"Uh Oh" - NiS Fixed - Darlington Raceway

Intro/practice hello Freaks and Geeks and welcome to another NIS race weekend I should I call it a race weekend I don't know just another NIS race and well today we're at Darlington a um yes a very chaotic track I must say um definitely Harlington is definitely one of those tracks where I can see there being a lot of wrecks and because of that I'm most I don't know if I should actually qualify or not how many people have qualified already eight people I'm I'm the number 11 car um and there's like 32 cars S I kind of want to start in the back I'm not going to lie I I I really want to start in the back hell it might even be worth it to start in the pit Lane uh oh yeah need to set up my car as well either way um yeah I think I'm just going to give myself a Black Flag here [Music] they're showing us the Black Flag you didn't exit the pit safely you have to drive through the pits without [Music] stopping green flag green flag okay here comes your first time BL [Music] you see there's a couple more [Music] people wow this is not a fast even if this was a an actual run this wouldn't be a quick lap one more [Music] lap oh I ran out of time anyways [Music] I didn't even know that I was sat there debating for too long um we're pretty much right in the middle of the field should I actually start or should I I'm I'm going to go ahead and grid up but one lap to Green you'll be lining up Grid up and pace laps on the inside the estimated strength of field is 1,6 99 closed Pit Road is closed let's take opportunities I don't know if I am actually gonna start the race or not there are six additional sets of tires during it race have a good ride all right um going to go ahead and start this race but I'm pretty sure there's going to be a yellow right off the that c one cat 14 cat one car and something seems really [Music] off I don't know if it's just these cars and this track but something seems very off and it wasn't like this last week uh with these cars so I mean I know it's not nothing with my um POV settings CU I haven't touched that at all I don't know so during practice and everything just everything seems a bit awkward let's play it safe though Race GRE outside still there hold your line clear up top [Music] car outside clear outside [Music] thankfully that wasn't um too too bad of a [Music] cona outside yeah let them pass outside is clear gave the wall a little smooch car outside still there my God [Music] clear I don't know if it's a track conditions or something but [Music] left of the [Music] S the car was not like this in practice [Music] new F flat for [Music] [Music] you oh no big big CR [Music] car outside keep loow clear up to outside still there outside I'm just trying to survive at this point car outside go low clear High inside keep [Music] High say hi clear [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] it's 184 laps I didn't realize that [Music] car outside outside [Music] clear that was chaotic oh [Music] [Music] I'm surprised there was no yellow from that but then again with this track yellows are kind of a dice roll [Music] [Music] now the car has started to has started to chill out yeah I'm not even really concerned about catching the car in front I'm just kind of wanting to make sure I'm not killing myself really that's my main concern but also you know running fast enough to where I'm not leading [Music] positions so yeah trying to not go so fast to where you know I drive myself and I'm not so worried about catching the cars in front but also I don't want to drive too slow to where I left the cars behind me um catch me and C me at a ridiculous pace [Music] like sure this person behind me is now caught me but and his in the light and then probably is going to pass me in the next couple laps or [Music] so say this lap [Music] but it's not like they did it right away [Music] inside keep High still inside St High clear I so be smart about fighting people [Music] that's [Music] hilarious no damage coin keep on breaking too early for [Music] that it this turn turns one and two just scared me so much a lot more comfortable in three and four but I say that as I go into the wall fine no damage to report [Music] [Music] yeah I need a [Music] shift w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I need to start backing off on that corner [Music] [Music] [Music] keep on forgetting to shift back down [Music] car inside keep High clear inside car inside almost was a disaster still there inside still inside say hi clear [Music] inside I am surprised there has it been a yellow [Music] [Music] yet H man I need to work on my transition on my [ __ ] throttle no damage car looks C okay I was I was lucky on that stay low stay low there was a car on the high side still there hold your line still there clear [Music] no damage Char coin yeah the car is starting to get really tight [Music] now I have cooked the tires [Music] [Music] [Music] you're losing on the car in front the Gap is 1.5 [Music] seconds car inside the leader just did 30. 686 keep High clear inside no damage car look CL [Music] [Music] [Music] and I mean we are having incidents it's just there's hasn't been any yellows [Music] yet you're losing on the car front the Gap is 1.1 [Music] seconds you're pulling away from the car behind the Gap is 2 [Music] seconds you're gaining on the car in front the G is 1.1 [Music] [Music] seconds ah [Music] why did I do that I thought I was in fifth gear oh no [Music] the leader just 30.9 2 six uh yeah that move was an on on [Music] [Music] [Music] car inside squeeze me to the wall more much will you say hi clear inside [Music] [Music] ah no damage car coin [Music] car inside clear you're losing on the car in front the Gap is 1.1 [Music] seconds [Music] uh-oh caution yellow flag they Road ised [Music] catch2 oh there's our first yellow to be fair it's actually that was a really good green flag run I didn't expect us to go like 37 laps without a uh without a caution Road open [Music] Le four carbide you had the position when the yellow flag came out really car 23 got the lucky dog let them pass on the outside pass 20 car okay I just I wanted to go into the pits but whatever I will go into the pits next time [Music] then that was my own fault as well as I don't know I was waiting for the four like I don't exactly blame anyone in particular I more so blame iRacing for that h 20 car get 24 car pass 20 car pit box in 10 5 3 2 1 right here all clear punch it they want you in single file catch up seven car pass 17 car pass 21 car [Music] pass that 13 car catch that 31 car smooth about to go green stay [Music] focused all right we should have around I 60 laps worth of fuel in this tank car inside clear inside clear don't know why they didn't want to [Music] go car inside go low car outside caution yellow flag C fine no damage to report they want you in single fire well okay we got one Forex 21 car you had the position I couldn't exactly go left or anything like that oh me Pit Road is now open pass 13 car C 21 no damage I mean I'm kind of surprised that we got away with that without any damage but I'm guessing this is the part of the race where they start Wrecking all right hopefully we don't rack up too many more of those X's to be fair we have we have like 184 laps so as long as we don't get too many more of those we should be on the path of uh getting some safety raining Gren Gren GR [Music] car inside stay high there's a car on the low side clear inside I kind of just squeezed him out on accident uh the leader is running 17106 [Music] car not going to Al the car in front going to still there hold your line caught me off guard clear [Music] [Music] [Music] inside you're up top three wide wait how hold your line inside two wide clear no damage car looks clean [Music] [Music] just B left of the session [Music] understand [Music] [Music] that would your Bo this lap of the session [Music] [Music] the yellow flag is outly sh Pit Road is closed right now pass the PA car oh I I don't know how we didn't get collected there Catch 22 I'm going to go ahead and come in for some tires um I know I don't exactly need them but I would like to put on some fresh tires um got plenty of got plenty of them two one right here definitely um won't have enough fueld to make it to the end um yeah just didn't really need to get new tires um okay go but I mean I still have four more Tire sets um as a right now2 yeah as of right now I think we could yeah I mean if it goes green the rest of the way we could you know we would only have to stop one more time really so I think maybe twice I would have to actually look at the um how much how many lapse we actually have once we get going the estimated lapse is 75 on the on the fuel thing but that changes once we start going full Pace as well but yeah I think we roughly have like 70 um roughly like 70 laps and a fuel tank and we have one 12 yeah 128 laps to go it would be painful um go green the rest of the way R the the rest of the way but we could definitely make it to be fair I do actually kind of uh like the length of this cuz it would have I mean you know if it was to go green all the way we would have had to make it at least a two stop one to go next time by you're on the outside this time catch that 12 [Music] get ready going green all right we're right here in the back so we don't need exactly be in a rush to go anywhere green flag green flag inside still there at the [Music] bottom clear car inside clear inside [Music] just got to be wary of people wrecking in front of us oh [Music] [Music] oh man okay I think I realize what I'm doing wrong I think I'm oh God damn it we got damage on the front end outside clear up top you're losing on the car in front the Gap is 1.5 seconds [Music] well okay at least I don't have wheel damage and by the sounds of it it's not that much it doesn't feel like it's affecting the car at all thankfully it I think it's just one of the it's just a slight Arrow um on the front [Music] [Music] end we got damage on the front end okay car inside holy [ __ ] [Music] before I I mean I I'm just trying not to put like slam on the brakes so and I think what I was doing before is just not even putting on the brakes at all [Music] [Music] you're losing on the car in front the Gap is 1.2 seconds I'm I'm just losing all sense of drive driving ability right now [Music] slow car down low caution yellow flag day one sh in single file closed bit Road is closed pass by 20 car car you had the position when the yellow flag came out catch up hey car hit roads open that was a big wreck with a lot of smoke [Music] pit boxing 10 5 3 2 1 right here all the damage is repairable all right yeah let's go ahead and get this damage repaired then move it move it line up single file catcher 26 char [Music] one all right I'm pretty sure everyone else in that pit stop L the tires maybe I should have but I just it didn't really feel all that right um taking tires pretty like so soon after I just had took that other set so uh we still won't be able to finish um on fuel but I figured I should go ahead and top up the tank all right about to go green stay focused the pace car is in green flag green flag the leader just did us 18.6 seven inside day high oh clear car inside loose still there hold your line oh no clear inside no damage that corner is notorious is notoriously um bad for giving myself wheel damage [Music] maybe I'm just breaking way too early for that [Music] [Music] [Music] inside still inside clear [Music] inside car out side outside clear [Music] [Music] [Music] why did you follow me down on the track like that my God you're losing on the car front the Gap is 1.7 seconds caution yellow flag they want you in single Fire Pit Road is closed right now [Music] catch catch car Road open I will admit though I did kind of block him um for the rest of that uh corner or at with the exit and everything but my God it was like why did you even follow me down there Le 24 car cat that 24 car cat that S car cat that 24 car uh let's go ahead and get some tires and that will be it at least for for this remaining stretch 3 2 1 right here oops move it moving they want you in single file catch that 18 car [Music] all right about to go green stay F so we're approaching on 100 to go I think we're already like halfway through the race I think I missed I think I missed the uh crew Chief's call on [Music] that green green Green the lead just did up 19. 634 car outside stay low there is a car on the high side keep still there hold your [Music] line clear outside oh my God that was almost a [Music] wreck there be a wreck happening [Music] [Music] [Music] car inside clear inside [Music] [Music] the car in T8 just at the pass lap 29 sh how do make that first turn so [Music] quickly cuz I mean sure I'm still slow in three and four but High clear please don't come up the track [Music] five that was extremely bad inside stay high there a car on the low side clear the leader is running 29.7 61 [Music] oh why did I even shift up [Music] there we have already established that is bad [Music] outside still there clear up top [Music] you're losing on the car in front the Gap is 1.2 seconds [Music] might also be because of just how the car feels under heavy [Music] fuel cuz I mean I have refilled the car multiple times now I can go pretty long into the race before I have to refill so I think I'm going to use that to my advantage and make it to a point where I don't have to take that much fuel and put on new tires the leader just did up 29994 we halfway in the race all right so now we're the halfway in the race my God oh my God it's out of habit don't do that look at how much you're gain it's because we did [Music] that oh no all right [Music] good really a top top 15 is going to be my goal [Music] [Music] [Music] and now the fuel has burn burnt out the car has feels a lot more stable and not so much on edge car inside St High clear [Music] inside car outside keep low still there hold your line clear outside [Music] [Music] the leader just did 30.4 93 [Music] [Music] you're pulling away from the car behind we got this 1.1 second outside outside clear outside clear [Music] [Music] why did I why do I keep on doing that [Music] [Music] oh no no damage car coin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] car inside stay high there's a car on the low side clear [Music] inside the leader just did up 30518 [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] outside clear outside if you wanted all right thankfully I didn't lose too much time to that only only the place that I um caught up to in [Music] game fine no damage to report [Music] [Music] car inside clear [Music] I even realized there was a car behind that was actually catching as [Music] well I feel like from that little slide our [ __ ] tires got a little bit too deep no damage looks CLE we flirting with danger every single time we hit that wall [Music] [Music] oh noine no damage to report yeah see there's a there's a balance for going running 30 6 going like too low because then you hit a bump down there that then send you up high keepow outside is clear car outside clear up [Music] top yeah that little [ __ ] bump right there [Music] you're gaining on the car in front the Gap is all point second [Music] [Music] you're gaining on the car in front the Gap is two three Tak [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm slowly am gaining on this car ahead [Music] the leader is running 31. 29 [Music] oh no no damage car coin how am I keep on getting away with this I mean I'm not complaining but I'm just amazed [Music] [Music] [Music] outside outside is clear [Music] [Music] you're pulling away from the car behind the Gap is 1.2 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] the lead is bitting now outside outside is clear on the FR that was totally my fault second I squeezed up a I squeezed them up into the wall no damage Char CL I I totally did not give him any room or anything like that [Music] the leader is running I I mean I didn't do it intentionally I promised it was just the fact that my car just it went too tight and yeah I was [Music] uh I should have backed off you're in the top [Music] 10 car inside clear [Music] inside okay ah collect yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] got [Music] yeah I should actually think about pitting here soon I mean we're definitely in the pit window [Music] keep on hitting that wall so I think it is about time [Music] outside stay low there is a car on the high side clear car inside the leader is running1 point 1 2 8 clear inside [Music] caution yellow flag they want you file closed Pit Road is [Music] closed the PIP c c I'm glad I didn't pit I I knew I was staying out for a reason [Music] catch that 27 car catch 18 car car 15 got the lucky dogs let them past on the outside pit boxing 10 5 3 2 1 right here oh yeah those tires are pretty much done okay go they want you in single file catch that 30 [Music] car still have um two tires left for the end of the race so that's good one left to green line up on the outside cat another outside start these are fun starting on the outside cat 25 catch that 25 car [Music] got to watch out for other people and there Shenanigans the car is in we're all the way up here in six which I mean I'm not complaining about but we got to be careful uh I'm just going to try to find myself a good clean P of [Music] air still there bottom clear [Music] [Music] inside car inside keep the leader just did up 31 513 [Music] clear all right [Music] car outside outside clear inside say [Music] high still there at the bottom clear inside [Music] the car in P1 just at the fastest lap [Music] [Music] 29.94 that you Bo of [Music] [Music] the I am totally going to be playing with the top 10 if that's what we're going to be left with why did I do that bad [Music] [Music] bad also I swear these tires um go through a stage of just like feeling like absolute crap whenever they first knew and then go through a stage of feeling absolutely fabulous before the last stage of uh the 13s the lead is just did 29.5 he two all right that's a laed car so I [Music] mean I'm not going to find too much if they end up getting around us inside still there at the bottom clear they definitely look like they're [Music] faster yeah it's so strange cuz it's like this first part of the of the stint I'm like slow but then towards the end of it I'm faster I don't know if that has if that has to do with fuel load probably does might have a combination of fuel load and tires [Music] need B flat for [Music] you you're pulling away from the car behind the Gap is 1 second [Music] my God clear [Music] inside the leader is running 29714 [Music] [Music] [Music] car Inc start still there clear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what how the [ __ ] damage God damn it we got damage on the front end went through the entire and oh I got a twox from that how the [ __ ] [Music] ah you see it's it's like playing the lottery gap2 second it's like playing the lottery now I'm oh my God onap shut up second the leader is running 30 point 2 5 4 I swear to God that the car just like suddenly changed how it drove what the hell outside clear car outside closing on the Gap is 13 seconds clear outside [Music] I mean granted now I have wheel damage so the car is going to act a little bit funny but uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my only hope is for the people around me to also wreck um in in a similar way you're losing on the car front the G is one [Music] second it would have been easy eight and who knows I may would have actually been able to gain on some of the cars ahead but now I'm it's just a g damage limitation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the leader is running 30 Point 1 93 [Music] [Music] [Music] inside stay high there the car on the low side clear inside the yellow flag is out they want you in single fire road is Clos catch up [Music] seven okay well technically I think 12 people will be on the lead lap by the end of this but I am going to come in and try to fix as much damage as I [Music] can road is now open also get some new tires [Music] [ __ ] looks like your car is Toad pit boxing 10 looks like F your car is toes you'll need a tow back to pit Lan press and hold the res 3 2 1 right here God damn it that was comical damage isable oh my God that was comical oh my God I can't blame anyone but myself I got too caught up and watching what happened in front of me oh that I did the exact same thing and I barely clipped the tires holy [ __ ] oh how many laps are left like 20 uh I I don't think I will probably get out there I mean I'm I could get back out there in time but uh to be fair I think I think the worst position I think we're going to have is 16th [Music] um you know what let's just see let's just I mean because I'm having a feeling now it's towards the end of the race the chaos is going to happen um and plus these cautions are do run a little bit long so who knows who knows what position I mean it kind of sucks cuz we were kind of guaranteed a top 10 but then I kind of [ __ ] f it myself uh whatever green green Green let's see who's on all on track caution yellow flag no I knew it and that's just going to give us more time to fix ourselves under yellow CU as of right now um we will gain uh one poter ey rating it looks like which as long as we gain irating um I'm totally fine with cuz it definitely looks like the there are people out there that can capitalize on if we just straight up dnf right now in that case we would actually lose some rating I know I have two minutes worth of repairs but I'm going to come out as soon as possible yeah I'm already like six laps down [Music] okay punch it the pace car is in you only have one tire set remaining get ready going green you'll be lining up on the inside catch the six car green green Green [Music] I mean I remember you have a broken car [Music] the leader is running 32026 [Music] I definitely can still gain a couple I can definitely gain some [Music] positions on some people that have already like DNS as well oh no we got damage on the front end' got damage on the right [Music] side but no wheel damage you fix that okay [Music] the leader is coming up on you they're not [Music] A5 car outside outside clear the leader just did us [Music] 29594 outside outside is clear car outside clear [Music] [Music] all right [Music] uh we did get another 2x from that uh from hitting the [ __ ] pit wall with fair I guess [Music] oops [Music] well I didn't realize I wasn't actually down low [Music] enough I'm surprised it was actually this this uh yellow free towards the end of the race I mean granted we had that yellow immediately after I gave myself the meatball flag [Music] you've got two laps to go the leader just did up 29.9 6 7 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what flag flag oh I'm surprised that it was so I mean I guess everyone who were kind of wreck heavy was kind of already eliminated so so yeah there's that uh 13th not that bad not that bad could have probably actually finished up in the top five now I kind of now I kind of look at it yeah definitely if we uh didn't [ __ ] do Checkered Flag that to ourselves we could have probably definitely finished in the top five and gained a good good uh good A bit of uh okay we'll get them next time uh of I of I racing points or irating H man that that was a lot longer of a race than I expected I mean I know that these are you know long races but I mean I just I didn't exactly expect this to be a 180 lap race uh like I always know that this pit Lane is tricky and I have gotten caught out with that I have done that before actually in the 87 cars um 3 two okay the race is over bring it on in and look I'm not here I'm not putting theable and I'm not putting the blame on the um you know so to blame on the cars in front of me it just I also got totally distracted by the cars in front of me with their home Shenanigans and so yeah totally misjudged my line coming in and yeah that was just yeah still all on me but oh a silly mistake that could have easily been avoided and I could have actually gained a lot from that who knows we may have actually gotten caught up in the wreck but who knows who knows Let's uh bring up the Results results uh we gained we gained 25 to our safety rating and 19 to our IE rating um thankfully we're get getting our safety rating up and up more um I definitely want to try to get this up um get this my safety rating up more um just because I I don't like it being low and it's it's so it's so St I don't know I I I get how the safety rating is but it's it's so easy for this number to get down uh to lose irating but it's also but so much harder for you to gain it with how the system is and yeah like I wouldn't mind it so much if it's uh if I you know if I did things more more to myself but most of the time it's from other people giving me the x's and the incident points and yeah uh I know you can't really do much to change it but I just I wish there was a better way but there really isn't a better way uh anyways um yeah p13 we at least gained in both aspect that's a good race over uh overall so I'm happy with that anyways um I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give it a like if you want to see more of this content please hit that subscribe button and if you want to and uh yeah I'll see you Freaks and Geeks in the next video bye [Music]

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