My Work Truck WILL NOT STOP BREAKING! 2010 Silverado 2500 Transfercase BROKE & Misfires. TIME STOLEN

well my truck blew up this is not a video I want to make currently sitting in it in the AC runs great shifts okay makes real bad noises so let's see if we can make it oh that's the sound that is me pushing this truck backwards through I'm not that strong so this is what has to come out there's transfer case you can see it's pretty wet at the bottom I just did all the fluids on this truck 9,000 miles ago and maybe 10,000 miles and here we are bad transfer case probably run dry from the leak at least I'm guessing could still have fluid in it haven't drained it uh I I just know that adding fluid to it or flushing it is not going to fix the mechanical problem with it so at this point we're just going to pull it out and the best part about this is I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go tow a camper to go camping it's going to be fine I think so I know I haven't really had this truck on the channel as far as videos are concerned but I did post a few status updates on this thing I bought this thing wrecked hit in the front I acquired Parts over a long period of time and when I had everything I decided to build the truck so when I bought this truck it was wrecked dead on right here in the front bumper took out the hood core support trans cooler AC condenser but it didn't do much damage beyond that the radiator did not need to be replaced the fan shod was good fan blade was good and I slowly acquired Parts as I found them so the hood is a different shade and I do not care I might find one that's the right shade down the road but it's a it's a hood That's Not Bent and it fits the truck one of the things I had to do was replace this bar so it did Bend this bar and it actually ripped it off off this side of the frame because I guess it hit like a stump or a fire hydrant or something low because the damage wasn't as much up top this was all damaged from everything being pulled so I cut that out of a frame at the shop Parts truck and uh I welded it in there now I am not a welder I'm a guy with a welder I'd like to make sure that you guys understand that there's the uh the damaged bar that I cut out of there and I went through the entire truck when I did this I did everything maintenance related I put shocks I did brakes rotors and pads I did parking brake cables I got the parking brake working again I fixed the wheel speed sensors that co-art ripped off the back off the rear end I fixed as much as I possibly could to where I could rely on this it has a rebuilt title it's a Workhorse it's got hail damage now it got hailed on at my house it's a tool for me this truck serves a purpose towing cars eventually pushing snow and Hauling parts that's it it doesn't need to be pretty I don't need a fancy truck to do any of those things things I do need something that's reliable and this truck has been a thief lately it has stolen my time it has stolen my money my energy my effort things that I wish I could just spend on the cars that I really enjoy and not this this really could not have happened at a worse time 2 days after this exhibited symptoms of a transferase problem I had to go pick up a camper in fact on the way to go pick the camper up a couple days ahead a time is when I noticed the problem and I I this thing barely made it home it was making some terrible noises so I really had a Wednesday evening an entire day Thursday and Friday morning I was supposed to go pick up the camper that why does this happen why why does this always happen last year I rented a camper to Toe with this same truck and they double booked it and I had to sleep in a tent and I don't I don't tent well I'm just not a tent guy it's I know some people love it I not one of those people so I was bound and determined not to sleep in a tent so I did what any normal person would do and try to find a transfer case with uh about 36 hours to get the job done and I found one in Atlanta Illinois which is just North of Lincoln it's about uh I think it's like 140 miles from here so I messaged a guy it was on Marketplace there were no local yards that had one that were out and I knew if I asked for one that was in a truck still they'd be 2 or 3 days behind so that would put me past when I needed my my truck so I drove up to Atlanta Illinois the next morning picked the transfer case up on the way back stopped off at uh GM dealership to get the output shaft seal to get the gasket and then got had some fluid here at the house and I put a transfer case in it yeah I I had this truck running and driving by 6:00 in the evening and I had some other stuff going on that day it worked a little bit normal people do this stuff right I I can't believe that the transfer case broke in this truck I mean I've never done anything out of the norm what the heck seriously what is he doing Stella [Laughter] what the heck oh my [Music] god I've only done truck stuff well there's the old one got it all fixed found a transfer case on Marketplace for 300 bucks way better than the uh 800 to 1,000 that they normally bring and uh glad I could have it fixed in the same day but I think we're going to tear this thing down to find out what happened all righty guys got the transfer case up at work on one of my tables and you can definitely tell it was leaking a little bit all this buildup and this junk that's how my whole truck looked it was great lots of nasty power washing when I first got that thing but it seems particularly wet around here in fact it looks like it's washed away some of the grime I haven't cleaned this or power washed this clearly and keep in mind I put brand new fluid in this I drained the fluid about 10,000 miles ago and it was nasty it was terrible looking but to its defense almost every single 200,000 Mi truck that comes in this place place when we drain the transfer case it looks bad it didn't look any more bad than anything else I've seen and I sold plenty of transfer cases without an issue now for those that are wondering this is the Magna MP 1225 uh or 1226 uh this is what comes in 7 to 10 3/4 and 1 ton gasoline trucks with a floor shift option I specifically wanted a truck with a floor shift option and I think it came back to Haun me not that the uh electronic shifts are any cheaper but perhaps a little more look after now let's tear this thing down I have not drained it which is why we're going to try some hokey stuff to get it to drain see what it looks like on the inside I suspect it still has some fluid in it because some did SLO around when I moved it around in the back of my truck but I don't know what to expect let's see what this fluid looks like well it looks dark and how a smell not good I don't see any sparkles in it yet it's not enough though and when I did pull this out this whole side was wet and I think these are supposed to hold about a quart and a half and I can tell you that's about uh half a quart so far but to be fair some did spill out too and I'm making excuses for it now that's tip it in favor of draining yeah there's more fluid hiding in there oh now I see sparkles that's still not enough fluid this is about what it looked like when I drained it the first time is there something in there ooh it's a pasty it's not a good sign is it here's some of the sparkles in the fluid and it looks like there's uh well it's hard to tell what that is a foreign object drain plug covered in stuff so I know a lot of you hope for Carnage and most of the time when I get an engine in I also hope for some Carnage but in this case I would really like it if I could fix this because these are 800 to 1,000 bucks used and rebuilt much much more than that so if I can fix this with some bearings and some parts maybe a chain or who knows what's wrong with it but I'm hoping for minimal damage and I also wouldn't expect any parts to go flying through the shop I well also be the first to let you know that I have never done this before so I don't really know what it takes we're just going to try some stuff and I hope that it comes apart I see some stuff that we're going to need some pliers for let's see if these will do I don't know that may not work we'll cross that bridge later some of these bolts are pretty uh gunky so I'm probably going to have to clean some of them out you know what we're going to spend some time and make sure these are all cleaned out all caked with a bunch of junk don't want to strip one of these out all right let's make sure she's in there tap it in with a little Hammer okay that's it we're done I would imagine there's much more to it which is why blue is going to help us out here I think is there a place to pry on this this might do it all right starting to split now is not helping is it okay let's roll this over and see what we're looking at I don't see any reason why it wouldn't come apart down [Music] here ah that looks like some successful prying action and now we're stuck on the back end this is going to come apart there we are stuff is happening I think this all come apart in one piece actually oh there's some broken stuff in here already but it doesn't look as bad as I thought it was going to you can see the chain you see some shift forks and a bunch of sparkles I think actually this thing will come all the way apart and I say all the way apart I can split the case all right well see if I can see where the damage is this rides on there's some loose stuff in here what is this let's pull this gear out that's a very cool piece but I don't know if it's good or not here's our chain I guess it could also be in the planetary which is in this case half it's right there there's shift there's the fork oh that's bad okay well uh that's not good everything is wasted that collar looks all right so here here's where we're at so far there's some uh yes I have no idea what this is here that was laying in the bottom there's some more of the yes right there but so far the worst damage I've seen is this absolutely annihilated shift Fork this thing is gone now I I did use 4wheel drive in this truck at least a couple dozen times I drove it in the snow drove it in the mud and the gravel Towing it went in and out of gear just fine I don't really understand why it's like that yet and when we look here chain appears to be in one piece it's not broken by any stretch and we'll have to pull this out here in a minute so what I think is happening here is that since this Fork is so destroyed it fits in this collar so I'd like to pause the video here I think the noise that you heard when I would try to shift this transfer case was this geared section on the collar slipping in the planetary and I looked at it closely and I didn't see any major damage it's got tons of play it could not fully engage or disengage uh it's probably hopping between neutral and two wheel drive look at that CL it's not supposed to be like that there's what they're supposed to look like and this is what this looks like so I think what I'm going going to do is I'm going to do the right thing to buy a new Fork like 40 or 50 bucks I'm not going to replace anything else uh I'm not going to sell this transfer case I'm going to keep this as a backup because I use my truck as a truck I'm going to get everything cleaned out by a case of R clean to rinse all the stuff out I might replace a few other parts some seals and stuff but it seems senseless to sell this as a core for 150 bucks I might replace this cuz I think that's where some of those chunks of plastic it came from so all these parts are viable the gears look like they're in excellent condition this doesn't really have hardly anywhere uh and the and because of such the chain looks excellent as well so I I think it's really not as bad as it sounded and uh $50 Fork a case of brake clean and some sealant didn't see any damage to the planetary the bearings once they have better lubrication they'll feel a lot better I'm happy so I've put about 500 miles on this transfer case with no issues I don't know the miles or anything which is exactly why I'm not going to scrap or core out my old one I'm just going to stick a fork in it it'll be done got the truck back together transfer case is in everything's working fine I feel like a million bucks I mean I feel terrible because I spent all day in the heat putting a transfer case in this truck and I go pick up the camper the next day we go pick up groceries we go head to our campsite everything works fine on the way there and then on the way back it starts running on less than 8 cylinders awesome now what's crazy is literally the weekend before I let my buddy John borrow my truck and trailer to go pick up an M3 in Ohio and he had no problems thank God I I'm I'm very thankful that none of the issues happened with the transfer case or running poorly when it was out in the middle of Ohio when I couldn't do anything about it it happened here in town where I could do something about it and I didn't have to get anything towed it it could have been much worse so I kind of barely made it back with the camper and I decided you know I really need to get this thing fixed so as part of the diagnosis I uh plugged my scan tool in and watch some live data because I want to know what is going on and it's nuts it's absolutely nuts it's out of its mind I have well it's running so bad 8,300 RPM either the tax lion or this is lying this is running terrible desired idle speed something is incorrect bad stuff is happening right now found a thing bad the problem is in here I'm going to unravel that we're going to find it where are you problem ever put this together I have words for you none of them I can say on YouTube I don't see the problem yet but I need to get a razor blade and cut this sheathing back I knew this things had the engine out before is it what's this big old knot here I think the I guarantee you the problem is going to be that all looks okay I going have you start the truck up in a second so we can try to isolate which wire is the problem instead of diagnosing it the right way give it the old wiggle test and the other thing is it could be further down here oh crap look at that wires warding through the sheathing who installed this harness I don't like you I don't want to put an engine harness on this thing oh no it's all bad this thing is going to need an engine harness or at least a few hours of repair we can fix it the wrong way and it'll be fine look at that that's boogered up oh some jack wagon cut all the zip ties and then I wonder why it's got a harness problem well it's not my problem now it's the YouTube guy's problem start this thing up here I don't know I don't know what part of the harness is bad cuz it's all like look at this who put this together all we did was fix the rest part those two wires are bad I know how to make it stupid again oh it's fixed I fixed it on accident I can't get it to do it again uh it's not dropping out but it is uh is full RPM so it's in this thing the problem is like this it's doy right here razor smells good got that cord in there I here yet I'm not sure your dentist recommends using your teeth I don't care now see this part doesn't really look that bad and it doesn't look like somebody's been in it that all looks okay I don't see any pins recessed or [Music] anything on this side it's not on the elbow look oh maybe it is you're kind of pulling down there yeah that's this weird that it's not throwing any uh why is it not throwing a coil sensor a coil circuit code all right guys I have narrowed it down to this wire here this is a power source for the coils and look at that light spot that is stretched I bet I could just pull this apart look at that you're not supposed to do that so what I'm going to do is the right thing and we're going to cut this back a little bit and I brought home a Don harness we'll repin this single terminal in this connector we'll use the the right way to fix it which is going to be a heat string butt connector and then uh we'll take a look at the rest of the junk on this harness from some hack reinstalling this harness and pretty much wrecking any or all of the hold Downs it's really sad all right guys I got this repaired not fixed it's repaired there's new wire I cut out of another harness well I just depinned the connector heat shrink butt connector I wouldn't let me work on your car I'm just kidding uh this is just a temporary repair I need to go tow some cars uh I'm going to go try to track down a harness I got a part number on it uh it's discontinued which is awesome thanks GM for the support this you know these trucks were made up until 2014 but ah we don't need to make the engine harness uh I'm not going to complain anymore we're just going to hope that this starts on and runs on8 cylinders fingers [Music] crossed well seems to sound okay on smoth obviously there's more work needs to be done with this harness look at that I can wiggle it around no problems that one wire that was it I think that's power supply for that whole Bank of coils and uh who knows why it was reading 8,000 RPM there's some more shaped wires in this area right here uh that's a future Eric problem I can get it it runs okay and I can do the old wiggle test still running on eight so it's repaired it's not fixed this is not anything I do on a customer's car but I don't work on other people's cars so I'm back on the road oh and the driveright hood hinge has um has left us it is uh it is no longer a hinge anymore and it's going to snap thankfully they're cheap and I I may even have a used one if it's the same on a half ton got to love got to love old salvage trucks you know it's going to need a radiator I'm going to treat it like a BMW we're do hoses do radiator uh we might do a fan clutch and water pump I'm undecided going to do the uh going to replace the uh overflow tank or the uh coolant reservoir because I can't even tell when it's full or not because it's so disgusting and we I guess we'll put a little bit of money into this thing since I used use it so much so I don't know if you can tell but the cylinder head that engine bracket or the accessory bracket for the alternator and power steering pump is Painted Black most of the things of this engine are painted black like it's been out before and I can tell you that somebody uh without as many brain cells as muscles was responsible for mutilating this engine harness and I am really not happy about it thankfully I'm very well versed in the wiggle test I didn't throw any parts at this thing trying to fix misfire I simply did the wiggle test and found some pretty bad stuff so what I ended up doing let me hop up here I ended up splicing in a complete coil connector uh with some Buck connector heat shink Buck connectors it is not a permanent fix uh it just gets it by so that I can use the truck this thing is going to need an engine harness it's it's got frayed wires right here there's a ground down here right there that's exposed uh there's some damage down there as well all because someone didn't put any of the factory hold down Hardware back on the engine harness that is I just don't understand if you take it off put it back on it's not that hard and I I think this thing's had an engine put in it and I think that's why I face these issues but uh there's also an argument there for the fact that uh you know these trucks are bailout trucks the wires are not as good as the wiring is not as good as the predecessor there's a lot of electrical issues with this generation of truck and they just don't tolerate this kind of uh ill repair what I did is not a permanent repair it's a temporary fix at best I'm not saying that it can't last obviously I've been able to drive the truck for the last couple weeks with no trouble but it's not always going to be that way and I'm just waiting for the next time I figure out that there's another broken wire in another part of the harness and I don't want to just keep patching it and patching it and spending time on it having a problem with the truck brakes down have to get a towed don't want to deal with any of that so the right way to fix it is to replace the engine harness and lucky for me GM discontinued it I can't buy a new engine harness it was only $400 or $500 which I would gladly pay to keep from having to pop the hood on this truck all the time and wonder where the problem is but I can't do that so now I'm left to the secondary Market to try to find a used harness which is 2007 through 2010 Silverado or Sierra 25 or 3500 6 L gas four-wheel drive with manual transfer case I'm sure there's a ton of really beautiful nice conditioned harnesses out there it's going to be a tough find and shortly after repairing the harness it started to run warm because the radiator failed so I had to replace the radiator and I did hoses and when I head it all apart I realized very quickly that the coolant in this truck is really really really not good it was full of rust it looked like an old AMC Engine with porous casting so now I'm going to drive it and change the coolant every 3 months and flush the heater core which I had to have replaced too because it was leaking when I bought the truck it's going to be fine why do I do this to myself I know what many of you are thinking right now why do you keep fixing that old junk box you should just go out and buy a more expensive nicer newer truck something with more features with a clean title and no rust and lower miles it'll be more reliable for you you're not wrong but I I have one mother and she can't even tell me what to do I am more stubborn than my old grammar teacher and I'm going to keep fixing this junk box as long as I physically can and I there's a good reason for that I I don't care I I don't care about the truck I care about what the truck can do it can haul my cars it can haul my parts it can push snow and it does need to be pretty and fancy and nice and expensive and I don't care about any of the features that the modern trucks have I don't even want them anyway it's just more effort when something does go wrong it's more expense with a truck like this I buy these this generation of truck regularly at my salvage yard so if I need something like a hinge for the hood or some other part I can just pull one off of one of my own trucks that's the point of driving an old beater is that it it doesn't really nickel and dime you to death and you don't sweat the small stuff since I bought this truck it got hailed on it's got a whole bunch of new dents I don't even care somebody could rear end me and drive away as long as the truck still drives I don't care because it's still a truck but it doesn't have to be fancy and flashy to do the things I need it to do and if I had a nicer newer truck I would feel guilty about driving it in the winter about not parking it in a garage about putting miles on it pushing snow doing all the bad things I do to this truck I wouldn't I couldn't do that to a more modern truck that that was expensive so I'm not interested in a nice truck I can drive this beater with a smile on my face so I really hope you enjoyed this video I know it's not the normal video but you can expect more not normal videos which I guess makes them kind of normal we're not even going to get into that as always I love all the comments all the feedback and even the criticism I love it all and I'll catch you on the next one

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