2nd Year D-Tackle Questionable Week 1 || Practice Squad Review

going to take the North and never give it back so that's a good pick and get the corner I got to go bold right I got to go bold for this welcome back to the unbearable Sports podcast I'm your host Brad barar and make sure to like And subscribe out there on YouTube and always rate the show five stars every that you get your podcast what is going on we have to break down the Chicago Bears roster now that we have the the practice squad is all figured out so we want to break that down talk a little bit about Ki blasen game being back what the heck is going on at Long Snapper the offensive Squad the defensive Squad players that we lost and then also some of the people that might actually be starting or might actually not be starting but playing on the team this or next Sunday when the Bears play against the Titans but also one of the rumors that I think is going to start getting kicked up a little bit is Trent Williams and I'll describe the reasons why that might be coming up but I want to explain it first just real quickly it becomes more I'll have a separate episode on that but I hope you're all doing well this week let's get right into it and let's talk about Ki blasing game being back also for those watching I wasn't able to add any graphics canva was having a little outage so unfortunately you're just going to see the logo up there but still we'll be able to go through everything so let's talk about Ki blasing game because Ki blasing game is now back and just like what we said Patrick scales placed on IR so now we have Dante Pettis Patrick scales Simba Webster and Ian wheeler all on season ending IR while Larry boram and Jacob Martin on the short-term IR so ultimately K blasing game gets brought back he is now on the true roster so now now he's back it was just a quick little thing and also you can do this with a Ki blasin game just within being fullback but also this goes on behind the scenes where if they know someone really well they'll kind of say hey we'll just bring it back that okay yeah sure cut him bring him back all is well blasing game is back and now you kind of have the three tight ends and one fullback but now what is going to happen at the whole Long Snapper position because we were talking about when the Bears made their 53 man roster I was bringing up the idea of well what if they REM who are they going to get rid of in order to bring in a Long Snapper well the Bears end up signing Scott Dy or scottd I don't know actually the exact pronunciation on this onto the Chicago Bears practice squad so what this kind of shows me is okay we're going to add you to the practice squad but not on the active roster and we will active you activate you day of so there's also another person that the Bears might be activating day of off of the practice squad But ultimately seems like they're going to be activating their Long Snapper so interesting move that the Bears are going to be doing with the whole long Snapper position keeping it on eye on the practice squad and then activating day of so very interesting like to me why not just put him on the active roster but I guess with it being a Long Snapper might as well I would just like to keep him on the active roster just so that you know that he is truly on the active roster and what if somebody poaches him I mean long Snappers aren't easily poachable someone has to get injured but still like it's it's a little different little bit interesting that we're doing it that way way but let's talk about the offensive Squad and on the defensive Squad I'll bring up the person who is rumored to be getting activated when the Bears play against the Titans so let's talk about this offensive uh Squad that we have now that we see it kind of filling out so right now we have Theo benedi the Canadian Eagle he is on the practice squad rookie 22 years old out of British Columbia so nice to see him there so it really does show Bears must like him Jake keran the offensive tackle as well is uh resigned onto the practice squad 26 years old fouryear Pro you could kind of expect that they wanted more of a veteran on it just in case if someone does in fact go down on that offensive tackle line with Larry borne being on that short-term ir and then also Chris Glazer somebody who was just added today Chris Glazer being more of a center um played for the New York Jets gets brought on he's only 24 years old a 2year Pro but then also the Bears bringing back quarterback Austin Reed on the practice squad and we'll talk about Brett rippen a little bit later on but Brett rippen not part of the practice squad Austin Reed is so I'm actually curious people down below in the comments that are watching on YouTube what do you think about this are you excited that Austin Reeds back because hey Austin re didn't look terrible out there I just find it interesting that they're like hey we're going to go with the very young quarterback room which I'm kind of fine with like I said if Brett rippen already had like you know if if you already felt good about the quarterback room and you felt like you didn't necessarily need the veteran presence out there then yeah more than fine with that and it's clearly seems like they are fine with it with going with Austin Reed on the practice squad and then next Stephen Carlson at tight end again on the practice squad 27 years old out of Princeton but then we also have wide receivers Colin Johnson like we predicted on the practice squad he's 26 years old I'll just move my head up a little bit to show Samari tur the new person that the Bears added on to the practice squad out of Nebraska 26 years old three-year Pro 61 191 and what I can tell you a little bit about him because former Green Bay Packer Tay has all the measurables you want even though that he's less than 200 pounds I remember him testing very well at his pro day and he just had he has the NFL body the NFL speed that you want he only had one year though in the FBS with Nebraska which he did pretty well but since coming over just hasn't been that great for the Packers ultimately Bears add him on to the practice squad so a solid wide receiver pickup I don't think it's amazing but honestly he's done something in the NFL he's actually played games so having him on the practice squad I'm more than fine with I really think that then Colin Johnson is that PR AR backup that you'd want to activate on to the actual um active roster if necessary but that's the offensive side so let's flip over to the defense where the defense we have eight total people tarious Mo ready Stewart and Ro Torrance as the defensive back so T tarvarius Moore as the backup over who we had with Adrien Colbert so I was a little surprised by that so really I did think that Mo played better the final game so I think ultimately the Bears must have brought that into consideration and really liked what they saw out of more even though Colbert Colbert has been just a reliable veteran player for the Chicago Bears over the last year um but then you have ready Stewart that everybody loves 23 years old the 23y old rookie but then also row Torrance as well the defensive back um rookie out of Arizona State being on the Bears practice squad as well but then we go to the D Line This is where we have Byron Co jry chroma and also Sam Roberts who is added today and this is where we talk about who's going to be activated cuz what Adam schfer reported is that Sam Roberts the three-year Pro out of uh Northwestern Missouri State who was just signed to the practice squad today the rumor is is that he actually not rumor what Adam Scher mentioned is that he should be the one that actually gets activated on game day for Zack Pickins it seems like Zack Pickins is not on schedule to play play game one so what they're going to do is put Sam Roberts ahead of that and bring him up I don't know how I feel about that because personally I look at it like a Byron coort where I go well he played pretty well for you and Sam Roberts is nothing crazy nothing out of the ordinary and to me I'd rather go with someone that you know with the system know with the scheme that you feel like you want to bring up and if you're curious well is Sam Roberts huge no he's actually under 300 lb he's 65 295 so it's not like he's a gigantic body or brings something completely different but the other thing that I found very interesting was Jeremy chroma being the person that they brought back on the practice squad so we all know that he's this big giant athlete um you know 64 275 at defensive end and I did find it was interesting that they brought him back cuz I didn't really see much out of him so they must think like hey let's give him let's put him in this NFL locker room let's have him just keep on practicing keep keep getting better and maybe the sky's the limit for so maybe that's what they they just want to see what's what they can get out of this player so maybe that's where they're hoping that they can coach them up a little bit more but then the last practice squad players Micah Baskerville and also Carl Jones so Micah Baskerville oneyear Pro out of LSU and also Carl Jones the rookie out of UCLA we saw Carl Jones play a little bit better towards I mean kind of throughout the preseason and M Baskerville playing very well throughout thee preseason so ultimately keeping two linebackers three defensive linemen two at D tackle one at D end and then also three defensive backs so ultimately that is the practice onead ladies and gentlemen obviously things will change people will be moved up people will be moved down unfortunately injuries happen it's just the way of the NFL but let's talk about the players lost because there were a couple that are at least noteworthy number one we are already talked about Brett rippen mainly with them adding Austin Reed Brett rippen they kind of let them see the door and Brett rippen ultimately going to a different team I forgot where off the top of my head but like I said if the Bears are willing to move on from Brett rippen they're it's I I like the idea of not having three backup quarterbacks especially if you feel good about Tyson bent which every indication you should feel good about Tyson bent you should feel comfortable with him playing more meaningful snaps so to me more than fine with that sad to see him go but also Brendan Bates the undrafted rookie free agent out of Kentucky was claimed off of waivers which is incredibly unfortunate because he might have I think he was actually the highest graded tight end in the NFL um in the preseason so Brendan Bates playing very well and ultimately Bears ended up losing them so good luck to Brendan bats maybe he comes back later on or if he go because if he goes back down to a practice squad Bears can always steal them and then add him to the active roster then eventually move him down to the practice squad so unfortunately we lose kind of two key ones that we were kind of hoping to potentially bring back riing I don't know if we were actually hoping to bring back but Brendan Bates definitely was someone that got poached from the Chicago Bears so now let's wrap things up with a little bit of rumors like I said I don't really go I don't really want to go through this too much because this might amplify a little bit more but I just want to let people know watch out out there on Twitter because it's already starting to to fire up why because exactly the same way that the reasons why this whole CD lamb thing started popping up with Micah Parsons CD lamb gets a deal we you know Bears fan start saying well Micah Parson Micah parsons's now we have Brandon iuk getting a brand new deal and then the Bears going and then Bears fan saying well Trent Williams Trent Williams because Trent Williams continues to sit out of the 49ers camp and I'd say that's the biggest difference Trent Williams is actually sitting out Trent Williams actually wants a new deal even though he has three years left so he's 36 years old so I get the whole idea of hey we don't want to pay him extra money because he could the wheels could easily fall off but he's still playing like the best left tackle in all of all of the NFL so I think that's where they don't want to pay him but I think ultimately what the 49ers should do I could see them just saying hey here's some extra money for you and then ultimately Trent Williams still being there but also another reason why this you're going to see it start to get a little bit more traction is right when the Brandon iuk signing happened none other than Kyle long Chicago Bear he's got a new podcast out there and everything awesome to see him doing some stuff posts out a picture of uh Ryan poles on the phones which then caused everybody to go so what is this what's going on does he know something that no one else knows and he's like no just posted this out but yet again you don't know if it's legit you don't know if it isn't and we will do what fans do we'll speculate because hey adding Trent Williams on the left side that'd be pretty freaking cool because then you have then braxon Jones can be your swing tackle then you feel a lot more comfortable then you go okay amagazi is then the backup oh this this offensive line looks really good maybe maybe you have Brax and Jones as shift him down in the guard right it makes it very very flexible but honestly if you could get Tren Williams that would be pretty cool if you could maybe it would be a one of your seconds or something like that if it was a first heck no he's 36 years old right that's what I'd be curious about is what is what would the actual going rate be but you see what they're able to do with him as just an absolute merer on that left side and also someone that you know is going to protect the Blind Side awesome it it would seriously be super cool just amazing if they ended up Landing him but like I said we'll see but we will keep you covered so if you haven't already drop a like subscribe out there on YouTube and also rate the show five stars ever that you get your podcast and with that unbearable Sports podcast we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] out yeah she's got some nice long hair and you know she's a

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