Michael Keaton Movies: Batman, Beetlejuice & More

at the show podcast with Tom yper Garcia okay you people sit tight hold the fort and keep the home fires burning and if we're not backed by Dawn call the president an Tony chalsa B I don't know this industry jargon YP MP whatever okay all I know is that I cannot get a record contract we cannot get a record contract unless I take these tapes it's almost time so grab a drink get your popcorn ready and join the film discussion with two guys from Chicago talking [Music] movies and we are back welcome to the at the show podcast hosted by the C penguin Studios I'm one of your co-hosts Tom yber Garcia and I'm with my other co-host Tony the sugar baggy BT how you doing my man welcome back everybody glad to be here this is amazing it's Friday yeah it's pretty crazy man uh I was looking at our episodes we are this is episode number 28 for season 4 uh we are pretty much approaching like all like I think we had 36 episodes in the past three seasons uh that I mean we are I have a feeling that by the end of December we will surpass every episode you had for the first three seasons yeah it's looking like that I'm just going this uh every weekly thing is good what I really like the most is just we can plug in man and we rock I mean that's really it like I mean you know you just got on here I just got on here and and we're ready to talk some movies yes I'm Michael Pena and that's McLovin I am not amused good job there Sam uh so we have a big pack shows for you today a big pack action pack show for you today we're discussing one of the greats Michael Keaton we are discussing today uh some thoughts on Michael Keaton tone Oh man one of the best I mean you you've been in superhero movies been in action movies been in hardcore drama been in Thrillers I mean he can do it all yeah one of the best uh actors uh started in comedy really shows like his range as an actor has continuously gotten better as he gotten older uh still the best Batman in my opinion I know people are not going to like that but uh still the best Batman uh I love Katon and everything he does even the horrible horror movies that he gets ripped on for like white noise uh but we're gonna be doing a not a deep dive but we're gonna be talking about some of our Michael Keaton favorites that we have some deep cut some ones you may know so we have a surprise list for you uh doing that um but first T let's get into our regular scheduled programming and go in I'm sorry I'm bringing with Sam's commentary if you hear me laughing and you're listening to the audio version check out the live version or the recorded version on YouTube because Sam posts some funny comments and he just made fun of my uh pack tonight he says jumper has a big pack for all of us tonight huh yes um but uh let's get into what we've been watching it my man that's a me and also what were you just watching tone what were you watching this week my friend two movies that I watched this week and first off is um Steven soderberg's Behind the Candelabra a movie that was made for HBO whoa who uh came out about five six years ago and honestly this movie is um one of my personal favorites for a lot of reasons um not not much the music even though you know I am a big music man um it came out a little longer than that it came out 11 years ago 2013 but I've watched it so many times it feels like it came out about four years ago but for me this movie The performances of Michael Douglas and Matt Damon really seal it um if you're looking for something that is really really campy and really really ridiculous the life of Liberace is the story story in this movie you know in in a few days oh no no I don't want baby boy to have to wait that long why don't you just uh book a flight and come up this evening at at my expense um again really uh out there performance by Michael Douglas playing Liberace but even more is Matt Damon and um the reason I bring this movie up is the character that Matt Damon plays in this movie sadly passed away in real life this week Scott Thorson and this movie uh is a really in in interesting look behind the actual candala and if you're looking Steven Soderberg who has done great movies the Oceans 11 series he has done so many awesome movies his movie Direction and style you can see it in this movie and he's actually got this new horror movie coming out that I'm sure we'll talk about when it does but again um one of my personal favorites um again it's a really really good look at somebody who honestly I didn't know anything about until I just watched on HBO you ever see this one not this film uh but from the comments uh what Caitlyn is saying that this is better um a hidden gam of Michael Douglas and Matt Damon in Perfection uh and yes Buster Keaton is better than Michael Keaton I guess uh Buster Kon the uh comedian uh but uh yeah definitely interested Liberace was such a um an interesting you know charact of course before my time and I don't know it's probably a little bit before yours as well I mean you're probably really young uh when he passed I think it was like ' 88 when he died yeah yeah but but everybody talks about him like everybody talks about like his uh his impact on not just Opera but like his performances extravagant lifestyle like so it'll be something interesting for me to check out what famous uh horror movie the lead horror character in the movie um is a fan and I'll say she is a fan of liberachi O Kathy Bates oh misery mhm when she says to him when you're done writing it we could sit up and listen to my Liberace record so that's hilarious because I think of this movie too but ridiculous if you get a chance it is actually more funny than it is anything serious Rob low does a really great job in the movie too um but uh yeah that's that and the other thing that I watched was last weekend um I saw alien ramulus I had it uh uh you know I'm trying to really digest what I watched um in away I'm not don't want to give away any spoilers for anybody who hasn't seen it but from my from me being somebody who has digested every piece of alien lore up until this point on a scale of one to 10 I would go into the six range five and a half six um I could could even be a little bit more harsh if I wanted to not it could be for many reasons it could be because I really hyped it up in my head and it did not live up to what I wanted it to be it could be that it's a conglomeration it reminds me a lot of uh rise of the Skywalker um where you're just getting a little bit of everything from about five or six movies and even what you are getting that's original doesn't really feel but the one thing I will say about the movie beyond all of that is it looks great on the screen it looks stylishly awesome the performances are really good it's just some differently I would have probably done different in the storyline so this story takes place between aliens and the original alien right that is correct yes okay because I think I saw a list of how to watch um the aliens in progression of sense of time I think Alien versus Predator recum and then Alien versus Predator and then I believe it's Ali than this one oh Prometheus like there's parts of this movie prome movies than this one like or something like that there there's a lot of there's definitely Prometheus in this movie there's a lot of actually you wouldn't believe it a feeling of alien three and Alien Resurrection um and then there's obviously the feeling of alien I'll just give one gripe just one small gripe for myself is you know that at the beginning of the movie they are uh like uh they work on a a planet that they are pretty much like a mining planet and they have the opportunity to go up to this uh not really the opportunity they're just going to take the opportunity to go up to this abandoned spaceship and what ends up happening is is so they go this was my problem they go literally up into space and they're at the craft oh okay they like they they didn't go up in space and fly a while and find it it was literally they're on the planet and the ship just goes up and they're like okay there it is and like to me there's a little bit too much of that in here like Oh by and one review I read and this will be the last thing I'll say it was like there was a a pause and a play on when you wanted to decide when you wanted everything to come to life and when you didn't which is a little bit different than honestly rewatching alien and Aliens it's very organic like you don't have that feeling it feels like you're there in the thing but honestly we're checking out because it is an alien movie um better than probably this movie we're going to talk about here in a few minutes that you wouldn't seen what have you been watching uh but before we go uh the order I was telling you about yeah I'm sorry it's AVP Alien versus Predator first the second movie is Aliens versus Predator recream then you watch Prometheus alien Covenant alien the original aliens alien 3 Alien Resurrection and ramulus will fall in between alien and Aliens so it'll be right between those two so it would be the sixth movie you watch and the rest of them on um and real Qui and also real quick they're adding I don't know if you know this next year on FX uh there's going to be a television show which is supposedly taking place before alien MH and it's on Earth so it's going to be interesting that's interesting I will watch it I like alien I think uh Resurrection kind of is the thrown around term for like movies that just get PR remade Resurrection um it's kind of a cash grab yeah but but um I can feel you it's kind of funny you saw that movie and then you know well let's get you know what let's get into what I watched that was good so uh I am a huge fan of the Georgia Lopez Show uh for those who have not woken up at 2: in the morning with her TV still on you probably heard Low Rider by War playing and you see the introduction of them jumping on the trampoline uh I have watched it like when it first came out I had all the seasons on DVD that they were released I think they had seasons one and two which you have here I don't know if they released three and four but I was waiting for them to come out uh peacock has all them on there now which I have been watching uh just going through them I finished suits for like the seventh time so I wanted to try something new uh I didn't want to get to Vice yet because I want to dedicate a little more time uh to it um so I started watching George Lopez during my lunch breaks and when I have free time uh so I'm through season two right now but uh funny show I mean it's one of the first Latino driven shows I can remember uh probably you know just a full Latino cast since an America like Americanized one that I can remember maybe in history I haven't really looked into it um but it was revolutionary for its time I mean it brought his career up from just being a comedian with a lot of help from Sandra Bullock and she's actually in the show a couple for a few episodes and she produces it uh but it brought me him a household name he got a TV show out of he got movies out of it and now he's getting a boot off stage on uh comedy shows but um I remember the Latin Kings of comedies where I was first introduced to him and he was like he sold a show that day and I guess that kind of popped him off to this but uh if you haven't seen it it's kind of funny it kind of Peaks into like a behind the curtain a little bit about his own personal life growing up uh he didn't he didn't really have parents he was raised by his grandmother and didn't really have a great relationship and he kind of puts that on his mom uh but he turns into funny so there's a lot of stuff in there that uh Latino families would get and even you know the American viewer would get um I'm sure you've watched George Lopez before oh yeah I mean George Lopez I've spent much many many times um I I I've went through every a lot and lot a lot of Comedians and he is one that uh I mean he's as you stated you know what I mean he's a classic for what he does and this television show I love shows like this I mean I'm a sucker for a show that just has this setup and um because there's quite a bit you just can because it it's a it makes you feel good I mean right when you watch this movie you don't I mean this show you're not like yeah this it's to make you feel good and George does a good job doing that yeah a lot of good comedy thrown around uh and then uh so I mentioned last week that I did happen to go see the 2024 remake of The Crow uh this film was in development hell for years uh I know there is rumors of Jason Mamoa taking over it uh you know at the end Bill Skarsgard decided to join the film uh he's in it with FKA twigs who's a u singer uh Danny Hudson's in it which you know I couldn't think of his name but until you reminded me Danny Huston Houston I'm sorry isn't it uh it's directed by Rupert Sanders uh who did Snow White and Huntsman and Ghost in the Shell which got bombed um the American version so I went in with a clear my eyes most of you know and I know Tony knows I am a huge fan of the original Crow uh not just for the music soundtrack which I think is epic and what it's probably mostly known for but the iconic appearance of the way film shot it's really dark uh Alex poras who does the film does dark city and you can see a lot of the crow in that film that film was really creepy I really like that film as well um I just love the way it's dark and the original books I read the first three of them uh they were all in a dark way written now the air the Brandon Lee facial paint is Brandon Lee's own take on the crow the facial paint actually in the crow this film The Crow is actually the way it is in the book which is fine uh so without further Ado I went to the film with my wife she went with me she's a fan of the crow as well we actually sat into seats next to people who are wearing the brand Le shirts uh it was like C Mega fans with us on the right of us it was the first weekend it opened uh it wasn't packed which uh kind of gave me a warning uh I didn't see any reviews on it from like Roper or anybody like that which kind of gave me red flags there uh but I sat down to watch it and the first 45 minutes were basically uh a love story and it was like am I watching The Crow um and people will say oh well it's a remake it's that you know they're just taking it a different you know I call [ __ ] on that because if you're taking a different way to take the story then you don't Name the characters Eric and Shelly if you could be if it a sequel to The Crow that's fine but this is not this is a remake you're telling the re retelling of the story now did I expect it to be the poras version no uh some of the filmatography was nice some of the scenes that were shot were really nice it's more gory than the original uh I personally did not like it I my wife did not like it I thought the music soundtrack was horrible in it uh and I'm a huge fan of sansy gold but you had some knockoff version of sansy gold playing it just didn't go with it I've heard people call this movie emo there's not one emo thing about this film The only emo thing is the way Robert uh spill scarg guard looks uh the characters I felt were not likable in terms of Eric and Shelly they were I'll tell you to SPO I'll give you a quick spoiler they're drug addicts in this film spoiler yeah yeah they're not likable they really aren't uh it doesn't explain a lot of things that have happened uh the you know the some the characters aren't even named and I know in the original Crow top Balor wasn't named Michael um wilcott uh character but you know it's pretty much known he was top dollar and they kind of messed around they have a character that's kind of like the ghost the skull Cowboy which was in the original but they cut it out they have a character like that in here but it's not a skull uh skull cowboy It's actually just a man uh it's it's kind of like out there there's some stuff that they threw in from the books like the horse with the Thorns with a barb wire which is fine for the book but the emphasis on this film just made it was a waste of time I what I was very displeased and when the music was playing my wife was just looking at me laughing because she's like yeah I'm like this does not belong in like a film like this it just didn't it didn't go with it and you know there's Dante's infernal there's a scene with Dante's inferable infernal uh you know that opera scene of it where he goes on this Killing Spree it was just it made no sense uh there was no likable characters in it and usually like I know Brian is like the original but he always says that the soundtrack was great there was no good thing that came out of this I've read reviews from people who said they liked it and I read reviews of people who said that they haed it uh I would my final thoughts on it uh I thought the crow salvation with Edward Furlong was better than this film oh wow that's um that's just me I think they spent too much time on the Love Story instead of getting to the revenge and whatnot I thought the way they did it in the original where they did flashbacks of him like showing his love was good and Jack you know what unlikable drug addicts we have a film that we're going to talk about tonight where somebody has an an addiction yeah and he's not likable but his Char un likeable yeah his the way he's played is likable I mean yeah but you're supposed to like these characters I don't know I mean scars guard's a good actor um unfortunately I think just like not as you know not alien was better it sounds like than than this but still when you have just the script that it doesn't matter who you are as an actor man it's going to drag you down Danny Houston's a great actor we discussed that last week um yeah not uh not not pleasant on the eyes but I did out of like a hundred bad reviews see one person who tried to make light of the movie and liked and I was trying to like of course when it comes on streaming I'll check it out but I'm you know I'm glad for thank you for your service jumper for for going to see this movie it's funny you say that because I'm I'm a like I am a movie ner a legit one you know that I'm a part of a a crow Facebook group and they were building this up for like since it was the Mamoa days like if you guys don't know like Jason Mamoa who is Aquaman he released a short of him in the crow makeup he's a huge fan of the original from what my understanding is that he wanted to do a film but he didn't want to do the original he wanted to do a sequel to it but pay homage he wants to be a police officer who was killed with his family and then comes back which I thought was awesome like to think about it like it's a different you know when with him the style he wanted to shoot looked awesome uh he left because they wanted to redo the original that's why that was one of the sticking points of reason he left um and it's funny you say the CR famously bubbly Sam because there's a part in there with champagne there's also a part where they go to like a uh a camping site and they D the girl dances around a fire it looks like a legit like romance movie like you would not think of it as as a crow no you know uh if I if I'm going off the top of my head it was 97 or what what year did City of Angels come out do you know 96 9798 I think City of Angels came out 96 you know I I saw that one in the theater with my friends um I did not see the original and I left not like this movie stinks like like you stated you know you probably like that one a lot better than this one because it still has a feeling of what the crow stands for and probably how you feel about it yeah I think that one uh it's like you I don't like the retelling tell a new a different story use that's what I like I like and Hollywood this is you know I talked about this a previous podcast Hollywood kind of going through where it's trying to get a cash grab if you make a remake and it's good then you know I'm all for it you know we just talked about uh uh the body Invasion of the Body stanes which is a remake it's considered one of the greatest remakes if not the greatest remake in film history and that's not just me saying it that's like critics eert Cisco has even Cisco hates horror movies other people like respected people with bigger opinion you know bigger you know clout than me and Tony have read this oh yeah you can do it it just don't do a cash grab and I understand what you know this is a cult classic that didn't make a ton of money at the beginning it made good money but it just I don't know you brought it back for this and now any good storylines that are going to come out of this like that would have came out of something that was successful are dead now because it's damaged goods oh real quick before we move on um they just made an announcement this week of a movie that we covered well uh we we said what how many episodes have we done 27 we covered it like 20 episodes ago it's labomba they're remaking labomba now really quick just a quick idea how do you feel about that so the original actor no not the original actor the original creator of the story is involved uh and he is considered the Godfather of Latin uh Broadway I I'm I mean I would like to see how it goes I think the original was good but I mean I don't know if you can have it like let me put you this way in today's society is this the movie that people are going to feel like they did about the original that's the problem it's like Westside Story with Spielberg like it could be a great movie but it's not going to give you the feeling of that original West I don't think so I hope they go into like more detail that is something that could be a positive more but who are who are we getting rep the great Lou Diamond Phillips and you is Morales like you g get to replace him that's it right there the show that's it um even Elizabeth Pena and the the what I can't remember her name who played the mother she did a great job she was in Stand deliver too yeah I mean who are you getting to replace it that's really in my head just like in the crow um honestly uh Brandon Lee is a huge what if story you know and you know scars guard he probably will not make another Crow after this if Brandon Lee would have lived how many crows would he made if he would have still lived you know I don't know yeah but it was that was his shot to start uh Superstar he was supposed to be uh Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat oh that would have been awesome but um all enough of my ranting this is what we this is what we watch this week uh if you feel different about the movies we talked about ilien ramulus and the crow let us know in the comments let us know in uh in you know DMS anywhere tweets anywhere you know we have our stuff time for Timothy chamot to do an Eddie murphrey style picture where he plays all the roles it could be but he's actually gonna be playing Bob Dylan yeah I was gonna say that yeah uh which looks kind of interesting it does it does that was one of the trailers for uh Alien I don't know if it same thing for the crow the Bob film so it looks like I'll definitely go see that uh he I guess he does his own singing uh but it's it's a musical one yeah there's a lot of musical coming out this year too some big ones Joker too is coming out be interesting but yeah that's our what we've been watch this week uh please uh bear with us for our rant and again let us know what you guys think over at the at the show pod or at lumper on Twitter or at the sugar baggie uh we are also on Facebook and YouTube let us know in the comments uh but tone let's get into the meet but potatoes here let's stop uh whining about uh well not whining feeling depressed about the films we saw let's talk about some uh some good stuff with our man Michael Keaton let's do it so just a little background of Mr Michael Keaton uh Michael Keaton has been nominated for only one Oscar which I thought was really crazy when I was looking through his stuff um he's aomin for one Oscar which he did not win of course it was for Birdman uh he has two Golden Globe wins for best actor one in a show called dopesick and the other for Birdman and he was also nominated for live from Baghdad uh he has earned 6.8 billion dollar in films meaning his films have all earned whether he's starring producing or or uh supporting actor all his films have together have made 6.8 billion which is ridiculous uh so people don't think of uh Michael ke as a money maker and he is definitely a money maker in film Tom he sure is and honestly he's still to this day putting out Quality quality work and by all indications by listening um the main reason we're doing this is because well he's got a new Beetle Juice coming out Beetle Juice Beetle Juice and not only that but recently on HBO he released this uh new movie that kind of slipped under the radar this last year called Knox goes away and it's kind of a well like a thriller kind of and it's honestly it's really good so check that that out too yes and of course he has reprised his role in you know as Batman of course in the flash he's also done a movie that has not seen the uh eyes of the audience uh in backer I think it was written off for as a loss um there is push to get that you know uh released um he's reacted in 92 films so and he's 72 years old and hopefully he goes stronger he's still he looks good he still got his uh you know he's still there acting chops are still strong so hopefully he can put out some more bangers before you know he settles and rides off to the sunset what I really like about him is just this week he the story came out because he was in Tim Burton's Dumbo and he in this article he stated how he felt he kind of let Tim Burton down that it wasn't he didn't feel like he gave everything he could now that's a man who really cares about his craft still late in the game and honestly that's really admirable yes sir uh you want to get into the first one my friend let's do it we got a big day out there big one got a full moon people are going to be amped all right let's see what we got on Hot Tips all right whoa the new bath mats one more thing we got a serial rapist in Crown Heights I oh jeez I'm sorry that's from my other job ignore that forget that well don't ignore it if you live in Crown Heights the you know walking pears 2010's the other guy guys Michael Keon plays the role of Captain Jean Mack it's directed by Adam McKay who also directed Vice don't look up Step Brothers tal Knights the ballot of Ricky Bobby Anchor Man one and two and The Big Short the film stars Will Farrell Mark Wahlberg Eva Mendes and of course Michael Keaton it had a budget of $100 million and a box office of 170 million with 32 million coming in video sales now although Keaton does not Star as the lead in this film uh he is is rather hilarious as the um supervisor or Lieutenant of the detective squad uh Jean mck who also works at Bed bat and Beyond which is what he was doing there telling his employees about the new bath mats uh he is to me it's one of my favorite roles of him because he always quotes TLC and my wife being a huge TLC fan laughs at it I don't want you go chasing the waterfalls I don't want no scrubs and then he doesn't realize that he is doing so when they talk to him there a bunch of comedic great comedic timing uh great buddy cop film uh and he just adds in that extra you know flare and comedy to it uh one of my favorite Parts is when uh he's on the phone and will farell comes in and says Gator need is getap you big time [ __ ] and he's like what he just gives it back to him you know it just makes me laugh um this film uh the other guys is a you know a film that doesn't really B talked a lot about in will frell's phography as well as Keaton's and it's one of my favorite Keaton performances what about you T really hilarious ious movie um since we've done the amazing hilarious comedy episode with Mr Sam Reeves I've been catching a lot of Will farl on television and um been laughing and honestly the other guys is another great example of that and with Michael Keaton um being who Michael Keaton is and honestly he can do the dry like he deliver his delivery is dry which makes it hilarious where like some people it sounds like they're trying to be funny where he is being funny just naturally and I think that's what he's great at in this role especially yes he is naturally funny uh and the crazy thing is till tone I was doing a little research for this uh there was a possibility of Mark Walberg and Michael Keaton working together in a film called Batman Forever which I know you love uh wallberg was considered to play Robin and Keaton was originally considered to play Batman again of course he did not he turned it down uh so wallberg did not get the role of Robin but that would have been kind of funny now this is really a big year for uh I think by taking a look for Mr Michael Keaton is 2010 because in 2010 it's a good four or five years before he has a movie that is super successful and also in 2010 he comes out with Toy Story 3 and his performances Ken is hilarious also so like in 2010 you can say in a way is a little bit of that Keat and Renaissance that's getting people re familiar because before that you know it had been a while since he had been something that memorable for people to remember yeah and this film has it all it has comedy it has action it has like uh Baseball Superstars and Derek Jeter who gets shot by Mark wiberg uh it also has iced tea doing the narration of it a decent soundtrack too I always remember Season of the Witch when he's becoming the police crossing guard and that's playing while he's doing that part always makes me laugh uh it's got one probably one of the most memorable uh willf far flashbacks when he talks about uh being Gator is uh his Eagle his alter Eagle Gator who was actually a pimp uh but uh it's pretty hilarious if you haven't seen it I definitely recommended you to check it out yeah I mean and then all of a sudden Steve kogan's in this too and Steve cougan is hilarious I mean anything and rewatching it I forgot he was in this too yes uh he's uh on the bad guys when he gives them uh the Cucumber flavored water and you're very excited about that uh I love this quote from um what's up Philly my man Sam it says uh listen guys I've got two jobs I work here and I have another job at Bed Bath and Beyond I'm doing it to put a kid through anyu so he can explore his bisexuality and become a DJ Michael ke is Fest there uh being hilarious yeah it's a great film uh they play off each other so well and you got remember too the buddy cop you know there's another buddy cop film that came out out during this time it was the Bruce Willis Tracy Morgan Uh Kevin Smith vehicle uh copout that bombed and Kevin Smith hates it yeah so this one was one of the better of the two but if you haven't seen either guys check it out but tone let's go into yours my man let's do it we're going to do it the Jack Butler method what is this this is nuts Mr Mom directed in 1983 released in 1983 directed by Stan jatti he also directed she's out of control the man with one red show uh Dirty Little Billy and necessary roughness which is uh a great film it was written by John Hughes who directed such films such as Breakfast Club Home Alone 16 Candles feris spelers stay off Pretty in Pink Uncle Buck Weird Science he was like the master of the 80s and teenager dramas and comedies uh the film stars Michael Keaton Terry gar Frederick kler tiis and jaffy and mark mole the late great Martin Mo the movie had a box office of $64 million on a $5 million budget I picked that uh quote because it always cracks me up because he's like we're doing it my way and he's like what is this and just make it's like it's so he's trying to KI his kids to school during the pouring rain uh but let us know why you picked this film as one of your greatest your great Keaton uh Explorations uh probably my first honestly if you said in your head what do I remember the first and it's not like I sat down and watched it I remember my mom watching this movie and like me walking in and her just saying how much you liked the movie but now recent you know in the last couple years I I've rewatched it and the story is pretty something that I think actually resignates more now than probably it did even when it came out um just the idea that he has to stay at home with the kids because unfortunately he's been laid off and that whole interaction um with the laying off and the working is again just great Michael Keaton he's delivering uh the lines and in a very humorous way that you wouldn't usually try to laugh at because he's well getting fired or or leaving and and Terry gar is is great too and Martin Maul I mean there's not a whole lot not to say about this movie it reminds me a lot of the movie I talked about last week overboard you can play them back to back and have a really Feelgood um time because at end they got a really good message I mean that's really the point for this one I think yeah and you have like a a younger Christopher Lloyd in his film I mean he's old but he's looks young I totally forgot he was in his film Jeffrey tamber who is his boss is in his film I watched it today um when I was uh finishing up our notes and stuff uh just to see it again because uh it's is a it's a quick watch and it's pretty hilarious it's it feeds on all the stereotypes that they believe that women go through to you know as a staying home mom and he basically took it and a lot of that stuff still kind of rings true what the moms go through it's not an easy job to be a stay-at-home mom like people think it is uh especially when he has three kids uh to take care of uh the first time he gives his kids a bath he has one of his kids in the water with his socks on because he's in like water touching his feet which makes no sense uh when he's doing the laundry he basically puts all the detergents into one thing the house hes gets set on fire he loses his kids the grocery store it's just a lot of like uh Tom foery that happens uh it's pretty crazy that you know Ron Howard was actually asked to direct this film but he turned it down in order to make splash and Keaton turned down Splash to make this film this is his first film he ever had for top billing uh but you know it wasn't the only he wasn't the only person considered for it for the role of Jack Butler they had Chevy Chase considered Michael Douglas Steve Martin and John Travolta uh also for Caroline Butler who's Terry gar uh character they had Karen Allen Jane curtain Farah faet and Sally Field I think they picked the two right direct uh actors to be in this film I think of course Chevy Chase and Steve Martin are hilarious in their own way but I think Michael Keaton's kind of like he's still a jock like he even shows in the film a little bit and he's got that dry sense of humor kind of puts it out there that makes me laugh that uh he was just perfect for this one well that's you know that's what's another movie which we're not going to cover tonight but there's kind of a little bit of a connection that uh you shared with me that I didn't know about was that uh Michael Keaton's character in the movie he States uh where are we gonna catch catch on Nagasaki and then three years later he stars in this movie gung-ho which is pretty awesome hilarious movie that's got another hilarious Michael Keaton performance but even there that's kind of a cool little connection yeah uh which is kind of funny so Brian there's your gungho reference on your you saying that we better have it but we were I knew we were going to mention gungho at one point in here uh but yeah this is like it's kind of crazy how those two you know films are kind of related both onot industry um it's there's certain parts too where he says uh talk to my kid like that again I'm gonna P knock you out and he punch the way he punches the guy it just makes me laugh because it's it's a hell back punch but it still makes me laugh um and then his crazy uh what's her name the girl that loves him uh Jane I her name is she's like in love with him that she doesn't care that he's married she just runs over there and then he has dreams of the soap opera it's just it's a bunch of stereotypes but it's funny Joan jul that's her name but uh if you haven't seen it check it out it's definitely worth to watch it's short and it gets to the point and you could totally tell it's like a John Hughes film because it's a real smooth tailing doesn't drag uh check this one out for sure good pick thank you uh but let's get into our next film prostitution hey we can say it we're big kids now right you know a lot of times it'll help you to understand a word if you break it down so let's do that now shall we cross doesn't mean anything forget about that tit I think we all know what that means two okay two t and Sean of course from the um Latin to shun say no uhh thank you anyway I don't want it to push away do even belong in this word really so let's get rid of that 1982's night shift Michael ke plays a role as Bill blaz jski or Billy Blaze as he calls himself in the film the film was directed by Ron Howard who also did Apollo 13 the paper Backdraft Parenthood Willow gung-ho cocoon Ransom Cinderella Man the missing A Beautiful Mind Frost Nixon and splash it stars Henry Winkler Michael Katon Shelly Long Gina hike and Bobby Deo this is actually the chico B this is actually Keaton's film debut and he steals the show on this film it had a box office of $21 million and a budget of eight it was my first introduction to Michael ke my parents L this film of Night Shift I remember they had uh an old poster my there had down in the basement rolled up of this film I was and it's him on a bike uh Michael ke's on a bike which always cracks me up but he is so eccentric in this film he has he's a guy who has so many ideas like he wants to put for tuna fish he wants to feed the fish Mayo before uh giving them to people so people can get mayo with tuna fish already just the stupid things he comes up with he he knows he's going to win at Black and he goes to the casino and he loses big and he says he gets kicked out cuz he was going to win big but the real reason they kicked him out was CU he threw his drink at the dealer because he thought he was cheating uh just stuff like that and then you know you have the meek little you know opposite of the Fons and Henry Winkler who just basically just eats [ __ ] all the time and just takes it doesn't fight back he has like a condescending girlfriend who's obsessed with her weight you know he sees that his neighbor across the street across the way as a prostitute and he named Shelly long he eventually falls in love with her and Michael Keon brings up this crazy idea how about we become their pimp since her Pimp's dead we work at a morg let's run her business out of there and they run a business out of there also you get a you know a first appearance of Kevin cner in his film as a fret boy in the it's a it's like they played Winkler and cner play Winkler and Katon played so well together off this film you know as a straight great man and the goofy guy I really enjoyed it I watched this one yesterday night and I still laughed at it and you also get a Richard Belzer uh appearance and who is the cousin of Henry Winkler for those who don't know a Munch from the um SVU series but it's well this is one of my favorite Keaton films and it's the film that put him on the map what you think about this one ton this is my favorite Keaton film and this is the favorite film that we're talking about tonight um for lots and lots of reason Reasons I'm not going to cover them all tonight because first I'm because you're going to be like this is Chuck telling Bill to shut up that would be you and keep playing that so maybe we need that sound clip if we ever keep talking this is Chuck telling bill but that again um is just a great uh a great great uh movie um for me personally again loving music um the music in this movie is incredible um my my dad like your dad was again huge end of this movie and so was my mom I can't remember if it was this or I just went with Mr Mom because I can't imagine me seeing this first at like six or seven but I do remember Mr Mom but what I do remember is my dad saying this was his introduction to this band and this is one of my favorite bands um uh the scene when they go into the dance club and talk talk is blasting um from my per my father he immediately ran out and had to find talk talk and I remember growing up and going to lots of malls and him buying lots of talk talk cassette tapes all spanning from Night Shift um my love of talk talk I guess is span from him span from Night Shift The Comedy in this movie is is tops um Michael Keaton um if you love comedy Michael Keaton is delivering top of his game comedy and actually Henry weeker is doing a very good job too um it's sad that he doesn't do more of this in movies because he's great in water boy he's great in this there's a big gap you know between and scream but there's not a lot more but man the scenes and honestly the scene you played there the clip at the beginning just that whole entire scene man I'll never forget going and running to my friends and needing to show them that scene right there and saying I got the scene to show you prostitution okay Pro and then we went through it and we would always keep doing it so I'm gonna have to reach out to some friends and let them know that they definitely need to see this tonight yeah and this one of the parts that always cracks me up too is uh when he's like oh you know we got to protect the girls we got to protect the girls and he's like uh he's like what's in your shirt he pulls out the big wads look T yeah he's got he's got WS in his shirt to make him look like like he's got more muscles which cracks me up uh even at the end when he works for the uh the Club Paradise oh yeah as the caveman comes in yeah and he tells uh he tells the boss like jag off he's like what' you say he's like oh no no I heard it's a t it's a music it's so loud isn't it like he's he's awesome in the film and you know he has he has some physical comedy for Katon uh I always from this film I always remember song talk talk I remember Jumping Jack Flash oh yeah because that's all he sings yeah with Rod Howard's brother Clint Howard he drives he tells him uh you like music he's like yeah he starts singing Jumping Jack Flash for him while they're driving away uh just a great film and I you know Kurt Russell and Mickey work were considered for the role of Billy I'm glad Katon got it it's perfect for him and I'm glad this kind of shot him off to Superstar him another great again musical scene is when they throw the party at the Morgan Van Halen's blastin and they're everywhere all the girls are all over the place I mean the movie is just a dream uh and that too and I'm the whole idea man yeah I got they're rushing at me Chuck there's a there's a quote though that I use a lot and nobody knows what I'm ever talking about and it's a scene at his job and I always say this and it's when the other guy comes in and he's like he's like I'm working here now and he's like my name's so and and then he goes oh you got the same last name as the other guy he's like yeah you know I'm his C he's like he's just it's he sucks and has to work in the midnight shift because this guy's family's taking he's he's my nephew or something yeah yeah don't worry about that don't worry he's my nephew we pushed around um his wife is hilarious his first wife in the movie the one he's going to marry and she's like has to keep turning the lights on and they're struggling search the house yeah uh it cracks me up too when Keaton first meets him and he comes he's like oh yeah my name is uh Bill Bowski you can call me Billy Blaze he goes um yeah is that your wife he's like oh no it's my fiance he's like oh he looks at the picture and he's like nice frame and then he put it back down it's just like he's just such so weird eccentric it just cracks me up he just continuously talks to him the whole time uh while they're there uh it's a great film if you haven't seen it check it out it's a movie that brought him to Superstar and actually this film is the reason that he got Mr Mom in the first place it was his first film after his success at night shift uh so if you want to see early Keaton the earliest Katon check this one out uh you won't be disappointed um tone let's go on to your next pick my man let's do it I think maybe you got a little too much sugar in your diet we do things differently around here Dan put the gun away maybe I will and maybe maybe I won't St R you shouldn't grab me Johnny my mother grabbed me once once Johnny dangerously released in 1984 Michael King plays a role as Johnny dangerously AKA John Kelly the film is directed by Amy heckerling who also did loser look who's talking and Look Who's Talking Too National Lampoons European Vacation best time at ront high and Clueless Stars Michael Keaton Joe Piscopo marlu Henner Marine Stapleton and Peter Bole the movie had a box office of 17 million on a budget of nine T tell me why you picked this one well you know we like gangster movies we like comedy we like Ridiculousness we like Michael Keaton um huge fan of a lot of the actors in this movie This is actually one only a couple years ago I finally sat down because I would catch little pieces of this all the time like in like my teenage years and I'd be like I'm not watching this this is like the 1930s this is but then I know Michael Keaton and some of the other movies we're g to talk about later I had to watch this and honestly um the shankster uh reached out on our our Twitter earlier and he stated this was his favorite movie um by Keaton it's very unique in the way it's filmed um the way the set pieces look um the delivery just it's cool because it's has a classic gangster feel yeah and this film was actually inspired by James Kagney and a lot of films that he did in the 30s and 40s you know Kagney was the quintessential mobster you know he was he played a lot of Italian characters he played a lot of mobster guys that's what you know you jty rat from the uh Ninja Turtles film is you know given to him even though he never said those lines you know you killed my brother you dirty right that's like this James Kagney and Katon actually has a lot of Kagney looks in this film you look at him like he has like the eyeliner under his eyes that Kagney had in his films um it's a total like crazy comedy to the point that you know people who are fan of the mob comedies this is probably one of their favorites uh Brian dep Palma who you know is known for JFK no not for JFK but he's known for uh what's it called uh the movie with Sean Connor and Kevin Cosner oh I'm sorry uh The untou Untouchables yes uh he loved this film so much that he cast Janny Vito and Joe Piscopo in his next project Wise Guys another Mafia theme film uh outfit you know it's an underrated film that even you know Roger eert said that that film should be uh you know look that more it's I like it it's gives you I'm a big fan of time piece movies uh that go back in the day I just I don't know just the things that I like about the uh the 30s and 40s way things looked um I think this film kind of throws that in wacky comedy and the reason he's doing all the he was a good guy but the reason he's trying to do this gangster stuff is because he's trying to take care of his mom's medical bills yeah which cracks me up and uh a lot of good humorous interaction yes uh John Piscopo in the film is hilarious uh also like Sam said the rapid aging mom from smoking is a great fit yeah it it's it's hilarious in its own way definitely a film that does not get talked about a lot like it should um but a defin definitely a you know deep cut gem um a good pick tone you know I miss the old days when you didn't have I mean I don't really I don't know but uh before you had Hulu and all that when you just had cable and Comedy Central would play movies all day this is one that they would play a lot of and that's why I was able to catch bits and pieces and Amy heckerling she does a good job she's a good director has some good movies this is one of them yeah uh definitely uh also um for legal reasons the weird song This Is The Life was not included on the home video release of the movie that's unusual no reason why it just says for legal reasons uh but yeah definitely check this one out uh like I said it's a spoof of basically all the kagy gangster films uh and he has Keat in it being goofy which is you know he's not just a talented actor he can also make you laugh uh at these movies that we have talked about so far I haven't told you that but great pick T great pick okay let's move on to our next one my friends you buch of losers you're working with a professional here nice [ __ ] model 1988's Beetle Juice of course Michael Keaton plays the role of beetle juu or Beetle Geist it's directed by Tim Burton who also did Edward Scissor Hands Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of the demon of Barbera Street bigf Fish Mars Attacks Edwood Batman Batman Returns and peewee's Big Adventures just to name a couple of his films it stars the Alec Baldwin Gina Davis Michael Keaton Katherine O'Hara Jeffrey Jones wona Ryder and Glenn shed the movie had a budget of 15 million and a box office of 74 million with $23 million in video sales now this is one of my picks tone you know it had to be on the list especially with be juice B juice coming out this is uh again Keaton in a comedy role that deals with the Paranormal it's probably it's one of my uh my favorite films growing up watching just because it deals like in the funny way of the afterlife and ghost it has probably one of the best uh music monologues in it in Deo from Henry bellante uh when they sing around and then you know it makes it it makes light of the afterlife uh if you commit suicide become a public servant for the rest of your life which was uh pretty crazy and yes uh Philly I was actually about to say this Michael Keaton's only I believe in 19 minutes of this film no 14 and a half minutes of this entire crazy uh with and he steals the show and 95% of his lines were ad lived so that part where I just played where he's uh yelling at them and the model falls behind him he ad that part because that wasn't supposed to happen that's why he says that and he grabbed his junk as a way to make comedy uh it is you know it's an all-time classic oh yeah the look you know that has a Tim Burton look in terms of like the weirdness you know you could see the Edward Scissor Hands like it's kind of like that gothy like uh you know graveyards kind of look uh it it cracks me up you know just the characters in it Jeffrey Jones as the weird dad you have cther Hera as the weird artsy lady and then oo who's played like Glenn Shad as the uh guy who basically lives off her um with their rich friends and it's just one of my favorites man I and I'm really really excited that they're having a Beetle Juice Beetle Juice come out now do I hope it's gonna be as good as this one I don't know but Katon did also say that he would only come back if the script was good and Tim Burton's directing it so I'm hopefully it's going to be uh yeah very good and yes uh pH really Al Baldwin said this is his least F favorite film he's done not sure why probably because he didn't get all the great on Liners in this one you know Alec bin love him or hate him he is a eagle Eagle Maniac Katon says this film is actually his favorite tell I can ramble more and more about this film but let me know what you think about be juice I mean this is probably right there with the other ones is right up there is one of the first ones that I've seen um this movie if you like Halloween it's like just pretty much Halloween house just just like sitting in just living in Halloween I just love this movie so much for many reasons I mean it's creativity amazing um again the jokes are pretty good for what they're trying to pull off in the movie from everybody involved um what I really like a lot is is you said is just the interaction with like especially as a kid like some of the over-the-top performances Katherine O'Hara is one of my favorite female comedians you know that have ever graced the screen and she just does a really good job as the mom in this and honestly since this she's just done so much more that I could imagine in the new movie she's going to do great too um Michael Keaton um this is a great performance for him I mean honestly you're looking at possibly in a different time period I'm not saying Academy Awards but I mean he's really good in this performance now this sequel It's going to be different than this because because it's a sequel but he did a really really good job in this movie um cinematography is amazing um the sand worms for the End of Time how can you not ever think I've walked up lots of staircases and lots of houses and thought of the banister coming alive um you know a town over from here uh three years ago they turned their whole house into like it was like every window was a different Beetle juu uh like scene so you could like walk up and see in like full dinner table scenes and everything it's the movie is taken off to a new level and and honestly it deserves it um for Michael Keaton obviously and so many other different reasons yeah it's comedy gold you know I was reading a little background this and Philly you giving up some great trivia in the comments uh he says you get a preview of Jack skeleton in the movie as well the be juice comes up to the floor of the carousel Hall yes uh Jack Skeleton is on his Carousel also uh when they're getting married the person that's actually G doing the services actually in a video game called Kid Icarus he's one of the bad guys uh the guy who the little demon guy um that always and goes no really yeah yeah he's actually if you look at I had Kus too that's awesome yeah he's one of the when you do the uh bonus games if you get him the bonus game ends he's one of the little statues which I always thought was hilarious I'm like did they make that from Beetle Juice or I don't know I have to look it up but uh some of the stuff that I found funny was the studio wanted to originally call the film house ghost and Tim Burton being Tim Burton was like as a joke was like why don't we call it scared sheetless and then the studio was like oh that sounds actually pretty good and he's like oh hell no it was just joking around which uh you know he was very concerned about that this was the first film to be sent out on DVD by Netflix when it was a DVD service it still is I guess it stopped this year but until this year it still was but this is the first film that was sent out on their DVD service in 1998 uh you know Michael Keaton based his performance of Beetlejuice on Chop top from Texas Chain Massacre 2 uh which was played by Bill Mosley awesome dude um and if you guys haven't seen Texas Chain Mas Texas Chain masacre 2 uh chainsaw Mas 2 it's just one of those films that is totally different from the original but I like it a lot it's supposed to be more of a comedic horror film and it's got really really like predominant cares like Chop Top uh although the uh Love Story between stretch and Lea face is kind of weird but that video you put together go back and check that out that was really awesome yeah it's uh it's crazy you know and then for the role of Beetle Juice you had Dustin Hoffman considered Robin Williams Christopher Lloyd Jim Cary Tim Tim Curry Jack nichelson Bill Murray Robert dairo which I thought would have been horrible and John Glee were all considered to uh play Beetlejuice for the role of um Lydia Juliet Lewis Lori Laughlin and Diane Lane Sarah Jessica Parker Brook Shields Justine baitman Molly ringwell and Jennifer Conley all turned down the role Brook Shields was actually uh in the lead by the studio but Tim Burton said she wasn't a draw anymore that's pretty mean man but it makes me laugh uh but definitely a film that I loved I love the TV show as a kid the cartoon that came out from this that spawned from this uh like I'm really excited to see the new film when it comes out and we are definitely going to go see that one my friend well it's gonna be good going to be real good yeah Tim Curry would have been very interesting great great character actor by far one of the best character actors in my opinion um if not the greatest in my lifetime but uh let's go on to our next one my friend hey the American Stock Exchange really doesn't care some [ __ ] makes $300 a week says I can't use the [ __ ] phone I'm close right Craig like 310 maybe 315 right that's about it right isn't it craigy yeah oh boy big 307 a week but you got to allocate that [ __ ] don't you what that Cuisine maybe some pork and beans hey why don't you get yourself another pair of those plastic shoes fine you want me out of here I'm [ __ ] out of here I'm gone [ __ ] look at his back 1988's clean and sober Michael ke plays a role as Dar pointner who's this film was directed by Glenn Gordon Karen who also directed M Wilder Napal love affair and Pitch per perfect the movie stars of course Michael Keaton Kathy Baker Morgan Freeman Tate Donovan and Claudia Christian it had a box office of8 million I couldn't find uh the budget of this film uh ton we've talked about this film before I know we you done and what you've been watching uh I saw this film again um a few months ago very very powerful I mean that that's it right there I mean the power is you know I don't know I mean I I've never been in what they go through in this movie but if you were ever it's a movie that I I think I watch it and it it you learn lessons you understand different sides you see different things and Michael Keaton again this is the same Year's Beetle Juice and and and as you heard him in in that rant there I mean he doesn't sound too far off on his rant and Beetlejuice it's just serious and aimed towards something else and that's what's great about his acting um I I only saw this movie within the last you know 10 years but like growing up and going to BHS or like a video stories I'd always see this box and I'd be like what is this clean and sober he's just got a sweater this is and then now you're older and you're like oh okay you know I know I understand and the struggle within the movie and what he overcomes and what he deals with and Morgan Freeman is amazing and I just I find it as you stated to be very powerful yes definitely uh and again he is a drug addict he's on cocaine he's on alcohol there's a lot of stuff that goes on that brings him to you know the facility with Morgan Freeman and he's he can play he can plays a complete [ __ ] in this film but he it shows him going through the steps 12 steps of recovery um and basically the way he tries to get clean as it's um it's a powerful film it shows like his trials and tribulations uh this is like Pete Keaton in terms of showing his acting jobs he can play the funny man and in this film he can play you know the degenerate really really well he blurs line very very well uh my favorite part of this film is actually prior to the scene when he's actually smoking a cigarette on the phone with the guy talked about the 92k and the girl walks in is like oh you can be on this phone he's like yeah is there something [ __ ] wrong here like he kicks her out keeps smoking and that's when Morgan Freeman comes in and kicks him out goes on that rant but just like that whole changing of a you know dialogue the mannerisms as showing like a real slime Bob person he was uh I thought it was very very uh powerful and it's become one of my favorite Caton performances to be honest with you I mean the I think for me my favorite part of the movie is it reminds me a lot of the seven when we did seven and I told you at the ending was something that I felt was very powerful ful at the ending when he's standing up there and he finally you know he's going to admit it and then Van Morrison's uh song hits um at the end and it like it's such a like I don't want to say it's not a happy ending it's not the worst ending it leaves you feeling away and I think that's what's great about this movie it leaves you feeling away and those are the best type of movies yeah it's a kind of depressing ending to be honest I mean I mean well that's that's that's what it is but like in this movie he he thought he was in control at the beginning and that's what it is with addiction but man he sure wasn't was he no uh and this film you know we we said that Keaton was known for comedy up to this time uh and that's what gave the studio trouble to Market it because Katon was known for comedy this com this was not a comedy film uh and that's probably why it didn't do too well at the box office but this film inspired John Peters who was the casting director of a movie called Batman two cast Michael Keaton and you remember when he was cast people hated it people were very upset about it uh long and behold you know taking a view a retrospective review it's probably one of the best casting decisions they made in that Ser in that franchise uh but yeah it just shows his acting chops man Katon he's got he's got he's complete package he can do everything he's very talented he is very very very talented and if you guys haven't seen this one it's not a well-known Keaton film but uh we've talked about it a few times on our show it is available on Amazon Prime I think it's $3.99 to rent uh check it out it's definitely worth your time uh it's depressing though just a heads up it is depressing but it's very very powerful now real quick before we move on was it more depressing than the new Crow uh this is depressing in a good way because it was a powerful Story the new Crow was just depressing because I couldn't believe I spent money to go see that I knew that already I you to say um but yeah definitely check this one out uh let's move on to our next one my friend let's do it why are you now determined to prove that this penguin is not what he seems must you be the only lonely man beast in town circus vaed its tense yesterday perhaps forever after numerous reports of missing children in several towns police have closed down threed triangles Fairgrounds however at least one freak Show performer vanished before he could be questioned I suppose you feel better now sir no actually I feel worse 1992's Batman Returns uh Michael ke plays the role of Bruce Wayne AKA Batman it's directed by Tim Burton of course Michael kingon is the star Dan deito is also in the film with Michelle feifer Christopher Walkin and Michael go the film had a box office of 266 million on a budget of $80 million uh when people I said that Katon is the best Batman in my opinion um I know I'll get some Flack for that but he personally is my favorite uh I love the original Batman and I think the orig reason I love the original Batman so much is I love Kat and I love Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson I think steals the show here I think Dan Deo does a great job as a penguin in this film but I love the evolution of Batman's uh character of the Bruce Wayne and the uh Selena Kyle Chara you know romance they have there I love the I think Keaton gets to act a little bit more out as Batman probably had more control of how he wanted the character to act I also love the way this film is shot compared to the other one the first Batman was dark of course this one's darker Batman [ __ ] kill somebody in this film a guy had people say oh Batman do a kill he kills a person in this film a guy has a bomb to his chest and he kicks him down a hole and the guy blows up he didn't live from bomb Batman and Robin clears uh but this is one of my you know this is my favorite Batman film of the Burton films this is like will be number one to me and then the first original will be to but it's a close one it's not it's not you know but I I just love this film it's one one I constantly watch has a Christmas theme to it uh Christopher Watkins in it which is always great as Max Shrek uh has a lot of things going for it it made 266 million you know back in ' 92 that was a ton of money uh I remember the it just brings me back to my childhood because although I did see the original this film came out when I was a little older to watch the commercials on TV the McDonald's commercials of him going to through the McDonald's drive-thru the glasses they gave out they did it again with Batman forrera with the McDonald's glasses uh you know everyone was excited to see the Penguin and for those who don't know you know Burgers Meredith who was the original penguin Mickey from Rocky um I used to watch that show a lot when my mom and my grandfather when it would come on uh the original Batman with uh Adam West which was corny but you know it had a great characters of the Penguin and now you have a more darker penguin in Dan deito and it always cracks me up when he eats that fish in front of everybody at the when he's trying to run for mayor and you have like uh special appearances by peewee's playhous peewee's a big adventure Simone and PeeWee play his parents uh you know in the beginning of the film I I love everything about this film um like I said it's it's my favorite of the Burton films uh Batman films what do you think about ton um you know I mean I remember this very specific the toys uh McDonald's had the cups um I believe somewhere I got a cup still um it was a cool time man I mean it's a great time for movies and Michael Keaton I mean he's my favorite Batman too I mean I've gotten into blood curling screaming matches over this and I'm never going to do that again but because you could like who you like but I always deemed that Michael Keaton was my Batman and that's um that's just because he just is does such a good job I think he does a good job all around in the suit he looks good in Batman outside the suit he looks uh good as Batman um but this movie as a whole is another um great entry after the first one um in some ways you know you can say you know it's got even more creativity a little bit than the first one um Danny DeVito I mean who else could have played that role okay number one and number two Christopher Watkins hair I wish I could grow hair like that white all over the place great performance um but Keaton again um it's sad that he couldn't work work it out for that third movie but I mean we got really two really awesome it's like back to the aliens again we got two really awesome aliens movies you know we should just be happy that we got those you know because some series can't even come up with one but this is a great movie and I always remember it when it first came out too um seeing it in the theater um and what I really remember which is like ridiculous I'm going to say this is like after it comes out like I'm DHS I'll never forget like my dad pausing the beginning and going to my mom hey mayor look it's peee Herman like uh and I like I was like that's not PeeWee Herman and well it was PeeWee Herman it was a different PeeWee Herman it was Paul Rubin um but again um great um great movie great movie yeah and it's you know funny that you say this film is kind of like more creative than the first one and you know Keaton and Burton did not sign on for a squl at the first one they were actually brought in you know since they success the first one they were like okay well we want to make a sequel Burton only agreed to do it if he was giving more creative freedom with the script and the screenplay he did not like the first screenplay of the first film because he didn't have control over it Keaton by on the other hand said he would do it if Burton came back was one of his conditions as well as getting a hike in salary he didn't make a lot of money uh for the first film and he got $1 million for this film and Tim Burton you know people were like oh that's outrageous but Tim Burton was like no he deserves it he deserves all the money he get wner Brothers was uneasy about giving this to him which I think is really kind of Sunny considering that Moana Brothers is making you know it tripled their budget for this film not to mention probably all the money they made off merchandising uh but you know he deserved all that and yes they were not given the third film because again Burton probably is not really big on sequels and he probably thought he could move on uh but there was talk of a certain person being Robin who Tim Burton wanted to bring in and that person was Marlon wayes signed on to be Robin uh of course when he was not introduced in this film he was supposed to be introduced in the next film but when Joe schum Walker took over and Tim Burton left Marl WIS bought out of his contract and we got Chris uh odonnell as Robin it would have been interesting because he of course Marlin wayes is African-American so it would would have been a black Robin which I thought would have been kind of cool different play on things uh you know and plus he's he's comedic so that been kind of funny too just a little couple you know tidbits about this film Michelle feifer went through 60 cats suits during the six Monon shoot of this film and they cost $1,000 a piece so she went through 60 of them so 60 grand for her cat suits uh Danny DeVito stood in character even off camera uh he also had a hilarious um you know reminiscing about this with arold schwarzer got the Oscars when they come out and you talk about oh we've been in a lot of movies and you're like Mar workers mentions like oh yeah we both try to kill B man and he goes well how' he beat you and he's like oh honor SP is like oh he killed me with my most uh you know vulnerable weakness love and he's like well how'd he kill you Danny he's like oh he just threw me out a window and they do the famous scene I'm like oh there he is and they're pointing that Keaton and he gives him the whole yeah come and get me which is becoming a gift and we used it as the opening of the show but it always cracks me up just shows how this film you know even though Scorch ner was in the shoem marer films but like Keaton still recognizes Batman he was brought back for Flash that movie was not great but I want to go see it just because he was back in it as Batman and he was the best part of that whole film um you know I wish that would a lead Batgirl just to give us uh you know because he's in that film as well as a mentor uh I would really like them to to make a Batman Beyond film with a newer Batman and him be the old Bruce Wayne that would be kind of cool I don't know if he's done playing Batman he says he would always leave it open uh he is getting up there in age and I would hope that if they did another Batman film they would bring him along for it uh to do something because he is my favorite Batman but of course he is getting older in age um but just to go back to this film one of my favorite things besides all you know all the uh stuff I talked about is that the Penguin's makeup was awesome very creepy very different from the original look great picture got him of here him here tone his design it's totally Tim Burton uh the design of it and it was such Hush Hush to keep what he looked like Danny deito was forbidden to talk about his makeup not even to his own family so everybody who witnessed it on film was the first time they were witnessing it uh it only except if you didn't work on the film you couldn't uh you know what he looked like uh so couple people considered for this role in the film was um Jody Foster was considered for bat for Catwoman which he dropped out to do uh little man tape junor Davis was considered her Catwoman but she starred in A League of Their Own Brook Shields again was considered but again Tim Burton said she was no longer a pable star um also to play on horror Max Shrek Christopher Watkins character is named for the actor who played Nas veratu which is going to be remade and released this I believe next month uh will the foe Ro K orlock who was played by Max shre the actor who everybody thought was a real vampire but uh I do like the little uh you know tidbits that H and throws in there um also David Bowie was considered to play a role in here but he uh he eventually did not do so it was given to Christopher Walkin just a lot of little tidbits about this one we could talk about do Deep dive into the Batman series in the future but uh I just want to throw us up there because I love Keaton as Batman before we move on I just remember a story that I heard where uh sha young who plays uh Finkle and Einhorn in Ace fentura she really really wanted the role of Catwoman so she like showed up to the set like dressed up as Catwoman and like she got like thrown out it was really ridiculous we have to think more research on that even more yeah I think she was actually cast as Vicky Veil if I'm not mistaken and event something happened where I would have to look in to it yeah we'll talk later but it's funny yeah but she got thrown off you know uh Loren broco who is from The Sopranos from The Good Fellas she was considered for cat one but turned it down to do Medicine Man uh she was in that film Ken we needed that money yeah why you do it Karen um but definitely uh one of my favorites of good great Batman thank you my friend uh let's go into another uh deep cut for you oh I love this movie cross the line you're in my room you're in my private [Music] things you and your boyfriend you insulted my intelligence you got in my area 1989's Pacific Heights he plays the role as Carter Haynes James Danforth directed by John schlinger I think that's what the name is schlinger I think uh Schlesinger slesinger thank you sir you're welcome uh by pronunciations come to hot me again we also directed Midnight Cowboy Marathon Man and Yanks uh Stars M Griffin Matthew mold mine Michael Keaton Lori metf and moo the film had a box office of 44 million and a budget of 18 million tone you talked about this film before as well tell us why you picked it uh you uh because we've talked about moo before and for some unknown reason I always think of him in this movie which is the least movie you would ever thinking of a in um this is like I would not think uh this is what I would deem to be an elite Thriller for me I love this movie in so many ways Michael Keaton is great he is extremely extremely creepy in so many ways [Music] just really really really not a good guy so like in all the other movies we've talked about or that I could think about he well there's another movie he doesn't play a good guy it's called Desperate Measures with Andy Garcia where he's um ridiculously lifting uh this bag in prison that we used to make fun of but that beside he's really bad in this movie and I just like the premise of the movie um because it's so ridiculous in a way um these couple buys this apartment complex and they need to rent it out and you get a Michael Keaton and there's just so many hilarious tropes in this movie um it's another one that me and my wife watched just to kind of like zone out and have some laughs because it's really not supposed to be laughed at but it's ridiculous yeah and you know this film showcases kon's ability to play a devious [ __ ] like if he plays a bad guy in his film uh that scene you just showed right now it's like it's cracks me up because of the way he looks at the Cockroach and it also makes me laugh because when I was doing research for this Orin the extermination company is big in his film for that part when he EMB breeds the uh the house with the the Cockroaches they pay $20,000 for the scene in which an orcan rep is hired to exterminate [ __ ] cockroaches however the company was upset with portrayal in the film and it sued the producers for unspecific un specify damages the result the lawsuit was not made public suggesting that there was an outof Court settlement there so you you know advertising ads Fest folks uh like I like this film because it's a deep cut one but again it shows that the you know the different abilities of Katon as an actor how he can he's such great he's so great as his craft he can play funny guys he can play serious guys and he can play demented freaks kmen like he does in this film uh also Melanie Griffin was actually really really uh good in this film as well um yeah the part where he gets him to punch him in the face and arrested it's like he's such aing bastard well I think the ridiculous in the movie doesn't come from Keaton it's Matthew Modine um it's just overly cheesy he just over keeps going and going we're like Keaton is just bad um Matthew mine's like I want to get you and then his she ends up being like you gotta leave for a while because you're I mean that's what's crazy about the movie is that again Matthew mine has to move out because he's being the one who's you know for you need some time away from Melanie and just a lot of um again Michael Keaton playing like you could see his face in this picture if you're watching watching online he just looks like he's not there in the movie like he's which he does a great job with there's a scene me and my friends would always laugh at where Melanie Griffith goes out in the garage and she's like she's like uh fiddling around she's got like her flashlight and then she like goes into his car and he's just like standing there staring with like the serious face I mean I just love Keaton in this movie and it's another indication um the main reason I picked it tonight was again to show we could show many different sides of what Keaton was bringing so again um yeah yeah it totally shows different sides of him uh this film was actually one of Christopher Reeves like uh Superman Christopher ree Lake Christopher ree he really wanted to be Carter Haynes and Lobby for this role really really hard um but he did not get it and Michael Keaton knocked it out of the ballpark but I would like to see Christopher Reeves uh play the role I mean he was a find actor in his own right um but I don't know if he could have played it as good as Keaton I would lik actually now that you I know when you said it I thought wrongly but I would have liked him instead of Matthew Modine this could made this could have made this movie Elite now I like Matthew moden too in a lot of other movies I'm just saying the acting of Christopher reev and the part of the person trying to get him out would have been a really good role for him too yeah if he would went for that role I could see him like that I think that's what kind of hinders this film little a little bit as M Matthew modine's character does um but overall the film is good it's a good deep cut tone uh great great pick also appearance by uh Beverly D'Angelo in this film um oh yeah she was which is a very interesting a very it's like Keith David and Roadhouse is the bartender you're like why is she in this but she is yeah be sure let her know what scen you here and you guys watch this but definitely check out Pacific Heights it's another uh ke deep cut um but we're going to move on to our final two and these two films are not deep Cuts uh for the next one let's go into it own you know I'm bringing this up to you because I know this is Baron's idea his agenda I got to tell you I mean honest to God I mean he doesn't care about the city the way we do I mean how could he this is how it happens isn't it Pete which guy leans on a guy and suddenly the whole town just looks the other way 2015 Spotlight Michael Gaton plays a role of Walter Robbie Robinson it was directed by Tom McCarthy who directed winwin The Visitor the cobbler Adam Sandler film Stillwater and agent the film stars Mark Ruffalo Michael Keaton Rachel McAdams Li shriber and Stanley Tucci uh the film had a box office of 91 Millions on a budget of 20 million along with 5 million in DVD sales it won two Oscars it won one for best picture and best writing uh this is a powerful film in terms of the subject matter it covers uh that with the Catholic Church it talks about the spotlight investigation team for a newspaper to expose the Ring of uh sexual assaults that happened with the church and continue to happen and be exposed to today uh it's a disturbing subject but it's really really done well with Michael King playing the role as the head of the newspaper basically the edit Chief editor um that gets to that works with the team and you know he has his flaws as well as he was given cases prior to exposing them here that he didn't take seriously I think there were like 13 cases he reveals that he was given heads up on but didn't expose them but he's doing he did it now because it was getting ridiculous that it's starting to come together um this film is based off a true story uh very hard watch in terms of the subject matter um but very very good performances by Mar Ruffalo and Michael Keaton um the whole cast actually does a very very good job um I do like that clip I just played when he's in the uh he's talking to his friend in the bar and he's basically telling him you know the Catholic Church would like it if you kind of swep this on the rug know trying to lean on people and he says that this is how it starts you lean on people and you forget about and things don't happen happened um and you know again a very very powerful film that you know people have said this is probably one of the best portrayals of a newspaper film in the history of Cinema um I watched this again this week tone uh still still very very good um I deserve to win those awards that I think it won at the Oscars uh what do you think about this one before I get to the movie um I was when when um I immediately uh I I think of one movie and then I think of a connection to this movie and and immediately when when you brought this movie up I thought of another movie that I remember like when I was 12 I just happen to watch on TV with Michael Keaton called the paper where he was on the paper and it was a lot of uh uh so like when Spotlight comes out I'm like oh this is cool another movie with Michael Keaton work as a editor me and Katy went and saw this movie amazing movie um across the board um I'm a huge leev shriber fan um and of course Stanley Tucci's great Mark Ruffalo um even Rachel McAdams does really good but Michael Keaton again is coming into again it's another different kind of seriousness I mean now he's playing a seriousness of in the um what's the word I'm looking for All the President's Men type of vein looking for that story trying to crack it and he does a good job in this movie um I like uh looking at the late era Michael Keaton because it's just as good as those earlier movies we talked about Birdman Spotlight the next movie we'll talk about um so much more I mean honestly I've never seen Dumbo but I could imagine he's pretty good in it you know I mean how could he not happy and that's just what he is in this yeah uh and just for his role you know this is based off real people so they were actually in the film The Baseball scene uh when they go to the baseball game they're actually some of the real people are there Walter Robinson's there Sasha Fifer and Michael uh rendez is in it they're actually in the crowd um Walter Robinson who watched the film with Keaton's portrayal said it's like looking at yourself in a mirror you're having no control of a mirror image uh which was really really um a compliment to Keaton because he was worried that his Boston accent wouldn't be good enough for his film and then when he met with the real uh Walter Robinson and found out his accent wasn't as strong he kind of played off him he met with him several times to get his mannerisms to get him you know to get the way he play you know the way he acted um as inspiration for his portrayal uh he said Keaton said about playing him is he's a very powerful and very direct but until he reaches that point he's a pretty easygoing guy but very kg about how he gets information not in a bad way in a really cool way like a bird dog so I kind of had mannerisms so I kind of had the mannerisms I observed from him like that uh again this brought the downfall of the you know basically pop the top of the conspir the you know issues with the Roman Catholic church and priest and it's still going on to the today this the name Spotlight which is actually the name of the newspaper and the real newspaper put a spotlight on you know the assaults going on uh and they're still unfortunately happening on um you know bring them out till today but this is like one of the things that actually got everything the ball rolling for uh the uh issues that were happening um but it's a powerful film it still holds up uh I really love Katon in this role it's kind of like a like he said a kg editor these more of like um he's not the le le actor like a Mark Ruffalo but he plays a great supporting cast member in his film again um I love the way that you picked a movie that shows a different side of him so this was a great pick thank you my friend thank you um let's move on to our final film tone now I know what you're thinking how the heck does a 52-year-old over the hill milkshake machine salesman buil a fast food Empire with 1600 restaurants in 50 states five foreign countries with an annual revenue of in the neighborhood of $700 million one word persistence the founder released in 19 released released in 2016 uh Michael King plays a role of Ray Croc it's directed by John Lee Han who did the little things the highway men Saving Mr Banks The Blind Side the rookie and the Alamo the film stars Michael Keaton Nick Offerman John Carol Lynch Laura dur Le Linda cardinell and BJ Novak it had a box office of 24 million and a budget of 25 million with $2 million in video sales tone tell us why you chose this one uh I think this is again what I would deem to be Peak Michael Keaton um his performance as Ray Croc is again different than everything else we've talked about tonight um just what you know about McDonald's and knowing the story this is the only reason I would have known the story as I sat and watched this movie this is some operation care for a little tour yeah I would well finish up I'll come back all righty thanks there's something about him in the movie that makes you feel like he's you know he's exactly like because I know his character in the movie isn't next he doesn't do good things you know he does take the company but like he does make you feel like a person from that time period do back then like he does make you want to sign over your restaurant to him because he has that good of a heart and I think that's in his performance yeah he play he actually plays a character too that can be that was struggling with his own yeah business but also you know he's kind of a dick too in what he does to you know the um McDonald's Brothers in terms of takes basically takes over their name and their company uh although you know when I read did research for his film uh this show he actually says that that McDonald's Brothers they did have some disagreements with Ray Croc but their bitterness wasn't as you know deep as what they show in the film of course it's for dramatic effect but Ray Croc was you know a Visionary in terms of the way he wanted to run the business uh I this film sticks out to me because of a personal experience when I was in high school my freshman I went to a Catholic High School my freshman theology teacher was telling us a story about you know don't miss life's opportunities basically as an inspirational story um and he told us that his grandfather happened to be talking to his friend and he heard about these guys that had started a fast food business in the 40s they wanted to bring it uh Midwest his friend knew the one of the old the guys who was franchising it he was going to put money down for a franchise and he wanted to know if his friend who was my teacher's grandfather would he want to come in on it he passed it up it turned out to be a McDonald's and that guy basically became a millionaire from his he bought several other ones uh he missed out on opportunity but you know it's just crazy that then I heard that and then now this film came out and the reason I think it didn't do so well at the box office was it didn't get a lot of publicity in terms of you know advertisement I remember watching clips for it and I'm like well when's this coming out I I I watched the after effect which is very unfortunate because it's actually a really good film and Nick Offerman who's mostly known for comedy does a great job uh John Carol Lynch who is known for playing those those crazy characters uh but also a great character actor that's a great job Laura dur is great in this film BJ Novak is great in this film uh gives you a history of you know the McDonald's bringing how it was like a family run and then basically became the corporate conglomerate is now and I love the fact when doing research for this toone that Keaton again did such deep research for himself for playing Ray Croc that he learned that Croc had played the piano so he went and learned taught himself how to play piano and then took lessons so he could be use that in the film um but Croc is the reason that we have those horrible uh damn I Shak makers and ice cream machines that never work um which I thought was kind of funny but you know Tom Hanks was offered a role for this film and he turned it down and I'm kind of glad that Michael Keon got it and basically turned it into what it is it's a it's a great film that doesn't get a lot of love like it should um yeah I mean Laura Duran does a great job in it too so does Linda Cardellini um again you know I learned things like oh the what really the McDonald's how they really make their money is they own the land in which the restaurant sits on which they're more uh what's the word I'm looking for they're just in as much into real estate as they are as selling hamburgers and that's you learn that too it's like and that's why there are very smart when it comes to a lot of things and but like he again as you stated you know had a he was had a good personality in a way but what I also brought this up to Katie recently is in the movie how like when people first started open up these McDonald's they'd have like spaghetti and then he had to come through and be like yeah we're not doing spaghetti you have to stick to this specific thing like the franchises when they would try to open it up um very interesting just to learn a little bit more in the background of McDonald's that isn't uh you know fast food nation or super siiz me so it's more on his performance too really good at Nick Offerman and you said in John Carol Lynch I mean I mean that guy was on a American Horror Story as a clown and then in here he's playing you know one of the McDonald's brothers or whatnot yeah I always remember him from Fargo and I always remember him from this uh film with hly berry called gotha where he plays the sheriff um oh yeah yeah definitely great character actor but like you said you know shows the background of McDonald's I do like the fact that when you know Nick offerman's character approaches him in the bathroom and tells him how do you know what this was going to become like how do you know uh basically you take our business away from us and he basically says you know you had all these companies come to your your restaurant and watch you guys how you did everything inside they tried to copy what was happening in the restaurant he goes well that's part of it that's makes you successful doesn't make you completely successful well all those companies they all went under he goes it's the name that brings people there not just what happens in the restaurant and McDonald's is synonymous with fast food it's the biggest fast food place I can think of I mean it's everywhere uh bring back super super siiz man I'm G to be a fat ass again but uh yeah definitely a great film that should be uh talked about more and watched more uh it's a good historic film so even there's are bluring of lines I liked it a lot uh it's Americana as finest in terms of uh the franchises that was started here definitely that was some good picks man those are our 10 Michael Keaton films that we like I know there were some films left off Birdman was one of them I know that people are probably going to give us Flack for but these are our favorite films from Keaton so if you know you have some disagreement let us know your favorite films in the comments or on the Twitter's or whatever H's call next week uh X but um Michael Keaton man I hope he keeps making bangers tone I mean he really really you know great movies um of course you know you got your multiplicity which is really good too um that he's in in in a different way um as you mentioned earlier White Noise um you know he does a good job and we've talked about on the show before uh Elmore Leonard out of sight he's in for a little while Jackie Brown you know there's just so many different performances that he's been in that if you're a fan and you're looking for something you know you got a family in Christmas Time watch Jack Frost that movie he's got a ridiculous uh hair diee job um you're not gonna U miss out on that so there's just's just so much he's he's just such a really good actor and um honestly with Beetle Juice Beetle Juice coming out um to see what's going to be coming um next is really going to be interesting yeah I mean you said like films he's in Robocop as the remake with as Raymond Sellers I liked him in that role even though that film was not as crazy original but I mean nothing is vulture vulture yes great as vulture but what I was about to say is see RoboCop was a remake and I wasn't mad at that one but uh it wasn't better than the first one but I it was that's how I feel about the thing I I that's more of a it's like a it's like a prequel like I'm okay if you're not touching the original work and you're trying to work around it but when you're trying to like here is the same exact thing but we're going to give you uh Wyatt Russell instead of Kurt Russell no offense Wyatt we love you but I'm just saying you know it was Kurt the first time you know so let's either do a new story like I like what you were talking about and I'm gonna think about this and we're going to talk about at a later date the Jason mimoa sequel to The Crow as the police officer and him losing his family like what a great idea but you know what a bad idea not going through with it you know yeah but that's Hollywood for you also shout out to our man uh father zo who has seen cars 50 billion times because of baby zo uh Chick Hicks is Michael Kon does a does a good job in that um bling bling yes you know um you brought up which is crazy because I never really put the connection together you know you talked about a a young Christopher Lloyd with him in um uh the uh Mr Mom and then um he's in this other movie ridiculous the Dream Team yes Peter with Peter Bole and a great great great uh performance by uh just a couple people in that movie with him um but again you know all these movies man yeah kon's uh definitely got a plethora of different roles uh my brother Jack was uh joking with me when I told him what our subject was and he's like are you g to talk about Jack Frost an instant classic um but uh it made me laugh and then my buddy who was watching the show was asking me if we were gonna talk about the other guys I'm like well you have to tune in to watch because I already knew that was like our first one on the list um yeah but yeah definitely a great actor uh I enjoyed everything he's done except morbius uh but that's not his fault um but you know check them check out some of these films that we mentioned and if you have some that you really enjoy all the other ones let us know um but that's our Michael Keaton episode uh shout out to my man Michael Keaton hoping Beetle Juice be turns out to be you know good he's GNA he's uh if you get a chance it looks like he's going to be on that episode of hot ones dressed as Beetlejuice yes would be pretty funny to watch yeah so be sure to check that out yeah um but my friend that is our Michael Keaton a top 10 films uh do you have any news and rumors that you want to talk about that's how you had uh no no I just that was an accidentally slide okay I just want to make sure that we don't forget about that uh um let's go into what's coming soon my friend let's do it if I can find a little clip here oh here we go let's get ready to rumble coming soon Rox coming soon coming soon so what's coming soon tone you might be why am I laughing because I've been waiting to do this all night [Music] uh next week man uh which was really a surprise and I could only do is say yes because next week we're going to be covering Jurassic Park the classic I saw it in the movie theaters it was amazing I'm really excited to dig into this one um it's got Newman it's got a whole lot of people it's gonna be a good time man yeah and uh first of all to that rendition wow wow wow wow wow uh the reason that we're going to go into this film is there's been a lot of talk about the new Jurassic world sequel who just cast uh scarl Johansson in the film of course the other sequel they had the original cast comeback for Jurassic world so I figured since that's been in the news let's go back to the original that was epic for a person who loves dinosaurs I read Michael books uh after the fact of course but I remember seeing this film in theater as well and I love to go down those journeys of us experiencing films in the theater be great yeah so I'm really looking forward to this one so we will be back on Friday next week uh at probably 8:30ish again for a deep dive yes the film is 31 years old it's ridiculous man 31 years Jurassic Park crazy crazy stuff um we will be back for uh the Deep dive into Jurassic Park again that includes the development the film breakdown and the um critical reception and fan theories from the film uh I'm a huge fan of Jurassic Park I can watch anything about dinosaurs I know my buddies are my buddy one of my best friends talks about dinosaurs all the time which is kind of funny bookie Wilson who was a famous Mets player U said he had to believe in dinosaurs because they believe in him that's actual quotee you can actually look that up he actually said that newspaper uh so check out you know Jurassic Park watch wew watched it for another time and come and uh chill with us on Friday yes for the Deep dive uh and just a heads up going forward after the baseball season usually we do Sunday when I have a game on Friday uh today I didn't go to the game so we did our usually Friday schedule once the baseball season is over we'll be predominately Fridays at 8 o'clock will be our time we actually like I actually like this it's a nice little reset to start to the weekend I was checking too I could be wrong but I think the last two weeks even the baseball season they're on the road on the weekend kind of like you know so just a couple more weeks if we happen to have to go on a Sunday that'll be the last one yep and uh tell well we can get to uh after we get to Sugar baggy soundtrack of the week let's go into that tell them right now the sugar baggy soundtrack pick of the week and then we can get to our closing up and put button on this sucker okay do it right [Music] the sugar baggies soundtrack pick of the [Music] week Clinton George Clinton Parliament Funkadelic and a Parliament [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Funkadelic PCU um a soundtrack that well never really ever gets talked about and it should because on honestly watching this movie um again in that 13 14 15 year old uh age and seeing the Parliament Funkadelic I didn't know what I was watching and I really wish I did at that moment because my whole life could have changed because I didn't realize the funk until like 10 years later but man this soundtrack really really has a lot of good stuff a lot of deeper cuts um on it that uh you don't usually see a whole lot on other stuff um in the movie itself of course you had like I stated George Clinton in the Parliament Funkadelic but on the soundtrack you have mud honey um Steve VI which is a very interesting um pick um the canals um Red Cross just a very interesting um deep uh soundtrack there's this band of beautiful people uh with a Jimmy hendris uh inlude on there too looking for something a deeper Soundtrack This is where you're going to uh find it on PCU soundtrack you see PCU oh man I I to be honest with you I can't remember any of it if I've seen it oh youe oh my Lord this is I think you like this movie a lot just by talking to you so I'm I I think I've seen it I have to read a little bit to see if I remember it um it's one of those films that kind of like probably I watched it and I'm like oh okay but looking at the sound track I'm pulling it up you know you got Pump It Up by Elvis Castello which is I we do a thing on Twitter called uh Vibes and that was one of the Vibes I picked I love that song uh even though I the to be honest I discovered that song there should be a an encyclopedia I don't know if you remember this I'm dating myself called Encarta you remember incarta online encyclopedia yeah I had incarta before I had internet before I had America online I had the incarta and I was just looking I would look up stuff on the encyclopedia just because I was a nerd and Pump It Up was one of the songs they play on there and that got me like listening to it so I used uh Napster and uh I got in cart to I used I got downloaded Pump It Up that's where I got most of my music from awesome back then uh I really liked uh you know I like Elvis Castello another guy who doesn't get talked about a lot you got Prince on here for Erotic City uh afternoon Delights on this here you know Henry Rollins great when you if you do sit down and watch it I mean if you saw on the screen there of course John favro is a really great performance Jeremy p even if you ever enjoyed him in anything he's equally as great in this um David Spade is a real prick good job which he always usually is the soundtrack and the music tie the boa all over across it and honestly tonight on a couple of like I said that that soundtrack that we had for uh the night shift soundtrack that a lot of good music on there even honestly uh Danny Alman score for the Batman Return soundtrack is really good so had a really music Central uh good music tonight yeah yeah good pick man I I'll definitely check this one I have to see if I can uh find where to watch it uh but I'll definitely check it out um good picks man thank you so that is our show tonight uh before we go uh I do want to send some condolences out uh for those who you know listen to our show a couple episodes ago where we had Michael cotton on uh he did one of our in defense of uh for the um what was he did he did U Iron Man Iron Man 2 Iron Man 2 you did defense Iron Man 2 I'm sorry I'm C my head a brain fart there but uh he does a show called Sun rant the sun rant of the show which is a Cubs exentric podcast that's been going on I think for since 2012 if I'm not mistaken all good guys over there uh his co-host Danny rocket who's actually been a supporter of our show uh when we first started out uh previously um you I told him I doing a podcast he let me promote his stuff my stuff on his that's awesome his stuff um you know his disc and then you know he and like I said Cotton's been one of our biggest supporters uh his mom Danny's mom passed away unfortunately uh big CBS fan um you know the world lost to the big CBS fan so I just want to send my condolences out to the her him and you know send positive adves out to Danny Dan's a real good dude uh if you are you know who Danny is he did send out a link in the ranchers group as well as on Twitter I believe if you want to watch the services uh which I believe are tomorrow um be sure to do so uh also he has some spots where if you want to donate uh they didn't want flowers they want to go to I believe a couple Charities um just show him your support Dan's a good guy um so sorry to and you know on a low note but I just wanted to say that because Dan's a good dude and those guys have supported us and just want to send out our condolences to him uh also if you guys haven't check out Marge ruso akj uh Carmela soprano not Carmel soprano what's her name emo emo Carmela soprano on Twitter one of our fellow Penguins she's doing the PKD walk uh she does it every year she does it in September if you want to donate for her walk she has her link on there we'll drop our link on uh our website as well as in the comments for the YouTube um be sure to check it out if you can Penny dollar anything you do just support show her support it's also for a good cause um so shout out to Marge for doing that sorry tone to give it little you know be a little bring it a little down a little bit oh no no no I mean we we like to reach out and really always share care to people who are awesome and honestly I saw that online with Danny and I felt really bad obviously I've lost my mom and can immediately understand where he's at because she seemed to be a huge Cubs fan and honestly you know what better thing to do than just to say a little bit of condolences so man that's what we do here yeah but um thank you everyone for listening uh for watching for commenting uh T we have a you know you have a busy week coming up we have the hookup on music coming up on Wednesday uh let them talk everybody about your last episode and what you got coming up uh last episode lots and lots of Awesomeness had a good time talk to Keith Moon was a really great drummer for The Who I went up for some new artists um this new art band that I really enjoy called BBY um this new song called kinky really really really good stuff um also this upcoming week Yumer brought up Elvis Costello he will be one of the features on this upcoming episode so please check that out yes uh also check out theistic penguin studios.com or we're dropping blogs uh as well as our podcast getting drafting here is coming with a special Sunday show tomorrow on our YouTube channel I believe it's at uh early in day yes it sure is I said tomorrow tomorrow Saturday but Sunday it's coming on Sunday uh with douge from the Chicago Sports bums and one of our own bruhan luk who does grateful Ducks he's also doing a tailgate for the great for college football tomorrow on our uh it's gonna be at 800 PM 88 pm on Sunday okay 8 pm on Sunday and Doug and uh Luke's doing the tailgate tomorrow at 9:30 I believe on our YouTube channel so he'll basically he'll be talking all college football Luke is probably one of the most knowledgeable people I know about college football uh so whenever have questions I talk to him about it I always ask him if Illinois is going to be in the top 20 25 rankings and he laughs at me but um you know check him out give him a little show him a little love he talks some good stuff he was the first one to reach out to me with those Pearl Jam tickets privately and I unfortunately had to decline and then my co-worker at work also got invited to Pearl Jam and he had declin so we sat there really upset today after looking at the set list um he's a great man check out uh the Ducks yeah check out the Ducks if you can uh and check out everything to the sick penguin Studios thank you again everyone for watching listening commenting uh and just putting up with us go on rant uh if you like the crow remake I'm sorry but uh I did not uh but thank you so much and we'll be back on Friday for some Jurassic take care everybody thanks for listening to the at the show podcast a sadistic penguin Studios Production game over man it's game over the [ __ ] are we going to do now what are we going to do maybe we could build a fire sing a couple of songs huh why don't we try that [Music]

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