REPORT: Nick Chubb's training camp workouts have been IMPRESSIVE

So after practice on Friday guys or Saturday, excuse me, Nick Chubb was off on the side doing some drills by himself. And according to all reports, he looked tremendous, the media was not allowed to film said drills Sean Mary Kay Daniel from ESPN who was with us, Zach Jackson all tweeted out something right along the same lines as this just watched Brown's Nick Chub running full sprints after practice and cutting with tremendous agility. It was remarkable. We weren't allowed to film it. Jimmy Haslam watched the whole thing and looked very pleased they all. And by that, I mean, all the reporters out in the Greenbrier echoed the same sentiments about Nick Chubb guys. We've talked all off season. Will he be ready for week one? Will he not be ready for week one? He's an alien. I think Earl has called him the second coming or as close to Adrian Peterson as you can get when you see and hear reports from people who are there in person watching chub work out like this. Are you changing your percentage of how likely Nick Chubb is to play in week one? Are you bumping it up? Knowing that Mary Kay and Sean and Daniel and Tony and Darryl and all those guys out there all said the same thing. He looked incredible in these drills. I mean, for me, I mean, I was at a 98% chance that Nick Chub is gonna be ready. Now, I'm 100% like Nick is gonna be ready to go. They say my man out here moving like he ain't lost the step. He wears number 24. So you know what that means? That's straight up Mamba mentality. He's the second coming to Adrian Peterson. Listen, we gotta understand. We are in 2024 medicine, technology, surgery, rehab. All of that stuff is so far advanced than what we were 10 years ago, right? Plus we don't even know how like every human like heals. It seems like he's super human, right? It seems like he really is the dark knight. That's batman. I expect Nick Tub to be out there. Week one ready to roll. Remember he's playing on a restructured contract that has a lot of incentives built into it. I'm a person that believe you don't sign that contract if you nicked up, if you don't believe that you're physically capable, mentally capable of going out there and doing what's necessary to reach those incentives this year. Hell yeah, I got Nick Tu penciled in starting running back against the Dallas Cowboys, September 8th at 425 at Cleveland Brown Stadium. This is a dangerous sport. This is, this is no one here gets out alive. So I'm going to give you this. So this is, I know people will be excited. I'm, I'm just gonna give y'all, I know y'all excited. I know to some of you that's your favorite player that's, you know, like that's, to me, one of my most favorite players that I've ever watched, right? And I want him to be out there and if he's out there week one, I'm gonna be super happy but I'm not gonna be disrespectful in the way I say this, I don't, I don't think Tony Grossi is played running back. I don't think he's been, I don't think he's getting tosses. I, I don't know if Mary Kay has gotten the toss sweep before where people were chasing and running that inside zone play. Shout out to Mary Kay. She might be a good running back though. I think she's more of a receiver but the crazy part about it is all of that. All of that is cool. All of that is cool at the end of the day, but you gotta be out there cutting and moving, you gotta actually be out there catching the ball in, in, in, in, in 55 to hundreds of a second deciding whether I wanna cut back the way I wanna hop, step in the hole. Then the way I wanna do, I wanna spin, move and, and, and now you got to worry about guys around your legs. See, remember Nick Chubb did not get injured by just making a cut. He got injured by getting hit, he got injured by people. It's junk. There's, we call it trash. There's all kind of stuff that's on the ground. When you're running, running straight looks great. It's beautiful. Any, any world class athlete like that can run straight, any world class athlete is gonna come out and be like, listen, I could cut two. Let me see. Look, I'm cut right now, but there's a difference between putting them pads on and be 100% locked in. No swelling in EJ, no setbacks back to back practices. Do you need it to get it drained or you do? You need to, hey, what are you gonna wear a brace on it? That's the, it's a whole another life past just running straight and getting cuts. He would, I be surprised if he, if he did. Sure. But I don't want people to get their hopes up to a point where it's like, oh, this is slammed up, bro. Nick Chub game one. There is a lot of other different things, um, that go into you coming back to play football. Uh, and, and one of them is actually putting them pads on and taking hits. Yeah, I have the same opinion on this as I did of Deshaun Watson. Uh, and I know this wasn't the question around this but I'll use it. Uh Can we see anything from the, from Nick job that could change our opinion or expectations of them this year? Um The answer is yes, but it's only in a negative way. Um I, you know this from going through ac L rehab. I know this three times. There are clearance dates that you burn into your mind. You know what they are, your physical therapist gives them to you at five months. You wanna be light jogging on a treadmill at 6.5 months. You wanna be linear sprinting at nine months. You want to have the ability to put your foot in the dirt and cut and change direction. You know what he right on. It's about nine months and you know, and because I went through it three times and the severity of my injury was different each time, the first time it was AC L MC L PC L. That was the way more brutal, but it was also my first. The first is the first is the, your baby. It is. And, and you know what? You're kind of clear, you're clear minded too. You're like, oh yeah, I can do this and then when you do come back and you do things that you used to do and take fully for granted and there would never be pain association with it. And now all of a sudden that hurts and you get swelling afterwards and you need to ice and you're sitting for three days, all of that changes and no matter how big this is and no matter how big this is, the ligaments heal at their own pace, the ligaments don't care, bro. Now, they don't care. Now, your DNA has a lot to do with how all of that stuff recuperates. And to me when I look at Nick Chubb, he is ad uh uh a supremely DNA being, he's got it all. He's got the gift of power, strength, speed, agility, everything you want. This is uncharted territory. I'm not going to get excited because he can run linearly and look great. Why, why, why the request to not film? Where, where the hell are we? That's another thing. Did that come with a no filming when they did that because it was weird because you could film everything else in training camp. You literally everything else. I was, I'm wondering if the Browns were nervous. He may not look great and they seen him run the first time they saw him, don't you think they're counting that as, as medical? Like if he's in rehab, right? Is he still under a medical professional? So there it's almost like saying let me take a camera and watch you at PT physical look. If you don't want it filmed, then do it outside of the practice time when the media availability is on or inside, go inside and run inside. Remember the first rush hour movie, everything with Nick Chub is G 14 classified. Exactly. And look, I mean, I get it. You know, if you don't, I don't really understand what advantage you get or what disadvantage you put yourself under. If there's video of him running, we saw him squat 1000 pounds or whatever the hell it was. I bet you, I bet you Kevin Sinsky did not like, probably didn't, he, he looks like he does not like any of that. It's a message as you see that you're like, whoa, whoa OK, dudes back to superhuman strength again. It's, it's, but it's difficult. I don't want see sometimes when you're an athlete and I'll tell you to this Earl, you talked about his heart sometimes when you, when you do got a big heart and you're a hard worker, sometimes somebody got to pull you aside. But hey, bro, we know save you from yourself. We know like you be doing me. Yeah. Come on, come on, baby. Hey, just come out of the way together. Don't do that. Why you think it took me 14 years to get here? I had to start over three times. I've been trying be raised off the lead. I had to let me get rid of all these. Listen, but you know Nick, he, he wanna show you. I'm ready to go. And so what happens is if we start hyping it up like week, one week, one week, you already know, in the back of his mind, that's where he wanna be at. That's what he wants to be. You know, how hard it was to hit for him to watch the whole season last year and be a Nick Chubb. And, and you're right. So Jaden had 23 AC L si, had two A AC LM Cli didn't have PC L si, don't even count the scopes no more. I think I had like seven or eight scopes. But you're right. He about that time period that nine month and you know, when you get there because you're starting to do things and you're feeling good, right? You're feeling good about yourself. You don't got no swelling, you wi you without any of that going on and you like, I'm ahead of schedule. But though when you put them pads on, I've been there. You like, you have to have supreme confidence in the repetitions that you've had and being able to do it. It's just like we talked about Deshaun Watson. You saw what Deshaun Deshaun Watson said he was ready to go. But you see what it looked like when he didn't play for two years, right? Nick Chubb has not played football in a calendar year almost there. Granted, it's Nick Chubb running backs have a less acclamation period, but everything he does is instinctual. So he got a trust without a shadow of a doubt that if I put my leg right here, it's gonna be here when I get here. Listen, listen, it's tough. We sat here, we just talked about Deshaun Watson seeing everything, hearing everything and we all agreed that we glad that he has that type of chip on his shoulder. He uses that uses it as a motivator. You think Nick Chubb didn't sit here and read and hear everything about his career being over about him not being able to bounce back about that being his last season with the Cleveland Browns about he would never be the same player again. You seriously think Nick Tub didn't hear all that noise. You know, I don't, I don't, I don't think he said, I know, I think he does, you know, I don't think he seeks it out. He truly, I don't think he seeks it out, but I think he sees it and I think he hears it and the thing about Nick Tub is he's quiet and quiet people is the people that you gotta watch the most. This man has been chopping at the bit to touch the football field to get out there and prove that. Like I still got it and I hear what you're saying. Gee, like it's a dangerous sport and you wanna be careful and you don't know what it's gonna be until you get out there. But damn it at some time, you gotta get out there and see what it's gonna be all I'm doing. I'm just trusting on where we are as a country as a society when it comes to technology and medicine. Yeah. B Bruce Hall didn't have two surgeries but Bruce Hall towards AC L and he came back and he had a damn good season last year. Now, he didn't start the season. Week one, I don't believe. But when he got out there he didn't look like he lost a step. I just, the player, the person he is, I'm just in medicine and then I got some internal optimism as a fan of Nick Chub and as a fan of the team too, like, and it is its belief in the, this is a guy that we know has worked hard. We heard about him getting up every morning at 6 a.m. first one in putting in all the work, doing everything he needs to do. The one thing you'll never have to question with Nick Nick Chubb is effort like he'll go to the effort bar and then he'll double it. So I'm not worried about that at all. But what I am worried about is what he doesn't know about what he's about to go through. The, the in line running thing is, is cake. I think that for, for a running back, the AC L is so much it's the transmission, it's the motor and it's the wheels, it's everything. And II, I believe that he will come back. I'm hopeful that he'll be back at the beginning of the season. I'm also hopeful that he'll be back and look very similar to the old Nick Chubb. But understand that the degree of difficulty that he faces is extremely high, extremely high. There were some immediately after the injury that said this could be career ending. Now, those whispers have kind of quieted down. He'll tell us we can't see it in training camp, we'll see it his first game after 10 carries. We will all say, you know what? He's a little more hesitant running back. Can't lose that. You know what? He's lost a little bit of his speed running back, can't lose that. He's lost a little bit of his agility. A running back can't afford to lose that. That's how great becomes average and average becomes out of work. And let me, let me give you all this really quickly, y'all. I'm gonna just use what y'all said earlier. You said when we talk about the play calling and Kevin Sy and, and, uh, and Ken Dorsey, it's always easier to say, ok, I'm gonna, I'm gonna bring you along a little, a little slower kid and then if everything is great and I, we're rolling, I might give you the play calling abilities halfway through the season. But if I start off with you calling plays and it don't look good, guess what's gonna happen. I'd rather have Nick Chubb for a strong 12 game at the end of the season, bring him back in October, you know, just to make sure when he ready to go and he could come back and be mix up rather than starting him off in the first part of the year and saying, oh, we gotta, we gotta ease him into the like he, he, he's gonna have to sit out a couple of games due to swelling. He's gonna have to do this. I'd rather have him ready to go 12 solid games at the end of the year when we need him in the division. The disaster is you use them weeks, 12 and three and week three blows it out again. That's disaster. Or you have to shut them down, shut, shut them down or like you was doing Deshaun Watson on one game off one game and he's off the list. I listen, give him some time. Listen, I just told the chat this Nick Chub don't talk and he get mentioned in rap songs. The man will be ready to go. Week one big extra plug. Go, listen after the show 12. Get behind me. I stiff arm. I'm like, I'm Nick t trust me. Listen, don't you guys? You did not stiff arm law enforcement. The stiff arm in 12. See decoding what's going on? You don't stiff arm the cold line though, you know it was a cold but people end up cold behind cold lines. UC Ss S does not endorse that action

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