Mike Gundy News Conference 8/22/24

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:41:10 Category: Sports

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I'm ready when you guys [Music] are Mike so now that you're um at this point of uh kind of the real or close to game week essentially do you you handle this pretty typical from here on out as you would a game week uh we're still competitive in practice up through Tuesday of next week the team we're playing is requiring a little more pre-season work directed at them than maybe what we would have done in the past but our competitiveness will stay through Tuesday wanted to ask you a little bit about that with you mentioned having to have more prep for South Dakota State you scheduled one a couple years ago they're a good FCS program but they seem like they've kind of taken another level of being at the top of that when you schedule that was that kind of the hope that they would be that higher quality team or is it one of those of you never really know one can really predict so th those games were scheduled way further than a couple years back and um this team has has really come on over the last four or five years and particularly uh you know the head coach has never lost a game and they won a bunch of games in a row and um the point being is that this is a really good game for us and as I said months ago essentially we're playing um a highlevel non-conference schedule and this team can compete with the power for schools which they've proven to do that so when we do non-conference scheduling um back then is different than the thought now as we move forward with a 12 team opportunity and which is going to increase it's going to change again and when it does we would hope that scheduling would be rewarded in the end if you might have a loss or two more than somebody else and or more conference Games should be rewarded and I think we're in good position now based on what we did years ago without any knowledge of it moving this direction you got any position battles still sort of going or with such a veteran team you sort of know what you've got not really um because we play so many skill skill guys at once and then we have more linemen than we have had in the past and then defensively We Roll guys in so we really don't have position battles going on I'm looking here on not Sean not has you 15 and0 you never lost to an FCS team so you've seen a lot but when you look at them on tap you probably have most of the summer are they a different grade from most FCS I mean is this you look at this whoa not this is this team can play competitively uh in the power four conferences in my opinion uh I think the last game they lost was to Iowa uh six to three or s to three or something and that team I think that Iowa team ended up in the top 25 in the country so they're very competitive in the manner and way they play the game they know what they're doing and um the interior players they have are physical enough I'm guessing geographical location allows them to get big guys and stuff in that area that maybe um other schools supposedly hand pick Nationwide it allows them to have guys that could compete in a high level the quarterback one basically the Heisman for FCS does he pop out when you watch his play very good football player and dangerous because he can run it and throw it and then he can scramble and throw it and you know there's a reason why he was able to win that award he's a really good football player your defense blind is almost entirely guys who were here last year is there stuff you've seen from them spring or in Camp that makes you feel confident that they're going to be better this year I just think they're better overall their experience and they're I think they're in good condition they they've practiced hard we've had very competitive practices up front on both sides of the ball because they're working against each other we've worked ones versus ones from the start and it'll be interesting over the next month to see where we're at you know it'll take three or four games to find out just how good we are or where we're at and what adjustments that we need to make You' talked from the beginning about how you felt like you were able to start ahead with so many experienced players uh can you sort of compare where y'all are ending fall Camp to like how long did it take you to get to this point last year well we didn't get to this point last year till close to the fourth game we just had so many unknowns and um position battles going on with so many players that came in as you know remember last year we had like 30 new players this year that number has been cut considerably because we had so many players that were able to or wanted to come back and little different this year from that standpoint next year we'll probably be back in the other boat uh you know the the free agency Market in December based on all the veteran players we have leaving could put us in a position where we're bringing in 30 new players that could potentially play in the first game next year but as of now we're much further ahead from a um a um practice standpoint in in understanding than we were at this time last year like to look at the depth chart and the notes for the first time Kendall Daniels listed as linebacker we knew he was moving around some but does this signal that he's going to be more linebacker than safety or what does what does all that mean um three down four down um different looks uh different Personnel groupings that come that come in so um they they use him their I would say percent wise more now based on 12 Personnel coming in the game on offense because he is 240 lbs he can stay in the game doesn't have to go out that would be the reason for that label the fact that I mean this obviously started out as kind of a trial just to see has it progressed in a way that maybe you didn't even expect or maybe Kendall didn't didn't expect uh we we thought this would happen based on his body and he still has a ways to go um you know the times that we play him down there based on what concepts that and schemes that we're going against that week he's come a long ways and again it'll be real interesting to see how he develops so the first month the teams were playing this team and um non-conference games and then even in Conference teams that play with a lot of heavy personnel which will use him in that position it'll be interesting to watch and see see how far that we've developed him when we get to the 1 of October does it also speak to the fact that you've got some depth at safety that you've got a guy that has been a main stay there that you're able to move him some yeah so we have two or three guys that played quite a bit you know we got lyc back from last year he was an experienced player last year and then he's U moving around pretty good now um I don't think that he's full speed where he was but he he should be uh getting to that point over the next few weeks and then certainly within a month he should be back to full speed but he's uh played very well lately in practice and it allows us more flexibility coach 20th year for you what more than anything keeps this fresh and interesting for you what I say it again keeps coaching yes uh it just is so different now it's intriguing with everything going on and for us uh myself and and um Danielle that my assistant and Kenyata were in the business side of college football right now so you know I've directed The Players the other way but that doesn't allow me that time uh half of the day for me is still business related and the direction and things that we're hearing across the country changes that are going to be made that we have to somewhat be ready for we can't just say Okay changes are made and we're going to we're going to instantly make those improvements and adjustments so that's side of it's really intriguing to me I will tell you it's very tiresome for me because I don't like knowing what my I want to know what my destination is so I can figure out how to get there and right now we don't have that but neither does anybody else in the country I just somebody had sent me an article last night uh they did it after 9:00 which means I'm in bed but anyway I read it this morning um you should have seen it this morning I had 12 Deer that were eating within 60 F feet of my back porch when I was drinking coffee and anyway I saw the article that's a good promo for my house but the point being is that I was reading an article on Clemson about where they're talking about migrating towards becoming a company Clemson football being a company and being detached from the athletic department and that's really the direction everything is going based on um trying to find enough financial support to fund what it's going to take to put a quality football team on the field in the future moving forward if this judge signs off on this Revenue sharing what's your biggest question as it relates to all of that and what's coming in the future I mean I know there's a ton of questions what's the biggest one in your life well so there's two things like the word is revenue sharing and it's it's not Revenue sharing really it's profit sharing because if we're doing Revenue sharing essentially 99% of the money is going to go to football football is the only really the only program making any money basketball makes a little bit of money maybe so it's not quite Revenue sh sharing it'll be interesting to see if she determines it as Revenue sharing or profit sharing and then the other issue is the title N9 how is that going to factor in when you can when you talk about Revenue sharing profit sharing and then lastly what's the ncaa's role going to be in all of this those are the things that are a concern because we have to have answers for that as we move forward because you're talking about pretty drastic changes not just things we say okay we're going to do it this way you're talking about budgeting you're talking about marketing you're talking about licensing a lot of things that I've been forced to learn that I really didn't want to learn but had to based on the things that Danielle Kenyan and myself are trying to get accomplished as we move forward and at some point have to make presentations to the president and the board of region in what direction do we want to go with the new company Kendall Daniels is listed on the depth chart with Jeff Rogerson is is Jeff following his career here is he kind of the epitome of the cowboy culture kind of a guy that never gives up fought through injuries set out a year and now he's kind of landed on work he's going to get a lot of playing time and be a factor yeah Jeff is a a really good illustration of U some of the guys that have been here for a long time even back in my playing days but specifically 20 years me as a head coach that um really non-recruited um local guy um has a lot of pride in the state of Oklahoma has a lot of pride in um being from this area area and I'm playing for Oklahoma State I love Oklahoma State um first year he wasn't very tough and physical and then second year he was surviving uh and from that point moving forward he's learned to be um as I say disregard his body for the game of football and he's become a much better player so I see him playing more reps in games this year and we'll follow along to see how he picks up on that in live games because it's much different as you know than practice but um he is much bigger stronger um he is intelligent um he's developed some toughness and he does love Oklahoma State so that gives him a real chance fitting our culture to compete here and finish his career here on the field two more things on on South Dakota State one what do you see in their defense um very um sound get lined up in the right spot um unless they've made changes which I don't see that happening um I'm fairly certain their their head coach was a defensive guy uh was there I think he's been there since 2011 or 2012 in the defensive role and they've been very very good since he's been there statistically and from a performance standpoint so they don't have to change a lot in what they do and as I said earlier it's the first game of the year there's a lot of unknowns out there but I just don't see them changing from what they do you know they're they're playing four down and they split safeties most of the time and they're going to try to be in the right spot and keep things in front of them they're going to play with contain and run to the ball and tackle the other thing is there is a tide there Chris Meers was a ga for you did a lot of good work here I know he's a recruiting coordinator tight end's coach you've even allowed like you have a lot of smaller schools he's been here for some of your camps look at kids what do you remember about Chris yeah so we we have um we've got several camps over the league years where teams that we're playing the next year have come to our camps and have been around and Chris um was um a a graduate assistant young coach and prior to the real change this summer those guys are essentially donating their time because uh they barely make enough money to live and eat and uh you know they're they're at it 70 80 hours a week during the season and and he did a really good job for us and was very deserving of the job that he has up there and has has spent time around here with us in the summer or some and there's not any secrets to what we do at Oklahoma State I've been here 20 years and over the last 15 we kind of are who we are and all the guys that have worked here that are at other places that communicate with other people they know that I don't change so it's not a secret we are who we are and we're going to try to be in good shape we want to be disciplined tough and we want to see if we can out execute other people and allow our culture to put us in a good position position to win games so um having guys like that around doesn't alarm Us in any way because we really don't change enough to make a difference what kind of feedback have you gotten from players and administration on the QR codes uh well I haven't heard anything from the administration um I mean they're not playing a role in it basically this is a football related um concept and the players uh are very excited because it's an opportunity for for them to um take advantage of um more money flowing through nil m is been any thought about releasing how much you're making off of that or you keep that in house um well the three of us will know um Kenyan and myself and Danielle will know because um she's the bookkeeper um and I haven't thought about how we will handle that side of it now there'll be nil responsibilities the players will have so let's say it generates a million dollars then we have to um have a plan in place in January to say okay we'll distribute that money but you guys have to um do this this group has to take care of this and we have to facilitate things for them to be able to earn that um as far as releasing what a um a number would be we haven't thought about that at this time coach you talked about the changes in coaching and some of the outside stuff but in terms of good oldfashioned coaching just getting down to it play callling teaching things dayto day what would you say has changed most about that from when you started to today hopefully not anything at all and so the other day when somebody asked me and I had mentioned that the conversation I had with our coaching staff and with the players is that we're not in a negotiating stage in college football now that'll start again in December and so what I would ask the players to do and the coaches to do is to let me mess with all the stuff that's non-f football related at this particular time and for those guys to coach to the very best of their ability and for the players to commit themselves to where we're at at this time and so from this point August 1st moving forward there shouldn't be any different in any difference we should be coaching and committed to playing and the one thing that I share with them coaches and players which is the truth is that when everybody is working and pulling in the same direction and being unselfish and we have success it benefits everybody in the organization and that used to be a coaches cliche from a standpoint that other coaches would come looking for coaches coaches would get raises guys would become coordinators guys would become head coaches but now the player benefit from it so I can I would guess that um with our QR codes if these guys are playing hard and having success people will be excited they'll want to hit social media you know we'll have these QR codes all over campus with those uh A-frame Billboards they'll be they'll be everywhere and they'll benefit from that financially and for the rest of their career um by being successful and the only way they can do that is to do what I tell them to do based on the experience I have in this game and knowing how to get it accomplished is there any concern maybe not now but in the future that people are going to be seeing all these QR codes and they're thinking to themselves well spending all this money on tickets um we have this facility donation thing going on that hasn't been updated yet and and now I'm seeing QR codes everywhere that basically saying if we want to keep these players around consider donating to them directly and people might just be turned off by that um uh you talking about I don't I'm not sure I'm not following you um maybe just like down the road um where people keep donating and eventually they just have had enough well we're in Revenue sharing if she signs this the donations there there's a $20 million bucket that's not donation that's that's coming through Revenue sharing that's already in place is that answer your question um so when R comes do you foresee that these in will stop or they'll just continue I'm not I I can't hear you that when the revenue shink comes do you foresee that nil donations won't be a major factor in this anymore that's going to take a big chunk off the weight of donor fatigue where the donor getting worn out you know I mentioned this to you a year ago before we really talked about Revenue sharing I said donors are getting worn out the same ones are getting pulled for this nil that inl this sport this facility this scholarship all that you're 100% correct that this Revenue sharing is going to help a lot with that um the facilities what direction people go without nowadays um that'll have to be a business decision that Administration makes how much money do you want to put in a facility versus how much money do you want to put on the players that compete on game day in that facility so that's a business decision that'll go on across the country and it'll be different everywhere Sean Brown and J Johnson are guys you've worked in the past couple of years but it it looks like they're going to get some more plan time this year what do you need see from them going deshaan and who and j John both those guys are you know coming along now they've been in here at program uh well they're thirdy Year guys now uh yeah and um they developed their bodies and changed and um they're very similar to what Jeff is in that now they should be playing more of a role in a game when the game matters and hopefully they'll continue to gain experience and over four five six weeks they should be much better than they will be Saturday um and we understand that we know that they'll have to learn on the run but they've been here long enough that they they should move along pretty fast and continue to get better throughout the year um which you know hopefully would allow him to step in next year right from the start and play well how how did IO get on you guys' radar and I guess what impact has he made through out camp to have a spot on this two together um he had a good summer uh he's um U not really experienced in football he's um um hasn't developed his body but he he's long rangey um athleticism uh jump all those things that we look for in a wide receiver there were some questions um across the board about his overall speed and then when we got him in here his numbers were average for what we thought and then after uh coach glass had worked with him for six to eight weeks he dropped two t0 off his 40 uh so we're expecting that to come down even a little more during his career and he's made enough plays in practice to put himself in a position that um if he's in a game we have enough confidence to play him at this time with Colin clay and Justin Kirkland uh do you see those guys having different strengths and how valuable is it to just have both of those options they're very similar um one of them's 342 lb and the other one's 322 lb so they're both big guys they're very experienced they're older guys they're mature they've been around they've seen a lot and so they're very similar in comparison those guys will roll in and out and share reps mik we've talked about parody in the Big 12 in recent years and how much fun it is don't know what's going to happen long term is that good for the Big 12 or do we need couple of teams to rise up and be annual Powers not anymore with with the the playoff expansion and and um you know we're what a couple three years away from being 16 teams it's going to pay more money money's driving the market once they figure out they can make more money they'll expand it more so when it's in that when it's uh when it moves in that direction in my opinion a competitive conference which will allow teams to get in if they so-called beat up on each other I think it's going to be more profitable for the committee when they look at that side of it compared to a league that maybe has two teams that's dominated it and then you get the question mark of okay if we have a league that has two teams that's dominated this league over a five or six-year period how do we know that those teams are any good versus a team that has a lot of competitiveness you know maybe through at least the middle part of the league so I think it'll be beneficial for this league to be competitive um on an annual basis uh at least it'll change I mean there there's teams that'll have down years and teams that'll have good years and so it could vary a little bit but if you're competitive through the middle of the league from a strength standpoint I think it's going to benefit it when it comes to the committee and they make those decisions for you personally do you view a 16 team playoff hypothetically is kind of like the ceiling for the max amount of teams you could have in a postseason format I mean I didn't even thought past that but I see coming from conversations people I talk to things that I hear I see that coming pretty soon just because there's a market for it and they can make money off of it and when they do that in most cases they're going to take advantage of it because I mean you've been around I mean you're young but you were around four three or four years ago nobody was talking about it right they were said hey we have the four team deal we're contracted through what year was it they were contracted through and then they changed it right well they changed it cuz they figured out that they could make more money and the some somebody said well we're changing this cuz we can make more money so a contract doesn't mean anything if there's some financial advantage in moving forward from coaches standpoint do you view anything more than 16 as maybe being too many like if you're I wouldn't I mean you're C you're asking me a question I hadn't put any thought to but I I wouldn't see any reason that there would be um to go past 16 because in my opinion I haven't done my research on this but I don't know that there's can be more teams than that that are competitive enough to play for a national Championship on an annual basis in my opinion Mike as you look at the running back position everybody assumes all's getting a huge amount of the the carries and the yards and all that but considering who else what you've seen out of that position and what you know about what oi can handle what is a reasonable I don't know either amount of carries or percentage or what do you sort of anticipate his load looking like 20 would be good 20 carries would be good for him be good for us will there'll be times he has to carry it more probably will there be times that we can keep it where he's carrying it less hopefully but I'm going to say 20 would be a decent number at this time is that um more reflective of wanting to keep him a little fresher or the talent behind him what sort of the both we have developed some some talent and a little maturity behind him uh you know we we brought in we brought in a mature player this year like we did last year and then last year um with the injury we didn't really have that so we were faced with youth behind we're in decent shape now with some experience so that should allow us to protect him for us and protect him for the NFL both so it's just a fact in in in coaching today we have to take into consideration and have an appreciation for a young man don't make a difference what his position is if he has a very bright future for the NFL we have to take in to account what can we do to help him solidify that for an extended period of time because we all know that the NFL you've got to get through year year three and four healthwise and production wise or you get cut to be able to get a contract that could be substantially changing a young man's life and so it would be great if we could keep him to that 20 carry Mark if we need him to carry 30 to win he's going to carry 30 to win the thing that stood out to me about him last year on several occasions was how much stronger he seemed to be as the game went on I know you said 20 is a hypothetical High Mark but are there times when you just I mean you can sense that he's picking up speed and you just have to roll with that maybe that happened last it's the same thing uh Gage my youngest son told me about the middle of the Season cuz I you guys brought this up and I said I really am not comfortable with him carrying it more than 20 times s and he said dad he's better 20 to 30 than he is 1 to 20 he said for some reason he likes it he feeds off of it um his he's strong and when I when he mentioned that to me I thought about it and I said you know he's right it's same thing you said so you know it's this way but I know this if if we take 20 times 12 in just the regular season we're talking about almost 300 carries that's a lot and you guys know this at the college level and NFL level running backs take big time hits worse than any other position because they're getting it from all angles so all those are valid questions but 20 would be a good number uh olly has never said has never come to us once and said I want more carries and he's never come to us and said I'm carrying it too much and if he'll if he'll continue with that thought process and allow us to do what we think is best based on trying to be successful as a team and protecting him in his career we'll do that were you concerned at all or what have you seen from him with the added weight he looks good I mean he's just a kid you know he's young uh he's he's he's growing you know his his uh legs his uh his thigh his thighs are this big you don't know it though cuz he's so long and gangly and he's um um 3 four 5 years away from still developing you know the male body develops close to its maximum at 27 years old he's at 20 and so he's still got four or five years and he he does a decent job of eating in my opinion um and in training with Coach glass if he'll continue which when he's here he doesn't have a choice but when he goes to the NFL if he'll continue to take care of his body and train in the weight room like he has with Coach then he's going to develop all the way up till 27 28 years old how do you using gav Freeman and Dwayne lton his offense on the team um Gavin well both of them will be uh in in slot receiver roles and find ways to get him the ball um Lofton um more of a pure receiver returner guy Gavin is a returner but um receiver running back Brennan Presley style player where can do a lot of things with the ball um um lofton's receiving skills at this point are a little further ahead but you know Gavin Freeman ran 22 mph in games last year uh so his ability to get the ball and run really fast and make plays is is pretty good is pres still your ideal Return Man uh for Punt and kickoffs well we have um we have uh Presley that's working it um Gavin that's working it um let's see I'm missing somebody cabie works it I'm missing and Pearson yeah so those four guys are working returns does it mean to be entering your 20th season what about it what does it mean to um well I've been very fortunate it's extremely difficult in this profession to to be 20 years uh even more difficult to be 20 years as a head coach and then maybe even a little more difficult to be at the same place um you know once you get past seven years as Mike Leech says you make a lot of enemies in the same location that's why you got to stay on the move so I've been very fortunate to be here a long time and have a lot of good things happen but I've had we've we've had great people here um and we've gotten very fortunate to have tough kids really tough young men that love to play football that somebody might have fought weren't as talented as what we did but they were willing to be um regardless of of the um physical situation we put them in they were willing to compete at a high level and and play and love okom state so I've been very fortunate 10 years ago go ahead 10 10 years ago would you have thought you would be here entering your 20th season no that's why I let him schedule the Alabama game I thought that would be somebody else's issue and I thought it's creeping up on me now it's four years from now right I said two so that makes me feel better uh next year yeah I mean we at Oregon and that's a little bit what I was referring to with our scheduling we've actually done a good job because we have some really tough nonconference opponents which will be good for the the the playoff team uh committee all right A lot of them more on the de chart but You' seen them through Paul camp and some of them may probably red shirt but your recruiting class from last year now you've had a chance to look at them in your uniforms and your practices for over a month what do you think of the recruiting class from last year oh you have to give me some names because there I mean you think about this we had portal kids huh the cousins the fields you got two of those pday on one side good young players um um I'm just thinking here in my head uh Ford wasn't even ranked when he committed Ford was a uh um you know he's a I don't know whatever somebody Stars I mean he's a if if they knew as much about him as we knew about him he'd be a four star I'm guessing um you've got uh the two kids from Dell City that have had good camps they've stayed healthy from St Louis has done well um I'm trying to think of the other ones who aren't portal guys gri yeah he's doing good and um 94 is doing good um Landon Cleveland I was going to say Landon Cleveland is back now in praon and he's doing pretty good so you know the truth is we'll know a lot more about those guys in one year uh but there'll be a few of them that'll that'll play in the games so guys OB he came in as a defensive end an edge guy now on the dep card as a as a linebacker I what what kind of Stand Out stood out about him in the first seven or eight months you known him um he's done well he's brings to the table what we wanted he's experienced he's older he's very mature he's developing his physicality con considerable difference from where he was to where he's playing now and uh he's another one of those players that we have that'll move around a lot um he'll you know he'll move around like we've moved guys around down the box like some of the stuff we're doing with Kendall um we're hoping that has the flexibility athletically to do both is he more of a move arounder like a Kendall or more of a move around like a Colin um he won't go back like Kendall will sometimes he's more inside move around if we put him back there he'd be scared to death following up on Josh Ford um how unique is it for a true freshman to come in and and be able to compete this early at a at a position in the yeah did they put him on there yeah they put him down there um um well it's very rare uh but he's you know I think they have him at uh 245 on here he's he's closer to 260 um but Josh is a little unusual from um his work ethic and his um disregard for his body the way he plays like he'll collisions at this point don't mean anything to him and that's allowed him to take the step that you're asking most players that come in to this level for the first time the physicality side of it is what they can't handle and he was able to overcome that the very first day of Spring ball and he's maintained it now he got banged up and was out about 7 to 10 days but he made it through spring and he's made it through everything in this Camp other than 7 to 10 days which is which allows him to potentially be able to play in the first game if you can't make it through that side of it then it's hard to get in as a young player but he's done very well up to this point you a funny story on him uh Charlie Johnson the guy you moved from tight ended tackle when he became head coach uh he uh got him Super Bowl ring yeah he had him in still water and he made the same threat to the board he said you know you been working your way toward tackle right yeah Charlie told yeah and I don't I don't know if if Josh will get that big but he's he uh you know he's young so he could potentially get 20 more pounds um 12 months from now Mike since we talked to you last you guys announced you've sold all your tickets for home games this year which you did season tickets last year did that again this year but does that signal anything to you what how does that strike you when you heard that news I I think it's a combination of our long-term success here but I also think it it the new league is contributing to this I think um the fans want to see Utah play I think they want to see um I don't even know who else we play at home but the new teams that we play I think it's intriguing to them we live in a world like with our phones where everybody just goes to the next thing and I think the newness of the league has actually generated a lot of interest in ticket sales I will say that over an extended period of time this school has really um come a long ways in understanding the responsibilities for football and the fans have bought into that and they realize through education of the importance of just the things that you mentioned much less the N nil side of it and kind of goes back to the question that was asked earlier in that you would think eventually everybody would get worn out with all this but it's still goes back to the same point that was made long time ago when coaches started making a ton of money at this in this game and people said I can't believe that's happening there's enough donors out there at each School across the country that wants to win they don't care they don't they make a difference what it cost they want to win they want to be able to go to their business functions where their buddies go from come from other schools and they want to say we kicked your butt last year in this bowl and because of that the Oklahoma State people have have migrated towards understanding the importance of football and I think they're showing that support part is a component of that excitement about what you guys are going to put on the field this year do you feel like I think there's some truth to that you we have um everybody wants to have a returning quarterback everybody wants to have experienced players we have all that um that generates a lot of excitement now we've had great returning teams in the past that haven't sold out even the home games so the the other side of it in my opinion is pushing more than just that side did you ever have a in your in your first year maybe even second year where where you kind of realize I I can do this I can be a head coach kind of get over that and POS imposter syndrome I've made it I can be a head coach not in year one two three or four when did that come probably about I mean it's too long me I I I have a really really good memory but there's a lot of that year two through six or something I can't even remember because it was just so much wear and tear on trying to get everything going but I can guarantee you it wasn't in year 1 through five that I actually thought that okay I've got this same thing under control and I'm going to say it was closer to probably year eight where I felt like okay we have this running pretty good now um we have some sustainability uh people are buying into the thought process we actually have a culture so it took a while than good all right thank you for

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Oklahoma State vs. South Dakota State Postgame News Conference - 8/31/2024

Category: Sports

The team that was a uh it was a really good win first game of the season which we all know is always a little scary um not quite as much for us this year with with all the returning starters but as i have said for months um this team doesn't make a lot of mistakes they're very well coached they're tough... Read more

Oklahoma State vs. Arkansas Postgame News Conference - 9/7/2024 thumbnail
Oklahoma State vs. Arkansas Postgame News Conference - 9/7/2024

Category: Sports

Glad we won that the only thing i can say statistically was we won the turnover margin obviously won the penalties and then uh we were really good in overtime on both sides of the ball we wasted the first half their coaches had better concepts and schemes than our coaches did uh our players got out... Read more

Oklahoma State Football with Mike Gundy - Orange Power Podcast thumbnail
Oklahoma State Football with Mike Gundy - Orange Power Podcast

Category: Sports

We're with coach gundy ready to kick off the 2024 season number 20 for coach gundy as head coach at oklahoma state this is a question i don't know if you can answer this but i'm curious when you started this do you did you think you might be doing this into your late 50s or did you think boy i'll do... Read more

Mike Gundy News Conference 9/2/24 thumbnail
Mike Gundy News Conference 9/2/24

Category: Sports

Look at film look at tape what are your uh takeaways a couple days later not a lot different than what um we talked about after the game um we ran the ball okay not good enough defensively we had 50 49 plays and gave up 174 yards and then we had six plays and gave up 210 which is kind of what i thought... Read more

Taylen Green and Cam Ball Press Conference - Oklahoma State 39, Arkansas 31 thumbnail
Taylen Green and Cam Ball Press Conference - Oklahoma State 39, Arkansas 31

Category: Sports

T obviously tough loss but your thoughts on the effort in the game today i feel like our effort was extremely well you know i'm proud of every how everybody fought um and just the different situations that we were put in you know but we have a lot to work on you know as you can see and just head out... Read more

Oklahoma State Cowboys vs. Arkansas Razorbacks | Quick Preview & Prediction | Close Game? thumbnail
Oklahoma State Cowboys vs. Arkansas Razorbacks | Quick Preview & Prediction | Close Game?

Category: Entertainment

Arkansas traveling to number 16 oklahoma state to take on the cowboys in still water a lot of respect being given to arkansas here which i get it but also at the same time beating up on an fcs opponent like that isn't necessarily an indicator of great success but it is nice to see 70 dropped i understand... Read more

Oklahoma Football's Updated Roster + EA Sports College Football 25 Player Rankings & Ws/Ls thumbnail
Oklahoma Football's Updated Roster + EA Sports College Football 25 Player Rankings & Ws/Ls

Category: Sports

On this episode the oklahoma breakdown with h layman presented by riverwind casino ou released its updated roster and we give you what stood out to us then we have a fun conversation about the player ratings on the college football video game and we give you our winners and losers of the weekend please... Read more

WILL THIS BE THE BEST CFB SEASON YET? 2024 NCAA College Football Preview thumbnail
WILL THIS BE THE BEST CFB SEASON YET? 2024 NCAA College Football Preview

Category: People & Blogs

What's up everybody and welcome to the channel it's the bottled water guy tw the night before week one of college football saturday and all through this crappy apartment not a thing was moving not even ea sports college football 25 which i got it's a pretty difficult game but it's fun but even though... Read more

Utah vs SUU thumbnail
Utah vs SUU

Category: Sports

Welcome utah fans [music] welcome to the utah football fans podcast please like subscribe and share and as always go youths hello welcome again to the utah football fans podcast you get two welcomes from us i'm brinn here with gary and james it is game week can you believe it it doesn't feel real it... Read more

Gibson Out for Season & More OU Training Camp Updates + Preseason AP Top 25 Overreactions & Ws/Ls thumbnail
Gibson Out for Season & More OU Training Camp Updates + Preseason AP Top 25 Overreactions & Ws/Ls

Category: Sports

On this episode of the oklahoma breakdown with ier and layman presented by river wind casino we give you the latest updates out of ou training camp then we break down the preseason ap top 25 and of course we give you our winners and losers of the week please download and subscribe to the podcast rate... Read more

1st & Football: Oklahoma Sooners, Oklahoma State Cowboys, Tulsa College Football Preview Show thumbnail
1st & Football: Oklahoma Sooners, Oklahoma State Cowboys, Tulsa College Football Preview Show

Category: Sports

[music] 4 days from now college football is [applause] back but there's something a little different and then you saw something new you saw bivo and you saw the sooner scooner after 28 seasons and one final bam battle and the cowboys with a crucial game-winning fourth down stop to seal this victory... Read more