HBCU Football Preview: Power Coaches, FAMU vs. Norfolk St. Showdown, Hornets' Bus Fiasco | HBCU...

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 01:09:04 Category: Sports

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Recognizing success of HBCU student athletes. [Music] all righty it's HBCU Legends on Sports Illustrated it's the podcast y'all good morning Kyle T Mosley here with Coach D Stewart what's going on Cole good morning Mr Mosley countdown a kick off man I'm ready I'm excited baby let's get the show on the road yeah look HBCU football is here today matter of fact Delaware State played late last night right so it it is here right now and we're going to talk about the Mak swack challenge uh also we had uh I had a good interview with stepen gther of HBCU g day as well as Jay Walker who's also going to be on the call for the Mak swag challenge with Tiffany green so we're going to talk a little bit about that as well as coach got some things on his mind uh don't forget go to HBCU legends.net check out all of our articles online and you can also go to HBCU Legends on all the sports social media platforms and check us out and follow us but also give us some love on YouTube man we're trying to grow the channel uh and uh we we need only let's see 100 more subscribers to hit us over that 1,000 Plateau so thank you for that as well all right Cole let's talk about it the Mak swag challenge is coming U um HBCU football is here but before we get into that game and previewing that game uh how do you feel about what's going on in the landscape of HBCU sports right now um you know I think we're 70% of where we need to be uh we got a lot of things that's going on um of course financially um that we need to get over the hump and um get a lot of our Personnel into place you know I don't like starting off the season where you you know a lot of athletic departments are not fully staff and uh we need to correct that as a whole and um but overall I think we we're 70% ready to go and um let's hope that we can correct our mistakes and um have a great year K yeah I mean we got a lot of I I I hate to keep hoing on mistakes uh because there are a lot of positive things that also go on in HBCU Sports and we can always give our opinions here and give our opinions there but the most important thing is the student athlete and how they've been progressing and've been doing very well out there in the world man and we have to give those young people some credit for what they've done you know uh one young man that we need to really give some credit to he's been I guess he's been pained and listed as the king of Nils and he's right there in HBCU Virginia state he used to be with Norfork State at one time that's Mr roquan Smith the running back from Virginia state he was listed just recently with Forbes as the 30 under 30 uh meaning he's one of the 30 young people to look at under the age of 30 right now uh in the business sense because he's garnered I think over a million dollars in nil deals man wow think about that Co yeah now if this young man can do over a million dollars in nil deals by himself and he's not not a what a a household name right why can't our programs do it that's a great question Kyle you know uh let's just hope in week one we see a great product but you know fans are harping and people are harping and saying you know if you don't see that you know it's because of the N you know the ni landscape is Big right now you see these high schools are in it and you know I don't know what's the process or what commissioner mccullin is going to do about it towards our athletic directors but clearly uh there something wrong there with our athletic directors and our in departments we need to get on the same page with everybody else and we need to see more NL deals yeah I mean since they lifted the band and have uh gotten at the Nils as a part of the college landscape right now we have to would integrate that well I mean anytime you can talk about one HBCU player and we we've always said hey what's going on why HBCU are not getting more nil deals what's happening what's happening well look we talk about a kid rayquan I apologize I called him ran it's rayquan Smith anytime this young kid has five figure deals and they call call him the king of Nils if he can get that name image likeness deal why can't we set up sales up in these departments to have better deals all around so those are just some of the things that I was like wow this is very very interesting and and get this he's also launched What's called the sponsor Pro where he's going to L be like a Matchmaker for athletes who want to partner with Brands smart isn't that that's just smart well KY do you do you think NIL changes depend on geographical corporate influence. because when you look at n you're not talking about small money anymore um you got to know he's in a different part of the world you know uh if you ever been to Virginia the DMV up there of Maryland all that's close together um you're around a lot of corporate sponsors do you think that has a playing part of it because we let's just face a c and be realistic um the south is ran different and I that's why I say uh as a head coach in the um not just HBCU I do know in the um SEC they they they work well with their politicians as well I mean to get this major money HBCU head coaches and presidents are going to have to get their political people involved if not you'll never get into that big money landscape because let's face it they may they make a lot of the big money decisions yeah I'm not disp dispelling any of that man you're right but I have to say this coach we we can't be regionalized in our mindset it's just like when a lot of people say hey uh we we can't make that big money like National guys why can't you if you think small you're going to get small returns and uh because if I look at the fourth largest city in the United States here in the Houston area uh Texas Southern and prayview should be dominating in in we're talking about major money oil and gas Services everything Hospitality you have you run the gamut of big money that's flowing through the Houston area left and right so nil deals should be plentiful in my opinion when you come to the Houston area yeah I mean it should be but you know um the wealth Gap you know I mean if you the wealth Gap is is is strange kind you know you get there you say the money is there but it's um the political part plays a big part and that's what I'm I mean that's my experience of it you know and um it's always uh a red tape when you get to a certain point then you have to get over the red tape and so uh and that's in certain areas I'm coming um exploring other cities um I know Florida is different I know Texas is different I mean other cities and states are coming up with their own laws and so it's it's different everywhere it may be more more l in the Virginia area but clearly it's it's different down south I will say that okay so Southern University is a brand a great brand gramlin is a great brand right Southern schools why are they just limited to just Southern money that's what I was saying it shouldn't just be limited to Southern money if you have a brand that could be able to penetrate other genres as well as other demographics so um well one one reason is you know your turnover rate you know the brands are are there but you have to have people that know how to uh uh Elevate the brins very good yes got have that want to know how and then to elevate a brand now you look at these marketing directors you're not going to get a college marketing director for 50 or $60,000 you're just not going to do that it's hard to find that you know to get the return on your investment um people know the market value now uh education is different now you're going to have to pay people what the market value uh says and this new generation is I had to say New generation prioritizes market value in careers. it KY they're smart about that uh I was in a meeting the other day well you know certain States I can't I will say this certain states have adapted to the new market value as you can see the NFL the NBA all these different organizations are adapting to the market value whereas you get down to I want to say the smaller organizations well we're not and that's where you see the Gap and so America American citizens people with education they're going to interviews now and and it's easy to say well what does the market value say I have to pay ay most you see what I'm saying and so that's where we're kind of having our problems at now uh the market values are big now in in the other conferences um we just lost the athletic director at UNO which was a great you know a great school great institution but the market value at Memphis was a little bit bigger and so that's that's what I'm saying I mean it's these these educated people mow they're really smart and they're going into these interviews based off their credentials and their market value and they GNA go to the highest building well by the way uh that's a million dollars for a coach his market value is is rising every every week now I just want to let you know he he he just hung me out for a bill I appreciate you for that looking at what Stephen A got and looking at got yours is clearly over the 50 million Mar so look if our HBCU Brothers got that much money we got to get some to there Co all right I just want to put a plug out there for my boy um look Hawaii and Delaware State all right so that's going to be going on later tonight and uh that's going to take place at I think they said Midnight Man fact so check this out Co Delaware State we know the Hornets had a tough year last year man very tough year I I think they were what 1 in 10 if I'm not mistaken in the program over the past several years hasn't really competed well all right I I think that's a safe word to use right for the Mak uh they haven't really been in contention and we're talk about a program that once was a pretty really well-respected program program so I don't know if most people have heard but in route to getting to the airport Delaware state had a bus Fiasco and there and people were like what's what's a bus Fiasco well the chartered bus had problems and it was three I think they say it was 3 hours late if I'm not mistaken and once they got to JFK it Board of course it was too late for these young men to get processed and boarded in time so they had to reschedule their flight to go all the way this a 10 and a half hour flight to go all the way to Hawaii to play the uh the Rainbow Warriors uh in this first game coach I know some things can't be you can't forecast a breakdown in a vehicle or whatever cuz I know that firsthand but this became national news man how do you feel about that well you know I mean when you're going out the country and you taking a long flight like that I mean you have to what we call is athletic directors pre- playing um kind of like you know the day before they should have you know how how are we going to you know go on the bus went over the procedures the agenda I don't know if they did that but uh clearly you would have found this mistake if the bus did would have did a route or you know just seeing if everything's okay before we get on um cuz you're taking a major trip well it wasn't their fault it was the bus company's fa the well and that's what I'm saying the bus company as well sometimes when you when you see flights and charter flights they always take that you know pre-flight before especially on Long flights before they take off you know and uh clearly the bus company owes University apology or or maybe a free ride because it was embarrassing not only to the university but to the bus company as well I'm sure they going to contract with this company clearly that they can um sell on some type of agreement yeah it would have caused a major issue for a small program like Delaware state which Hawaii was paying them I think up to $750,000 to play in this game wow and I think that was one of the major reasons why this was an important game for the Hornets to be in Hawaii in play so uh they missed their flight but good thing they were able to s everything um it did cost I think how yeah it did cost a little bit to to make the changes or whatever but um I'll take that back guys it's not 700 it wasn't 700,000 coach get it's only $18,000 they were paying them to play in this game wow now now if I'm tell me if I'm wrong doesn't it cost just about that much for a team to get a ched flight yeah it's go to to Hawaii yeah that that's clearly a bad deal um I don't know who the athletic director is there but clearly you know uh that's a bad deal you know I'm sure they could have got more um in the States but you know hey now Hawaii was covering their trip per player I think up to $1,400 per uh player on the trip as well as including the lodging and transportation to and from uh practice fields facilities as well as the stadiums but golly if if Delware State missed the flight and couldn't even get there then they would had to be forced to pay $750,000 that's what's going on oh man so if there was a cancellation forfeiture or nonappearance they would have been holding the bag really uh to Hawaii and that would would have been more devastating than anything else man but $180,000 to go across the country really flying over the main continent to get to Hawaii and and only for 180,000 that that's shocking to me but anyway um that's what it is guys we're going to take a quick no let's keep going on Coach we'll take a break in a few more minutes but th this all in all brings up a point I was having with uh Steph Gaither from HBC game day are we still out obligated as HBCU to get these check days these money games and playing these money games well if you ever been to Delaware Delaware State needs more funding, better negotiations. State it's it's kind of Ral um they need the funding and they definitely need more than $180,000 but uh it kind it goes back to you know the negotiation part of our athletic directors um is clearly definitely a weakness uh we at some of them you know at some of the schools we don't get the mega deals and apparently you know I don't want to say they don't know how but clearly it's some type of confusion on getting the me mega deals uh at our HBCU whether we need to hire some type of a a firm to come in and negotiate the deals which is going to cost more money and so uh I've said it you know the commissioner needs to do a retreat on how to get these deals maybe call athletic directors in over the summer and teach them you know uh you if you don't know you got to ask H and uh they're in high-profile positions where they got to know these things to be productive as athletic director very interesting coach and it's bewildering a lot of times so we'll see how this goes uh going forward man um I just think all in all when we look at these money days uh check that's going to be cashed so to speak uh I know this season prayview goes up to Michigan State to play and that's a big game last year LSU had gramlin and the year before that LSU had Southern right uh so playing FBS schools hasn't been a new thing that just cropped up guys it's been like this for decades and K I'm G tell you uh knowing about the grandma deal with Ohio State we gotta give a shout out to uh uh athletic director Scott AB Scott yeah that's uh I'm told he did a great deal on that it was uh 1 Point five because of the both bands Ohio state has a great band which I kind of forgot about and then you have the gramling band coming they're going to pay for the ban experience and um so he was clear I mean Ohio state they're going to pay for grma bands to come up so you know getting 1.5 uh for that game you know football is football um it's clearly that our teams can play these big schools um cuz we had Southern and grammar playing LSU and so uh I just think right now you know you got to go inad and know how to negotiate these deals if you don't you're going to get left behind the ab ball C so there was some talk about that as well so 80s got I think it's 1.5 you said I thought initially came out to be like 1 one okay 1.5 okay yeah because the B well it would have been a little bit uh less but I'm told Now by one of the ls that Ohio state is paying for the ban to come so they're going to clear 1.5 instead of a million dollars that you know would the band would have had to pay for well Grandma had to pay for their ban to go but Grandma's not paying for their ban to go it's Ohio State paying for the band as well so they're going to bring roughly around 1.5 okay so that kind of equates a little bit to how much Yukon was going to initially get because Yukon was the or original team that was scheduled to play and Yukon pulled out and then Ohio state with great foresight because this is a historic game number one like you said two long historic programs oh Ohio State gramlin never played one another before in in Columbus Ohio man I think I might go up for that one that's going to be historic yeah it's gonna be historic and you know I had a chance to watch because people were talking about Ohio State band I was like I never you know you hear about oh yeah the dot in the eye oh yeah with the drum major and the the big tubers Yeah man so you know when you look at Ohio State B and you look at Grandma band you like oh I see why they paid that they go it's going to be a great and they're gonna get their return on investment it's going to be a sellout game so yeah and check this out man a lot of people did not see how important that LSU Southern game was it wasn't because of the football teams it was because of what the bands right there in Baton Rouge playing one another and it's not the first time they did it right but playing one another in that debate about who can play Nick better right that was just it was crazy man of course sou I was I was in Large crowd at coach's first game. LSU's generosity. the attendance because you know of course it was coach Eric D's first game but you talking about a major crowd and shout out to LSU man for being you know uh LSU is one of those great SEC story institutions that done done you know they're not afraid to share the wealth they didn't have to play grman they didn't have to give Southern the money they could have gave magn or you other money but they did and so shout out to LSU and the fighting tigers for doing that but it was a it was unbelievable crowd cow and you know Southern band rocking and tiger band rocking man it was good it was good it was good for college football right right and if you're a college football fan I think more of those experiences have to keep happening um of course this past season gramlin same thing two great bands two stward programs going one another in Louisiana uh there was a major significant injury to the young man I think he's fearing well now but when it looks like when you put two of these programs together in one program can benefit from playing the other as well as just having that notoriety across the board is great for the whole state of Louisiana in the boot yeah so it it's good man uh all right guys we're going to take a quick break we will be back in two and two all right KY Mosley of HBCU Legends back here with Coach Dar Stewart coach we we have been talking about NS we've talked about the check games the we've talked about the ads needing to get it together you know coach's been on y'all ads I don't care what you just say coach's been on the ads and y'all need to get it together but something interesting happened uh this past week from our appearance on Ralph Cooper show on what was Tuesday right yeah so on Tuesday coach and I we do a regular HBCU spot on Ralph Cooper show on KC 12:30 a.m. in Houston Texas and if you guys don't know Ralph Cooper 55 years in the business broadcasting Legend Texas broadcasting Hall of Fame yada yada yada right so Coupe made a great point where was the marketing for the Texas Southern versus priew game for Labor Day classic right right lo and behold the day NE the very next day I got two marketing campaigns came our way I kid you not man Flyers came out people listening man people are listening and I was just rolling because I'm thinking is that what it takes right now is it that that athletic departments are listening into media professionals to kind of give them the the the game plan on how things should go what what do you think man they're definitely listening k and um I think they're capitalizing on the pointers you know uh that's a big money game and um you know when you have a Hall of Fame broadcaster saying where the commercials where the posters nobody knows anything about the game then you know you have so many people that are hungry for those top positions and so and I tell I used to tell my coaches all the time every day is audition you know you auditioning for your job every day cuz some wants a job every day and so uh you cannot miss out on those big money games shout out to uh ad Granger for capitalizing on it no no no it wasn't at Granger because Texas Southern is not producing this one it's prayview so that ad golf 8 golf golf for capitalizing on it and getting the uh game where it needs to be coach I got Mr Mr Mosley we need to we like to set up some interviews I'm like huh what did I read this email HBCU communications departments need more student support right it's not look guys I'm not trying to put you guys on Front Street but in the way I I I am is because I think sometimes SIDS and I had this conversation with a number of Sids and Communications directors inside of HBCU they are overwhelmed they're overwhelmed and overworked and they don't have the resources they don't have people supporting them I think in my opinion I would get as many student you know who want to be in students who want to be in Communications or whatever to kind of help us out as much if I was running one of these departments and have them to be our team to help with some of those administrative areas that just gets overlooked and sometimes students come up with some great ideas as well that you could possibly go enroll and Implement so those are just some of the things I think has been missing because when you talk to people from the University of Texas as well as Texas A&M those phone Banks that the students roll into every day for their work study when they're calling and calling and calling and calling alumni for money can you can you donate can you donate can you donate that's serious business and that's separate from uh a lot of uh other activities and I think the these are some of the things that we we could possibly help support those SIDS as well as those athletic directors and Department uh heads who are overwhelmed and overtaxed and uh I think that's a lot of the issue man so there there was a time that uh you know people were like oh they just not doing their job that's not it man I I just believe that they got so much on their plate they can't get to it all at one time well Kyle I'm gonna have to disagree with you right there I've seen it face to face I've seen the the sources that our schools have some of our schools in the communication Department have their own tele television stations you know when you look at Charles Z alorn has his own radio station for the from the communication Department there which has big resources look at FAMU they have their own stations a big Community mass communication Department Jackson State Maximizing resources is key in communication departments. the same they I mean Rob J does a good job utilizing his communication department and so Texas S I mean I don't think that I just think that's an excuse I think we have to utilize our resources and let's just face it you could turn the S position just like a athletic director position if you have your resources and if you're committed to doing the job now I will agree with you on one person can't do all the sports and that's the disadvantage that at our schools you got one person but you know that one person collects all the money K and so what do you do do you split your salary up and say let me get two or three assistance and then your salary becomes non feasible because you going to need at least that's si uh D for our schools that's a 75 to $80,000 position that's that's the market value that's what's going right now some of them are not even getting that but uh let's just face it you got to pay people to do the job now labor laws are going into effect where you can't really get volunteers anymore and so uh we got to just find people who really want to do the job see I try to help you guys the coach just went he just slammed I triy to help and Coach slammed and uh see y'all can't ever say County Moses wasn't on your side but it does make a difference who you have in that Communications side as well who is uh in tuned with what's going on out there you got some good SIDS um Josh pilia over at FAMU um Mr Jerome who just took over at Jackson State University I I'm going tell you it's a drastic difference who's in that Ro right since he just took over we are getting more communication out of Jackson State than I had ever received before I'm telling you man um Josh pilia he has even set up after practice when uh coach Coy has been you know getting everything up and ready for the preseason and even having after practice zooms and things of that nature that has never been happening before man so those two programs I've noticed have done a remarkable job getting people listening engaged and getting the word to the media what's happening with their programs so kudos to those guys man um then you got some who people been in position for a long long long long time and it's not happening and I wonder if that is because again I I've had these conversations coach some of them feel as though they've been overworked and overtaxed okay all right let's move on man we got to talk about the game the feature game of the week for HBCU and we talked about Delaware Hawaii uh before we go to the feature game Delaware versus Delaware State versus Hawaii what's your prediction coach well you know Timmy Chang is the head coach over there uh I think it's going to be a good hard fought game but um I got Hawaii coming out onp on top man Hawaii is almost a 35o favorite over Delaware State at this time um I don't see much of a difference into the game uh I think the over under from Vegas is at 58 points it could be more uh I just think it's going to be quite a challenge for the Hornets but hopefully they're able to give a good run uh from stats performed they gave some data I think the last time let me get it right the last time that uh Delaware State beat an FBS opponent was back in 78 when they beat akan Ohio yeah it's been quite a while man it's been number years uh so and they beat him soundly was like a 50 something to whatever number so it those are some of the things that we need to pay attention to all right coach it is here Florida A&M taking on northw State and the M swack challenge oh boy they've been getting ready for it they've been having the press conferences uh coach odms look slim and trim ready to take it on baby and he was not backing down he and he still believes his team has a shot to win and you echoed that same sentiment earlier talk about why this is an important year for coach odums at North Fork well this is year year three if I'm not mistaken this is yeah year four year four I'm this is year four he has to get it done you know Northfolk did a lot to get coach odms up there they paid him the big Mega deal to uh draw from Southern University which was a great institution great uh he did great things there Southern and when he left a lot of the Southern fans was upset but he took the money and now he has to get his return on the investment C uh the Spartan fans are impatient right now they want Championship they said hey we paid coach all this money now let's get it done and and you can't blame him uh he he has to do he has to win championship this year K and uh I just think right now with him uh looking at his team he's balanced he's got great players all around the field um I think this going to be upset really wow I think I think the Spartans are GNA go in I think it's gonna be close like a 17- 10 win um I I think this is going to be an upset game in the make and upset coach darald Stewart has gone on record now I've got it right here on tape he can't stop he can't squeeze out of it he believes that North Fork will upset the rers wow okay listen to what Jay Walker had to say about this one man and Jay uh spent some time with me on yesterday to talk and preview what's going on with the game off state is three and eight how they going to compete with Florida A&M who won the HBCU national championship last year only lost one game on the season uh but then when you get closer to it and you dig into the weeds I think Florida ADM comes in here and if they think they going walk over to Spartans they got a new thing coming to them although Northfolk state was three and eight a season ago in like six of those losses they were within a touchdown and they return like 18 out of 21 starters on offense they turn like as the too deep I should say so they've got a lot of experience so this is Dawson odm's best team State I mean they're experience all these guys are coming back they've added a couple more transfers to the portal like everybody is doing that to help their team improve but the fact is I was surprised I they're competitive like we called a game when they got beat by Howard last year and Howard made it to the Celebration bowl and they almost ruined Howard's homecoming wow what do you think about what Jay just said well I kind of agree with him you know uh Jay Walkin knows what he's talking about when he comes to playing the quarterback position he's played it at the high level and um I just think right now with both teams well one team having a new quarterback well both them yeah both teams having new quarterbacks but I'm looking at it from a defensive standpoint I just think right now uh the Spartans um have a lot nor folk state has a lot to uh showcase on defense more than FAMU and you got just face the Coach Co bringing in practice 30 new players is a lot of Players let's just face it and I just think experience right now it's going to play a big part in this game and that's why I give the N to uh coach ens well that's conf all right 30 new players coming into FAMU but they keep 55 players okay uh nine starters still are going to be a part of the FAMU Squad but you brought on uh the defense from North Fork State U one of the young men that coach odms kind of spotlighted was a Richardson at linebacker and you have that big defensive lineman kesan Lynch as well all right how important is it that you have guys up front especially along the line as well as the linebacking core who can help make a difference in case there's some short comings on the offensive side well you hear coaches say all the time that uh Norfolk's defense and experienced linebackers hold advantage. the game is one up front and uh you look at uh North Folk's defense they have a massive defensive line that can move that can use the hands well uh that can read and react and that's what you want out of your defensive front and then you talk about your linebacker core you know your linebacker being the the captain on the defense being the signal call on the defense making sure that your line is uh your defensive line are in the right gaps and that's what you want out of Experience line back putting the defense in the right position to make the play and that's why I gave the edge to coach Odin his defense is sound and uh he just has an advantage right now uh up front you look at FAMU coming in with a lot of new faces uh new quarterback a couple new linemen you know and so uh when you look at the game right now it's it's an even game but like I said I I get it notd to experence on this and that's why I think it's going to be a 1710 ball game yeah yeah James White was on uh NFL serus radio and he said when he played for Bill bich he came up with a number I think he he a bill bich harped on this every week with his team especially the defense games of one 9 5% of the time because the team wins the turnover battle right right and that's why I think it's important this usually the first few games of the seasons is usually how the defenses are able to turn over that football man I saw it last year with Texas Southern and prayview prayview down by what more than 14 points and until they intercepted Andrew body twice and that stemed the tide and the momentum went into Old Mo went into the favor for the Panthers and they came back and they storm back and they won that game in overtime uh so those things are highly important and as well as you as well as Jay Walker just talked about if flam U comes in overconfident because they've been getting all the media hype think about this the reigning Champions uh the polls have them number one everybody saying they're still number one even though that Willie Simmons is gone there is no Jeremy Musa but they have the new quarterback uh Daniel Richardson who came from Central Michigan as well as he was at FAU last season now I think the kid I know coach you don't like kids who are under six foot so I think the kid has a lot of poise he has a good touch on the football he knows how to be able to uh even throw down the seam routes but he had one thing that I noticed especially when he was at Central Michigan is that he relied on his receivers to get separation right and FAMU last year had those type of receivers do they have those type of guys this season they do they they fam you is always going to have great receivers great skilled people but when you look at the quarterback position the most important position on the field can he jail when Co coach was gonna Bliss and and can he handled that um this will be his first rodeo in this type of attack and U let's just see if he can hold up to the test but look man but Cole this if you watch this kid's mhm he went against Oklahoma State hold on hold on let me in Oklahoma State he threw for 400 plus yards had one interception but he brought his team back it was it was the defense for Central Michigan that kept giving up the points wasn't the offense and his offense they put 402 points or 40 plus points on the game on on the Cowboys right so therefore he has that ability if he has the horses right right right that's all I'm saying I I watched that and I watched that game and his highlights in very closely to see what was going on now let's go on the flip side new quarterback for North Fork State you talk about a new quarterback here's a a kid coming coming out of juko he he's not coming out he has never played uh a division one game his name is Jaylen Daniel and he comes into this game and that's a lot for them to put on this kid he played at Gordon City Community College last year he completed 120 out of 210 passes which is 57 percent he only passed for 1,200 yards he had nine touchdowns and he had 10 interceptions now is this too much to put on his shoulders um I don't think so and when I Importance of game management in football strategy. don't think so I I think coach is going to uh use him to manage the game I don't think he has to go in and win the game whereas when you look at FAMU with the with the most pressure you you know on their side of the ball I think they have to go in and win the game and so uh that's why I get the edge to coach uh Odin on this because of the game management this is going to come down from the game management of both head coaches anytime you have two new quarterbacks um the game is going to be won by the head coaches how well they can manage the game and not make the mistake and put it on the quarterback shoulders and go out there and throw two three interceptions trying to let them win the game and so I just think we we going to find out who the best game manager is in this one yeah do you think Co is gonna come out trying to prove a point that's why you took the words right out of my mouth and then Kyle let's I wanted to share this with you how big of a impact notice what I said how big of an impact losing the great ad sites before this game how big an impact will that be will the trainers be on time will they eat their meals on time it's a lot going it's a lot going on in fam you so let's hope this that doesn't have an effect on the game interesting interesting man I I just I look at the N Fork team and they have 13 players that's returning that's on the all M preseason team right uh they have the young defensive back mallerie who is on the 2024 anas Williams watch list last year he was a semifinalist on that watch list uh I think against Delaware State he had the hattick where he had three interceptions in that game right um Florida A&M has the advantage on the Spartans you know when you think historically even when they were in the Mi they're 15 and3 against the Spartans but sometimes these type of games you can throw all of that out the door it really doesn't mean much right and I think coach odms looks intent to prove a lot of people wrong and we've talked about how this is a very important season for him in his career over there uh on the East Coast but fam M looks tough guys and I think on paper they're paper Champions right now that's what I keep on telling people on paper now we're here at this point where we need to play the games right FAMU is the only division one team uh last season when they led the conference defensively and they led the conference offensively in a lot of different categories man and they're the first swag school to do it in over 25 years since guess who Texas Southern back in 2010 I think that was Johnny Cole shout out to coach Cole on that I know he's gonna love that one man but [Music] [Applause] um coach I just got to say man this kid Daniel Richardson his numbers he's played in over 40 plus games in division one against F Cs and FBS opponents he's completed uh 6 43 passes for 60% he's thrown for 7,300 yards 56 touchdowns 23 interceptions that's not a bad ratio that's a great ratio I'm just thinking I think that's one of the re reasons why that he got the nod over Junior uh maravic so I don't know man it's it's going to be who makes those mistakes I understand where you're coming from well I'mma tell you like Ed Robertson used to tell me son sin is believing so Saturday we will see seeing is believing the eyes don't lie film don't lie and uh we'll just we'll just have to uh see what the what the uh football game does because you know it just it's clearly right now you know with a lot of new faces uh it's going to be a a shocking event on both sides of the ball okay look coach Odum said behold the green and gold we're looking forward to put Norfork State on a platform where we can showcase the greatness of our academic institution our program that we're so proud of yeah right I say all right Co I hear you he said Coach Odems aims to improve Spartans' record. behold coach odms right now has a record of 11 and 23 uh with the Spartans and I know he is trying to write the ship we're talking about a national championship coach that uh hasn't been posting the records that he's noted for but could this be the season that coach puts it all together for the Spartans and shock some people in the me at you know so we shall continue to keep our eye on that tonight's game is going to be at 730 p.m. on ABC so there's no reason why people should be looking elsewhere for the game it's going to be right there on ABC guys and Tiffany green as well as Jay Walker will be in the booth as the announcers for the game so stay tuned to that one uh right right now the Mak they have a 11 and six lead over the swack in the Mak swack Challenge and last two seasons we had Alabama State as well as Jackson State to win for the swag can FAMU continue the streak coach says no it's going to be northwalk we shall see we shall see that Co just said you say scen but leaving right all right that's a good one Coach man that's a good one uh I don't know coach are we finish or we got to keep on talking because we can keep on going if we need to man oh man just you know uh wishing our head coaches luck uh good luck on next week man you know we always talk about uh some negative things but and then you know when you see them on the streets and say coach when yall gonna wish his good luck so you hearing it from us me the great Cy most you know I wish him all good luck man stay in the lab and if you start off on one go back in the lab make the adjustments that you need to do and uh let's just know man it's about the student experience and it's about putting a great product on the field for the HBCU fans man yeah next week we will probably drop uh podcast on Thursday uh give you guys a earlier preview of what to expect going forward uh in the first major week of college football especially HBC football as well all right coach go ahead you got alorn and UAB and Jackson State and UL Monroe both on Thursday night guy oh Thursday night Affairs all right Jackson State man I tell you guys be very very very shocked to see what TC Taylor is able to kind of put out there all right guys I went through and I'm trying to hurry up and do this about to drop this article the most influential and Powerful coaches in HBCU football coach if you had to name the top three who would those be in your mind right now uh tryer truth Oliver North Carolina Central uh I would have to put uh Bubba mdal in there because of what he's done at preview revitalizing that program stay patient and uh it's one of the best coaches out there uh working with less and so uh I just think he he'll be my number two and um number three h number three will probably be uh number three probably coach holders okay you know he long ten long ten uh of of being the HBC coach right now I would have said coach mnar but he's not a head coach you said head coaches but uh those those would be my top three Okay so I broke it down into several Coach credentials, team performance, rankings, facilities, influence. different categories the program record from last season has this coach ever won a championship like National Championship division championship Conference Championship uh got different ratings on that and have they had a winning season the past couple of seasons have they been recognized by the American football college coaches association and what was their recruiting class like this past season as well as the facilities that they're working with and the pre-season polls how they had people ranked as well as their media influence but you threw threw in a category I forgot you just mentioned one thing I may have to consider but they ranked as this and this is across the board this is not even I haven't even separated them from division one division two Trey Oliver came in number one chennis Berry number two Dr Alvin Parker from Virginia Union number three Dr Henry Frasier from Virginia state number two I mean number four then Larry Scott Bubba McDow Damon Wilson and get this Eddie Robinson Jr didn't come in until eth and TC Taylor and Eddie George round up the top 10 wow interesting list uh I know that's gonna be a lot of contentious there interesting L because you know people can say what they want to say uh you got to honor coach miners um championship at Alabama and when people talk about him he he can Flash that swag championship ring and so uh you know do you throw him in there yes yeah he he's a part of that as well they got a lot of SE uh some honorable mentions like cozy uh I'll be honest with you when I did the rankings of coy coy was right there 11 12 uh mayor was there 11 uh odm's 13th so I think was hurting like mayor and odms is the most recent right progress of the programs and their lack of media presence they haven't really been on the media out there you know they but that's couple of the instances that really hurt them um and what really kind of stem the time for like Dr Frasier and uh Damon Wilson he's also in there right who these guys had Coach of the Year recognition from Africa you know that really helped him out uh if you don't have that recognition I don't see how that's right I agree you know so I had to throw that in uh Terence Graves and Mickey Joseph Alonzo Hampton's Rising Raymond Woody Rising Chris Dishman you're just starting so a lot of these coaches are just getting their programs up and rolling so everybody can't be number one guys but trade the truth Oliver number one chenis Berry two and if we had to just go division one then it would be Larry Scott bubble bdal Damon Wilson Eddie Robinson junor TC Taylor Eddie George okay yeah I just want you you know I know you got coach tennis be on speed D I would love to hear that pregame speech man we can get ask coach tenb we can get all access to that pregame speech man I would love to hear it matter of fact we we are interviewing him next Wednesday okay on black sports insiders yeah so yeah we can get that pregame speech man we can listen to it man oh my God you know that's something to ask him about he mean he may give that to us man that'll be pretty cool um I know we went over a little bit over guys but these are some great topics that we really needed to kind of focus on and Coach it's going to be a great season and I think the schedules are going to line up pretty Coach expects upset in football game tonight. good I know a few teams have some tough stretches but that is a part of football every game is going to to be a clash and you have to realize that possibility will Coach Odoms tonight and the Northfork State Spartans be able to pull up the upset over FAMU and ruin James ky's debut coach believes that is the case we shall see tune in tonight on 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on ABC coach how can the fans follow you on the worldwide web well it's the great k mo just said check us out on HBC Legends podcast you can download us I want to thank all our fans for doing that and also on Tycoon League 2 the number 2@gmail.com hit me up in time hit me up let me know the results after the game we'll be I don't know about K but I'll be up probably to 12 1:00 getting hearing fans results hearing comments and always you know we love you and remember we'll have a present for you at the end of the season what you mean you don't know about me I'm always up I'm always writing I'm always putting out the content for HBCU baby what you don't know better know but n I'm I'm clowning yeah I'll be up guys uh oh I forgot to to announce that uh cam Peterson from Southern University the New Orleans Saints signed him this past week that was a big signing for the Saints he tried out for them for the rookie mini camp he also had a try out right before training camp Saints had a couple of significant injuries uh that went down on that defensive line so they brought Peterson in they kept an eye out open for him and kudos to him he has his chance I know it's less than a few days Players have upcoming chance to earn spot. he's going to be placed in this game coming up uh at home in the super doome and he's going to have a chance to be able to earn a spot at least earn a spot on the practice roster something for the New Orleans Saints so uh that's a good look for the New Orleans Saints who also still have Mark Evans out of uh arasar Pine Bluff as well as Shaq Davis on the squad from South Carolina state all right coach don't forget you guys can go to HBCU legends.net to be able to read all of the Articles as well as be able to listen to the podcast or you can be able to follow me at KTM o on X which people call Twitter used to be called Twitter and you can go also go to HBCU Legends on all of our social media podcast I mean uh platforms now on IG we are HBCU Legend not Legends someone got Legends and they're not doing anything with that account I'm just saying so it's HBC Legend and um oh one thing also guys there are a lot of pre Pretenders out there some people are pretending to be HBCU Legends on on Facebook that is not the case if you don't see my name attached to any of the postings or anything to that nature that's not us all right just want to let you know that is not us we will drop our next podcast on Thursday to be able to preview the week one schedule and uh slay the games that will have fans ready to rock and roll for next season oh man this is it we are here I think it was so this this summer has just flown by so fast coach yeah man I mean it's here because we were just talking just recently oh man we got 60 days it seemed like so far away so but I'm happy it's here I'm excited and I know people are excited as well so guys go and follow us also don't forget go to our HBC Legends YouTube channel subscribe subscribe subscribe mash up the likes mash up the likes I got some great content dropping today with the interview I had with Jay Walker as well as Stephen J Gaither the Creator and managing uh editor over at HBCU game day so all right Co thank you very much you guys have a safe weekend have a fun weekend and enjoy HBCU football that will be on tonight at ABC thank you very much take care

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