Fox News PANICS, cuts away from Tim Walz speech

Speaker 1: Welcome back to The David  Pakman Show. My name is Brittany Page,   host of the Page Perspective here on YouTube.  And I am your guest host today. I'm feeling a   little insecure about my voice and whether or  not I sound sick because I'm actually Covid   positive right now. After attending the  Democratic National Convention in Chicago   last week. Let this be your reminder to book your  appointments for your boosters, and to continue to   keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Thank  you for being here with me today. You know,   it's rare that we get such a perfect example  of Fox News working overtime to protect their   audience from understanding reality. But we got  a good one today. Everyone's favorite governor   and Democratic nominee for vice president, Tim  Walz, made an appearance at the firefighters   union conference in Boston. He delivered a  speech at the 57th International Association   of Firefighters convention, and Fox News actually  covered it. We had Bret Baer and Dana Perino. And   if you don't know these Fox News hosts, I'll  tell you more about Brett Baer after this   clip. But he is supposedly on the news side.  Quote unquote, over on Fox. And Dana Perino,   of course, was the white House press secretary  under George W Bush. They were working this hour   while Fox News carried Tim Walz a speech.  And I want you to notice during this clip,   when Brett and Dana, our esteemed hosts, decide  it is crucial that they cut in. Tell me if you   notice anything about the timing on this. Speaker 3: Watch some of you in here. And   I'm going to say this because I know we're  bipartisan, some of the gray hairs in here.   I know what you're thinking. And I remember it  too, because it's my family. When Republicans   used to talk about freedom. They meant it.  They meant it. Not anymore. These guys over   there. They want government to have the  freedom to invade every corner of your   life. From our union halls to our kids schools,  even our doctors offices. Vice president. Like,   we got a little bit different vision of  that. We believe that you, not politicians,   should be made free to make your own health  care choices. We believe that workers deserve   to collectively bargain for fair wages, safe  working conditions, good health care and secure   retirement. No interference from government. Speaker 4: I'm listening to Governor Tim Walz in   Minnesota. He's also the vice presidential nominee  for the Democratic ticket. He's speaking to the   firefighters union in Boston, Massachusetts,  about 350,000 members, Brett, and speaking there   enthusiastically without notes. And they really  want to get this union vote. I don't know, though,   Brett, if the rank and file would agree with him. Speaker 3: Yeah. It's interesting, I think that   this is a pitch, a speech designed  specifically for the union. A lot   of talk about collective bargaining, a lot  of talk about, you know, issues that those   union members talk about in those halls. Speaker 1: Interesting. Right. When Walz   is leaning in with specifics about the Harris Walz  policies and plans and that a place is going wild,   Brett and Dana are popping in to say, hey, now  it's time for our analysis about how the union   doesn't seem to be buying what they're selling.  I guess thunderous applause can mean different   things to different people. Now, Dana Perino,  having worked for George W Bush, is an obvious   partizan when she's not interrupting Tim Walz the  speech, because it is sounding just a little too   good. She can be found as one of the hosts on  the five, attacking any of the usual suspects,   but often homeless people or other similarly  marginalized and mistreated groups in America,   while Brett well, Brett Baer, he loves  to spend Thanksgiving at Mar-A-Lago,   as you can see here. And he and Trump seem  pretty close, because here's Donald Trump   praising Brett's golf game recently at a rally. Speaker 2: And when you went to club championship,   that means you can play under  pressure. You can ask a lot of   the people up there like Brett Bear.  Brett Bear's a good golfer. Ask him,   Can Trump play? Ask a lot of the people. Speaker 1: But so these two people very obviously   have their thumb on the scale for Trump. But I  want to hear more from walls, not just because I   am Foley walls pilled, but because I want both  Harrison walls to win. I think it is crucial   that they win. But I also want to hear more from  Tim Walz because he is good. He makes the case,   he makes you want to support him and take action  to support him. So let's hear more from him this   time without interruption from the Trump minions. Speaker 3: Look, I'll keep saying it. Words are   cheap. Actions is all you should care about.  Make sure you're counting on what was delivered   when Donald Trump was president. He blocked  overtime benefits for millions of workers. He   opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage, and  he even proposed slashing budgets for federal   fire service programs. Those are just simply  facts. But look, it's not just what they've done,   it's what they're going to do. This is the big  thing. One of the goals of their project, 2025,   is to screw the middle class, making it harder  for workers to collectively bargain, allowing   employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate  it, slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing   a national sales tax on the rest of us. Look, I've  said this. I'm an old time football coach. If you   draw up a playbook, you plan on using it. Project  2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like,   moving away from the middle class and putting it  right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the   top, he said. He's going to repeal the Affordable  Care Act. That thing is preexisting conditions.   Those are things that make sure that our family  gets health care. And for many of our families,   and I know you don't get to participate in  it, but your families do. My mom does. Social   Security and Medicare are life saving programs  for them. Instead of funding those programs,   they talk about cutting them. So here is  what I always say. If you got $1 billion,   you don't give a damn if your Social Security  check shows up. But if you're like my mom,   that's how you pay for your food. That's how you  pay for your heat. That's how things get done. So   that check pretty damn important to protect it. Speaker 1: That is right. This is the energy we   need. Reminders that Donald Trump is fundamentally  a rich guy who has lived a life of luxury,   never wanting for anything, surrounded by  a bubble of constant protection. He can't   relate to us. He can't relate to you. And when  I was at the Democratic National Convention last   week getting Covid, I was so happy that they  really centered project 2025 throughout the   week. Each day there was a speaker who carried  out a massive book and put it on the podium and   highlighted a specific aspect of project 2025  that would harm people, harm us. As Kamala   Harris and Tim Walz prepared to sit for their  big interview with CNN's Dana Bash, I'm looking   forward to hearing more of this direct messages  about the damage a Trump administration would   do and a unifying message we can all get behind.  I'd love to know what you think about this in the   comments below. Or you can connect with me here  on YouTube or on social media at Brittany Page.

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