First Day of Pads & 1st Depth Chart RELEASED

we going to take the North and never give it back so that's a good pick and get the corner I got to go bowl right I got to go B for this welcome back to the unbearable Sports podcast I'm your host Brad Baron make sure to like And subscribe out there on YouTube and also rate the show five stars everywhere that you get your podcast we are live to break down what happened today on day six I believe of the training cap or training camp recap there we go we had the fans back in the stance today and the Bears also first day of padded practice and also last but not least we got our first unofficial depth chart that I actually haven't gone through so I want to go through it live on the show to get some real authentic reactions of what do they have on this and also where are they putting people because if you remember last year that's what we saw Trevis Gibson be at the very bottom of the depth chart and we're like why is he all the way at the very very bottom of the depth chart because that's something we'll definitely have to look at also Nicholas what's up Bear Down out there in the chat but also so today big day first day of pets and there's a lot of stuff that we are going to go through also if you were there today let me know let me know down in the chat what you saw as well so let's break it down let's first start out with some injuries and we still continue to see Kyler and Su both not out there onto the practice field something just to continue to monitor also braxon Jones has been in and out and something that I've been hearing is when Larry boram's in you don't want Larry borham in it sounds like with Braxton Jones you at least see a uptick in his actual performance but then Larry borm when he's out there yeah you don't want to see that I I think we all know this but there's a big difference between those two at the left tackle position also we saw tein Jenkins go down with a slight in with a small injury and then what ended up happening is Bill Murray not the comedian but Bill Murray the guard ends up taking that guard spot which I do find interesting because we have jyree Carter so I thought it was interesting and noteworthy that Bill Murray comes in as the left guard rather than just Tyreek Carter who has been a typical fixture at that guard position as the backup but also when we're talking about the guard position Matt prior is someone who has gotten a lot of a lot of snaps at the guard position as well that it was a little interesting to see that he wasn't out there as well as the left guard so interesting development there that Bill Murray kind of has that backup left guard but wanted to call that out too also Jacob Martin someone that we had as a stock up player recently not out there got banged up and I don't think that he returned back to practice so something to monitor there like I've said Jacob Martin to me reminds me a lot of rashim green at this point where solid player but you're not going to expect him to dominate but if he can give you good production get get you four sacks as the fourth string defensive end awesome yet again we have the depth chart that we'll go through later on to see where he is is at but let's talk about the biggest news today pads were on and there was someone that took everyone like everyone's eyes were going to this player and that is dvon Dexter it's awesome to say because everyone that saying they're like man dvon just kept on wrecking and Center update we the center update out there was that um Coleman Shelton was there at center now Ryan Bates was yesterday but Coleman Shelton I guess was getting cooked all day by dvon Dexter and hey you know this is where you got the two different sides right dvon Dexter was he just that good or is Coleman Shelton just that bad I like to think it's more dvon Dexter as a Bears fan you know you got to look on the bright side with that but it's nice to see Dexter that hey when he now he's looking like we know he's shed a lot of pounds he looks quicker he looks faster at that D Tackle Spot and yeah he was able to get there and just continually wreck havoc all day today and this is what we need in this defense there's a lot of expectations on dvon Dexter and I was listening to Jeff joniak interview dvon Dexter and he toking said he's like you know you're the fourth most important person on this team right it was either him or Tom there that was like you know that right and but it's very serious that the three Tech is that that important to this team and when we're previewing the defensive line it's all about dvon Dexter and for those out on YouTube you might have seen the the thumbnail that I had where dvon Dexter's on that and I had to double do a double take a little bit because I'm going okay dvon Dexter that doesn't look like him he looks slim down he looks agile he looks quick so you can see the new body of dvon Dexter he's still a giant he's still a giant man too he's just more slim down more muscle than you know he kind of shed some of the the extra weight so yeah I'm right there with Nick right now saying he's he's getting started he's getting to feel a little bit more hyped about dvon I feel the same way too I'm excited to see what dvon is going to bring to the table but let's continue with the Caleb update defense ultimately ended up winning today and again but doesn't mean that Caleb Williams had a bad day at all people were still very impressed with just his arm strength and just his overall quickness with his release as per huge right that's kind of the normal statement when it comes down to Caleb Williams but also too had a good two-minute drill he was pressured a little bit and he rolled out made a good throw out to the outside but also the big news with Caleb Williams today was more so about how he stood up for his teammates and yet again this is something that we talked about when he was going to be drafted a lot of the naysayers were saying that Caleb Williams can't lead a locker room that he's going to give off bad vibes but everything that we've heard everything that we keep continuously hear about Caleb Williams is that he's someone that you want in the locker room and what happened today was I believe it was a handoff to um to khil Herbert and then you have Demarcus Walker who went by uh Gerald Everett and ends up tackling khil Herbert after that things got chippy and it resulted in our quarterback giving a hug to Walker to try and get him away and people like okay okay Caleb you don't do that and I believe it was Ryan Bates that said this that he's like that's my quarterback that's what he does but we don't want to see him doing that and what I love about this is that he showed who he is he showed that he can back up his teammates he showed that he can do that but we don't want you out there so he doesn't have to do it again he doesn't have to do it in a normal game because we don't want him doing it in a normal game because you going against these 300 Pounders and trying to trying to hold one back I don't want to see that but I love that he did it in practice because now everyone knows he has their back he has this offense's back that's the type of leader he is just a really cool story and I absolutely love it but yet again your qb1 I want you I want everyone else fighting for you you don't have to fight for everybody else but he's just that type of a dude so cool story about Caleb Williams right there but yeah Scottish bear what is good my friend big Dex is coming to get you bear down I'm yet again very very happy about dvon Dexter and he's he he's it seems like he's doing everything that we need and everything that we want to do so I can't wait to actually get out there and see him just because you know he's going to be quick so next thing is penalties so this is part of the Caleb update the Red Zone problems um actually we'll cover the Red Zone problems a little later but multiple false starts yet again kind of continuously adding on to some of these problems that we saw and I want to just kind of have the same story that we had yesterday where yesterday we saw Ryan Bates out there and we had a handful of handful of false starts handful of um penalties and then today we had a handful of penalties with Coleman Shelton at Center because I know yesterday we brought up well is Ryan is it Ryan Bates is it is it then Coleman Shelton is just more mature and because he's more used to being Center well we saw both of them today we saw both errors today ultimately and another piece so obviously we need to clean that up because that was part of the the training camp storyline that at the beginning hey everything's super clean everything's super clean maybe they're just trying to get a little bit more into it a little bit more into the weeds of the cadences also Bears junkie what is good bear down also something that I want to call out because we mentioned this about Caleb Williams we said I know that he idolizes you know Aaron Rogers for right for wrong as if he can play like Aaron Rogers I'm more than fine with that and we talked about with the Cadence that if he can get this Cadence right can he start to do what Aaron Rogers did where he gets people off sides today there was a couple that he was able to do that so it's another logical progression another more more progression that we're starting to see so that is what I like to see but I agree with Scottish bear saying we need continuity at Center and that brings up the question when are they going to officially move over the center position and even though I haven't seen the depth chart I did see a quick little thing on it when I was was going through the slides I believe at the center position there it's either or but we'll go through that a little bit later on the last little bit that I want to bring up that I want to just look more at with Caleb Williams is I do want to observe just the Red Zone issues the Red Zone it seems like we can't really score in the red zone and typically when you see something that becomes a trend in training camp then that ends up carrying over into the actual League it it comes like but last year we kept saying they kept throwing very very short patterns they weren't really trying to attack downfield that was the offense all last year so this year it seems like we haven't been able to score touchdowns in the red zone that is something that hopefully can start to improve as Caleb gets more used to this offense next speaking of the offense good day for Tyler Scott Tyler Scott up and down so far where he's gotten some really good ups but then all of a sudden he might start dropping passes everyone's saying hey Tyler Scott was getting open Tyler Scott was making plays Tyler Scott was making catches and I think overall even though that Tyler Scott has been making these good plays I still have no regrets about the romad dun draft pick because you still want you you take that top tier wide receiver talent and I still don't feel like Tyler Scott I'm not going to sit here and say oh man this guy's a number three receiver right now it's promising that we're at least seeing some of these receptions seeing more development as him as a wide receiver just you want to see that continuously grow so that hey he doesn't need to be a wide receiver three but if Keenan Allen or someone goes down he can at least fill that role but more of the role I feel is going to be pushed onto like a Rome or the other two if one of those were to go down but Tyler Scott good day today and now we have to talk about another person who was just booming the ball I saw this all over social media people were seeing this and people were getting excited Tory Taylor the punter the punt God as people call him the crocodile punter he was shocking a lot of people with just his natural just booming and I heard on chgo that they were trying to time to see what was the hang time with him punting the football because people were saying it was outrageous and supposedly when they were trying to time him they claimed that it was getting around five seconds which is absurd cuz if it's four if it's four seconds that's good but people were saying five seconds absolutely crazy also skes what is good my friend he was able to be at Camp skes what did you think then I want to know what you think down in the chat Scottish saying too just remember at college that was Caleb Williams strength Red Zone that's a very good point it will click once he gets to know his teammates and that that's a very good point too because I'm also hearing that it's it's some of the The Vibes that he's getting off with his teammates on in the red zone and if you think about it when you're in that short area you really need to know what they're going to do because you have a very tight window to try to get the ball in are they going to if they're done with their route are they going to go in are they going to stay there are they going to go out you need to develop that rapport with your wide receiver so I think that's a very good point right there next let's talk a little bit about the other thoughts more of these miscellaneous things that have been kind of scattered around we were going to we've talked about Ian wheeler before in our uh running back preview that Ian wheeler has wheels hence the name like just like his name entails this dude's got wheels this guy can fly and this was another day that hey he was flying out there impressed some people just with his speed cuz that's what we know that he has then I heard that hey he might have missed a blocking assignment and then was talked to by the coach Ian wheeler is definitely someone I know we always preview our games he's someone that is going to be on my list of people to watch out for during that Hall of Fame game because I think people are going to be shocked at just how fast he is how quick he is cu in a boring game like the Hall of Fame game you want someone to watch and running backs are very very easy to watch but sko's also saying Taylor is definitely a weapon offense was choppy but still made some Flash plays yeah that's where the consistency with the offense that's where early on probably not so much but let's see it in a couple weeks for sure another person I want to shout out is khil Herbert just continuously I don't think he gets enough love because people are like okay we already have running backs we got Roshan Johnson who's a fan favorite I like him too but khil Herbert is still a darn good running back and he has very good speed and just has been a good running back the biggest question is just we know he can't run block I mean he can't pass block so that is someone that I want to just give more love to because he has looked good he has continuously been a solid player people like listen I I I personally want to see him at at a kick return spot we know that he's going to be reliable we know he's going to hold on to the football we know he's going to give you a big play and also as a running back the new kickoff format I think he gives you a lot more upside than a lot of others so khil Herbert I wanted to bring up and the last but not least Tyson bent it's going to break my heart but Tyson bent supposedly was terrible today and Tyson bent has kind of continuously not looked phenomenal not terrible but today was a bad day some have even equated it to PJ Walker which makes me I don't even want to say that but Tyson B agent is someone that needs to look a little bit better he had a good interview I watched that he was cool it was fun to listen to him talk but he's got to play better he had two um consecutive interceptions today not a great look for the great Tyson bent at qb2 so now that is my just brief training camp recap but now it is time to check out this depth chart like I said I have not looked through this depth chart yet so I'm excited to see what it is that we have out here um but I I mentioned that there was some ores so let's go through this start it let's start at the top so wide receivers you got DJ Moore starting Tyler Scott as the backup DeAndre Carter as the backup for Tyler Scott that's semi noteworthy I guess but nothing too crazy then Dante Pettis Freddy Swain John Jackson all kind of in the back end okay um nothing nothing crazy to see there left tackle Braxton Jones Larry borm kind of it big that Karan magaji has the third string uh left guard teev Jenkins okay here we go first first pause Devon Jenkins as a starter jyree Carter as the backup keep in mind we were just talking about this jyree Carter wasn't the backup when he was put in I mean when tev Jenkins went down today it was actually Bill Murray so Bill Murray came in to in in into it instead of uh jyree Carter so that's a little interesting Bill Murray is actually listed as the third string Right Guard behind Matt prior like we were just talking about Matt prior has been the primary Right Guard backup so interesting that they threw him all the way over to the left side rather than having jyree Carter out there so something maybe there were some other people maybe he was already running with the twos or something but um May maybe that's actually the reason why maybe he they just wanted him to run with the twos that's kind of my guess but it doesn't make sense when you have the unofficial depth chart yet again it is unofficial so Center here's where we have Ryan Bates or colan Shelton they literally put an or in between the first string and te second string so they really wanted to emphasize that that's a position battle and Doug Kramer as the third string um Right Guard we already went through that Theo Benedict is the fourth Stringer right tackle Darnell wri Jake keran as the backup there and then Aven Collins as the third string that's interesting cuz Collins has always been someone that is kind of battled for that second string so um let's also tight end Co Kat Gerald Everett and then yeah marcedes Lewis Stephen Carlson Tommy Sweeney and Brenan Bates nothing to see there other wide receiver spot Keenan Allen romad dun and then yeah obviously we kind of expected that they don't go with the whole slot receiver so technically Rome is the backup and then you have veis then Colin Johnson Simba Webster pet Blanc and then here we go we got some two two interesting pieces out here now so we got Caleb Williams as the starter Tyson bent or Brett rien and then we have Austin Reed as the fourth string yeah I agree with bears junkie I've never seen or before for sure and then Scottish bear saying Groundhog Day Ian wheeler reminds him of cordal Patterson I like that I like that um but yeah Tyson be or Brett rien and we talked about this with the quarterbacks that Brett rien if he looks good could be your backup but it's really more so what can Tyson bent do and what plays more to your quarter what you want for your quarterback uh for your first stream quarterback who plays a more similar style but like we said Tyson beon had a bad day today during Camp does that completely write him off um also how much do they want to throw it deep Tyson bent isn't really known for this deep ball more of a short intermediate player so we got our position battle right there something to look out for during the Hall of Fame game depending on if Caleb Williams will actually play still no confirmation whether he will or will not um then at the running back position DeAndre Swift as the starter here we go khil Herbert or Roshan Johnson and I I don't really buy it I still feel like here's my thing cuz yeah Nicholas is saying this too the Herbert or Roshan I guess let me know in the chat who do you all who would you play as the second running back I'm generally curious like who would you have as the second running back Herbert or Johnson and I don't know if this is just because Roshan is such a good third down player that hey and also we look at last year right think about last year what do we think about with like for the Seattle Seahawks they had their double their two-headed running back and shanet was the backup who was more of Roshan style more of a pound ground and pound running back while their starter was more the quickness Swift and Herbert have very similar skill sets when it comes to just their natural speed quickness and burst while Roshan Roshan is more of the power guy and that's where I think Herbert is the better running back I think if Swift were to go down berbert would be the starter but I think that Roshan's probably going to get more reps Straight Out The Gate because of his third down efficiency being able to block being able to catch better as well but let's see what y'all think Scottish bear saying in walren system Roshan blocks better exactly I think that because of The Blocking it's going to be Roshan and Sean saying hey Brad do you think you could keep a closer eye and report on Booker in Camp yes I will be looking out for more of the stuff on him um and and then Sean saying too I play Herbert but I would consider trading either one for fourth rounder if one team loses their starter in preseason I am I have talked about how I don't love the idea of getting rid of Herbert unless you can trade him for a good Hall like I think a fourth rounder is fair enough CU you're going to move on from him anyway and Roshan like we were talking about probably would get majority of the snaps anyways and also if Ian wheeler can actually play the running back position you got Homer you got wheeler so it'd be interesting but also a little bit about Austin Booker I have been hearing that Austin Booker has been looking pretty darn good that he had some reps with the ones as well so not like saying that he's going to be a true starter or anything but it's good to see that him as a rookie has been getting some more reps with the ones and has actually looked pretty darn impressive so that's where too when you talk about Dominique Robinson you go all right well we got the Dominique Robinson replacement we have that so it's it's something that yeah I'll definitely keep out uh keep an eye out for and then fullback the position battle Kye blasen game versus himself so that's what that's what we have for the offense let's flip over to the defense and let's start talking about this defensive end group Montes SWAT as the starter Dominique Robinson as the backup speaking of which Austin Booker as the backup for Dominique Robinson and John Marie chroma as the fourth string defensive and also some of y'all might have just gotten an ad thank you so much for watching I don't get paid much for this so that helps out so thank you for watching that unless you have YouTube premium then you don't get any of the ads so hopefully it was a good ad for all those that watched and I appreciate it um next thing defensive end Demarcus Walker on the other side side Jacob Martin as the backup for Walker Daniel Hardy and then khed Kareem as the fourth Stringer so to me with this group I think the only thing noteworthy is Robinson over Austin Booker because I feel like as soon as Booker like we said Booker's been getting some good snaps same I mean same thing with Dominique Robinson but no one's really saying anything about Dom Rob no he's not really turning a lot of heads and you would yet again you would expect it with someone that has his athleticism that is something that I think as soon as Austin Booker flips I think that you need to see some G I think they want to see some game action and as soon as that happens I think you're going to see Booker flip so yeah I agree with Sean domr might not make the team I I totally agree with that um and then also Sean saying I feel like they intend Booker to get part-time starter playing time this year Don Rob was a complete project Booker is thought more yeah I I agree I like I think that Booker's going to get more of the snaps and I think that he's gonna I think he's going to get more snaps than we think um on like third down and other pieces like that and then also defensive tackles Billings as a starter dvon Dexter as a starter that's not anything out of the ordinary Zack Pickins as the primary backup Byron CER as the backup for dvon Dexter that was someone that we've talked about where he's typically played defensive end played some D tackle so he is the backup he's the second string and then third strings Michael dwarma for and Keith Randolph Jr followed by DeShaun mallerie as the the very far backup so yet again keep an eye on Keith Randolph Jr versus coer if he can play in the NFL I think that you can see him taking coort spot otherwise I don't really see there being a unless they bring someone in which I can't really see that but yet again we also heard they're playing more defensive at D tackle so maybe that's that's one of the ways that they swing it around is let's start moving some people inside um but also Scottish Bears saying if the Bears bring in Yani inak or a d end Dom Rob is on the bubble I agree and that's that's also another big piece is yeah they could just go with the five defensive ends so I think ultimately that's that's probably when they really do kind of put that into the bubble and then big bill has been getting sned Ms at three Tech um I I could see that I mean you kind of play different different areas in there as well so some ones some threes um then also Sean saying I look for the Bears to possibly pick up another backup D tackle that would be interesting Bears junk and yeah during the preseason Cuts Bears junkie Dom had a good day today he heard I I haven't heard much from that so I'm I'm more than fine to hear that then Sean saying too it'd be nice to have Keith Randolph to get pushed to the practice Squad he could and I don't think that people are going to be jumping after him that much right he is an undrafted rookie free agent so if he does then yeah so I like that there then linebackers they have two linebackers out there they got uh TJ Edwards taine Edmonds and then backups amen and Jack sanbor nothing out of the ordinary then you have Noah Su and Micah Baskerville yet again nothing crazy there and then Carl Jones Paul moala and Javen white the person that they just signed nothing crazy with the linebackers if we go over to safeties we got jaquin brisker Kevin berer the starters obviously Elijah Hicks and Jonathan Owens as the backups yep tarvarius Moore and Adrien Colbert as the third stringers yeah as expected Douglas Coleman and quindell Johnson is four strings yep safeties as expected defensive backs Kyler Goron Tyreek Stevenson Jaylen Johnson then backups Greg strowman Terrell J Terrell Smith and Jaylen Jones kind of expected that then joshh Blackwell as third Stringer with Leon Jones and then ready Stewart as a fourth Stringer Josh Blackwell is the only person I we've talked about Leon Jones a little bit do I think Leon Jones could push out Jaylen Jones probably not I think that there's a little mini battle between Jaylen Jones and Leon Jones but I think jaylen's like 80% of the way there he's probably going to get it unless Leon Jones balls out during some of these these uh these games but then Greg strowman Jr and Josh Blackwell is definitely a position battle to look out for cuz strowman is a reliable player but Blackwells got the Swagger Blackwells got this kind of Next Level to his game that I really like um so those four stringers are people to definitely watch out for also Ron claw up I love it Bear Down what is good my friend hope everything has been well Scot bear saying Josh Blackwell is quality and also so Sean saying maybe with the new kickoff rule an extra linebacker yeah I think that the the whole extra the whole kickoff rule I think that that's something that people are really sleeping on because now we see kick returner veis Jones or DeAndre Carter punt return DeAndre Carter or veis Jones and keep in mind too they've had a million different punt returners out there and also like we've said what about Kil Herbert did they just why do they have them as like a a position battle with this and yeah everything else is kind of like kind of what you would expect but I do feel like with this kickoff rule we're going to see a different 53 man roster because the reason why it it's the reason why we keep going back to this whole kickoff rule um for those that don't know basically in the kickoff rule to or last year you have people running full speed and the objective is get down there as fast as possible and then when you're blocking you're more so trying to be agile trying to block someone so you wanted to have some lighter players out there you know you still had some tight ends and some linebackers and other people like that but you had a lot of lightweight people that could block and that could run because it was people running full speed and you just had to get there and now they're standing still now it's more like an elongated play it's kind of like a almost like a onside Ki really where you know they're still kicking at normal but you have people at a stands still that are in relatively in front of each other that's where I do think that from a tight end perspective you'll definitely see more because I think tight ends they can block they're there for blocking but also can can hit that's why too when you look at who should be returning I don't think that like a like a Carter Carter is a lightweight guy and the reason why you had this lightweight guy is so that they could just run as fast fast as they can and just try and just blow by people while with this new format you might see more hey we're developing the line it's it's almost like a gigantic offensive line and that's where I think you might see more of a runningback style more of more tight ends more linebackers more bigger people to then kind of hold this line in order for them to run through and run past that's why I still feel like like khil Herbert has a good value because he does have he's a running back that is good at just finding the hole no BS and just run straight through it bis Jones if he just figures out how to not fumble the football or drop things all the time would be a phenomenal phenomenal person to have out there that's why I also said I really like Ian wheeler for special teams I don't know if he's been getting some snaps I haven't heard anything about him getting snaps but that's going to be something that I'm looking out for is is wheeler getting snaps because this guy can just flat out fly I you just need someone that can fly and then you need your blockers because as soon as you get one hole I think that you're going to see more touchdowns this year than you did before because as long as that there's a hole people are going to be flying and so that that's where too khil Herbert's got more value than I think a lot of people are giving him credit for so khil Herbert man for sure um but yeah that's about it for going through the the training camp going through also or going through training camp today also going through the unofficial depth chart thank you all so much for coming out I'm glad that we did this live show because I always try to do it right after work and things have been nuts so it's been nice to just kind of get it done talk to y'all people out there and also if you're watching make sure to drop a like make sure to drop subscribe to it helps out the channel tremendously we try to keep you covered with all things Bears training camp and guess what we are less than 7 days away from Bears football I am pumped yes it's going to be the Hall of Fame game but you already know we're going to keep you covered with all the things all the people to watch out for so that you can enjoy the most out of that Hall of Fame game so with that unbearable Sports podcast we are out [Applause] [Music] yeah she's got some nice long hair and you know's

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Chicago Bears Now: Live News & Rumors + Q&A w/ Harrison Graham (Aug. 21)

Category: Sports

[music] thank you [music] thank you [music] welcome into chicago bears now my name is harrison graham and yes it is a monday if you're wondering why we're alive we did put up a community post that did just tweet it out our new live schedule here on the channel live every game day one hour before kickoff... Read more

6 BLOCKBUSTER Chicago Bears Free Agent Targets Ft. Christian Wilkins, Derrick Henry & Calvin Ridley thumbnail
6 BLOCKBUSTER Chicago Bears Free Agent Targets Ft. Christian Wilkins, Derrick Henry & Calvin Ridley

Category: Sports

All right guys i got a challenge for you we are trying to get to 89,000 subscribers by the end of monday we're going to be live monday for day one of free agency the lal tampering period so we got some time and monday show should help us out but i want to get to 89,000 subs by the time i wake up on... Read more