it's showtime what's up good people and welcome to the Frank Harris show the biggest the baddest the best and the most provocative Show on Earth and we got Dominican e with us today Dominican e what's up my brother up Frank what's up Frank what's going on yo man it's a lot of great things going on E we got to talk about Tariq Hill today we got to talk about week one of the NFL let's get right into Tariq Hill Tariq Hill was detained not arrested was mistreated manhandled and done terribly by the Miami D Police Department the officers should be fired and by the way e it's a disgrace that I watched Stephen A today and Stephen and Shannon sharp and I was so upset and embarrassed that though they would they acknowledged that he was FSE he was excuse me mistreated and mishandled by the police officers they also felt that as a black man right when the police come you should put your hands on the stering well roll your window down and say yes sir no sir right I don't understand that e why would they use their platform to proliferate this concept that black men and women should be treated differently or should respond and react to police officers differently than white people right that is a horrible message to send out these police officers were brutally wrong out of control they should be fired and Stephen and shanon Shar should be smacked for such nonsense e tell me what your thoughts on well first of all I agree with you on the police officers should get fired I mean I know they got one of them right now he's on I guess death duty until they do the investigation you know so well administrative leave not even death Duty I think he's not even working anymore okay leave so I mean it was a disgrace to see how they mistreated Tyreek Hill dragged him out the car you know put him put him on the pavement head head down I mean it was uncalled for it was a traffic violation I guess it that's what it was and to get mistreated that way for a traffic violation I think is you know unfair to Tariq Hill and his family and what he has he what he had to go what he had to um go through the embarrassment and also you know for the the police department to have these officers you know use their power in a sense right and to do everything you know in in in a very distasteful way I'm very disappointed in in in in the day day County day County day County it felt it felt racist to me e number one and listen I don't want to always yell racism which I don't do but Eric let me just say a few things right so first of all the issue was they seemingly they got his license and his registration he rolled his window up the police officers being jerks told him roll his window down which I don't believe by L he needs to he gave you the information that you needed they then threatened they didn't started to bang on his window they then threatened him and said roll your window down and we G to bust the window Etc then they took him out Eric it said he was and and by the way he acques he was getting out the car they said get out the car they said you're not moving fast enough then at that point Eric the man was getting out the car then they said you're not moving fast enough grab the man through you know then Eric when the man said okay like like I just had surgery on my knee the officer had the nerve to say oh how ironic maybe you should have had on your mouth then the officer said when we tell you to do something you do it when we tell you not when you say you want not when you think or what you say like as if this this this God complex that these officers have Eric right the man complied he did got out the car okay they threw the man in the car they roughed him up then he so so did did he roll his window up after he gave them his information he did but so what he gave you the information right the ticket and keep it moving but these guys have this God complex Eric and by the way we know there's some difficulty between the Latino community and the black community in Miami let's keep it let's keep it real Eric you got Latino police officers okay a costing this black man and you know they probably think oh these guy and hold on let me just say this and then when his teammates came Kus Campbell and another teammate came and not even to intervene disrespectfully but to just see what was going on they they disrespectfully treated those players as well and it felt racist to me Eric and it felt like these God complex and I keep saying that um police officers felt that they had a right Eric a right right to mistreat these guys and the feeling felt like oh these black athletes think they can do whatever they want to do but I'm gonna show them and I'mma put it out there and I'mma say it Eric it felt like there's a racial element to it there's this complex that police officers are above reproach and it's absolutely nonsense Eric it's absolutely nonsense and for Stephen A Smith and Shannon sharp to get on their platforms and talk about how yeah the police officers were wrong but I hate those disclaimers yeah they were wrong but there's no but right and I and I applaud Dominique Foxworthy who was on the show as well and Dominique Foxworthy Eric said yeah there's a private conversation and a public conversation you as a black parent you may tell your kids one thing right you may say look be cooperative Etc right and it's sad that we have to tell our kids that there's a different standing for black people than it is for white people or any other race of people that's sad that we have to tell our kids that to start with number one but number two for you to get on your national International platform on ESPN and say that Tyreek Hill is wrong and what black people should do Eric is put their hands on the stering well roll their window down and say yes sir and no sir and can't voice anything ask any questions or be normal is garbage Eric that's pure garbage and they should be ashamed of themselves for for for promoting that and for saying that because what you do Eric in essence is say black people should be held to a different standard and that's not right Eric like you said as as as a black parent you privately you could tell your kids listen when you get pulled over you know put your hands on St or lower the window priv you could say that right but then when you are like you said on a platform like ESPN and you make these comments it's like we're treated different than the white counterpart where they they're not they're not they're not asked to put their hands on the steering wheel they're not ask to lower their windows I don't know what's the law in Florida do you have to lower your window or fully I don't know the laws so I don't know what's the standard of what it is to lower your window Tariq lowered his window gave his information it was a traffic violation he's not being he's not he hasn't committed a crime he's not being arrested give me my ticket and let me go on about my Merry way you know it is and it is sad in today Society with so much police brutality that we still have to witness these acts of these officers using excess Force I mean you you can even see one of the police officers had his knee on tariq's back I mean but Eric the man wasn't resisting Eric if there was a resist even when they said get out the car what happened was because he didn't roll down the window then that gave them um reason to say well you not getting out the car fast enough what does that mean Eric they opened the man's door the man opened up his door he said I'm getting out right well you're not getting out fast enough now what so what was he supposed to do so he he was getting out the car he was complying with what they asked the man to do okay then they just absolutely accosted the man and by the way I don't care that he's a Miami Dophin I don't care any of that that's irrelevant to me Eric I don't care that he was right outside the stadium that's of no relevance to me okay that's a black man being mistreated right by these police officers and we see this movie time and time and time again and the problem is again I keep going back to this Stephen A Smith but when Stephen A Smith and these guys keep proliferating oh you're supposed to say Yes master and put your hand on the steering wheel what you do when you say that kind of stuff is you continue to put in even these officers Minds Eric right that that's how it's supposed to go and that's not how it's supposed to go and by the way in this Dynamic your job as a police officer is to deescalate you are the trained person here deescalation if you watch the dynamic Eric these police officers escalated escalated there was one in particular that kept escalating escalating and got this thing to a was out of control right and not just to tari Hill but to his teammates as well Eric so and by the way let me just say this he and I know how this thing works you know how this thing works Eric even if these officers got fired in day what happens Eric they go back into their um departments and they're Heroes a lot of times people think what they did yeah you told them you showed these guys etc etc okay and then if they get fired Eric guess what Brower County will give him a job the next County over or the next County over after that okay and so it's funny I wish we did what do you call one of those where are they now right when a police officer got fired from um from a police department Eric and we do where are they now and I guarantee you they're gonna be at another department right with a badge and a gun with another police officer's job I guarantee you that where are they now working again now you know now let's say you know tarq is yelling he just has surgery on his knee and you're putting excess force on his body dragging him to the ground now you say you injured the man now the man is injured now the man cannot go out and do his job now you know what I'm saying like he just he's Yelling to the officers I just had knee surgery like these these these officers not I mean it's sad it's sad that we have to witness it in 2024 still today we have to witness you know these officers using excess Force when it's uncalled for I mean the man is the man like I said I don't know the traffic violation give the man his traffic ticket and let him go about his merry way you know and he wasn't fighting he wasn't fighting right like he was providing no of resistance at all right and they was so unnecessary and doing all of this kind of stuff but anyway Eric here we go again right police officers feel like they have a different St and kudos for going out there and still doing his job and you know uh you know prevailing his team to Victory you know what I'm saying catching a touchdown a 80 yard touchdown pass from Tua T goova you know I mean kudos to him for keeping his mind focused on you know the T tahan which wi which was winning the football game for kudos to Tyreek Evans shout out to him you know and um l well listen listen I don't really care about any of that bro like because you know why Eric whether he can play the football game or not play the football game Eric to me it's faceless you know in terms of the name right it's a black man right and what we have to realize is the fact that they have access to more than the average black man would have in a bigger platform Etc to shine a light on this situation right we need to have a mind shift Eric we need to have a mind shift because the average black person does not have access to a platform like that right Eric so therefore that's the part about it that's disturbing to me and by the way there are a lot of police officers who you know who do it the right way who do things the right way Etc right so I don't have you know this is not to say all police officers and I don't want to put everybody in a realm okay but when Injustice happens we need to point it out we need to cut out the cancers and the negative people so we can live in a more harmonious happy Society you understand what I'm saying so now e after we got that I had to get up that one made me hiy right and by the way remember we first talked about this E I was like let's not rest the Judgment against the police officers right everybody was saying wrong wrong wrong and my first inclination and I told you this two days ago Eve when it happened let's not rush to judgment we don't know what Tariq Hill said we don't know what happened maybe the police officers Runing in the wrong let's wait to see the information and when I saw the information I was disgusted Eric disgusted it okay because I gave these police officers somewhat of the benefit of the doubt because I wanted to wait till the information came out when the information came out it was terrible yes so these officers need to be fired okay and it needs to be an overhaul and how these and by the way I don't think they're trained this way I just think this mentality that police officers are above reproach right and above the law and they can and can do whatever they want to do because like he said no you do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it no what are you talking about I'm not resisting you I can talk what do you think you are bro but anyway e now let's talk about football now let's talk about what on the field right this off the field stuff but let's talk about what happened off the field e right it was a it was a good uh week one okay you know I like the Cowboys that's my favorite team and the Ravens we started off Eric with the Ravens game right Ravens San Francisco uh not I'm sorry not sancisco excuse me the Ravens against Patrick Mahomes e that game Mahomes didn't play great right I think statistically um Lamar Jackson outplayed him Eric but look you know I'm a Lamar Jackson guy he's my favorite play player in the NFL but he didn't make the throws down at the end of the game Eric they got down in the red zone and he didn't make the plays he missed Z flowers wide wide open he missed the tight end right um even before the play where his toe touched the line he missed him wide open again we should have had the touchdown before them Lamar Jackson is my guy Eric you know you know I think he's the best player in the NFL but you got to make those plays Eric if you want to win the Super Bowl you got to make the plays at the end Frank it goes both ways it go both ways did he miss the throw to to fly was yes the tight endend throw was that a difficult throw but you got to make the play wide open Eric stop come on the tight end throw was difficult throw friend that was difficult throw the wide open flows was wide open I give you that one but listen it goes both way Lamar Jackson made the throw likely I think that's his name come on likely they teach you that they teach you that you know tow drag just catch it and just drop you don't gotta land you don't gotta land on just catch it and Tow and drag it that's he couldn't tow Drive the front toe you don't drive he D the second no no no no no Frank there there's a way to do this he catches it the toe the the foot that was out of bounds you pull that leg back and just drop forward he would have been in bounds he would have been in bounds no er no no listen I'm not listen I'm not saying both you can't just blame it on Lamar Jackson go both ways I gotta blame it on well if you what so you acknowledge at at a minimum Z flowers is open you got make the play was open the MVP he won the MVP last year Eric he was open he was open you gota listen listen I'm fighting I'm fighting against my guy you know how much I love Lamar you love Josh Allen I've been saying you know for years Josh Allen makes that throw I'm just putting out I don't know about all but the point is makes that throw and by the way Xavier worthy was fantastic right for the Chiefs shout out to him rookie from Texas fastest guy at the combine came in little guy was was phenomenal again m is okay Mahomes wasn't great but they found the way to win Eric Kelsea wasn't great right but my guy Lamar Jackson got to make the play you got listen you have to make the play Eric right so then e we go there Eric okay then we get great news right the Dallas Cowboy situation is all set yes right Dak Prescott gets his money foury year 240 million right 4E 240 million highest paid player in NFL history by the way Jerry Jones may have been able to that if You' have paid him earlier right but he waited to the last minute right to the last day when you can pay the players before the season started and he paid him so he had to pay him the most so now he doesn't deserve it and but I'm a Cowboy fan he doesn't deserve to be the highest player in the history highest paid player in the history of the NFL but e he got it so now CD lamb got his money e Dak Prescott got his money e okay and by the way Michael Carson is next and he knows that so e my cowboy should be able to play fast free right and ready to go fast free and ready to go and we had a good first week against the Browns e you saw we played against the Browns e and by the way and your boy Deshawn wat Watson was horrible he was horrible he was horrible horrible by the way $230 million Eric all guaranteed Cleveland gave him haven't been the same player since the massage since the massage misi the massagi wajis since the Massi waji what they call Happy Endings what they call it happy end yeah yes e 230 million guaranteed right now it looks like one of the worst quarterbacks in the NFL e so first of all what do you think about that game e but more importantly do you bench him now you got jamus Winston as your backup he's been horribly um Watson what do you do if you the Browns oh I mean you can bench him that's 230 million is guaranteed I mean you can bench him right now I mean as the season go you know goes on and he continues to struggle I think then you bench him and then you got to try to find some way you know to get some of that money back and try to get some some players you know to well you can't get money back it's all guarantee he's not gonna give you money back what I'm saying is maybe in a trade or something like that where you can get who gonna take him who gonna take him with all that guaranteed money you can't listen Eric so so first of all I think you're right you got to keep you got to keep him on the field with that kind of money yeah you can't sit him cuz it's 230 guaranteed Eric and oh and let's not forget they give up draft picks as well think three first rounders Frank you can't move him so e let me say this five draft picks as well as 230 guaranteed move him Eric who wants that contract who wants the contract and it's not like Cleveland is a situation they got good skilled players Amari Cooper like you know you know anduko the David Ando the tight end like they they got some they got some weapons there realis miles yeah I mean miles best defensive player you can argue in the NFL e the quarterback play is atro he's holding the ball too long the guy's not the same player e who's taking that contract it's all guaranteed it's not like it's a contract where you take him e you take him if it doesn't work out you can cut him because you still got to pay him but that if that contract 230 bonus money or 230 contract all guaranteed though e that's a lot of money that's what I'm trying to tell you did all guarantee did you see one of the um uh he went to help out one of the offensive lineman and the guy didn't take moved his hand or something like that did you see that I didn't see that either I didn't see that that means something is going on with the with the offensive front right that they're not really they're not really getting along with DeShaun Watson that was bad it's all over it's all over um ticker all over ESPN you should check it out I mean that's bad there something going on within that offensive lineman and Deshawn Watson something e what about my Cowboys we going to we going to the Super Bowlers here I mean I told you before on the show Frank I think they right up there with the 49ers now that's something that if they get home fi Advantage maybe they can they can they can they can uh you know pull it through this year if they get home fit advantage and play in Tech in Dallas Stadium I think they pull it through now they got to get home fit Advantage though they gotta get home fit Advantage I mean you talking about in terms of the my only question ER is is the Run game right Ezekiel Elliot is no longer valid right I mean they got dvin cook my my issue Eric is we got to run by committee situation right we don't have a one running back right we got good we got good guys on the outside that's not bad though you know running back by committee I ain't bad Frank in today in today's football no but you still need a number one guy you still need a one guy you still need a one guy EO you still need you need multiple backs though Frank you need multiple backs I get that but they don't have the one to go along with the other backs I agree with you you need to have multiple backs but you still need a one guy right you still need a guy that's one like I give you an example peo is a very good running back from um from um the Chiefs you look at the team Dom I know he's a Dominican yeah but he's a great you know 900 to a thousand yard Runner downhill Runner get you the tough yards he gives you a run game that that at least you have something there to complement what Mahomes does and then the other Super Bowl team last year was was San San Francisco and they have obviously the best running back in the game yes and so I so you still need a good one I mean Ezekiel Elliott is not very good right it's the reason why cook didn't have any jobs so I mean defensively with great Zimmer uh Zimmer excuse me great new coordinator right was coach with the um uh Minnesota Vikings for a while great new coordinator great defense right with you know Michael Parson is one of the better defensive players Diggs playmaker right on the back end so we got a lot of great pieces Eric the running game is the only thing that that that I have some some pause about but I think this may be the year for my Dallas Cowboys can D get over the hum that's the that's the question can that's the key so e this this what I hate to say e I'm glad you bought that up e I'm glad you bought that up so my two pauses are my running back situation is CS for pause and I'm not sure that I think Dak is a Super Bowl caliber a Super Bowl win caliber quarterback I just don't think that he got that in but I hope I'm wrong from that perspective but can can he get you can he get you there can he get you there can you get you to the big Dan but that's not good enough though e to justify the 240 and the highest paid player in the game right now right at some point you got to get him Super Bowl yes Jerry Jones is old like that that's to justify that level of contract the only way you justify that is to win a Super Bowl is that fair that's fair good e let's go now to um the Bears not the bear excuse me let's go now to the Pittsburgh Steelers yes okay quarterback controversy fair enough yes Justin Fields Russell Wilson we find out that Russell Wilson is H right he was named a starter but he was hurt couldn't play Phils came in they won a defensive game right they didn't play great but they won a defensive um showcase um and it looks like Wilson may be heard again e is it feels his job now now is Wilson still the the incumbent even though he hadn't played a snap yet whose job is it he I'm going with fields on this one I'm going with Fields I'm going with fields on this one I think and by the way he didn't play great though e right I mean they beat they beat a bad Falcons team who by the way your boy Kirk Cousins was terrible and this is ironic Eric this is ironic his quarterback play was so bad and the irony is this they drafted pinck right yeah remember they drafted pinck and everybody was like why' they take pinck when they gave KK cousins all his money and Kirt cousins came out himself and said he maybe wouldn't have signed his agent said if they were going to draft a quarterback now the guy's looking over his should to Eric and the first game he goes out and he lays an egg yeah yeah y but anyway I'm going I'm going it's F's job it's F's job now I think he brings a little bit more you know a little bit more um to the offense I think he brings a dynamic which Russell used to do I don't think he does anymore which is getting outside the pocket creating plays outside the pocket even you know running running running with the ball sometimes here and there I think Fields brings that and I think he brings a young you know vibrant you know energy to the to to to to the Pittsburgh Steelers which they need a young guy with some swag a young guy no that he needs I disagree with that E I disagree with that it's a locker room full of veterans why but you need a guy you need a young guy that's you know stir stir things up and you know no no you need a veteran leader who guys are going to respect they're not gonna respect Fields you gonna respect Wilson because of his his track record they're not gonna respect Fields yeah but right what they're gonna respect him for what he did at Ohio State but Frank but Frank we all know Russell Wilson is a little you know a little corny I would say you know what I mean oh he definitely is that I mean listen he was inactive on the sidelines is another thing with his shoulder pass on he was you know I mean that's him right he's like a weirdo right like he's on he's inactive on the inactive list yeah right like have you ever seen an inactive player in shoulder Passad on the sidelines ready to like like he about to play right like and this is Russell Wilson being Russell Wilson but but veteran leadership you know what I mean and by the way Phils do for 150 something yards I think yeah 150 I mean it wasn't like he was he was very mediocre right like he didn't play well I mean right so I mean you gotta go back to the Pittburgh way which is play great defense and have a guy and have a guy that can you know manage a team and get and and get your guys and make the necessary throws and get your guys in the right position don't you know don't don't don't turn the ball over you know protect the protect the ball and just manage the game I mean I think he could do so I think Wilson that's still Wilson's job in my opinion I think Phils may start again but I think when Wilson comes back it's their job they need a veteran God they need veteran leadership a God has won before the guys will would probably respect him a little bit more I think it's Wilson's job in the short term but I do think in the long term Fields is the guy that they hope to rest their future right I think Wilson is the short ter let's say Pittsburgh C get off to a uh let's say three and 0 three and 0 start with Fields do you now yeah do you now bring Russ Russell Wilson back because he's healthy no no no say no I think I think you get the three 0 but but I say right now after one and 0 and Phils only mediocre is still Wilson's job right now but I agree with you if you get to three and 0 right with with Fields right the team's rocking and rolling you winning you're feeling good you can't go back to Wilson at that point no I think you're right I'm just saying today today I still think it's Wilson's job today and as you know and as you know in football right you know if you're hurt and a guy comes out and performs you know you're going to go with the hot hand I mean look look what happened that with Tom Brady bledo gets hurt and then Tom Brady comes in and then now the great Tom Brady because of guy I got it was bled so's job and Brady came in and now this is the great time you know the great Tom Brady you know yeah and belich stuck with him yeah so anyway we'll see what happens right I mean that defense is obviously El leite Haywood I mean on the back end I mean that you know with the with with your with your corners and um Fitzpatrick I mean that team is really really really really good um defensively defensively defensively so you know najja Harris is a good they got a really Workhorse running back guy as well so we'll see then we had another game first game in Brazil right we had a little controversy some of the players said they didn't want to go to bra Brazil to play they felt Brazil was too dangerous but I'm glad everything worked out Brazil is a nice place a fun place a lot of guys want to go to Brazil right these football players but anyway um but e yes um you know Philadelphia won a close game okay close game they beat the Packers right Jordan love got hurt yeah MCL issue they didn't put him on the IR I think right so he doesn't have to sit out four games but now they're starting Malik Willis right former quarterback from Liberty who got drafted by the Titans okay right Titans got rid rid of him when they drafted will Levi um so so eeve Jordan love is gone all right K the Packers went without love that's one and by the way e let me just say shout out saquan Barkley the Giants are the worst franchise in football right they pay the quarterback I didn't want to say his name right which is a joke that was bad that was bad Frank which is a joke right they didn't want to pay sequan and saquan went to Philadelphia in first game he was phenomenal yes best play on the field three touchdowns right had three touchdowns yeah and about aund I don't know if he had three but 136 yards total like he was phenomen yards wow best player on the field yeah right what a joke the Giants are are the Phil and Philadelphia Eagles a lot of issues right issues with the quarterback and the coach obviously right serani um was having some issues with Jaylen Herz allegedly they don't necessarily get along they're trying to make it work um they went to the Super Bowl a few years ago now they've had a precipitous fall they get the win they didn't play great that game right Jordan love hurt what do you think about both situations are the Eagles a real threat E1 and do you think the Packers could win because a lot of people the Packers were the sexy pick for a lot of people e to be in the Super Bowl potentially yeah without without Jord I don't think they'll make it far you know Philadelphia playing you know weak conference right you got Dallas and then you got the Eagles those are the top team the Giants suck uh Washington commanders suck you know no the commanders are not terrible either I mean let's see how good Daniels will be but they got some skill position guys defensively they're pretty good guys you know you know possibly a team in the playoffs man like come on those teams the Giants are not making the playoff the commanders are not making the playoffs like let's yeah that's fair well the commanders well you know it's funny um some of the pundits are saying that the commanders have a chance right if Jaylen Daniels is good as as advertised but we'll see listen I agree with you e um from that perspective now Caleb Williams again all the rookie quarterbacks weren't great no right Caleb Williams wasn't great Daniels wasn't great Bo Nicks wasn't great right all the rookie guys struggle which is normal right starting in the NFL Caleb Williams all of the you know situation you know they talked about him he was the greatest Etc um coming in the next Patrick Mahomes listen game one week one struggled but the Bears found the way to win okay and Simone B say she's about to have a heart attack because her husband um they had a block Punt and he scored a touchdown right so shout out to Simone B her husband got a touchdown e um but Caleb Williams mediocre all the rookies are Medi but they got the win yes right here yeah sure that's all that matters that's all that matters F because you know a win a win you know I mean that's all that matters you got to win on a win column and that's all that matters in today you win games you keep moving you know that's all that matters I don't care how to perform you know just win games and keep moving forward you know what I'm saying so all those team I got a question so what about this game you ready Gerard May on the Patriots beat your boy Joe burrow another one of the guys who you in love with right that you love so much is so great right they lost to the patriots the patriots are har bull by the way this is the example of in my opinion how a disgruntled star can adversely impact the success of a team so Jamal Chase playing around coming to practice not showing up coming you know not showing up some days coming to practice not practicing shagging balls not playing right publicly displaying his unhappiness e they lost to the Patriots yeah what's up with your boy Joel Burrows Joel Burrows wasn't very good last year Eric Joel burs has not been the same player since he got that big money deal was hurt last year so let's let's get that let's get that cleared up he was hurt since the big money deal Eric the guy hasn't been the same play I mean we'll see like I don't want to be too preliminary but but E I think they lost 16 to 10 e is that right I mean they scored yeah they scored 10 points Eric yeah that was bad and Joe and Joe burrow was supposed to be according to you not according to me because you said you thought Joe Burrows was better than um Lamar Jackson you told me that just a couple of weeks ago yeah I did say that I did say that okay okay I'm glad I'm glad you saying you're admitting that right so what's up with your boy Joe burrow yeah Mr cigar Mr coup Mr all that Mr blonde hair and all that kind of nonsense you know Cincinnati has a history of starting off slow you know what I'm saying so you know give the guy some time you know what I'm saying you know listen guys that starting quarterbacks right they got to get into rhythms because they don't play much in the preseason right they get a couple of snaps in the preseason then they yank him so you got to get these guys oh he's a vet come on what saying on Frank on you know these guys got to get in Rhythm right they got to get in rhythm with their receivers and offense and you know I don't know if they have a new offensive coordinator but they gotta all that gotta be in sync and these guys don't play a lot during the preseason to get that you know feel and understanding of where wide receivers need the ball so Cincinnati has a history of where wide receivers need the ball he needs to know when Jamal Chase needs the ball they've been playing together for years yeah what are you talking about what I'm saying is Jamal Chas you don't need to know where he needs the ball come on bro say stop making excuses for him Eric he was terrible so so that's the argument what I'm saying is These Guys these veteran quarterbacks do not get enough reps during the preseason so it takes time for these veteran quarterbacks to get in sync to see how they could perform what I'm saying is give the guy some time week three week four you'll see these guys getting into their groove and we'll see what happens and and since that argument that argument is terrible that that argument is terrible so every ver recorded who played well what do you say that Tu let's go to the next game you talked about Tariq Hill and tu tu was phenomenal Tu was good and they won he was great against Jacksonville against your boy who you again one of these other um quarterbacks who you love so much right Trevor Lawrence my guy another bum but anyway another overrated player not a bum overrated player by the way e t was great he was correct Tyreek Hill was great he was dolphins look dolphins look real deal fair enough fair enough but I I I don't believe in the Dolphins because if they don't get HomeField Advantage those Florida guys coming up north and playing a playoff against these cold weather teams Dr I'm with you on that I'm with you on that they not built a play they get home feed Advantage then I I'll give them you know they got a chance but if they don't you know these Florida guys coming up north you know coming up to Buffalo one of these teams where it's cold weather they're gonna drown in that cold weather Frank I'm sorry so e let's talk about now who I think are probably the worst two teams in the in in the in the NFL right one you got the Panthers right what a joke right Bryce young what a joke right David Canales the coach they bordon this is a debacco right you knew the guy wasn't gonna make it Eric the guy's like 5 foot n 160 pounds I mean come on E right you know the guy literally I mean maybe 510 Eric 170 pounds you compar them to you compared him to Drew Brees at one time Frank so come on now no no I mean I said that that's what the comparison was I didn't say he would be as good as Drew Brees I said they have to hope that he becomes that kind of player but Drew Brees was still bigger and stronger they also compared him to Russell Wilson Russell Wilson was also a stronger athletic guy I think Bryce young will go down Eric potentially okay as maybe the worst number one pick in the history of the NFL if he stays on this trajectory no you can't if he stays on this you can't say that you can't say that Eric if he stays on this trajectory okay he would be the worst LSU the quarterback what's his name Demarcus what's his name he Russell he AR be the biggest bus he was bad too yeah but but but this guy's just as bad or maybe even worse I won't say that it's still early it's still early listen it's very early it's very early I just said if we stay on this trajectory okay and then we go to the new the Giants oh the Giants are bad what are they doing Eric Giants are bad New York Giants are bad damn by the way way God shees they gave Daniel Jones all this money I think 120 million guaranteed 160 million in the contract I believe it was yo E right and by the way the GM didn't draft him right and the coach didn't draft him they weren't this so so this is not even their quarterback yeah but the GM re-up them last year yeah what a joke what a joke Eric at some point these guys got made a comment he made a comment on what he said he made a comment on what Hard Knock saying that you know we we gota we gotta we pay this guy the money we gotta we gotta we gotta make you know gotta stand by this guy that gotta make the throws you know what I'm saying what a joke what a joke what a joke ER that guy is an absolute joke right him and Bryce young may be the worst two quarterbacks in the NFL right I'm taking menu before I'm taking those two guys I don't know about menu Frank I don't know about men what do you mean I'm taking menu before I'm taking those guys the menu magic but anyway E Yeah so the Giants joke joke joke joke and now E when they're gonna have to reset and by the way they're standing by him right as their quarterback as their quarterback one I guess you have to the coaching the GM will be fired after this year the coach will definitely be fired after this year you know sometime the GM can the coach is going after this year right e e let's go raest charge just real quick you got to give as much as you like or don't like Harbor with his khaki pants and his CR Frank know guy's a great Coach man like you know and by the way he also came into a situation where there a lot of players right the charges were a very good situation to land he got Michigan on probation and win a championship right he got Michigan on probation right raised his profile left took the money left the guy Chiron whatever his name is um to to to handle all of the the um probationary stuff they're gonna about to go on probation and be in trouble they're not very good in Michigan obviously they got smacked by Texas they're gonna struggle for a while Chiron whatever Mo I think his name is talk about remember last year when he was when he was the interim head coach when Harbor got suspended good so great oh good crying like a and now that now he inherited the job is good big money for him he'll lose right he'll go down as one of the worst coaches in Michigan history and then he'll go go to har bro staff he'll go to the NFL and they give him a job and he'll be fine Eric but but harb BR you got to give the guy credit he's a turnaround specialist he chose the right job with um the Chargers you got a Justin Herbert you start with a really good quarterback you got good guys on defense obviously one of the boser brothers um as well as khil Mack really good guys getting after the quarterback e oh man so great situation to be in and he won his first game against the Raiders not bad not bad for a great place you know great Place San Diego is a great place to live too so right great great good choice for him and great job you know and Harbo his first um NFL Victory so good job so e Seahawks see huh said good job good job Harbor good job so Seahawks Broncos no one cares about that game Seahawks won rookie coach right B Knicks we we assume he would struggle at some point we have to say something to this coach right like Payton right last year struggled but it's early right but he threw everybody under the bus last year theel hacket the Broncos organization the GM Russell Wilson threw everybody under the bus yes he did yes he did yep okay now he got his quarterback what he want bonck okay so 0 and one yeah it's early e it's early okay but I lost all respect for pton the way he threw everybody under the bus last year and he was a really good coach we thought he was with Drew Drew bre when he was a good coach what you call well let's see Eric let's see let's see let's see then we had the commanders against the Buccaneers again Jaden Daniels Young quarterback struggled by the way talk about a a Resurgence right a Resurgence number one pick out of Oklahoma yes right um everybody thought he was washed yep right bacon May pH resuscitated his career last year right in Tampa got a new deal and had a great game yes off to a really good start I like Baker Mayfield I like Baker Mayfield know a lot of swagger with him came came into the league with you know with a with a with a with a with a Moy to him and all that stuff and you know ran his mouth a little bit and I think he had humbling experience in Cleveland now he's you know now he's in new situation new environment I think he's performing very well you know good for him good for good for Baker know he good he yeah it's early and and by the way good for Todd BS too yes right you hope that he can make it work I don't think he's a great coach but you pull for him a great Coach Frank good defensive guy right like you know he was a defensive guy for years that was great right got the job head coaching job with the Jets was terrible um but but but the guy's a good defensive mind e Texans Colts good game right Anthony Richardson showed you he belongs e that was a throw he made they lost right they lost obviously not obviously but they lost close game close game they lost to the Texans but there was a back foot throw 60 y by Anthony Richardson that was the th maybe the throw of the week the guy was backing up falling back on his back foot and threw a 60 yard perfect strike down the field it was like it was amazing incredible arm Talent everybody Compares him Richardson to Cam Newton I think he's the better passer than Cam Newton big strong and athletic not a lot of starts at Florida right got hurt early last year so missed all last year but I think he's a player to watch e in the future okay I mean I I haven't seen much of him I mean I know he's a great athlete you know you know could do a lot of stuff with his legs I just want to see him more you know make throws in the pocket he has to make you know what what he made a throw this week that was phenomenal but I'm saying he I'm saying in the pocket where he have to make you know the reads you know first second third and then you know when he has to make all his reads I want to see him progress here we go when the black quarterback he can't read There we go he can't make the reads here we go I want to see him stare in the parket and make all the reads all the reads the reads the black quarterback you said the same thing about Lamar Jackson and you think Trevor Trevor Trevor Lawrence make all the reads you know the quarterback Josh Allen makes all the reads but you you like the police officers you like the police officers Down Start compare you to the police officers in Miami being said this is what's being said in offices oh my these organizations can he make the right reads can he make all the reads that's what it's being said when they when they study films that's what it's being said Frank I'm not here we go what I'm saying is what here we go black man can't make the reads can the next thing you gonna ask is can the black man Reed you gonna say that next well you know throughout history Frank the quarterback position has always been a position of controversy when it comes to African Americans right it was a which e which e which e we talked about this we gonna talk about this on the separate show right we just doing our recap of the week but there's a lot of black quarterbacks in the NFL let's save that for another day right I think that's a really good thing we're going to talk about e another good game she had the Rams the Lions oh right great game great game tough game good game tough game overtime that running back Montgomery Eric carried him in overtime boy he was just running over he just wanted it more great game yo Matthew Stafford need to go sit down somewhere bro first his wife embarrassed him first his wife like his wife embarrassed him like in the worst possible way talking about how she was Blazing like the backup quarterback in college to make him upset crazy crazy crazy then he goes back to Detroit back to where he where it all started for him and he lost and he lost and he lost the Rams fought tell like go I always like goofed over him I always you know for some reason the the the the head coach of the Rams loves uh Stafford brought him over they W through a b you know what I'm saying yeah I mean in all fairness though e golf they never won with golf now listen they got super they got super with golf but but I just said they never won a Super Bowl with golf and they won a Super Bowl guy was a young quarterback give him some time well let me say this also felt like they added more pieces when when defens job when he got took the job of course had more yes they they bought Odell Beckham OD Beck what's my man they bought Beckham but also on the defensive end Eric they brought in um to be with to be with Aaron Donald man I can't think of the um the uh the rushers name that went to Texas A&M Eric and then he was then then Denver drafted him and now he plays for um uh what's my man name yeah tremendous player tremendous player went so they bought him as well Eric and he was great so they did give Stafford had more Stafford had more what's that guy's name again I can see his face Eric with the gl& I know super with Denver yeah elite elite elite pass rusher so they teamed him up with um with Aaron Donal obviously so he had more but Eric whatever it is he got them the ring yes he did he did he did he got the ring he did but er er I know we always go over this but but Dan Campbell man you talking about a guy that uh brings culture right the guy when he first came his first press conference he was talking about biting off people's knees and saying everything and everybody thought the guy was a joke and what he's done with the Detroit Lions is short of amazing Eric yeah I mean it's unbelievable what he's done culturally and by the way they drafted well too oh yes they did they got the the the got the DM from Michigan hutchon huderson is very good from Michigan he's very good Brown is very good yeah great and the other and the other um wide receiver from Alabama is very good to that towards ACL he's great yeah electric as well e he's electric and then Montgomery's great as a running back so they've drafted really really well Eric so organizationally they get a a for me organizationally from the higher of Campbell which everybody thought was a joke to what they've drafted and how they've turned the organization around another sexy pick e right for for the Super Bowl yes right A lot of people have them in a Super Bowl I like Detroit I like Detroit what they doing another interesting pick by the way the coach on the ram should have retired when Aaron Don retired because he ain't winning no more rings with the Rams the Rams are done he's a young with Stafford and no and no Aaron Donald M he ain't running no more ring young McVey is a good coach but he a no more good coach very Innovative offensive they say he's offensive Guru so you know he he'll he'll he'll get it together we'll get it together and then e last but not least we saw it last night Eric last but not least the great Aron Rogers sit down somewhere I'm tired of this Aaron Rogers narrative we've been hearing about Aaron R taking ausa and going to on Retreats and standing in a dark room for five days all of this Aaron Rogers garbage and McAfee has been his guy and they all this look Aaron Rogers Hall of Fame first batt Hall of Famer had a great career bro he's done right he looked jittery in the pocket everybody talked about how the Jets were going to be a a Super Bowl caliber team playoff team when he got there because the defense was so good and all the weapons were there and you know what the 49ers went out there and opened up a can of you know what and kicked their behinds up and down the field and dominated on both sides of the ball and may I note without the best player you can argue offensively in the NFL right Christian mcaffrey right well no well my favorite player is Mahomes you can argue that but mcaffrey is is maybe maybe the biggest weapon you can argue maybe right and they shellack The jety Shack them and your boy Rogers look like a like like a 40 quarterback yeah that was tough that was tough to watch to see a legend or first batt Hall of Famer come out like that you know it's sad to watch when when when your career is on a decline I think it's time for him to you know hang him up you know he's 40 years old I mean how long how long does he want to play for you know I mean and and also the Jets right you know they banking on this guy it was banking on this guy to take him to the promised land and obviously last year he got hurt first pay first pay of the game or whatever it was gets hurt now he comes back and he's he's jittery in the pocket you know he has he has dancing feet in the pocket I mean I think it's time I think it's time for him to you know hang it up and the just need to move on from him you know and maybe what they got Tyrod Taylor is the backup quarterback yeah but you can't move on now Eric I mean everything's based upon him you can't have Taylor starting right like so Tom Brady and LeBron James Tom Brady and LeBron James messed it up right Brady played into his 40s LeBron James look like he's gonna play into his 40s bro everybody can do that number one number number two Rogers they can't e you stuck with him right you GNA probably have maybe a eight and eight season this year maybe eight and eight I think you go 500 with him maybe maybe nine and seven right well not eight well actually excuse me Eric is 17 games now right so it's eight so it's eight and nine so I see them as a eight and nine team or nine and eight team right eight and nine nine and 18 right maybe just missing the Playoffs possibly e and then Aaron Rogers did R up to the sunset okay but all of this Jets talk about the Jets going to the Super Bowl they ran up against a real football team and they got I mean it didn't even look like it look like the JB versus the vars 49ers is the cream of the crop you know what I'm saying 49 they are yeah they are they look they look better than anybody else week one I you gotta admit right week one Mahomes in them didn't look great right of all the teams that played Eric my Cowboys won but they didn't look great of all the teams that played the San Francisco 49ers look like the best team in the NFL and without mcaffrey which e brings up the question okay Chron chronology e okay during the week they professed that mcaffrey would play Right mcaffrey Said himself no limitations he would play okay throughout the week game day Monday yesterday e game day mcaffrey said he couldn't go right SCF and his ham his um Cal excuse me and his Achilles tendon were bothering him he couldn't go day of game Adam shefer reports it's all over ESPN breaking news breaking news everybody expected him to play he wasn't on the injury report it's not playing he was active and on Monday day of game hour and a half before game or whatever he said he couldn't go right here then he after the game his replacement had a phenomenal game okay phenomenal game game they interview him after the game they asked him when did you know you would be starting great question from the reporter and he said I knew on Friday Eric Friday e so now the question then becomes Eric should Shanahan and the 49ers be fine because they knew the guy wasn't gonna play you got fantasy football you got people betting all kinds of money on all different types of things and scores and everything e based upon the guy plans they knew he wasn't G to play Eric but they kept him on as an active player and E by the way okay F or is that okay because of this how it goes Sportsman you know it's like the sports situation right you always trying to get a Competitive Edge so if they prepare all week for this guy right that they wasting their time when a player that's not available is that all part of like the kind man game of sports you're trying to get a Competitive Edge in any way you can get that out of bounds and boundy out of bounds out of bounds out of bounds out of bounds out I get all that trying to get a Competitive Edge but you ow it to ow to all these you know guys that put a lot of money on football you got all these you know all these FanDuel draff Kings all these betting platforms where guys bet money and all this stuff so you know owe it to them to those people to the fans to to uh to to notify if he's playing or not you know and so with all this stuff going on gambling being such a huge you know influence in sports out of bounds for me out of bounds Frank out of bounds out of bounds so so so the gamblers get priority over trying to win the football game and do whatever you can to win I mean this what happens when you bring gambling in the sports that's what I'm saying gam so so so you sign with the gamblers and these guys are trying to win a football game so any advantage they can use they use yeah but what I'm saying is gambling being such a huge impact in today's sports you know these are gu you know guys betting millions and millions of dollars and they you know you can't do that Frank out of bounds for me out of bounds for me out of bounds okay fair enough fair enough so so anyway they look phenomenal right hey last question about that game is the 49ers quarterback the real deal oh tough question nah he not the real deal flag he not the real deal pie so not the real deal yeah Mar pie e let me ask you this question Brandy iuk held out got his money fair enough Trent Williams held out got his money yeah right on a trajectory right now that PR's on E he get this is his season after this year he's reup yeah you gotta put him in the same realm as guys like you your boy from from um from the Jaguars yeah how much how much he got one one what 160 who Trevor Lawrence how much did he get two two 220 I think 230 I think 220 I think got more than that I mean let's look it up won something what he went and stuck them up yeah two I don't think I don't think py gets that I don't think pry gets that Frank who that's a liot he got two listen he got five years 27 five oh yeah he stucked them up yeah he Stu them up 142 of it is guaranteed e how much 142 of it 142 of it is guaranteed but in terms of numbers he got 275 so go back go back 242 is guaranteed no uh it says 142 is fully guaranteed fully guaranteed but e but the number is 275 for five years right d got four years two to 40 he got five years 27 75 e e the real question I got for you is if you what is pry get no P don't get that Frank he ain't getting that Frank I mean I mean okay sanis 4 let me ask you question you also gotta understand Frank that's Shanahan too that's Shanahan you just can't say that's pretty that's Shanahan system and you know you know shanam is a great offensive Guru right that's Shaham can you say the same thing about Mahomes oh yeah yeah I'm just saying so e so e Brock Brock PR gets them to the Super Bowl or wins the Super Bowl this year how do you not give him one of those 204 Desa desan Watson got 230 guaranteed that got 240 freaky how you don't pay him freaky Des Waton he don't deserve that money freaky Des Waton he don't deserve that okay but but e if Brock py gets to a Super Bowl this year or wins a Super Bowl how do you not put get him in that two 50 range two two plus range yeah you got I mean you got two about you know right I mean that's the market the market is the market I don't think he's deserving of that money but you gotta put him in that you gotta put him in that in well does does Trevor Lawrence deserve 275 probably not does Z does Zak does Dak deserve 240 probably not what my man what my man Jones got he got about what he got who Daniel Jones Daniel Jes what he got no he got 160 I think I think he got 160 20 guarantee he should have got these quarterbacks are going in there with two handguns godamn 27 Lawrence shees so e so anyway great recap of the season so far week one right decent week one the quarterback play week one was pretty bad right this is probably one of the worst week one um uh display of quarterback play that I've that I've seen right very few guys like Tu had highlights but most of these guys were throwing for 100 um Baker Mayfield he had he played relatively well but the quarterback play was across the board pretty weaky and like you say maybe some of it is because guys are taking way less snaps guys are not playing in the preseason right half of the guys are holding out you know what I mean so because of all of these different types of scenarios quarterback get reps you gotta get reps with the ones you gotta get reps with the ones so that takes time friend come on gotta get rep quarterback play was now yeah you got quarterback play down so e listen I gotta end it off with this okay great NFL football recap E I got to just ask you one question bro I gotta ask you a question and you know what I gotta ask you about okay it's your Colorado Buffalo I gotta ask you about your boy Deion Sanders and your there you go put your hand over your face right the charlatan the which me and you debate about all the time e freshman quarterback you see I'm wearing a Colorado you know that cream you know that cream color for the Colorado Buffalo but go ahead gohe do you still Eric do you still believe yeah I believe I'm a believer I'm a Believer I believe in my man Dion Dion gonna turn it around so e so e you one of them guys that when the pastor in the church tell you we selling mineral water for for $30 you gonna buy the water or when the pastor in the church dancing around and touch somebody head and then they fraud they fall out you go that's your church you believe we a't not hey that's You Believe In This Guy's in charlatan you still believe hey by the way offensive line was atrocious defensive line was atrocious all of his recruits all of his guys he's not coaching them up he's not recruiting them um the right way they're horrible the guy can't coach they got smacked by a very mediocre Nebraska team and by the way I told you after the North Dakota State went I told you and you know he was in the press conference oh horn went for 200 yards oh oh did that against North Dakota State and I said to you e they didn't play great and North Dakota state is a one doublea team right good good at that level really really good okay but that's not Big 12 level Big 10 level they went they played a very low To Mediocre level Big 10 team in Nebraska and got smacked smack right smack say this I'm G say this Frank it's some scary hours right now and meek and meek and Meek Mills hour some scary hours right now very scary hours down in Colorado I mean we got to get it together we gotta you know we got to put some stuff together but I still believe in my man Dion Dion let's let's let's let's work our magic nine wins right remember you said they gonna have nine wins got nine wins nine okay all right so we leave it at that we gonna check in periodically yes right the guy got the whole world food yes he got the whole R food including you oh man come on friend come on SO e so you know right now you know what I'm saying we we this the moment where we let you shout out your Dominican brothers and sisters bro that's out there in the marketplace doing their thing man I know who you want to shout out today no I'm I'm G take it since we was talking about police officers and all that stuff I want to shout out you know the some of the good officers the ones that are really doing their job out there protecting and serve and I want to shout out the NYPD officers especially the Latinos out there that are risking their lives and doing good things and protecting and serving so I want to shout out the good officers the good officers you know my boy was an officer you know he just retired he was a great officer you know what I'm saying so I want to shout out all the NYPD especially the Latino officers that are out there doing good good service and protecting and serving our community so I want to shout them out okay I'll leave it there I ain't got nothing to say about that but I'll leave it there I guess I guess I guess you you don't want them to keep stopping you right when you doing some messed up stuff so you trying to have be good with the police department always good to have you I used to I used to have when I got pulled over a couple I used to have a uh uh PDA card it was it was cookie PDA card I would show it to them they would just leave me alone but it expired I need I need a new one cookie if you listening I need a new PDA card yeah all right bro all right e we out man all right Frank later all right oh man

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