HOI4 | Red Dusk | Republic Of Iraq | Iraqi Ba'ath Party | Saddam Hussein | #1 | Iraqis Abroad!

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 01:06:16 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: saddam hussein
all right Lads welcome back to Hearts of Iron 4 and the red dusk mod as the Republic of Iraq I I meant to get this video out for yesterday but I just quite did not have I did not have quite enough time so I brought it out on Saturday we are here with Iraq we shall be going for the greater Iraq route uh rather than the dreams of a United Arab nation which is is a betrayal of baptism 100% um it even talks about I can't remember where it was was it here it talks about the other guy uh betraying yeah yeah it talks about cim quickly approached his Downfall by betraying the ideas of pan arabism we're going to be doing the exact same thing as Saddam Hussein because I have actually play tested the dreams of a United Arab nation and it does not work very well it requires a colossal amount of political power to centralize and stabilize and I just I just can't get it and eventually I start getting like minus 20% monthly centralization minus 80% monthly stability which is a unique stability modifier it's not this one and I just can't seem to get it to work on top of all of the political power required to integrate the various Arab states so I'm going to try the Proclaim greater Iraq route instead if you would like to see the United Arab Republic's path I believe Mr mocha lover has just uh concluded his campaign as the United Arab republics I recommend you check that out instead of this campaign if you want to see the U I just can't really get it to work for me so I'm going to try the greater Iraq route instead but off we go I've already done the showcase on this so we won't be doing the initial stuff I've also decided to bring back music for this campaign though I'm sure some of it will be copyrighted in some regards I have a nice pan Arabic playthrough which again is funny because I'm going for the greater Iraq playthrough so let us get cracking on our research it is the year 2000 2000 infantry weapons would be good we I'd say yeah we probably grab the old classic uh manufacturing production yeah we might just grab these how are we doing on the engineering side of things we are behind let's grab research so yeah uh yeah construction is fine I'm not too worried about construction 39 divisions of course none of them actually have icons which which is quite annoying we have iset Ibrahim Alor which is quite funny I uh if you guys know the game called to Arms the the base called to Arms not Gates of front I actually had you can play as what are effectively pan Arabic um paramilitaries or militia forces it's kind of set up to be something like either Saddam Hussein's government or um or hez al-assad's or Bashar al-assad's or something like that and I actually created a a thumbnail for that campaign with this guy uh with this guy as the supposed leader he was on one of the American kind of playing cards uh for the invasion of Iraq uh which was a system that that the the old video game uh mercenaries playground of Destruction copied that that Deca 52 system so I am actually somewhat familiar with aldori now God damn he's fat uh we'll guess Al maid nice [ __ ] hell yeah if we ever run out of artillery cells we can just load this guy into one of our 203s Just Launch him towards the Americans he'll blot out the sun uh let's get some rubber from the Vietnamese of course some aluminium from the Soviets yes indeed lovely now H I reckon we we focus on infrastructure just uh we got we can go up to eight levels that's interesting okay we'll focus on infrastructure just to get extra oil and extra steel uh as well as as well as Sy chromium this also makes sense just while we're under the coalition's bombing campaign just you know kind of Mak sense not be building factories but we can get everything kind of set up for once we manage to clear the sky so I've read all of these National Spirits all of this in our showcas is already I recommend you check out the Iraqi showcase uh just so that you can have a look at that uh yes we will split these two split you into two that's fantastic we will guess Abu canbar or ammad Hashim yeah we'll get canbar nice we get Tariq aiz does have the Infantry leader trade all right now I'm going to have to figure out what all of these templates are like even the icons don't have uh templat that's kind of crazy oh this is the the main battle tanks combined with heavy infantry so the faircat harass um joran are the tank divisions I'm just going to double check and make sure oh there's also other tank divisions okay that's kind of confusing H interesting I don't have any other mod enabled apart from Red dusk so not quite sure why it's doing that at Le I'll double check and make sure I don't have any other mod enabled other than red dusk don't want to be slandering oh no I'd have to yeah I'd have to I can't really check that at the moment I have other mods uh installed just not active interesting and can I all right I can uh we'll just pop a couple of symbols on these uh you were also tanks weren't you yeah you are also tanks please don't tell me your okay your ifvs and heavy INF that's fine put a half track on you I'm sure there's a half track somewhere there's no half track it's kind of shocking well uh what we go for yeah we'll just put a put a wheel on it what are you you're heavy infantry you're also ifvs do do we have like duplicate templates here like two of everything that's kind of interesting um I'll just put the wheel on you again I imagine you're just Infantry yeah you're just infantry good uh good good enough templates though that's nice put that on that and what were you you're just yeah you're infantry but you're less so we'll just put a regular where's the where's like the regular helmets and all that damn what's going on uh let's put a fist on you why not you can pretend you're militia or something I fail to see how you have the yeah designate you as reserves you can all be regular and yeah I think that's the yeah that's pretty much the exact same template maybe support companies are different uh yeah maybe all right interesting we have a decent sized arm 336,000 we won won't really have much trouble fighting anything on land until we go up against the Iranians who have considerably more people than we do and a larger military but by the time we do we should have a a nice military buildup going on now resource yeah we have so much oil I didn't even know had steel like that that's that's actually fantastic we have plenty of oil too I know our neighbors have a lot also but we uh we do have a considerable amount of oil fantastic yeah Syria has nothing that's kind of sad tough to be Syrian uh yeah again we've read all of this so let's get cracking now New Era for Iraq uh let's bump up the game speed wait do I have have the song on Loop I think I do yeah we'll turn off that Loop so we can move on to the next song now political power plus 25 5% based ability it is well known by every Iraqi that the period of 1980s up to 2000s was not a very good period for Iraq there have been and still are sanctions by the USA internal conflicts against minorities and the rebellion of the Kurdish people in fact the Kurds are conducting terrorist operations aimed at destroying and damaging Iraqi infrastructure in factories although times may seem difficult we will be able to bring Iraq back among the great great middle eastern Powers uh this will be a new era Forest fantastic Ethiopia launches a major offensive against the uh the atrans all the best to the atrans in that fight it's kind of a difficult choice for us we've got they're both varieties of red I think I saw them win so the way the Civil uh the way the Cold War conflict works is that you back one side and if your side wins you get political power and a military and civilian Factory but if you lose you lose political power uh angolan Civil War I mean obviously we're going to back the mpla uh that's obvious um yeah back the angolan government I assume that's supposed to be the npla because the other side is unisa yeah obviously we're going to back the angolan government npla won historically um even though the Soviet Union was well gone of course they've got even more support from the Soviet Union this time around uh so they should probably they shouldn't have much trouble there oh there actually class power that's unfortunate all right uh yes yeah we do we don't have access to the uh the air denial system yet now 21 years of saddam's rule pral power plus 30 gets me one man's hero Saddam Hussein has been the leader of Iraq for 21 years and it must be admitted that he made mistakes one of his biggest mistakes was the Iranian Iraqi War uh that dragged Iraq in its current situation but he has also done good things such as preserving the identity of the nation and its culture s's next step is to write every single mistake he made and Lead Iraq into its golden age that would be good that would be really good also I think most of the are like fully fully equipped so God yeah only 29% uh daily experience game it must be which one of these is the daily experience game it's got to be one of them cuz it shouldn't be that low unless that's just a thing in uh that's just a thing in red dusk now one man's hero it was early in it was early morning in mosul when the old man Ibrahim entered the city market he was returning from the mosque when he decided to buy some fresh food as he entered he could see that the market was rather quiet only the local food sellers were there and even then they were just preparing for the day and of course there was one thing that couldn't escape anyone's view the mural of Saddam Hussein painted all over a side of the building overlooking the market ibraim stood there for a second he remembered the war The Trenches the uh the orders to not Retreat and even the faces of Iranian soldiers charging at him he remembered saddam's numerous speeches from that time all talking about a great victory that was nowhere to be seen he remembered everything even now he lives a rather good life but not much but good even even though he remembered that due to the sanctions he won't be able to get anything that was made in the west but that didn't bother him that much as long as he didn't see saddam's face uh as long as he didn't see Sadam face to face he would be all right is another man start minus 7% based stability plus 8% based conflict we will write that we will write all those wrongs we will uh build up have another war with Iran and uh amer's Victorious this time now who have we got here we've got the Congo War uh I think is that a is that a threeway yeah we've got the Democratic Republic of the Congo off DE you've got rcd GMA faction and the rcd canga faction that's kind of interesting let's uh let's check out this yeah look look at that the Soviets sent uh oh no that that was to the people's Democratic Republic of w not too sure but yeah they sent one volunteer division to oh God is it npla losing oh no I might have to send volunteers myself I can send one okay Saddam Hussein personally will go to uh we go to Angola to ensure the victory that's kind of crazy I the Air Force we'll also get you training up I'm going to try and refrain from using the Air Force until we've really knocked out quite a couple of countries because as it stands our air force is really not too powerful and if we kind of squander it in each War rather than just saving it up for one big war it's you know suboptimal so we we'll train it we'll train the Air Force we'll build it up uh as time goes along yeah un need is kind of winning which is crazy uh they've got U South African volunteers that makes sense now what else the Sudanese civil conflict Republic of Sudan seems to be on top we'll just check that out Second Sudanese Civil War oh yeah prob of Sudan has got crazy uh crazy Advantage back Sudan I assume that's their Republic so we back toan there let say tman I remember him from the uh oh the Serbian Yugoslav War song O Alia Alo that's a good song anyway D oh it's one of the those volunteer systems nice where they just arrived the next day love that get straight into the battle fantastic all right now we don't have trucks yeah we don't have trucks we desperately need trucks so we will immediately get that production of that set up uh 1960 motorized equipment oh no we already have it never mind we just need to actually get factories on all right that'll that'll come online as we get more factories or should we move up maybe and yeah I think we'll move up move up there into the uh inclement now the propaganda machine unlocks the propaganda machine decisions Iraq our homeland is a strong and United Nation but our enemies every day continue to try to destroy us from within turning our own people and the Arabs against us but Saddam knows that in fact he devised a plan to put an end to These Foolish attempts by our enemies and this plant inaugurates the greatest invention of all modern Iraq namely the propaganda machine this machine will allow us to establish an even stronger relationship and unify with the Iraqi and Arab people thanks to the use of propaganda the morale of the people and of the nation will rise and they will know the name of a single and great leader Saddam Hussein yes indeed now there actually South African I mean if we get in there we could stop them but let's move in here all right nice they're reinforcing it too good uh oh two off Maps Mills yeah we really need that swords of araq of course is also on uh pen or is also an Iraqi song Get 10% based conflict support and loock cision swords of Iraq add two offmap military Factory Iraq our great Homeland although small in terms of of territory compared to its neighbors we boast of two peculiarities the people patriotic and brave in the Army one of the most competent in all of the Middle East and Sadam Hussein our beloved leader is always hatching plans to make our country grow and prosper more and more one of his most recent ideas is that of the propaganda machine or as the name suggest a Ministry that distributes propaganda without the country currently its main task is to entice young Iraqis to voluntarily in role in the armed forces and to raise the morale of all land sea and air units if we continue like this the whole Middle East will fear us nothing is more frightening than an army willing to do anything for its leader okay nice we're holding back to South Africans here we're like the Cubans of old uh in Angola I say of old like maybe what 50 years ago no no more like for Less 40 years ago 30 years ago even Fel Caster looking good uh oh he's he's after yeah yeah Cuba sent forces to Ethiopia as well Cuba had like 50,000 troops in Angola crazy number even took quite a few casualties there but were was pretty instrumental to the mpla's victory ni holding them back we'll crush this uh uh wait Democratic is that what un need is calling itself okay nice that's fine ping them back here that's good now we'll assist in crushing this as soon as we reinforce come on there we are there we're in we're in Jungle tough terrain for our tanks excellent work first victory for Iraq get down here yes uh in the face of a new millennium Sadam Hussein has increased propaganda efforts to increase the populace trust in Iraq and spread the goals of our regime to the people of Iraq um h I think I might hang on to my political power for a while yeah yeah at least um with the exception of these uh the Cold War want to get as many milon CES as we can for that God we're only on extensive conscription but by God we can almost have a million man army fantastic 100 PP would be good yeah to get uh get that political power for the Cold War 100 political power unlock cision dogs of the West and scum of the earth minus 75 opinion of the Israelis the Americans and kuwaitis of all the enemies that have approached our sacred Nation the chief amongst them uh are all the three Devils of the West and All Shall forever be damed to Hell by oh excuse me millions of Iraqis Zionist in Israel who for years have expelled thousands of ethnic Palestinians and have tarnished Arab Unity and honor the Americans who have backed these small hat Vipers for decades profiting off of the suffering of our people and and the people of the Islamic realm and finally the quaes the false oligarchs right in our border who have had their greedy hands on the black old pulsing through our vast deserts all three of these bastard Nations deserve death in every respect of the word and we shall make sure every single Iraqi considers them as such I know they already do now going to hold off this Force actually probably be a pretty good idea if we got our actual Marshall here if we got our actual commander that we'll be using I know that'll take away some those unit leader abilities for a while but yeah it's fine oh nice excellent opportunity for in Circ right here oh can't do by ourselves damn jungle oh it's the forest damn wait do they they have some kind of a river uh oh it's just night time is that it that's fine should be able to break through here once this uh second Infantry Division reinforces ah they've been reinforced too all right call off that attack and support this one turn off that fog War so ugly chromium that is good that means we got a new oh nice nice nice yeah we got production of motorized as well as Tanks online fantastic line of Babylon tanks we have over 1,200 in reserve oh but not okay it's actually T 55s and type 59s type 59s I believe are just the Chinese t-55s though they could be the Chinese t62 I'll double check uh now that yeah that's the yeah the T 59 is the Chinese t-55 that's okay would have been better if it was the t62 quite fond of the t62 that 115 smooth Bo is uh is nothing to mess around with especially considering uh the velocity of it very long smooth War to it's kind of crazy that the British are just now going to smooth war tank guns oo a damn I thought it was open planes you look at that and you think open planes you wouldn't think jungle oh man either way they look pretty weak strike now dogs of the West completed fantastic we'll do futureal Li in the military 2500 manow not that we're short unlocks decision futzing the military futzing the military this is the phrase that is written on every poster around every City Countryside and urban center of Iraq and many other models are written on as many posters Across the Nation this is due to saddam's aanda machine in fact its purpose is to incentivize every man in Iraq who's old enough to serve to join our Armed Forces Army Navy Air Force anyone to defend our country they've been reinforced oh maybe we just still beat them okay the slogan was chosen to make Iraqi youth understand that they are our future that they are the future of Iraq and that they must fight for its greatness and prosperity as any Brave citizen does yes indeed now we have enough to call us on I reckon I'll probably support the yeah they've got Soviet and Cuban volunteers um you've actually got sa volunteers that's hilarious we will support the um will support support the Ethiopians though if I had to just call it personally I would support Eritrea I'm quite fond of errea uh yes back Ethiopia I was looking at IQ Maps recently the Somalians have got like 68 and bear in mind you need like a minimum of 75 IQ to not be considered profoundly mentally disabled and the errans have got like 85 all I'm saying is erat trayan bundle of sticks just ascar Vindicated that's all I'm saying we back Ethiopia though just just for you know military and civilian Factory reasons and political power we get like 75 the 75 each time is H is quite nice Sierra Leon Civil War who have we got I I recall that uh that Predator movie with oh God what's his face the guy from The Pianist something Adrien bro and there's one of the there's a s Sierra Leon fighter there he's from like some I don't know Sierra Leon difficult or something like that uh you've got from the Libyan Arab uh Jamaria oh is that is that actually the proper name of uh Gaddafi's forces okay nice but they do have forces from the British and the South Africans I don't want to be on the same side as the British and the South Africans for obvious reasons um but at the same time I kind of feel like strictly in terms of game playay we should support the same side as the British and South Africans because uh that's the wrong F this one right here yeah I think so going to back the Republic of Sierra Leon I think yeah just strictly in terms of gameplay reasons uh Liberian civil conflict who have we got the Republic of Liberia Whitewing rightwing Nationalist and the oems under the rebel forces all right what kind of strength numbers are we looking at here Republic of Liberia has has got more might leave that for a while Congo War yeah let's check out the Congo uh second Congo War might leave that for a while as well might try sending volunteers to who Leon now back to this come on break through break through that division God they arve so quickly that's insane is this all okay it's Mountain okay think I nearly prefer do I prefer that to Jungle H I'm pretty sure attack 50% jungle uh no no uh jungle is definitely better just thinking it's all hot and wet and sticky rainforest come on breakr so weak we have a tank Division come on smash through how many tanks does this tank division actually have though I should probably check that oh it's tank division my ass it's tank Brigade it's only had 7,000 men all right fair enough come on ah sentury leap here nice death of Nelson Mandela o I wonder what path the South Africans will go this game that could be interesting now what have we got where are the uh the British I don't see them am I blind there's the South Africans where's the British no idea maybe they're under this one no okay no idea this is Rainforest all right oh this seems like a good Dragon for a while all right yeah back to this one we can do more here oh yeah definitely aan damn this tank tank Brigade can't do much neutralizing the military nice yeah we're going to do dreams of a greater arq 25 Army experience add dreams of a greater araq 30% entrenchment speed that's that's considerable oh my God 10% division defense on core territory and lock decision a Iraq's future ever since the days of the great Empire of Mesopotamia the rivers which fuel Iraq have been a beacon of grand Society within the vast northern desert of Arabia we intend to keep it that way we shall view this new revist ideal of a greater Iraq implementing is into our propaganda programs with Saddam himself sponsoring this ideal granted it shall come along with a fair amount of pan arabist ideals however these ideals shall be heavily outweigh to buy this new grand goal the strength is good it's just come on smash through how is the the Air Force coming along are you we we might have to send some air volunteers all right I'll let to keep training just for now back up to Liberia all these tank divisions can't how much do the other divisions have 7600 8300 8300 9200 okay might have been better to have sent those uh these tank divisions I've got 22.5 or supposed to yeah we should we should have sent the Infantry oh well can we send more any chance uh new uh can we recall volunteers is that function has that function been implemented no okay that's kind of a it's kind of unfortunate all right all right so we might like transfer up here yeah because if this if this province is weak we can just take the capital maybe something like that that' be quite nice perhaps we should move up there and assist here yeah I reckon we should we'll assist however we can good comeback from uh the npla yeah they do only have one division up here all right hopefully if we build up enough get enough planning bonus it's a shame we don't have the and we're running out of running out of assault rifles my God uh it's probably because the yeah the main main Army keeps raining please all right there you are defended fended off that attack uh come and take these two provinces widen the encirclement deepen it rather dreams of a great orac fantastic zam's Cult of Personality 25 political power at's Cult of Personality which grants daily political power Cost Plus 0.15 consumer goods factories Factor minus 30% weekly stability gain plus .1% that's fantastic and 10% Factory output cost of the propaganda decisions decreases by five unlocks decision saddam's Saddam Iraq savior unlocks decision Saddam an example for the Youth our great leader Saddam Hussein father to the nation the grand provider or vendor of the Arab world against the Western Menace these are some of the many titles attributed to our leader a man who has for years endeared the hearts of millions uh of Iraqis in his endless search for Glory and power searches which have contributed to the everpresent propaganda IND minies in Iraq the government has fears ensure the constant stream of pro who saying rhetoric in every single show every single movie every single magazine every single News Network and every single government broadcast demonstrating a vast network of our works in keeping the people happy under saddam's rule and loyal to saddam's rule and we intend to keep it that way for as long as arq stands how is Ethiopia doing you know what we might have to send some volunteers to Ethiopia and we're going to we're going to select the proper uh yeah you have 23 points uh yeah we got to send the the helmets with the skull on I know the uh the Iraqis had like some some kind of unit formation that basically had like Darth Vader helmets uh which is very funny we are help cross that pocket there we are fantastic got a decent bit of experience from that excellent work come back down here isn't there a rhan song about keeping them north of the zambesi the zambesi river I think yeah and we've already arrived fantastic we'll help move up here and destroy that pocket excellent work how's everything going here Max planning bonus come on oh okay we Iraqi and British fighting side by side oh yeah come on smash through yeah we can do it how was the aor situation looking here do they have an air base that we could uh we do have some cast that's the thing we actually have M mainly Cass H where's the cast yeah we can send Su 25s if you have an air base which I don't think you do that's unfortunate uh Angola can I send you some cast that would be nice that's the wrong one I don't think you have an air base either man that's unfortunate okay Ethiopia definitely has an air base I me come on come on now uh yeah but I don't think we can sometimes it's weird like that you just can't send those air volun that's unfortunate oh well what are you going to do yeah we got to run up here and oh yeah yeah we're definitely going to beat the aerotrans but the question is can we beat them before the Ethiopians explode which they will yeah that's why I didn't do anything in Congo see everything's after changing there now o there we go up attack there if you can maybe that was all right get your planning bonus up so now that's that we have to go do something else uh is the Kurdish issue the Kurdish issue is not an issue yet might have be an idea to yeah I think it might be an idea to just ignore that for a while the CDs have to get to 80% I think for the revt yeah I might ignore that first economic restructuring 25 power available as air as political advisor hikmat mban Ibrahim which grants consumer goods factories Factor minus 15% construction speed plus 5% the last decade has been devastating for our economy with infrastructure disrepair and trade severely restricted to get our country back on track must reorganize our economic sector even if it means hiring previously dismissed advisers got to be pragmatic about these things oh look at that nice or uh yeah we've taken this part that's good yeah that is they have forts on that no it mainly seems to be a Samara that's under attack so we will transfer up there how are we doing here wow that province is just open that's crazy uh did we take that Province we did take that Province that's fantastic move in there look how low or this division is is that another Mountain tile uh I don't think we'll he will maybe if we get some support here from our AI allies we probably take that that' be great uh all right we they are moving in there that's fantastic oh zany on the front line nice look how much the front line is spread that's hilarious come on reinforce that oh nice an attack here again yeah oh oh this is actually a Hills tile oh nice and jungle is just slightly worse than Hills that's kind of crazy yeah assist in that attack do not go into it economic restructuring excellent uh yes rebuild that damage uh damage infrastructure one level of infrastructure do we we still oh it's a bit of a interesting battle over here okay two civilian factories albazar gets one level of infrastructure modified strain infrastructure 10% construction speed 5% production efficiency cap 5% Factory and dark a output the bomb campaigns of the 1990s have left our infrastructure dire conditions power and communication lines have regular failure with sections of the nation being disconnected entirely while what is left of our road and rail network is in disrepair if we want the nation to prosper we must start by rebuilding what has been destroyed and subsequently left abandoned don't think we got an option there about uh about Algeria we might have I just wasn't in the decision tab maybe oh yeah they are they just still hold up in oh my God okay we actually did take that Province as well oh yeah they're they're going to be ground down here let's participate in this battle got our Max planning bonus up which is nice oh nice Republican guards those are the best we have S Rin is here oh my God General armag again has been sent to destroy the arrian personally there we are now we should be seeing the fruits of our uh fruits of support supporting Ethiopia after years of fighting yeah thank to Soviet Union and Cuba yeah and us don't forget us we did something little as it was uh Army still training up fantastic nice to get that plus 25% bonus of combat lovely we should soon be seeing a nice little popup for ourselves fantastic they returned home fold them uh oh that's the wrong one y there we are fold you back in not being supported by anybody yeah we could be the the first to be the first to send Volunteers in this conflict I think we will now supporting attack on Kono oh nice we get the British to yeah that's good sud volunteers have arrived oh the only the only civil war I'm used to fighting in uh in Sudan is the one in TN during the uh oil crisis excellent work there construct new power plants remove remove strain infrastructure which grants construction speed minus 10% production efficiency cap minus 202 gets been 57 days over the last few years the demand for electricity has greatly increased within our nation however our electrical output has not been scaled up as a result with many older power plants experiencing regular failures and maintenance issues this weakens our industrial capabilities as factories are unable to efficiently produce products if regular power outages occur by constructing new modern power plants we can lessen the strain on existing plants allowing for much needed repairs to take place while electrical output is still increased got to keep attacking konoz Alis sad passes away now the Ethiopian war has ended Ethiopia one one offmap mill one off map Civ 75 power and some nice uh some nice opinion of each other as well as some trade relations absolutely fantastic as you can see if you rack up those Cold War victories like an especially as a smaller country an offmap Mill an offmap Civ 75 Poli power that's quite strong it's very nice now what's going on in the Congo do we have a new faction I don't think so no we'll sit we'll set it out until there's like two factions left and we'll back the stronger faction we arrived yet no we haven't that's fine how are we doing with trucks are we producing trucks yeah but we're on a mass deficit all right that's fine there we are our offmap uh off map midd has com in we'll pop that onto infantry weapons of course trucks are nice so assault rifles excellent taking Coral strug off the Counterattack and move to Circle capsule H we failed to do that that's okay smashing through here though that's excellent Circle capital on this fantastic capitals cut off modern factories just finished lovely get containerization yeah you know cont uh container sipping really only started after World War II I believe it was pretty revolutionary to be honest instead of just packing everything in as best you could into tight spaces like individual products just put everything into a you know a cubid and uh and put them all you know stacked neatly reorg Angola has defeated oh fantastic we actually won there yeah I kind of took my eye off that that's excellent that'll be another offmap Mill another offmap Civ fantastic we have come home there lovely pop you back into training we just do this lovely npla Victory fantastic peace work and Liberty reor here try and take that take that oh no that's very high defense interesting interesting maybe we can save the capital for last we partipate in that assault come on reinforce there we are we're in oh no no we're not not in yet oh nice fantastic oh re actually went to regular for that too lovely hey when are we going to get our event about winning in Angola we backed npla come on now don't uh don't deny us what is rightfully ours we helped might actually CH to cor cuz 're already South African division's attacking there that's good Lord resistance oh Joseph Cony I think yeah Joseph con started off great turned out to be not so great compl the Baghdad Metro I I haven't researched that that at least that's what I hear I have not uh researched that situation at all I'm sure we've arrived here by now uh try attacking we win that by ourselves be nice too anyway 57 days it been 57 long dark days since the out and start of the explosions and gunfire a decade ago had left the neighborhood in Ruins and the electricity had been in and out since the first attack as I sat in the darkened room I couldn't help but feel a sense of wash over me it seemed like the outages would never end and we would be ATT trapped in this cycle of Darkness forever but then on the 57th day something miraculous happened as I was sitting in the living room with my family I heard a faint humming sound in the distance it grew louder and louder until suddenly the lights flickered on we all jumped from our seats and ran to the windows trying to see where the sound was coming from and there it was a team of workers pulling up to our neighborhood in a truckload with generators and power lines over the next few hours the workers methodically set up the generators and restored power to the neighborhood it was a slow process but as each house uh came back to life a sense of hope began to spread throughout the community as night fell in the generators hummed in the background my family and I sat in the living room finally able to enjoy the comfort of electricity of light and electricity once again it was a small victory but it meant the world to us for the first time in 57 days I felt the glimmer of hope that things might one day return to normal and though the bombings and destruction may have left their mark on our neighborhood I knew that we were strong and resilient and that we would rebuild and Rise From the Ashes the Iraqi people Rise From the Ashes with perseverance and resilience nice there it is fantastic another offmap Civ another offmap mil 75 PL power and zerone oh nice bumper lovely now let's get one on trucks and another another on assault rifles we really need as infantry equipment to be specific go up to export Focus might be a bad idea we see we making anything yeah nice limited exports and partial mode might be a bad idea yeah or export focus in CR mob rather nice get more of that oil Marcus yes please nice we're getting seven from Seven uh seven from trade and 10 owns lovely fantastic work now I think it's just one against one here in the Congo so let's check what we got off them versus conservatives anyone you're being supported by Rwanda as well as Burundi and you're being supported by okay okay okay you're being supported by the npla so we' OB obviously support the npl here um but question is who has more rcd G faction has got significantly less men uh even though they do have volunteers but it's from Rand and Burundi uh so I think I'm going to back the npla supported site here that makes the most sense to me no it's yet of darkest Africa over here with all these jungles and rainforests so we're going to send the best one we have we're going to send our infantry divisions fully trained we got Nebuchadnezzar oh my God might have to get alori again we get Al maid uh and yes we'll support the Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo War oh God I oh no congales government or the rcd K faction because this guy's surname starts with a K which is it oh sugar oh this is kind of this is kind of tough to tell uh the conges government led by oh yeah maybe if I'd actually read the event that would be helpful B promises to cross the rebels okay well it has to be congales government then rcd Faxon led by in GMA don't know who the rcd K faction is then okay well back to conges govern H back in the right faction here by kabila yeah all right we'll send you off then do you have an air an air an air base that' be nice no one no one has air bases in Africa and yet Liberian civil conflict we let's see how that okay you're getting factions Republic of Sierra Leon okay Liberian Rebel forces are getting support from uh from the Sierra Sierra Leon that we just helped win or yeah Liberian Rebel forces have got sign anym and they already have other volunteers so yeah we'll back the Liberian Rebel forces here again this is purely for game play uh Liberian Rebels here separate another one do you have an air base no oh actually have we backed the wrong side here we've got all these cut off divisions I reckon we've got to link up with those and uh relieve them immediately nice smashing through work like good in circl right here Congo where are we looking we're moving okay God will oh we actually do have an air base down here mice transfer some cast if possible am I allowed I don't think I'm allowed I definitely popped it on the send volunteers yeah that's unfortunate all right what can you do nothing you can do complete the Baghdad Metro 25 political power 5% based ability Baghdad gets one level of infrastructure gets vent the Baghdad Metro samam Hussein launched the huge expensive project in 1983 building the Baghdad Metro to alleviate traffic congestion on the surface roads and streets almost two decades later the project is a near St with keters of Unfinished tunnels and stations lzed across our Capital finishing this long waited Metro will ouly Boost's popularity with the popul while providing legitimate benefits in the form of alleviating surface traffic o participating in an excellent Victory there for ourselves uh we'll go for consider alternative trade patterns the Baghdad Metro this morning as usual I W up and went to the kitchen to make a coffee and whilst and whilst I wait to pass the time I leave through the newspaper after reading the first article uh yeah I think we'll we'll hold here while this guy moves in uh as soon as I turn the first page or after reading the first article I begin to sip the coffee I made as soon as I turned the page the first news I see is the Bagdad Metro has been inaugurated after almost 20 years of construction when I read that article I spat uh I almost spat out my coffee in amazement and at that moment I was very curious to see what the Metro was like and I decided to go there just have a look after a 10-minute walk I arrived the Subway at that moment uh at that moment looked like I was in London that place full of life uh people talking while others were waiting for the train I waited for some time still bewildered by that place uh the subway itself was very colorful uh was full the walls full of images of Sadam his actions and great battles that araq fought bravely while I got distracted looking at the paintings on the wall on the wall the train arrives and without even thinking about it I enter and I take a seat inside the train there were many people and all very cheerfully talked to each other and while I was thinking about it in less than 10 minutes I arrived at my destination I was very amazed the fastest train we had took 30 minutes just to leave in any case I decided to get off the train because I did not want to return to the station I left from uh because I did not want oh sorry because I did not want to get too far from my house so I simply wait for another train to return to the station I left from when while I wait not I noticed that in each station there are different images that portray other moments and some also portray the history of Baghdad I love the Metro Rebels cross the Liberian government excellent another W4 Iraq that allows us to yeah can't intervene in any other ones uh wait now does people People's Republic of the Congo we back to you instead oh man what's going on have we got any other volunteers not it's just ourselves and the angolans all right that's fine uh where to smash through then we could we smash open any any one faction here just make a b line for their Capital maybe that'll be nice the same time we have to re relieve these troops down here but there are significant enemy forces in the way let's try and attack and see what we can do good volunteers of return home there please continue training if needs be this Congo one I think is going to be bloody and long Iberian Rebels one fantastic God I love this system we are significantly expanding our industry through this system love it another one on mry weapons Millennium Summit that was interesting try support this attack maybe and push South this seems to be fairly stable at least in fact it's the our forces that are attacking now consider alternative uh trade Partners after carrying out the reforms the government decided to make the decision to consider exporting products made in Iraq to other countries as well as to try and replace our current trading partners since the 1990s the Iraq economy has always gone from bad to worse accumulating so many debts that we still have to finish paying today so in order to so in order not to declare bankruptcy we have to continue exporting products to Western countries now thanks to economic reform we are managing to keep the economy float just long enough to find new trading partners 10 political power 10 uh trade relations with the Soviets and the Chinese modify Western embargo by 5% Factory in doyard output and plus 10% trade deal opinion Factor lovely uh keep reinforce rate coordination is good just keep getting the research speed then we'll move to the other ones looks like we're about to break across the river fantastic infrastructure plan is going well move cross here if only I had some trucks that I could send to the Congo for uh logistical reasons o we could move further in I reckon that' be dodgy though yeah I think so don't please move that division man I don't think you're under much threat of being Naval invaded I mean how would that work yeah it'll have to be some sort of riverine assault but even then I don't think the rivers link up attack of the Republican guard to change the uh change the tide getting decent little stats on these divisions now still have a long way to go in terms of yeah like a broken Army we still have that to deal with but other than that you have to Min this 25 5% division attack we're achieving all this with that modifier my God we're doing fantastic yeah break through and relieve come on let's do it moving away from the dollar oh okay does that provoke an immediate American Invasion United States of American Gates abandon the dollar opinion of usus 15 if only that's how it worked in real life instead of getting invaded and toppled 10 power plus 4 Bas stability for several years now we've been trading with Western Nations using dollars which are a widely used currency of our trading partners now that we are replacing our partners we must move away from the dollar and exchange them for another trading uh currency which we must use to exchange with our new business partners I guess yeah with the Soviets not well well with the Soviets actually existing in the year 2000 I guess we can say that even in their weaken State it's enough to prevent the Americans from uh getting froggy with us because of our departure from the dollar now expand oil for food program that's sad but hey at least we have it consumer goods factories Factor - 15% stability plus 5% established in 1995 the oil for food program allows us to sell sell oil in exchange for humanitarian resources for our citizens while still limiting our potential military capabilities with careful tactics we could try and siphon off more money than we would otherwise normally get and reallocate two more important sectors come on hold here hold don't don't suppose we could send another volunteer oh we could send another volunteer excellent the 23rd Republican garad division shall go I reckon uh I reckon I know why we need that oil for food program General Hashim is eating everyone's rations they arrive instantly you got to love it I tell you what they strategically redeploy to the river and then you can walk across all come on M okay yeah there we go come on come on give us some Aid here all right and now walk across we are onone the way oh oh no this isn't looking good this is not looking oh come on yeah move in move in and help us to strug off this attack we're so close to breaking through come on oh yeah we're going to do it we're going to do it yes oh again a y of resigns okay let's see who we get what happened to the yes video pause come on keep going there we go oh ni nice the forces have been relieved it will put you under two uh we've got some command power here probably capped out at 145 no C Max okay let's get some division recovery right though on alurri uh are we going to move down now yeah that the river that's the thing it's River all the way so move down and support that uh defense yeah we're actually about to fall back out of that attack there we are we have now linked up we try tack on this Division I know it's got the river penalty so what can you do that reinforce ra is screwing us over there we are we got one division in both divisions in excellent uh support the uh Finance the ra regime or support the Iraq yeah we got to support the Iraqi people got to keep the Iraqi people on site modify Western embargo by consumer goods factories Factor minus 15% cility plus 5% our party is firmly on our side but the same cannot be said for the people of Iraq by providing them with the things they desire they will begin to look more positively at our regime we can shift our focus more deadly enemies abroad that' be good Republicans reelected in a marathan both transfer over here so then we'll be able to fight without having to deal with rivers NATO announces program to arm Poland's military which is not oh y have elected oh okay recent you know great trial against private controlis Poland not yet in Natal even with relatively low organization we are pushing through here no problem God you even getting quite a decent bit of experience it's nice uh this is all no that's not part of okay we'll help here first we are reinforcing there support the Iraqi people lovely forget about our debt hell yeah political power plus 10- 7% base stability modify Western embargo by 5% Factory and Docker output nice we moved in there so now moved up there for many years now debts have been transporting uh Iraq and its government to ruin it is evident that we will not be able to pay them and even if we do manage to pay them they would have an economic crisis or we would have an economic crisis in both cases we cannot continue to carry the economy uh forward in this way the government has decided to deny the payment of all debts and ignore them we will not spend even a single penny to pay the debt that our enemies have caused us an excellent position to be in always handy just just don't pay Simply do not pay we are pushing the enemy back reor here come on let's do it I try and get some kind of encirclement going on here or maybe just keep pushing coming under attack that's good cuz I actually want to take this Prov so as soon as they finish attacking we'll immediately Counterattack and easily drive them oh we're coming that kind of ruin my plant oh man easily Shing them off though now increase oil production or diversify the economy or that's a lot of oil uh this also goes to utilize Kurdish minus 15% consum Goods factor factor quite nice what are we we're only at 17% at the moment yeah we we've yet to go up to war economy I mean yeah that's pretty good and plus utilize Kurdish Farmland requires us to Grant partial autonomy which is gay this like this the problem with the Kurds is that they're everywhere they're in Iraq they're in Syria they're in Turkey they Iran if we start if we even thought about help you know recognizing the Cs and granting them autonomy the syrians The Turk the Turks and the Iranians would come down on us like a a ton of bricks because it's it it threatens them we would become a springboard for the unification of curds everywhere uh which would would which our neighbors would not appreciate so yeah we we can't be entering any negotiations here we have to crush them uh let go for increased oil production Baghdad gets 200 oil uh we get 300 oil in Iraq and Kurdistan the vast oil fields in which we sit have provided us with money and power for decades while the rest of our nation is a baron desert it only makes sense to continue to exploit this resource especially as demand for oil continues to increase globally sounds good to me now sh this attack come on good job Counterattack here it's not really a Counterattack now it's just a regular attack ah they reinforced oh watch this happened oh no how did that happen do you have a core on this territory oh now we're in the encirclement e see how our supplies immediately went to sit there cancel that attack and immediately shift West uh Tor defeats ilu in surprising election Victory okay have they just gotten volunteer some stuff how did they do that the center just buckled I guess oh man oh yes Carby got the death penalty let's go baby all right Supply supply is getting a bit better 61% we got any kind of military oh yeah this might be good actually get Tariq zase for yeah Army experience game plus6 daily 10% Infantry Division attack and 15% defense might be essential to allowing us to break out oh no no don't do that yeah forget about that not going over there anymore H you're going to go right here they are pretty weak they're very very weak only have one division per tile attack them on two different oh God you're moving in the fck production good job modern refiner is nice I think I might lead this here all right LS I hope you enjoyed our first episode of the series we got quite a lot done we uh we've got most of this done we've got the the initial part of this done uh tomorrow we will continue our war on Angola we'll get the we'll work through the Kurds and work through the military to we have a really fantastic tree I do like this it's quite long but I hope you enjoyed our first episode if you did please consider liking subscribing as well as commenting down below I shall see you in the comment section of this video and I shall see you in the next video Until then goodbye

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