still can't get them down this is so painful to deal with sometimes I don't really know what else we can do and I think run committing might be our best option jet touch pass no it's a handoff up the middle we are all over it and I'm sending seven players at this quarterback to end the first quarter if they hike the ball well time ran out before then but that means we still have a chance to hold them and we don't the chancers are already up 14 to zero and this is our first Sun Belt game in school history we cannot get embarrassed in conference play like this we're already going to have to burn through one of our halfback screens that was probably one of the best performing plays against Georgia and I hope Casey Quinn is quick enough to keep it with this read option and pick up the first down that was the right read right there it just didn't see seem to matter none of our punts are really great either they're not even going to fair catch the ball they hopped over one of our tackles and if we lose by more points against Coastal Carolina then Georgia I'm going to be so embarrassed the fans that have come out for our first game probably aren't going to be back for another one they're doing everything and if they're going to run the ball like that I really don't know what to do we should have played that ball our Corner was right there but because they have low awareness and stats they're not going to pick it I can't do this for an entire season we're going to have to figure something that works offensively and I think I'm going to just hit Kingston mccardy on that Zig route normally those go really well but it's third down again we cannot afford to get stopped early on this drive we're going to have to take a drag route this halfback draw play also worked well against the Bulldogs they probably were expecting us to throw the ball here but because we have such low overall players none of our spin moves work or anything and we're actually fortunate that the game made me pump fake right there because I was about to throw an interception this is more of what I expected to happen against Georgia instead it's just happening against a team that is much worse and they still have a minute and a half to drive down down the field and do something against us too what the heck can we bring them down okay this is getting ridiculous somebody you know the gameplay on college football 25 is a lot of fun whenever you have a good team and I'm happy that Junior EJ Clark was able to get a sack there but it's second and 18 they have all the time in the world on this next play and I figured they were going to find somebody if we could hold them to a field goal that would actually be a huge win for this team but I'm afraid they had too much time back there they throw it away and we have done it right here we have stopped Coastal Carolina kind of I'm going to stop playing like a wimp too we're slinging this rock no matter what we're going to see if our receivers can beat anybody and Chris King is on one of my favorite routes in the game I would try to throw it on this play but there was no time to look for it come on Casey Quinn you've got to do better than this at quarterback for us that ball is getting swatted and if they have a decent punt return here they're about to get another field goal before the half at this rate there might not be much of a second half for you all to watch though we're going to get the interception with Brooks and this could be the turning point in the game for the Southern Kentucky stallions because Brooks is going down the field to score our first touchdown Asher Brooks already has two interceptions in this season we're two games deep and I considered going for the two-point conversion but we're just going to be grateful for the pick that was the little bit of life that this team desperately needed because so far their defense has locked us down but now we feel a little bit better we're only trailing by 17 we get the ball to start the second half and it's become more and more apparent to me that I need some fast wide receivers on this team to make this offense usable 87 really isn't cutting it we're only successful when it comes to running the football and we have to remember that we have Scott Simmons on the bench a 90sp speeed running back that we could get into the mix but Jay Newman had that breakoff touchdown run against Georgia and I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able to forget that at that moment I was honestly so confused but I was also just happy we did it this is actually going to work well and it's taken our offense a very long time to get settled but we're having our first good drive of the game we keep on making guys miss but we need to sub in our backup running back at some point Jane Newman is clearly so tired and if that spin move is good he could have been gone well there he is Scotts out there on the field we'll see if that 90 speed feels any bit quicker he just has to make this Defender Miss and you can see it this drive has taken a lot of time off the clock but I am very happy with what we've done and on second and goal we're going to have to probably make a hot read but we have to hold on to it too we can't really throw it up in this situation we're going to have to fit it into a window and I think if we want to stay in this one we're going to have to kick a field goal here because that will get it within two possessions that was a 5minute drive to get three points it doesn't feel good but it's time to lock in because if Asher can get another interception and we are back in this game completely come on bring them down second and four now I'm ready for the Run we were going to shoot the Gap but their quarterback did keep it and going into the fourth quarter it's going to be a massive third and three I think we're prepared pretty well for it my user's a cornerback so he's going to be quick they've thrown it straight to our DB Wallace gets the interception and hang on this is really good the stallions refuse to go away we're showing some life even though we had a terrible start and it would be so nice if we could just catch the ball whenever we had it that's it you know exactly what's coming out here we had enough time to get the halfback screen out but we can't outrun him and I have set a curl route at that marker we're just going to have to throw it to one of those linebackers and there's the interception there was nowhere else to really go with it at least that I saw the only thing that was open was the drag route but that wouldn't have helped us move the chains now our defense has given up a huge passing play to the chancers and I'm afraid that our little bit of Hope isn't going to work out in the end they're about to get a huge running play against us can somebody please just stop him we have to go into practice and just train t for the rest of the day and we're no longer in a spot where we're able to run the football we're going to have to throw it and that's a little bit harder I thought being at home we would do better than we have in this matchup and I might already be considering benching Casey Quinn I haven't liked what I've seen out of him he's only a sophomore so we'd have him for 3 years but we've already found a prospect that we want to use to replace him and that's another interception on the day that's two that's not good it's definitely about to lead to another Coastal Carolina touchdown but we knocked it out and I'm really just hoping for the best right here but there it is since we're already losing by so much what I might do in this situation is just sub in our backup quarterback and I'll get Junior Jamal Walker a couple of reps just because the wear and tear effect has kicked in on Casey Quinn I've made sure that there is going to be a drag route open underneath just so we have something to throw but there might not have been anything open there and I've thrown it to the defense for the third time how am I ever going to win a championship with my skill and the combination of how terrible this team is going to be this series might run us to the end of the college football season it's going to be every sing single Friday and at the moment I really don't see how things could get much better for us until we win a bowl game those recruiting restrictions are going to be so tough and I legitimately can't throw the ball we're going to try to do it again right here fit it into that window and this has given us a chance to see what Jamal Walker can do this time around he's going to miss the pass so that's a little bit disappointing on third down I know that nobody's really going to get open here and I'm going to throw this comeback route either way it's manto man coverage we don't turn around in time four interceptions in one game this is worse than Georgia we lost that one so badly our home fans are disappointed and we scored more points on defense than offense since in order to start this dynasty we had to replace another schore it looks like some of our school grades are going to drop even farther and we've seen two players hit the top five stage so we can start to hard sell them but I'm not sure how much they're going to want to come to our school I'm telling you right now if we don't get Todd Stark we're going to continue to struggle offensively next year and wide receiver Josh Henry is pretty important too because he's one of the only ones that didn't bust some of our other options in Kentucky and Tennessee just aren't as good he's a Jo and then this kid is 83 speed so I really don't know what to think right now and looking at our conference standings we're about to play the team that's in the number one spot appalachin State's pretty good and we have to go on the road to play them but there is one plus to that and that's the stadium that they play in it's honestly beautiful one of the backdrops in the end zone is just a bunch of trees and you might not be able to tell with this shot right here but we've brought out the gray jerseys we're also starting with the football so we'll see if we're able to score points on this first drive and it's time for Casey Quinn to finally do something by do something I mean hand the ball off to Jay Newman and just pray that he gets a ton of yards and I really don't know what to do offensively nothing's working we're like 10 seconds into this game and I already feel hopeless the corner route was open though and because we just missed that pass we're set up to start down by seven I'm going to trust that Asher can get an interception though he's had one in each game so far but in order for that to happen they have to start throwing the ball instead of just running it against us this Robert's kid isn't a darington Evans but he's definitely a solid Runner and here we go it's third and four they're going to pick it up to that right side of the field and we're going to knock them out looking back on it I probably should have gone with Zone coverage now they have a touchdown and it's probably just going to go downhill from here if only this play could work the way that it did against Georgia we didn't get good blocks again and we'll just keep on handing it off we'll see if we can get anything we're probably playing too passive offensively we're going to have to scramble for this first down Quinn's going to break one tackle and what a play from Casey I know I already don't like the sophomore but we have to rely on him for the rest of the season we're also getting a big run so it seems to be very hit or miss on what works the jet touch pass is fin finally going to lead to a big gain from Kingston Mardi and the stallions go into the second quarter feeling a bit better unfortunately there are certain plays that were not able to run again because we've already called him but that's why I have that setting turned on and the RPO to Jay Newman makes it third manageable this is tough because I don't think we could get away with handing it off again we had to mix in a wide receiver screen and I am determined to get us a touchdown on this drive now we're going with the halfback screen but what happened there we should have had a huge gain there I'm not sure exactly what happened but that's a great catch and it's taking us a couple of games but we're actually putting on a good fight we're also going to have a chance to make a read with this RPO it didn't work it hit our lineman but I'm not sure if it was open anyway I wanted to try and take that corner route and force it but it probably is best if we just take our points and make sure that we keep this game a close one I almost missed that kick but I think there was just a penalty against them and the refs have saved us what a great call they want us to score a touchdown on this drive we're waiting for the manto man coverage someone should get open and I just know that we're still going to mess this up we're going to fail to get in or maybe not Jay Newman got his second rushing touchdown of the year and now we just have to figure out how to hold them tied up 7 to7 in the second quarter that was a miserable attempt at a tackle now they're streaking down the field somebody please just knock him out I had to call a timeout after that we need to get everybody a break because we can't let them get a touchdown in just two plays and it was effective second and 13 now they're going to try to throw the ball versus our defense that's fine it's not going to be a first and from previous mistakes I've learned that we have to run Zone coverage in these situations where we have a Zone over there but we didn't pick it what is the purpose of having a hard flat there if they don't even do their one job in that spot and that is so unfortunate we really do need to get new players at every position I'm not sure if the defensive backs Behind these guys are much better though we're about to lose our starting Four Corners so we'll see what happens next season after all of them graduate we're only trailing by three points though with 54 seconds left in this first half we could drive down the field at least tie things up but I feel like that's a bit too optimistic what's more realistic for us is like an interception or something I don't know where that throw was too but Casey Quinn did not put it where it needed to be we're patient enough though to find Kingston mcari and apparently if you just stay in hurry up mode you can run these same offensive play twice we just got to get out of bounds now all right there's still a little bit of Hope 29 seconds left in the half now we might have just burnt number seven deep and here we go what a route that was we're going right back to Williams we're going to take it inside the four and we are going to run the football in this situation I want everyone to try to stop it but I pitched the ball and we didn't get it out everybody just bit right there it worked how I wanted it to now we can't take the sack I'm throwing it away and I don't know if we're going to get this final field goal off I had to click as quick as possible that is such an unfortunate way to end the half again and that's the second time that we've had bad clock management now this might be Southern ky's best chance to pick up a win this is the best we've played but now appalachin state has it back they're driving down the field and Roberts just got a little bit of a speed boost there and we'll see what they do on this third and short I'm not able to get my hand up in time O'Neal doesn't make the tackle of course and they just just made him look stupid I want to say the stallions can still fight here we're going to put our best receiver on a streak I knew it was probably cover two and it was but there was no space to put that ball it's time to let Chris King get loose another type of way we have the reverse coming in he only gets us five and I really like the look that we have here on Third and five but their linebacker got over to cookie Williams so how has he come away with this football I couldn't tell you how we just pulled that one off the fade routes sometimes work and we got to go back to running the ball every so often that was our key to success I don't like that it's already third and eight but if we get this out we should have plenty of good blocks to make sure that we're able to move the chains and one thing that we still haven't had in any of these first few games is a fumble I've never played every snap of every game in a season before that was meant to be a throw so I'm picking up on some new stuff in this game but I think that might be intercepted we came back to the ball to get it and it might be smart to try and attempt this 54 y I'm not sure if we have the leg for it but we have to give it a shot this could put it within three and we almost hit it it turns out frh Jesus Martinez needs a little bit stronger of a leg but he still has plenty of years in front of him to where he can still develop now they're going to run it and what was our best chance to get a win so far is starting to turn into a game that's over we need the Mountaineers to make a really bad mistake like throwing us an interception or something but they're being smart with the football and we just knocked that out in time I feel like if I somehow clicked on quick enough there we could have had a pick six and those stats show that we're playing pretty well against appalachin State we're just not going to be able to do it in the end holding them to a field goal is the last thing that we could do that would still give us a chance but no I've lost most hope when their running back is literally just hurdling over some of our players for fun and that was so unnecessary he literally just wanted to show off against us what's worse is next week we have to play against Western Kentucky our instate and biggest Rivals and we are nowhere near as good as we need to be with this team but we have a touchdown we had a touchdown I'm giving Casey Quinn until like week five or six and then he's done he just threw an interception granted granted that was probably my fault but I'm blaming him because I'm like my ex I'm not going to take accountability for my own actions and I think it's safe to say that this game's over I don't know what else we can do here Boys I Tried I think every time we go down by a lot I'm just going to put in our backup quarterback so that way Jamal Walker can get some reps too just in case he becomes the starter later on and let's see what he can do with this team they're going to run some coverage like that where we're just going to have to check it down to Jaye Newman who's able to get loose and I have to give the little guy credit for having 86 speed he's been fun to play with he definitely feels a little bit faster than that Walker just got destroyed though he's now stepping up and running because he's decided he's not just going to sit back in the pocket and take hit after hit he's going to get out if he needs to and I have to say this drive is going a lot better than some of our past ones there's the 53 overall kicking in though we knew that he was bound to make some bad throws that bad throw was just because I thought zero would stick off of Our receiver at some point don't tell me they're about to get a pick 62 no this score is going to look even worse than it was I can't do this we're already just getting destroyed in every game and the the poor Southern Kentucky stallions are just no good we're throwing up a 50/50 ball Chris King's going to make the catch but the fact that we turned it over in the Red Zone the last time was so heartbreaking and we actually had a touchdown right there listen normally at this point in the game I wouldn't care to show much more but I see something in Jamal Walker I feel like we have to get some reps in with him and there it is he finds Chris King for our receiver's first touchdown that 86 throw power is definitely a lot better to use than the 81 we have with Casey Quinn but being a junior quarterback I know that he's not going to be around as long we're in a tough spot so far just looking at his overall stats I feel like he is the better option but just in case we don't land Todd Stark we need to develop our sophomore at the moment it seems like we're going to get every prospect that we're going after I'm actually really happy with how recruiting is going but there's still a long season ahead of us a lot can change and we're ready for a rivalry against Western Kentucky it took us less than 2 hours to get here by bus it really wasn't a far drive and we are starting off on offense I'm not sure how to feel about this I kind of like starting on defense more we're still sticking with Casey Quinn for the time being but I think if we get to the point where we're chilling at 0 and six we might have to make our quarterback switch then good first run from Jay Newman though and if he's going to be pushing it down the field like that we're just going to continue to keep it on the ground that didn't last for long now we're going to get Scott Simmons loose with the halfback screen he is 90sp speed he's supposed to be the faster running back but because he's a little bit taller he definitely doesn't feel like it and we definitely had the first down right there we just didn't get the ball out in time that's unfortunate I didn't want if to punt it back to the hill Toppers but we really had no choice we're going to have to be a bit quicker with our reads and I'm ready to shoot the Run Gap but they hit us with the counter after that last performance against appalachin state I'm actually pretty confident in how we're going to start this game out I figured they'd have some motion in but even though we had two players in the area our coverage just couldn't stop them there and we get the user pick that is senior Keon Sanders with the play now we're going to try to score the first points of the day and cookie Williams was not the player that we needed to get the ball in that situation we're going to get the first though I'm so pumped up with that turnover right now we're in a spot where we can take lead on our Rivals just need to make a couple guys miss and we might just have to hand it off to Jay Newman for the rest of this drive he's having a great start it only makes sense to go to the air if they heavily commit down on the run and we're in an interesting spot because I feel like we should go for it on fourth down if we don't pick this up if this kick wasn't straight down the middle I definitely would but we should take our points too and after getting a really good kick return the hill Toppers are starting this drive on our side of the field so that's not great and how on Earth is Sanders this slow he was able to get the user pick but he could not get in the position to make a tackle there now we need their quarterback to make a bad read and he just had too much time in the pocket I'm afraid that the hill Toppers are about to go up by four but it is third and one we've stacked the box as best as we can I'm ready to stop the run right here and we didn't we need better players in here immediately I'm ready to pull everybody's scholarship if we could but that's just the nature of having a new football program it is now third and goal if they run the ball they're going to have a touchdown but I expected them to go to the air and we are about to get a sack come on we should should have had him there I mean I'll definitely take holding them to three that's still really good but we had two guys just not take the proper angle after getting by their offensive lineman right there since we did get the ball first it's crucial that we end this first half with some more points I feel like we're about to get a huge run out of Jay Newman and he breaks the tackle to keep on going I wish he was a little bit quicker that was his moment right there he's such a good running back for us but he doesn't make much happen here and I'll continue to hit him in the flat and see if he can make anything happen we're going to spin but not go anywhere again all right it is third and seven I feel like we were going to beat them deep with this play but we're going for the aggressive catch and if we could just score inside the Red Zone we'd be in such a better spot than this this time around their Drive starting from the 25 yd line instead of past Midfield so that's better for us and we actually locked up really well in that situation we weren't prepared for the halfback screen though so I'm glad we still stopped him if this blitz gets in quick enough we're going to get the ball back but instead of just getting the ball back we're going to get the ball back with a pick six Asher Brooks to the crib we just shaded down I pass committed we predicted it perfectly and this is the best start the stallions have ever had I can't believe we're playing this well against our Rivals they're probably feeling the pressure at the moment we might have another interception give me that to Lee oh my gosh Southern Kentucky is going to come out on top this is our first Year's of football program and Western ky's already having issues with us we don't make the catch but as long as we're smart about how this first half ends we're going to be in a really good spot cookie Williams spins to the outside and cookie Williams is in the end zone I cannot believe what we're doing to the hilltopers right now but apparently we missed the extra point so that's what I get for simming it I thought we could just skip over it up by three possessions I'm hoping that doesn't come back to B us though they are starting to laser it over the middle of the field and we'll see if we can still hold them I'm not sure if we're able to get over to that ball either this is actually embarrassing after how well our defense played early on in this game we're just giving up a ton of yards over and over and now we're only going to go into halftime with a 10-point lead with them unless we can make something happen with cookie Williams I'll also let Jane Newman try to break off one more run it's just not happening and we'll see what can happen on this final play of the half I hope this isn't an interception I just wanted to have a chance at getting points either way it was still the best first half we've ever played but mainly because of our defense not our offense so I'm super hopeful that that can happen to continue in this third quarter though the receiver that just got that on the reverse is super quick and we're going to have to bring him down oh he just got destroyed there's other words for what just happened to a Defender too but I have to make sure I keep it family friendly and here we go second and eight we're going to get over to that hitch route though they might have the slant later on or we're going to get the interception their quarterback is Blinder than me if we blow this game now we don't deserve to win the rest of the season this is our best chance and I can't believe there was a period where I doubted what Casey Quinn could do he's actually played a really solid game that's another throw that's just good enough from him though this run didn't work and I'm not sure how to feel about this RPO play it doesn't go for much cookie Williams is certainly on an interesting route on this play we don't have many options to go with here so we're just going to have to hope that that break is able to get open and it wasn't there were three players over there I didn't really have a choice we had to throw the football or else we were going to get nothing we have to try out new stuff whenever there's not many plays we can call they're about to score again though which is really unfortunate because we were just in such a good spot I don't know what type of pitches they got going on at the moment they're getting a lot of motion involved with their offense but it gets them a touchdown so we better lock in we're only up by three points and we can't get much I swear we better not choke a 17-point lead we cannot recover from that we have to make a good throw and all of a sudden it is third and eight we're going to have our Corner route open it accidentally went to cookie Williams though and I already see the riding on the wall they're going to play much better once the fourth quarter starts too we have actually blown it against Western Kentucky we literally have to get them off the field before the ending of the third quarter we're over to make a tackle right there we're still holding them up to bring them down and then they just ran out the rest of the clock at the moment they're leading Us in both passing and rushing yards and I'm super nervous for what they're about to pull out it looks like they got a little bit of motion involved once again and the tight end is open they've run that play twice now but I'm biting down when I really shouldn't be and we're just throwing anything out there defensively hoping for the best but somehow we just got done so dirty sophomore Grayson Bell Jr still has a lot to learn I don't know how you let that happen to you are you serious bring them down okay it's second and eight now this is still manageable they're going to hand it off we're going to shoot the Gap and of course they're still standing and going for the first they've also been running down the clock which is not good news for us can we please just make a a tackle I can't do it anymore man they just can't bring them down and we've given up 21 straight points to the hill Toppers it doesn't get much worse than that luckily there's still plenty of time left though and we had no time there so I don't know what I'm doing we need to go back to running the ball but I hit the wrong button my instincts are still messed up from NCA football 14 with the read option thankfully we are able to get inside the Red Zone and I think we're going to have to turn on CH from here and just hope that we get in at the last second of this game I really don't trust our defense to stop the hill Toppers one more time we haven't had much success as of recently and we're so close to getting into the end zone now we just need this to work I think this bubble screen could actually pay off really well they looked confused and we're celebrating our way in now we've left them a decent bit of time so I have a feeling they have a decent shot at getting into field goal range like that's just the reality of the situation which is pretty frustrating but I don't think they have enough time to get into the end zone and that's my bigger fear if we blew this game fully because they drove down the field in that short of a time period I'd be so much more frustrated and I'm surprised that they're running the ball it's almost like they're just settling for overtime I took a time out to try and nice their kicker it all comes down to this but he drills it and we have five seconds left on the clock to pull out a miracle if somehow Jaye Newman is able to score a touchdown here that would be insane but instead we couldn't take down Western Kentucky in regulation it was definitely a choke now we have to play overtime with these rules and I just hope that we get to start on defense Southern kuy won the toss so that's what we're going to choose and their first play is going to be an RPO over to that left side where Lee is not able ble to get to 17 well it's not looking great for us but we've definitely stacked the box that's going to work and on second and goal they just handed off up the middle here we go this is it right here if we can stop Western Kentucky they're going to only take three and we've actually done it with a touchdown we're winning this game I think it only makes sense to feed the ball to our running back he's the one that's put us in this situation along with our defense of course but they're getting a little bit more aggressive when it comes to stopping the run if we can't pick up this third and seven I'm really tempted to go for it on fourth down especially if it was short but we couldn't make that catch so it might just be smarter to take our three and go into overtime number two we need to have a better plan than we did there because run run pass did not work so I think we're about to pass after this run wait Jay Newman to the crib that's what we needed on the last drive he does it in the first play of second over time and now we have to go for the two-point conversion I feel like we have to pass in this situation our slant route is open but they're saying we didn't catch the ball Chris King had a perfect opportunity here it hit him in the hands but he dropped it and we have to hold the hill Toppers now from not only getting a touchdown but also a two-point conversion if we lose on this play I might cry they're going to the air come on somebody get a sack they've had way too much time back there and they dropped it now is when things get really good because we're about to trade two-point conversions back and forth everything's boxed up besides that you know I think it's only right we give this to one player and our blocks also need to be good in this situation we can't motion King over to the right side of the field he is one player to make Miss though and we just lost to Western Kentucky we had such a good chance I'm so heartbroken right now I thought we were going to pull that off and we might never see a game as good as this one again out of Jay Newman it's frustrating some of our players too we now have 10 of them that want to transfer but we're playing Arkansas state who's 0 and3 so this is our best opportunity especially since it's at home to get a win just checking in on recruiting it's looking good for most of these players but Memphis is catching us on the three star receiver we really need it's because our pitches just aren't good and after seeing these three grades for middle linebacker Kevin amova I think we're just going to remove it and instead send the house at the moment this one onear receiver is still the only commit that we got and I forgot we had the instant commit out of him I have no idea what his stats are just looking at the conference standings in our division at the moment we're at the bottom but so is Arkansas state which is why we really need to pull off a win at some point it was only a matter of time before we brought out the blackout jerseys we still have a decent amount of fans in the crowd and Somerset Kentucky shown out for this new team even though the stallions haven't been good that's the first time a halfback screen's gone really South for us now we're handing off the ball this is our favorite play to run and look at that Jay Newman one guy to be if that Defender didn't come out of nowhere we would have been up 7 to zero already and we're just going to keep it on the ground we clearly can run the ball pretty well against Arkansas state after we just got so close to a win I feel a lot more confident with this team we have what it takes to pull it off clearly we just choked and I think it's important that you keep it fun as well mixing in stuff like the reverse play Kingston mccardy goes nowhere but one of those days I'm confident that will pay off for us and the corner route didn't get open I'm trying my best to not force it down here on the goal line though that has a chance to be a dog and cookie Williams holds on to the ball to give us a lead in this game the stallions are up 7 to zero I'm kicking all the extra points and I have to say I think this Stadium turned out really well for this team Builder series our impact players have been the same all year so those must not update the way that they did in NCA football 14 we already missing one tackle but that's okay we expected at this point and now they're going to get the first down plus a good bit more I'm so excited to be playing with a team Builder team in a series again though it has been a long time since Grand Rapids and it's going to be a journey to make Southern Kentucky the best team in the country every Friday these will be coming out 600 p.m. eastern time I've gotten back to a pretty consistent schedule now that the launch stuff's over with and here we go we got to be aggressive on third one we could have gotten them off of the field Unfortunately they got just enough and they're running backs trying to do what Jay Newman did but it's going to be hard to top some of the performances that he's had recently and this number two kid is so Shifty we might have to learn the name JZ cross now they're hitting us with the play action but Junior left outside linebacker Julian Jones gets the sack and now they're going back to handing it off where we hold them I think we can force them to take a field goal here all we have to do is make sure they don't pick this up but they get into the end zone instead and what do you all think about the end zone designs I think it turned out pretty well I definitely don't want to see the other team reach it though we're going with the jet touch pass we're going to pick up some good blocks and we just had to make this guy miss the fact that I can't spam the same play a bunch really makes this a lot more challenging but I also really like that because we're going to discover new things rpos with the bubble screens have worked well for us in this situation and we just got to keep on pushing it down the field we have a lot of blockers coming over to this side Jay Newman once again fighting for a lot and I'm going to try to hit Chris King Over the Top If they bit down on that but this might have been a really really dumb read there was no reason to switch things up from what was working I have to remember we're using some terrible wide receivers but Jay Newman gets out and gets a touchdown this 55 little kid might be our best chance at scoring all year and if you all don't know what the reference to that name is who his brother is Jake Newman it was my first huge series that really blew my channel up I used a 55 wide receiver in Road to Glory and it was a ton of fun so I wanted to have that experience on this team the first couple of Seasons I mean he is a junior but we're about to get the sack and that's Junior linebacker Wyatt gray all they're going to do is hand this ball off we should be getting the ball back here no way we just gave up that big of a run to them we literally just can't do anything right we always make mistakes at the most important time in the game and now they're probably going to tied it up to end the first half we just need to get a fluky interception or something come on just make a bad read you all are 0 and three for a reason but of course they get open again and I think I just have to run commit every play and hope that that confuses the computer a little bit somehow no one got pressure but they also didn't get a touchdown once again we've run committed and that time it didn't work I'm surprised at how much they just passed right there but they're going with cover zero this little time left in the half if this throw is good enough and we can outrun that corner we'd have a touchdown we need better wide receivers on this team so so bad still and we've just had to make sure that this is the final play of the half there was no room for air but we could have had a huge run too it's 140 they get it to start the third quarter and we need to hold their offense they're going with a run on this first play play it's just been a battle of running the ball our Stadium pulse has definitely not gotten loud enough the fans need to get more engaged and here we go we could get them off the field on Third and five but they're going to have multiple people open that might have been a decent spot the blitz I was ready for the bubble screen against them and we're going to apply some pressure on this play as we shoot the Gap this is it right here third and 11 please tell me we're able to stop them they went with the halfback screen and they are not going to get enough I don't think but apparently they did and now they're hitting us with the read option the blocks are holding up really well so we're going to have to knock their quarterback down all I can say is we've got to figure out what we're doing if we're going to hold them they have open players everywhere and Malik Hornsby is doing whatever he wants against us we have an RPO ourselves though to cookie Williams that's going to get us quite a bit and I have to give him some credit because he's so tall I think he has the best spin move on this entire roster it looks like we're using our backup running back on this play though church is in the game it's not even Scott Simmons but now Cameron church is out we needed our five5 running back on Third and one and we're going to use every stretch play we have in this Playbook if we get right blocks here we could have a huge one but Cameron church is in again he's more of a power Runner which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I love the quickness of Jay Newman now we've mixed in some play action the corner route should be open but they might be able to play that ball thank goodness they didn't we've made so few mistakes in this game but we still can't pull away and I just realized Cameron church is our power running back that's why he's out there in all these formations underneath our tight end is supposed to be running a corner route which he catches and then drops so it's going to be third and 12 I'm hoping that this screen gets open that they're a little bit confused but it didn't work for us we're going to have to kick the field goal and I swear I just missed it to the left that is such a terrible Miss to have I can't believe we just shanked it and it could ruin another great chance for us to get our first win of the season on the bright side it is third and 10 they're going to go with four vertical we just need our DBS to play it here and we can't get back to the ball Asher Brooks just got toasted by number seven he's been our best cornerback but that play really really hurts us and at this point it's just a rinse and repeat of the same process in every game we feel like we have a slight chance and then as time goes on WE blow it but this is an interesting cover zero look that they're showing us we might be able to beat them deep with our fast wide receiver I mean 87 speed's not that quick it just is for this roster and on fourth down we need this throw to be completed come on Jay Newman not all hope is lost yet we're not out of this game yet we need that to be on target though and we're probably still better off just feeding it to Jay Newman and letting him go to work with 2 minutes left we're in a pretty tough spot but I think we might have them beat deep with Kingston Kingston drops the ball and now it's Fourth and three we should have had that all day but we're still going to get this it might be a little bit too late to lock in like this the game's probably over I mean we have all of our timeouts and it might be time to bench senior tight end Tyler Sams after this one I mean that ball could not have been an easier thing to catch how did he drop that this roster that I'm working with at the moment is just no good we're fumbling it away the game's over and how have we managed to lose to Arkansas State we played so well I'm still going to keep on run committing just trying to get the ball back versus them I mean we have them on a third down but we know that our odds are not good from this point in the game and they're taking the sack I think Malik Hornsby had a lot of players open there he just didn't really see it and Casey Quinn's just getting another opportunity to try to fit it into Tight Windows that ball wasn't placed well the corner route could beat them deep though number seven got confused and I really wish the game didn't force us to just run out of bounds immediately that's been tipped into an interception now so we're ending this one 28 to 14 wait it's saying that it was Jaylen rner starting at quarterback so that means at wide receiver it was Malik Hornsby that caught it touchdown pass I swore this dude used to be a quarterback that's a crazy position switch what I should have been looking at is Jay Newman's rushing stats and we've gotten our first commit and quarterback Todd Stark that's the best case scenario we just got the future of our program on the team and I can use those extra points to start scheduling other prospects for visits I'm going to do it on by weeks because it's impossible for us to lose those unfortunately kuy's probably going to catch us with this J tight end so we'll make sure to monitor that and now we're going on the road at 0 and3 James Madison they're also in our division struggling as well but if we lose this game it might be time to give Jamal Walker a shot because he does have a little bit better of throwing stats we don't really need to develop Casey Quinn anymore we have our future quarterback coming in and the Dukes are the lowest overall team that we faced yet being a 73 they shouldn't be that hard to take down the only issue is it's on the road and there are a ton of fans at this Stadium even though their team has not been that good this season their quarterback transferred to Texas State but they got Dylan Morris from Washington so I'm not sure what's caused them to take a huge step back from Jordan McLoud but he's already rushing for seven we might need to just apply pressure early on and that hit makes it third and seven where they're looking to throw the ball I'm all over that but they also had a cur route open I've noticed that they stay in hurry up mode which is going to be a little Annoying to stop because our same defense has been out there on the field for this entire first drive and I know that some of our Defenders out there have to be tired they're going to have that slant well we could have guarded it we're going to get the interception right here with Asher Brooks that's his third of the year and Asher Brooks starts us off right we have been waiting for something like that to happen don't wave goodbye yet it is way too early to be celebrating like that but I do feel really good about how we've started out in this one Jay Newman with a run this is actually so much fun to use someone like him but we need to put him in at Power running back too because Cameron Church isn't getting the job done for us we're going to take this corner route to our tight end or maybe not there was no way we were ever getting that throw off and not that one either that's about how much time I expected to have in the pocket against Georgia I'm not sure why it had to come against James Madison though this punt is almost on the money and we've wasted such a crucial defensive stop against the Dukes unfortunately if they stay in hurry up mode all game this is going to be a high scoring one because time does not go off the clock as quickly but I just miss shooting that Gap I think that's the exact look that we're going for if we were able to generate pressure now they're breaking off another huge run and I'm just dreaming of getting a win right now to be honest this is the last game that I'm playing before I go play basketball for a few hours just to get a little bit of a break so it's as fresh as I'm going to get for a while in this season and we get the interception with Jones okay we've already gotten two in this game their quarterback is as blind as can be but the read option never really goes far and it's about time we give J Newman our favorite play the halfback stretch that doesn't get much okay it is third and six we can't mess this up again they stuck with what I wanted to throw and that actually just dropped into their hands no there is no shot that they just got an interception on us like that I've seen enough Jamal Walker is getting his start now we're not going to do this later I'm going to give him a chance to help us pull off this upset they're about to score a touchdown and it's sad this would be considered a huge upset since they're winless I'm going to try to run the speed option to end this first quarter we're going to pitch it last second J has plenty of green grass in front of him and we'll take this Jamal Walker's a little bit quicker than Casey Quinn so we can actually pull it on the read option if it's there and he does have that but I think we're about to get stopped I can't risk fumbling the ball this has definitely opened up a big door for our offense though and my main read on this play is simply going to be the drag route I just want to take the smart stuff was it worth it for just a yard probably not but we can also step up and make sure that we pick up the first until we fumble that's why I need to slide it's just dumb mistakes that continue to cost us and I'm not sure when they're ever going end I feel like I do them no matter what it does make me feel good that this is third and seven though we could get the interception and that was supposed to be cover four coverage hurry up mode is so glitchy I just hope it's out there on the field here because that's what I was expecting we get over to make the tackle and this time around on Third and long I have the defense out there on the field that I wanted but we weren't able to stop number one from Breaking Free going down 14 to Z at this point is certainly not ideal but Jamal Walker is a chance to prove himself I truthfully think he is our best option just because of the stats that he has but if he doesn't perform any better than Casey Quinn we got to stick with the sophomore we're able to find Jay Newman to get close to the first and to be real no matter what happens here I think we'd go for it on fourth down but we picked it up on third that was actually a really good play I had no issues running it back this time we're going to find Jay and they're coming in with a super hot Blitz here I was ready to run back and throw it on the Run Jay gets a little caught up though so we'll see what we can do on second and seven we have the touchdown on the left side of the field it's also a perfect throw and cookie Williams makes it a seven-point game you simply can't doubt this team we just just need to make sure that we get a stop versus them I think I had a really solid user there and let's see if they can get any yards on this play that's a pick six all day come on don't fall over Keon Sanders has now pulled that off twice and I should be excited but I'm still terrified that we're not going to finish this off I really like that matchup that K Williams has if this is manto man again we would have taken it to him instead we're going to get a couple of yards and on third and four we're just going to let the drag route get open where he is going to take us to the six we have four plays to get into the End Zone from here we're going to do it on the first one and Jay Newman ties this all up at 14 this could be a program changing game for us because if Jamal Walker's really that much better that could change the course of the entire year they have so much time but we get the sack and I've literally called a timeout because I wanted a chance to get the ball back again but I could regret that we'll let them run out the rest of the clock they're not going to score on this play and this is the same situation as our game against Arkansas State the only difference is we've shown that we can stop the Dukes we've done it with three different interceptions and we also get ball to start the third quarter so we could take a lead on this drive you know that it's just going to be us handing the ball off to Jay Newman a bunch and then on Third and short we'll let Kingston mccardy come across with the jet touch pass we get the good block but there's a flag on the play so it doesn't matter how far we get down the field that is so painful to see we had a huge gain there and now it's third and 11 they're going with man-to-man coverage but we have created separation and we dropped it of course you know Jamal Walker has played pretty well he's done everything we've needed him to that was his first incompletion and it wasn't his fault I'm still a little bit upset about the fumble I was ready for them to throw it over to this left side of the field but we're not going to lurk them again now it's going to be a second down where I couldn't get over to that ball either that was an insane cut but we've gotten lucky because before the next snap they would commit a false start I think that's the first time I've ever seen that penalty called in this game that's pretty neat that it's actually in for the computer that is it's happened to me all the time on offense when I tried to hot route unfortunately we knew that was probably coming but it's all good we could still tied up on this drive and that was the wrong read second and 13 now we're just going to hand it off again the blocks aren't great and this is a huge moment in this game we need our blocks to hold well I'm going to actually Scramble with Jamal Walker we'll take the first I don't think it could have worked out any better than it did right there and James Madison's done a lot better job at stopping the run in this second half I made the wrong read here cuz I should have cut up I was worried they were about to send a blitz but it's cover three and we had it be I don't know if I should be punting here but now I don't want to burn one of our timeouts I might have pushed that meter too far to the left yeah we did not pin them back at all and the more I see all the drops that we're dealing with I want to recruit more receivers even more can we bring this kid down I'm definitely getting Deja Vu to Grand Rapid season 1 now this is what we went through and I'm ready to fill that hole up come on somebody bring him down we know exactly what we need to start the fourth quarter but the question is whether or not we're able to get it and we get the interception that was an incredible user Play Let's Go All right we really have to take advantage of that now there is zero room for err at all and this could be our moment we're going to use the jet touch pass this is going to get Kingston mccardy at least a first down and now we're handing it off to Cameron church that kind of felt like a waste of a play and we aren't going to have anything here I got to throw this away that's on me that was just great coverage from The Dukes it's going to be third and long I'm waiting for that Crossing route to get open but it's dropped and so many times our offensive drive has just ended because we're not able to make a catch it's really hard to deal with I still believe in this team though we've gotten a lot of defensive stops in this game we can get one more against them especially if they want to hurry it up because they have no reason to be doing that against us and we're not going to make a play on that receiver no he's gone and that's going to make it 28 to 14 this is exactly what happened against Arkansas State it is no different and I'd say it's worse than that game because we've had so many opportunities that have simply not panned out I gave cookie Williams a chance to Moss that Defender we're going to go to the halfback screen on third down and on Fourth and seven I'm reading that corner route on the left side but we don't have it it's been an offensive collapse it's the same same thing all the time no tackles either which means that this one is pretty much over for us they're in field goal range so there's no reason to even try but just in case we get super super lucky we are Southern Kentucky has to win a game by the end of the season and it's time to just use this drive as a test for what we can use that play clearly wasn't it for us but I do think we should stick with Jamal Walker that was a really good throw and what we might have to do is just switch up our playbook for the rest of the year I think I've seen all that I've wanted to out of this one it's not great and we have almost zero Hope on Fourth and 20 unless we somehow make this aggressive catch once again super super rough second half but at some point we are going to change that zero in the win column and when I get back from basketball I think our best Chance is going to be one of these next two or maybe on the road at Georgia State it's not like our conference is good these team overalls are not that high we're just so much lower I think we still have that commit secured and we just have to finish the rest of these battles Josh Henry was another one I was concerned about so we will be scheduling him for a visit in week seven against Marshall it might be our best chance because our bye-week in week nine was already taken by the Tigers we also have 10 points to spend so putting them into this receiving game section is something we should probably consider and the Playbook switch over to Alabama's is Now official I hope that it helps us and doesn't make our offense worse but it shouldn't I think it's going to suit Jamal Walker's play style a lot better we're going to be able to run with both him and Jay Newman as you can see there's not many fans behind the end zone at this game this isn't a good showing but I can't blame the fans it's been a pretty rough season so far and we almost had a pick that would have been the most legendary way to open up a game that we have had all season and instead it's a third down where they're going to go with the play action there's no way they were running the ball but they found someone open I still don't know how to feel about zone defense in this game because versus manto man I feel like it's better better we're going to run some Blitz on this though and they still get a few yards I mean they're just staying in hurry up mode there's nothing that we can do to stop the run and jayen white is such a quick running back either that or our defense is just really slow because the second that he turned the corner there he was gone and we have nowhere to go we really can't go three and out on our first offensive Drive in a new playbook we're going to have to use Jaylen Walker to step up in the pocket I should have slid and that's a really good reminder to do that the rest of this game because there's a lot of chances where I probably wouldn't I want you all to know that we're probably just going to run the football even more that seems to be what works best for us but if we have to throw it on third down I think we're more than capable of doing so we're going to have an open Drag route to pick up the first and now we can mix in an RPO I want to throw this bubble screen so bad we have two blockers over there instead of one in the last Playbook so that's going to be a fun play to have even if we can't call it anymore in this game now that it's second and 11 I'm going to mix in our first halfback screen of the day we didn't pick up the blocks the best that we could have but we have made sure that this drive is going to stay alive for bit longer there's some stretch plays in this Playbook too so we do have a chance to get loose but I feel like I'm stuck spinning instantly or else we're going to lose yards using Chris King with the jet touch pass we're taking the ball inside the seven and things are getting real to start this second quarter we're going to try to use some motion to get into the end zone but they weren't biting which means we had another chance to throw the bubble there but they was guarded it shouldn't be on this play though we have a lot of options that we can take two on two over on that side of the field and you know what we're going to be aggressive we're going to go for it on fourth and goal I feel like we could step up with Walker and fight our way into the end zone that is exactly why we have Jamal Walker out there and now the pressure is on them to respond back because we've been able to tie it up oh my gosh I saw the vision there if we didn't have somebody ready to make a play they would have easily been gone but now it's third and six we have a bunch of cover two stuff out there and Tucker's stuck with the Deep route instead all we had to do to make sure he played it or at least attempted to play it would be shading underneath and since they've had so much time recently I think it's best if we mix in a blitz now it is third and long all they can do is hand it off we're going to call timeout and getting the ball back with 3 minutes left in the half is plenty of time to move it all the way down the field I am going to lose my mind I didn't come out and punt safe man so the one time we get a defensive stop it might actually mean nothing I know they said they addressed that bug but I feel like it still happens more often than it should in this game so they probably need to tune it a little bit more there's three players over on this right side of the field and we almost had an interception instead they've slipped off we were literally in the perfect spot until that penalty that is so frustrating but we just tell them with that sack right there and they have somebody open all right our main goal before we get to the end of the first half is just to score at least a field goal on this drive but we have finally had a deep passing play I noticed they were pressing Chris King I liked what I saw and they probably thought we were about to go with the jet touch pass but that didn't really work now they've sent in six players we have to get this one out so quickly and leave it up to our tight end to fail it catching the ball once again I'm going to try to hit him on the sideline but it was a bad throw we held on to the meter for too long this should be a good field goal though except it's a bit off and what a terrible way for us to end the first half if they're able to score more points before there's still like 45 seconds left I'm still salty about that flag that we had whenever we forced them to punt the ball our safety just didn't play it and we're losing by 14 I'm not sure if what we're doing in recruiting is going to be enough to save this roster I just threw an interception too this is the worst ending to the first half we have had all season I have never seen a team blow a game like this at least one that we were close l in and what are you even supposed to do at this point we were supposed to get the ball back in a tie game with them but then we didn't and then we gave up 21 straight in a heartbeat I don't know why we're even trying to get a throw off to end this first half we're obviously not going to win this one-on-one and this is a collapse I don't want to talk about I honestly think we should use the whole second half to just learn the new playbook that we've switched over to and see what type of stuff we can get to work I think these bubble screens could be good that actually was one of the worst things that we've done yet we had an orbit cross screen though we had a lot of motions going on I tried to do something with it but we're just not that quick and with a quarterback draw a linebacker throws us on the ground I truthfully believe we have no choice but to go for it though and we might have picked it up so we're just going to hope that the refs don't review that play and using the spin we get nowhere there's some other moves I could probably try to pull off but I feel like that's still the best one I'll go for the Juke on this one and it's not letting me snap the ball it actually just gave us a penalty for that I'm slowly losing my mind we have manto man covered over there on that left side though I tried to test them but what I really need to be doing is just taking our short reads and trying to get yards out of it somehow they got pressure in so quickly right there though I didn't even have a chance to think that corner route did not work and it would be irresponsible to go for it instead of punting it right here but that's one of the worst punts we've had if they score again it's done we can try again next week what was that defense I mean it was a bad throw but we pretty much just tried to give them a touchdown and here on Third and seven I'm pass committing I want everybody to be aware and ready to stop it we had two people over there this roster is actually so cooked there's nothing good about it I'm never going to forget that game against Western Kentucky either it was our best chance if we go 0 and 12 there might not be a season number two because this is the worst start to a football program either and they got me with all those motions they're still not getting into the end zone assuming they don't right here we're still going to only be behind by three possessions the game won't be entirely over we forced to Fumble too can we get that the fact that one of our four guys in the area didn't get it it's disgusting and we're going for a deep pass here I'm not sure if we're going to have the time to get it off but I think it was actually open there or tight end is on a delay route and I don't know why I tried to wait on him to throw him that football we didn't dust this guy deep either we're going for the aggressive catch and this might be the saddest set of downs in school history there's no way that we pick this up I might go insane before the end of this video things aren't getting any better and it's a shame that we're going to follow up that sack by giving up a touchdown is there anything positive to see on this side of the ball no it just keeps on going down downhill the halfback screens aren't even good and I hate to say it but we might have been better off using the Playbook that we had hang on the play that we just ran is actually so so good I'm going to remember that for next week it literally might be our first one of the game and throwing the ball is where we really start to go downhill it just doesn't work out that well for us like I'm honestly surprised we just completed that pass they tried to press Chris King and instead of trying to drag a foot he just jumped out of bounds I have a really good play for this though we're literally just going to throw it to our tight end he catches it and this is another RPO that we might have a touchdown on I feel like if throwing that fade route could work out well for us there we go Kingston mccardy just came down with the football and the Freshman receiver just showed out even if this one is completely over I'm still happy with what we saw right there the score might have been bad at the end but it should have been closer than it was and that's a commit that we desperately needed we're also so close to Landing Josh Henry which is a really good sign just looking at the other prospects Kentucky is going to get this tight end we're going to remove him from our board and sometimes these athletes that areed to be running backs end up being super good linebackers so Alani Diggs might be that for us I do find it a little bit weird that most of the three stars that are interested and coming to our school from Tennessee and Kentucky or Jos which isn't great but we need all the help that we can get at every position so it doesn't matter to me this is another winnable one for us Marshalls 2 and three it's not like they're amazing and if we can't pick this up we're going to have to finish the season with four straight road games which are even more difficult I'm not proud of where we stand in the sun Bel standings at the moment but one thing I will say is I'm happy that it seems like we're going to struggle for a bit and the reason for that is by the time we eventually win a championship if it takes like 12 Seasons it's going to be super rewarding and at the moment this is on Pace to be much more difficult for us than Grand Rapids was on NCA 14 the restrictions are working it's a real challenge I meant to keep it and I do feel like I need to play almost perfectly for us to get a win it's now third down we have the delay route to Tyler Sams and he's going to go to the 44 now there was a play that I said in the last game I wanted to try in this one I forgot about it until right now but here it is it's a half angle screen we got super good blocks on it when we ran it in the last one and we didn't catch the ball Jay Newman might have sold but I'm going to give him the direct snap allow him to try and pick up the first down and then we've gotten ourselves another bubble screen that we could throw but they almost picked it there's a lot of those in the Playbook I'm just afraid that we're going to throw an interception on one of them and that ball couldn't have been placed better I can't believe that that actually just worked for us we are sweating it out at the moment trying everything just to get points on this first drive and I think it's time for Kingston mccardy to come around on the jet pass we're going to see if he can outrun this defensive back right here and he can't if this wasn't such a hard field goal to make I definitely wouldn't be going for it but I felt like we could get the halfback angle route and this drive has taken the entire first quarter but I think it's going to be worth it in the end we were so close to getting the touchdown and I hope the fact that they're stacking the Box this heavily doesn't affect us here all we needed was good blocking and I'm not sure why I just went to the outside it still worked out Jay Newman was able to get in but that was definitely a struggle for us they're running the read option on the first play and Marshall's probably the team we have the best chance of beating I know in college football imperialism they lost to Penn State 69 to7 which makes me think that they shouldn't be too difficult to take down but Penn State is a lot better it was the worst loss of the whole thing it just stood out to me we did run Zone but our coverage looked like it was manto man so it could have been a match coverage instead all I know is it has not looked great for our defense so far I mean they've done whatever they've wanted and what was that stop and go they just hit us with the computer in this game plays like they're an actual person and we're going to have to use the rest of the time in the first have to score again as patiently as we can we're going to try to move this ball down the field if we had a good block right there we would have gotten a lot but Jay Newman kind of let us down and on this play he has nowhere to go well it's third and 11 I'm still going to put this ball in his hands I felt like there was going to be a lot of open space over on this side of the field and we couldn't get out that was almost it right there it would have been a huge play for us the halfback angle route though will get us like 10 and if he's our best receiver in this game so be it I am going to step up I felt like there was nobody ready to stop us and it's not like Jamal Walker's the fastest I think is 78 speed but he can take advantage of this if there's not a quarterback spy ideally we'll force them to put a spy out there which would make it much easier to pass against them but there was nowhere to really go on that play and I think they're about to get the sack the odds of us converting on a third and 17 are so low especially if they're going to send in a blitz and I'm not sure if we can even hit a 55 y but I do want to attempt to do it I feel okay we should not have attempted to do it I don't even want to say anything I'm actually speechless after that attempt it couldn't have been any worse than whatever ever we just went through they had somebody wide open on the left side of the field they decided to test our Corners deep though and we need some life in this team at the moment it's a halfback screen we're all over the ball so now it's third and long for them and they're going back to their running back we should have had a good angle I don't know what the computer's doing sometimes I should have just clicked on tried to make the tackle myself and here we go second and 10 they have plenty of time to find somebody open and that whiff tackle is going to cost us an entire touchdown things were actually looking so good for us it was literally just one play one sack that changed about everything and honestly if a team runs man-to-man coverage versus us we're probably better off just not throwing the ball what I'm going to do is still try to throw up a prayer on this final play we've actually beat 36 deep but we didn't place that pass where it needed to be and now we have to start the second half on defense I did see some phones in the crowd though that's so cool I don't know how I haven't seen this before but in this game you can see lights flashing in the crowd like they're taking pictures and that's a cool little detail to at least notice they're starting off with a big Run please do not break this tackle because we all know we can't go down 21 to7 it would hurt morale way too much there's only a few winnable games left on our schedule and this is definitely one of them but it's going to take getting them off the field on third down and we do I'm about to burn a timeout though to make sure that we don't hit their punter please do not okay I was literally just clicking everyone hoping for the best now we just have to figure out how we're going to crack this defense again and there's a lot of motions going on with this play but it works to our tight end he's able to get out in the open field why did I just try to hurdle okay I'm I'm going to get clowned that actually was the worst idea I've ever had that was not worth a highlight clip and Tyler Sams really just jumped for Glory it didn't work at all it was funny for a second but now we're going to lose to Marshall and I can't let my stupidity get the best of us here please do not give this up oh my gosh our cornerback just got ran by we weren't even pressed and all that work we put into getting the stop didn't matter this is painful dude if we can get the payoff of one win in this video it's actually going to feel so good and by now I've just accepted that we're going to have to go for it on stuff like this fourth down where we might have it but we dropped the ball that's not making it any easier for me I still want to lose my mind and if anything we have to make sure that they are literally sacked out of field goal range on this drive but I missed the tackle I went for the hit stick this is literally going just like our last game where it felt like we had a chance what is 23 doing his awareness must be way too low he is in a Zone in that area and they're shown us the top 25 like we're ever going to be a part of it I saw Kentucky in there who we have to play to end this season and normally be happy that my Wildcats are doing well but not in this if anything's look good for us though it's probably going to be our red zone defense as we get the interception and this game is not over yet folks we just need to get some huge gains and we're going to find Cookie Williams this team has some life Jamal Walker's going to get a little bit of a quarterback draw here we'll see if he's able to get anything but he didn't so it's probably best if we just leave all the running to Jay Newman drags might be our best friend with the accelerated clock on everything's going down a lot quicker than I would have liked as well but I really should wouldn't have taken a sack there and we are not going to get it out in time it's like every time I go to throw the ball I just don't know what to do and it certainly doesn't help that I struggle on Heisman even when I have a 90 overall team now I'm playing with the worst in the game and I'm just hoping that we can get them off the field on third down but we didn't and that means we're going to drop another at least we still signed wide receiver Josh Henry we need players like that and we got another running back in Abdul Madden 11 players are at risk of transferring so the transfer portal period is going to be big for us and I guess our gym running back still hasn't committed but he is pretty close to doing so so everything's still looking pretty well when it comes to recruiting but we only have 400 hours to spend at once the prospects in Kentucky were also just not that good this season all the ones that are still available as three stars are either Jos or a running back so thankfully there's still Tennessee we have a tight end we can go after and then a left guard and a right end there are more three stars too maybe we won't be completely screwed without even looking at his stats this 65 receiver Trey ramor really intrigues me we're going to try to sign him and we're also still trying to get our first win this time on the road at Old Dominion this is one of our last winnable ones we better make sure that we don't make any mistakes and for whatever reason I really don't remember Grand Rapids being this difficult off of the start it probably was and I just erased it from my memory because of how bad it was but man we are starting from the bottom for sure and they're already getting like a 20 yard run there's definitely going to be no attempted hurdles in this game nothing dumb going on especially if they're running like this because there's not a soul out there that wants to be our first loss and I can't believe we just got the sack it's now second and 16 come on don't give up all 16 yards in one play boys absolutely spectacular defense that we got going on here at Southern Kentucky I mean they're just doing whatever they want to and I don't even know what we have out there on the field at the moment they've run the ball the entire game because of that I am so confident sending the Blitz and I'm not sure what they're going to do on Third and eight they're actually going to have to throw the ball versus our defense where I feel like we've locked up pretty well just stop them short we've come out and safe man we're taking no risks and the 17 fans in the crowd just celebrated the fact that the monarchs are now up by three we're going to have to play our best offensive game yet we really haven't done that much and that goes for the entire season we might even switch back to Kansas State's Playbook I mean all these pass plays that Alabama has are nice but we can't use them whenever we can't throw the ball our best receiver isn't hanging on and it's not like any of our receivers are getting open most of the time either they almost hit our punter there that would have been perfect but instead it's probably back to the run so we are prepared to shoot in that Gap and they got the block off in time you've got to be kidding we were right there this is a painful painful experience I want to win games I am a winner I don't like losing and here we go second and inches they're not going to play over on that side of the field we're still spinning because that's pretty much all I know how to do I also figured out that you can like stop and go real quick we did not just fumble the ball right there all dominions picked it up they're gone 17 to zero my patience is absolutely gone if they're going to send in a blitz I'm literally just floating it over to that side of the field and what's the point in even trying we're already trailing by so much it's not even the second quarter yet oh no this is probably going to be a pick you can just see that all hope went out the door after that turnover I mean they're sticking to everything they're going to intercept Jamal Walker again go ahead just return it for a touchdown make it even worse I am trying so hard to stay strong right now do not rage but it's not getting any easier especially after that touchdown okay did we just run by their Corners no if I've learned one thing from this game it's that I am done with the abama Playbook no more and I'm actually going to be really curious to watch this back and see if there was actually stuff open or our team is just so bad that nobody ever gets open going for this might be an interesting choice for most teams but I just don't care at this point we need to hold on and as Old Dominion tries to run out the rest of the clock at the end of the game I would love if all of us just wipe this performance and score from our memory it's the most embarrassing showing in stallion history but for whatever reason players still decide that they want to come here we got Lester sheets to commit that's a good pickup for our defense and we have needed this bye all season it's going to allow us to pick up a middle linebacker too but we did miss out on this cornerback to Vanderbilt and now they're trying to steal this right tackle from us as well I'm losing my mind I'm adding as many one stars as I can to my board and offering them all a scholarship because we're in first place for each one of these guys which means there's a chance that one of them could insta commit and that would help us out well we got one more it's a middle linebacker and I'm literally taking anything I can at this point but I can't believe our class is ranked in the top 40 that doesn't even add up to me but it is time that we go on the road out Louisville and for these final three games we will be back in Kansas State's Playbook it really doesn't matter to me who we start but clearly Jamal Walker's progressed a lot better and even if he's not going to play for us next season at least we're going to have a half decent backup the Sun Belt standings are never going to look good though I'm not proud of this and let's just go ahead and get this over with when I started filming I had hope and that's what caused us to play pretty well against Georgia in the first half so even if it feels like everything's going wrong for us now that we've switched our Playbook back to Kansas States again I'm going into the this game with a little bit of Hope as well we have nothing to lose here we're supposed to lose by 40 and as a Kentucky fan in real life this would be such a cool upset to pull off that was a solid first play we only gave up four yards they did Route us up which means we probably need to sit in zone coverage and we just weren't able to fill that hole in time unfortunately positivity can go a long way they're going with the jet touch pass or maybe they're trying to fake us out I came back to it because I knew it but it was too late to make a difference and we stop them here we can only use plays out of this front so much we're going to run out of them but I felt like it might have gotten us the stop at least when they ran the ball until they just busted off against us to get a first now it's second and 12 I pass committed on this play I'm hoping their quarterback throws it to us but we couldn't get to that ball and Tyler shuck put the Cardinals up by seven now it's going to be a long day trying to get it down the field but we have our running plays back and get Cameron church out of the game we need our quick little five5 running back in this situation we're going to dump it off to him with the halfback screen I mean there's not much to go but we have made it a third and manageable and we're going to have our drag route which is all that we needed we're also breaking a tackle look at Tyler Sams all we wanted was a new set of downs versus the Cardinals they're going to stop us here but my hope is we can make something happen to end this first quarter we're pitching it last second and we just gave Louisville the freest touchdown of all time that was my fault I can't even say anything about it and if it wasn't there's nothing that we can do about it now we just have to try to get a touchdown we already knew what was likely to happen against the Cardinals and that last game in Sun Bel conference play against Georgia state is really going to be our Super Bowl at least for the season we're basically just preparing for that game because if we can score lot versus Louisville then we should have no issues versus them but that ball was not put where I wanted it to be it worked out for us but it almost went South now we're just going to run it for the first and it's time to waste our only fullback dive of the game just to make sure that we move the chains I thought we had it but it said that we were stopped just a bit short and we've been very patient here now we're going to take our halfback screen we're going to hopefully hold that block for a little bit longer and we're going to chew clock with 2 minutes left in the first half that is for sure in order to still have a chance this needs to be the final drive I ended up flipping this run but it didn't really go well we're putting this ball in the hands of Chris King on third and four and he cuts up to fight for the first that was a very impressive play from him right there we're also getting some decent blocks but we all know there can be some slip ups when putting it in so we have to make sure that we still do on Third and goal I'm trying to make a hot route adjustment but it's just not going in because we're on the road we have our slant open and Chris King makes this manageable the sophomore from Maine has put us in a seven-point match up and Louisville just takes it to the half if it wasn't for that fumble we would probably be winning because when you look at these stats we've controlled a lot of the game it'll really all depend how we start this second half we have the football but it's also when we normally make mistakes and I think the power running might just be our solution for winning every single play we just hand it off unless they give us an easy bubble screen to take and if these blocks are perfect right here we're going to have a huge Lane with Jay Newman it's unfortunate they weren't now on third and four I'm being patient I'm taking our inside Zig route because we're in no rush at all if anything it's going to be hard for us to get defensive stops unfortunately Cameron church is going to be in for this carry but Jay Newman has to get rest at some point and on third down we had it I don't care if it's not realistic for this situation we are going for it on fourth down that's what we deserved they're going to pick it up do not get a touchdown out of this too oh my gosh they've just been gifted two of them in this game what an unfortunate way to end that last Drive I just know that there's no way we're actually out running their Corners in the long run so they're really able to come out and press us and really do whatever though if this ball is placed well we might be able to run under it and that's what we've done we're figuring some stuff out we might not win this game but I think we're prepared for our next one and that's really our last chance to get a win this season because kuy's our final matchup here on Third and seven they didn't send the blitz that I thought they were going to and it also Wasn't manto Man coverage but our running backs open and what was that route it was supposed to be a wheel but he just stopped before he finished it and I think that's going to take away any real hope we had of a comeback I mean we've still gotten them to a third n but odds are they're probably going to pick it up neither of our zones played it and for whatever reason this game's been really laggy for me on the menus you all can see that right here it's just going to take a second every time I go into something then when I select to play it does that so I'm curious if any of you all have run into that before I haven't personally seen it yet but it's pretty weird I'm just going to close app after this match up to fix it and they don't get anything here but they're already chewing clock I can assume that they're going to hand the ball off I ran commit up the middle and here we go it's third and eight where we had people there to stop the run break a tackle but it's not enough we need to score the quickest touchdown in school history maybe off of a return that would have been cool and if we can somehow do that this one still isn't over now I don't believe that we'll be able to but you never know we could get lucky at some point and no we're not it's already third and 17 they want this game to be over though our running back had a chance to dust them deep and here we go probably the final play of the game we're going to try to thread it up the scam but it's going to be a pick for Jamal Walker instead I'm sure that he absolutely loves that on his stats they made matters wors to by scoring another touchdown on us and I ready for this one 2 and8 Georgia State here's our last chance to get a win this season it really all comes down to this if we won at Kroger field that would just be pure chaos and Vander Boo's trying so hard to get this right tackle from us I'm just going to schedule him for a visit to guarantee that we're the ones that lock him in if we land everybody on our board that would be 15 three stars in season 1 and that's honestly a great start in recruiting for Southern Kentucky well we've made it to Georgia State stadium it's time to try and win and they actually have one of the most unique venues in the country it's a converted baseball stadium into football stadium if you can tell in the background it doesn't look like a typical onewood so we can't lose to a team that doesn't even playing a real football stadium that wouldn't be a great look and we're hitting him with RPO already I'm going to mix in some passes to it could be risky off the start the play action freed us but that didn't get open mainly we're just going to try and feed Jay Newman as much as we can though if we don't get great blocks downfield the halfback screens aren't going to work and I've got an RPO ready just in case they try to bite down to stop the run well it's Fourth and three I don't care we're running it with j Walker we're going to take risks like this in this game where we're able to pick up the first and throughout this series I will try to keep play calling as realistic as possible but all of that's going out the door whenever we're 0 and 10 and I just want to win a game we already have the Restriction to where I can only call things once and this route did get open over the DB or at least I thought it would but he was still able to get a hand on it we're going to hit our halfback wheel route and the fact that we're still out there on the field driving down it is impressive in itself we did get a couple of good blocks there but it's just not enough we have to have more than 5 yard gains like that and we're only getting two this drive is going to waste all of our best plays but if we go up 7 to zero it might be worth it and I'm going super try hard right now I'm even motioning over an extra blocker before we hit the halfback stretch in this direction just because I thought it would help but it didn't so we're going to try and get trickery involved Kingston mccardy comes around and Georgia state's Defenders are not able to bring him down that is big I thought we were going to lose yards there for sure I know they can't hold us on this third and two we don't want a field goal and I think it's very important that we keep drag routes open underneath the take instantly cuz that's going to lead to our first touchdown it was about time that we had a great start and that's going to do it for the first quarter the Panthers still haven't touched the ball and if anything I'm just hoping that they have to at least struggle to get down the field versus us we're going to get the interception on their first offensive play and hang on this is the best start that Southern Kentucky has had besides the Western Kentucky game I really can't get too excited that game ruined all hope for me because I feel like we could lose at any second still it's because of stuff like that we were set up to get a huge gain but the jet touch pass to cookie Williams goes for seven it is actually 14 to Z right now we're going to need to play well defensively again and I really like this cover four quarters look they're handing it off but not getting much I wish they'd stay in hurry up mode just because that would be the only way we could call that play a lot throughout this entire game and so far they're having absolutely zero issues running it versus us that was disgusting Grayson Bell Junior's back literally got blown out because of that and I'm sorry but you can't let another man do that to you especially in front of like 20,000 people that's going to be on the internet forever it is never going away we need to stop the run here on second down we do and Grayson Bell Jr is already ready to come back I didn't let him out there though for this third and two he needs time for more recovery I thought we were going to hold them there and it's frustrating that they're just going to stick to running the ball but we can handle that we're still coming out in this dime package and it's not doing that terrible against the run but now that it's third and six we're switching it up with some Palms one of my favorite coverages to run they just have a couple of Slants out there on the field and we're going to get another interception Lawson has nobody that should catch him okay number four might number four might actually do that but we're going to break the tackle too going all the way Dante Lawson makes it 21 to Z and I have locked in so hard for this game because I couldn't go winless in a season so this feels good we can't act like there's still not a long way to go though I mean I can be happy now but we're going to give a lot up and they do get ball to start the third quarter they're about to thread the needle again we hit it out so that's honestly what you love to see now they're going to have plenty of time to avoid the sack and somehow throw it wait we just snagged that out of midair oh we're stunting on them it's going to be 28 to Z this is actually the greatest moment in Southern Kentucky school history and I'm not even going to deal with it let's go ahead go over to the settings we will do a difficulty check I read too many comments way too many of them so whenever I see stuff like that it just irks me this is welld deserved we have been waiting all season for A Moment Like This they still feel like they have nowhere to go and by now we've probably used every single cover four quarters that we have in this Playbook but it's seriously the best coverage we're knocking everything out we got to cover for Palms here but they just hand it off we're going to stuff it and I've even burned a timeout to get the ball back again for whatever reason I just don't trust that we're going to hold on to this lead and whatever we do we have to make sure that we limit turnovers and don't risk anything I don't even like that I'm throwing the ball on this play right here but we have to try and get in field goal range we are still going what a move it's like everybody played so terribly all season but when it matters the most we're coming up clutch and I know there's only 23 seconds seconds left but I felt like running the ball was the best thing that we could do in this spot all I'm looking for is a field goal that would put us up 31 to Z I mean I'd feel pretty comfortable if we had a lead like that but we need about 10 more yards to seriously pull off something like that and we have to make sure that we go down in time I'm spamming it we have never come close to playing this well in a first half we're not missing the field goal either and it's really been our defense that's done it all we have hit our full potential with the Stallions at least for this season but you never know we could upset Kentucky too this is definitely the most rewarding win that I've gotten on this game so far nothing comes close because I've been playing all day struggling all day watching myself just lose game after game and I know I've made a lot of mistakes but there's also been some stuff that's been out of my control like that spin move is insane we are in a really good spot in this game no matter what happens on this drive so this is the first time that we're about to get a win where I feel like I don't have to show every play and Georgia State so desperate for points they kicked a field goal if we turn on Che clock from this point forward I think this game's just over but maybe not we're already on a third and four where we should be able to hang on to the ball and we do it is Cookie Williams Breaking Free on the left side I don't think I've ever been this excited in a video either I mean normally I like to keep it pretty chill I'm still not going crazy though I almost raged a lot at one point and that's cuz I normally like to stay pretty relaxed but this is a special occasion with a special team we literally have our backups out there on the field for our first win it's going to be a blowout and Casey Quinn is finally back out there on the field doing stuff for us I definitely made the right decision putting Jamal Walker in instead and we're about to hand it off to Jordan who's a player that we haven't even seen before I will say I am a little bit curious about Scott Simmons and if he'd be the better option at running back because of his speed but by now we simply can't bench Jay Newman and at the end of the day we would give up a touchdown but we still won by 28 this is going down as the greatest moment in school history and they gave player of the game to Wyatt gray who had that pick six this is the first time I actually want to look at our team stats too Jamal Walker did amazing no turnovers of course and then when it came to running the ball we really didn't do that much it was mainly just interceptions Wyatt gray Dante Lawson Owen Lee and if anything that should make a lot of players want to come to Southern Kentucky we got this guy who Vanderbilt was trying to steal from us and I still can't believe how highly our class is ranked even though we can only go after three stars since we can we might as well go after another quarterback too he's still available and all it took was one win for our Championship Contender to go up a little bit it looks like we're still going to finish at the bottom of our division though and just conference wide in the sun Bel we were pretty much as terrible as Louisiana Monroe I'm hoping we can take a big step forward next year we'll see how it goes ky's in 84 so as much as I hate to admit it ky's basically on the same level as Louisville which means if we could keep up with the Cardinals and had a chance at beating them we could also pull this off this isn't even the main reason to stay tuned for the rest of this episode though it's mainly for the transfer portal period we better not have just given away a kick return touchdown that's the first one of the Year and that hurts to see Brandon white was a Road to Glory legend for me he is literally so quick but in order to have a chance in this that was not the opening that we needed and I'm ready to see see what type of players are available to us in the transfer portal already I don't think we're about to pick up this third and 15 and since we got our first win we're back to playing realistic we would Putt in this situation where a good bounce could make this go a lot farther than I thought no it's bar and brown picking it up they almost had another return touch down I just realized we're not going to be able to stop him in his 98 speed because we're pretty much going to have to back up our defense on every single play and that still might not beat enough they got this ball out in time he's going to get them the first down and this is our last chance this season to beat at least one one team that's in the state of Kentucky since we lost to Western in overtime we're obviously considered the worst in the state at the moment I mean we can't make a tackle but that's nothing new we're so used to it by now they're hopping over our hit sticks and I've just accepted it at this point we're not expected to win here so there's no reason to get frustrated we got what we wanted against Georgia State and in an incredible fashion too though we just forced a fumble no way they're about to pick this ball up they get a touchdown okay Brock Vandergriff I want you to be good but that's a crazy play to make and we might have used up all of our good luck last week they were pressing our receivers I had to try it even if we haven't been able to be a single Team Deep all year there were some good blocks but Jay Newman couldn't penetrate that hole the right way making this a third down where they covered everything we're putting it back to Barry and brown now they almost blocked it though they hit us that's perfect we have lucked out our drive has stayed alive and we can't make any hot routes on the road even though I had a plan for this play we're going to use playmaker this could be a huge game and a solid way for the stallions to end the first quarter this is it for season 1 we have to soak it in with this original roster that has been atrocious and we're just going to hit them with the reverse why not try some new stuff I mean we've used it pretty much every game but it's better than a bunch more inside zones and we're going to have to go for it on fourth down I Was preparing for it though I wanted to make it a fourth and manageable they got in so quick and no matter how well we play against Western Kentucky against our Rivals Kentucky this might take us like five or six years to ever stand a chance against them I mean next year hopefully we get to play at least them at home we played them on the road this time and let me know in the comments who else you want to see is conference games going forward like should we schedule Louisville every year personally I think it'd be cool to play all the teams that are in the state of Kentucky every season but I understand if you all want to see different opponents too and that Barry and brown drop did cost them a touchdown but I don't think it's going to make much of a difference we still can't get a kick return I knew it was going to be an uphill battle whenever that's how they were able to start the game and looking back on that Georgia matchup it still felt like the easiest team to run against I don't know what it was about that I just felt like we were picking up huge gains maybe it's because I was confused how we were doing so well against the Bulldogs and I think we have to go for it here it's 17 to Z if we're going to stay in this game it's really our only chance but there's the karma sense that's normally where teams would punt I knew that would probably happen though now we're going to get the sack and I got to know how the clock is running after they just threw an incomplete pass we're actually playing good defense versus Kentucky we just can't seem to score the ball at all and we have to make sure that we take advantage of this chance before halftime scoring before halftime and then the start the second half would get it back within a possession Jay Newman is going to fight for the first and that was a crazy amount of effort for a player that shouldn't have been able to do that he's only 55 making stuff like that happen now we're going to take our Zig route over to mccardy he gets it to the 40 yd line and here we go we still have hoped for a touchdown before we get to the half that was such a weird route from The Freshman though what was he doing he was supposed to run a little in I am so confused right now but that's just a miscommunication that stuff happens in football but it shouldn't happen to us as the Southern Kentucky head coach I want my team to make no mistakes and I hope they just settle for a field goal before the half I don't want to give up another touchdown well it's 24 to Z we're just going to take some shots down the field and we let this one get out of hand a lot quicker than I would have liked but I'm so ready for the transfer portal that it really doesn't matter we ended up just taking it to the half 24 to Z and the only way that we even stay in this game is if we get a touchdown and a two-point conversion to open up the third quarter we're going to have to do it pretty quickly just handing it off to church probably won't do the trick and on third and one I'm going to pull it with Jamal Walker I just wanted to see the quarterback run a little bit but this is probably the last game that he's ever going to start for US unless we're dealing with some major injuries he'll be a senior next year and before the end of this episode we'll see the Freshman overall and we have training results coming up I mean there is so much to still look forward to I'm excited for the off season More Than This actual game I love living in the menus I've been on the field too much in this video already they literally ran that route for us what else do you want me to do it normally beats man I've had enough we're just going to accept our loss to Kentucky and it's time to set this roster up for season number two just looking back on our schedule appalachin State finished in the top 25 we lost that one by a lot on the road Western Kentucky finished at 7 and5 that was the closest loss that we had by far and statistically Jamal Walker's passing stats were not great he threw more picks than touchdowns just like Casey Quinn Jay Newman's rushing stats weren't even that great either he only went for 524 yard six touchdowns which means when it comes to catch and passes these aren't going to be good stats either cookie Williams was our best receiver he's a junior sophomore Chris King was number two but he is a deal breaker so he could transfer and then true freshman Kingston mccardy came in and put up 354 yards and two touchdowns defensively my user Grayson Bell Jr the sophomore led the team in tackles right ahead to Keon Sanders the strong safety who I got two user interceptions with and we're just going to look through these sack totals for a bit we're going to appreciate them but the big thing was the interception totals Asher Brooks had seven I feel like 18 as a team could lead the country and it looks like Central Michigan had we were so close to leading the nation that might be why we've been able to bring in multiple three star corners and it is time to fire both of our coordinators I'm getting rid of him that made daerio song happy he decided to come to our school and so did the 65 wide receiver Trey ramsa Jeremy Bernard Alabama's wide receiver won the Heisman with those stats and just out of curiosity it looks like appalachin State won the sun Bel Conference Championship these are the teams that made the playoffs we'll see who wins it all in a second but first it is early national Signing Day we can finally see what Dev trait Todd Stark is and he's a normal Dev at QB that hurts my heart Stokes is also a normal Dev all of these three stars might just be normal we got an impact with this running back but I don't think we're going to see any stars or Elites in here that is so unfortunate everybody's normal besides hang on Trey rams's an impact that's great for a 65 receiver though Tennessee is taking this right end from us and you know if there's anything I love to focus on with my coordinators it's always both being a motivator and a tactician we have found that on both the offensive and the defensive side of the ball Barry Thompson get in here and say hello to the Southern Kentucky stallions new coaching staff to end the season we'd sign one more three star but we're about to get to the players leaving tab where it looks like we're going to have up to nine players that could enter the portal I don't like the thought of that we know Clemson won't take them though they just won the national championship and all of them are leaving for playing style including wide receiver Chris King there is zero persuasion chance so we have no hope on top of that when it comes to players graduating there are going to be a few guys that were losing especially starters on defense I mean all of our DBS we know that not many of them were that good that's a lot of seniors gone actually I definitely know better than the check draft results to we're not going to put anybody into the NFL for probably like five or six years and with our school grades pretty much everything just went down the coach stuff adjusted to what it should have been at the start of the year that terrible coach Prestige blocks us from signing guys like ly Bond though and looking at this transfer portal there are so many different players that want to come to our school but I'm pretty sure not anybody's going to be from Kentucky or Tennessee I didn't really factor that in but we've been scrolling for forever so maybe we're going to have a ton of options available to us and there it is from Kentucky not a single player's interested in transferring to Southern Kentucky Tennessee's gotten us a couple options though there's a tight end that we can go after and a linebacker but that ruins the fun of the portal so if they're transferring out of a school that's in one of those states too I'm going to allow myself to add them to the board we found a transfer from Kentucky then this kid from Memphis which is located in Tennessee and then there were a couple from the volunteers but they're too good to want to come to our school so now we're looking at all the Vanderbilt players but they're probably too smart to want to come to Southern Kentucky then there's Western Kentucky and it would be so funny if we could steal a player from them and then beat them with that player but nobody was interested so these are the four transfers we're allowed to go after and Nicholls is by far the best one since he's a freshman I might just try to get these Joo Juniors from Kentucky as well since they're three star prospects and we're not gaining very many points but I think Tennessee stopped going after this right end it ended up being true and that's great for us since Vanderbilts about to take this J and I don't want to get too overconfident but by the time this period ends we're going to sign everybody that were in first place on their board for so like these one stars are all going to commit to Southern Kentucky and then on top of that we have a lead on pretty much every transfer there's a couple that they could come back on but I think we might have a full class of 34 or 35 players this is the type of stuff I want to see I need the true freshman three star commits and then we're also going to start getting the transfers this steel breaker came in at the last second with playing time I'm not sure why but the more frustrating thing is we have fallen behind on Nicholls I wasn't hard selling him and I should have been I didn't want to guess and mess everything up so now we need to to visit to save us I think we have a really good pitch playing style that's an A+ and it's time for the Moment of Truth we're about to go through this screen we got a punter we had to get one of those but as you can see Nicholls went to Michigan State and then this player went to Cincinnati that's why I don't like to get attached to certain prospects but just looking through this board we signed a total of 32 guys I mean this is a huge first class especially for only recruiting out of two states and it's ranked 62nd in the country with 21 total three stars behind Louisiana that is the best in our conference and funny enough the highest overall player on this roster is true freshman Todd Stark you know that we're about to move him to quarterback we pretty much signed any athlete that we could so there's probably going to be some other guys that also go to that QB position and with 92 speed Jan marock was the athlete that is an elusive back he's supposed to go over the halfback he is impact Dev but he's actually going to be an even better wide receiver comparing that with the 93 speed that 65 Trey ramor has I'm feeling so much better and some of these other athletes were supposed to be running backs as well but we're going to put them at linebacker Abdul Madden's the last position here and we do need some running back depth or tight end depth I think it'd be fun to have him at that position we're getting closer to being ready for season number two but one thing I've noticed is we need a defensive tackle this guy's a 66 that's going to be a big step up for us and I think we're going to make our current kicker a punter he Jesus Martinez has 16 less kick power than freshman Brian hoj he's going to be our new kicker for this team and Jesus wants to transfer out anyway so it doesn't really bug me now it's time for the ultimate Moment of Truth though we leveled up all the way to level 11 which is incredible we have a lot of Coach points to spend we have a huge jump and overall with some of these players and he might only be 57 but sophomore cornerback Dion Scott is going to be our best cornerback for sure 74 overall feels a bit misleading though the game likes to inflate that we're going to encourage a couple players to transfer and then after advancing you're going to see that our coach Prestige is going to cause other players to want to as well getting our coordinators both on this motivator pathway was a huge deal for some of our progression I'm also going to start pouring points into it myself I need to unlock it but first we should probably make sure that we're all the way down to tier three on pretty much every Prospect we're not going to be entirely there yet because I didn't realize how quickly 100 coach points would go by but that'll help out in recruiting where we have 22 team needs we're losing 12 seniors and clearly we still have a whole roster that we just need to fully flush out at quarterback we're definitely going to roll with Todd Stark but what will really make the difference or not how long we have him as our starter is what his skill caps are and we need to start looking for other QBs still he's going to be a good player still but we need guys that are going to grow to high overalls Jay Newman for example has a lot of room to improve still and at wide receiver it's going to be interesting to decide which of these guys actually play because we have a lot of options that are very similar the only one that's locked in is Jan but unfortunately his skill caps come in and are going to ruin his progression throughout the rest of his career and the same is true for Trey ramor there's no reason to impact Dev if you can only get up to like a 78 overall we'll figure it out even if we're projected to finish last in our division again this team is so much better than what we just played with and if you're excited for season two of The Southern Kentucky stallions make sure sure to smash that like button and let me know down below what else you want to see out of this series

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