HBCU EXPERIENCE #2 | Welcome Week at FAMU as a Grad Student

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:27:40 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] another good afternoon lorans today is August 26 and it's the first day of classes so oh hold on let me take down my bun I'm sorry I look a little ridiculous but um right now I am headed to Ross um cuz I do not have a first day fit and you know going to HBCU that [ __ ] is important now I don't think I've dressed up for a first day in a minute but um yeah I'm headed to Ross right now and I have a couple more errands to run before classes so basically I'm going to Ross to try to find like a sporty like tennis type outfit and um sorry y'all and then I'm also going to go Dollar Tree to pick up some batteries I need some like binders or paper maybe and then I'm also going to go to Chick-fil-A to get the new sandwich that they have so I'll take you guys along and I'll talk a little bit more about my classes [Music] later y'all I was about to near damn cry tell me why my GPS took me to the Chick-fil-A on F Fu campus I don't want to be over there so I had to drive through campus to get out and now I'm at a different Chick-fil-A um this one is a standalone I'm just like bro I just need to look at the roads more I didn't realize Tennessee Street was like all of FSU and whatever but now it's 2:15 and I don't wasted time driving all the way up there um I'm really trying to leave and be done by 3: so I can get to campus and register my car actually I'm going call them parking people cuz I've been trying to register online but then I seen something on Fizz that said um we have to register in person so if that's the case I'm going to try to go before class if not I don't know what I'm going to do cuz my class is at 4 so U while I'm waiting in this Chick-fil-A line doesn't doesn't seem like it's moving right now um I'm taking 15 credits which yes that is a lot for a grad student however my program that is considered full time so I'm basically taking a lot of foundational classes that I already did in my undergrad so I don't think semester will be too too difficult um I don't know if it will be just like more writing papers um because this is a grad like level class um but the only new class that I'm really taking like in terms of content is dynamics of Oppression so today I have two classes um one from 4: to 6:30 and the other one from 7: to 9: I don't know which classes those are I'm going to try to put them here and let y'all know or let y'all know later when I'm getting ready I don't know I have to look at my schedule again but um and then I have one class on Tuesday and I believe that one is from 4:00 to 6:30 and then I have two classes on Wednesday as well and from 4:00 to 6:30 and then 7:00 to 9:00 so thankfully I only have classes Monday through Wednesday um and I'm used to taking evening classes cuz at FAU all of our classes were in the evening except for a couple of them you know here and there there would be a couple at like 1:00 3:00 um but for the most part most of our classes were in the evening because it was geared towards working individuals and a lot of our teachers had other jobs and stuff too so I'm excited um to try this sandwich I'm excited for the first day um as you guys saw I got a green dress I it is not exactly what I wanted to do but I'm going just wear the green dress and if I can find one of my jackets a jacket and then um I'm going to wear my sneakers that I got from Sheen they're like the little Graphics Sneakers but I'll show you guys when I'm done um and I think I'm going to try to like a half up half down hairstyle with my hair I'm going to do a little bit of makeup like eyebrows I'm going to put on lashes I was going to try to do clusters don't have time for that um and then some mascara and then obviously lip gloss and col it a day after that cuz my skin is looking pretty good so I don't need to put no Foundation or nothing on for real so I will get back to you guys when I'm at home cuz I'm a little stressed right now so I'll talk to you guys later all right guys so I got the sandwich I'm eating some fries right now I'm trying to hurry up cuz I called the parking people and they were like yeah you got to come register in person know was kind of rude but it's fine I think she was tired of the jits calling her to ask that question but I'm new and there was no like welcome email to explain all of this stuff so I'm finding out things as I go like a dang freshman so I want to have like a peaceful getting ready I want to put water on my air for my humidifier not going to have time for none of that it's already two almost 240 so all right this is what the sandwich is looking like they were definitely rushing that's okay I'mma try it without Chick-fil-A sauce first and then see how I feel so this is the honey pimento sandwich that they just brought back y'all they did not melt that cheese look at that I don't know if you guys can see that it's still like shredded cheese it's not like melted and it looks like it's just a sauce if anything I don't know interesting y'all interesting anyway I'll get back to you guys y'all I should have unpacked more earlier but I only did a little bit of my eyebrows they're too light you can't even see them don't have the Lash glue plus these were I didn't even realize these had pink on the end so they didn't have matched my outfit but I got my charm bracelet on got my earrings on I put my hair and a half up putting on my sneakers now honestly if it wasn't for the fact that I had to go register for parking like right before class I wouldn't be as pressed but there's traffic so I got to get going in the next 5 minutes so I'm going to quickly fix my bag and head on [Music] out yeah I'm sorry I'm not the way you paint the picture of me I'm sorry you chose a stay big mistake play the game never good afternoon guys so today is August 27th I'm so sorry yesterday I was fighting for my life I'm not even going to lie y'all it was too much going on so after I ate lunch I looked at the traffic like I was telling y'all and realized it was going to take me almost 20 minutes to get to campus and I was like and I still had to go to parking services to register my car so I was like Hey I was getting a little upset I'm not going to lie but um I went to go register my car and then I had my class at 4: mind y'all I would have made it you know with time to spare except for I had to circle around for 10 15 minutes looking for the University comments because little did I know it was in the middle of campus and there I don't know I I'm just I'm new here so I feel like a freshman all over again um not even really cuz even at FAU like like I told you on previous Vlog like I hav been going there since I was a jit so it wasn't like new information for me per se and that first semester my cousin was with me so but anyway I had two classes yesterday um I had my human behavior one and then I also had my research class um my teachers seem cool the classes are even smaller than they were for undergrad like there was like 15 of us in the first class and like 10 of us in research um so today I just have one class it's my dynamics of Oppression class at 4: um I'm a little nervous because the professor has this reputation for being like strict or hard like he knows his [ __ ] but like he is a hard teacher so we're going to see how that goes today there's supposed to be um well there is a movie showing later at the amphitheater at 8:30 and my class is supposed to end at 6:30 but you know a syllabus week it really just depends on whether or not the teacher wants to start lecturing based off of you know what's going on in the the plan I have not been able to see his syllabus um my class at 4: um so I don't know I'm going to check after this clip but if it is um anyways I say all of that to say I was debating back and forth whether or not I wanted to go to the movie because it was either stay on campus for like the hour and a half you know what I'm saying if my class did end at 6:30 and then go to the movie or go back home and then just come back because that's if class ended at 4:50 I'm not staying until 8:30 on campus I don't have nothing to do I don't know nobody yet so it would just be a waste of time so I think I may not go because I am exhausted I'm not going to lie there's been a lot going on mentally and I don't know why I just woke up so tired this morning I actually woke up at like 9:00 or 10: and I kind of just stayed up I was trying to sleep in until 12:00 but my body was up but yeah I may not go back to campus after this class at 4: we'll see how I'm feeling though but um oh I'm waiting for my food at Cava so I'm trying Cava for the first time I hope it's really good so after I eat lunch I'm going to head over to campus um I know where to park now thankfully all my classes are in the same area for you know Monday through Wednesday um and yeah so I will take you guys with me when we're going to canva and then when I come back we'll do a little mukbang review for you guys y'all I picked up my food why is my hair look like this it looks absolutely crazy I'm so sorry y'all I got to get my life together but I picked up my food it looks good it just looks tiny so I don't I don't know about this but um this is what it looks like this is everything I got on there if you guys want to screenshot it I'm going to try and let you guys know I'm just waiting to make a U-turn I didn't realize how busy the street in front of my complex is but like Tennessee a Tennesse street whatever the [ __ ] the name of the street is she's a busy one like there's a lot going on on this road so I don't know how I feel about this but I'll talk to you guys when I'm back in my [Music] apartment I came to tell you I'm already [ __ ] this [ __ ] up okay halfway halfway through a um okay so remarks it's really really good so like I told y'all I showed yall my combo so I ended up getting half um baby spinach half saffron white wise chicken did I get hummus I ain't see no hummus in there anyway crazy feta taziki corn um pickled onion tudos feta cheese tudos and two vinegret it's really Savory which I don't mind but I wish there was like a hint of sweetness which I thought would be the corn um but yeah I think I need to just try a different dressing next time but overall I'm going give it a n out of 10 I I didn't give it a 10 out of 10 because the portion is a little small like ble be filling me up sometimes I can't even finish my bowl and I get a large bowl I bu um then like I said it's very Savory so like this is not something I would eat every day I need that like hint of like sweetness there to make it like a 10 out of 10 and the POR need to be bigger other than that immaculate excuse me is what hell no oh my God why does my hair keep doing this on camera I promise I'm not rag deal um but it's 3:18 I'm headed to campus now I was struggling to get out of bed y'all I'm not going to Li I'm very very tired um I don't think I'm going to come back for the movie night I want to come home lay down and take a nap like knock the [ __ ] out like I'm so exhausted um the Heat is not helping either um the heat definitely feels a little different up here not to mention it feels like it's almost 100 damn degrees outside hold on yeah as I was saying it feels like it's 100° outside granted I am wearing a long sleeve but the top is very thin and I'm wearing like black shorts and sandals I'm not even wearing sneakers and I feel like I'm boiling like I've only been outside for 2 minutes um but yeah this walk is going to kill me because from the parking garage to the building it's like a 3 minute walk I think and then those 3 minutes it be feeling like I don't know what and it's crazy cuz like I literally said like Cava was a 12-minute walk from my apartment I want to start walking to the places nearby and stop taking my car everywhere but it's too hot for that like I think I'm going to have to wait until like late September early uh October to start doing [ __ ] like that like it's I needed to like stop being summer now like I'm I'm kind of tired of the heat um and I've been doing good with the heat too like when I was in Savannah it was dry heat granon but I don't feel like I was dying of like the sun being so hot when I was in Savannah but yeah anyway I'm rambling I will see you guys when I get to campus get I appr [Music] comp good afternoon lorian today is August 28th it's about 2:45 probably um I just finished getting ready wearing a jumpsuit today just got to put on my cocoa butter and my trusty Dusty soap silver sandals cuz I'm about to wear them hes out yeah while it's still hot um so today I have two classes I have my policy class and then my practice with individuals I think it is that's probably not the name of it but that's what the name of it was when I was at underground but um I missed my first Fried Chicken Wednesday here y'all because I still don't have my ID card I submitted a photo Sunday when I could and I have to wait for them to approve Pro it and everything so still waiting still waiting it's it's Wednesday now um they said they would take 48 hours so I don't know how many people are requesting IDs right now but I do know they was open on Saturday so that should have helped out some anyway y'all what was I going to say um yeah I have two classes today one at 4: at 7 um I be trying to figure out new ways to like park closer to the buildings um so like yesterday I was walking back from class uh with my classmates and one of the girls picked they picked a lot that was like directly down from the building that we were at and she said well usually it be looking full to me so so today I'm going to attempt to try to find parking there if not I'm going just keep parking in the parking garage and walk my little happy ass up all of them Hills to where my classes are thankfully they're both in the same building they're in Tucker Hall today um so yeah I don't know I'm rambling uh I I'll talk to yall when there's something to talk about all right y'all so I'm leaving classes now both of my classes I had general practice for social work and I had policy I feel like I'm a like the classes a lot my professors are cool um I'm walking back to my car now I'm not going to Y these heels are killing me y'all I'm not used to this high elevation but I think in like a month or so I should be used to it cuz I have no choice but to go up and through these Hills and these streets okay we truly are on one of the highest of Seven Hills cuz Bab anyway just want to update y'all real quick and I'm going to think about what I'm going to eat for dinner I want the potato Wes fries that I had for dinner yesterday I forgot to record for y'all but um I got to figure out what's going to be the main course cuz I haven't eaten yet today and it's uh 8:00 so don't do what I do kids cuz my man be cussing me out so I'll see you guys when I'm back at home hey lorian today is August hold on sorry I never be knowing what day it is anymore today's August 29th um so I have a couple things to do a couple errands to run so I just got a notification that I have a package to pick up at the leasing office um I don't know what package it is because a couple of my friends said they were sending me things but we going to go find out we pick it up and then we parking the shade today um what was I going to say oh my ID for school is ready so I'mma to pick up my ID and I'm going to get some food cuz I did get a meal plan with some Flex Bus because I'm not going to be cooking all the time all the time um and then after that I think I'm just going to come back home try to organize my room for real for real cuz it's still not organized and I want to at least have it done you know cuz it's the first week of classes um there is a peep rally tonight but I'm not going to Y y'all I'm not comfortable enough to be going to events at the school by myself just yet and um I know everybody else that's pretty much in my class is working so um I'm going to try to figure out um if one of these other people I've been talking to can come to pep rally with me if not y'all just going to see me at home eat my little wins stop and chilling cuz y'all listen I'm still trying to figure out I definitely want to go to the gam sat today um I'm going to ask my roommate if she's free to go um again I'm ask another person I've been talking to a day free to go cuz uh it's the first home game of the season and I I just I'm a football girl I have to go but yeah I'll keep you guys updated I'm at my lacing office now [Applause] oh I didn't even realize I had started recording anyways sorry yall the AC is real loud but I got to I have to keep it loud cuz it's hot as hell and sorry if the camera is shaking my car is shaking and the thing is leaning up against it but I got a package from my fellow Aries queen I'm going to text her that I Gotti this is so cute it came in she put in like really cute fruit packaging but I'm put see what this is cuz this is a late birthday gift I think she was saying oap okay so we got some stuff in a gift bag here all right so she got me a mask I'm definitely going to be using this cuz yeah she got me a bracelet I'm going to put this [ __ ] on I love bracelets y'all but fact I am accessory girle okay if you ever want to get me anything give me anything that's red now that I go to fam give me anything fam related I'm a sister so sister merch ncnw merch braces accessories earrings I love all of it I'm so happy about this this is so cute and then there's something else also in here okay period so we have the dupe of the uh Van cliff bracelet so fun fact I had them around my birthday I y'all seen them they broke broke the ones I bought from Amazon so I'm happy to have new ones now so I can stunt on Friday cuz y'all just going to have to see what I'm wearing the set Friday but I'm excited about this okay she ate she ate she ate so far so good we still got some more stuff in here um what else oh and she gave me some fall Decor this is cute I like this I'mma put this on my window still but they're like little yarn pumpkins and that's everything she got me this is so cute thank you miss m she know who she is I'm put this Tex to her right now all right y'all so I'm trying to challenge myself not to use the GPS um going to campus so far okay I know for the most Parts the roads that I need to take so I need to start challenging my muscle memory cuz I used to be so good at it when I was living um in West Palm like I just go somewhere two three times and I get it so I done been to campus three times this week already when I was going back home yesterday I started figuring out where I was and so I turned off my GPS Midway into my my trip mind you I only live 10 minutes away from campus so I'm hoping that my memory does not fail me because it's a lot more twists and turns that I'm used to but I'm challenging myself y'all so yeah I'm headed to campus now to go pick up my a and get some food y'all why did it rain start raining as soon as I get my happy ass to campus so I was going to park in the Welcome Center parking lot cuz I seen that's also General but everybody was like leaving and coming leaving and coming and so I was like bro that's the closest one to where I got to go I just got to cross the street and go to the dang building so I had no choice but to park in the parking garage cuz I wasn't going to keep circling that [ __ ] lot waiting for parking spots I'm so sorry for cursing I was doing good but um I'm going to go to the building now y'all uh this rain didn't this this could have happened when I was still at home or on my way home anyway let's go see if this line is long o sorry y I almost forgot to Vlog okay so I was a little nervous to Vlog in the food court there wasn't that many people but it's like anyway um what was I going to say I I got my food after an hour of waiting but it's like it's Wing Stop like it always takes 45 minutes to an hour for your food what I don't like is the fact that my fries I lowkey feel like they were sitting there so they're cold um I hope the rest of my food is hot cuz I waited an hour so I'm on my way back home now um still debating on whether or not I want to go to this pep rally because supposedly doors open at 6:30 and the person that I asked to come with me she was saying like she don't know she going to go so I was like well I want to go I just don't want to go by myself so if you do end up deciding like you want to go let me know like what's up um but yeah it's giving I'm going to stay home tonight but we'll see y'all College is very spontaneous I just want to make sure I eat cuz I haven't ateen yet today so I know y'all it's bad but I'll get back to you guys when I'm either eating my wings stop or something else happened bab I forgot hey y'all so this is editing video I am so so so so so sorry there were so many things that I wanted to do during welcome week that I just could not do cuz like my social anxiety is bad and I feel like all I needed was just one person to come with me to these events and even talking to my man about it he was like you've been to whole countries by yourself like this is nothing and I'm like I feel like it's different and I was even talking to my other gr friend about it like it I moved to a completely different city I don't really know nobody like it's going to take me a little minute to get comfortable going places by myself like granted I could go get food by myself I could go to movies by myself but like going to whole ass school events yeah I don't know about that one yet um so I do regret not going to the pep rally I didn't even end up going to the football game cuz there was trouble with the tickets and I just didn't feel like going through more hurdles last week so I'm sorry for the lack of footage of following this I'm trying to get more for you guys

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