see the way I murder my friends? very demure, very mindful. 🔪 | MomoMisfortune Twitch VOD |

Set Up also is my mic correct is it the correct microphone slay go get it I'll be right back okay I'm going to go pee I'll be right back okay Chad I'm going to go to the bathroom I was waiting until we got into the lobby I'm already we the suit shall return uh hey guys I think SED the code so I'm going to remake the room oh okay how do I how do I I don't even know how to exit the e bro what happened they all left me oh now I see what happened yep yeah yeah yeah yep Bella I also had to put shorts on because I started hello how do I leave how did they yay they got in so now it's just simsy they made it like so the code is like unle how she do that I think you're on the wrong one thank you for the 27 month resub I don't know if I just said that or not Bella wait dan say something sh Works hello okay I don't know I don't know if he's muted or not um okay well your mic is not picking up I don't know if it's just me that can't hear wait what hello hello hi Stephen do I sound like I'm coming out of my microphone and not a webcam today yeah you sound good now very good you sound good thank you you all sound so good today oh really hi okay a couple of us are having Tech issues which is soic that's okay we can look at the stuff I think I fixed it oh you did yeah hi YY okay good that was scary you might need back soon check on simy I don't know what her login issue is or whatever okay um Tyler Oakley H can I have my color how does everybody seem to claim a color and yet I've been for three years funny all why are you fine funny why you fine funny I don't know oh I don't like out and be I don't know how how do I fix it wait why are you fine funny because you're on a different PC I don't know I think probably it maybe you're not logged into your account fine funny is game I think fine funny is wonderful personally M's going to kick you off that color as soon as she joins Tyler is is is nothing sacred no no no right literally no no nothing it's like it's like at the end of the day who can I be no you know not yourself told that allegedly simsy leaked the code but I don't know if that's true I don't know oh my God by Kayla mean simy candido WR I think but also they made it so that way well I mean oh yeah mag [ __ ] mean what Momo oh yeah Maggie's not here you can be brat Tyler you mean what I was going to be brat I was going to talk about how the the room codes are like are blocked out simy says she leaked it again I she must have like different settings CU it's a new pc yeah that's what I was going to say oh I'm going to go make a another room again okay that's probably why yeah that's what I was I'll turn some tunes back on but everybody everybody like sounds fine and stuff when we're in game I know I here I thought I was going to be the one that was going to start crying today I don't like your B who's going to cry who's going to cry first today me or simsy I think simy already won okay she beat me to it dang I can make you cry Momo actually yeah go ahead go am I echoing do I sound like normal and fine you sound normal you sound kind of like you sound kind like a nerd it's because my PC broke and I had to get a new one and my settings were all back to default and I didn't know didn't default the streamer mode it's okay turn it on so you can see the colors yeah okay good yeah at least you're not fine funny anymore I think too no I think I like I think you should fully Rebrand I could I just changed my username yeah what are we waiting for I think Tony and zth no Z again so sorry everyone I feel like a m right now um it whoa whoa Bruin messed up wow be your new name to stay in my little corner really cute oh they all have matching faces oh I hate it she Bann me now you Whispering at me is there a reason it's shaking in your ears with these lips e our eyes we our eyes touch what about lips are you smooching oh my God I live for you to be disgusted at me no okay uh are we waiting for anyone Tyler oh yeah where's oh wait sorry I need to do one I need to update I'm trying to change my settings really quick but uh 13 but I know is late is is anyone else late today is Sarah actually joining us today um I think she's coming after work okay okay yeah okay so we have two people who are going to be later okay I it then okay as long as everyone's ready sure you activate bya mine's not mine's not shaking oh mine's always it's a setting I didn't it's in the graphic setting I that was very annoying to me I did not like weird I like is this happening that's so nice when it doesn't shake have you been having it shake the whole time maybe that's why I'm so stressed all the time it's improv I didn't know that was an option no oh my God okay everyone go into your graphic settings in game in turn don't worry M turned off so much changing why I cut it off if it why would they have on me and that's new everything Shak i' probably get motion shaking yeah exactly yeah I didn't option I'm going to start don't forget we're going to do a pronoun circle at the beginning all right I forgot that it makes a weird sound now yeah it's awful yeah it's kind of scary honestly that was really loud turn the music off though so like really loud and scary I should turn the music off as well it's quite bad I need to turn the like Game noises First Round down okay hello oh right duck at the top I'm never at the top hi I'm duck Dan you can call me Dan and uh my pronoun is a he him hello I'm shella you can call me shella and my pronouns are she her uh hi I'm Tony you can call me Big Cheese Tony and my pronouns are him I won't be doing that actually oh okay okay just hi yeah what what what it it cut you off so much just then hi use any pronouns oh your your mic was cutting out as soon as you said your name I heard enough information there it was cutting out yeah is it my turn or is Bruce still talking no it's your turn okay I'm siy I you she her pronouns hello I know I know hi I'm Tyler oal and I use he him pronouns hello everyone Hi hi I'm zhr I use she her pronouns hi I'm emoris I use they he pronouns hi my name is Steven or spring I use Heim pronouns uh I Kayla and I use sheir pronoun Kay M yeah uh Y what are you good we good did Kayla go or do I have her muted on Kayla just went I had her muted with the drama here anyway um Momo my preferred pronouns are they then but any you're fine whatever wait where am I why can I not move now I'm down here CH remember when we were listening to the divorced Rock Dad divorc Dad Rock last time we played remember that good times you want to talk about me don't so true hi are you still divorced Momo yeah no no we got that one never mind what am I that's the wrong Al chat that you for your proun check by the way Oh's dead I saw me there was another me what I was in I was trying I was on the card swipe with stepen and then me ran in and then the body got called oh then me ran I saw nothing so it's anything what oh hi okay I was gonna say was anybody did anyone else see you see you no stepen was in there but I don't know if he saw it was I was like on the edge and they were outside so I don't know if you would have seen him they were like you know where the lava pit is where you can do the temperature check were like over there oh okay oh by that's weird office then so it's simy right no it can't be unless there was cool down dog is Bing I feel like heavy breathing that's okay I just want I just wanted to tragic you have divorce energy right I even have the divorce mom cardigan okay yeah that's a bar I thought someone was like breathing into their M I have one too and you got like you take it and then you got to like you know like do this like wrap it around you and like do this and then you stand on the porch when you're when you're when your husband comes to pick up the kids and you're just like there like this maybe you have your coffee mug you know that wasn't sing for Momo for a while in the beginning that's it that's all I got I'm not I'm not accusing I wanted to ask them if they were still I'm super upset that you can only get divorced if you why would you bring that up why would you bring that up if you just tell people I wanted to know if you had gotten back together yet that your divorce you know like who's going to it's honestly causing me a lot of distress it could so it could be emest because they're so salty who oh my God I'm just chaotic to Sor emoris yeah do something like Tony is really glasses at the edge of your nose I am we just got here and your your hair has to be like up in a messy bun I've had a good day today so I'm just going to be Chao okay way to brag about having a good day Tony yeah what that some of us just want to feel like just feel like we want to cry okay I've had a bad day to a lot of salt in my wounds right now Tony I need you did we ever discuss where the body was found where's the body throw it you said by the lava p no that's where that's where the um imposter was of I very because I think he's trying to distract all of us are good day interesting on so you could hit that energy so hard you just just know which one of you did it who killed me which one of you did it huh mity who's done it none of you are getting protected okay none he is wants to play I'm go haunt emmerly if Ry was playing I think emmer was it you Emer Give Me A Sign it was a shape shifter that got me so I don't know like I was just saying like happened here oh look hey somebody watch me Med Bay hey hey watch me Med Bay hey watch me scan oh oh who died trying to find it I I didn't see them I was about to run for them LA but then everyone came in I was I can't run it look suspicious yeah but I was I was going to run for run for it to see if I can catch up but I didn't see so where was the body um in by next to office yeah it was like on card swipe kind of okay okay um this is not accusational I'm just going to ask emeris where were you just now I just I literally just went into we didn't we just pass each other about em is fine em is fine wa wait what do you got against me right now no no no no we're beefing I'm sorry you're done you're done I I said I said it wasn't ex you didn't say anything when you walk by you didn't say anything by I've been muted because for some reason my crew link just says that I'm constantly talking so I've been keeping myself muted cuz I don't know what you can hear I don't know what's going on that's fine I just wanted to make sure I knew there was a uh a shape shifter from the last round so I just wanted to make sure fa that's all that's yeah I don't know if can actually hear anything or not but uh I I can't my my crew link just says that I'm like constantly talking it sounds normal to me yeah you sound normal it's stressing me out but okay thank you thank you so killing lawyer the te the drama self no Ze it was it wasn't it wasn't St there were three of us three of us were there three of us were there oh okay I don't know I'm by myself over here yeah Tony wasn't spe on his own I ran past him yeah it's true I don't know went from labone for me everyone V for me that's what's happening right now who was there I was there Stephen you were there obviously you called the buy who was with you Stephen or near you uh I don't really fully remember every everyone's already voted I know I'm I'm not trying to like sus it down I'm trying to get Intel fre anything is useful you know yeah it was me and you and somebody else can't remember who else it was no I solved my issue I know what it was oh Daniel was taking a shower and my mic picks up the shower sometimes oh my God I thought you were going to say the toilet rest in peace my bathroom's like right next to my office and so it was like constant me and my lawyer you see my FIT what oh yeah your your your suit wait hold on I have I have like mat Murdock glasses too oh wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on oh wait I don't have your stream pulled up H where are you there you are it's very good Chad go go look a Bruce stream should I be protecting someone I don't know I kind of want to let everybody die yeah yeah I'm feeling like death today yeah yeah Tony oh my cat is like complimenting Tony Tony Tony okay he's not he's not is it Tony I don't know I'm just going to go up to whisper at people see where spawns I where's where's uh somebody's uh somebody's a oh oh hey what happened hey girl it wasn't it wasn't s it wasn't simy it wasn't we were chasing simy my God yeah there should be there's two imp no no zeep you cannot do this I came up from cams CU I was on cams and then I watched you kill but Dan was Dan was with you though right it was fake simy that was fake simy we're chasing after I was on cams I followed in behind like like I walked up like right at simsy was like next to the body so like well that's really interesting because from my perspective I was chasing myself up and out of the room and then you disappeared for a second and then oh fake Sim's gone but now zep's here right next to dead Kayla I was in C not me Kayla well you were actually in the hallway simy I don't I don't think that I don't think it could have been Z because the timing of like getting un uned like where would I got nothing to lie about and I've been dead I do believe that Ze was probably in cams okay see my read on it was that maybe Ze killed King come inside like as me try and people out and then saw me and ran out who all who all there cuz I walked up at the end was it just you three yeah that's all I think I maybe hpal fourth person who is dressed up as me when I when I tell my friends yes I'm having a bad day Dan was not fair and then they kill me first someone was dressed up as you who wasn't there or are you thinking that Ze unshifted wasn't there I think Ze unshifted that's my read on it but I could be wrong I feel like not very not I forgot that this is my stream title I'll be honest we can ask if for I made that my like I didn't was anyone with anyone else nope I put that I'm murdering my friends on my stream title and then I'm not going to get imposter who was where I tell them to make fun of you so that's probably why f s Sten was with me honest if I just keep dying then it's less stress on quiet this round is there anyone you want to exuse less stress on me like you just wanted to be quiet for one round maybe maybe it is uh or Tyler still in maybe is maybe you know what I'm I vot for sry your personal for that yeah you just get to like kind of sit and watch and oh I forgot to vote I'm so sorry somebody voted for Tyler in the first round too it's not Tyler cuz I Tyler and I were together alone in specimen and uh he did not kill me so somebody's out to get him yeah's he did the little memory puzzle Tony is being a troll the DN button like a killer I'm I'm going to call out I'm the scientist right now so you know but whatever convenient that you wait till fourth round you want me to say it right away so you could Target me Ze yes tasks trust any of those H Legend does anybody need an escort I finished he everyone talking the same time clowns you're such a turd Tony I will remember when I see you next mon I know where your hotel room will be so what I think happened was my God I just saw that I'm like I'll protect simy you know what I'll be nice like a few second Le Ze turns back into Ze right here oh hey what happened oh no oh no my ex-husband's dead oh no no officer I swear it wasn't me officer I was you already dead oh are they even going to they're not even going to find you they're never going to look at me I'm like barely man they ain't going to find look like oh my God look at my little guy he's he's looking at the computer he working oh he's doing he's so good I like how your body is kind of like glitched in there you know it's very glitched and no one is Finding Me shella who killed you uh um somebody oh I don't know dead but was there a task I think we oh yeah yeah hey task AB task win was that a task I realized as a ghost I probably had the last task oh my God in a long time in a very long time we so was it shella and Ze yeah shella did you were you the shap shter who the shap shifter I was shap shifting I was sh God you were shifting is that how you came that was mean and cruel yeah I vented on shap shift and then ran up so that I would be present and not shifted oh that's very unfortunate that Ze is right there it's unfortunate for Z yeah have you ever genuinely that moment we we the task down when we were playing on a a different map or something yeah seemed like I didn't have a lot to be honest yeah yeah you were the I was the tracker that round and you were the first person tracked so oh my God from W you're smelly thanks Dan okay I added a couple more tasks in yeah that's a good idea that looks good yeah sounds good can I get anything from my Cube yet important me I got the I just got the I got the uh what is it the name plate I'm actually crying I just spent like two minutes crying looking at everything oh my God so good I want an orange I do like the I I think I want to be not I don't know who I don't know I'm going I'm going to the right first first okay that's fair I think I'm going to go for not's hat and then I'm going to go down get yeah I want so bad Mr so bad I personally believe that all these are we put this patch they have so much it's fun I'm so sorry I'm normal I'm really fine I promise I literally at the beginning of my stream went through a study guide for critical role everyone I I love it so much never seen all right everybody take notes want to use the knife are we ready the knife true I'm just changing my outfits but you can you can go I'm just looking okay I'm going to go then me again don't you even start with me right now don't you even start with me duck Daniel duck Daniel duck Daniel not the government name oop I'm so good at turning Keys oh you are I'm s good oh uh the freaking same task that I did last time this is where I died last time shape shifting so like inv add breako oh cams like freezing yeah I'm going to get the blanket during the next meeting I'm starting to like Shake I know no hi how rude rude I won't get toose to Kayla like oh my god do you see me no I'm not I thought that was me did tell them to bully me do that said they were going to that well I I said I was going to and so did Tyler so they said nothing cuz I'm very kind yeah they're they were on cams that's all I got oh who killed me last time on cams I wonder you're really helping my bingo Bo I killed go on C last round we we actually I don't know if shella would have had enough time cuz zeth Tony and I were like watched C she like ran through us talking so and it was like pretty quickly after that this could work in my advantage cuz then if I do ever get imposter like they're not going to believe me cuz I could be like I've been dying quick yuck what is this somewhere she packed was on cams I'm going to go get a blanket where where did you y did you make this yeah but I'm here ly and has left on purpose so she can beused so she doesn't in a doesn't get impost someone stream dies someone forgets they're muted chit think just had to grab a blanket doesn't get imposter at all wait was this in the voted for me or are you voting who What's happen some voted for no reason I know who the Imposter is but I won't say I'm a gamer well it gets imposter twice in a row someone mention mentions ever since marriage gets caught killing I don't want to lose I want to I want to get all the points I can for the cube okay you lost honestly that's very real someone has audio issues first time chatter asks to play I got banned in blank's chat and don't know why I'm freaking crying if you get a bingo what do you win oh my God can help you mark some of those OP no cheating yeah that looks pretty accurate to me make a new Twitch account and come in and be like can I play um it it says waiting for you so you tell me yeah was like so mean to you oh man nobody's getting protected oh rip Tony I think that's Tony that's the that's the chuckle that I needed today what oh oh he deserved it the children ideas that's wild that is crazy Dan uh he was in Communications okay I had I didn't really see anyone around I'll be honest I was off doing me own little test most of a lot of us were in lab at the end there I see I see I don't I also don't know three people in this game I trust me that's it well I don't know if I can trust you yet well I only trust Tyler actually okay I know that has no reason to trust me no one has any reason to trust me but I have reason to trust other people confirmed if I say that I'm the tracker does that make you trust me I don't know if you can actually be the impostor and be a Tracker I don't think you can I don't think you can okay I can't do that I'm I'll be honest I haven't used it I think I tracked Momo in the beginning and then I once and I find it hard to use I yeah Kayla killed me and Tony so the four people I don't trust are I'll name names springin zephine candidly K candidly Kayla the why do you trust what did she do let me just say this you don't want to kill me this round why just say this just she's the many are saying let's just say there will be a we woo machine going there will be a we woo machine there will be consequences it's a promise wow okay video R Flor make sure we're in glasses and your hair is all messed up yeah fair enough like your eyes are all like so that's you really want you know extra points bu ulele you know where was where was that body was the body oh communication oh I was about to leave uh Communications mbrb oh okay to get a blanket but who wasn't who wasn't around us how recent do we think the kill was was a while did it smell fresh smell fresh no maybe a bit of a I'm voting with my heart fire I think Tony smells bad so probably smells bad wow we're just waiting on your vote my vote I already voted no Ze did I say shella I don't think so you said we're waiting on your vote and I was the last one that spoke oh that's fair that's understandable all right we're being very passive today I want more for a uh you my Cola I'll I'll self care I don't know if I can no I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it did she even see who did it my husband oh and Bruin she didn't even see you did it um well well I just walked into O2 and I saw Dan dead on the floor away that's so funny info I was mind my own business I was with zeep mhm sorry where was he dead again uh O2 zeep again the tree room or whatever yeah the called again yeah yeah yeah yeah that one um well I literally cannot believe she did not see Kayla do that that is so true that's so funny he was doing his Gollum impression for me it was honestly really inspiring well yes I can confirm and then he ask see if I could count toing don't be shy well you know I was doing the count to 10 task and I was asking you asked maybe she did see I don't know it seemed like she was in a task my bad because she didn't scream until like there it was a delayed reaction all right his defense the last time I was in there with him I go like I did Simon Says and I said well I can count to 10 so we're both winning not everyone can and I'm I'm sharing and creating space for those who can't I like that thank you huge love that this is a baby inclusive stream is it no actually not for me okay wait wait Kayla where where are you at at you're being quiet I am at the office I just got done doing the card swipe finally I don't typically do it at the beginning because I don't want to die all right that makes sense so was anyone over there when you found the body I don't know I was doing tasks over there I had like the boiler room stuff I didn't see anybody else did you kill yeah but is the Kayla pack still on or is it broke I turn I turned Kayla up but I don't think I can turn her up enough where she won't sound I think that's just on herend question um shella who did Dan say that we could trust she has at literally 162% just us yeah andne I think okay so so who can't we who did Dan say we should just trust zephine spring Sims em or candid Kayla everyone everyone I'm I'm the tracker I'm the tracker wild em Isa between St my they actually got out oh dear problem goodbye what I was nice to people nice isn't enough zeph I a task I just wanna be part of your Symphony oh not okay to not be saying bad words I'm so sorry I'm not going to lie what is happening with emis what is going on I don't know I thought emis could hear me singing Just then but no so I was like oh oh man got him okay uh tasks are done you know what I'll be a great I'll be and I'm never you're literally where's where's uh where's Kayla at another one they never ends where is Kayla and you know what I will be buying it okay this is did you just did you just candy L tayor why'd you do it because I'm by myself and so I have to do what I got to do you know what I mean oh so we voted zephron out that was her yeah okay well you tried Tyler oh man died because you're the only person who was like what did it is not a case that I enjoy presenting because it is I don't know where the button is circumstances I was wondering like what we as an Among Us community did our civil Duty and voted out one of the imposters last round it has been confirmed by my can't be used by the garden angel and she is just a single impostor trying to work two jobs I don't think I knew that on her own and it's just really hard for her um but she did in fact kill Tyler Oakley right in front of me so I don't know if I can let that slide um Power telling me who it is yeah supposed to have an easy time protecting yeah I think that's seems right enough okay she had to do what she had to do do you have video evidence um I do if you want to watch my VOD but you know okay I'll watch subcribe sorry Kayla what oh no what do you mean don't act like I wasn't talking about you I did a monologue what that's a really good monologue honestly than I really like that moning you think I'm going to die first next time yeah actually here's the thing if I don't die first next round then they're going to think that I'm the impostor right all right well good after first of time oh that's fair that's fair there we go I didn't get any I didn't get any points cuz I died so I see the kalea P if you live longer that would be great I asked for this to be honest I was trying to whisper I was try to whisper I'll you oh God why can't I pet my little guy won't let me pet my little guy he's so cute is that your child yes this is my child this is my son that you're to me or my son ever again yeah this is this is this is chat room actually chat room that's you the Little Ghost what's the chat room I don't like the noise that it starts scares me it's a little intense not let's not kill Momo first I mean did you just say let's kill Momo first no kill M first kill Momo first kill me kill me put me out of my misery I want Momo to get Pate kill me kill me see if I don't die first I mean maybe somebody else will be a better um Guardian Angel um I think I oh that's none of my you think that was breu who just who no way was like I think that was Bruin that just died cuz I was right next to that could have been me yes all right Momo then what's going on all right Momo why'd you do it it was this is exactly what I was telling my chat I'm like chat if I don't die first next round they're going to pin imposter on me and look look what is happening now been you no it could have been me that died because I was walked right next to me and it was dark and so then I walked away and then the thing went off and I was like that was probably brew that just died and then it was so I am see anyone leave it it was it was dark so I saw nothing I heard say it says don't trust zephrine oh my God I heard that too fair to be fair I did betray them two rounds in a row yeah so I think that no I was turning on the lights that time I promise lights did turn on at the end they did turn on at the end I was M conversation with Tyler so I don't know what happened I was trying to get someone to watch me Med Bay scan and no one well not everything no it's true but I know that Sim was too far in lab to do the murder as well thank you saw Ste next to the body but I think that's also CU Ste reported it I walked up at the very end well I heard stepen say at the beginning of the game I'm the tracker so I I think no that's I think that's really fair yeah I think he just so got really excited about it so did was very cool all right well this is an unfortunate rest in peace to my lawyer I think it's but whatever getting murdered in front of that brutal it's true it's true it's Bru thank that was really rough that was now you know may exit the stage forever to do that I do wish to do that Kayla you want to participate in democracy hard for me take a to this you are suspicious don't be suspicious don't be suspicious suspicious card swipe oh it's not e there so many people here I got this side well we we okay but like what if we held hands that's gay I mean what I'm not gay my ex-husband's trying to flirt with me what do I do dear Reddit my ex-husband's flirting with me what do I do please you saying that I'll go down here what's that one Reddit thread is like this Reddit asks or something right I'll turn the lights on I'll do it bang I've done it I don't know oh no y'all y'all are you there can you hear me yeah speak your Truth uh yeah so there I was I was in the laboratory I was going through the laboratory to the specimen room I was up against the door waiting for the door to you know depressurize whatever the hell relationship with yeah and I see on the other side of the door waiting uh is candidly Kayla and I think oh God please don't door open and then I die so I hide in the corner and then the door opens I peek around Kayla is not there so I'm like oh I can go down to the specimen room so I make my way down to the specimen room and I find a dead body the only person who could have passed that dead body was candidly Kayla candidly KLA nowhere to be found oh so so either why did you not report it or why did you kill him I want to hear my client side of the story let's talk um I mean I I can't report what I don't see oh you know that is valid that's valid you I don't know what you want me to say you were probably looking at your phone when you ran by right I actually was playing a game on my iPad I'm being driv that's why I was in the drop ship for so long the last round because I was I'm running a restaurant on my iPad right now what game are you serious I'm being very serious this very you're streaming among us but you're playing the iPad at the same time I it's it's the game that requires you to check on the food after a certain amount of time oh right yeah and I was like you guys I need to check on my restaurant so Val she's working two jobs PRI I'm a restaurant owner I said she was my chat can confirm I was running my restaurant this Pony well let's all the time to run your restaurant then I mean do what you got to do besties no you you're working two jobs I literally confirmed it last round yeah I've made a mental note of what you have said it's true it's true if there's one thing is that I'm a believer I'm a Believer okay what the oh okay oh lights sh feeding her cat oh rip to that little guy man I'm still alive feels great feels good you should be able to just post um uh clip links directly into the chat it bot the bot should not get mad at you hello duck Dan where did you come from I was at medbay scan scanning little congrats on your being alive so far thank you thank you I don't even know what he's singing I'll be honest wait is that right we are we have an open door policy in this house there's too many closed doors I'm sorry Mom I'm sorry I'll do better next time I'm sorry behave I'm sorry I'm sorry uhoh oh Steven's dead oh no I found a was just here I found a body uh St Steven's not been here my wife okay say Steven's been here for a while I feel like I just saw St just specimen okay so he was coming out of like so he probably cuz I saw him up in laboratory so he probably went down to specimen through admin and then was came out of the door below office it was like in that hallway yeah yeah so he was in between weapons and admin like area I can conf where came from I was I was in specimen with Tyler and shella and Stephen came from laboratory so he came up from the top and went down yeah I did not see anybody when I went into specimen room no but like where is his body it's it's like when you're leaving the admin or like you know you come up through admin and then you go down and to the left like I'm looking at the map um like you're going towards like weapons so he was like in between the weapons and like that door like right there I was going to say I thought I swear I just heard him because I just I just fixed Communications yeah no I was just in specimen with him and then decided not to go I waited for Tyler because I didn't want duck Dan to murder him I took it as you're waiting for me personally and not the allegations Dan I didn't think that this was usion I I thought that you were waiting for both of us but I thought that you were being kind to me as well as wait so who who's on accountant for I'm a little embarrassed Tony anday said I I just did Communications I just like yes I am I I'm the one that fixed the lights nobody was going to fix the lights and I was the one that fixed them I'm not going to turn the lights on to if I'm the Imposter one of the things that I did notice though is that I did asked Dan when I was going up to laboratory from the specimen room and so there was and then Steven was down there iomo huh where was the body again like to the right of where weapons is okay so he like wandered over there this I was I was keeping an eye on Steven at first cuz I was like always going into specimen on his own um but then I went down into specimen and there was four people down there Tyler cuz Tyler was accusing me US candidly Kayla it's still you and it's also watch I'm fair I'm voly Kayla I fear oh I fear I voted for Tony am I being Ved you can R your restaurant we still got we still got an impost I don't know I don't know about this one what do you mean what what I do just be sus and uncounted for I what do you mean I said I was in this area I just finished yeah you were in this area where there was a body so I don't know what to say I don't know what to but I admitted it immediately yeah I was in the area yeah that's why it was sus what the open up going to be oh who died with a list but how do I don't think you do okay don't try to get on my good side Dam you know that couldn't have been me I was with you the entire time yeah well you have a friend maybe we just voted out candidly Kayla oh sh sh that was you that I heard in yeah I I was on the lights yeah did you see or hear anybody with like near you no I think it's Tony it's Tony Tony went up Tony went up you went up way the body was right above electrical will say the last person I saw was Ze but she was still in the office so I wonder if she was also making her way over to turn the lights on probably but I know I know for a fact Tony went up that way so Tony what were you up to what have you what's your what what are you doing I'm in laboratory I'm hiding over to the laboratory doing the little uh the little temperature thing over there is the body like right outside of Lights it's right above you oh that's really that awkward placement yeah yeah so so how but okay I was loudly I don't know if you heard me cuz you were getting close but I was like loudly singing about how I was doing lights so yeah and yeah I was the only person I could hear until Momo was like oh and then reported the body and I feel like that's not like a u move to just kill somebody outside of electrical and then immediately do lights like I don't know I feel like that that's not a you thing it's not it could be maybe I'll do it next maybe I don't know her husband it is a possibility I'm not saying that's what happened I'm just saying that if it's not Tony say the few rounds I have not been in sus at all when other bodies have been around so who's been awfully quiet and under the radar this whole round that's actually so true Tony's been suspiciously quiet I've been I was quiet all last you so you were so loud for like two first round and then the second round I've been quiet and I wasn't the Imposter and then I got quiet second round and then I'm quiet this round that doesn't mean anything wow yall I'm so smart you did nice job Momo my brain's large my own husband tried to frame tried to frame you for murder candidly diabolical let it be known what did she do killed me and then lied about it wow I look really good you guys oh wow I know I it's it's really hard to be imp truly understand people are standing with each other I'm just picturing yeah it really is hard to be imposter I hate it I hate everything about oh my God I'm going to be what's imposter I just kill whoever I see that's why I do most of the time it doesn't work out most of the time I run into someone immediately yeah you start like matching each other that was a good Brew pun by the way right it was a good Brew pun I agree most people go with coffee but you I'll go for the box I think that makes sense sh we look really good right now A I want I am the tracka every and I am the tracker I'm the scientist hey Dan are you the tracker the track so good I think we hey we forgot to Ping you're right you're right oh oh my God no we forgot about just realized we forgot to Ping M my God we forgot yeah next round next round I think I think she's still probably like doing makeup and stuff we forgot about hey thank you for reminding us whoops for why am I I'm so freaking my lunch oh oh I don't like this stack I'm and some chips you want some okay can anyone confirm me anyone have Med Bas SC uh nope no was right like later later I understand I look at you sliding over there what he doing down nope and I press move TR later uh well it is later we've been we've been we've already been here for an hour it has now become later yeah Sarah's joining later later potentially H Momo hey I think emis is looking for you again I just saw emis in the bathroom oh oh in the in the bathroom well near the bathroom I guess this might have implications in your you know case no no um no it was just a normal passing of two people didn't even talk to each other oh well so you know um all right well there's been some chatter so I I don't know what you mean okay okay I'll be honest I'll be honest you know you're my you're my lawyer okay I'll be honest emis oh emis may be flirting with me and so I was going to you know like maybe do one of those reddit reddit r/ relationship advice be like you know hey my um ex-husband is uh flirting with me what do I do you know like it's it's just getting a little uh let what it says I can't be next to Z yeah at all I'm very scary what can I say anyway so um yeah I just there's just a lot of things gum the kid children this isn't about you that was so believable he Des I really felt the emotion in that yeah thank you I tried to be really loud somehow you were really quiet wait was I um no my my mic is on do it again my mic is on I promise okay my husand there we go there we go she's an actor no no no no I think it's no don't G enough my husband my husband you know thank you it's got to come I remember when I had a husband's dead body is let not that's actually really sad we're a making my client uncomfortable I think we could try to maybe we could like fix the talk about Tony it's fine there's nothing to fix I don't know what you mean oh well what talk to us about your is yeah oh is this turning into a therapy session now well I just want to know like what caused the divorce like why Fidelity why indeed Fidelity who Fidelity I'll let my lawyer speak for me thank you with oh my God if she's not even here that's so awkward it's going to get more awkward when she gets back the allegation are voting for what's that where was the body that's the first going to talk Tony oh yeah where's the body my H my husband for I four votes already okay yeah I don't know who I don't know who it is the body is in the entrance into like the O2 Boiler Room area you know that like main entrance the outside that bit yeah yeah I was I saw on I should get popcorn was like I want a little snack do you think it was fresh like did you see anyone around see I had just i' had gone onto cams a little bit sooner but I don't think I had scrubbed through all of them all of the cameras yet so I don't know if I had scrubbed past the dead body but realizing it or if it happened while I was watching a different camera I'm not sure I can use if it was it might it might have been the camera at the end so I like popcorn dinner honestly popcorn's a good dinner I don't remember no that's like a you know like dinner you know a whole bag of popcorn or a bucket of popcorn even well I can hear Tony grabbing cheese in the kitchen well laugh what oh never mind someone voted for me I don't know who voted for you not me that's not my problem I'm doing this Al what you glad you're still alive H you know living's a it's a whole thing am I going oh weapons the door who keeps closing the doors she has some salsa for dinner that's also a good dinner I can't wait to make homemade salsa I'm going to need to make some homemade tortilla chips though I forgot to buy Tor K chips oh no who's who's who's targeting my lawyer well that's actually interesting I'm I'm just going to say it we had this big fight to take a hit what happened I think whoever did it is working on behalf of me and I kind of appreciate that okay okay now you're putting out hits on my lawyer I see no I'm actually sitting here with my camera in black and white with rain over it and I'm lening to Mad serious are you serious puff that's iconic I'll send I'll send a screenshot yeah yeah yeah send a screenshot you should sounds like you're taking it well you know it was like me last time when I was listening to divorc Dad you could say that actually you could um I'm taking it like really well to see so bad oh hold on hold on oh wanted something more in life send it in a second I have to I'm struggling to get this to work you're really like making us wait for this I mean we can move on yeah you can still talk I'll send it I'm just like I'm I'm waiting I don't know about you guys I'm waiting as well okay um want to see it so bad there we go I did this yesterday when I lost my gesser streak where it's I'm putting put I'm putting it in Murder chats where lost okay what are you about a oh they do their camera is black and white look I'm showing my chat that's really sad I need you to know that I did this yesterday so I lost my geoguesser streak yesterday uh and I did this and Refinery 29 came into my chat and was like this is Cinematic and I was like you you're seeing me you're seeing me at my lowest right now like I really cannot be doing this that is crazy oh anyways sorry um I'm I'm in uh I'm about to go up to the med Bay sample or I think I just did that the one where you have to like C yeah where was the body Dan you're like withholding it's I'm not withholding everyone's just busy talking about other things body is in um card swipe roomp okay I'm in O2 right now room I'm in Communications I'm in the lab I was right below like in the laboratory area and then I caught vitals and then I'm skipping can I told to you after this yeah why wait who who who hey I just want to talk to who thinks that I would murder my own lawyer want to talk to you why just want to talk to you if I show up dead who's talking what a lot of yapping going on okay somebody else can fix the lights the light went out in my Heart during the divorce I'll fix the lights interesting that somebody came in here to fix lights and then didn't oh hi I I didn't want to Stack okay I'm done with my tasks hello hey you looking at a camera I'm just looking at some cameras okay you know I never do this it's fun is it fun to do yeah I feel nosy yeah that's why I love doing it I'm nosy I love to be in everybody business oh I guess it's also good to know where the cameras are yeah wait what is Ze is scam I'm never going to finish this task oh is if I saw you I was on cams and I saw you screaming in Boiler Room yeah no it's because I walked in on Steven's body yeah I see that now you Momo do you see who walked out of that area come on come on come on you got to say you saw someone saw someone didn't see people in chat saw but because I didn't see fair I don't think I want to say it because I didn't see it that is super Fair what happened chat I didn't see it but where was the body it was in boiler did I see it I didn't see anything it was on cameras as well okay I saw someone but then I do not recall seeing her didn't who it was I think it Ze I I experienced you yelling yeah cuz that's honestly my reaction whenever I walk up on like anyone dead I'm just like oh my God who true she did talk to me no but she was an electrical I don't know oh wait wait wait wait hold on uhhuh um I'm remembering some more information okay um so uh I went to go turn on lights okay and shell was in there I did walk by shell and I was like I was like wait a minute and then I turned on lights and I was like shell why didn't you turn on lights and or like cuz she had walked away or like stepped away and said she didn't want stack but a guardian angel also protected someone this round that's true and so have you ever done the lights test where you think it turns on and then you go off and it's still off and then you're like oh my God and then you look and one of the switches is different or like you think you finish the task and you close it and then you're like why isn't it I don't get it mayed and then I saw you go on I didn't want to Stack also but maybe what I'm just saying is that um you went down from yeah electric like from there yeah I had to finish my O2 task from the previous round so you did go down that way but that I'm saying some the guardian angel protected somebody this round so it could have been me a lot of people that were so I don't know what lie like it's only me I'm just I'm just I'm just poting it out yeah I guess that's fair I love you like I passed like Tyler and someone else yeah Tyler was with me on Taz is probably one of my favorite friends that I've made on Twitch I I love Taz hi Kayla Kayla Kayla you're unmuted oh sorry I love Taz too didn't even think about that CH that is I don't h hum do we vot anybody out what you want no uh oh the marrieds are having a spat I go back on cams I'm going to get murdered but like what else am I going to do they're GNA I think I still have a task in is she running away okay maybe she's scared of me are you too yeah oh that's crazy um I probably should have waited a second to report this body but I just um walked up into lab and zeep was on the what's it called the telescope and there was like foamy whatever somebody was in the specimen room thing trying to leave huh oh oh so I think I they just tried to run away and get in there yeah oh I see I see well I don't know I was trying to tell you what tasks I had and you ran away from me so I guess you're scared of me um I didn't witness that on cam I'm in the office so I was like oh I guess she started talking I was like no no no no no yeah I was like oh okay well the moment Kella starts talking to you you know you're about to die is the problem yeah that's that's fair well you got away this time what I'll get you next round okay but where was everyone else hello I was on cams I finished my task so I'm being a cam I just got to cams cuz I wanted to see who was on cams yeah I spent most of that round walking around trying to find the weather I needed to fix and I was the very last one I checked of course yeah as it would be in a surprise to No One um was anyone in specimen did you like see anyone run in me no I just oh well no like if anyone was in spe did they see someone like come down I was like uh the my weather do was the one that's like near the tunnel specimen like in that lava pit but I didn't see or hear anyone so oh we were right next to each other then that's crazy wild I'm on card swipe uh Tyler where were you well I have finished my tasks so I'm just scrolling through cams unlikely being a bunch of cies Ty and Momo were on cams at the time you better get into it yeah Momo had many chances to kill me and did not I'm just I'm just watching my soaps on the cams nosy vot anybody out or no I think that's still I know I don't think we voted anybody out no we haven't voted anyone out we have to vote on where was Kayla did Kayla say where she was I think we've heard from everyone just in a hall in a hall where like which Hall by the laboratory oh where the body was wait what hold on that we needed to hear that way earlier wait yo what is this about oh God I don't even know where that body was I finished all my tasks so GH not calling it out because of the Kayla pack no honestly I haven't seen God well I honestly haven't seen Kayla this round oh my I know shell was looking at vitals but I'm still think she's one of the imposters cuz we haven't voted anybody out wait a minute wait h light on oh this is yeah I'm likeing here taking my cam job oh I see Kayla I see Kayla uh she's by the drop ship what and now you're pointing at this okay this is interesting simy why did you kill Tyler o no hold on hold on hold on no no no no why did you peel Tyler you can't push this on me listen to what just happened it's both of them I was standing at the door trying to get out like the bottom of that weird electrical hallway because you someone goes simsy simsy and then yeah I wanted to know I you explain yourself okay but when I walked past there there was no body there you come up behind me there's a body I don't understand why you can't it's literally the Kos it's literally I don't know how to fight against it's quite literally them so wild I think that if you just let me speak every round that we have gone into this I've been trying to finish the same last task but y'all keep finding bodies and I can't finish my last task we would probably win if I could get it done well then we vote out simy what difference does it make because I was watching you on cams wandering no you weren't watching me wander because I was doing the storage ones you see me go back and forth to the same room oh you're doing gas can okay cuz you were in the same area so I was like what task are you doing if it's not done yet that makes sense now I don't know I do think it's simy trying she was trying to escape at the end why would I if I killed someone a door Em I think they you killed someone and then got scared because you realized that I was right there so you're like you didn't even know I was there have walked away there was people up and then I was right there below you you had no there was literally if I killed them I could have walked away was right there too so you had no oh my God it's Kayla and then I will say I will say I don't SC know if I'm convinced that it's not emoris because when I both of them were just um well yeah I was waiting for her to explain herself when she's down at the door and there's a dead body listen to the desperation of Emmer's voice right now felt like it feel like I'm in morning normally when s The Imposter she doesn't run away screaming from me like she did run away from me a few rounds ago she would have just killed me like honestly thank you yeah but I was but I was also on cams and saw that happen so she probably thought she probably saw that cams were on that's way that's so wild I can't believe they just threw that's crazy wait it wasn't or is there still another no there's two there's two there's two there's two I don't think it was one left okay wait wait how many people are left um are there if one I think if one person dies if one person dies then we lose unless we get a task win oh task win win little Sindy I haveed are you you again you're done you're done done who was it bye Kay it was me and I knew it can I just say I third imposter there I know you did I got beat with you em em the only reason I did it at the end was because I knew we were so close to challeng task win yeah oh I I was like I have one task left and probably one other person another JY yeah JY you know what no JY is real you third imposter me you to yeah Bruin I'm sorry I literally knew simsy killed you no you came back and found my body and she was who I was talking I was I was tracking simy so I was tracking simy I left and they were both you two OB were both talking and I was watching and you were you both were in there for so long and then simy Lees I go back and there's your so annoying to play this game with he needs you to stop thinking this much I'm I'm not even thinking all I did was track you and then you left why didn't you track me mind your business oh I'm muted hi M that's valid hi M Tony came up a your eyebrows what fairy what no eyebrow you're so cute sorry i m i muted anded I was trying to unmute I was yourcam oh probably um can anybody else hear the ghosts because I have that setting is turned off and it says only The Game host can change it but is it because of my computer do I have to like leave the lobby and come back I think that Kayla could because Kayla or cand Kayla whenever I was yelling at Kayla when I was dead U yeah turn it back on when I got my new pc was it MAV off my desk let her be get it off my desk she's a criminal Maven she's not are you ready we can just join I can I can fix the ghost voices next round so I don't hold anybody up okay um you know me I'm I'm starting decide Daniel don't even don't you even don't of surprise surprise boring oh boring I think I look really good do you guys like my outfit oh yeah can't wait somebody kill me hey hello hello wait where way I want to see the new Beetle movie so bad hey to Live start talking really loud this round hey hey I'm over here Mr got that is working on the on the yard so guy can be loud he's not inside the house card swipe first try Frick what was that on the Bingo board was it you only get yeah you only get a you only get this check off the space if I got it first try so uhhuh you didn't get to mark off that Bingo spot haha dead is anyone dead should I just start talking like a Midwestern d i just my he deserved it that's who hey he said it he he said it he said it about me so true that was Revenge well I just came up I had three tasks in specimen room I came up and he was dead on the um telescope thingy in lab so so why'd you kill him I didn't I stumbled upon his body likely story he helped me last time I have no reason to kill him there's a lot of reasons to kill him sometimes wait is that why he pulled you aside to talk because he knew you were the impostor yes wow how does he always know isn't that so annoying yeah how is he how is he right about now he's dead we're still making fun of him so me he's the worst he's not even here to defend himself Dam I got you Dan I got you prob cry what what was he your buddy your special friend he's always he's always been my buddy what do you mean we skipped in the rain together and everything you're special little friend did so special little boy yeah I maybe full homo we don't know whoa delicious what face is that I um I think it's from the Indie I think it's from a Untitled Goose game I love it it's really cute actually your little I am in my sad boy era so I do think I'm G to have to swap to vax unfort uh yeah my ex special little friend VX my beloved save me V save me wait where's em em hi M good to see you hi I love your outfit it's very good you're welcome very Dem very cuty and then and then I leave I'm again hey hey hey are you going to kill me I'm I'm not the impostor cuz why would I be you know there l reasons why you would be no I'm it's my luck today you know it's just not going to happen so situation I need somebody to kill me I would Oh Oh I thought you were you know I thought you were just like walking by I didn't think you were in the room with me um no I'm sorry I can't help you with that but that's okay that's okay poor Stephen so I had to turn on the lights first but Stephen is literally right on electrical like as if he was trying to fix it and then he died that's all what is Tony really good at two specific Parts hello of head should can you repeat that I'm so sorry where was the body wow the body is on lights um he was literally right on top of Lights as if he was trying to as if he was trying to turn them back on but then he died so I'm here it almost reminds me of I think it was like one of third no no I I see I know exactly what you're about to do zeff you're a one trick pony sorry no a one trick Tony oh my God Tyler defend me here I I'm not I don't know you oh oh depend you depends you depends you on what grounds Mama there was never a moment where I felt safe around you I feel safe around you though as you should because I'm just a crew mate I am too well why wouldn't you feel safe on me are we having a domestic right about now like what's happening here it's contagious sorry I didn't bark at him today yet though yeah well getk bark got that dog in him bark bark okay enough quiet wow heal so we say so my dog's acting up what do you think should we take him outside Tyler take him out back I'm not Old Yeller what is happening oh my God it's Old Yeller take him out back going to look on the fire oh my God what is happening why am I get take upate wait who are we voting for because you forgot about me Tony what is happening who are we voting for I guess we're voting for me deserve I told you i' get back at you round has been you campaigning for yourself you I'm a sheep I'm I'm a sheep old today I don't know man you know honestly the fact that I was a tiebreaking vote I voted for myself so bye you know what to do I skipped cuz honestly I don't wait uh who thing okay yeah I'm really bad at it I know I'm terrible at that one too I always try never seen that ever I've never seen this my brain is large thank you add break wait what task do I have left I've done so few tasks I should go get popcorn oh my God pleas who keeps breaking comp you got it you do oh no you do it you do it okay okay got it who needs water water enjoyers just fit up the water sping up the bubbl sorry that it I'm going to sand right here slurp yeah slurp what does water never had um hey drink water drink your God dang water if you need to drink water put a little bit of flavor in it put a little bit of flavor in your water whatever helps you drink you got dang water chat I'm going to go get a a little baggie of popcorn I'll be right back what are you doing Oho Momo you just looking through the window oh Momo oh yeah that is so sad that is so sad I swallowed my water wrong one sec she was so beautiful it show us guil about that's why oh CH what you almost choked cuz you're so guilty about killing M oh no no I I actually jumped to the lightning outside oh oh no honestly I posted a picture in the Discord of the storm approaching us so 07 if we me and Tony just dip it's the power we we'll know why oh yeah oh my god oh wow oh my god did you see Twisters good luck the movie luck that's a s stay safe anyway okay I will where was the body um M's body was in Boiler Room uh Tyler came to me was like I saw it on the vitals and I said you're so well Tyler was going wee woo and like such a we I feel like it was such a yeah it was real chill and I was like well who's dead and then you were like M and we went honestly it was my first time even doing that because I I uh I I was I think you did really good I was with well I found Momo just standing alone and I was like man in office the entire time I went to go get a snack I'm done with all my tasks well I thought you were looking through that window or something I said Momo's on their own mission right now exactly so I went and I I check the vitals because I think people do that sometimes I finished my tasks and I saw yeah dead body M yeah so I was like let me just I guess people we woo when they find that out it's true you were doing honestly it was good thank you it worked yeah like should I if I see that on the vital thing is it better to we woo and run around or and like try to find the body or do you just go to that button in the main room and say something's a Miss uh honestly whatever you want to do I know if there is a right or wrong answer we always Wee Woo yeah well there's something kind of exciting it's exhilerating you know I love to feel plus honestly plus you know like bringing that in like if you find the body then you're probably more likely able to like piece things together than two yeah cuz you have more information but I guess it does run the risk of like in the time that it takes you to weoo maybe somebody else dies that's true oh I'm not sure what's up oh I finished all my task oh my God he my little popcorn this is just the imposters wild oh dear is anybody else um like trustworthy I am trustworthy I'm the track I say I'm the tracker but I don't really um you know I'm a lawyer I'm done with my tasks I'm done with my Tas oh the tasks are complete total task complete wait do we win what the hell that means I we have to do we have to fix the thing I'm going stand right here oh I'm going stay right here my popcor everybody running that way what are they running to oh now they're coming back this popcorn's all right I forget it's not my favorite cuz it's made with coconut oil and like coconut coconut oil is not necessarily bad when you make it with popcorn it's just there's two different kinds of coconut oil there's unrefined and refined I believe um or something else there's like there's there's different kinds of coconut oil so depending on which one you use to cook with will like you'll actually get a coconuty taste or not so when I make like homemade popcorn I use the coconut oil that doesn't give you oh I got my C how did we lose there was like who didn't finish T me brother I oh I voted for Ze I was so close shella you need to go you watch you watch murder you watched it you watched me V I hit the wrong button I was trying to I hit the vent button right in front of meast said oh hi the coconut oil that they use for this gives it a coconut taste I could not believe that was crazy okay I can't trust a guys but like you were about to have a task win again and I have the I feel like we've never had this many tasks before so we're like really you think it's like The Kill cool down or are we just like focus our I think we're just focused honestly I think just generally The Kills have been slower today like we usually have more like more often there'll be like two kills in a round but it's been like taking longer to kill people today right kill count or whatever to 30 seconds yeah I guess itur so I'm going I thought the kill cool down was always 30 seconds the are M was it5 or something just a second ago I think maybe we increased it because we had less players so that's true thank that makes sense fairy princess oh yeah we could do like the fungal or something if you guys really want to get crazy up in here I don't mind what does the group think whatever I think I only have one more round in me also uh cuz I have IRL uh things I have to but so what happened we'll just stay on this map then yeah fine switching Maps fine is this so scary Imposter Round thank God oh my God I can't hand I'm making a guess I think that it is zeff again and I think that it is M it's not I actually really wish it was it's my guess that has been getting impos I think it's and Tony oh yum cuz heck those people protecting you come here come here come here okay you're my lawyer don't kill me I've been killed by talking to everybody today you're talked to has killed me you're my lawyer so you're safe that's that's all so I need you to defend me when the time comes yeah I will okay thank you you're welcome um what's talk Cola hi beeps by the way sure I'll just trust you thank you for the brand new sub enjoy your emotes to Dr fiew and if you join the Discord you get access to our chat and you get to use on Discord as well already on somebody murdered Steven I see I know that's right that that's that's messed up that's messed up I'm just going to say that's mess up where was um somebody I feel like I saw somebody like leaving the cuz it was in the the room with vitals um and I feel like I saw somebody like just leaving but I I don't know if it was a fresh kill or not where was the bud uh in like the vital room next to office oh I was there a second ago but I'm in Communications now with Tyler o okay yeah I think it would have been because the way that I said somebody leave was like towards the lava pit like outside rather than like towards the office at least I think so I also might just be wrong that's so very Poss so that's so fair if that's true yeah mhm I Could Be Seeing Things who's just um I have no information other than we watched shella scan but that did happen it's true yep yep yep yep the big crowd of people watching it's kind of scary and intimidating when I walked up oh yeah fair enough I'm in the room above Boiler Room oh Tyler o I was actually just for Tyler okay there we go there's a link for the Discord for you we were talking about matcha yes we were talking about I wasn't sure if there's any mods that are caffine is different oh rip riper I was with Em by the way when we found the body they forgot to it's true had to go pee I any I don't have any ACC you're going to vote me with that heart fire though fire my fire I'm voting with my I am too W that's that's crazy why do I have two votes on me why does that always happen to Tony I don't know I don't know your to vote me out he does well he might have been imposter I know he could have been I don't know him out said his computer yeah come lights come with you to lights I guess yeah which way you want to go there's a person over there okay I think I'm just going to act as sus as possible cuz it's funny mine that's all are they were they oh my God it's real quiet so everybody is it you yeah yeah it is you yeah I'm going to help you you the whole time you stop it with the lights oh good oh well I guess my almost I was literally going to get shello oh my God I was gon to get laboratory I left uh um that area into specimen good where it keeps cutting your like mic is cutting up a lot br oh no we like so we were um I was in specimen room and then I walked up laboratory and found Dan rip Dan oh know my husband there was one little laboratory to specimen yeah she was she was with Dan zeep and I saw her and Dan were having a spat I was in the middle and I left well Dan left and then I left but then I saw Dan go back no he went back oh I didn't see him again though oh I don't know about that one in the room listen I support women's rights and women's wrongs so but I I'm going with my heartfire a very serious and now he's dead so just because I was the last person to talk to doesn't mean broke d o is broke his computer did at least that's rough I'm sorry maybe I'm wrong I just you're having a very serious spat yeah it seems like murder honestly because I thought he was trying to kill me cuz was making a big deal about you killed him so he couldn't kill you oh no that would be really a strange thing to do wow wow it's like you were marinating him Marin I don't I feel bad I don't want to point fingers I'm sorry that's what this Mar is I know I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry if you all did vote for me then that's a real problem I do think that uh cuz I did see Dan go back while you were still in there I don't think I didn't see him I think I was already in the specimen room by then where does the vent from that room go from the lab like where I don't know where does it go can you tell us I've never asking a genuine question like if there's an imposter in there where could they vent out to in the toilet yeah it it goes right outside the there's like a I think I think yeah okay cuz I was saying like if somebody came in or out that way way then like as a previous imposter I know this information uhhuh previous impostor prev I retired I retired retired I'm scared now no light still oh shutting all the God dang doors hello hey I'm out yes Tony hi he you want me to help you no quit you're yapping I'm not sh rightside right she leav she leav oh she coming back she coming back no no no I just wanted to talk to him one of the times I right now on the dialog thing you have to get into he's going to sit there and watch's dead body I didn't I just got on c Watch de body on the cameras I was flipping through the cam please please no yelling at the court room yes sorry oh my God it's over well shalow was like right uh the door that goes into O2 Boiler Room like down by like the South uh that's all I've got I was on cam but I did not see the murder happen M shella simy and I were in Communications for a little bit and then I think simy and M were still in there yeah I was still in there didn't someone just I was busy defending myself I I came in and so did zth oh you came in right presumably after the who do we vote out we voted out Tony right yeah yeah Tony was Voting out okay I came from laboratory before then I had to SC by myself didn't like leave communication at all no no M was I'm you were in there like the entire time yeah I cooked as she's bullying M yeah but M I don't know what you mean I don't know what you mean I don't know what you mean I was just telling everyone the truth I don't know what you mean they saw it it was live on stream I'm not ashamed did I'm sorry back up did Ze did you say where you were me Ze and bur were together I was not fing at Mech yeah but that's what I'm saying is you came in like afterward so I'm wondering if somebody killed was it shella who died this it wasn't that far from comms that's why I was like shella like right there above the boiler room and then came straight into comms and they were like oh hey guys and like talk to us as an alibi we both you from the other direction from what I saw yeah I guess I didn't see came down from storage and she saw your name like sticking up above the Comm thing and she was like ah cuz she thought you were like dead or something I thought you were dead behind storage so we walked into storage into coms together but I that's all I can vouch for personally but I don't know so you said her body was by Boiler Room guys in storage M's just on cams not recording any bodies I didn't see the murder happen always on cams so that I feel like self-report by emeris I feel like you're so for real for real for real I think it's simsy that's crazy grouping makes it hard though so that's literally insane oh no tubular is mine and s's word I didn't vote for you that's crazy I wasn't expecting that to happen at all that's crazy I voted for sorry to admit it not good uh oh oh scared right now there's not many of us I know who's closing all the God dang doors sh interesting I feel like we both got sused as well and I know I voted for both of you I oh my God I knew was thought I'll be honest when I was on C I don't I thought I was cooked there I thought y were going to I'm like what are you doing oh my god did you did you do your first kill Momo no I only killed shella simy did all the other yeah I killed was it Sten maybe I almost Ked I was like I saw you oh see I saw you leave and I thought it was like I thought I was like I saw gray and so I assumed it was Momo um I was like well Momo or Tony then we vot a Tony out and I was like maybe it's fine but uh anyway that's my last game sorry sorry yeah yeah no it's okay it's okay no it's fine I have to go thank you I'm going to look at my Cube and I'm going to I don't have enough never mind I'm not buying anything okay bye I just I feel beautiful can I leave and re real quick cuz I still don't have the ghost thing fixed yeah yeah yeah go for it I heard ghosts yeah I I pinged him I don't know if he ever has Discord pings on though someone might need to go to his chat and be like chat oh never mind oh there he is the clown himself he is I'm sorry I didn't you good I I didn't need defending though so I think I I think it was chill I thought it was better you know I just I knew it you're my favorite dad thank you whoa are you saying M like your backup like second well no no no I'm just saying like tell you can't admit that in front of you know you can't admit that in front of both dads you know you got you can't pick sides but then one one's here then you could admit that yeah that's how parenting works okay well I'll never emis was flirting with Momo I'm just emis has been flirting with me I think he's getting a little desperate okay it's I got get back together M you're feeling it they got to work for it um if they wanted that I don't remember whose fault the infidelity was is the problem cuz in my mind it was your fault but it sounds it was em although Momo if you ever like want to like you know I am that makes sense we could bond over M I don't blame you okay I don't blame you um it's not your fault you were not the married party I mean myth did know though oh also we're in the yeah but still you know Rel maintain I listen if emeris had just communicated beforehand wouldn't have been a big deal I mean it's not like all of this happened in a public or like in a public Discord server no totally not totally not not public at all I don't know what what is that M stop it break marshmallow marshmallow chat you get you get your dad on the weekends remember Dad Dad RIS is on the weekends okay wait where am I oh we're going to Get Swole I'm watching him he didn't stop for any tasks in communic chat this is me in real life oh oh just me in real life actually get I'm your I'm your uh coach yeah go go I don't know what I don't know what coaches do I did my best where do we how do we fix this is I don't remember where this is is it down here fungle I'm tall and swling yeah uhhuh I'm so tall six Frick 60 z0 gaming I'm so good at games uh what do you see I see mushrooms looking at the sand oh oh who's going here I think duck Dan is running through all these mushrooms duck Dan seemed very friendly H sus oh every time Dan says hi and wants to talk to me he kills me so true Dan is sus but he's like overly friendly when he's imposter yeah you know yeah true mining pit I yearn up yearning uh if you do what is it exclamation point pronouns I think that's how you can set them who's keeps sabotaging the comps okay you fix them the hell have you been locco can never trust a man and he freaking shut the door okay wi is no no not so much who res sub okay thank you for the uh third take that would actually really cool around the city I was AFK for the three Monon resub oh wait no that's probably Dan what was that cuz you subbed for 6 months in advance right so the way that it reads on my in my activity feed is so weird and I was so confused I was like wait a minute oh sorry do you want to you and then I write your message I was like oh yeah you did okay I I was I was getting there this is H man this is's body is outside of lab in the little curly Cube what about my body the problem is I saw myself running around and I'm the tracker so I tried to track whoever that was cuz they Bamboozled me in the mushrooms I didn't see who it was but the only person I saw in your in the mushrooms was me yeah I was near you in the mushrooms that's because I vent it all the way down there cuz I'm the engineer be like wait who was that sents okay well I just want to say there was when you set your pronouns it will take a minute for it to um show up and I'm pretty sure it was Dan oh I was gonna say I think it's Dan I'm pretty sure it's Dan I thought it was Dan too wait I L reason but think I was it's Dan it's got to be Dan and you I really wanted to go shoing for and I noticed he went all the way up to Communications didn't do a single thing and just kept running he like didn't do a task I was forgot that are getting our our blue make sure you check your locales UMES are starting to get in the new covid vaccines so make sure you check your locales get your uh vaccines updated forgot that are getting our Co and our FL shots this weekend you thinking it's me is just because I went up to Communications and left communication well no you you had a Vibe you had like an last I got the before freaking flu shot destroyed my arm he's trying to frame me it freaking bruised my arm so bad it's literally a shape shifter I'm the tracker okay take Co shots kids not only they protect you but they protect your imuno compromised friends and family just like me mind please get your please get your sh well of course you did convenient it's definitely me you think Momo's dead no I'm just I'm just josing like M being really quiet I think it's that M's being suspicious I'm to suspicious oh no they had a nerve in your arm last time you got I wonder who wow just out loud yeah I'm telling you it's based on VI bring ice pack with you that's a good that's a good idea actually you're giving me suspicious Vibes I'm the oh I'm oh you died first uh Tony a that jerk he got me too rude AFK with a cat in my arm that's that's even more rude than than when he got me I know I haven't had that task in a while CH I know my shapes there we go it's always fun when we get our uh whenever we get our like and get our um when we get our like vaccines and stuff we always cuz you know you have they make you uh they make you waake like 10 15 minutes uh to make sure you don't have a reaction right so we always uh like walk around the place and like get snacks and stuff get box 100 instant ice pack on Amazon qualify qualify for flu but not Co huh you have to you have to qualify I have Rusty P there's so many Deads oh my God got rid of my resy pipes so you're Happ V Dan out pass out uh in the way period it was really scary I am Who Am some people just can't handle likez sometimes it's just like a needle thing you know some people just can't handle it I'm Tyler Oak I'm underneath the laboratory and I found is so contagious too got it and avoided and they somehow got it yeah this I've heard this this current one is really uh was on my live in the US there will be another round of free covid test in Le September that's good to know actually I don't know if anyone noticed this earlier is it through like the been defending when she's post office government so quick as soon as as soon as she ass me simy jump that's how you know things are bad is when is when they're giving out another round of free so you can't this on me today I'm literally the engineer and I said it from day sometimes it's through the post office yeah but it just feels strange I feel like still cover them for month get a month oh nice but I was to know true you don't get stickers or candy when you do scary things like get shots not at all also I tracked him Tre he could have killed the lab body that's what be adult an adult I think is you know even if they don't give you little treats you get yourself the little treats what is Happ is pretending doesn't exist I mean I think everywhere is pretending trip everyone's just pretending that we're still you know that there's not a GL pandemic still happening but uh I'm voting someone off the island take a guess wow I wonder who you'll guessing currently after a very miserable meeting today youd and suspicious also you said you didn't care about my my feelings no and then I took it back cuz I felt bad uhhuh that's convenient for your narrative oh no cuz it's not convenient for my narrative cuz it's what happened uhhuh okay okaye lack of detectiving Internet comments on anything about Co are just as over y did you vote for me Y no I think he did I'm the engineer I didn't vot what are the and and what are the um um oh my goodness asmatic not immun comisa for but you but you're asthmatic isn't that supposed to be like you know the qualifier like isn't that supposed to be one of the automatic qualifiers cuz it destroys your lungs I also need to do my but most importantly I need to find con as isn't bad enough so stupid I'm done even though you need meds for it that's I'm just now looking at this the chat would be super bad yeah I mean if you get if you get your um I mean I had gotten Co you know like after getting vaxed and it still sucked but I didn't die so you know but it can still do you know like lasting damage to your body and I think that's the thing that people are like oh you know I'll get Co like it'll suck it like blah blah blah but it's like but it can do permanent damage what the weirdest longterm side effects I had from Co that I'm pretty sure was from Co because it was just the strangest thing disabled um and I assembled upon oh like communication it's not anymore but it happened like for months right is that I was just like constantly like felt like I was hungry I'm I'm at the lookout like constantly like I was never not hungry and I was like what is going on like I just constantly felt like I was hungry and it started happening like after I had gotten Co I said Communications eventually just stopped there's two locations I'm asking are you in the lookout or are you in the communications room I'm in the lookout I said out therefore you're now special eye drops fun no the reason I'm asking for clarity is because it's based on someone's innocent which is why it's not as bad as it could be but it still sucks yeah I mean cuz like I so lost my smell it lost my taste I was tired like I know you were kind of in the how long was I out of it like 3 weeks maybe I came up from the top of energy for a shower yeah yeah I saw you do that that's because rest of day I'm the engineer in yeah which is why I needed the clarification from Tony cuz if the body was up there I was like not looking good for simy no no no no and where were you stepen with chronic pain I was watering my um Steen were there a long time ago like K and then I real that's the other thing I heard if you I'm by the green but also the other thing that sucks about tax is that like you have to you have to get it and you can only like take it if you've tested positive within like a certain amount of days or like like symptoms or something like that so you have to be like very like proactive with it so you're saying I just like I had gotten Co I didn't know I think until it was like too late so I couldn't have gotten a prescription for it Tony or we have to decide Tony it's always Tony it's those eyebrows look at them I kind of think it's Ste out Tony I mean the he said in the green house yeah cuz I was talking to him like when he was watering days you think he's doing it again ien I don't he repeating it about I Haven had I went from Greenhouse to water the plants and then I had a TK in kitchen cuz of the vegetable what is going I hope we're right I hope we're right I hope you're wrong you're all wrong okay I'm actually you will Ru the day I am really worried no it's him it's him what do we do no that has to be you for sure this is something else why would Communications is down wait un Communications is down wait that's so funny we lost confirmed win come on Tony come on come on Tony kill if you can that makes you're not about who you kill because you don't want it to be straight man I that though we let how does that feel was sickening sickening little close to the door as soon as I didn't kill you as you it was over for me I hate this no I knew it was you you had an aura I was like it's definitely I didn't even do anything that's crazy cuz I did not even do anything I say I Tred you immed you just immediately tracked me yes that's immediately tracked you to be fair did you actually question simy right at the end there about the engineer I which is why I needed the exact passing because I was like she could have literally big brained it and like I'm the engineer cuz it's a 50 saying you're the engineer from the very beginning is really that would have been like a really crazy play if it worked though can you imagine like you know Stephen's like no I'm the engineer yeah there's always a chance yeah there's always a chance but then it's like we have to take someone's word I don't know that'd be crazy yeah that would be interesting how they beat us what up beat us my heart would pumping so hard just now oh my God don't like it here I want to go you know the fact that everyone was separated at the end was so good you got really lucky oh so good the husbands are evil pass it on oh my God simy come here for a second frisbee hope the sound frisbee makes I heard that frisbee get out of here don't talk to me to it doing my T perfect that's the perfect trash get out of here go got it gaming don't talk to me have a good night thank you for hanging out no that's okay I'm not upset oh hey hi I was just listening to their It's Been a Murder well so I have nothing I'm the tracker oh well it's in the kitchen and okay the only person I saw in the area at all and I'm not accusing just so I'm I'm being very very clear because it sounds like I'm always accusing people and I need to say this three times I'm not accusing but I did see Momo in the area a while ago that's the only information I got there was a lot of people in the area you're right your information you're the you're the last one I saw in that area and that but it was I was with shella in the cafeteria while simy having a domes no I was listening to your domestic everyone was listening yeah everyone was listening didn't have to hide we knew too I wanted to know if one of you was going to be like I'm actually the Oster cuz I could see that happening yeah but we everyone there's like eight people surrounding us or a stack kill that was another one I was like kind of on the edge like waiting for it I was like ran away so I didn't see anything sorry D you were think you were thinking about a stat kill I was thinking that could happen you were thinking about honestly he keeps you off to like go talk to you it is suspicious isn't it I know he keeps doing it I think he's trying to desensitize us to it yeah because next time it Happ I'm going to die no cuz if I if I audibly say hey kale I want to talk to you and then you die it's still obviously me I mean not if you've been trying to do it like they like he always talk to but happen you are we accusing Dan again like what's happening actually can I can I just say kill okay okay okay can I just say while you can suspect me as being an imposter I certainly did not kill Mard in this scenario so yeah also been dying first every round so maybe it's a skill issue gosh oh my God M catching Strays out here oh my Lord she's probably like screaming right now but we can't hear her yes man I don't know I'm not sure who I'm a little I'm skipping but you can be thank you for the vote Dan I guar someone voted for me who voted for me don't be scared for me who voted for me think this m ISS it's the stupid CS oh my God to go people and I decided to be selfish I did that who's good at this are you good at this I already did it uh is it fixed no this one should be fixed this one yeah that's the other one that needs to be fixed oh maybe not oh the other one I feel like do the other one oh right wasn't there two of them or something for this one yeah yeah but at the at the top on the top left you can see how many of them are done go down here I got polish I tried to go one two three four no way you're trying to guess it no no no no no no no I wasn't trying to guess it I was just trying cuz you know the other one in the other map is like 1 through 10 oh wait you would try oh was like only let me have five numbers and I was confused I'm locked in so we're going to have to actually just when I was locking it wait oh my God Tyler was just with simy and Dan no I know um I didn't see I was on my way to the greenhouse and there was like a little mushroom thingy that makes you like invisible or whatever MH um and I walked into the cloud and I could report the body cuz I was walking on my way like to the bottom of the green house so I didn't see who it was oh s Noti anyone running the other way yeah I just I just saw them by Lookout I can vouch for that okay yeah I didn't see anyone okay I was on camps and I saw basically the same thing zeep described I saw Tyler run into the cloud and I didn't see Zep run into it but I saw Zep run out and then turn around and see the body and report it yeah but I also saw stepen in the mushrooms but that's it okay but he but not it was like a while before Steven was also uh in Comm so do you think he followed Tyler and like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoa no okay over here being silent and I'm being accused of things I didn't do okay I didn't kill Tyler I haven't seen Tyler this entire round well that's a lie okay you actually you were in comms and the lookout coms fixing it and we were all in there yeah won my and I went the other way to that 33 month BR said that he's Bru said that they saw you down here though yeah I went down so I'm all the way in cafeteria now where did it went down to greenhouse and then out and then went to laboratory the thing yeah yeah I I lost uh I lost Steven in the forest so that could have happened I'm like just off the ladder like the ladder under Lookout like I just got down so yeah I'm in the I'm in the kill area so yeah yeah that makes sense do with that information as you will okay it's noted in my brain also I'm the tracker by the way can you unnote it no it's noted actually fine okay I'm not sure I'm skipping personally I didn't lie about where I was I'm skipping okay good no one purple and yellow it can easily backfire you know yeah thought somewhere else and someone would be like you weren't there yeah that's the worst and it's like you have to be get over here oh I never I never finished filling up the water whoops they need to be clean labory oh my bad so good at stacking Crystal pieces two more t two more tasks let's go let's go locking in locking in I'm locking in locked in like that oh every time oh every time I say I'm locking in somebody dies so sorry about that so I do apologize can trackers already report the body if they're not nearby it no no the track think they can just see where a person is okay cuz I was tracking shella and shella was at the fire pit and then I see a alert or report button so I guess shella died but we didn't see the body may see sh's body probably has anybody ever been tracking someone that died then I guess maybe that's maybe not I don't know I don't think we really haven't tested that out that much so that would make sense if you could though it would make sense sense yeah yeah it would somebody and he was literally asking me how it worked and I was like I don't know and then I look at the map like oh I see sh's icon and then oh report button guys weird that's all I got I got no info her body either so if it was in front of us she could have been in the main still that's true she was there I was in the main area but I was like at the top like in between drop ship and storage so I don't know if I didn't see anything I got nothing I'm in the like bottom right corner like by reactor okay below like okay more near the greenhouse there's like a task there oh okay hey I got nothing you think it could be like this we actually know this map is tricky it is hard cuz it's so big it is yeah where were you zeth I was to the top of like by the top of greenhouse coming up on some tasks and Kayla was right there so yeah I was in The Green House y yeah I got nothing tricky CU we're not even sure where the body is I'm just going to say know it's really tough we we haven't voted anybody out have we um uh no I don't think so I don't think we did oh wow oh why do we what the but I don't want that so yeah this one is really weird yeah we've had a weird round all right okay I got two more tasks to do locking in I'm just going to see if somebody keeps dying every time I say that I'm locking in I'm locking in oh wait who keep sabotage in the gums watch it's going to be me that dies watch this never mind did it where's this next task yet again where it's on the other side this one thought I already did oh I got another one up here going down to Green House who's imposter kill me oh oh oh Tony oh I caught you red-handed I caught Tony red-handed he was running from the body wait was it Tony oh it was Tony caught him red-handed I knew it I was tracking Tony got him caught him wrap it up we got him am I are you sure he's not a shape shifter I in Communications wait you there's no way do you know where where was he where where did it say he was Ste where did it say that Tony was wa where was the body the body was no no no if you were tracking him where where where did it say he where did it say Tony was if you were tracking him by the the lookout that was the last part that's where the body was okay the last part what do you mean the last part I don't know when I looked cuz I saw like the the the body red icon so I look I'm thinking okay the person I tracked was Tony so the only person I knew up there was Tony because I thought Tony died that's the thing right okay yep Tony was up there and look out with the dead body yep he ran the noise maker went off and then that's kind of it's kind of it for me I think yep seals the deal wow you tried Su Steven no don't even try pretty right look at that the two imposters voting for Steven impost V for Ste okay so who's the other imp default that's what I am to you all default not default I would never do that to you option I finished all my tasks so who keeps sabotaging the coms annoying it is like the worst part of this map it's it's good this how the imposters get us I'm going to to the other one okay I go check back up here see if anybody's dead where did Dan go being um the same as like a normal number pad like on your keyboard really messes me up I'm like sitting I don't know you don't think that it's so bad it's like reverse do we have any susses uh I don't really have it can't be Dan again right I'm going over here honestly honestly not you the way no it's the way he he did the thing um in he also just like disappeared he wasn't over here taking care of thing it was Steven over here and then you and yeah MH I hate like I know it's terrible like cuz the way that he was saying like I want to do a stack kill oh God like the beginning was kind of I'm just really weirded out about it it's just not great I don't think can't see anything on oh my thing was on she was freaking marinating me to save you oh she was marinating me gas Z not killing you by saying you Shield but it was a lie Momo zephron why did you do it why whoa oh she wasting anything where were you two simsy and Ze where I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen I was down in reactor were you were you is that now is that where you vented was for sure no why you're near you're the nearest to the body C marinated to it's true and is there like say nugget I want nuggets for dinner I had nuggets for dinner last night I'm not doing that again here is I have like a what am I having for dinner tonight I have like a frozen chickp Masala dinner like St immediately walk in and sused me right away there is no way that he didn't kill and self that I think it's and Steven though because like it can't be because there's there can only be one left right that's true because it was Tony like I like there's a lot of things that step was doing earlier I'm hungry W my dinner that's a beast my popcor got half I don't think in Abol I don't think welcome to the Discord toour our latest members oh welcome in everybody you're not muted you carried is it over amazing job amazing job get I don't think we should play on the fungal me so hard at the end I was so but I did so good how dare you marinate me like that we don't have enough people I was on to you I knew it was going to I was just waiting for it to happen from getting the was to get away like was ready so B I had to take you all out it away I'm going to be the G dress be what Cosmic Cube has the gester dress you like my outfit uh the critical Mohawk oh that's what everyone's talking about probably one of my best rounds ever I don't get many good rounds right I feel that like I'm the and how do you get the critical role you have to buy it with real humany buy what what pet should I have if you want it you can get it if you want to back out you want it maybe n yeah let me know when I won't start all right I'm starting y oh Tony oh my God you're giving vax VX is my favorite character he's really hot he is I can confirm I'm so out of I actually don't know anything he's a hot brooding emo elf that's all you need to know is this a critical he a really good boyfriend yeah critical Ro is this a critical roll thing a add break I'm just going to be quiet and see how long it takes I feel like I that oh there we go did post checking myself learning how to become a chatter so proud of you wait doing Oh that's oh where is that oh no it's probably be I bet it's my husband oh is he being a cam Andy yeah no thing just went How does it go ping how does it ping us the noer that's a it's a rule How does it go I was heading over to the noise maker so that was Sten the D Ste was the noise maker yeah we knew saying's dead ze's dead was dead yeah we walking up to it so I don't think it was Dan no I I had I left um I was um with as soon as it went off yeah I was with were you there I I was with Momo and wait so was only one person not with people in the Tony I think I think I saw Tony at the end running up to it I'm running up to it right now I do believe I did see Tony I I passed m m I even said hi to you do you not you remember that and let us let us remember it it's not not a crime to run alone and and and people who could easily both be evil yeah you're right thank you Tyler Jesus Christ what happening everybody's like just kidding I'm just kidding itos iion the Betrayal top he just kind of look like a murderer whoa EXC because Max is an assassin God excuse me I'm the security God I'm not voting for Tony I'm just putting it out there I'm skipping I'm skipping I'm a beautiful person with look at this hair yeah eyebrows are like really interesting it kind of looks like do you know how many do you know how many fans Ted Bundy had okay and he was a serial killer he had fan girls that showed up to his court trials all right my God all right you know what that was good that was I've been watching I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately that's a solid response you I've been watching a lot lately L of serial killers and cult related videos I'm right here oh my what was I doing before the the things came off H I just I'm not even I would I even consider myself like a true crime girl you know I just call me Chris has been doing a lot of like stuff like that talking about like uh serial killer stuff and uh like cult stuff and I listen I need something to watch when I'm on the treadmill for an hour and I'm like ah might as well he he uh no I I honestly if really no um I really couldn't care less about like like I know about all the other like freaking like serial killer or like people who talk about like True Crime stuff I really am not interested I've seen enough I know it I guess I know it know I guess I don't know what are you doing oh hey just talking to chat about Killers but also I can't listen I don't I can't listen to podcasts oh how do not do oh you just like glitch through that wall well crazy also my Ted Bundy comment was right before you killed me what what was that I said I seconds before he killed me I said I sure hope nothing bad happens to me I didn't I don't think I heard I was sitting right there and I was a ghost or whatever doing my task sitting to podcast when just muning through the whole thing oh that would me really kill my God that's crazy actal I don't know no I was literally I was watching video about like Ted Bundy and just like learning that literally like when he was going through like trials and stuff he literally had like fan girls and like women were showing up to his cheer like that's literally crazy oh my God that's so insane to me that was a good round that was a Redemption round that was fantastic I look really good I got my gesture dress I have a trick again I've got a poo in your pants pants pants like freaking people are idolizing serial killers back when was that the seventh in the 70s Ted Bundy doing bad stuff I need to talk to her I don't think he died from the electric chair come back in like 89 I think also the fact that a lot of um prisons called their electric chairs old Sparky I think it was a comment that was made they're all called old they were all called Old Sparky crazy think they really a thing yeah I can't do audiobooks either no got a poo You Got What Now Dan was just sing stay back Dan was just singing I've got a poo in my pants oh good for him you know no I can't I can't do um I'm I'm a visual person so like if I'm I like watch a you know I would rather I can only like watch two people sit on chairs and talk to each other I can't like you know I have to like there a lot of people here I have to like actively be watching something to like stimulate my brain I can't just hey don't wor I'm still talking to chat about the Ser killers and audio books and podcast and stuff o Have Fun me and how I can't why is everybody over here is dead stepen is dead okay well is he in here I don't know yeah that's why I can't do um no Stephen's not here did it before they found him I was about to check laboratory oh specimen room sorry some people don't have reading voices the spotlight is on me and i' rather it not be why well moving on uh we found Steven's body why sh what me to say I don't think shella I don't think anyone actually heard what you said to me to be honest well that's good okay uh so Stephen's body was in communication and uh that's all I got the end if you vote the noise maker out during a meeting do you think it makes a noise I don't think so make a noise if Cals are down it doesn't oh no cuz I was the noise maker once I died when were down I remember that oh and you didn't need to have your moment you can't you can't protect you can't protect when coms are down either as a ghost honestly that's kind of nice to be able to like Nerf those thingss are I think that should be the leader from the game I was saying you know you know what inner sloth is on thin ice cuz they rejected me yesterday but they said I had an impressive background which I'm sure they didn't say to every single person but it's fine I don't really want to actually have a real job so streaming not a real job they did it on the day before Among Us like that is diabolical also it was still technically Mercury retrograde so wow but we shouldn't say too many too many bad things something might open up again and M would be for the job I do like just em prep to have that job it's not she Notting a real job no I the reason I don't want to build up unless it's working at inl internet is exactly anyways um someone that and send it to them whoa I'm not sure I was felt like I was in a big because I know there's no way we're gonna figure it out talk about nothing like yeah I'm skipping too I do have um Dan's I've got a poo in my pants song stuck in my head now so annoying I thought you were I thought you were just stop with I got a poo in my pants no imagine I have to live like this you I mean you kind of chose decontaminate me I think who I think people started feeling bad that I was dying first so now nobody wants to kill me you know hello there who's there hey ah sorry you scared me where oh oh is this it look different I have one to is this the last one Tony uhoh they can handle that I got upload download what am I doing y' got it yeah they're good time to be a cam Andy I'm the weer sque okay where no it's not a Disney Cru okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on un Tyler can I help you I saw you run out of the laboratory uh way after the noise maker died and then you said we woo we woo when you saw me baby I've been saying we woo no no no Deary no know Tony I have something to add to this actually I have something to add to this um when we were doing the seismic stabilizers I walked up to the right one and I immediately was able to push it and Tyler was walking down like oh is there someone at the other one so and I know imposters can't push the seismic stabilizers they can they can they can I don't think they can they can y I do it I do it all the time I've done it many times in the past but also why wouldn't he imp if that were if I were up there and I was suspicious then wouldn't if I were the impostor kill you like don't the imposters is isn't does don't people have to go up to those because the imposters make them like broken or something yeah but they the obvious here is that Tyler walked out of the laboratory after the noise maker that is true that is true and but that has nothing to do with any type of murder I I I have no defense other than I was screaming we woo and trying to um run where the killer was what why wouldn't you go after because my brain thought run you you you went flight instead of fight do you know flight is so valid though but you know going on the the whole like seing stabilizer thing it's still also like why would he do it you know if one of the imposters called for it kind of thing by the way I realized my wife is dead oh your wife sad oh no my way oh no it did not seem convincing I fear that's not supposed to be I can I can see her face right now not actually but I I also votes for me before everyone votes for me I feel like I've been with everyone in oneon-one and I haven't killed anybody so like hello except for yeah how dare you actually you stayed you stayed in oh he did yeah because that's has to be majority God kill me now gonna kill me now go be a cam Andy psss you in my mic what do you see oh you know just stuck down being weird is he singing his song yeah yeah yeah oh not Tony running away giggling and screaming then was uh tormenting him with the song Tyler did not kill me so I mean I don't know maybe we were wrong yeah interesting oh we're going to lose my wife wait what I was I was like just with her that's if we don't vote somebody out then we lose we do we absolutely do but also if we vote the wrong if we vote the wrong person out we lose instantly it's an instant lose we do so that's why I'm still thinking Tyler because of what happened last time and by the way Dan you're scaring the crap out of me just yeah but I was I was doing that on purpose I know and you showed up Tony put your pants pants pants but going up a key every single time um with more urgency like the tune you know I don't know volume I was in the laboratory as I was finishing a task he just shows up right next to me screaming p p p um by I where was everyone yeah I was in cams because I'm being a cam Andy Tyler did come in with me at one point and did not kill me I well I just I don't know if you saw but lights went out and I went into yeah I went into security to look at cams for a second yeah and so murders did happen when Tyler left the noise maker thing Momo the noise maker thing yeah I know I know I know you D very suspicious well I was just in cams okay yeah Dam wasn't C Ze where was the body it was um in the entrance to the laboratory lab didn't I see Tony come out of lab on C I walked up and then I think I think I saw I think I saw Tony come out of lab on C on cams honestly Tony was really quick to vote his little shiny red thumb is kind of what do you mean I am a specimen right now doing a t I'm doing the Simon T thing it is Tyler Tony it's not feeling good are pointing at it's not me I finished all my tasks I don't know who to vote for Tony you were kind of quick but I don't I don't know who to believe what do you mean there's still two there's two imposters left there's two imposters left oh my God you're right so if we vote wrong we're doomed Tyler are we doomed God okay are we doomed we'll see we'll see we'll see are we doomed okay um Tony was quick to leave but also I don't think he's imposter Ze no I think it's Momo it's not me it's we need a task win we need a task win the thing is M zeep has been so suspicious all day but like I don't want to like I was literally you saw me sitting on cams why would I that if I was go back to the we won we won my God so long to do that Dad I can't believe you oh my God I oh man I am task wi was imminent so stressed honestly I feel like if it wasn't we would have won that just then I do feel like that slice and Drive by how dare you do your task I can't believe you are drive by my bad I like my eyebrows really they're very nice eyebrows is what that was a lot listen to this I was in the middle of explaining to chat like oh I don't mind if Dan sees like my wedding makeup in ha before the wedding like it's fine and then he killed me no no no no can we can we be honest can we be honest for a second do you want to know what was actually talking about Kay was actually saying is it too late and by that she means is it too late to call off the wedding and get a divorce that's what she was saying who and then singing that really annoying song like it's just interesting to me that you're trying to somebody in myat in my chat did call Dan Mr Poopy Pants so oh my God Tak that's an honor all right speed last round speed speedrun let's go speed run okay I think it's Momo and shella no I'm a crew mate I got that one I got that one imposter round and then I there was a round I was the noise maker and I didn't even die that round I can't believe nobody got me I I literally was the noise maker and then I was literally that was the whole round I was going around being like I wish somebody would kill me know oh yeah yeah okay well I'm not the noise maker now Bruin imagine if I was that would been really funny you know what I got to respect that they they saw the opportunity um and they took it and didn't get nobody saw it so oh what the hell look ity just ran a poll in my chat about you Tony Tony just ignore that or did he actually see it yes I'm an angel oh my God oh my God they are actually oh my God are they actually here are they actually speed running dying so fast wait how are they how are they killing everybody so fast I figured as long as that did the kill turn off turn three people just died and oh my God dead oh my God everyone not here is dead how is that possible wait yes where were you just I went from room and then I took the little room and then came up to electrical cuz I heard a dead body signal thing know listen I said speed engineer by the way didn't think that you know they were going to take that seriously the two to come up last but St was also yeah but me and Tyler were together in lab when the thing popped up so at least he didn't kill that very brutal very I'll say again not again not accusing anything is before I saw before M died I did see Brew in there for a moment but when I and I walked away but I don't know what that means yeah M was telling me about her her poll that she did in her chat but then I left her and literally yeah left her and then uh I walked her I walked the other way and then the noise maker went off so where did you last see Momo ruin um near lights maybe I don't know I didn't I didn't spend a lot of wait so who are people voting for oh M being with two of the people who are dead no I should have shut up I got you so good dude but I got two of you Momo asked for it that's I did not ask for it I said I was asking for it last round well I got out anyways not I went imposter and I well I very long so I how did all die so fast did you kill Momo right yeah Brew literally killed me right away I don't know how nobody saw it like happen spicy who keeps doing this the information we're lacking is where the other bodies were like where was M's body I'm really bad at that should I try I did oh no not the sad oh no it was saw where was his body I was fixing the comms and then I went down unel you know there's like that little Kill by the way like I don't know antenna thing in between weapons in the Boiler Room Stephen was on that so he must have been doing the task like his body was literally like lat I went down there because I had that test too and he was already okay so it wasn't either of us okay I'm in the lab laboratory doing doing like wires and stuff keep saying laboratory I was in storage and then I went to electrical okay Ze where are you um I was um like in the little space below like between weapons and admin oh I didn't I don't I know if I would have seen you I didn't see pretty much anyone except for simsy the body is between boiler room and weapons in the bottom left corner yeah I'm in storage right now doing gas cans and when comms was down simsy and I were both fixing it so maybe that's when the kill happened little sus I also want to present evidence I'm a I'm the tracker so it's not me there was a point I don't know if it was just like happen stance or whatever but there was a point where like I was running on during task in lab and simy was following me at like a weird Pace I literally all lab so I think it's Up For Debate not saying this a suspicion but just something to like you know wait you were in lab again me it's with the the ages ago I had I was doing La in the beginning of the and then I came from Lab over to the coms I'm pretty sure yeah but you were in the lab in the first round so what else did you have to do in there I don't remember what task I did in the first round well I can tell you what you did because I was watching you did the little thing on the rocket where it's like the four corners and then you went over to the scan do you think do you think do you think Tyler's going to win and then yeah I didn't do I'm kind of I think I'm Roo for Tyler to be honest yeah oh man I'm not going to I'm not going to protect anybody I'm on Tyler side I'm third impostering as a ghost hard three kills in one round is hard cuz we only knew where one body was yeah that was bad oh Tyler's going to win I believe in him I don't know I believe in him so hard I'm sorry that's really sad Tyler you got this Tyler kill everyone I believe in you I believe in you I'm very distracted how many how many kills does he need I could protect but I'm not going to working I'm not going to am I going to do my tasks no yeah you got her haven't Li I think he only needs what one more kill just trying to be of your how many people are left like I don't know it's you oh oh my goodness Al it's Tyler Oakley that's it okay so we know I'm the tracker I need both of you to plead your case so you have I am in the what's it called the the uh what's the room called where you're watching people security yes and I was watching you shella because you were the only one on a camera yeah I did see the cams were on so did you just like ignore the body that was that I just reported where was it uh you're on cams you just said you were watching me well I saw only your hair dud yeah the lights that I have behind me were I see that from anywhere LED lights you can kind of see them a little bit changing the lights a little bit Boiler Room well what color was the hair I think you can kind of see them look like your hair I I couldn't see I was just scream I was scrolling through all the cameras and I couldn't find anybody except what I thought was your hair but you wer they look really cool though I like them a lot it enhances my stringing room a little bit more first in communication finish yeah you were by lab better I was in storage I went storage so I was in Communications first finished that task went to storage fill up my gas thing I'm right now on the left side of the drop ship filling up the filling up the tank like them a lot they fancy you guys are going to have to give me more because like this is giving me nothing is no information vote out Tony vote out only I can say before that before all this when communication when communication was down both and Sim were there simy I think fix comms and then Tyler I think was still sitting on it because I think he thought it was still broken because he was still in the UI I think he like why isn't this working I heard him say why isn't this working after that I have e huh I went up to which way did you go what the accusation that I was I was doing the the radio thing you were you were last scene was simy so which way did you go from Communications when you were fixing simsy at communications she was that Communications with you finishing fixing Communications I'm pretty sure she fixed it and walked away well I went up like I said where I currently am in security past electrical okay everyone's going to be really mad at me if I'm wrong I don't know a so close oh no y I'm so nervous man I was voting for I was go speed try I was trying not to play I was whatever I I just submitted to everything well does it make you feel it feels good to outlive you really really next question Tony for once you want sus thank God right like oh my God why are they both so cold you gave such a I used Tony I was waiting for you to bury yourself by Panic the reason why I believed Tony was the the communication situation I was going to vote for him until he was like oh Tyler and simy were on comms I was like okay that makes sense oh that's so good you said that I was gonna vote for Tony see I thought I I thought about trying to like convince you but I was like you know if I start freaking out I'm myself a that's called growth both of you were very calm don't ever do that again kind of scary yeah good at this that was good I was seriously like 50/50 at the end there I was like oh no people are going to be so mad at me so stressful when it's like there's only three left and you have to be kind of a decider yeah you had to decide between un and your husband it's an easy CH no I had to decide between who was a better liar and you both did really good so me what is that maskk yeah bruan I I led you into that so fast I was like one of these imposters did a double kill I'm going to assume it's Bruin I'm just going to call out one of the bodies and hope that it was one that Bruin killed and they'll just start talking and it was like completely correct I was I missed what happened I don't I cuz I oh so so Bru said they rolled up to the body or whatever and they were around the body last so I was like oh bruan where did you last leave Momo then like just guessing cuz Momo was dead and they were like oh yeah I saw Momo on lights I was like all right clock like you were by of people that died like what I just asked that question out of the blue they could have said oh I never saw Momo and I would have been like yeah I knew I think someone ran by us so I wasn't sure if it was you yeah honestly you being honest was probably the best option lot of fun than you that was a lot of fun any so much yeah I won I won my only imposter round so I'm a G I didn't have any imposter rounds I'm a gamer all of mine was stacked at the maybe if I just had one more round forgot me oh yeah rough that's Ry this is fun to um to slide down these this is really I'm having a really good time just fun to slide I love is anybody um after this anybody I will not be live after this I am streaming but feel to ra anybody else I'm going to play Myster so my I just thought of something yes next time that we hang out might be at twitchcon know okay okay y don't have to like rub it in my face you to rub it in my face okay because I'm not going I have to go to two weddings that weekend okay I'm just going to be over here in my little corner you're not going to be there I'm not going to be there no get away from me no no away I can't go I have work I can't go okay we could be we could be sad together let's go let's go sad s together I don't talk to meon I'm so in my corner okay okay bye

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